Two Things You Will Learn on the Path of Sexual Self-Mastery

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Of course I want you to master your sex and self-pleasure.
    That's why we're here.
    But I also want you to master something else -
    To master failing we must learn to love ourselves even when we fail. We must have compassion for ourselves and accept that we all fail sometimes.
    We must learn not to give up when things get hard.
    When you commit to this path of sexual self-mastery, you are committing to a path of growth, and struggle. Of success, and failure. Of appreciating your strengths developing them more, while also facing your demons and shadows.
    So I do things differently than other people.
    I don't sell panaceas and sure bets. I don't sell quick fixes. I certainly am not selling this course as a way to get more women in bed.
    If that's all you hope to achieve by taking this course, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.
    There are lots of other courses out there that you can try that will purport to do this.
    That's not my style.
    Sure, becoming more facile in your own self-pleasure will most definitely translate into better sexual performance.
    But... and I will beat this into your brainhole over and over in this course...
    If that is your goal, it is antithetical to the main tenets of this course... and also to the principles that will actually lead to success in the first place.
    You have to commit to yourself and your own growth and let go of how it is going to score you social capital, attractiveness to women, higher standing with other men, and all of that bullshit.
    This is about you, and only you.
    Get happy with yourself. Learn to love yourself. Become less needy and transactional and practice living from your heart.
    That's what we are doing here.
    And the only way to practice that is to practice learning a skill (in this case sexual self-mastery) and also practice letting go of outcomes and loving ourselves no matter what, even when we are failing.
    So try this out.
    You'll not only achieve more of what you want (than you will if you are obsessively trying to get better in bed), but you'll also learn to unconditionally love yourself along the way.
    In this course, go after pleasure - for yourself, and only yourself.
    And go after self-love, self-acceptance, self compassion, and learning to fail well.
    If this is your approach, you cannot truly fail. You'll be learning to be more and more of YOURSELF, in your successes AND your failures.
    And that's what everyone out there wants, anyway: