Big Twist? | Synthetics | Programmable Matter | Star Trek Theory

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @oncameramastery
    @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +16

    Ha, I love the idea that an android can't quite handle Georgeou's badness!

  • @jonathantifone8001
    @jonathantifone8001 3 роки тому +5

    I don't think this is the direction the show will go in, but I love the creativity and arguments backing it up. Clever work, totally subbed.

  • @tyem4810
    @tyem4810 3 роки тому +11

    this could also be used to explain Nahn’s abrupt exit from the fleet. why bring her all the way to the future just to write her out? maybe she studies the family and father on the ship she stayed with, and finds out information about how everything has gone by being so close to these synths. then she can come back later to help expose it all

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +2

      I was thinking that also... they definitely imply we’ll see her again. Like you say, maybe it’s a neat way to have her discover part of the truth and reveal it when it’s time. 👍

  • @oncameramastery
    @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +11

    Also, am I the only one who found the holographic people seem far less advanced than Voyagers Doctor from 700years prior?

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      I was wondering about that also - maybe something happened where holograms had to be limited for some reason? It also makes you wonder where all the other synthetic life is...

    • @Shadowkey392
      @Shadowkey392 3 роки тому


  • @zrajilic1
    @zrajilic1 3 роки тому +3

    I like a theory so much !!!!
    I was thinking about that but my idea took me possibly of using borg technology in star fleet.
    Now I think that borg is helping a star fleet to recover

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +1

      That’s a good point, where are the Borg? Maybe the programmable matter is remnant Borg tech itself?

  • @FritzSchober
    @FritzSchober 3 роки тому +5

    It all makes perfect sense and make me enjoy Discovery more. So much felt strange and crazy but with that explanation pretty much everything makes sense.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      Awesome, yeah I get the feeling Discovery will get better on repeat viewings. I'm watching S2 over and it's got so much foreshadowing on the time travel stuff that you just don't pick up watching it week to week.

  • @fayetahgoggins2821
    @fayetahgoggins2821 3 роки тому +4

    I totally agree! There's a reason why Earth and Vulcan, the original founders, has dropped out of the Federation. First I thought Control found away to get in the future after all, but your theory makes sense also.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      A lot of things start to make sense, just hoping it's true :)

  • @TimothyMorigeau
    @TimothyMorigeau 3 роки тому +6

    I think you're right about a lot of this. Good job! I can't wait to find out!

  • @oncameramastery
    @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +8

    Bare with me here: for years fans have wondered if transporters murder you in one place to reproduce you in another. While I don't think the regular transporters in the show would ever be shown to do that, I wonder if the writers are acknowleding this old fan theory by making the SB-19 project a tech which relies on deleting you in one place to reproduce you in another part of the galaxy, only the new you is made out of programmable matter?! If you think about it, it's about the easiest form of instantaneously moving a whole ship, you just scan it, delete it then send it as digital information to be remade elsewhere out of programmable matter! Perhaps the burn was cause by the SB-19 project trying to move some dilithium, but instead of moving just a small sample it accidently got set outwards and replaced all the galaxy's refined dilithium with programmable matter, making all of it inert at the same moment!... Okay, I've gone off the deep end again! 😂

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +5

      Wow that’s actually quite a cool idea 😎

    • @oncameramastery
      @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +5

      @@StarTrekTheory actually, the more I think about it, this is far less of a wild an idea than a ship that travels around instantly on fungai! Perhaps this could happen! 😊

  • @kandibarrie8311
    @kandibarrie8311 3 роки тому +3

    Fascinating theory,and very plausible one too
    I like you have noticed something is not quite right with starfleet personal and their interaction with each other, there is no emotion,no warmth, no soul... If the federation was decisamited by the burn it is only logical to keep that secret and rebuild some semblance of starfleet asap...
    And programmable matter is the perfect thing to do just that...

  • @richesmatthew
    @richesmatthew 3 роки тому +3

    In DS9 all the orbs were snuffed out at once, much like the burn. Crazy theory, prophet Sisko caused the burn to make the federation learn humility again, since he can see the future.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +1

      Man how great would it be to have Sisko return somehow...

  • @itzdcx7991
    @itzdcx7991 3 роки тому +5

    Glasses makes me look smart

  • @oncameramastery
    @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +1

    Just had a thought, Kovich has a massive amount of info about the Terrans, and the show seems to draw attention to his glasses. But if we remember back to Lorca, being a Terran means you have eye problems, perhaps thats the real reason for the specs, Kovich is a Terran and perhaps subverting starfleet from within? Is he the shows big secret bad guy? Perhaps he doesn't want any starfleet doctors to fix his short/long sightedness as they'll immediately spot that he's a Terran, just like Lorca!

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +2

      Love that idea! The clue is literally right out in the open for us all to 'see' 😂. Great idea, it would certainly tie in thematically to previous seasons and all the mirror universe stories..

    • @oncameramastery
      @oncameramastery 3 роки тому +1

      @@StarTrekTheory Yeah, with Georgiou's new arc back in the Terran universe it fits in. It'll sound super cheesy, but I literally thought of it while I was cleaning my own glasses! :-)

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +1

      lol 😂

  • @briemann2279
    @briemann2279 3 роки тому +1

    what if the guy with glasses lied to Georgeou, that prime and mirror universes are not distancing, but actually "collided" somehow e.g. during temporal warfare of mirror vs prime, causing the burn? Then some other people might also be "fritzing"...

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      I totally think he lied about it... not only that, but the Admiral seems to be in on it too... I liked the idea of the two universes colliding, that would really tie in well thematically to the previous seasons then...

  • @Iceflkn
    @Iceflkn 3 роки тому +2

    Maybe there isn't any organic life left in the universe as this is all the Children of Control

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +3

      That name, “Children of Control” is amazing... 👍

  • @xknoewx
    @xknoewx 3 роки тому +6

    Not crazy. Seems like this is a good theory.

  • @davidarrowsmith6034
    @davidarrowsmith6034 3 роки тому +2

    Great idea. You present a compelling argument.

  • @bwhite3872
    @bwhite3872 3 роки тому +2

    Interesting theory

  • @JS443
    @JS443 3 роки тому

    Very interesting conclusion on programmable matter is feasible

  • @Josep_Hernandez_Lujan
    @Josep_Hernandez_Lujan 3 роки тому

    Those little robots could be sentient

  • @greslin
    @greslin 3 роки тому +9

    Don't forget that Glasses Man was played by David Cronenberg, of all people.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +2

      wow good point, another clue? from wikipedia on Cronenberg "He is one of the principal originators of what is commonly known as the body horror genre, with his films exploring visceral *bodily transformation* , infection, *technology,* and the intertwining of the psychological with the physical." This would be right up his alley!

    • @JuanNgtse
      @JuanNgtse 3 роки тому +1

      Omg i didn't even see that connection. This is getting interesting

    • @ChrisM-qw3vc
      @ChrisM-qw3vc 3 роки тому

      @@JuanNgtse he did Dead Ringers which has twins. Could be clue to cloning

  • @InJeffable
    @InJeffable 3 роки тому +3

    I'm getting a Course: Oblivion vibe from your theory. Remember that Voyager episode? That episode and the episode called Demon featured what I guess you could call a natural form of programmable matter that could copy a person's form and consciousness perfectly to the point where the copy wouldn't know that they were a copy.
    I think your theory is probably dead-on, especially considering that quick shot of Georgiou we saw in the preview. It'll be interesting to see how many people are "real" and how many are programmable matter.
    Your theory also reminds me of a Doctor Who episode, but I'll give it some spoiler space in case you haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled.
    In season six of Doctor Who, Matt Smith's incarnation of the Doctor comes into contact with something called "the flesh". It's basically programmable matter that can act as an avatar (exactly like what we saw in the James Cameron movie in fact) for people who need to perform a complex task in a dangerous area that's too risky for a human to enter. The problem is that under a certain set of circumstances, the flesh can make a perfect copy of a person without acting as an avatar for that person (essentially creating a new life). This happens at one point with the Doctor, and his copy immediately struggles to process all of the Doctor's memories. That might be kind of like what Programmable Georgiou is going through.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +1

      Now you mention it I think I do vaguely remember that Who episode - this would definately have Dr Who story vibes if it’s true! 😃

  • @scottlypuff
    @scottlypuff 3 роки тому +2

    I was really feelin this theory until I saw the preview for 3x09. That seems to put this to rest already. It would still be neat to see it in some respect though!

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому +1

      Just saw ep8 and that scan of Georgiou looked a lot like a digital effect. They were scanning her with an electromagnetic field (hence her white suit for protection), could that surge in energy have disrupted it?
      As for ep9, we’ll have to wait and see what that’s about next week - but from the trailer, the impression I got is glasses man could only be telling a half truth (i.e. to get discovery to send his synthetic georgiou back in time)?

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      Also interestingly CBS just put up a copyright claim on the video. They've done that before when the theories got close, like with the androids on Picard video. Of course I claim 'fair use', but it removes the video from youtube search for 30 days. Might just be a coincidence but tells me the theory might be getting close?

  • @svensilver3245
    @svensilver3245 3 роки тому +2

    I hope the writers of Discovery are clever enough to do this. Anything else I'd be very disappointed in.

  • @ChrisM-qw3vc
    @ChrisM-qw3vc 3 роки тому

    Vance is programmable matter. maybe Discovery is in simulated universe like huge holodeck

  • @Carlos0619ASmith
    @Carlos0619ASmith 3 роки тому +1

    Better be a good delivery, some natives are getting restless.

  • @thomasveilleux3026
    @thomasveilleux3026 3 роки тому +1

    They all remember the same lullabie, which mean they're all Cylons. Wait, wrong show. Seems again like a borrowed idea from another show. The last season of BSG. Let see what they do with it. Might be different. Hope so.

  • @pohkeee
    @pohkeee 3 роки тому

    🖖 that , detective, is the right question. 🤣 timelines and synchronicities...seems there are ghosts in the machines. Isn’t it marvelous that all the sci-fi universe, eventually exhibits cross-pollination in the idea-verse.

  • @DonellJackson
    @DonellJackson 3 роки тому

    It's very possible but unlikely a tricorder scan would be able to detect something.

  • @Penfolduk001
    @Penfolduk001 3 роки тому

    I'm reminded of the ST:TNG Episode "The Survivors" where an extremely powerful being called a Douwd managed to wipe an entire species out of existence with a thought. And was able to create complete facsimiles of alien ships, his homestead and his wife.
    To prevent Deanna Troi's empathic powers detecting the fakes he implanted a psychic block that manifested as a tune. That progressively got stronger and debilitated Deanna's mind.
    So maybe The Burn didn't just wipe iut ships. Maybe it wiped out all organic life in the galaxy. And the being responsible recreated life. But wasn't able to recreate all the emotional complexities. The tune is a similar psychic block, preventing the recreations realising their own nature. And preventing the Discovery crew realising the truth around them.
    But Georgiou being a Terran from the mirror universe is rejecting the brainwashing, so is being subjected to more extreme measures.
    This makes HRG the being responsible.
    And whatever is in the nebula was something or someone protected from The Burn by the Nebula's unique properties.

  • @TrainmasterGT
    @TrainmasterGT 3 роки тому +1

    I think there is merit to this theory, but it seems as though the song has little to do with it given the events of the most recent episode where we found out it's a signal coming from that nebula...

    • @MARTIN38450
      @MARTIN38450 3 роки тому

      “It has all happened before and will happen again “
      I getting a BSG feeling ,Lieutenant Kara "Starbuck" Thrace ,she held the coordinates for Earth , it was really never explained what she was .
      But I’m with you , this is ramping up to be a fantastic season .

  • @johnfic4751
    @johnfic4751 3 роки тому +1

    I doubt this theory has any merit. Tge writers of this show would never leap this far in story telling.

  • @miriangraafsma9732
    @miriangraafsma9732 3 роки тому

    , "All are from the dust, and to dust all return.🤔

  • @SuperverseProductions
    @SuperverseProductions 3 роки тому

    I think this is not Georgeou i think she was replaced by an synth

  • @danielsausaman9767
    @danielsausaman9767 3 роки тому

    2.58 , no ,in the Sneak Peek of Episode 9 it explain the reason for Georgeu's freezing is her jump from the Mirrior Universe to the Prime Universe ,& then 931 Years into the Future.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      Let’s wait and see. It’s definately interesting, I hadn’t seen that at the time of the video, however in my mind that glasses man could also totally be telling a half truth. I.e. yes maybe there are adverse effects, but not the type that distorts your face in a digital way like that, and so maybe he has some ulterior motive to get his synthetic version of Georgiou back in time?

  • @NarasimhaDiyasena
    @NarasimhaDiyasena 3 роки тому

    I’m getting an oh shit moment when I cross ref this with the story of the Mahabharata and how it depicts advanced AI being utilized. This Stark Trek Story Ark could very well be a pop culture version that depicts a portion of our real history that occurred 12,000 years ago when the sun hit the earth with a CME, depicted by the Norse as Ragnorok when Sutur (sun) drove his flaming sword (CME) into Asgard (Eden) while Odin (Enlil) was fighting Loki (Enki) in a Great War that revolves around what should be done about Fenrir (Man). This is reference to the war between Atlantis and Lemuria, 2 Super Powers from the Alithir (Root race), that was waged over the freedom of the Sim (Man). According to the Maya, there are 5 Kinds. 1- Nemnir, known as the Elder Race and consists mostly of the Giants: Annunaki, Zor, Jotnar, Titan, and Nephilim. 2- Sofnnir, known as the Reptilian Race and consisted of Saurin, Troodan, Draco and Naga. 3- Alithir, known as the Root race’s and consisted of Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantian, and Aryan. 4- Aesir, known as the The Gods deified by the Sim and are the reminents is the Alithir post MWP-1B event that occurred as a result of the Ragnorok event that is depicted in the Book of Enoch. They consist of the Pantheon of Gods in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Norse and Hindu. And lastly 5- Sim, known as man and consisted of 3 types of Sapiens known as Homo, Neanderthal and Denesovian.

  • @paulgilson2347
    @paulgilson2347 3 роки тому +2

    The big twist is hopefully wesley crusher having a dream and at the end he wakes up on the enterprise and we can all forget how awful nu-trek has been.

  • @myster5y
    @myster5y 3 роки тому +1

    The whole show is an STD on the Star Trek Franchise

  • @johnmendoza6345
    @johnmendoza6345 3 роки тому

    Some excellent points.

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      Thanks John! How's the Enterprise D model?

  • @karinw6255
    @karinw6255 3 роки тому


    @GUNVALKERIE 3 роки тому

    Is it true they cancelled STAR TREK DISCOVERY? 😢😢😢😢😢

  • @dave-in-nj9393
    @dave-in-nj9393 3 роки тому

    sigh.. I call it the Disney-fa-ction of fiction.
    make believe, magical things, magical appearances at just the right time of just the right thing...
    oh, and all ships traveling at warp were destroyed ? what the the exact reaction of the burn ?
    just having dilithium ? or using it? or having it powered ?

  • @centrist1008
    @centrist1008 3 роки тому

    I hope you hated Picard

    • @StarTrekTheory
      @StarTrekTheory  3 роки тому

      Tbh I wasn’t the biggest fan of the finale... the series had so much unrealized promise...

  • @RickyLiveOG
    @RickyLiveOG 3 роки тому +3

    I liked your discussion but please stop misgendering Adira as "she."

  • @edsr164
    @edsr164 3 роки тому

    Wacky theory

  • @jockmcscottish7569
    @jockmcscottish7569 3 роки тому

    I love Star Trek, but Discovery season 3 is a big pile of shit. How? Season 2 was so good, how did it fall so far?