Gratuluju, jste dobrá. Držím palce do dalšího kola. Ohledně jednání na úřadě existuje krásný vtip. Zvířátka si chtějí v lese postavit altánek a potřebují na to stavební povolení. I vydá se na úřad medvěd, že to zvládne medovou pláství a silou. Vrátí se za čtrnáct dní naprosto zničený, hlava mu jde kolem, razítka samozřejmě nikde, jen papírů dvojnásobek. Zaleze si do nory, dá si na čenich mokrý ručník a jenom naříká. Věci se ujme liška, že to zvládne uchytračit. Vrátí se za čtrnáct dní úplně zničená, lejster má s sebou trojnásobek a razítko ani jedno, hlava jí třeští, nožičky má uběhané k samým ramenům. Zaleze si do nory, strčí tlapky do škopku studené vody, na hlavu si dá mokrý hadr a jenom naříká. Do třetice všeho dobrého, žádosti se ujme vůl. Vrátí se za tři hodiny, všechna razítka na správných místech, a zvířátka se ho ptají: "Vole, jak jsi to dokázal? Medvěd nezvládl nic silou, liška chytrostí, a ty?" Vůl povídá: "Ono to bylo vlastně jednoduché. Otevřu první dveře - spolužák. Druhé dveře - spolužák. Třetí dveře - spolužák..."
My guess is, they want you to go through all the unnecessary bureaucracy, tons of paperwork and months of waiting to create a true frustrated czech Citizen 🤣🤣🤣
Gratuluji ke složení testu. Tvá videa jsou skvělá a proto držím palce aby jsi se stala českou. Osobně si myslím že většina rodičích Čechů by test na získání občanství neudělala.
Big tip, once you get all your docs with apostille and translation, get a notarised copy of those and submit those. Do not submit the precious originals, stuff gets lost and they keep it. They may make their own copies of vital records though. Oh and do not worry about the trips too much. They have no way to check that anyway. Aa far as some apostilles needed or not that depends on bilateral agreements with certain countries, where they can be waived
Milá Jen, pokud se týká té pracovní činnosti, předložil bych Potvrzení OSVČ, tedy o tom, že jste Osoba samostatně výdělečně činná a možná i daňová přiznání. Mnoho štěstí a ať to všechno vyjde.
Hezky od srdce jsem se zasmál. Opravdu přimně a z hloubi srdce. Nikdy mi nepřišlo na rozum, jak působí naše byrokracie na někoho, kdo se chce stát občanem České republiky. Jste úžasná a "držíme palce". I laughed heartily. Really sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. It never occurred to me how our bureaucracy affects someone who wants to become a citizen of the Czech Republic. You are amazing and "držíme palce".
Wow. It is incredible how many hurdles there are. I would never expect the process to be so complicated. Crazy. Brutal. I have five times more respect for foreigners who acquire Czech citizenship now. And I admire you! Your desire to become a Czech citizen must be really strong, which flatters me. Your Czech citizenship will be so deserved. I love that you did "držím palce". 🙂 👍for the baby photo. 😊 And thank you for this whole update!
I have been supporting expats with their immigration matters for over 7 years now, but everytime I got asked for help with citizenship, I was like nonono, that's a job for a lawyer, hahaha! This year finally I challenged myself to learn to process too, and girl, I am shocked! It is all the most difficult immigration documents from various applications put into one! I really admire everyone, who manages to do this all alone without losing it, haha! Good luck with your application! :)
Many years ago I applied for the Canadian citizenship and it was very similar. However, I really enjoyed studying about Canadian history, politics, geography , government etc. The point is : you don't have to apply, it's your choice. And I love having 2 passports because I don't have to apply for visa or any documents to enter Canada or the U.S.A. So it was totaly worth it! And not only for the passport but for the knowledge about the country etc.
I went through the same thing. When I applied for my Czech citizenship.😊 I had to get my Naturalization ( American papers) translated. Then I had to get my marriage certificate ( from Connecticut) translated and appostilled. I also had to request and submit my Czech birth certificate. I remember every time I submitted the requested paperwork it seemed like they wanted something else translated and appostilled.Fianlly after one year I got my Czech citizenship. ( and I speak fluent Czech). 😊
I got my citizenship in January of this year . . have both the passport and ID card . . the process took more than two years . . . I'm delighted of cours . . . but the best thing about it is that because of my age, I didn't have to take the language test which I almost certainly would have flunked despite speaking some Czech . . the people at the Prague 2 Urad couldn't have been more friendly and helpful
Wow, that's crazy! Good luck on getting all your documents approved! I personally hate bureaucracy, so I feel for you. :D Especially, when we talk about Czech bureaucracy. :D
Něco podobného jsem zažívala v Německu před zhruba 30 lety. To jsme ještě nebyli ani v Šengenu ani rovnoprávným členem EU. Bylo to strašné a člověk je náladám úředníků vydán napospas. Já štěstí neměla. Fingers crossed, hodně štěstí! Vydrž, fandíme ti!👍
Congrats! I just got my Cz Citizenship by descent and boy oh boy the paperwork and Apostille’s. Wow, I do admire you and all the work you have done so far and continue to do. I give you 5 stars!
True Kafka's Process. Anybody who's willing and able to go through all this should become a member of an Elite Czech Citizen club. I don't know anyone who' d deserve to become a Czech citizen more. So when (not if) you are finally "awarded" with this highly desirable document, I think we should organize a big party for you!
Congratulations on passing your language exam! From your review, I see we share the same Czech teacher on Italki. I just got my citizenship by birthright and even there, the bureaucracy is massive and overwhelming. You got this now, happy for you!
Congratulations Jen! You are amazing. I know all about the super legalized documents and what you are going through, coming from the US , establishing my own Czech citizenship, getting married here, establishing citizenship for my kids, etc…. Yes, the úředník is King 👑 Your videos have me laughing out loud 😂
I just found completely new appreciation and respect for Czech citizens that weren’t born as ones. Everything you have to go through is even worse than my worst nightmare and I am used to Czech bureaucracy. That’s insane!
Congratulations, you jumped over a huge hurdle! The rest will be easy, trust me! I delayed my citizenship application solely because of the language test and the pandemic gave me time and motivation to really hustle for it and I passed and then I went through with the application in 2021 and in five months I got approved and it was such a relief!
Životopis == CV I can see why the bureaucrats want some specific form. Back in High School or University I was told about two types of CVs, related to work: The classic one would be almost like a story while even back than companies would like to get short, structured and concise form.
I'm a Czech citizen by birth and even so I still had to get my foreign diploma (from an EU country, no less!) validated through a nostrification/apostille process at a Czech university. And none of that digital submission stuff either lol, I had to send all the related documents printed, by mail, and pay 3000 Koruna for the trouble. Oh, and they all have to be ORIGINAL COPIES too, or notarized copies which also cost extra money to get notarized. Really, you can tell that certain institutions and rules in our country have not budged an inch since the days of the Habsburgs. Tak hodně štěstí, a pevné nervy!
That sadly is true. If it would be up to me, it would be completely on-line (but there is danger that you would end with highway vignette instead) and significant part of the process would be removed as for most of the paperwork, the state already has that information necessary. And same should go for translations and so on. And to be frank, I really don't see any reason why proofs form other countries shouldn't be trusted and why some czech university should have any say in that. Especially as it goes against their interests. Or maybe i would go even further and after 25 years of having permanent residence permit such person would be able to apply for citizenship without any further paperwork.
Na začátku desáté minuty jsem si všiml že "počítání" na prstech, které je pro Američany typecke začínánim u malíčku, jste nejspíš kvůli "zazrané" české mentalite, začala úplně z druhé strany 👍 takže super, gratuluji 😁
LOL, so many memories from my application for Czech citizenship. Be prepared, you may have to face the main boss even after receiving official confirmation of citizenship. That's how it was for me. There was a very solemn atmosphere, happy new citizens, elegantly dressed people in suits with flowers, smiling employees. The national anthem played and the main guy in the building came out to present you with citizenship and gives a speech that begins like this: "I see that many of you have gathered here today. And I'm not happy about it. I don't like that the Czech Republic easily gives citizenship to foreigners. I hope that in a couple of years, you will say the same thing..." Just smile, take your citizenship, and… run.
Pretty much nailed it at the end. To become a Czech, you must think like a Czech, feel like a Czech and comply like a Czech. And the best thing is, you can still be denied citizenship. Even if all check boxes are green. This is the ultimate "giving in" to the mercy of bureaucracy.
Congratulations! I was waiting to hear this good news. The process is the opposite in Slovakia. First you apply (with all the apostilles and super legalization of documents) and, when you have them all together, then they schedule you for a test. I had to have FBI clearance even though I've lived here 24 years with absolutely no problem. It requires fingerprinting on the form that you can download from the FBI. The U.S. embassy here told me there is no way to be fingerprinted by the police here. We called the Ministry of the Interior and they told us that writing a short letter and appearing at a local (bigger) police station would be fine. It was. There was no charge. The process was fast, I could pay by credit card online. Then it needed an apostille so it had to go back to the U.S. (with a money order an American friend sent me) and then back here. All be FedEx or DHL to save time. The Ministry has 24 months to make a decision. Anyway, congratulations again and it'll all go fine from here on.
Very informative video, especially for non-European viewers. I wish you sincerely the best of luck! 🙂I just don't agree with the final message about leaving one's foreign expectations behind and being prepared for the Czech bureaucratic "ordeal", especially when you also said: "You have to leave your Colombian self behind" etc. Anybody who has visited South America can confirm that those are probably the most corrupted countries in the world. The Czech citizenship process might be difficult and complicated, but everything goes on a legal basis. And if you think that dealing with the U. S. authorities as a foreigner is always a quick and pleasant experience, you are very naive (no offence). American and British immigration officers are one of the rudest I've met. And I come from a mixed Italian/Austrian/Czech family, so I can compare. 🙂
I have experienced snobbishness and rudeness with British immigration officials, but Czech immigration officials have this very naked racism towards anyone not a white person. Happens over and over again. It’s nothing like what you experience in English speaking countries where being openly racist is not accepted.
Hello Jen, get this. I was born in Brno , after university I moved to the USA, when I became a US citizen. For some reason I automatically lost my Czech citizenship gaining the US one. Now I retired and like to get my Czech citizenship back . Well guess what, ... I am going through a similar process as you do .... Well I was married and divorced 2x , now I am in the process of heaving to "apostille" all my documents , the problem is that I got married in Rio de Janeiro Brazil ..., so you can imagine what I am going through .... Anyway, congratulations on your successful language test. Good Luck ...
Dobry den pane Libore. To opravdu myslite vazne. To mi teda mozek nebere. Nestacim se podivovat co je v tehle nasi malinke zemicce vsechno mozne. Drzim palce abyste vse zvladnul. Lenka
The situation in America must be really rather dire for anyone to actually want to go through all this Czech bureaucratic nightmare only to become yet another frustrated Czech living in a bureaucratic nightmare.
Regarding the trips outside of the country, it is sufficient to say several short trips to X or Y. They are only looking to see if you are actually present in Czechia a certain amount of time a year to actually qualify for citizenship. Someone who only spends a month a year in Czechia, for instance, would not qualify for citizenship, even if everything else is perfect.
Just to relieve a bit of your pain, this process is similar in other countries e.g Australia. I am sure that an application in the US won’t be easy either. Now imagine when you have to request some of the documents from Czech authorities:-) Good luck with wrapping this up soon.
Ahoj Jen, gratuluji k úspěšnému složení zkoušky, máš toho papírování víc než dost. Tak ti alespoň zatím přeji hodně štěstí na dobré úředníky když máš trochu zkomplikovanou dopravu při objíždění úřadů uzavřenou stanicí metra . Krásný den 🙂 Tom
Hi, Jennifer, Sir_Mac here, as always! You've made my day! Yay! Let me ask - when all of this is finally over, your name stays intact, or from "Jennifer Preston" you'll become "Jennifer Prestonová"? :)
Ano a stavim sa ze ho urobilo tisice cinanov ktori by si ani listok na nadrazi nevedeli s ich cestinou kupit. Ako aj u nas. Ale Jen si to obcianstvo zasluzi, siri uz roky dobre meno Historickych krajin Českych.
Však to je jen logické. To přece platí pro každý stát. Když už si můžeme vybrat, koho přijmout, tak si budeme vybírat. Kdybyste chtěla být občanem Kanady, tak byste musela podstoupit i biopsii jater, aby si mohli přesně proklepnout váš zdravotní stav. Takže Česko je ještě ok.
Cílem není ztížit žvot Čechům, ale udělat to tak obtížné, aby jenom ti cizinci, kteří opravdu celým srdcem a myslí chtějí dosáhnout tak vytoužené, vzdálené a vznešené mety, jakou je české občanství, se po spoustě práce, krve, potu a slz zařadili mezi vyvolené a občanství získali... ...nebo se to dá nějak koupit?
I thought Japanese bureaucracy was tough...they invented it, after all. But what Jen is going through redefines perseverance. I know my Czech wife would not have the patience for this kind of bureaucratic fiddle-faddle if she were on the outside trying to get in...nor would I. Good luck, Jen, with the rest of the marathon!
a clerk is a king 😃 some of them behave like this. You are right. Public administration is paid from our taxes. Public administration / office is here to provide you a civli service. They have to / need to hear it Jen. My experience is, when you need something from public administration, you have to know more about the subject / thing, then they know. To be prepared on negotiation.
Gratz Jen! Keep going! I cannot imagine the level of bureaucratic hell and flaming hoops you need to jump through! It was an adventure for me just to get a simple passport renewal! 😳😋 Go Jen!
Excellent video. Very good to know these things. In about five years, I will be applying for my Czech citizenship, so all of this is spot on for things I need to hear. I wish you very well in your ongoing quest. I feel certain that you will overcome all obstacles, even if it takes a while. Good luck from Ostrava!
Celní úřad je pověřen nejen správou cel, ale i některých daní a také třeba pokut uložených Policií ČR. Proto toto potvrzení. Jinak gratulace ke složení testu.
First of all, congratulations on your language test! And I mean, it's B1 in Czech so very good :D. It sounds similar to when I did English FCE (if you know what it is, cause I don't really remember :D), just a whole day of differente types of english tests. The bureaucracy is terrible here, but it is, what it is. I remember about ten years ago, my grandma needed her final highscool score card, or whatever it's called (of course she already lost it) so my mum had to go to her school, they had to find it in their like 50 years old records, make a copy and give it to her... I'm studying in UK, and I needed evidence of me studying for insurance or social something or whatever (because apparently some foreign schools count for czech student insurance?) so I had to get my uni letter, signed by the uni, then also get the apostille and then send it to my mom so she could deal with it... So yes, it's definitely a part of the Czech citizenship :D To the point of your trips outside the republic: I think it's meant for bigger and longer trips, e.g. if you lived 5 months in Spain, 6 in Italy and 3 in Germany, because then it's pretty much a year less living in Czechia - in UK, I'm currently under some pre-settlement scheme, and after five years of living here, I'll be eligible for applying for settlement scheme - but I can't have breaks longer than 6 months of living outside the UK. If you went shopping to Germany, or made a day trip to Poland - nobody will care about this, and they also don't really have a way of checking it.
Well done!👍 I am czech myself and I am sure I would not be able to pass such a language test. You are good! Always when I need to see any czech bureaucrat I get nervous and annoyed. I do not live in czechia though, but I think there is still too much to improve. As in any other country. Thank You for being part of this improvement process. Czech people are usually blind to those things and the kick from outside is needed.
Jen, Vy už jste stejně naše. Na tom žádný úřad nic nezmění! Mnoho štěstí ve všem.
Gratuluju, jste dobrá. Držím palce do dalšího kola.
Ohledně jednání na úřadě existuje krásný vtip. Zvířátka si chtějí v lese postavit altánek a potřebují na to stavební povolení. I vydá se na úřad medvěd, že to zvládne medovou pláství a silou. Vrátí se za čtrnáct dní naprosto zničený, hlava mu jde kolem, razítka samozřejmě nikde, jen papírů dvojnásobek. Zaleze si do nory, dá si na čenich mokrý ručník a jenom naříká. Věci se ujme liška, že to zvládne uchytračit. Vrátí se za čtrnáct dní úplně zničená, lejster má s sebou trojnásobek a razítko ani jedno, hlava jí třeští, nožičky má uběhané k samým ramenům. Zaleze si do nory, strčí tlapky do škopku studené vody, na hlavu si dá mokrý hadr a jenom naříká. Do třetice všeho dobrého, žádosti se ujme vůl. Vrátí se za tři hodiny, všechna razítka na správných místech, a zvířátka se ho ptají: "Vole, jak jsi to dokázal? Medvěd nezvládl nic silou, liška chytrostí, a ty?" Vůl povídá: "Ono to bylo vlastně jednoduché. Otevřu první dveře - spolužák. Druhé dveře - spolužák. Třetí dveře - spolužák..."
🤣😂. Tak ten se povedl! 😃😁🦊
@@kexcz8276 Akurát to nie je vtip 🥲
@@PhonoDirect já vím 😪
Třeba bude mít Jen štěstí a na tom úřadě bude sedět někdo, kdo ji po léta sleduje a fandí jí...
My guess is, they want you to go through all the unnecessary bureaucracy, tons of paperwork and months of waiting to create a true frustrated czech Citizen 🤣🤣🤣
Also gratulations!! Good job 👍 passing the exams.
Lol u might be right 🤣👍
@@petrnovak6379 Yes, he is 100% right ;-) And Jen hint that detail couple times.
Austro-Hungarian Empire: My dear girl Czechia, I know we had our differences at time but I am so proud of your byrocratic achievements right now...
Austro-Hungary would be so proud if it wouldn't be rotting on a graveyard of history.
This is terrible. I really admire you for going through this.
Gratuluji ke složení testu. Tvá videa jsou skvělá a proto držím palce aby jsi se stala českou. Osobně si myslím že většina rodičích Čechů by test na získání občanství neudělala.
Když už, tak aby ses stala......V tomto dělá mnoho lidí chybu.
Tak hodně trpělivosti a štěstí s obstaráním všech dokumentů a s vstřícností úřadů.
Big tip, once you get all your docs with apostille and translation, get a notarised copy of those and submit those. Do not submit the precious originals, stuff gets lost and they keep it. They may make their own copies of vital records though.
Oh and do not worry about the trips too much. They have no way to check that anyway.
Aa far as some apostilles needed or not that depends on bilateral agreements with certain countries, where they can be waived
Milá Jen, pokud se týká té pracovní činnosti, předložil bych Potvrzení OSVČ, tedy o tom, že jste Osoba samostatně výdělečně činná a možná i daňová přiznání. Mnoho štěstí a ať to všechno vyjde.
Máte můj hluboký obdiv, že jste to ještě nevzdala. Držím vám palce, aby celé to martyrium bylo brzy (6 měsíců?) A úspěšně za vámi! 🤞🤞🤞
No vidíte, kdybych měl tu moc, tak po třech minutách konverzace vám to dám jen za úsměv a ještě přidám láhev slivovice ☺️.
to by nebylo objektivní
Jen, máš můj hluboký obdiv. Jako kovaný Čech bych buď tím papírováním neprošel, nebo to vzdal na dvacáté překážce. Takže ti nadále držím pěsti. V.
Hezky od srdce jsem se zasmál. Opravdu přimně a z hloubi srdce. Nikdy mi nepřišlo na rozum, jak působí naše byrokracie na někoho, kdo se chce stát občanem České republiky. Jste úžasná a "držíme palce".
I laughed heartily. Really sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. It never occurred to me how our bureaucracy affects someone who wants to become a citizen of the Czech Republic. You are amazing and "držíme palce".
Thank you so much Pavel!
you have endured the worst of bureaucracy agility challenges out there ... be proud! SO PROUD! :) congrats
You are unbelievable... cant imagine how hard this must be... good luck! 🙂
Wow. It is incredible how many hurdles there are. I would never expect the process to be so complicated. Crazy. Brutal. I have five times more respect for foreigners who acquire Czech citizenship now. And I admire you! Your desire to become a Czech citizen must be really strong, which flatters me. Your Czech citizenship will be so deserved.
I love that you did "držím palce". 🙂
👍for the baby photo. 😊
And thank you for this whole update!
I have been supporting expats with their immigration matters for over 7 years now, but everytime I got asked for help with citizenship, I was like nonono, that's a job for a lawyer, hahaha! This year finally I challenged myself to learn to process too, and girl, I am shocked! It is all the most difficult immigration documents from various applications put into one! I really admire everyone, who manages to do this all alone without losing it, haha! Good luck with your application! :)
velká gratulace jen!
Many years ago I applied for the Canadian citizenship and it was very similar. However, I really enjoyed studying about Canadian history, politics, geography , government etc. The point is : you don't have to apply, it's your choice. And I love having 2 passports because I don't have to apply for visa or any documents to enter Canada or the U.S.A. So it was totaly worth it! And not only for the passport but for the knowledge about the country etc.
The hardest part is over. You're the best!
Excellent, many congratulations :-).
Congratulation, it's a big success! The first step is done, now the next one. You'll make it and be proud of yourself!
You got it too love it!!
Jen, congratulation, you are great! Who can to learrn czech lenguage is hero
I went through the same thing. When I applied for my Czech citizenship.😊 I had to get my Naturalization ( American papers) translated. Then I had to get my marriage certificate ( from Connecticut) translated and appostilled. I also had to request and submit my Czech birth certificate. I remember every time I submitted the requested paperwork it seemed like they wanted something else translated and appostilled.Fianlly after one year I got my Czech citizenship. ( and I speak fluent Czech). 😊
Wooow, that's crazy process!!!
I got my citizenship in January of this year . . have both the passport and ID card . . the process took more than two years . . . I'm delighted of cours . . . but the best thing about it is that because of my age, I didn't have to take the language test which I almost certainly would have flunked despite speaking some Czech . . the people at the Prague 2 Urad couldn't have been more friendly and helpful
Wow, that's crazy! Good luck on getting all your documents approved! I personally hate bureaucracy, so I feel for you. :D Especially, when we talk about Czech bureaucracy. :D
Thank you for this information! Very helpful.
OMG, this is nuts. Congrats on the test, and goood luck in the process! :)
Thank you, for challenging me to get czech citizenship after 12 years in Prague!
Něco podobného jsem zažívala v Německu před zhruba 30 lety. To jsme ještě nebyli ani v Šengenu ani rovnoprávným členem EU. Bylo to strašné a člověk je náladám úředníků vydán napospas. Já štěstí neměla.
Fingers crossed, hodně štěstí! Vydrž, fandíme ti!👍
Blahopreji ke slozeni zkousky. Jsi sikovna a mila, proste nase. Drzim palce.
Congratulations! 🥳
Congrats! I just got my Cz Citizenship by descent and boy oh boy the paperwork and Apostille’s. Wow, I do admire you and all the work you have done so far and continue to do. I give you 5 stars!
True Kafka's Process. Anybody who's willing and able to go through all this should become a member of an Elite Czech Citizen club. I don't know anyone who' d deserve to become a Czech citizen more. So when (not if) you are finally "awarded" with this highly desirable document, I think we should organize a big party for you!
Congratulations on passing your language exam! From your review, I see we share the same Czech teacher on Italki. I just got my citizenship by birthright and even there, the bureaucracy is massive and overwhelming. You got this now, happy for you!
Congratulations! Glad you passed the test. And good luck for the rest of citizenship journey :-)
Hlavu vzhůru! Jsem na tom s mluvenou angličtinou podobně.
There is a recommended reading for all who dare to get in touch with the czech bureaucrats. Franz Kafka, Das Schloß (The Castle).
I am watching this video between two episodes of Yes, Minister. That is a sitcom about government and bureaucracy :)
You are hero, Jane.
Such A nice! Tnx
Congratulation !!!
Ti se vás natrápi. Mám z vás radost.
Congratulations Jen! You are amazing. I know all about the super legalized documents and what you are going through, coming from the US , establishing my own Czech citizenship, getting married here, establishing citizenship for my kids, etc…. Yes, the úředník is King 👑 Your videos have me laughing out loud 😂
I just found completely new appreciation and respect for Czech citizens that weren’t born as ones. Everything you have to go through is even worse than my worst nightmare and I am used to Czech bureaucracy. That’s insane!
Congratulations, you jumped over a huge hurdle! The rest will be easy, trust me! I delayed my citizenship application solely because of the language test and the pandemic gave me time and motivation to really hustle for it and I passed and then I went through with the application in 2021 and in five months I got approved and it was such a relief!
Fingers crossed, I´ve passed this recently, it took a year, 15 documents, some had to be hand written and presented multiple times.
Životopis == CV I can see why the bureaucrats want some specific form. Back in High School or University I was told about two types of CVs, related to work: The classic one would be almost like a story while even back than companies would like to get short, structured and concise form.
i love that silly / awkward background music :D
I'm a Czech citizen by birth and even so I still had to get my foreign diploma (from an EU country, no less!) validated through a nostrification/apostille process at a Czech university. And none of that digital submission stuff either lol, I had to send all the related documents printed, by mail, and pay 3000 Koruna for the trouble. Oh, and they all have to be ORIGINAL COPIES too, or notarized copies which also cost extra money to get notarized.
Really, you can tell that certain institutions and rules in our country have not budged an inch since the days of the Habsburgs. Tak hodně štěstí, a pevné nervy!
That sadly is true. If it would be up to me, it would be completely on-line (but there is danger that you would end with highway vignette instead) and significant part of the process would be removed as for most of the paperwork, the state already has that information necessary. And same should go for translations and so on. And to be frank, I really don't see any reason why proofs form other countries shouldn't be trusted and why some czech university should have any say in that. Especially as it goes against their interests.
Or maybe i would go even further and after 25 years of having permanent residence permit such person would be able to apply for citizenship without any further paperwork.
Na začátku desáté minuty jsem si všiml že "počítání" na prstech, které je pro Američany typecke začínánim u malíčku, jste nejspíš kvůli "zazrané" české mentalite, začala úplně z druhé strany 👍 takže super, gratuluji 😁
LOL, so many memories from my application for Czech citizenship. Be prepared, you may have to face the main boss even after receiving official confirmation of citizenship. That's how it was for me. There was a very solemn atmosphere, happy new citizens, elegantly dressed people in suits with flowers, smiling employees. The national anthem played and the main guy in the building came out to present you with citizenship and gives a speech that begins like this: "I see that many of you have gathered here today. And I'm not happy about it. I don't like that the Czech Republic easily gives citizenship to foreigners. I hope that in a couple of years, you will say the same thing..." Just smile, take your citizenship, and… run.
Good Luck 👌
Pretty much nailed it at the end. To become a Czech, you must think like a Czech, feel like a Czech and comply like a Czech. And the best thing is, you can still be denied citizenship. Even if all check boxes are green. This is the ultimate "giving in" to the mercy of bureaucracy.
Blahopřeji k úspěšnému testu.Hezky to s Honzou oslavte.
Congratulations! I was waiting to hear this good news. The process is the opposite in Slovakia. First you apply (with all the apostilles and super legalization of documents) and, when you have them all together, then they schedule you for a test. I had to have FBI clearance even though I've lived here 24 years with absolutely no problem. It requires fingerprinting on the form that you can download from the FBI. The U.S. embassy here told me there is no way to be fingerprinted by the police here. We called the Ministry of the Interior and they told us that writing a short letter and appearing at a local (bigger) police station would be fine. It was. There was no charge. The process was fast, I could pay by credit card online. Then it needed an apostille so it had to go back to the U.S. (with a money order an American friend sent me) and then back here. All be FedEx or DHL to save time. The Ministry has 24 months to make a decision.
Anyway, congratulations again and it'll all go fine from here on.
Very informative video, especially for non-European viewers. I wish you sincerely the best of luck! 🙂I just don't agree with the final message about leaving one's foreign expectations behind and being prepared for the Czech bureaucratic "ordeal", especially when you also said: "You have to leave your Colombian self behind" etc. Anybody who has visited South America can confirm that those are probably the most corrupted countries in the world. The Czech citizenship process might be difficult and complicated, but everything goes on a legal basis. And if you think that dealing with the U. S. authorities as a foreigner is always a quick and pleasant experience, you are very naive (no offence). American and British immigration officers are one of the rudest I've met. And I come from a mixed Italian/Austrian/Czech family, so I can compare. 🙂
I have experienced snobbishness and rudeness with British immigration officials, but Czech immigration officials have this very naked racism towards anyone not a white person. Happens over and over again. It’s nothing like what you experience in English speaking countries where being openly racist is not accepted.
Czech bureaucrats want a lot, but are usually helpful if you are polite.
0:07 Yay! I smiled so much as if it was me who passed the test 😁😁 Big congrats! You worked so hard and totally deserve it 😊
Hello Jen, get this. I was born in Brno , after university I moved to the USA, when I became a US citizen. For some reason I automatically lost my Czech citizenship gaining the US one. Now I retired and like to get my Czech citizenship back . Well guess what, ... I am going through a similar process as you do ....
Well I was married and divorced 2x , now I am in the process of heaving to "apostille" all my documents , the problem is that I got married in Rio de Janeiro Brazil ..., so you can imagine what I am going through .... Anyway, congratulations on your successful language test. Good Luck ...
Ooof. Good luck. Hope you get the citizenship of your homeland and mine.
Dobry den pane Libore. To opravdu myslite vazne. To mi teda mozek nebere. Nestacim se podivovat co je v tehle nasi malinke zemicce vsechno mozne. Drzim palce abyste vse zvladnul. Lenka
Ahoj Lenko
Dekuji za podporu ...
Snad se nekdy sejdem v CZ
Preji krasny rok 2024
5:18 - Can people say? Founded: April 7, 1348, Prague
The situation in America must be really rather dire for anyone to actually want to go through all this Czech bureaucratic nightmare only to become yet another frustrated Czech living in a bureaucratic nightmare.
Congratulations! It is wonderful you passed the B1 test.
Regarding the trips outside of the country, it is sufficient to say several short trips to X or Y. They are only looking to see if you are actually present in Czechia a certain amount of time a year to actually qualify for citizenship. Someone who only spends a month a year in Czechia, for instance, would not qualify for citizenship, even if everything else is perfect.
Just to relieve a bit of your pain, this process is similar in other countries e.g Australia. I am sure that an application in the US won’t be easy either. Now imagine when you have to request some of the documents from Czech authorities:-)
Good luck with wrapping this up soon.
Hello Jen, Gratuluji ke složení testu.A přeji mnoho úspěchů do budoucna
Ahoj Jen, gratuluji k úspěšnému složení zkoušky, máš toho papírování víc než dost. Tak ti alespoň zatím přeji hodně štěstí na dobré úředníky když máš trochu zkomplikovanou dopravu při objíždění úřadů uzavřenou stanicí metra .
Krásný den 🙂 Tom
“Drzim SI palce” nebo “Drzte MI palce” ;-)
Gratuluji !!! V mém rodném městě to mám s toho radost .
Ty jo, to je šílenej proces :-) Jen, měla byste občanství získat odměnou za tenhle kanál :-)
Každopádně hodně štěstí a ať potkáte rozumné úředníky :-)
Rozunme uredniky?V Cesku na urade.?Na cem jedete?
Hi, Jennifer,
Sir_Mac here, as always!
You've made my day! Yay!
Let me ask - when all of this is finally over, your name stays intact, or from "Jennifer Preston" you'll become "Jennifer Prestonová"? :)
Gratuluji. Myslím, že ten test je tak těžký, že by jej neudělalo mnoho samotných Čechů.
Ano a stavim sa ze ho urobilo tisice cinanov ktori by si ani listok na nadrazi nevedeli s ich cestinou kupit. Ako aj u nas. Ale Jen si to obcianstvo zasluzi, siri uz roky dobre meno Historickych krajin Českych.
@@josselenovese3639 Ano, máte pravdu a Jen je skvělá. Moc jí gratuluji, že překoná i tu byrokracii tady v Česku.
Však to je jen logické. To přece platí pro každý stát. Když už si můžeme vybrat, koho přijmout, tak si budeme vybírat. Kdybyste chtěla být občanem Kanady, tak byste musela podstoupit i biopsii jater, aby si mohli přesně proklepnout váš zdravotní stav. Takže Česko je ještě ok.
Cílem není ztížit žvot Čechům, ale udělat to tak obtížné, aby jenom ti cizinci, kteří opravdu celým srdcem a myslí chtějí dosáhnout tak vytoužené, vzdálené a vznešené mety, jakou je české občanství, se po spoustě práce, krve, potu a slz zařadili mezi vyvolené a občanství získali...
...nebo se to dá nějak koupit?
@@jankucera8180 Uprimne, co sa u nas a u vas neda kupit?
Congratulations from Liberec :) What about Honza? I'm not sure if he is an applicant too...
Amen. Drzim palce.
Congratulations, Jen!👍
I thought Japanese bureaucracy was tough...they invented it, after all. But what Jen is going through redefines perseverance. I know my Czech wife would not have the patience for this kind of bureaucratic fiddle-faddle if she were on the outside trying to get in...nor would I. Good luck, Jen, with the rest of the marathon!
Big CONGRATS Jen, if anyone, you really, really deserve it!!!!👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
Congratzz, Jen! And don't worry, you'll make it at Úřad since you already understand all about Czech bureaucracy. 🙂
a clerk is a king 😃 some of them behave like this. You are right. Public administration is paid from our taxes. Public administration / office is here to provide you a civli service. They have to / need to hear it Jen.
My experience is, when you need something from public administration, you have to know more about the subject / thing, then they know. To be prepared on negotiation.
Gratz Jen! Keep going! I cannot imagine the level of bureaucratic hell and flaming hoops you need to jump through! It was an adventure for me just to get a simple passport renewal! 😳😋
Go Jen!
tomu se říká úřednický šiml :D Jinak ti blahopřeji
Excellent video. Very good to know these things. In about five years, I will be applying for my Czech citizenship, so all of this is spot on for things I need to hear. I wish you very well in your ongoing quest. I feel certain that you will overcome all obstacles, even if it takes a while. Good luck from Ostrava!
Great video Jen! I have never been to Prague, but this makes me totally want to visit!! ❤
Celní úřad je pověřen nejen správou cel, ale i některých daní a také třeba pokut uložených Policií ČR. Proto toto potvrzení. Jinak gratulace ke složení testu.
Tak doiufam ze zacnes delat vic videa v cestine jako driv :D
@14:52 god forbit they'd find about this channel and watch these vids :D
Jen, very good, as always! Your videos could cure some people from being homesick.
Congratulation 🎉
Gratuluji k testu a držím palce na všechno to ostatní!
First of all, congratulations on your language test! And I mean, it's B1 in Czech so very good :D. It sounds similar to when I did English FCE (if you know what it is, cause I don't really remember :D), just a whole day of differente types of english tests.
The bureaucracy is terrible here, but it is, what it is. I remember about ten years ago, my grandma needed her final highscool score card, or whatever it's called (of course she already lost it) so my mum had to go to her school, they had to find it in their like 50 years old records, make a copy and give it to her... I'm studying in UK, and I needed evidence of me studying for insurance or social something or whatever (because apparently some foreign schools count for czech student insurance?) so I had to get my uni letter, signed by the uni, then also get the apostille and then send it to my mom so she could deal with it... So yes, it's definitely a part of the Czech citizenship :D
To the point of your trips outside the republic: I think it's meant for bigger and longer trips, e.g. if you lived 5 months in Spain, 6 in Italy and 3 in Germany, because then it's pretty much a year less living in Czechia - in UK, I'm currently under some pre-settlement scheme, and after five years of living here, I'll be eligible for applying for settlement scheme - but I can't have breaks longer than 6 months of living outside the UK. If you went shopping to Germany, or made a day trip to Poland - nobody will care about this, and they also don't really have a way of checking it.
After years of watching your videos, I have booked a trip! I'm so interested in seeing this beautiful city and country in person.
Veeeeelkaaa gratulacia. :-)
Dear congratulation for passing that mind (mine) field of Czech language ,it is amazing accomplishment
That is so complicated . I am glad i was born here. :D
14:40 you passed the final test :-D :-D
Well done!👍 I am czech myself and I am sure I would not be able to pass such a language test. You are good!
Always when I need to see any czech bureaucrat I get nervous and annoyed.
I do not live in czechia though, but I think there is still too much to improve. As in any other country.
Thank You for being part of this improvement process. Czech people are usually blind to those things and the kick from outside is needed.