Hi, I have a question. What if, at the end of the game, the doppleganger is the one chosen to kill? What side of doppleganger is and who is the winner?
My one complaint with the video... for some examples, you flip up the cards in question to visually describe what is going on. However, this may create confusion for some players, as you usually are not allowed to look at your own card. I think this video may benefit from having people role-play out the respective roles as a demonstration, perhaps with the role card shown as a picture-in-picture.
Please do one of these for one night ultimate vampire and bonus packs 1 and 2
Hi, I have a question. What if, at the end of the game, the doppleganger is the one chosen to kill? What side of doppleganger is and who is the winner?
My one complaint with the video... for some examples, you flip up the cards in question to visually describe what is going on. However, this may create confusion for some players, as you usually are not allowed to look at your own card. I think this video may benefit from having people role-play out the respective roles as a demonstration, perhaps with the role card shown as a picture-in-picture.
Did you steal this video? Because it sure as hell looks like you did. Ted Alspach had this video out first.
If tanner wins does other players lose
The tanner is a villager but is the opposite of villager, he hates his life and his job, his goal is to be voted out to win.
Seer is the most powerful villager role, the seer can check another player role or two of the center cards.
The robber is a stealing villager, he swap his role to another player role.
The insomniac is a confused role, he or she wakes up to see if her card changes.
The drunk is a drunky villager, he does not know he's the drunk, he can swap his role from the center.
You copy Ted Alspach video😱😱
Delete this video. It's stolen content.