You guys ever have that really weird realization that “I am a person” “or I am looking through the eyes of me and no one else can see this point of view” “am I real?” This sounds so dumb because it’s really hard to explain.
yesss like only I can see other things and people around me and others have their own pov of me while im talking to them. like "I am really alive right now and I am seeing this world right now in this time currently this is now and this will soon in a few seconds be the future...its the future now but also the that was the future...and that's how the future looked and this is how the present looks and only I will know what this is..."
Tyler Luehrs no no i get what your saying, i used to think abt this most when i was younger, it feels weird and kinda out of place but also comfortable, atleast for me
I do that. I miss someone, but I never met them. Its like there is a place in my heart that someone needs to fill in but I don't know who it is yet. And thats a sad feeling...
That weird feeling when you're in traffic/ walking in a parc or something and you realize that every person around you has a life. It's hard to explain but in my head its like "this person sitting might be going through a divorce" or "this lady in her car is maybe going to her first job interview" like you realize that they are not just some random extra in the movie of your life but they actually have their own movie... Or is it just me ? ^_^'
I don’t even really know what it’s like to be me sometimes but people seem to constantly say that they know what I’m feeling and it feels wrong that I’m apparently not feeling the right thing.
ikr. and i literally cannot comprehend that other people around me have thoughts and think just like me. why do i think im better than everyone what’s wrong with me hahah
Some times I feel like I'm kinda the only one thinking because it just doesn't make sense to me how that other people can think like me and it feels like I'm in a reality show
iMADIGANable HOLY SHIT YES I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN sometimes it’s when my mother wakes me up and tells me something, and I remember like an hour later that it was actually real but I don’t quite remember it. Or sometimes it’s just that I stop and realize that everything is real- it’s not like I can skip something or do it twice, it’s just now or never and I can’t do anything about it cuz it’s just real and nothing else
I feel that when I’m in the present, thoughts stop coming out, I’m just watching all the things that my eyes can see, I realize they are there and they are real
iMADIGANable Sometimes when I’m walking alone at school I realize everything is real and its not a dream as if I were to do something it would actually happen it just really messes with me sometimes
Does anyone else have a sudden and unexpected feeling of happiness/contentment/ecstasy for like, a moment and you randomly get excited for everything? But then that feeling disappears three seconds after lmao.
So it’s just me who gets this weird sudden moment where they feel like they’re living in third person for a few seconds and has the realisation they don’t really feel like themselves? Agh i need help!!
V I think what mostly happens is id only think about the game after and kinda put myself in the game so whatever trauma they experienced, I guess I felt apart of it in a way. happens with movies too
Anyone else get really nostalgic and suddenly have the realization that you are never going to be a kid again, that your life isn't going to start over or go backward, and that life only moves in one direction and you can't stop time and you just want to make every second count but you have no idea how? Just me? Ok.
Has anyone ever had that feeling where you’re too aware of your body and you suddenly feel like you’re in third person it’s kinda scary lmao, or when you’re daydreaming and suddenly you have deep thoughts about life in general like what happens when you die or what if you’re in space and just float around, where do you end up. It just makes you realise how small you really are and how little we know
I always be like "yo what the fuck would it be like living in third person like would it be weird?" And i sit there and look to the mirror and wander off in my imagination looking at my self third person lmao
@@_ghost.ii_8097 well in my religion god told us in his holy book , also called the quran kareem that the people who believed in allah, prayed, read quran and treated other people or animals in a good way, etc.. will see their chair in heaven and they will rest in peace and they wont worry about a thing and wish that the day of judgement starts as soon as possible so that they can go to heaven, But for the people who didnt obey allah or made fun of what allah commanded us to do, etc.. wont be able to rest in peace infact they would be scared and in pain bc they have finally seen their chair in hell and would wish that the day of judgement never comes. scary dont cha think?
I remember I once had this period of time where I was so focused on my legs that I couldn’t control them while I was walking for some reason, and I would walk so weirdly like it was the most annoying thing ever
have you ever had the feeling like "man, this is my life, I'm in this body, i'm seeing through these eyes.." Edit: OH MY FRENCH FRIES!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!! I honestly thought I was the only one! ;-;
It’s actually crazy to me that we can see things, like without two things on our head it would be colourless, we wouldn’t see a thing and that’s just crazzyyyy to me like dang wtf I’m so weird
That feeling like pre-nostalgia, when you just KNOW you’re going to miss a moment once it’s gone and it makes you sad and desperate to hold onto/recreate it even when you’re still in that moment/experience. Anyone? 😅
Yes it happens to me and I just can’t love the moment I just really want to live it forever but one side of you is realistic which is 90% of your body knows the reality and normally when you WANT it to be 90% it’s like 5% and at this moment it’s just like 82363747346348384% and you just wanna HOLD ONTO it for as long as you can Im basically just repeating everything you say :’)
anyone else have that feeling when they just stop and think about themselves and realize.. wait is this rlly me?? it sounds confusing but if you know what i mean then let me know
Sometimes I just feel.... uncomfortable? Not physically, more like “I don’t know what to do with myself right now”..... It’s hard to explain.. Sometimes a song, movie, video etc. can make me feel uncomfortable too....
For me I’ll be just anywhere with either friends or family and get this feeling of being uncomfortable, so intense that I have to put my hands over my face for a few seconds and recuperate
Does anyone else have that feeling of “I wonder how I look in other people’s eyes” like “how do they see me?” what thoughts go on in their mind while looking at my facial features/physical characteristics
I have this feeling that comes at the most random moments. It feels like a sudden sadness is falling into my stomach and weighing it down, and i get this feeling that i really miss someone, but i just cant tell who i would miss.
good thing is i already know where the origin of the feeling was after 4 years of searching. it was my online best friend, that for some reason i forgot about. i hated myself for not remembering. maybe your situation is the same, where you dont remember the one your missing, just like me. i hope this answers your question somehow.
This happens because humans don't have a way to relieve that feeling. Like we cry to feel less sad. We sleep to feel less tired. We scream or thrash if we get too angry. Since theres no way to relieve that feeling our brain just needs to "get rid of it" so the only way to stop it from being cute is to kill it
anyone else get that felling and you’re just like “wow, nobody else will live their life exactly like mine” and you realize that nobody has ever done the exact same things at the exact same time as you
I feel the exact opposite! When I do something oddly specific I always think: "Wow, more than 7 billion people on this earth, there HAS to be someone who is doing and thinking the exact same thing!"
Literally and I also think of my existence and how maybe my life and thoughts and actions would’ve been different if I was born later or earlier and what if I hadn’t existed and stuff like that
i have lachesism all the time. im like, “what if i just get up and jump off the balcony right now”. or, “what if i go up in front of the class and scream?! i hope i don’t. what if my body goes out of control?”
don't u ever feel annoyed by a person with absolutely no reason at all??? like u arent jealous but u also don't have anything against them,, they're just irritating
I also have this feeling when you recall your bad memories or embarassing memories. You want to scream and you feel the awkwardness whenever you remember it. When you feel it you also want it to be forgotten and you feel like you want to punch something or squeeze something because of you remember bad memories.
That is so me! Sometimes when I recall the memory I just yell my sisters name without realising it (we share a room). She’s used to me randomly doing that so she doesn’t even answer me because I would say never mind after she says “what”
i have this feeling that i’m growing up too quickly/ time is going by too fast and i can’t control it. i don’t wish to be younger, but i also don’t wish to be older. i feel like day after day everything is the same thing. i feel like i’m watching others live their life only to comprehend that i will one day be like them. i feel like time is too fast. how do i slow it down?
Same.. i can understand you... It's like time is going too fast but no changes happens in your life. You feel like you are stuck but time just keeps running. Am i right?
Theres no such thing as being an adult People just pretend they are Try to find the root of this fear Is it a fear of responsibility? Death? Loss of whats good? Being wrinkly and ugly or something?
Try to write something in a diary every day/week. Sometimes it helps me, it feels like I can live more in the moment. After a while, I like to read about my former self and what I have learned so far.
Does anyone else miss somebody that doesn’t exist? Like a friend you never had or a cousin or boyfriend or girlfriend or sibling or parent? And it also feels like regret but what are I even regretting???
Yeah. I had this person who came in my dream 4 times but each time I was holding hand but on 4th time I lost the hand. And its been 8 years since I had that dream. Its like u want the dream to happen again and I miss the person in my dream? 💀💀idk man
When you want to be alone, but when you're actually alone you feel lonely, and you feel the needs to have someone by your side, but then you also want to be alone. I think I'm crazy.
This happens to me so much. Yesterday I was calling a friend then I felt like I wanted some alone time so I told her I had to go, but then a few minutes later I felt uncomfortable and like i need someone to be with so I ate dinner with my family and in the middle of it I had the sudden urge to get up and leave to watch youtube in my room and eat alone.
Sometimes for me, the feeling comes when I see everyone else around me having a social life, and I feel like I'm missing out on something and could have more fun. Still, I don't really want to be social and interact with someone at the moment, so I get this feeling of being lonely, but I want to be alone.
Roses_Are _Rossie yes! Like they are maybe going to the bathroom right now, doing what every other human being does... 😁😂 Or sleeping, and maybe having these same thoughts about everyone else
I love how everyone is sharing their personal experiences of emotions and the replies are all about relating to it, there's no hate on anyone for feeling like that and it just feels so safe to talk. I know the video was over a year ago, but I love the safe environment created by it and everyone talking here! Now literally from this video and what I said, that feeling I'm feeling right now is just like "Woah, I live in a world like this. So many good and bad people, but in reality it's like no one is good or bad we're all in between. There's no wrong or right, everything leads to something else, and it's just feeling infinite. Like realizing you're only one person among almost 8 billion others, and the world seems so big but then you realize our world is such a small place and there's so much more out there. I really don't know how to describe this feeling, it's like emptiness but with meaning, like when you zone out but you're still aware of everything around, deep thought that can easily be shattered but never looked back on, the more I type the more confusing this is probably getting- I don't know, does anyone else feel like this?
Yeah. By going through the comment section even I felt like the world is so small . So many random people from many corners of the world sharing their wierd experiences and we are relating to them . A sweet feeling that there are so many people just like me 🥺😀💜
I’ve been trying to find what this feeling is: feeling suddenly really disgusted by all affection and wanting to run far away from everyone, just wanting to be alone because relationships of any sort seems super odd all of a sudden. I hate having this feeling, but I’ve always experienced it once or a few times each year since I was little
I don't feel it too often but i did definitely majorly feel that when I got into my first (and only) relationship. I was extremely happy and literally head over heels for the first two weeks of it, like my mind was seriously fuzzy from all that giddyness. But then one day after those two weeks I suddenly didn't feel that way at all anymore, and it didn't just stop at a neutral feeling like "eh I just dont like this". It seriously went fully down to hate and disgust and I was like EW dont talk to or text me i DONT want this and kept feeling really ew. It was like I was contaminated with negative thoughts and feelings because I started being involuntary rude to him and I couldn't realise that I was being unreasonable, like I was seriously blinded by those negative feelings and wasn't able to realise that I was handling this in a wrong way (I ended that relationship in a trashy way, realised it a few months later and went s h i t). I swear I wasn't me during that time cuz he was never a problem at all but for some reason I started being all bitchy to him and honestly I would never ever ever intend to do that, that's why I said it was involuntary. Anyway the point is that I don't understand why your feelings suddenly change and do a WHOLE 180. Like you literally cringe and gag and feel so overly disgusted at the thought of affection and all. And what surprises me even more is that I'm literally a sucker for affection so feeling that way is like ???? how and why is this happening ????
Mils omg I totally get what you’re talking about. I rlly didn’t think other people had this feeling too, I thought I was weird. I’m also a sucker for affection and this happens and I turn a whole 180. Wow this rlly is a thing
@@cherrycane when I read your comment I also thought omg finally I found someone else that had this feeling, cuz no one I talked to seemed to have felt that and I also never looked it up (I should, I'll go do that) so I was always so confused. There's also another thing that may sound really cliche or cringy but because of how that turned out I'm literally scared of getting into a relationship now cuz what if that happens again? What if I find someone I seriously want to be with and ask myself a shit ton of times "are you sure you feel strong enough about them to not have it end up the same way?" before getting into the relationship but then it'll be the same? Like all of a sudden the feelings are gone??? And you start hating that exact person for no reason??? And then you end up emotionally scarring them and you cant control yourself and be rational?? Like why the fuck does that happen. Even if you stop liking someone why can't your feelings just stay neutral instead of turning into hate?
Bruh literally I’ve been feeling like this for so long and no one I know gets it, and it’s really refreshing to know I’m not alone. Dang I relate to all the comments in this thread so much
Maybe these are trust issues I really recomand follwing The.holistic.pshichologist on instagram. She explains better why we may refuse even somebody who treats us with love and respect.
IKR. It makes me happy and I know how it feels to let your feelings out and tell some stranger abt ur life and what ur going through knowing that they won't judge and help u, also possibly relating to it. That feels undescribable. It makes me happy cuz I'm the one listening and helping ppl, so I barely have had someone listen to me, so seeing that someone on the internet can and others also share their feelings and what they're going through makes me smile
When I'm with my friend at school, I feel like I'm there, but not included, if I never talked first, I grantee they wouldn't talk to me, I'm starting to feel like their fake, but I don't have very good social skills either, so it's not like I can just find someone new to sit with.
Jellyno Actually, it’s both. There’s such thing called depersonalization/derealization which is when you feel detached from reality as a person or from the world.
The feeling when you realize that everyone is getting ahead in life however you don't feel jealous rather now you understand your life is going on it's pace and you don't want to compare. The sudden feeling when you see the stars & moon or sun or trees and feel amazed of the immense beauty around you. The anxious feeling when you feel a emotion but really can't explain it to the other person.
My favorite unexplained emotion is "Hiraeth", the feelings that you feel homesick for a home that you can't return or longing for a place that you don't know.
I often get this feeling of being uncomfortable, not physically or like, cringing, but just, uncomfortable in life. I really don’t know how to explain it. I also get this feeling of emotional “numbness.” I don’t feel happy, sad, mad, or anything. I’m just, there.
I think I know what you’re talking about, I kinda feel that uncomfortable feeling too! It’s kinda like..I just look around and think what am I doing here? What am I doing? I thought I was the only one
Yeah when u feel numb but u also know something isn’t right but your to numb to care enough to do anything about it and so your just stuck in that state for a few days
I'm relating for some reason i don't feel comfortable. In any way even w friends or family. People tend to think i'm shy or socaily akward because of this. Or the feeling of just feeling nothing at all. I want to despretaly feel somthing but i can' and i don't know why? I want to live life but i can't i'm just to akward and i never knkw what im feeling
And then trying to maintain a conversation with someone seems impossible. I’m just numb. I’m just there with no thoughts on how to respond, in my body watching the train wreck happen right in front of me
i get this feeling especially when it's late at night, I'm all alone or in a dream. It feels like wanting cry for no reason yet being too absent-minded to do so. Whilst everything seems to be moving so fast, you're moving slow and the urge to catch up is tremendous... idk?
MPFT0 it’s weird because I get that to life goes by fast it always want I think about it’s weird and crazy how it’s already 2020 when just yesterday it felt like 2019 I never get it at day time or noon only really at night
the feeling when you realize that adults are grown up children, all with their own flaws and inner child. realizing how truly no one is perfect, even the adult we always looked up to. how in every action, there may lie a certain immaturity, insecurity and imperfection. how no one will ever be perfect.
Does anyone ever the feeling when you remember how excited you used to get about certain things but realize that feeling is gone and you won’t ever get it back?
I hate that! I’ve been rewatching some of my favorite childhood shows and realizing how stupid they are, but I’m remembering how cool they were when I was in elementary school
duck butt-lol same here. I used to draw horses every single day and actually get compliments about them. And now I’m traumatized of horses and don’t have the patience to draw
Me too. Sometimes I just look out at a sunset, or by the ocean, and you just feel nostalgic and sad, yet it’s also enjoyable. Sometimes I even associate it with a song, or an aesthetic. It’s an odd feeling, one that I feel everyday.
There is a name for that, a portuguese word : saudade. It does not translate exactly to any other language, but it is JUST that. A nostalgic and somewhat melancholic feeling of something /someone lost.
sometimes for like 5 minutes i get the feeling that everything is meaningless and life is dull, kinda like when ur hungry or thirsty but don’t want to eat or drink
Sometimes this feeling is from a physical deficiency - through a random, rare sleep disorder I found out I have low dopamine. I now have the smallest dose prescription and am not feeling that as often.
BRO I “SONDER” DAILYYYYY i just be staring at people like “bro they have their own storyline and theyre the main character in it and i have no idea wtf their life is like but they have issues and stress just like me” 😳
I always look at buildings and think that we live in a fake world and we are in toy story. I don't know why but I see the buildings and people as small figures and I might think its Sonder, but not quite. Is this another emotion I can't explain?
RIGHT. I always say that people can relate to what you've been through but you're the ONLY person in the entire world whose gone through EVERYTHING you've gone through. That's your own story
The feeling when you realize that every single person has different memories, different experiences, different beliefs, different ways of thinking (like their thoughts but also like how they think, idk how to explain it) and that everyone has a unique set of people and places they know. The realization that every human is unique in so many ways.
@@carissawood1854 empathy is understanding another person's difficult situation even if you havent been in the same situation. Its a synonym for compassion.
@@hyunjinsaussieaccent6591 what i mean is that the feeling they described is a symptom of empathy. Compassion and empathy are not the same. Just because you understand what someone feels doesn't mean you necessarily care about or love them.
I often get this feeling, it's when you had a fun day or a normal day and all of a sudden you feel extreme sadness thinking that tomorrow would be the same and that you'll live your life forever in the same cycle. Whenever I feel this I suddenly want to disappear or to cease to exist because I tell myself there's no point in living if you're just hurdled in a box repeating all the same things you do everyday. Sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat . . . over and over. Another feeling is a form of jealousy but like acceptance. It's like when you meet or encounter a person so above your level, be it status, intelligence, talent, that you can't help but be like, "hey, they're high up in the sky." You can't help but feel like you're an ant in a world full of giants. It's also kind of the same as to meeting a person with an in-born talent (genius, prodigy, or whatever). That feeling when you've practiced and learnt a field all your life just to realise people will be better than you without giving the same hard effort that you did.
I totally get the first one. I hate rutines they make me feel trap and they suffocate me. But I don't want to died and I just remembered happy memories and then I think what's the point about felling miserable and doing nothing, I have already feel that and I'm tired of it. So when I'm felling trap I tried to do something I've never done before, like painting with my eyes closed. My point is that life is a routine: wake up, eat, sleep. And we can keep doing that and being miserable or try to enjoy it, watch sun downs, laught, draw, watch the starts and feel free. This is too long, I'm sorry for the person reading this.
@@mirandakriss8070 I do no believe in one but I beg to disagree. Without God, we are special and unique to our own and we can do amazing things as long as we nurture and foster our talents. I do not believe in a heaven or hell. We can do good and moral things without fear. Even when I get these sad feelings, I cannot help but realise the beauty of our World. Good luck on finding happiness :)
you described the first part so perfectly, i definitely experience that feeling. i remember going to fun parties on multiple occasions, and after coming home from an exciting lively night this wave of sadness just hits me. i never really knew why that happened but you explained it perfectly.
that's why I think we should stop putting so much meaning into having children and concentrate at ourselves, find out what you want to do, leave something what will stay after you, a novel or maybe some handcraft, music, painting etc. But the sad things is that most of the people aren't rich enough to dedicate their time to what they want, instead they have to just pick something, some degree, some job that will feed. That's what I worry about.
Nostalgia is an emotion that's hard to describe, because you feel happy and sad at the same time depending on the situation. (Edit) I'm glad to know so many people relate to this, great minds think alike 😉
Omg that feeling, it keeps following me all the time. Like it's so weird to imagine that I might have been... nothing- I mean, imagine if we don't actually have souls? What the fuck will happen when I'll die-
@@flowermochi2040 Yeah, you ever just have an existential uhhh, non crisis at random moments like "why do we exist" "wtf is the universe" "what comes after death" "who was i before i was born"
Sometimes I'd think something about someone, then think, " Could they be thinking that I'm thinking about them? Then I'd be thinking about them thinking about me. Then there's a possiblity that they're thinking about me thinking about them thinking about me thinking about them..." and spend hours stuck in a loop in my head while gazing off into space. Then someone would bring me back to the present when I realize I've been absent-mindedly starring at them. And that would cause me to think if they were thinking about me, and I..." Loop continues. My brains likes to trap me.
Anyone else remember a dream you had every like 2-5 years for no reason at all? Like not even full dreams, just glimpses of a setting or a scenario and every time it comes to you, it's as clear as it was the first time. Always leaves me wondering why I can remember these random dreams in such detail, but can barely remember the few dreams I have these days. Maybe they're not "dreams", rather memories from past lives??
I do there was this recurring dream about handholding and the last time it occured was 8 years ago abd it never appeared again after i hesitated to hold it. Also this person who recuured in my dream 5 times but never agin since last 5 years
Yesss and i’m like “how does it feel to be really old and knowing that you could die, like every moment” okay I’m probably really weird🥴 and my english is really bad i’m sorry i’m Dutch
Yes, I often think about how one day I will be right around Death's door and have no way to control it. "Don't be scared of death. It happens to everyone." How does that give comfort? I just don't want to know what it's like to experience... *not living*
That is soo incredible, I felt almost all of them :0 Btw, there is this feeling I get when I listen to my favourite song, I just can't put a word on it. I'm almost crying, but my eyes won't let my tears out, and I'm like "this part of this song is so perfect, it's like it was made just for me" I feel like no one can understand what I feel at that very moment
YES I feel that so much it drives me crazy! When I hear a wonderful, heartbreaking, genuinely happy, or just plain beautiful part of a song, I feel the same way and I feel it so hard sometimes, that tears DO come to my eyes. It fills me with a mix of joy, nostalgia, and strange despair. It just so perfectly fits inside of me that I feel like it's define unnameable feelings in the only way possible; music. Dang, and I thought I was alone!
Eventually everyone is forgotten. Have you listened to the epic of gilgamesh? One of the oldest songs. They talk about the "ancient days" there when bread was invented. It's incredible to think about.
I can relate to Jouska because I tend to not only imagine conversations but also imagine scenarios I wish would happen that could either lead up to the conversation or be the aftermath of it.
i always feel sonder especially when im driving on the freeway, and its so weird to me that everyone in their own cars has their own lifes and final destination they’re getting to.
Do you ever just look at someone and wonder "What is going on inside their head"? Edit: Where did all these likes just come from omg! Thank you so muchhh!
I sometimes get this strange feeling like: "What if one day I became someone else, and saw me? Would I look, seem, and sound different?" I usually try to think how I would come off as when someone meets me for the first time, or just in day to day life.
Is it just me? Or when your walking do you ever think “huh? I’m not doing that? But.. technically I am? Because my brain is telling my legs to move” but the more you think about it the lighter you feel? And the more you think about it the stranger it seems?
That feeling of watching your own hands do something and you don’t feel like it’s you moving them, that it’s just happening by itself, or that feeling of watching the trees leaves move and in awe that they have been alive before you even took your first breath, or just the feeling of watching your life like a movie and every choice you make will affect future scenarios in ways you don’t know and can’t control and is it all already set in place or am I really making choices, at this point I’m just focusing on accepting that this moment is all I truly know and wishing I knew more is a form of suffering I don’t need to endure if I just accept knowing. I keep telling myself if I’m meant to know, I will know at the right time and right place in my life.
there is this really warm and heart pinching song i always listen back in 2017, whenever i walk to the school, whenever i sat down on the cold stairs of our school building and wait for our class shift, the moment when i was still a gr. 10 students, with all my friends, having the same interest with me. The moment i listen to this song, that feeling always appear, that feeling of nostalgia, kind of painful nostalgia that memories you can't go back. It's a always painful feeling that i desperately want to go back. The atmosphere i always remember is moderately cold, but it's giving me the warm feeling, sitting on that staircase watching the rain pours down. It's making me cry. The feeling is unbearable. But i really miss the old time.
Yes, and my mom thinks it's weird that I have it. I think it's similar to referred pain, which is feeling pain in one part of your body but the injury or pain is somewhere else on your body.
To everyone curious: "Mauerbauer Traurigkeit" is a German term and can be translated to "Wallbuilder Sadness". As shown, it refers to the desire to push people away out of fear of rejection. You're feeling miserable and literally building emotional walls around you. That's where the name originated.
Simon Simon Simon Yes, you're right. 🙂Mauerbauertraurigkeit disorder is an inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like. I’m German and I know what you mean. 😉
Anyone else feel that feeling were you just want to stop living for awhile. Like you want to hit the pause button on your life and have it just be you in the world? Not anything suicidal, just a break i guess? Idk because i love life it’s beautiful in its own way but sometimes i just want to float in my own existence and just be. Just be surrounded by no one and nothing but me.
Michie J YES! I used to wish that people would disappear for a week and I would have the Earth to myself; Complete silence. I’ve even had a dream about this before. In my dream, I’m walking around in my grandmother’s neighborhood and it’s completely deserted; Only myself and the nearby tumbleweed. Just walking to nowhere in particular. With this Covid madness, I guess you can say it already feels like someone pressed “pause” on life
I remember I used to wish I had Time control powers just so I could put a stop in everything and chill. I even got dreams about it. Ngl it was pretty nice
Yeah i used to (or did i always?) have this and currently..mmm... Kinda but as it is kinda paused so... But once the feeling was so strong that i dreamt i'm on this somekind of ballroom near the beach(everyone i know was there) and i went to the lighthouse and suddenly the lighthouse was drown(?) The entrance was blocked and i'm alone and that time, and until now, i think that's the happiest dream i ever had😅 does that mean anything??
...well I've wondered what it would be like if I were the last human on earth. I just assumed I would probably resort to suicide. But no, never felt what you typed before.
Does anyone like, feel nostalgia/memories "physically"? If I look at something that reminds me of something I did in my childhood, I get a feeling in my chest, then it goes away really quickly.
I have this weird feeling right now. Reading all of these comments and relating to them makes me feel so excited and happy and sad, and it makes me wanna be everyone’s friend, but for some reason it makes me sad. And it’s just so hard to explain that I get excited and sad, heart feels like it’s gonna burst when I relate to people.
WAS LOOKING FOR THIS, I just look at my hands and think how tf is this doing what it's doing, how do bones and muscles move and do what they do. It's so hard to explain.
1. Sonder - sudden realisation that you can never know someone completely 2. Hanker sore - finding someone so attractive that you hate them 3. Lachiesm - sudden desire to have something bad happen to you 4. Ellipsism - Wanting to understand the world and understand what'll happen in the future 5. Maverbaver traugkiet - Sudden feeling to push people away 6. Gnossiene - Feeling that you don't know a person like you thought you do 7. Liberosis - Desire to be more carefree 8. Monacopsis - Feeling that do not belong to the world 9. Onism - Realisation of how little of the world you will ever get to experience. 10. Nighthawk - Feeling you get whenyou cannot sleep 11. Catoptric tristesse - Sadness that you feel when you don't Know about what people thinks of you 12. Josuka - Wanting to talk to someone in your mind.
yes and then i feel guilty. but then i hang out with them again and i like can’t stand it. but all my other friends were annoyed by her too so i wasn’t alone.
I get that feeling where you realise that you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to make your life happier, and creating something to look forward to seems like so much effort
Savana Lange yeah, sometimes I sit in my favorite chair, and suddenly I subconsciously slip into nothing. My house and family doesn’t exist, the room I see I don’t see it as there. I lose feeling to anything and everything. Then I seem to open my already open eyes after waking up while awake and a gain it all back without realizing. And I look at my window and it’s sunset. I like it thought, it filters out everything so I can rest.
I'm the complete opposite. I constantly wonder about how everyone's life is so complex and deep. Just as much as mine. They experience all kinds of things just like me. They get affected by things just like me. We all have a story. It's a weird but amazing feeling when you feel it.
The feeling of asking yourself hows the life of a stranger you met years ago going right now. There are so many people that passed through our lives but arent important, sometimes it feels like after we met them, they dont exist anymore. Like what is the stranger I bumped into on the street 2 years ago on my birthday doing at this exact second?
Ro Mendoza and you like will never actually know what their whole life is like or their emotions and thoughts even if your really close to them that freaks me out
When you question your own existance... that fact that your personality is just an illusion created by your brain and your personality could be altered by just a tiny switch in your brain.
I’m not sure how to put this into words.. But, has anyone else ever had the feeling that isn’t really jealousy, but more disappointment that you couldn’t be someone else? Or the feeling when you just want everything to stop and just go away so you can be alone?
Kamnji Tulo oh yeah, all the time when I’m feeling down. I just tune things out and for a whole day nothing exists except me and my room, the sounds of the air vent and talking isn’t even there. But just a sound hanging, with no source. Then I wake up and realize that entire day I did nothing and I walk out of my room seeing my life again in full throttle. It’s in a nice way thought, I can collect my thoughts and stop my bad ones. That’s how I stopped being as picky, and masturbating, and growing up. It’s good for me :)
Watching this video gave me chills. I literally shivered by how creepily accurate this is. You know that feeling of someone describing your qualities that you don't really notice? And that sudden realization that the person you're with right now might be feeling or thinking the same thing as you??
Do you ever think of how the human (your) body is put together so perfectly, that it works in such a beautiful synchronous way to the point it feels fragile
The feeling of realizing that one day you´ll just disappear, not knowing where you´ll go. I have that feeling so often and it scares me. A lot. Sometimes I feel really uncomfortable talking about death or what will happen in the future because i got so scared. And it`s the worst feeling I have.
Talumba Chipofya In general I am not as scared of death as I used to be but just sometimes the lingering thought of what happens after death scares me. Sometimes I just have this one thought which is “After death is everything pure darkness you can’t hear, smell, feel, see anything and you just stay in that void forever” It just really keeps me thinking..
Does anyone ever get a weird sudden feeling of not knowing who/what you are, even when you look in the mirror you’re almost unrecognizable to your own self, and you wonder to yourself, what am I doing here? Who am I? What is my purpose? This feeling scares me sometimes, the only scary part about it is if it could last long, I wouldn’t want it to, it’s almost as if I got possessed and was just watching myself from the outside/inside
There are two feelings that always run in my head that I haven’t seen anyone describe yet: 1- A feeling that I could die at any second now. This feelings mostly pops into my head when I’m in a car. 2- A feeling that I have had life be easy so far so I expect to have a hard marriage life or maybe I’ll get cancer or something.
DietPepsi Bear Yes, there are actually whole philosophical movements that are discussing such possibilities for like over 600 years. For example the philosophers of scepticism
Does anyone else feel like they’re empty? Like you’ll be laughing with your friends then you feel like its all fake? Like you are actually sad and don’t know what to do so you act happy and smile?
A.quariu.s yeah, I just think. Wow, nothing real has happened this entire day and my friends think I’ve really been sharing a moment with them. I’m a liar.
I have too idk how to let it go, but I've tried to get into tougher conversations, like extestentialisim or a hot button issue because it feels to me that I can know weather they are real. I also try to understand them, have lost some friends in the process. But idk if that helps or not.
How’s everyone feeling and coping? We’re just stuck at home making videos for you guys :)
Psych2Go i’m getting somewhat severe cabin fever-
Psych2Go I haven’t been the best lately. I started cutting again from anxiety. But I am getting through this.
Molly Newell you got this! I got a cough too :( it’s scary to think it could be related
13 days on quarantine.
Soo boring...
Edit:thanks guys,I just wanted to say that you motivated me in many difficult moments.
I’ve recently finished a Webtoon and my emotions are all over the place and then this video was recommended to me. :3
You guys ever have that really weird realization that “I am a person” “or I am looking through the eyes of me and no one else can see this point of view” “am I real?” This sounds so dumb because it’s really hard to explain.
Yes, I feel that what is that called?
Maheztha not a clue, but I’m glad I’m not the only one
yesss like only I can see other things and people around me and others have their own pov of me while im talking to them. like "I am really alive right now and I am seeing this world right now in this time currently this is now and this will soon in a few seconds be the future...its the future now but also the that was the future...and that's how the future looked and this is how the present looks and only I will know what this is..."
Lucy Gomez yes, sometimes I think about how it is present right now and soon it will be the present again
Tyler Luehrs no no i get what your saying, i used to think abt this most when i was younger, it feels weird and kinda out of place but also comfortable, atleast for me
Does anyone ever get suddenly feel really sad, like you really miss something. But you can’t seem to remember what you miss?
Ry yes!!! i was looking through the comments to see if anyone said this
yes!! and sometimes I just start to cry and people get worried and I have to explain that I don't even know why I'm sad... it's confusing!
YESS, like sometime i sit on my bed and feel like there is something, idk but like something is missing
I do that. I miss someone, but I never met them. Its like there is a place in my heart that someone needs to fill in but I don't know who it is yet. And thats a sad feeling...
The feeling of realizing, that every person is a real thing. That they see with their own eyes and think.
Yes! I’ve been feeling this since I was a child
okay i've felt that
but the feeling of realizing that every single moving car you see has people in it and somewhere they want to go and for a reason
@@lynnclaywood4043 so true.
That weird feeling when you're in traffic/ walking in a parc or something and you realize that every person around you has a life. It's hard to explain but in my head its like "this person sitting might be going through a divorce" or "this lady in her car is maybe going to her first job interview" like you realize that they are not just some random extra in the movie of your life but they actually have their own movie... Or is it just me ? ^_^'
I know that feeling to well don’t worry ur not alone
U aren't only one feeling like this
It’s crazy how you’ll never know what it’s like to be someone else, you only ever know what it’s like to be you
omg this! and why does it make me so terribly sad to know this..?
you are always curious and eager to know what really going on inside their HEAD
i constantly wonder about this! it somehow makes me feel sad and like i'm missing out on something, the fact that i'll never truly know
I don’t even really know what it’s like to be me sometimes but people seem to constantly say that they know what I’m feeling and it feels wrong that I’m apparently not feeling the right thing.
Does anyone else ever think about how insane it is, that you're actually a living person, who can feel and think on your own.
yeah it legit kinda freaks me tf out
Yes a lot!
ThomasTogFangirl48 yes me too
ikr. and i literally cannot comprehend that other people around me have thoughts and think just like me. why do i think im better than everyone what’s wrong with me hahah
Some times I feel like I'm kinda the only one thinking because it just doesn't make sense to me how that other people can think like me and it feels like I'm in a reality show
the feeling when you realize that everything is real, i don’t know how else to explain it
sometimes it’s when my mother wakes me up and tells me something, and I remember like an hour later that it was actually real but I don’t quite remember it. Or sometimes it’s just that I stop and realize that everything is real- it’s not like I can skip something or do it twice, it’s just now or never and I can’t do anything about it cuz it’s just real and nothing else
I feel that when I’m in the present, thoughts stop coming out, I’m just watching all the things that my eyes can see, I realize they are there and they are real
iMADIGANable Sometimes when I’m walking alone at school I realize everything is real and its not a dream as if I were to do something it would actually happen it just really messes with me sometimes
Does anyone else have a sudden and unexpected feeling of happiness/contentment/ecstasy for like, a moment and you randomly get excited for everything? But then that feeling disappears three seconds after lmao.
Yes so many times lmao
yeah it be so strong and brief for no reason, it's a bit similar of having butterflies in your stomach or am i wrong?
@@Thisorthat00009 ur right
Yesss!! I wish it could stay forever.
So it’s just me who gets this weird sudden moment where they feel like they’re living in third person for a few seconds and has the realisation they don’t really feel like themselves? Agh i need help!!
dude same, it happens a lot when I finish playing video games or watching game plays
That sounds like depersonalization. Sometimes caused as a defence mechanism due to immense trauma.
V I think what mostly happens is id only think about the game after and kinda put myself in the game so whatever trauma they experienced, I guess I felt apart of it in a way. happens with movies too
V that makes so much sense, tysm
Anyone else get really nostalgic and suddenly have the realization that you are never going to be a kid again, that your life isn't going to start over or go backward, and that life only moves in one direction and you can't stop time and you just want to make every second count but you have no idea how? Just me? Ok.
same, i just cry knowing i can't reverse time
I literally was thinking that in the car today
*one direction* ;O
little naila I was watching a 1d vid and crying when I got this notification...
Has anyone ever had that feeling where you’re too aware of your body and you suddenly feel like you’re in third person it’s kinda scary lmao, or when you’re daydreaming and suddenly you have deep thoughts about life in general like what happens when you die or what if you’re in space and just float around, where do you end up. It just makes you realise how small you really are and how little we know
holy shi- u just took the words right outta mah mouth
How about when we die? For me it’s like pitch black and we feel nothing :/
I always be like "yo what the fuck would it be like living in third person like would it be weird?" And i sit there and look to the mirror and wander off in my imagination looking at my self third person lmao
@@_ghost.ii_8097 well in my religion god told us in his holy book , also called the quran kareem that the people who believed in allah, prayed, read quran and treated other people or animals in a good way, etc.. will see their chair in heaven and they will rest in peace and they wont worry about a thing and wish that the day of judgement starts as soon as possible so that they can go to heaven, But for the people who didnt obey allah or made fun of what allah commanded us to do, etc.. wont be able to rest in peace infact they would be scared and in pain bc they have finally seen their chair in hell and would wish that the day of judgement never comes. scary dont cha think?
I remember I once had this period of time where I was so focused on my legs that I couldn’t control them while I was walking for some reason, and I would walk so weirdly like it was the most annoying thing ever
The feeling when you're in a very happy moment with family, but then you're kind of sad because it isn't going to last forever
Wow I never thought this would come I couldn’t understand how I was feeling the other night but you just solved it for me thx 🙏
I have it too
same, but it happens to me when I'm with my best friends
I have that a lot when I go over to friends houses lol
Has anyone ever had that feeling like "Am I a good friend? Why do people like me? Do they really like me?" I get that a lot.
Dude same
every.single.time i talk to my friends
these are just 3 things i always think of
have you ever had the feeling like "man, this is my life, I'm in this body, i'm seeing through these eyes.."
Edit: OH MY FRENCH FRIES!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!! I honestly thought I was the only one! ;-;
literally almost constantly
YES ! i look in the mirror and im like woah .. im actually in his body , living and breathing
Yeah I have
It’s actually crazy to me that we can see things, like without two things on our head it would be colourless, we wouldn’t see a thing and that’s just crazzyyyy to me like dang wtf I’m so weird
I have literally never felt so much at home than in this comment section. I feel like I’m scrolling through my mindset
Shook Queen exactly
same, like i wanna go check my snap but i don’t want to leave this comment section
I know, it's like realizing that everyone else is like me and they're real
@@leighaestar hahaha me rn!!
That feeling like pre-nostalgia, when you just KNOW you’re going to miss a moment once it’s gone and it makes you sad and desperate to hold onto/recreate it even when you’re still in that moment/experience. Anyone? 😅
per-nostalgia is good because youd know to enjoy that thing while it lasts
Yes it happens to me and I just can’t love the moment I just really want to live it forever but one side of you is realistic which is 90% of your body knows the reality and normally when you WANT it to be 90% it’s like 5% and at this moment it’s just like 82363747346348384% and you just wanna HOLD ONTO it for as long as you can
Im basically just repeating everything you say :’)
Yeah I know that very well but I train myself to just be thankful about it and let it pass, to not clink on it. That's so worth it
Omg same
anyone else have that feeling when they just stop and think about themselves and realize.. wait is this rlly me?? it sounds confusing but if you know what i mean then let me know
@@victorianou9465 same here. And you feel like you don't know your self anymore
Yeah but like on a daily basis
I've been feeling like this toooo much lately but it's okay
I literally get this feeling all the time
Sometimes I just feel.... uncomfortable?
Not physically, more like “I don’t know what to do with myself right now”..... It’s hard to explain..
Sometimes a song, movie, video etc. can make me feel uncomfortable too....
same i’ve been getting this since 2nd grade and it’s so random and defined.
I get this
Yes i get weirdly anxious at times too and there is basically no reason for it :( also it also starts getting harder for me to breath
For me I’ll be just anywhere with either friends or family and get this feeling of being uncomfortable, so intense that I have to put my hands over my face for a few seconds and recuperate
@@rhea6408 you could be having a small anxiety attack when that happens
Does anyone else have that feeling of “I wonder how I look in other people’s eyes” like “how do they see me?” what thoughts go on in their mind while looking at my facial features/physical characteristics
I have😅
I would literally die to see that even for just a couple seconds just to fix like my hair or something 😂😅😢😭
Eh I'd rather not, always too afraid I won't like the answer.
I have this feeling that comes at the most random moments. It feels like a sudden sadness is falling into my stomach and weighing it down, and i get this feeling that i really miss someone, but i just cant tell who i would miss.
whoa, thats something new.
i kinda have that feeling sometimes. where i long for something, but dont know what.
good thing is i already know where the origin of the feeling was after 4 years of searching. it was my online best friend, that for some reason i forgot about. i hated myself for not remembering. maybe your situation is the same, where you dont remember the one your missing, just like me.
i hope this answers your question somehow.
@@fairywww Tysm, i hope that's the case because i really want to know what it is X)
@@marp795 glad i was of help
same btw how r u now
Cute aggression, when something is so cute you want to hurt it because you can’t comprehend the cuteness
Damnn same !!! I call my nephew that I wana grill his chubby lil cheeks 😍
In the Philippines we call that "gigil" lol
This happens because humans don't have a way to relieve that feeling. Like we cry to feel less sad. We sleep to feel less tired. We scream or thrash if we get too angry.
Since theres no way to relieve that feeling our brain just needs to "get rid of it" so the only way to stop it from being cute is to kill it
Carissa Wood Hahahaha I get the feeling really strong so I probably should never own my own pets or have children to avoid prison.
Like the little girl from despicable Me with the fluffy unicorn?
anyone else get that felling and you’re just like “wow, nobody else will live their life exactly like mine” and you realize that nobody has ever done the exact same things at the exact same time as you
I feel the exact opposite! When I do something oddly specific I always think: "Wow, more than 7 billion people on this earth, there HAS to be someone who is doing and thinking the exact same thing!"
Canal felixiano thats literally me haha 🤣
Canal felixiano exactly!
Literally and I also think of my existence and how maybe my life and thoughts and actions would’ve been different if I was born later or earlier and what if I hadn’t existed and stuff like that
Canal felixiano wow I think both of those things
Do you ever go outside and feel like you’re in a dream but you know you’re not but that feeling freaks you out
yess! i do that too! i lowkey feel like i'm just floating when i'm actually just walking. idk it's confusing
hyuckslix ` yessss I know how you feel!!
Yup and I just tell my friends to slap me. It never works.
That’s called dissociation
Most of the times when I'm at a party. Sooner or later I start to feel this way and I want to go away.
i have lachesism all the time. im like, “what if i just get up and jump off the balcony right now”. or, “what if i go up in front of the class and scream?! i hope i don’t. what if my body goes out of control?”
Yes same
its most probably OCD
LITERALLY but more like mental for me like 'what if someone betrays me'
True there is also an explanation for this
don't u ever feel annoyed by a person with absolutely no reason at all??? like u arent jealous but u also don't have anything against them,, they're just irritating
ohmygod yesss it happens alot
check mu name
Mhm yuppp
YES! I felt like I was the only one I’m so glad that there are some people out there that feels the same!!!!
I also have this feeling when you recall your bad memories or embarassing memories. You want to scream and you feel the awkwardness whenever you remember it. When you feel it you also want it to be forgotten and you feel like you want to punch something or squeeze something because of you remember bad memories.
Omg me
That is so me! Sometimes when I recall the memory I just yell my sisters name without realising it (we share a room). She’s used to me randomly doing that so she doesn’t even answer me because I would say never mind after she says “what”
I’ve definitely had that
Just happened last night, i couldn't sleep just becuz those damn memories.
This is almost my every night feeling 😂🤦🏻♀️
i have this feeling that i’m growing up too quickly/ time is going by too fast and i can’t control it. i don’t wish to be younger, but i also don’t wish to be older. i feel like day after day everything is the same thing. i feel like i’m watching others live their life only to comprehend that i will one day be like them. i feel like time is too fast. how do i slow it down?
Same.. i can understand you... It's like time is going too fast but no changes happens in your life. You feel like you are stuck but time just keeps running. Am i right?
Theres no such thing as being an adult
People just pretend they are
Try to find the root of this fear
Is it a fear of responsibility? Death? Loss of whats good? Being wrinkly and ugly or something?
Try to write something in a diary every day/week. Sometimes it helps me, it feels like I can live more in the moment. After a while, I like to read about my former self and what I have learned so far.
Same, I'm only 18 yet I feel like I'm missing out on so much and that I'm gonna run out of time
I know exactly what you mean
Does anyone else miss somebody that doesn’t exist? Like a friend you never had or a cousin or boyfriend or girlfriend or sibling or parent? And it also feels like regret but what are I even regretting???
Yes!!!! ( Wanna help each other out? )
past life ?
Yeah. I had this person who came in my dream 4 times but each time I was holding hand but on 4th time I lost the hand. And its been 8 years since I had that dream. Its like u want the dream to happen again and I miss the person in my dream? 💀💀idk man
Sometimes I miss the person I used to be. But that might be partially because I'm afraid of growing up.
the feeling when you miss yourself, like maybe who you used to be
omg this
Yes!! I feel same!!!
This comment has to be noticed more
koo thank you so much!
swati saini im glad, i didn’t know if it was just me
When you want to be alone, but when you're actually alone you feel lonely, and you feel the needs to have someone by your side, but then you also want to be alone.
I think I'm crazy.
I feel you
Nojamsforyou it’s ok I’ll be crazy with you in. In our own spaces
@@bunnibussell3395 yup
This happens to me so much. Yesterday I was calling a friend then I felt like I wanted some alone time so I told her I had to go, but then a few minutes later I felt uncomfortable and like i need someone to be with so I ate dinner with my family and in the middle of it I had the sudden urge to get up and leave to watch youtube in my room and eat alone.
Sometimes for me, the feeling comes when I see everyone else around me having a social life, and I feel like I'm missing out on something and could have more fun. Still, I don't really want to be social and interact with someone at the moment, so I get this feeling of being lonely, but I want to be alone.
When I realize that celebrities in the world doing something too right now. I dont know why,but it makes me feel weird.
Roses_Are _Rossie yes! Like they are maybe going to the bathroom right now, doing what every other human being does... 😁😂 Or sleeping, and maybe having these same thoughts about everyone else
I always think that!!!
I’m so happy that I’m not the only person who think that
Roses_Are _Rossie right like they should only exist through a screen or else it’s weird !
I love how everyone is sharing their personal experiences of emotions and the replies are all about relating to it, there's no hate on anyone for feeling like that and it just feels so safe to talk. I know the video was over a year ago, but I love the safe environment created by it and everyone talking here!
Now literally from this video and what I said, that feeling I'm feeling right now is just like "Woah, I live in a world like this. So many good and bad people, but in reality it's like no one is good or bad we're all in between. There's no wrong or right, everything leads to something else, and it's just feeling infinite. Like realizing you're only one person among almost 8 billion others, and the world seems so big but then you realize our world is such a small place and there's so much more out there. I really don't know how to describe this feeling, it's like emptiness but with meaning, like when you zone out but you're still aware of everything around, deep thought that can easily be shattered but never looked back on, the more I type the more confusing this is probably getting- I don't know, does anyone else feel like this?
Omg. Yes!
So true even with things scenarios
Yeah. By going through the comment section even I felt like the world is so small . So many random people from many corners of the world sharing their wierd experiences and we are relating to them . A sweet feeling that there are so many people just like me 🥺😀💜
All. The. Time.
As if everything were unique and distant and at the same time so common and close?
It’s so strange how I can feel so connected to a bunch of strangers
I’ve been trying to find what this feeling is: feeling suddenly really disgusted by all affection and wanting to run far away from everyone, just wanting to be alone because relationships of any sort seems super odd all of a sudden. I hate having this feeling, but I’ve always experienced it once or a few times each year since I was little
I don't feel it too often but i did definitely majorly feel that when I got into my first (and only) relationship. I was extremely happy and literally head over heels for the first two weeks of it, like my mind was seriously fuzzy from all that giddyness. But then one day after those two weeks I suddenly didn't feel that way at all anymore, and it didn't just stop at a neutral feeling like "eh I just dont like this". It seriously went fully down to hate and disgust and I was like EW dont talk to or text me i DONT want this and kept feeling really ew. It was like I was contaminated with negative thoughts and feelings because I started being involuntary rude to him and I couldn't realise that I was being unreasonable, like I was seriously blinded by those negative feelings and wasn't able to realise that I was handling this in a wrong way (I ended that relationship in a trashy way, realised it a few months later and went s h i t). I swear I wasn't me during that time cuz he was never a problem at all but for some reason I started being all bitchy to him and honestly I would never ever ever intend to do that, that's why I said it was involuntary. Anyway the point is that I don't understand why your feelings suddenly change and do a WHOLE 180. Like you literally cringe and gag and feel so overly disgusted at the thought of affection and all. And what surprises me even more is that I'm literally a sucker for affection so feeling that way is like ???? how and why is this happening ????
Mils omg I totally get what you’re talking about. I rlly didn’t think other people had this feeling too, I thought I was weird. I’m also a sucker for affection and this happens and I turn a whole 180. Wow this rlly is a thing
@@cherrycane when I read your comment I also thought omg finally I found someone else that had this feeling, cuz no one I talked to seemed to have felt that and I also never looked it up (I should, I'll go do that) so I was always so confused. There's also another thing that may sound really cliche or cringy but because of how that turned out I'm literally scared of getting into a relationship now cuz what if that happens again? What if I find someone I seriously want to be with and ask myself a shit ton of times "are you sure you feel strong enough about them to not have it end up the same way?" before getting into the relationship but then it'll be the same? Like all of a sudden the feelings are gone??? And you start hating that exact person for no reason??? And then you end up emotionally scarring them and you cant control yourself and be rational?? Like why the fuck does that happen. Even if you stop liking someone why can't your feelings just stay neutral instead of turning into hate?
Bruh literally I’ve been feeling like this for so long and no one I know gets it, and it’s really refreshing to know I’m not alone. Dang I relate to all the comments in this thread so much
Maybe these are trust issues
I really recomand follwing The.holistic.pshichologist on instagram. She explains better why we may refuse even somebody who treats us with love and respect.
I love how everyone's like coming together and sharing their weird feelings here. It's so cool
IKR. It makes me happy and I know how it feels to let your feelings out and tell some stranger abt ur life and what ur going through knowing that they won't judge and help u, also possibly relating to it. That feels undescribable. It makes me happy cuz I'm the one listening and helping ppl, so I barely have had someone listen to me, so seeing that someone on the internet can and others also share their feelings and what they're going through makes me smile
I feel happy that someone understands what I'm feeling.
@@sameerakhan7455 yup
When I'm with my friend at school, I feel like I'm there, but not included, if I never talked first, I grantee they wouldn't talk to me, I'm starting to feel like their fake, but I don't have very good social skills either, so it's not like I can just find someone new to sit with.
@@gacha_kyrie6671 i can relate you i feel the same
Sometimes i get this weird feeling and think- “am i real? Is this world real?”
Me too
thats a thought not a feeling but like ok
Jellyno Actually, it’s both. There’s such thing called depersonalization/derealization which is when you feel detached from reality as a person or from the world.
theres this thing I learnt in philosophy about us having a high probability of living in a computer simulation, really messes with my head
The feeling when you realize that everyone is getting ahead in life however you don't feel jealous rather now you understand your life is going on it's pace and you don't want to compare.
The sudden feeling when you see the stars & moon or sun or trees and feel amazed of the immense beauty around you.
The anxious feeling when you feel a emotion but really can't explain it to the other person.
Same here😔
My favorite unexplained emotion is "Hiraeth", the feelings that you feel homesick for a home that you can't return or longing for a place that you don't know.
Maria Paz G. Lesme wow!
I felt that.. that’s a form of depression.
"im homesick for a place that doesnt exist"
Luna yepp! Old tumblr quote
@@rebelle.fllower good old times
I often get this feeling of being uncomfortable, not physically or like, cringing, but just, uncomfortable in life. I really don’t know how to explain it. I also get this feeling of emotional “numbness.” I don’t feel happy, sad, mad, or anything. I’m just, there.
I think I know what you’re talking about, I kinda feel that uncomfortable feeling too! It’s kinda like..I just look around and think what am I doing here? What am I doing? I thought I was the only one
Yeah when u feel numb but u also know something isn’t right but your to numb to care enough to do anything about it and so your just stuck in that state for a few days
I'm relating for some reason i don't feel comfortable. In any way even w friends or family. People tend to think i'm shy or socaily akward because of this. Or the feeling of just feeling nothing at all. I want to despretaly feel somthing but i can' and i don't know why? I want to live life but i can't i'm just to akward and i never knkw what im feeling
And then trying to maintain a conversation with someone seems impossible. I’m just numb. I’m just there with no thoughts on how to respond, in my body watching the train wreck happen right in front of me
Omg same
i get this feeling especially when it's late at night, I'm all alone or in a dream. It feels like wanting cry for no reason yet being too absent-minded to do so. Whilst everything seems to be moving so fast, you're moving slow and the urge to catch up is tremendous... idk?
Oh damn i never read someone describe that weird feeling I had for years better than you! Especially that slow mo thing.
Thank you for putting into words better than I ever could.
Maybe just take the time to slow down and let it out. It's good for your body mind and soul :)
MPFT0 me rn
MPFT0 it’s weird because I get that to life goes by fast it always want I think about it’s weird and crazy how it’s already 2020 when just yesterday it felt like 2019 I never get it at day time or noon only really at night
the feeling when you realize that adults are grown up children, all with their own flaws and inner child. realizing how truly no one is perfect, even the adult we always looked up to. how in every action, there may lie a certain immaturity, insecurity and imperfection. how no one will ever be perfect.
Does anyone ever the feeling when you remember how excited you used to get about certain things but realize that feeling is gone and you won’t ever get it back?
My childhood... :')
I hate that! I’ve been rewatching some of my favorite childhood shows and realizing how stupid they are, but I’m remembering how cool they were when I was in elementary school
Cat Haen not going to school
Me with drawing
duck butt-lol same here. I used to draw horses every single day and actually get compliments about them. And now I’m traumatized of horses and don’t have the patience to draw
I often have this nostalgic sadness, when you miss the old times and remember good memories of your past... It’s so unexplainable...
ᴅᴀɪᴀɴᴀ ᴄʜᴀɴ me too! For me it can be really painful:( I just miss the old days when I was innocent and happy
Idk how to explain but i just wanna go back to the times the memories happened or recreate it
Me too. Sometimes I just look out at a sunset, or by the ocean, and you just feel nostalgic and sad, yet it’s also enjoyable. Sometimes I even associate it with a song, or an aesthetic. It’s an odd feeling, one that I feel everyday.
I get that all the time
There is a name for that, a portuguese word : saudade.
It does not translate exactly to any other language, but it is JUST that. A nostalgic and somewhat melancholic feeling of something /someone lost.
sometimes for like 5 minutes i get the feeling that everything is meaningless and life is dull, kinda like when ur hungry or thirsty but don’t want to eat or drink
Sometimes this feeling is from a physical deficiency - through a random, rare sleep disorder I found out I have low dopamine. I now have the smallest dose prescription and am not feeling that as often.
Yeah I have
It happens to me sometimes
I believe this ones called “nihilism “
The more we explore these certain feelings, the closer we’ll get to realizing that we’re all not as crazy as we think we are.
Them: how are you?
Me : its fine, just Mauerbauertraurigkeit :)
This comment made me laugh out loud 😂
@@jasonyi9294 awhh .at least i make u smile☺️
@@reeerinn thanks for that 😁
great, now i don't need to lie everytime i great someone
*Mauerbauer Traurigkeitig
It's german
Edit: or you could say mauerbauer traurig
The feeling when you hear your own voice and it sounds soooo weird
Yesss all the time. I can’t believe I sound like I do
Yeah the way I think I sound is normal but when I hear myself I sound like a fricking baby
I dunno how I got friends I SOUND SO BAD LMAO
The moment when you look up at the sky, lying down, and realize just how small you are in this huge universe...
0:51 Sonder
1:12 Hanker sore
1:44 Lachesism
2:10 Ellipsism
2:43 Mauerbauer-traurigkeit
3:03 Gnossienne
3:24 Liberosis
3:43 Monachopsis
4:03 Onism
4:29 Nighthawk
4:48 Catoptric tristesse
5:15 Jouska
Awesome I have monachopsis 🙂
I'm a mess 🥴🥴
The last one is actually called Jouska
@@Renna_Fang I thought its the cursive T 😂
Thanks for pointing out✌🏻
@@sbynz ofc!!!
BRO I “SONDER” DAILYYYYY i just be staring at people like “bro they have their own storyline and theyre the main character in it and i have no idea wtf their life is like but they have issues and stress just like me” 😳
sameee XD
I always look at buildings and think that we live in a fake world and we are in toy story. I don't know why but I see the buildings and people as small figures and I might think its Sonder, but not quite. Is this another emotion I can't explain?
Omg ikr
RIGHT. I always say that people can relate to what you've been through but you're the ONLY person in the entire world whose gone through EVERYTHING you've gone through. That's your own story
The feeling when you realize that every single person has different memories, different experiences, different beliefs, different ways of thinking (like their thoughts but also like how they think, idk how to explain it) and that everyone has a unique set of people and places they know. The realization that every human is unique in so many ways.
I have this feeling too!
Thats empathy
@@carissawood1854 no it isnt.
@@carissawood1854 empathy is understanding another person's difficult situation even if you havent been in the same situation. Its a synonym for compassion.
@@hyunjinsaussieaccent6591 what i mean is that the feeling they described is a symptom of empathy.
Compassion and empathy are not the same. Just because you understand what someone feels doesn't mean you necessarily care about or love them.
I often get this feeling, it's when you had a fun day or a normal day and all of a sudden you feel extreme sadness thinking that tomorrow would be the same and that you'll live your life forever in the same cycle. Whenever I feel this I suddenly want to disappear or to cease to exist because I tell myself there's no point in living if you're just hurdled in a box repeating all the same things you do everyday. Sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat . . . over and over.
Another feeling is a form of jealousy but like acceptance. It's like when you meet or encounter a person so above your level, be it status, intelligence, talent, that you can't help but be like, "hey, they're high up in the sky." You can't help but feel like you're an ant in a world full of giants. It's also kind of the same as to meeting a person with an in-born talent (genius, prodigy, or whatever). That feeling when you've practiced and learnt a field all your life just to realise people will be better than you without giving the same hard effort that you did.
Without God our lives are just so empty and pointless.
I totally get the first one. I hate rutines they make me feel trap and they suffocate me. But I don't want to died and I just remembered happy memories and then I think what's the point about felling miserable and doing nothing, I have already feel that and I'm tired of it. So when I'm felling trap I tried to do something I've never done before, like painting with my eyes closed. My point is that life is a routine: wake up, eat, sleep. And we can keep doing that and being miserable or try to enjoy it, watch sun downs, laught, draw, watch the starts and feel free. This is too long, I'm sorry for the person reading this.
@@mirandakriss8070 I do no believe in one but I beg to disagree. Without God, we are special and unique to our own and we can do amazing things as long as we nurture and foster our talents. I do not believe in a heaven or hell. We can do good and moral things without fear. Even when I get these sad feelings, I cannot help but realise the beauty of our World. Good luck on finding happiness :)
you described the first part so perfectly, i definitely experience that feeling. i remember going to fun parties on multiple occasions, and after coming home from an exciting lively night this wave of sadness just hits me. i never really knew why that happened but you explained it perfectly.
that's why I think we should stop putting so much meaning into having children and concentrate at ourselves, find out what you want to do, leave something what will stay after you, a novel or maybe some handcraft, music, painting etc. But the sad things is that most of the people aren't rich enough to dedicate their time to what they want, instead they have to just pick something, some degree, some job that will feed. That's what I worry about.
One of the worst feelings I've ever felt was missing someone, then being struck with the realisation that they probably don't miss me.
Nostalgia is an emotion that's hard to describe, because you feel happy and sad at the same time depending on the situation.
(Edit) I'm glad to know so many people relate to this, great minds think alike 😉
Thats....not right
@Chester Longfeild perfect
Oop I feel this emotion a lot 😅
Some person hanging out i feel nostalgic way too much
My life in a nutshell.
Anyone have that feeling of "what did it feel like before i was born, emptiness, timelessness? Was i experiencing life through another person?"
Omg that feeling, it keeps following me all the time. Like it's so weird to imagine that I might have been... nothing- I mean, imagine if we don't actually have souls? What the fuck will happen when I'll die-
@@flowermochi2040 Yeah, you ever just have an existential uhhh, non crisis at random moments like "why do we exist" "wtf is the universe" "what comes after death" "who was i before i was born"
@@alextheconfuddled8983 same here! That has been the nighthawk thought haunting me for the past two years
Me too!
What will happen to my soul when i die?
What if i was a person who lived in past who i hate
What if i was a person who i admire
Anyone ever have the feeling when you suddenly realize that someone right now might be thinking the exact same thought?
Ace Q all the time
Yeh and you start thinking "I wonder if they're thinking someone else has the same thought too."
Yoooo I've actually never thought of it but that's an interesting question
Too many times
Sometimes I'd think something about someone, then think, " Could they be thinking that I'm thinking about them? Then I'd be thinking about them thinking about me. Then there's a possiblity that they're thinking about me thinking about them thinking about me thinking about them..." and spend hours stuck in a loop in my head while gazing off into space. Then someone would bring me back to the present when I realize I've been absent-mindedly starring at them. And that would cause me to think if they were thinking about me, and I..." Loop continues. My brains likes to trap me.
Anyone else remember a dream you had every like 2-5 years for no reason at all? Like not even full dreams, just glimpses of a setting or a scenario and every time it comes to you, it's as clear as it was the first time. Always leaves me wondering why I can remember these random dreams in such detail, but can barely remember the few dreams I have these days. Maybe they're not "dreams", rather memories from past lives??
Ikrrr, what is up with that?
To answer that, I first have to remember my dreams to begin with
I do there was this recurring dream about handholding and the last time it occured was 8 years ago abd it never appeared again after i hesitated to hold it. Also this person who recuured in my dream 5 times but never agin since last 5 years
Lol what... I saw a ghost choking me infront of my mom... and saw some cartoon animals with dinosaurs...
This gives me determination to learn psychology.
Jolyne Cujoh 👏👏👏😊♥️
@@gabriellevalle6383 How about being a hero like ur fathe- Yeah right.
Jolyne Cujoh that’s great!
@@Psych2go now this is what I call online therapy
@@NenaLavonne ack
has anyone just.. sit there and wonder.. “wow.. one day I’m actually going to die.” the other day I was thinking about that..
dest spamzz yes...
Yesss and i’m like “how does it feel to be really old and knowing that you could die, like every moment” okay I’m probably really weird🥴 and my english is really bad i’m sorry i’m Dutch
Yes, I often think about how one day I will be right around Death's door and have no way to control it. "Don't be scared of death. It happens to everyone." How does that give comfort? I just don't want to know what it's like to experience... *not living*
Same, but I just accepted it
Like "what will happen when I die, will I experience extreme pain?, Etc. But just forget it
"Which of these have you experienced before?"
Me: yes
Lari Princesa HAHA
That is soo incredible, I felt almost all of them :0
Btw, there is this feeling I get when I listen to my favourite song, I just can't put a word on it.
I'm almost crying, but my eyes won't let my tears out, and I'm like "this part of this song is so perfect, it's like it was made just for me"
I feel like no one can understand what I feel at that very moment
I totally get that but probably not the same way you do
Yeah, music is so great
dunno, maybe you found your spirit music or something? xd
or it can be nostalgia :)
YES I feel that so much it drives me crazy! When I hear a wonderful, heartbreaking, genuinely happy, or just plain beautiful part of a song, I feel the same way and I feel it so hard sometimes, that tears DO come to my eyes. It fills me with a mix of joy, nostalgia, and strange despair. It just so perfectly fits inside of me that I feel like it's define unnameable feelings in the only way possible; music. Dang, and I thought I was alone!
The feeling that your just no one , that you won’t do anything for anyone and won’t be remembered in 80 years. Your just a extra in a movie. Just me ?
Eventually everyone is forgotten. Have you listened to the epic of gilgamesh? One of the oldest songs. They talk about the "ancient days" there when bread was invented. It's incredible to think about.
God remembers everyone :)
no, my name is tyler
Then it doesn’t apply to you.. 🙄
@no, my name is tyler it still applies to you. He sees and remembers you, and we will all stand before him.
All the time bro
this channel is like describing my whole life.
truer words have never been spoken.
I find myself wishing that I had this information 50 years ago . . . I did like these descriptions very much!
Same bestie
Literally 🥲
I can relate to Jouska because I tend to not only imagine conversations but also imagine scenarios I wish would happen that could either lead up to the conversation or be the aftermath of it.
Let me guess: this has something to do with a scenario about you, your crush and a happy ending?
No it's not
Dude that's literally the reason why I am still sane I have soooo many conversations with people without them even knowing lmao
Firery Wolf sameee
i always feel sonder especially when im driving on the freeway, and its so weird to me that everyone in their own cars has their own lifes and final destination they’re getting to.
All the time!
Do you ever just look at someone and wonder "What is going on inside their head"?
Edit: Where did all these likes just come from omg! Thank you so muchhh!
ThomasTogFangirl48 underrated comment
My pet when I try to feed him.
ThomasTogFangirl48 tik tok sounds check
Jordin Linna 🤭
Too much actually🤔😅
Does anyone else think of the memories they have made and realize they will never get to relive them again.
yes bro , or like you just sit there and think at any time or place that this is it , i will never be able to relive this exact moment ever again
Yes 😤
I wanna feel the moment where I first talked to my first best friend. I wish I didn't take that for granted now that I rarely see her.
The realisation that every person lives their life just like you do and that ur just a side character to their story.
Andisiwe Khuluse my pleasure haha
Everyone should be the protagonist in the movie of their own lives, even parents.
I sometimes get this strange feeling like: "What if one day I became someone else, and saw me? Would I look, seem, and sound different?" I usually try to think how I would come off as when someone meets me for the first time, or just in day to day life.
Is it just me? Or when your walking do you ever think “huh? I’m not doing that? But.. technically I am? Because my brain is telling my legs to move” but the more you think about it the lighter you feel? And the more you think about it the stranger it seems?
YES finally it's in words
MemeKing69 I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂
or you think about breathing and suddenly you gotta think about breathing until you forget again and it's really weird feeling?
Its basically you automatically walk and dont think about it
I feel that after excessive use of video games because I forget the real world isnt a game for a minute or two
*2 many you mean?
😂 😂
SuperManyFan Z no they mean the part 2 of the movie
@@ria9914 Bruh I was tryna make a joke-
Btw that's called a woooosh
I feel like all the people in this comment section can understand me. I’m in peace now.
Platonic same lmao
Just thought the same
Foreal, we're all woke as hell here
That feeling of watching your own hands do something and you don’t feel like it’s you moving them, that it’s just happening by itself, or that feeling of watching the trees leaves move and in awe that they have been alive before you even took your first breath, or just the feeling of watching your life like a movie and every choice you make will affect future scenarios in ways you don’t know and can’t control and is it all already set in place or am I really making choices, at this point I’m just focusing on accepting that this moment is all I truly know and wishing I knew more is a form of suffering I don’t need to endure if I just accept knowing. I keep telling myself if I’m meant to know, I will know at the right time and right place in my life.
Anyone get that warm sense of happiness with a touch of nostalgia form listening to music you listened to as a kid?
And reading books I loved as a child, or certain candles
there is this really warm and heart pinching song i always listen back in 2017, whenever i walk to the school, whenever i sat down on the cold stairs of our school building and wait for our class shift, the moment when i was still a gr. 10 students, with all my friends, having the same interest with me.
The moment i listen to this song, that feeling always appear, that feeling of nostalgia, kind of painful nostalgia that memories you can't go back. It's a always painful feeling that i desperately want to go back.
The atmosphere i always remember is moderately cold, but it's giving me the warm feeling, sitting on that staircase watching the rain pours down. It's making me cry. The feeling is unbearable. But i really miss the old time.
Yeah and that feeling of wanting to go back to the good Ole days
literally felt it so hard tdy that i started balling my eyes out cause i miss 2011
Sometimes i just blank out and then im like “omg this is real. Im actually alive“ does anyone else feel this
YES! and sometimes i think 'what if i didn't win the sperm race? then what? what would i feel? i just wouldn't be here .' weird right
@@f.freya07 yeahhh and like "if I didnt live, where would I be, what would happen?, am I stuck here? can i go out?
@@f.freya07 omg I'm panicking I'm gonna cry what if I die
lee caa yes! my thoughts exactly
This realization ever hit you that damn.. everyone's living their own lives and aren't just side characters in mine.
Exact same
this more of a physical feeling, but do you ever get that feeling that a certain spot is itching but you can’t find the exact spot?
Bro yeah lol
Yes, and my mom thinks it's weird that I have it. I think it's similar to referred pain, which is feeling pain in one part of your body but the injury or pain is somewhere else on your body.
Or it feels like it's inside your body
To everyone curious:
"Mauerbauer Traurigkeit" is a German term and can be translated to "Wallbuilder Sadness".
As shown, it refers to the desire to push people away out of fear of rejection. You're feeling miserable and literally building emotional walls around you. That's where the name originated.
Simon i’m german but actually never heard that word being used before:)
@@kjlm4574 To be honest, me neither. It's not a very well known term, so I guess that's why it was presented in this video xD
Simon Simon Simon Yes, you're right. 🙂Mauerbauertraurigkeit disorder is an inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.
I’m German and I know what you mean. 😉
@@kjlm4574 same
@Its_R 2020 und es is immer noch witzig xD
Anyone else feel that feeling were you just want to stop living for awhile. Like you want to hit the pause button on your life and have it just be you in the world? Not anything suicidal, just a break i guess? Idk because i love life it’s beautiful in its own way but sometimes i just want to float in my own existence and just be. Just be surrounded by no one and nothing but me.
Michie J YES! I used to wish that people would disappear for a week and I would have the Earth to myself; Complete silence. I’ve even had a dream about this before. In my dream, I’m walking around in my grandmother’s neighborhood and it’s completely deserted; Only myself and the nearby tumbleweed. Just walking to nowhere in particular. With this Covid madness, I guess you can say it already feels like someone pressed “pause” on life
I remember I used to wish I had Time control powers just so I could put a stop in everything and chill. I even got dreams about it. Ngl it was pretty nice
Yeah i used to (or did i always?) have this and currently..mmm... Kinda but as it is kinda paused so... But once the feeling was so strong that i dreamt i'm on this somekind of ballroom near the beach(everyone i know was there) and i went to the lighthouse and suddenly the lighthouse was drown(?) The entrance was blocked and i'm alone and that time, and until now, i think that's the happiest dream i ever had😅 does that mean anything??
Y e s
...well I've wondered what it would be like if I were the last human on earth. I just assumed I would probably resort to suicide. But no, never felt what you typed before.
Does anyone like, feel nostalgia/memories "physically"? If I look at something that reminds me of something I did in my childhood, I get a feeling in my chest, then it goes away really quickly.
like a weight being put on yr heart
Yes, me too. I often experience that. And I feel the urge to go back to those moments
look at mu namr
Specifically when I smell something super nostalgic it throws me into that feeling. It’s overwhelming but not bad
This feeling can sometimes not be translated into other languages, it is called "saudade" in Portuguese.
I have this weird feeling right now. Reading all of these comments and relating to them makes me feel so excited and happy and sad, and it makes me wanna be everyone’s friend, but for some reason it makes me sad. And it’s just so hard to explain that I get excited and sad, heart feels like it’s gonna burst when I relate to people.
Sometimes i look at my body parts and move it and think “wow I can actually control what i do” it seems dumb but idk 😅
WAS LOOKING FOR THIS, I just look at my hands and think how tf is this doing what it's doing, how do bones and muscles move and do what they do. It's so hard to explain.
Suga's Tongue Technology ( ° ʖ °) Makes Me JungShOOk - RIGHT 😂
It’s so crazy that so many of think the same 😂
I do the same lol
Quiet Same!
1. Sonder - sudden realisation that you can never know someone completely
2. Hanker sore - finding someone so attractive that you hate them
3. Lachiesm - sudden desire to have something bad happen to you
4. Ellipsism - Wanting to understand the world and understand what'll happen in the future
5. Maverbaver traugkiet - Sudden feeling to push people away
6. Gnossiene - Feeling that you don't know a person like you thought you do
7. Liberosis - Desire to be more carefree
8. Monacopsis - Feeling that do not belong to the world
9. Onism - Realisation of how little of the world you will ever get to experience.
10. Nighthawk - Feeling you get whenyou cannot sleep
11. Catoptric tristesse - Sadness that you feel when you don't Know about what people thinks of you
12. Josuka - Wanting to talk to someone in your mind.
I feel all of them on a daily basis..... *how fun!*
Tnx so much x I hope you have a good day and I hope it's filled with fun and suprises for you This is for everyone who reads it x
@@Pinkhearts0 I hope you have an even better day filled with zeal.
Who has the feeling that you have a really annoying friend, but they haven’t done anything wrong?
Yes and I feel so guilty
i feel like i'm that annoying friend ..XD
Grayopia Grey yesss that’s true. like even just my brother being in the same room as me annoys the shit out of me HAHA
yes and then i feel guilty. but then i hang out with them again and i like can’t stand it. but all my other friends were annoyed by her too so i wasn’t alone.
I get that feeling where you realise that you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to make your life happier, and creating something to look forward to seems like so much effort
Yes omfg
Does anyone ever feel non existent, like your not sad or mad or anything really, your just there. Living . And nothing beyond that??
That honestly just sounds like depression but I don't want to diagnose you or anything
kind of! sometimes I realize that I'm supposed to have feelings towards things, and I suddenly feel very non-human :T
Savana Lange yeah, sometimes I sit in my favorite chair, and suddenly I subconsciously slip into nothing. My house and family doesn’t exist, the room I see I don’t see it as there. I lose feeling to anything and everything. Then I seem to open my already open eyes after waking up while awake and a gain it all back without realizing. And I look at my window and it’s sunset. I like it thought, it filters out everything so I can rest.
Zotashuka depression is sadness and numbness, this doesn’t sound like depressiob
I have this feeling like I'm the only actual person here and everyone else is just there
Omg I also get that from time to time! In that State I always do weird thing because everything feels so unreal, like in a daze. It’s so weird.
Fck u! I am real as only!!!
I'm the complete opposite. I constantly wonder about how everyone's life is so complex and deep. Just as much as mine. They experience all kinds of things just like me. They get affected by things just like me. We all have a story. It's a weird but amazing feeling when you feel it.
@@modge472 U vegan?
I'm feeling normal to realise that many people have these feelings,
So true. I also realised the same thing. Thnk God.nd don't worry many of us are weirdos and have these weird thoughts. Lol😂😂
True 💯😂
i kinda surprised that i'm actually not alone who have these weird feelings and thoughts, Thank God
I feel less special now
The feeling of asking yourself hows the life of a stranger you met years ago going right now. There are so many people that passed through our lives but arent important, sometimes it feels like after we met them, they dont exist anymore. Like
what is the stranger I bumped into on the street 2 years ago on my birthday doing at this exact second?
That feeling when you realize every single person is another whole universe that you will never fully know
Ro Mendoza and you like will never actually know what their whole life is like or their emotions and thoughts even if your really close to them that freaks me out
I like this feeling. Is somehow special
Omggg yeeess
When you question your own existance... that fact that your personality is just an illusion created by your brain and your personality could be altered by just a tiny switch in your brain.
random stuff wow. This really hit differently 😭
damn that hit hard
or just by a youtube video
Not just my personality, but everything around me is created, and not born. Don't know how to better explain it.
I’m not sure how to put this into words.. But, has anyone else ever had the feeling that isn’t really jealousy, but more disappointment that you couldn’t be someone else? Or the feeling when you just want everything to stop and just go away so you can be alone?
Kamnji Tulo oh yeah, all the time when I’m feeling down. I just tune things out and for a whole day nothing exists except me and my room, the sounds of the air vent and talking isn’t even there. But just a sound hanging, with no source. Then I wake up and realize that entire day I did nothing and I walk out of my room seeing my life again in full throttle. It’s in a nice way thought, I can collect my thoughts and stop my bad ones. That’s how I stopped being as picky, and masturbating, and growing up. It’s good for me :)
Kamnji Tulo yessss
Kamnji Tulo yes! It’s like a mixed emotion of envy and hatred but very light and not so aggressive as it sounds
Good to know I’m not the only one who has felt this 😅
Ya I definitely have...
Watching this video gave me chills. I literally shivered by how creepily accurate this is. You know that feeling of someone describing your qualities that you don't really notice? And that sudden realization that the person you're with right now might be feeling or thinking the same thing as you??
Sometimes I'm like "what if i died rn" and then imagine everyone crying and stuff and then i hurt myself.
@Charmy Creations creating fake scenarios in ur head 101
Meh too
Exactly. I create exactly what it’d be like if I’d die and everyone else is sad.
Me too
when I'm in a car sometimes I just wish we crashed somewhere
Do you ever think of how the human (your) body is put together so perfectly, that it works in such a beautiful synchronous way to the point it feels fragile
And then there are people thinking there is no God 😪
yeah that’s gods work loll
Gods creation
The feeling of realizing that one day you´ll just disappear, not knowing where you´ll go. I have that feeling so often and it scares me. A lot. Sometimes I feel really uncomfortable talking about death or what will happen in the future because i got so scared. And it`s the worst feeling I have.
same this bothers me so much like 25/8
Talumba Chipofya In general I am not as scared of death as I used to be but just sometimes the lingering thought of what happens after death scares me. Sometimes I just have this one thought which is “After death is everything pure darkness you can’t hear, smell, feel, see anything and you just stay in that void forever” It just really keeps me thinking..
I think that it's called an existential crisis and I get that too
Well, where do you think you'll go when you die? I'm still trying to change my fate
Sometimes when it gets silent at night, I start to think of this and can't sleep. It is frightening
Does anyone ever get a weird sudden feeling of not knowing who/what you are, even when you look in the mirror you’re almost unrecognizable to your own self, and you wonder to yourself, what am I doing here? Who am I? What is my purpose? This feeling scares me sometimes, the only scary part about it is if it could last long, I wouldn’t want it to, it’s almost as if I got possessed and was just watching myself from the outside/inside
There are two feelings that always run in my head that I haven’t seen anyone describe yet:
1- A feeling that I could die at any second now. This feelings mostly pops into my head when I’m in a car.
2- A feeling that I have had life be easy so far so I expect to have a hard marriage life or maybe I’ll get cancer or something.
Omg yes!
first one is me 100%
Purple Butterfly I feel the second one all the time
anyone every feel like ur the only person that actually exists and everyone else is a hallucination, hologram, or robots?
That’s exactly what I said too ok good it’s not just me
DietPepsi Bear Yes, there are actually whole philosophical movements that are discussing such possibilities for like over 600 years. For example the philosophers of scepticism
Or this whole life is just like a hidden camera that everyone is having fun doing to you...
So it's not only me
I think this everytime when life is going too well loool
Does anyone else feel like they’re empty? Like you’ll be laughing with your friends then you feel like its all fake? Like you are actually sad and don’t know what to do so you act happy and smile?
A.quariu.s yes yes
more like I feel supposed to laugh along/express a certain emotion etc. but I just can't conjure it up, but yes, kind of
A.quariu.s yeah, I just think. Wow, nothing real has happened this entire day and my friends think I’ve really been sharing a moment with them. I’m a liar.
I have too idk how to let it go, but I've tried to get into tougher conversations, like extestentialisim or a hot button issue because it feels to me that I can know weather they are real. I also try to understand them, have lost some friends in the process. But idk if that helps or not.