Leave a LIKE to see "every CULT explained in 10 minutes" also as a side note, my videos are not getting "dislike-bombed". The return dislike extension is not accurate, and for whatever reason it shows my videos having tons of dislikes. I can see the actual number and nearly all of my videos have over 95% likes including this one.
On the validity of "New Apostolic" being heresy, this seems to me more of a Cessationism vs Continuationism debate. Ephesians 5, five-fold ministry: along with evangelists and teachers and pastors, God gave us apostles and prophets and no where does the Bible say that God would take them away. Paul urges us to earnestly desire the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14). Jesus warns vehemently against false prophets in the days following Him (Matthew 5, Matthew 24) and, as Paul so poetically describes it, "super apostles" (2 Corinthians 11:5) were a problem even in his day. Super apostles being people who claim to be apostles, possibly on the grounds of signs and wonders but are really operating through demonic entities, judging by the fact that Paul calls out the Corinthians for receiving a different spirit than the Holy Spirit. So the Bible does not say apostles are finished on earth, but it does say that there are false apostles running about and we should be aware of that. Not familiar with Montanism, but the idea of God giving dreams and visions (like He said He would do) that do NOT contradict the Bible is not heretical. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so as Jesus and the Holy Spirit are described in the Bible is how we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit today. John 17:3 (the definition of eternal life) could be described as Montanism under your brief definition, so I caution against that. I would personally argue that Cessationism is a borderline-heresy and point Cessationists to the Apostle Thomas and warn them that Christ reserves certain blessings to those who believe without seeing. That might be why Cessationists haven't seen a healing yet or had a dream or a vision. Did you know that the Apostle Thomas didn't believe until he felt the wound of in the side of his Savior from the spear, and that the spear is how Thomas was martyred. So Christ redeemed that moment of unbelief! Praise God. Ask, seek, knock. Pray ceaselessly, fast for new wine. God will clarify any uncertainty. John 1:5 🙌
Really? that would be a strange one, the only channel i ve actually seen it on. The timing on the dislikes suggests its actual dislike bomb. Maybe try to contact extension creator?
@@totallyturtles480 definitely hear you there about the denomination itself. I honestly need to look more into the denominations myself so I cannot really comment on any one church or ministry. But what distinguishes someone from being an apostle (lowercase “a” because there is too much man glory tied to this word I think) appointed by God vs one appointed by this denomination?
As a catholic I greatly appreciate your videos and I love that you are bringing Christians together and letting us have a better understanding of each other and letting us have a better understanding of what heresy is. God Bless you and all of the Christians in the comments.🩷✝️🩷
I'm Lutheran and we have several Catholics on my wife's side and they're like you are. There's some friendly banter but more than anything we're all glad we can call each other Christians
They reject the biblically evident filioque because they wanted to be crybabies about not being invited to the council. Become Catholic. You know the crusaders that fought to preserve Christianity and fought your fight? They were Catholic. @@Xav-ce1re
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
as a catholic, there's obviously one better than the other the whole reason why denominations argue constantly is because they want to reach the best conclusion possible the only thing that's wrong is when arguments devolve into fallacious squabbling
@@octaviusmorlock Ironically, I think confusing Christs human and godly natures is itself a heresy you just committed Christ being male does not at all signify god as being male, just as Christ being human does not mean god is human and mortal and this distinction you have of “not a man, but male” makes no sense With any logic whatsoever, it is clear to say a divine being outside of time and space would not be male or female
@@SourceCod33 I'm not confusing natures. I said nothing about natures, human _or_ divine. "Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, *that they may be one as We are*." John 17:11 NKJV Also, in Col 1:15 it says that "He [Jesus] is *the image of the invisible God*, the firstborn over all creation." Let me try to clarify male/not man. There are certain traits that are considered male. Example, Strength. That isn't to say a woman can't be strong. But it's not a normal thing. Just like how being gentle is a feminine trait, there are certainly men who are gentle, again, it's just not what one would normally think of. (It's also perhaps, worth noting that every. single. time. God is referred to as a masculine figure.) And by what logic is it so clear "to say a divine being outside of time and space would not be male or female"?
I have found success in 1: fasting (not just from food, but electronic devices in general) 2: scheduling each day, including the free time, 3: reading the Bible a lot daily, and 4: taking thoughts captive (saying "no" to certain ideas and then thinking about others things, especially godly things instead). "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." - Colossians 3:2 ESV I'll pray for you!
It's interesting that a lot of these heresies started out with the best of intentions but became warped by us humans. Word Of Faith started out saying "if you're always negative, nihilistic, and speaking death upon yourself and others it's not gonna produce good fruits cause you're just gonna be angry all the time" but then it became "say positive stuff so good things will happen to you!" and liberation theology began as "we should try to help others and show the light of Jesus through our actions" and became "RAAAAAH! OPPRESSION! VICTIMHOOD!!!!!!" Us humans are great at screwing stuff up.
That's interesting about the Word of Faith, I figured their doctrine would have been based on the whole: "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
@@HaggisOfDeath That, too, about having faith, however instead of it being about having faith in God and reaffirming that through your words and actions, its just new-age crap in a fancy Christian label.
I agree, and I think Pentecostalism is especially subject to getting highjacked due to its emphasis on the gifts of the spirit at the expense of the fruit of the spirit. Even the 5 fold ministry and seven mountains mandate can have a more charitable reading of “maybe there’s something to the bishphoric structure of the church (most NAR apostles are basically acting as overseers of their “networks”, which is the role of bishops in all but name and subject to the same abuses)” and “the church should be salt and light in our countries’ institutions and stop the spread of secularism”. It’s people taking it way too far and seeking to have control due to their offices instead of rendering control to god and actually being shepherds where things go wrong.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
I'm glad you spoke about the prosperity gospel cos any non-christian looking into our religion always thinks of the prosperity gospel and what some televangelists do with their money, which is horrible and wrong.
Yeah, Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith in combination have done more to turn people away from Christianity in modern times than anti-theistic Atheists ever have tbh
Prosperity gospel alone has done some serious harm to society, never mind Christianity. Either Copeland et al. are dangerously delusional and stupid, or they are actual demons in human form.
In Argentina, the Catholic Church is totally militant of the left. Is obsene the amount of infection of political ideologies. Even with parties like Peronism, which is liberal and has a totally anti-religious agenda. Putrid.
I feel like this is a narrow interpretation of Liberation Theology, as there are, yes, those who say 'Spirituality doesn't matter' but there are plenty who don't, most of the lib-theo authors I've read are very mild or are more about revealing truths that have been generally pushed out due to political shifts, rather than a belief in particularly radical theological ideas.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
Fellow Orthox here. RZ mis-defined heresy. Heresy is defined by favoring private interpretation over tradition. The Protestant 'definition' of heresy is engineered to favor their understanding of ecclesiology, itseld heretical; and it's also basically influenced by the history of Catholic witch-hunts.
Just a reminder that you can believe in anything you want, just don't call yourself Christian if you do not follow the basics principles of Christianity.
@The_christian_workerThey are all in the Nicene Creed. Plus I also consider Oriental Orthodox people and the Church of the East people are also christian
@@ilbrasciolarochearrostelac8762if you asked Paul what are the basics of Christianity his answer i don’t feel would be particularly similar to the concepts elucidated in the Nicene Creed
@The_christian_worker - there's only one God, the Creator, and he loves us. - knowing we're sinners, He decided to die on the cross so that His sacrifice would grant us forgiveness. - After His death, Jesus rose from the deads, beating death, after that He ascended and has been alive ever since. I can't summarize all the basics in just one comment, but this is what I usually answer when someone asks me what I believe in as Christian
@The_christian_worker i'm afraid i don't quite get what you're trynna tell me (there's a bit of a language barrier on my end since i'm not english) I wrote what I usually answer when asked about my Faith, and I know it can't be a sufficient explanation of Christianity but i'm pretty sure even if something is missing what i've included is right. I guess it's true that Paul thaught it, but what's the problem? He doesn't contradict nor diverge from the teaching of Jesus, in fact he's considered one of the most important preachers. His letterw was so important they were included in the bible. I don't get what Pauline Christianity means: didn't he spread what Jesus thaught?
@The_christian_worker probably our disagreement comes from those divisions you've talked about. May I ask if you follow a certain denomination? I, as a catholic, have huge admiration for whats Saints have done and Paul is one of the most inspiring. I'm still very young and don't know the Bible so well: would you help me learning where exactly Jesus talked about Gahenna? If I have ever heard those, I probably think He was talking about hell. The reason i believe hell is a thing is beacuse of free will: God lets us the choice tho have Faith in Him or not, so if one decides that's not what they want to do they can just choose not be with God, which means, by definition, hell.
Redeemed Zoomer, you are the best protestant youtuber I ever saw. As an Eastern Orthodox, I can agree with a lot of things you speak. Personally, I am very grateful for everything you do, even though we disagree on some things. God bless you brother and keep doing good work.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943 I don't undrestand what are you talk about? 1. Matthew 28:20 clearly says that Gospel be preached to all people and all nationd 2.I think you don't undrestand what the New Covenant is, the New Covenant was made between the God and creation(us) throught blood spilled on the Cross and Jesus' ressurection from death. 3.Cornilius, the Roman captain, was first gentiles to be baptized and accept Christianity, him and all his home became Christians. 4. No one hijacked anyone, it's quiet normal for people to not agree on some issues, don't you think? Orthodox and Protestants have a lot of things to dissagree on, but we have something common - we believe in God triune in Personalities of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 5.Even prophecies in the Old Testament are saying that, due the apostasy of the Israel, God will make the New Covenant with other nations, who are ready to hear and understand Him. 6.Due the apostasy I mentioned, the Church is the New Israel, the Kingdom of God on the Earth with Jesus Christ as the King. God bless you brother.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943maybe because the gentiles would have killed them for claiming there was only one god because most everyone else was pantheistic. In the Roman Empire you could only practice certain religions, and Christianity was not one of them. Judaism got a pass because it was ancient, but those who didn’t worship Roman gods or some of the other acceptable religions were literally prosecuted for atheism. Did you consider that they wouldn’t have been receptive to “repent and worship the only true God”? Or maybe it was something else. But I don’t know why you wouldn’t just look it up *why* instead of coming to the conclusion that God was wrong.
@@karama5562 I forgot about this comment. Judaism was persicuted by Romans, the first start of this conflict was that Jews didn't pay homage to the Roman gods. If correct the kingdom of Judea was only protected because of the installed puppet king and the taxes paid if correct. Later on tons of villages were burned , many were exiled while other unlucky ones were trapped in other things. Christians was an upcoming Jewish cult, and cults in the Roman empire aren't new. Why made them gather negative attention was because they were openly against traditional pagan ritual practices. Jews were against it too , but they were more kept to themselves. The more public or well known persecutions began under nero when he blamed Christians for the fire. I will say ironically some elements of Roman pagan beliefs still influence Christianity.
I think RedeemedZoomer unintentionally misrepresented Donatism a little bit (not entirely). Donatus taught that clergy had to be above reproach and sacraments conferred by clergy outside a state of grace were invalid. During the Diocletian persecution, a lot of clergy apostatized out of fear. When the persecution subisided, the clergy sought reinstatement and Donatus denied it and any sacraments performed after their attempted return were deemed invalid. Augustine fought against Donatism saying the grace of God would not be denied to the returning clergy and they should be welcomed back in communion. With regard to the validity of baptism by a false believer, if you were baptized into a Christian Church that affirms the Trinity, its a valid baptism even if the baptizer didn't personally believe in his heart. In the case of sects like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Oneness-types, they deny the Trinity. Their baptisms are invalid because even though they may use the trinitarian formula, their understanding of what those words actually mean are at odds with orthodox Christianity.
Were you baptised by immersion in water by your choice to express your faith in Jesus christ, believing that he has saved you from your sin? Then your all good if not then you weren't baptised inthe first place.
He misrepresented NAR. NAR believers do not believe in new Apostles, they believe that there have always been apostles (the lowercase letter is imperative to understand) who exist within church government. It's just an organizational way to say that pastors shouldn't hold absolute power over a congregation.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
I’ve been deep into meditation since 7 years old. Martial arts training. I really got into Buddhism, I’m 42 and something happened last year. Long story short, I v never been to church a day in my life, since last year. When I meditate on a Hail Mary, I am in a state of total relaxation and calmness, all anxiety’s gone. I pray every Sunday in mass for forgiveness of my sins, and perhaps someday will be baptized.
I'm a martial artist, too. I understand your situation because I was tempted with Buddhism. Christ will forgive your sins if you accept Him as your Savior. If you have done that, then go talk to the priest. I'm a Baptist so my understanding of the Catholic process could be off, but I have little doubt the priest will help you on this path. Regardless of whatever church you feel at home, don't be afraid to surrender yourself to Jesus. There is a peace you won't find anywhere else.
So much of these I don’t know I’m very excited to learn about these your channel has helped me tremendously with understanding and worshiping Christ I started last summer and now I’m growing and building faith thank you brother I am currently looking for a church and as much as I’d like a reformed Presbyterian church the closet one is 3 hours away from what I researched but I have been teaching my brother and sister about Christ and I go to my friends church (Baptist church) I will continue with my fight for Christ and build more and more for the kingdom like you brother god bless!!!
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
"If there are no wrong answers, then there are no right answers either." That is the same as an observation I've made about people saying, "All religions are equally valid". That's saying the exact same thing as, "All religions are equally invalid", which is what I think these people actually mean.
Yeah usually the 'all are equally valid' is just a presage to saying that "every religion thinks they're right, why do you think yours is magically better than the rest?" and then into "every religion is equally untrue".
My mum makes me attend a Pentecostal church where the pastor claims to be an apostle and also teaches that you can speak things into existence. I thought my church were just especially crazy, didn’t realise “Word of Faith” and “New apostolic” were actually common things.
God bless you brother. I really appreciate how you made a clear distinction between heressy and denomination. Being from another Christian group it's not heretic.
To combat Heresy truthfully as a Christian is not just discerning blatant error from truth, it is discerning 99% truth from 100% truth. Great video!!!!
As someone exploring my own faith and what I actually believe in an attempt to find a suitable church home, your videos are incredibly helpful and eye-opening. I'm really very glad to have found your channel and want to sincerely thank you for what you're doing.
As someone that's, in the grand scheme of things, newer to the faith: great work my brother. Your videos help put quite a bit into perspective, you're doing a great job :)
@@praise_Jesus3 The Return Dislikes extension. RZ has since claimed that that extension is inaccurate and that most of his videos have fine like/dislike ratios, but I'm skeptical--I've seen one of his vids get plenty of criticism before.
@@Tonistarr I haven't seen anything that would suggest it's _that_ inaccurate. And even with what I have seen, it seems to usually be inaccurate in the opposite direction of what RZ claims--ie, _more_ dislikes than are shown.
As a Baptist, your videos are good at summing up various things about different denominations and other things to inform us Christians. Peace be with you ✝️
As an athiest I love studying these videos not in order to convert, but simply because I find all of this very interesting. I think these videos are very good at providing an external 3rd person view on the subject
It actually warms my heart that you feel that way. I never had anything against athiests since faith and spirituality is a personal thing. But it is great that you find this interesting!
I was an athiest for years. The constant shortcomings of Christians in my life kept me that way. It wasn't until I took a look at what specifically Christ tells them to be vs. what they decided to be that I started to believe.
I agree as a non Christian agnostic. I know the main purpose of videos like this is to show Christians how to avoid heresy, but since I hold some beliefs that are inherently heretical that I am unwilling to change, this shows me that I am not Christian
6:40 Zoomer: "[Unitarians] thought the bible didn't teach the trinity, but that clearly isn't true because Unitarianism evolved into by far the most liberal religious group in the world." Me: "HOW is that an argument?"
yeah that isn't really a particularly valid argument at all. 'Unitarian Universalism' coming out of Unitarianism is not why Unitarianism is flawed. It's because its theological basis is based almost entirely on bad translations and (comically) conservative reactionary actions to the growing understanding that the passages that directly stated the Trinity's existence were forged. This did not mean that Trinity came out of nowhere, it is not an imposition, it is simply a slightly harder to understand concept when you're removed from the Greek itself which makes the formulation of the Trinity more apparent. His argument on Liberation Theology is also pretty flawed, as Liberation Theology was not regarded as heretical by the Catholic church--It was just restated and it was firmly stated that Marxist materialism was incompatible and some priests and theologians were becoming too materialistic in their understandings, which most of them then agreed with. Basically the argument boiled down to, 'Well dogs are bad, because some of them bite' which isn't a correct analysis and Liberation Theology has been considered influential and important to the developing theological, apostolic succession of the Catholic church.
The Unitarian Heresy is pretty interesting. I watch a UA-camr who lost his faith mainly because he was a part of a Unitarian Bible Study Class. Whenever he would question why there are “three gods,” he was ordered out of the class like he had just committed sacrilege. I’ll have to ask my pastor about this.
Mormons are still Christians and you’re genuinely blind if you still think everything people said bad about Joseph Smith in the 19th century is true. Mormons literally commit only ONE of the heresies you’ve mentioned in all these videos that being Montanism. Majority of “Christians” in America like the Liberal Mainline believe at least half a dozen heresies simultaneously including those contrary to the trinity while members of the LDS are living lives worshiping the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit like all those Mainline Christians did back in the 18th century. Fact of the matter is Joseph Smith was right about the Catholics and Mainlines being false churches who abide by so much heresy that in comparison a modern prophet doesn’t even compare. Seriously Catholics believe that Hinduism is a perfectly legitimate route towards Christ’s salvation and Mainliners believe in multiple gods including one of the Old Testament and another of the New. It’s genuinely baffling.
Mormons are still Christians and you’re genuinely blind if you still think everything people said bad about Joseph Smith in the 19th century is true. Mormons literally commit only ONE of the heresies you’ve mentioned in all these videos that being Montanism. Majority of “Christians” in America like the Liberal Mainline believe at least half a dozen heresies simultaneously including those contrary to the trinity while members of the LDS are living lives worshiping the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit like all those Mainline Christians did back in the 18th century. Fact of the matter is Joseph Smith was right about the Catholics and Mainlines being false churches who abide by so much heresy that in comparison a modern prophet doesn’t even compare. Seriously Catholics believe that Hinduism is a perfectly legitimate route towards Christ’s salvation and Mainliners believe in multiple gods including one of the Old Testament and another of the New. It’s genuinely baffling.
He's not, he can't even recognize the faults in calvinism lol, and hasn't even recognized the existence of Messianic Jews, but babbles on about "muh Judaizers"
Couldn't hyper Calvinism be considered a heresy since it denies all human free will, that means all the sins and disbelief of humans are God's fault since he is responsible for all things in this belief? Also doesn't Calvinism deny the extent of Christ attonment on the cross and the desire of God for all to be saved? It seems that Calvinism even denies the love nature of God in that it makes him non relational because love only exists in the context of relationship with others and those others must be able to reject the love offer otherwise they are just objects and not persons. Calvinism taken to its logical extreme certainly has the potential to change the gospel, the nature of God and the need for faith. But I don't think most Calvinists take it to heretical levels, just saying it has potential for it.
I think Hyper-Calvinism (The idea that God does not love everyone and that he actively predestines some to Hell) could be considered a heresy, but historically it has been very little affirmed and most of those who defended it were, in fact, a small group of radical Baptists. The Reformed position is that God loves everyone and that predestination to hell is passive on God's part (he simply chose not to give saving grace to the non-elect, but is not responsible for their sins). Regarding limited atonement, if you properly study what is taught, you will see that there is a lot of diversity on this subject (I recommend the video on Predestination by RZ), we believe that the extent of Christ's sacrifice is sufficient to redeem everyone, but it is only effective for the Elect, because only they will come to believe in God. Thomas Aquinas wrote about the issue of God's love and salvation of only the Elect in Summa Theologiae Part 1, Chapter 23, Article 3: "Objection 1. It seems that God reprobates no man. For nobody reprobates what he loves. But God loves every man, according to (Wisdom 11:25): "Thou lovest all things that are, and Thou hatest none of the things Thou hast made." Therefore God reprobates no man. Reply to Objection 1. God loves all men and all creatures, inasmuch as He wishes them all some good; but He does not wish every good to them all. So far, therefore, as He does not wish this particular good-namely, eternal life-He is said to hate or reprobated them".
@pedroguimaraes6094 I am also raised as Calvinist, but predestination is iffy. God cannot create certain man to destine that person to hell. And thats not necessarily what predestination means. God destined us all to be in relationship with Him (all men are invited to eternal life) but not everybody lives with this gift.
hypercalvinism (or calvinism taken to its natural conclusion) makes God the author of sin and makes him into the islamic God essentially, so I'd say it's a heresy as it mischaracterizes God's character
“Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich” We have to stop being against our own selves with our words, speaking what we see with our eyes and not what we see by faith. God loves you, therefore saying with your mouth “i am ugly, i’m always late, I never get it right, i’m a fail, i’m a loser, i’m fat, i’m too this or that” That is to speak badly of God’s child, YOU, God Loves you. To speak against yourself is to speak against God himself. He created and died for you to redeem you. Therefore Say what God says about you not what the world and your negative thoughts say about you. This is what Joel Osteen preaches. This is what it means to speak by faith.
@@happyfeetlives5878 I just googled “Joel Osteen asking for money” and got a UA-cam link where he claims giving him money is like giving money to the poor and needy And like… one of the frequently asked questions on his site is “how can I send you money”, lol. The last four numbers in the phone number you can call to donate are “JOEL”
Please ignore RZ Cause sometimes his research doesn't take the whole Bible into account, here's what he's called heresies In 1 John, beloved, I wish above all that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospereth. (Heresy no. 1) . Or is it the Bible passage that says that it is God that giveth wisdom to make wealth that he is addressing? Scriptural suffering is persecution for the gospel and other struggles, not just oh, being a Christian is about suffering. Where I agree with him is that that's not the main message of the Gospel. He calls them heresies without study how they came to be and how the Bible addressed them, and trust me, the bible addressed all of them. Don't listen to anyone on the Internet without being like the bereans, going back to confirm with the Bible by the guidance of the Spirit. Christianity is personal ooh!
Please ignore RZ Cause sometimes his research doesn't take the whole Bible into account, here's what he's called heresies In 1 John, beloved, I wish above all that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospereth. (Heresy no. 1) . Or is it the Bible passage that says that it is God that giveth wisdom to make wealth that he is addressing? Scriptural suffering is persecution for the gospel and other struggles, not just oh, being a Christian is about suffering. Where I agree with him is that that's not the main message of the Gospel. He calls them heresies without study how they came to be and how the Bible addressed them, and trust me, the bible addressed all of them. Don't listen to anyone on the Internet without being like the bereans, going back to confirm with the Bible by the guidance of the Spirit. Christianity is personal ooh!
I believe most of the points he mentioned is a straight heresy which denies the true teaching of the bible. Except some of them but not in a full extent.
I appreciate and respect how thorough yet laid back you are. You just put information out there as objectively as you can without putting individual people down, rather pointing out errors in understanding and interpretation. I may not agree with everything you present or its interpretation, though I definitely find commonality with the overwhelming majority and really respect how its presented. Keep it up!
Bro, my sunday school teacher has been teaching about the Judaizers in Galatians for like, at _least_ 6 weeks and it somehow hasn't made sense to me on why we don't need to gollow the old law anymore until just now watching this video. Thank you.
Those and NAR are MLM (multi level marketing). It's all a pyramid scheme of churches and why all that are involved heavily promote eachother while having the lackeys at the bottom selling their deceit. I call it the church Amway built.
As I used to be or associate with many different denominations, I supposed through trial and error I was and am becoming a reformed independent who has been baptized ( Not water) into the Body of Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit (Spirit-filled) of God in Christ Jesus for my edification and sanctification until glorification in the future. I really want to thank you for your very informative and seemingly correct division of theology. Thanx again brother in Christ!
I haven't really seen it popping up among Christians, but I have seen it popping up among some atheists trying to do a gotcha by talking about the shellfish ban.
Yeah we have to stop calling each other heretical just because we disagrees on minor things, that doesn’t destroy the foundaction of our faith. We have to stand together on the true God: The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and the true Gospel which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Shows love from a Lutheran.✝️💙🤝🏻✝️❤️🤝🏻☦️
@@EconAFD yeah but it is not something that is incompatible with the Christian faith and Zoomer is bringing us more together rahowing what is (heresy) “imcompatible with Christian doctrine and faith” and what is not.
@@EconAFD They're talking about trying to re-define God to suit themselves, not saying things like "Oh you weren't baptized by immersion, so it didn't really count"
Exactly. I can understand calling a JW or Mormon a heteric because they change the foundation of Christianity but calling a Protestant, Catholic, Roman Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox a heteric is just a waste of time as most of their practices are just different and they don't reject the essentials of Christianity
Last Sunday, our Minister preached a sermon about how many Churches engage in 'beating the sheep', where every message is about how terrible / depraved / evil / sinful us humans are. Not about how much God loves us, despite ourselves, but how terrible we are. No wonder people stop going to Church if that's all they hear.
Actually your minister sounds fantastic and true to the gospel. Jesus also spoke a lot about hell. Most ministers today are soft and make it seem like it’s okay to sin because God loves you. The truth is that while God does love us we’re are unworthy of his love because of how sinful we are.
Problem with that is you cannot teach about God's love without teaching about sin and the depravity of man. It's the reason why Jesus had to come and die to save us to begin with.
@@Aizen_Sosuke999 no, just someone who recognizes that the modern state of Israel is not the biblical Kingdom of Israel, and that my descendants futures shouldn't be mortgaged in order to service their needs as being any sort of special people.
The Christian knows where he is because he knows where he isn't. By subtracting where he is from where he isn't, or where he isn't from where he is (whichever is greater), he obtains a difference, or deviation. The divine guidance drives the Christian from the position where he is to a position where he isn't, and arriving at a position where he wasn't, he now is. Consequently, the position where he is, is now the position where he wasn't, and it follows that the position where he was, is now the position where he isn't. Because the faith has modified some of the information the Christian has obtained, he is not sure just where he is. However, he is sure where he isn't, within reason, and he knows where he was. He now subtracts where he should be from where he wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where he shouldn't be, and where he was, he is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
I think I quite messed up with my beliefs in Christ 😣 I understood that I need to learn more from the Bible and pray God to guide my heart and fulfill His Will 🙏🏿✝️
Honestly, its the same with all of us. There's always more we can learn from the Bible, and I imagine almost everyone has held beliefs that they ended up changing, and still hold beliefs today which, assuming they continue to study the Scriptures, they will end up changing too. In many cases I do not think it is too important, for instance I do not think it matters all that much if the communion wine is literally turning into the blood of Christ or if it is just metaphorical, but it is important that we get the fundamentals right, and accept Jesus as our Risen Lord and Saviour. It is a wise man who realises they need to learn more and seek guidance from God and His Scriptures in that task. I shall pray for you. Please pray for me too. God bless you.
Just seek God and read the bible, all this religious stuff will get you know where with God, it's better to have a personal relationship with God then to just follow the bible as a rule book.
I am a New Apostolic Christian and even after watching this I don't really understand how our faith is a heresy against Christian beliefs. Can someone try to explain this further?
Because you’re redefining the gospel. The authority to say whatever you want, is up to you because you’re new apostles. Since the apostles have authority; you must have that same authority. But if you can say things with the same authority as the apostles, you’re redefining the gospel to however you like, and nobody/nothing is authorized to correct you. So like RZ said, when sth you teach isn’t Christian: Catholics and Orthodox will point to the authority of the church. Protestants will point to the authority of scriptures.
As a New Apostolic member, we do not place anyone above the bible. We turn to the Apostles for insight yes. And the Apostles direct the messages to be preached to the church and themes to focus on. We often question them when talking to them and they are modern priests are open to this. 😊 I hope this helps
This church used to believe one MUST be sealed, baptized not just by water but also by the spirit, and this could only be done by an Apostle performing this ceremony. Essentially placing a man between others and their salvation. Today, they believe that God can ALSO dispense the holy spirit at will, but Apostles performing this rite is still totally cool too. They're basically in the process of backing away from the core tenant of its existence, the primacy and hard requirement of apostles existing today for the salvation of the bride of Christ. Who knows what they'll believe next decade!
Thank you for helping explain what we mean by “new, living apostles.” It’s not putting someone else above the gospel, they just preach it like any other priest or pastor
@@us3rGit is not it is a sent but it is because it some of the second great awakening the restorationist movement which erased all of Christianity and founded it on New saying that everybody had been wrong for the 1800 years and they were right.
@Korinthian-do7sx JWs are Unitarians, Arians, Macedonianists (a heresy that Redeemed Zoomer didn't talk about; its Arianism but you reject the Holy Spirit as a person and instead treat it like a force), and yes, they think Jesus is the Archangel Michael
I myself am Orthodox but im glad you are making these videos, there are so many people who have absolutely zero clue what they are talking about and just scream bad about Christianity and this actively works against it
Something I find a little strange is that originally I assumed this channel's goal was to unite different denominations of Christians together under a similar goal, but I feel like a lot of the recent videos have been a lot more focused on criticizing those who say they're Christian, but may have a few flaws that don't perfectly align with the gospel (or honestly just have opinions that RZ disagrees with). And obviously I understand the issue with some of these, but a lot of them I end up wondering if my original conception of this channel was wrong? Because he seems to be like all the other denominations that say everyone is wrong except them, with maybe a little more leeway for others. Just my opinion though, I'm likely incorrect
the very premise of the channel is that he's a "redeemed" zoomer, he's a young person who prefers traditional values over the new ones, that obviously means that he's also going to adopt the more barbaric and gatekeepy ones aswell hence the hefty use of the word "liberal" as a means of criticism, at least he's pretty informative about the ones he doesn't get emotional about emotional is a strong word, but you get it
Well he clearly stated what is heresy in the beginning, this has nothing to do with how much he or a certain denomination disagrees with a certain believe, but if it leads to conclusions which are not compatible with the definition of Christianity or errors in the interpretation.
Prosperity gospel is so fake annoying and an overall false interpretation of the gospel so many Nigerians are scared to call out these types of false prophets in their own land.
That is literally backwards. NAR comes from WoF, not the other way around. WoF goes back to Kenneth E. Haggin in the 1970s. NAR is basically post-2000.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities. in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders. now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that. it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943 If you are interested, I would like to point out three instances in the Gospel to consider. The first is the Canaanite woman from Mathew 15: 21-28 whose daughter is healed by Jesus because of the woman's great faith. The second is the Roman Centurian from Luke 7: 1-10 whose servant Jesus heals and then comments that, " not even in Israel have I found such faith". Finally, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 to whom Jesus offers "living water", then he refers to the whole Samaritan town as being ripe for the harvest, and then Jesus spends 2 days there and many Samaritans come to believe in him. Acts 10 and Romans 3 also deal with this topic very specifically and in detail. While Jesus's ministry was clearly targeted for the Jews, it's also abundantly clear in both the Gospels themselves, in the wider New Testament, and even in the Old Testament (see Genesis 12:3) that ultimately, Jesus's ministry, death, and resurrection was for everyone, Jew and Gentile.
Don't you love it when some troll hijacks your comment and then starts a whole comment war in the replies, when no one has actually said anything related to your comment? Man it's great.
Yeah it's just a blatant logical fallacy. The idea of good and evil comes from belief there is some higher power and rules, how can the one who made the rules of reality be wrong?
Pop Quiz: When does a heresy stop being a heresy? A. When it toes the line to its parent's 'infallible ' interpretations. B. When its teachings actually make sense. C. When it becomes the dominant belief. D. When people no longer care.
Sedevacantism would count as schism. It's technically not a heresy. Donatism involves sacraments just not happening. It involved doubting whether you were actually baptized or whether the Eucharist was actually consecrated at all
As a Catholic who respects NO and advocates for TLM, I would say that some Sedevacantist priests are acting like Donatists and that some clergy who are part of Catholic church and attacking other priests for having invalid ordination may be under suspicion of being Donatists. Avoid priests that are teaching heresy, convict them and if they do not listen, leave.
I just read on the internet that one priest had been baptizing laity wrongly for many years. Diocese spokesperson Katie Burke told NPR over email that Arango is believed to have used the incorrect word since the beginning of his priesthood in 1995. "I do not have an exact number of people affected, but I believe they number in the thousands," she added. Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted said in a statement that the error was first reported to him and confirmed after an investigation by diocesan officials in consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. He noted that the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith affirmed in 2020 that baptisms conferred with the phrase "We baptize you" are not valid. "What this means for you is, if your baptism was invalid and you've received other sacraments, you may need to repeat some or all of those sacraments after you are validly baptized as well," the diocese said.
You make a good point at 2:35 in the video. What you say here is one reason the Mormon, Seventh-Day Adventist, and other New Apostolic movements have been so schismatic. What's to keep someone from saying, "I had a dream last night where God told me, 'I'm very disappointed in the leader if your group, and I appoint you to start a new, true group'! Who's with me?" and potentially get a new movement of their own?
As an LDS member, this is not necessarily true. We believe that the God is the source of all truth, not the church, and not the scriptures. Churches are led by men, and scriptures are interpreted by men, thus the teaching that come from them will always be fallible. Only the holy spirit can testify of truth. With my church, we believe in restored prophets and living prophets, however, we are taught to seek the truth of everything from the source of truth itself. We dont simply hear, believe, and obey. We pray about things and receive confirmation of truth through the spirit. We believe that no church is perfect. Not even our own. The "true" church as it were, will only return when Jesus rules at its head in the flesh.
6:27 it didn't become clear why this is heresy. There is a huge debate about trinity and anti-trinitarians and both sides have some points. Just because unitarians eventually became liberals that does not mean the initial idea was wrong. It might be, but not for that reason.
04:47 You cannot get any better if you are PERFECT ! . That sounds like Christian Science . They would say any pain I feel in my body IS A LIE from the Enemy . If I choose to believe the lie , I continue in my pain . "Law Of Attraction" and "The Secret" come to the same conclusion , but by using different words : Bad Subconscious Programming for the lie and Manifestation for a positive answer to prayer . Deliverance and healing supplied by works : just repeat this affirmation 100 times a day . . . . .
On your last point about the value of studying heresy, I have also learned much about Christianity by learning about other religions. Amaury de Reincourt did a good job of comparing Hinduism and Christianity (and prophetic religions in general) and showing how they led to different implicit worldviews on time, causality, etc.
Leave a LIKE to see "every CULT explained in 10 minutes" also as a side note, my videos are not getting "dislike-bombed". The return dislike extension is not accurate, and for whatever reason it shows my videos having tons of dislikes. I can see the actual number and nearly all of my videos have over 95% likes including this one.
can you please screenshot the actual numbers? it would be interesting to see
On the validity of "New Apostolic" being heresy, this seems to me more of a Cessationism vs Continuationism debate.
Ephesians 5, five-fold ministry: along with evangelists and teachers and pastors, God gave us apostles and prophets and no where does the Bible say that God would take them away. Paul urges us to earnestly desire the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14). Jesus warns vehemently against false prophets in the days following Him (Matthew 5, Matthew 24) and, as Paul so poetically describes it, "super apostles" (2 Corinthians 11:5) were a problem even in his day. Super apostles being people who claim to be apostles, possibly on the grounds of signs and wonders but are really operating through demonic entities, judging by the fact that Paul calls out the Corinthians for receiving a different spirit than the Holy Spirit.
So the Bible does not say apostles are finished on earth, but it does say that there are false apostles running about and we should be aware of that.
Not familiar with Montanism, but the idea of God giving dreams and visions (like He said He would do) that do NOT contradict the Bible is not heretical. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so as Jesus and the Holy Spirit are described in the Bible is how we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit today. John 17:3 (the definition of eternal life) could be described as Montanism under your brief definition, so I caution against that.
I would personally argue that Cessationism is a borderline-heresy and point Cessationists to the Apostle Thomas and warn them that Christ reserves certain blessings to those who believe without seeing. That might be why Cessationists haven't seen a healing yet or had a dream or a vision. Did you know that the Apostle Thomas didn't believe until he felt the wound of in the side of his Savior from the spear, and that the spear is how Thomas was martyred. So Christ redeemed that moment of unbelief! Praise God.
Ask, seek, knock. Pray ceaselessly, fast for new wine. God will clarify any uncertainty. John 1:5 🙌
Really? that would be a strange one, the only channel i ve actually seen it on. The timing on the dislikes suggests its actual dislike bomb. Maybe try to contact extension creator?
@@totallyturtles480 definitely hear you there about the denomination itself. I honestly need to look more into the denominations myself so I cannot really comment on any one church or ministry. But what distinguishes someone from being an apostle (lowercase “a” because there is too much man glory tied to this word I think) appointed by God vs one appointed by this denomination?
If you’re going to do it remember their are two types of Mormonism
As a catholic I greatly appreciate your videos and I love that you are bringing Christians together and letting us have a better understanding of each other and letting us have a better understanding of what heresy is. God Bless you and all of the Christians in the comments.🩷✝️🩷
I'm Lutheran and we have several Catholics on my wife's side and they're like you are. There's some friendly banter but more than anything we're all glad we can call each other Christians
Convert to orthodoxy
They reject the biblically evident filioque because they wanted to be crybabies about not being invited to the council. Become Catholic. You know the crusaders that fought to preserve Christianity and fought your fight? They were Catholic. @@Xav-ce1re
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
A Catholic myself, the Christian denominations should focus on preaching the gospel instead of debating on who’s better than who
Completely agree
Yeah, totally.
Yeah my Christian brotha/sista
as a catholic, there's obviously one better than the other
the whole reason why denominations argue constantly is because they want to reach the best conclusion possible
the only thing that's wrong is when arguments devolve into fallacious squabbling
We shall claim ourselves as christians
*"SON!* Have you been reading _heresy_ recently? *Unacceptable."*
(racks shotgun)
“SON! Have you see my arm… what the?!”
(Son charges)
“AAAAAAAA- *but in deeper father voice*”
"Hey NO, that's my book! WHAT THA EEEEEEEEEEEEE-"
Bread boys reference😂
"...liberals will respect everyone's pronouns, except God's."
Solid argument
(CCC) #239 states, in reference to the Father: "God transcends the human distinction between the sexes. He is neither man nor woman: he is God."
@@balghar493 I don't know what "CCC 239" means. But God _is_ male. Not a man, but male. Jesus was/is a man, and he is the image of the Father.
Ironically, I think confusing Christs human and godly natures is itself a heresy you just committed
Christ being male does not at all signify god as being male, just as Christ being human does not mean god is human and mortal
and this distinction you have of “not a man, but male” makes no sense
With any logic whatsoever, it is clear to say a divine being outside of time and space would not be male or female
@@SourceCod33 I'm not confusing natures.
I said nothing about natures, human _or_ divine.
"Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, *that they may be one as We are*." John 17:11 NKJV
Also, in Col 1:15 it says that "He [Jesus] is *the image of the invisible God*, the firstborn over all creation."
Let me try to clarify male/not man.
There are certain traits that are considered male. Example, Strength. That isn't to say a woman can't be strong. But it's not a normal thing. Just like how being gentle is a feminine trait, there are certainly men who are gentle, again, it's just not what one would normally think of.
(It's also perhaps, worth noting that every. single. time. God is referred to as a masculine figure.)
And by what logic is it so clear "to say a divine being outside of time and space would not be male or female"?
Please pray for me y’all
I keep falling into lust with weird fantasies
"But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22 :)
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners
Pray to the Lord when you have it. "Intrusive thoughts" may be genuine demonic attacks on you. Put on the armor of God, his word is your sword.
I have found success in 1: fasting (not just from food, but electronic devices in general) 2: scheduling each day, including the free time, 3: reading the Bible a lot daily, and 4: taking thoughts captive (saying "no" to certain ideas and then thinking about others things, especially godly things instead).
"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."
- Colossians 3:2 ESV
I'll pray for you!
"we can govern the universe like god"
we can't even govern ourselves 😭
It's interesting that a lot of these heresies started out with the best of intentions but became warped by us humans. Word Of Faith started out saying "if you're always negative, nihilistic, and speaking death upon yourself and others it's not gonna produce good fruits cause you're just gonna be angry all the time" but then it became "say positive stuff so good things will happen to you!" and liberation theology began as "we should try to help others and show the light of Jesus through our actions" and became "RAAAAAH! OPPRESSION! VICTIMHOOD!!!!!!" Us humans are great at screwing stuff up.
That's interesting about the Word of Faith, I figured their doctrine would have been based on the whole: "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
@@HaggisOfDeath That, too, about having faith, however instead of it being about having faith in God and reaffirming that through your words and actions, its just new-age crap in a fancy Christian label.
I agree, and I think Pentecostalism is especially subject to getting highjacked due to its emphasis on the gifts of the spirit at the expense of the fruit of the spirit. Even the 5 fold ministry and seven mountains mandate can have a more charitable reading of “maybe there’s something to the bishphoric structure of the church (most NAR apostles are basically acting as overseers of their “networks”, which is the role of bishops in all but name and subject to the same abuses)” and “the church should be salt and light in our countries’ institutions and stop the spread of secularism”. It’s people taking it way too far and seeking to have control due to their offices instead of rendering control to god and actually being shepherds where things go wrong.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
I bet this dude @happymate8943 does not even read about Jesus healing the daughter of a gentile in Mark 7 25-30
I went to church for the first time a few weeks ago
1st) welcome home!
2nd) How was your experience?
@@AbrahamLincoln-p16 it was very positive everyone wanted to talk to me and they gave me a bible :)
@markstein2845 xd I’m from the United Kingdom
@@AbrahamLincoln-p16 it was really positive everyone wanted to talk to me and they gave me a bible :)
@@AbrahamLincoln-p16 it was really positive everyone wanted to talk to me and they gave me a bible
Thanks for teaching me in Christ Jesus of Nazareth.
I'm glad you spoke about the prosperity gospel cos any non-christian looking into our religion always thinks of the prosperity gospel and what some televangelists do with their money, which is horrible and wrong.
Yeah, Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith in combination have done more to turn people away from Christianity in modern times than anti-theistic Atheists ever have tbh
Off topic but nice profile picture :)
@@CyberGuy2 thank you, i made it myself
@@ann.samuel nice :)
Prosperity gospel alone has done some serious harm to society, never mind Christianity.
Either Copeland et al. are dangerously delusional and stupid, or they are actual demons in human form.
As a Peruvian Catholic. What he said about Gustavo Gutierrez is sadly true, but happily now he chilled down and isn’t so radical anymore.
In Argentina, the Catholic Church is totally militant of the left. Is obsene the amount of infection of political ideologies. Even with parties like Peronism, which is liberal and has a totally anti-religious agenda. Putrid.
Please tell me more about the situation.
Did he got excommunicated?
I feel like this is a narrow interpretation of Liberation Theology, as there are, yes, those who say 'Spirituality doesn't matter' but there are plenty who don't, most of the lib-theo authors I've read are very mild or are more about revealing truths that have been generally pushed out due to political shifts, rather than a belief in particularly radical theological ideas.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28-29
Nice, love your efforts to fight heresy. Cheers from Orthodox brother!
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
Fellow Orthox here. RZ mis-defined heresy. Heresy is defined by favoring private interpretation over tradition. The Protestant 'definition' of heresy is engineered to favor their understanding of ecclesiology, itseld heretical; and it's also basically influenced by the history of Catholic witch-hunts.
@@AMRARDvermebrungruppewhat are catholic witch hunts?
Just a reminder that you can believe in anything you want, just don't call yourself Christian if you do not follow the basics principles of Christianity.
@The_christian_workerThey are all in the Nicene Creed. Plus I also consider Oriental Orthodox people and the Church of the East people are also christian
@@ilbrasciolarochearrostelac8762if you asked Paul what are the basics of Christianity his answer i don’t feel would be particularly similar to the concepts elucidated in the Nicene Creed
- there's only one God, the Creator, and he loves us.
- knowing we're sinners, He decided to die on the cross so that His sacrifice would grant us forgiveness.
- After His death, Jesus rose from the deads, beating death, after that He ascended and has been alive ever since.
I can't summarize all the basics in just one comment, but this is what I usually answer when someone asks me what I believe in as Christian
@The_christian_worker i'm afraid i don't quite get what you're trynna tell me (there's a bit of a language barrier on my end since i'm not english)
I wrote what I usually answer when asked about my Faith, and I know it can't be a sufficient explanation of Christianity but i'm pretty sure even if something is missing what i've included is right.
I guess it's true that Paul thaught it, but what's the problem? He doesn't contradict nor diverge from the teaching of Jesus, in fact he's considered one of the most important preachers. His letterw was so important they were included in the bible.
I don't get what Pauline Christianity means: didn't he spread what Jesus thaught?
@The_christian_worker probably our disagreement comes from those divisions you've talked about. May I ask if you follow a certain denomination? I, as a catholic, have huge admiration for whats Saints have done and Paul is one of the most inspiring.
I'm still very young and don't know the Bible so well: would you help me learning where exactly Jesus talked about Gahenna? If I have ever heard those, I probably think He was talking about hell.
The reason i believe hell is a thing is beacuse of free will: God lets us the choice tho have Faith in Him or not, so if one decides that's not what they want to do they can just choose not be with God, which means, by definition, hell.
"If you have faith, you'll be rich and healthy" is true not rich by money but rich with God's love
Redeemed Zoomer, you are the best protestant youtuber I ever saw. As an Eastern Orthodox, I can agree with a lot of things you speak. Personally, I am very grateful for everything you do, even though we disagree on some things. God bless you brother and keep doing good work.
You should watch Gavin Ortlund
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943he literally said to preach to gentiles after the resurrection
What more do you need to know
@@LaserKatze That person is commenting that same thing under each comment. Just ignore them.
@@happymate8943 I don't undrestand what are you talk about?
1. Matthew 28:20 clearly says that Gospel be preached to all people and all nationd
2.I think you don't undrestand what the New Covenant is, the New Covenant was made between the God and creation(us) throught blood spilled on the Cross and Jesus' ressurection from death.
3.Cornilius, the Roman captain, was first gentiles to be baptized and accept Christianity, him and all his home became Christians.
4. No one hijacked anyone, it's quiet normal for people to not agree on some issues, don't you think? Orthodox and Protestants have a lot of things to dissagree on, but we have something common - we believe in God triune in Personalities of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
5.Even prophecies in the Old Testament are saying that, due the apostasy of the Israel, God will make the New Covenant with other nations, who are ready to hear and understand Him.
6.Due the apostasy I mentioned, the Church is the New Israel, the Kingdom of God on the Earth with Jesus Christ as the King.
God bless you brother.
“Liberals will respect everyone’s pronouns except Gods” 😂 I almost fell out of my chair!!
You're a great youtuber and advocate of the faith, God bless you RZ
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943 Mhm seems like it
@@happymate8943maybe because the gentiles would have killed them for claiming there was only one god because most everyone else was pantheistic. In the Roman Empire you could only practice certain religions, and Christianity was not one of them. Judaism got a pass because it was ancient, but those who didn’t worship Roman gods or some of the other acceptable religions were literally prosecuted for atheism. Did you consider that they wouldn’t have been receptive to “repent and worship the only true God”?
Or maybe it was something else. But I don’t know why you wouldn’t just look it up *why* instead of coming to the conclusion that God was wrong.
I forgot about this comment.
Judaism was persicuted by Romans, the first start of this conflict was that Jews didn't pay homage to the Roman gods. If correct the kingdom of Judea was only protected because of the installed puppet king and the taxes paid if correct. Later on tons of villages were burned , many were exiled while other unlucky ones were trapped in other things.
Christians was an upcoming Jewish cult, and cults in the Roman empire aren't new. Why made them gather negative attention was because they were openly against traditional pagan ritual practices. Jews were against it too , but they were more kept to themselves.
The more public or well known persecutions began under nero when he blamed Christians for the fire.
I will say ironically some elements of Roman pagan beliefs still influence Christianity.
The part about Donatism was actually really encouraging because there is a slight chance I was baptized by a false believer
You can actually be baptized even by an out and out unbeliever as long as they use water and baptize in the name of father son and holy spirit
I was "baptized" by a Jehovah's witness, so I actually did need a proper baptism afterwards
I think RedeemedZoomer unintentionally misrepresented Donatism a little bit (not entirely). Donatus taught that clergy had to be above reproach and sacraments conferred by clergy outside a state of grace were invalid. During the Diocletian persecution, a lot of clergy apostatized out of fear. When the persecution subisided, the clergy sought reinstatement and Donatus denied it and any sacraments performed after their attempted return were deemed invalid. Augustine fought against Donatism saying the grace of God would not be denied to the returning clergy and they should be welcomed back in communion.
With regard to the validity of baptism by a false believer, if you were baptized into a Christian Church that affirms the Trinity, its a valid baptism even if the baptizer didn't personally believe in his heart. In the case of sects like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Oneness-types, they deny the Trinity. Their baptisms are invalid because even though they may use the trinitarian formula, their understanding of what those words actually mean are at odds with orthodox Christianity.
were you baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit?
Were you baptised by immersion in water by your choice to express your faith in Jesus christ, believing that he has saved you from your sin? Then your all good if not then you weren't baptised inthe first place.
Im not even religious anymore, but this is so enlightening. Helps me understand a lot of stuff better
Why did you leave God?
Thanks for educating me on what all these meant! I had no idea what some of these heresies were.
He misrepresented NAR. NAR believers do not believe in new Apostles, they believe that there have always been apostles (the lowercase letter is imperative to understand) who exist within church government. It's just an organizational way to say that pastors shouldn't hold absolute power over a congregation.
Unrelated, but I like your Zelda videos, Bread Pirate. 👍
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@calebneff5777 the church says otherwise
@@happymate8943 Isaiah 49:6. the plan was always to also save the gentiles
Cheers from an Orthodox brother mi fren.
Thank you for what you're doing.
Cozy loves you.
Cheers from a manichaean, however heresy status does not invalidate theology if there is a scholarly truth to it
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
@@happymate8943What about Matthew 28:19?
@@happymate8943How exactly are we reshaping anyone's religion?
@@aleksajankovic3461It is apparently a bot
I’ve been deep into meditation since 7 years old. Martial arts training.
I really got into Buddhism, I’m 42 and something happened last year. Long story short, I v never been to church a day in my life, since last year.
When I meditate on a Hail Mary, I am in a state of total relaxation and calmness, all anxiety’s gone.
I pray every Sunday in mass for forgiveness of my sins, and perhaps someday will be baptized.
I'm a martial artist, too. I understand your situation because I was tempted with Buddhism. Christ will forgive your sins if you accept Him as your Savior. If you have done that, then go talk to the priest. I'm a Baptist so my understanding of the Catholic process could be off, but I have little doubt the priest will help you on this path. Regardless of whatever church you feel at home, don't be afraid to surrender yourself to Jesus. There is a peace you won't find anywhere else.
So much of these I don’t know I’m very excited to learn about these your channel has helped me tremendously with understanding and worshiping Christ I started last summer and now I’m growing and building faith thank you brother I am currently looking for a church and as much as I’d like a reformed Presbyterian church the closet one is 3 hours away from what I researched but I have been teaching my brother and sister about Christ and I go to my friends church (Baptist church) I will continue with my fight for Christ and build more and more for the kingdom like you brother god bless!!!
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
Anglican is a good middle ground between Catholic and Protestant. I believe they're called Episcopalan in the US.
@@ivetterodríguez-j4kgay marriage, gay clergy, crazymatics, hard pass
@@happymate8943 I ain’t reading all that Christ is king forever and ever amen!!
"If there are no wrong answers, then there are no right answers either."
That is the same as an observation I've made about people saying, "All religions are equally valid". That's saying the exact same thing as, "All religions are equally invalid", which is what I think these people actually mean.
Yeah usually the 'all are equally valid' is just a presage to saying that "every religion thinks they're right, why do you think yours is magically better than the rest?" and then into "every religion is equally untrue".
If all religions are baseless claims then yes, all religions are equally valid.
Funny thing about that, all religions *can* be wrong, not all of them can be right
My mum makes me attend a Pentecostal church where the pastor claims to be an apostle and also teaches that you can speak things into existence. I thought my church were just especially crazy, didn’t realise “Word of Faith” and “New apostolic” were actually common things.
I love that you end your video with the Gospel. Thank you for all your videos! They are so easy to understand.
God bless you brother. I really appreciate how you made a clear distinction between heressy and denomination. Being from another Christian group it's not heretic.
When I was younger, I admit that somehow I thought 80% of these heresies are true, without even knowing that they were wrong.
dont worry, when i was younger i thought australia was in the middle of europe
To combat Heresy truthfully as a Christian is not just discerning blatant error from truth, it is discerning 99% truth from 100% truth. Great video!!!!
As someone exploring my own faith and what I actually believe in an attempt to find a suitable church home, your videos are incredibly helpful and eye-opening. I'm really very glad to have found your channel and want to sincerely thank you for what you're doing.
As someone that's, in the grand scheme of things, newer to the faith: great work my brother. Your videos help put quite a bit into perspective, you're doing a great job :)
More dislikes than likes, but I can't find a single negative comment. Something's up here.
How can you see the dislikes?
Negative comment.
@@praise_Jesus3 The Return Dislikes extension. RZ has since claimed that that extension is inaccurate and that most of his videos have fine like/dislike ratios, but I'm skeptical--I've seen one of his vids get plenty of criticism before.
@@UnpatternedGarbagethe extension is very inaccurate
@@Tonistarr I haven't seen anything that would suggest it's _that_ inaccurate. And even with what I have seen, it seems to usually be inaccurate in the opposite direction of what RZ claims--ie, _more_ dislikes than are shown.
As a Baptist, your videos are good at summing up various things about different denominations and other things to inform us Christians. Peace be with you ✝️
The heresy definition that is "someone who disagrees with my church" is the best since all churches agree with it
As an athiest I love studying these videos not in order to convert, but simply because I find all of this very interesting. I think these videos are very good at providing an external 3rd person view on the subject
It actually warms my heart that you feel that way. I never had anything against athiests since faith and spirituality is a personal thing. But it is great that you find this interesting!
Absolutely share this perspective as an atheist
Same tbh
This is very interesting to learn about
I was an athiest for years. The constant shortcomings of Christians in my life kept me that way. It wasn't until I took a look at what specifically Christ tells them to be vs. what they decided to be that I started to believe.
I agree as a non Christian agnostic. I know the main purpose of videos like this is to show Christians how to avoid heresy, but since I hold some beliefs that are inherently heretical that I am unwilling to change, this shows me that I am not Christian
Zoomer: "[Unitarians] thought the bible didn't teach the trinity, but that clearly isn't true because Unitarianism evolved into by far the most liberal religious group in the world."
Me: "HOW is that an argument?"
yeah that isn't really a particularly valid argument at all. 'Unitarian Universalism' coming out of Unitarianism is not why Unitarianism is flawed. It's because its theological basis is based almost entirely on bad translations and (comically) conservative reactionary actions to the growing understanding that the passages that directly stated the Trinity's existence were forged.
This did not mean that Trinity came out of nowhere, it is not an imposition, it is simply a slightly harder to understand concept when you're removed from the Greek itself which makes the formulation of the Trinity more apparent.
His argument on Liberation Theology is also pretty flawed, as Liberation Theology was not regarded as heretical by the Catholic church--It was just restated and it was firmly stated that Marxist materialism was incompatible and some priests and theologians were becoming too materialistic in their understandings, which most of them then agreed with. Basically the argument boiled down to, 'Well dogs are bad, because some of them bite' which isn't a correct analysis and Liberation Theology has been considered influential and important to the developing theological, apostolic succession of the Catholic church.
The Unitarian Heresy is pretty interesting. I watch a UA-camr who lost his faith mainly because he was a part of a Unitarian Bible Study Class. Whenever he would question why there are “three gods,” he was ordered out of the class like he had just committed sacrilege. I’ll have to ask my pastor about this.
As a Roman Catholic, I watch these with interest. God bless you bro!
Mormons are still Christians and you’re genuinely blind if you still think everything people said bad about Joseph Smith in the 19th century is true. Mormons literally commit only ONE of the heresies you’ve mentioned in all these videos that being Montanism. Majority of “Christians” in America like the Liberal Mainline believe at least half a dozen heresies simultaneously including those contrary to the trinity while members of the LDS are living lives worshiping the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit like all those Mainline Christians did back in the 18th century. Fact of the matter is Joseph Smith was right about the Catholics and Mainlines being false churches who abide by so much heresy that in comparison a modern prophet doesn’t even compare. Seriously Catholics believe that Hinduism is a perfectly legitimate route towards Christ’s salvation and Mainliners believe in multiple gods including one of the Old Testament and another of the New. It’s genuinely baffling.
8:14 who else saw a Red Cross when the bubble turned orange?
Haha. Optical illusion
Sadly this is the only video I have found by this channel so far that isn't being hated in the comments
I’ll fix that
Mormons are still Christians and you’re genuinely blind if you still think everything people said bad about Joseph Smith in the 19th century is true. Mormons literally commit only ONE of the heresies you’ve mentioned in all these videos that being Montanism. Majority of “Christians” in America like the Liberal Mainline believe at least half a dozen heresies simultaneously including those contrary to the trinity while members of the LDS are living lives worshiping the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit like all those Mainline Christians did back in the 18th century. Fact of the matter is Joseph Smith was right about the Catholics and Mainlines being false churches who abide by so much heresy that in comparison a modern prophet doesn’t even compare. Seriously Catholics believe that Hinduism is a perfectly legitimate route towards Christ’s salvation and Mainliners believe in multiple gods including one of the Old Testament and another of the New. It’s genuinely baffling.
When I read on your channel you’re very ecumenical I already knew this was going to be a great place.
He's not, he can't even recognize the faults in calvinism lol, and hasn't even recognized the existence of Messianic Jews, but babbles on about "muh Judaizers"
Couldn't hyper Calvinism be considered a heresy since it denies all human free will, that means all the sins and disbelief of humans are God's fault since he is responsible for all things in this belief? Also doesn't Calvinism deny the extent of Christ attonment on the cross and the desire of God for all to be saved? It seems that Calvinism even denies the love nature of God in that it makes him non relational because love only exists in the context of relationship with others and those others must be able to reject the love offer otherwise they are just objects and not persons. Calvinism taken to its logical extreme certainly has the potential to change the gospel, the nature of God and the need for faith. But I don't think most Calvinists take it to heretical levels, just saying it has potential for it.
I think Hyper-Calvinism (The idea that God does not love everyone and that he actively predestines some to Hell) could be considered a heresy, but historically it has been very little affirmed and most of those who defended it were, in fact, a small group of radical Baptists. The Reformed position is that God loves everyone and that predestination to hell is passive on God's part (he simply chose not to give saving grace to the non-elect, but is not responsible for their sins). Regarding limited atonement, if you properly study what is taught, you will see that there is a lot of diversity on this subject (I recommend the video on Predestination by RZ), we believe that the extent of Christ's sacrifice is sufficient to redeem everyone, but it is only effective for the Elect, because only they will come to believe in God. Thomas Aquinas wrote about the issue of God's love and salvation of only the Elect in Summa Theologiae Part 1, Chapter 23, Article 3:
"Objection 1. It seems that God reprobates no man. For nobody reprobates what he loves. But God loves every man, according to (Wisdom 11:25): "Thou lovest all things that are, and Thou hatest none of the things Thou hast made." Therefore God reprobates no man.
Reply to Objection 1. God loves all men and all creatures, inasmuch as He wishes them all some good; but He does not wish every good to them all. So far, therefore, as He does not wish this particular good-namely, eternal life-He is said to hate or reprobated them".
@pedroguimaraes6094 I am also raised as Calvinist, but predestination is iffy. God cannot create certain man to destine that person to hell. And thats not necessarily what predestination means. God destined us all to be in relationship with Him (all men are invited to eternal life) but not everybody lives with this gift.
Hardcore robotism
@@pedroguimaraes6094old testament on steroids
hypercalvinism (or calvinism taken to its natural conclusion) makes God the author of sin and makes him into the islamic God essentially, so I'd say it's a heresy as it mischaracterizes God's character
“Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich”
We have to stop being against our own selves with our words, speaking what we see with our eyes and not what we see by faith.
God loves you, therefore saying with your mouth “i am ugly, i’m always late, I never get it right, i’m a fail, i’m a loser, i’m fat, i’m too this or that”
That is to speak badly of God’s child, YOU, God Loves you.
To speak against yourself is to speak against God himself.
He created and died for you to redeem you.
Therefore Say what God says about you not what the world and your negative thoughts say about you.
This is what Joel Osteen preaches.
This is what it means to speak by faith.
Isn't what Joel Osteen preaches mostly "send me money"?
@@fluffysheap find me one clip of Joel asking anyone for money?
@@happyfeetlives5878 I just googled “Joel Osteen asking for money” and got a UA-cam link where he claims giving him money is like giving money to the poor and needy
And like… one of the frequently asked questions on his site is “how can I send you money”, lol. The last four numbers in the phone number you can call to donate are “JOEL”
Please ignore RZ
Cause sometimes his research doesn't take the whole Bible into account, here's what he's called heresies
In 1 John, beloved, I wish above all that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospereth. (Heresy no. 1) . Or is it the Bible passage that says that it is God that giveth wisdom to make wealth that he is addressing?
Scriptural suffering is persecution for the gospel and other struggles, not just oh, being a Christian is about suffering.
Where I agree with him is that that's not the main message of the Gospel.
He calls them heresies without study how they came to be and how the Bible addressed them, and trust me, the bible addressed all of them.
Don't listen to anyone on the Internet without being like the bereans, going back to confirm with the Bible by the guidance of the Spirit.
Christianity is personal ooh!
Please ignore RZ
Cause sometimes his research doesn't take the whole Bible into account, here's what he's called heresies
In 1 John, beloved, I wish above all that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospereth. (Heresy no. 1) . Or is it the Bible passage that says that it is God that giveth wisdom to make wealth that he is addressing?
Scriptural suffering is persecution for the gospel and other struggles, not just oh, being a Christian is about suffering.
Where I agree with him is that that's not the main message of the Gospel.
He calls them heresies without study how they came to be and how the Bible addressed them, and trust me, the bible addressed all of them.
Don't listen to anyone on the Internet without being like the bereans, going back to confirm with the Bible by the guidance of the Spirit.
Christianity is personal ooh!
Homeboy your channel is the epitome of "heresy is anything I don't agree with"
I believe most of the points he mentioned is a straight heresy which denies the true teaching of the bible. Except some of them but not in a full extent.
Look up definition of heresy, you might learn something.
Oooo I can't wait!
Except that I already have to be in bed when this releases. Great
Atheist here! Thanks for the video, i love studying theology and even if i disagree with your opinions, i love the information you share.
I appreciate and respect how thorough yet laid back you are. You just put information out there as objectively as you can without putting individual people down, rather pointing out errors in understanding and interpretation. I may not agree with everything you present or its interpretation, though I definitely find commonality with the overwhelming majority and really respect how its presented. Keep it up!
"God changes and IMPROVES over time"????? That's not even heresy, that's just blasphemy
Who are you to judge God's "Improvement"?💀
I really appreciate your channel. Keep up the good work.
Bro, my sunday school teacher has been teaching about the Judaizers in Galatians for like, at _least_ 6 weeks and it somehow hasn't made sense to me on why we don't need to gollow the old law anymore until just now watching this video. Thank you.
Glad you call out prosperity and WoF as outright heresy.
Those and NAR are MLM (multi level marketing). It's all a pyramid scheme of churches and why all that are involved heavily promote eachother while having the lackeys at the bottom selling their deceit. I call it the church Amway built.
Amen. brother and sister, Praise the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🙏❤️
As I used to be or associate with many different denominations, I supposed through trial and error I was and am becoming a reformed independent who has been baptized ( Not water) into the Body of Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit (Spirit-filled) of God in Christ Jesus for my edification and sanctification until glorification in the future. I really want to thank you for your very informative and seemingly correct division of theology. Thanx again brother in Christ!
The Judaizer movement has popped back up way too prominently.
Ethiopians orthodox is more judiac except you don't have to be Jewish
The Israel-hamas conflict
I haven't really seen it popping up among Christians, but I have seen it popping up among some atheists trying to do a gotcha by talking about the shellfish ban.
Yeah we have to stop calling each other heretical just because we disagrees on minor things, that doesn’t destroy the foundaction of our faith. We have to stand together on the true God: The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and the true Gospel which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Shows love from a Lutheran.✝️💙🤝🏻✝️❤️🤝🏻☦️
These are NOT minor things💀💀💀😭🙏
@@EconAFD yeah but it is not something that is incompatible with the Christian faith and Zoomer is bringing us more together rahowing what is (heresy) “imcompatible with Christian doctrine and faith” and what is not.
@@EconAFDOP is talking about Christians accusing others heretics for stuff like communion practices
@@EconAFD They're talking about trying to re-define God to suit themselves, not saying things like "Oh you weren't baptized by immersion, so it didn't really count"
Exactly. I can understand calling a JW or Mormon a heteric because they change the foundation of Christianity but calling a Protestant, Catholic, Roman Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox a heteric is just a waste of time as most of their practices are just different and they don't reject the essentials of Christianity
Last Sunday, our Minister preached a sermon about how many Churches engage in 'beating the sheep', where every message is about how terrible / depraved / evil / sinful us humans are. Not about how much God loves us, despite ourselves, but how terrible we are. No wonder people stop going to Church if that's all they hear.
Actually your minister sounds fantastic and true to the gospel. Jesus also spoke a lot about hell. Most ministers today are soft and make it seem like it’s okay to sin because God loves you. The truth is that while God does love us we’re are unworthy of his love because of how sinful we are.
Problem with that is you cannot teach about God's love without teaching about sin and the depravity of man. It's the reason why Jesus had to come and die to save us to begin with.
You know a big idol/heresy I see a lot? "Israel" as an idol.
Dat dispensationalism.
Is that Palestinian Copium?
@@Aizen_Sosuke999 no, just someone who recognizes that the modern state of Israel is not the biblical Kingdom of Israel, and that my descendants futures shouldn't be mortgaged in order to service their needs as being any sort of special people.
"The Christian knows what it is because it knows what it isn't."
The Christian knows where he is because he knows where he isn't. By subtracting where he is from where he isn't, or where he isn't from where he is (whichever is greater), he obtains a difference, or deviation.
The divine guidance drives the Christian from the position where he is to a position where he isn't, and arriving at a position where he wasn't, he now is. Consequently, the position where he is, is now the position where he wasn't, and it follows that the position where he was, is now the position where he isn't.
Because the faith has modified some of the information the Christian has obtained, he is not sure just where he is. However, he is sure where he isn't, within reason, and he knows where he was. He now subtracts where he should be from where he wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where he shouldn't be, and where he was, he is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
I’m not religious but damn dude your videos are entertaining and really informative. Keep it up!
I didn’t know you were the kind of guy to make sequels.
I think I quite messed up with my beliefs in Christ 😣
I understood that I need to learn more from the Bible and pray God to guide my heart and fulfill His Will 🙏🏿✝️
Honestly, its the same with all of us. There's always more we can learn from the Bible, and I imagine almost everyone has held beliefs that they ended up changing, and still hold beliefs today which, assuming they continue to study the Scriptures, they will end up changing too. In many cases I do not think it is too important, for instance I do not think it matters all that much if the communion wine is literally turning into the blood of Christ or if it is just metaphorical, but it is important that we get the fundamentals right, and accept Jesus as our Risen Lord and Saviour.
It is a wise man who realises they need to learn more and seek guidance from God and His Scriptures in that task. I shall pray for you. Please pray for me too. God bless you.
@@HaggisOfDeath Amen. May God bless you my brother 🙏🏿❤️
Just seek God and read the bible, all this religious stuff will get you know where with God, it's better to have a personal relationship with God then to just follow the bible as a rule book.
You truly don't scurry away from hard and true statements.
Great video, man.
I am a New Apostolic Christian and even after watching this I don't really understand how our faith is a heresy against Christian beliefs. Can someone try to explain this further?
Because you’re redefining the gospel. The authority to say whatever you want, is up to you because you’re new apostles. Since the apostles have authority; you must have that same authority. But if you can say things with the same authority as the apostles, you’re redefining the gospel to however you like, and nobody/nothing is authorized to correct you.
So like RZ said, when sth you teach isn’t Christian: Catholics and Orthodox will point to the authority of the church. Protestants will point to the authority of scriptures.
Mainly your not part of the church, its a branch of a fake denomination that shot off of the mormon church.
As a New Apostolic member, we do not place anyone above the bible. We turn to the Apostles for insight yes. And the Apostles direct the messages to be preached to the church and themes to focus on. We often question them when talking to them and they are modern priests are open to this. 😊 I hope this helps
This church used to believe one MUST be sealed, baptized not just by water but also by the spirit, and this could only be done by an Apostle performing this ceremony. Essentially placing a man between others and their salvation. Today, they believe that God can ALSO dispense the holy spirit at will, but Apostles performing this rite is still totally cool too. They're basically in the process of backing away from the core tenant of its existence, the primacy and hard requirement of apostles existing today for the salvation of the bride of Christ. Who knows what they'll believe next decade!
Thank you for helping explain what we mean by “new, living apostles.” It’s not putting someone else above the gospel, they just preach it like any other priest or pastor
These videos are so good. Concise, to the point, relevant.
I still don't understand how it's classified Christianity
@@us3rGit is not it is a sent but it is because it some of the second great awakening the restorationist movement which erased all of Christianity and founded it on New saying that everybody had been wrong for the 1800 years and they were right.
also jehovah witnesses
@Korinthian-do7sx JWs are Unitarians, Arians, Macedonianists (a heresy that Redeemed Zoomer didn't talk about; its Arianism but you reject the Holy Spirit as a person and instead treat it like a force), and yes, they think Jesus is the Archangel Michael
Babe wake up, new Redemed Zoomer video just dropped
Thanks zoomer for your videos I have learned much from them...Amen🙏😇✝
3:35 Pope John Paul II was not a fan. He once publicly scolded Ernesto Cardenal, a Nicaraguan priest, for his support of Liberation Theology.
The Church is also part of the Gospel. Any movement or idea that seeks to redefine the Church is also heresy.
As a Eastern Orthodox when I watch your videos 80 percent of the time I feel like we’re the same denomination
feminist theology is infected a lot of the American churches x_x
@@andyghkfilm2287 no
@@andyghkfilm2287 Why?
@@DiamondWorldUA-cam because feminist theology is good of course
I myself am Orthodox but im glad you are making these videos, there are so many people who have absolutely zero clue what they are talking about and just scream bad about Christianity and this actively works against it
As a Catholic I personally hate liberation theology so much it hurts, it’s like a parasite.
Me too
I hate the false gospel posited by Rome
@@darthbanana7 dont even worry about that, just stay prayed up and everything will be okay
@@darthbanana7 where did you get your Bible
@@Zack-f6p i did not get it from the Catholic Church and it doesn’t have the apocrypha in it because im not brown
Your videos are absolutely phenomenal. God is with you in your teachings and I truly believe he is guiding you.
That was really good, Thank you, Brother!
Something I find a little strange is that originally I assumed this channel's goal was to unite different denominations of Christians together under a similar goal, but I feel like a lot of the recent videos have been a lot more focused on criticizing those who say they're Christian, but may have a few flaws that don't perfectly align with the gospel (or honestly just have opinions that RZ disagrees with). And obviously I understand the issue with some of these, but a lot of them I end up wondering if my original conception of this channel was wrong? Because he seems to be like all the other denominations that say everyone is wrong except them, with maybe a little more leeway for others. Just my opinion though, I'm likely incorrect
i'm beginning to feel same, i am word of faith, and NAR and i thought this channel was awesome.. but now i see he is just another heresy hunter
the very premise of the channel is that he's a "redeemed" zoomer, he's a young person who prefers traditional values over the new ones, that obviously means that he's also going to adopt the more barbaric and gatekeepy ones aswell
hence the hefty use of the word "liberal" as a means of criticism, at least he's pretty informative about the ones he doesn't get emotional about
emotional is a strong word, but you get it
Well he clearly stated what is heresy in the beginning, this has nothing to do with how much he or a certain denomination disagrees with a certain believe, but if it leads to conclusions which are not compatible with the definition of Christianity or errors in the interpretation.
What hymn is it that plays starting around 8:20? It’s beautiful.
Thank you and God bless!
It always makes me smile that people still care about religion even if it’s not my religion
Prosperity gospel is so fake annoying and an overall false interpretation of the gospel so many Nigerians are scared to call out these types of false prophets in their own land.
That is literally backwards. NAR comes from WoF, not the other way around. WoF goes back to Kenneth E. Haggin in the 1970s. NAR is basically post-2000.
you do realize jesus message was for his Jewish followers and not to gentiles? In fact Matthew 10:5, Jesus instructs his disciples not to preach to Gentiles or in Samaritan cities.
in fact this relates to the goal of the movement at the time. Judea was conquered by the Roman empire, which led to many new religious movements and Schools thought. one of these groups was the belief of a Messiah figure to not only unite all of Judea but to kick out the foreign invaders.
now I know you guys are going to bring up "make disciples of other nations". that was after the crucifixion, which is odd when he specifically ordered his disciples not to do that.
it's weird you guys are debating each other over "false Christianity" when you hijacked another groups religion and reshaped it to make seem like it was meant for gentiles.
Kinda weird to call it hearsay, especially when there's pagan elements in the religion.
@Tyebaidjjd what are you even talking about?
@@happymate8943 If you are interested, I would like to point out three instances in the Gospel to consider. The first is the Canaanite woman from Mathew 15: 21-28 whose daughter is healed by Jesus because of the woman's great faith. The second is the Roman Centurian from Luke 7: 1-10 whose servant Jesus heals and then comments that, " not even in Israel have I found such faith". Finally, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 to whom Jesus offers "living water", then he refers to the whole Samaritan town as being ripe for the harvest, and then Jesus spends 2 days there and many Samaritans come to believe in him. Acts 10 and Romans 3 also deal with this topic very specifically and in detail. While Jesus's ministry was clearly targeted for the Jews, it's also abundantly clear in both the Gospels themselves, in the wider New Testament, and even in the Old Testament (see Genesis 12:3) that ultimately, Jesus's ministry, death, and resurrection was for everyone, Jew and Gentile.
Don't you love it when some troll hijacks your comment and then starts a whole comment war in the replies, when no one has actually said anything related to your comment? Man it's great.
As an atheist person who respects all religions (not satanic ones) I rlly liked this video it is educational
You could NEVER catch me calling God evil, couldn’t be me sis
Yeah it's just a blatant logical fallacy.
The idea of good and evil comes from belief there is some higher power and rules, how can the one who made the rules of reality be wrong?
@@C.k835poisoning the well fallacy much?
Pop Quiz: When does a heresy stop being a heresy?
A. When it toes the line to its parent's 'infallible ' interpretations.
B. When its teachings actually make sense.
C. When it becomes the dominant belief.
D. When people no longer care.
@markstein2845 so, A. Lol
@markstein2845 then that church is not of God, of course the Lord will guide the True Church!
This is actually really good. You are very smart. They should play these videos in youth groups
My fellow Catholics, would Sedevacantism count as Donatism?
I'm not sure
Sedevacantism would count as schism. It's technically not a heresy.
Donatism involves sacraments just not happening. It involved doubting whether you were actually baptized or whether the Eucharist was actually consecrated at all
@@crusaderACR @alonsoACR Yeah, but Sedes always say that all sacraments are invalid because the current Catholic faith is led by a false Pope
As a Catholic who respects NO and advocates for TLM, I would say that some Sedevacantist priests are acting like Donatists and that some clergy who are part of Catholic church and attacking other priests for having invalid ordination may be under suspicion of being Donatists.
Avoid priests that are teaching heresy, convict them and if they do not listen, leave.
I just read on the internet that one priest had been baptizing laity wrongly for many years.
Diocese spokesperson Katie Burke told NPR over email that Arango is believed to have used the incorrect word since the beginning of his priesthood in 1995.
"I do not have an exact number of people affected, but I believe they number in the thousands," she added.
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted said in a statement that the error was first reported to him and confirmed after an investigation by diocesan officials in consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. He noted that the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith affirmed in 2020 that baptisms conferred with the phrase "We baptize you" are not valid.
"What this means for you is, if your baptism was invalid and you've received other sacraments, you may need to repeat some or all of those sacraments after you are validly baptized as well," the diocese said.
God is the only sentient being in existence who can rightfully use the pronounce they/them, and yet He chooses He/Him.
3:08 as a genderfluid liberal, that's like the funniest thing i've heard all day.
Since there are no biblical contradictions, if anything a claimed modern day apostle contradicts the Bible, by definition he/she cannot be an apostle
You make a good point at 2:35 in the video. What you say here is one reason the Mormon, Seventh-Day Adventist, and other New Apostolic movements have been so schismatic. What's to keep someone from saying, "I had a dream last night where God told me, 'I'm very disappointed in the leader if your group, and I appoint you to start a new, true group'! Who's with me?" and potentially get a new movement of their own?
As an LDS member, this is not necessarily true. We believe that the God is the source of all truth, not the church, and not the scriptures. Churches are led by men, and scriptures are interpreted by men, thus the teaching that come from them will always be fallible. Only the holy spirit can testify of truth. With my church, we believe in restored prophets and living prophets, however, we are taught to seek the truth of everything from the source of truth itself. We dont simply hear, believe, and obey. We pray about things and receive confirmation of truth through the spirit. We believe that no church is perfect. Not even our own. The "true" church as it were, will only return when Jesus rules at its head in the flesh.
I’m not even Christian and watched this video to the end, that’s how good it is lol
6:27 it didn't become clear why this is heresy. There is a huge debate about trinity and anti-trinitarians and both sides have some points. Just because unitarians eventually became liberals that does not mean the initial idea was wrong. It might be, but not for that reason.
Liberation theology is so based IT just goes so hard
Ikr I like it too
It is
04:47 You cannot get any better if you are PERFECT ! . That sounds like Christian Science . They would say any pain I feel in my body IS A LIE from the Enemy . If I choose to believe the lie , I continue in my pain . "Law Of Attraction" and "The Secret" come to the same conclusion , but by using different words : Bad Subconscious Programming for the lie and Manifestation for a positive answer to prayer . Deliverance and healing supplied by works : just repeat this affirmation 100 times a day . . . . .
@4:22 Jesus condemn slavery when he spoke Matthew 6:24
What do you mean? As I see it, it's about how you can't worship God and be greedy at the same time.
Actually it's meant to be you can't have greed for wealth (money) and God at the same time.
I will never understand anyone who falls for the prosperity “preachers”. Everything they preach contradicts a vast majority of what Christ taught us.
On your last point about the value of studying heresy, I have also learned much about Christianity by learning about other religions. Amaury de Reincourt did a good job of comparing Hinduism and Christianity (and prophetic religions in general) and showing how they led to different implicit worldviews on time, causality, etc.