Please, what is the version of the song in this vid. Why it's the best thing I could find 😭 I almost 7 years ago, the school chose this song and choreography to be performed as a German folk dance. I'm feeling some kind of connection and touch with their style and taste. This feels nostalgic
Absolutely nothing. It's just that people in the U.S. think of German folk dancing as being the Bavarian Schuhplattler dances so it's great to folk dancing from Thuringia.
Well if someone could recommend me German folk music from not-Bavaria that'd be great because otherwise I come across Bavarian music every time I'm searching for traditional German music.
@@another90daystochangethis34 I'm dancing, and this are some dances I like: Gigue Fledermaus Holsteiner Dreitour Grandfather's Clock Die Acht (for children) Vierzehntouriger Jägerneuner Some of them aren't German, but we still dance them!
I'm glad I found this gem by chance on YT because apart from very rural areas it's hard to find any tradition bearing performances in Germany. Modern (urban) society considers anything "völkisch", i.e. national but with a bad connotation, to be too contentious to be proud of. Sad story...
Sophie Oulds the only people who hate Germany are the idiots who think Germany is hitler when in reality Germany is a very nice and welcoming country with amazing culture and people
Some people don't like anyone who's german because it reminds them of Hitler or some shit. But in my school there was this transfer student from germany and someone got up and called him a "Hitler Nazi" and this other kid stood up and just went for the kids throat. But the teacher didn't even try to stop the kid from beating up the one that called the other kid a Hitler Nazi, turns out the teacher was actually german and that one kid got suspended permanently for calling the kid that.
DAPHNE this goes both ways though, google I hate black people or Asians and just as many idiotic forums/websites pop up. Neither is it normal in white countries(white countries as in Europe not USA, Canada, Australia or those kind of immigrant countries) to hate white people. But yeah I would say america in that sense has gone down hill a bit(though not even THAT much) but honestly all white america s do is just nodd OK and feel guilty. Stand up for yourself(without violence that is)
@Nobu Nuggets: you are all fvcked up in the head, Have you been smoking pot all day? I'm a reincarnationist - if you like black culture so much clear off and take rebirth in cess pit Africa.
@@StopFear Wow, and why not? Germany is one of my favorite countries. Warum nicht? Deutschland ist eines meiner lieblings Lander. Geneisse die Musik. Aufgehorcht!
Well the British and Spaniards both came from tribes of Germany that tried to get away from the Roman Empire they migrated to Great Britain and Spain. The British were the Saxons and the Spaniards were the visigoths. And the french were the tribe of Franks related to the vikings.
People who keep on saying "this isn't German" need to seriously get a grip. Germany isn't just Bavaria!!! Germany is internally very diverse with very large regional differences in regards to dialects (as well as folk architecture & customs) and overall has a very large body of folk culture, even though most people don't know about it anymore, both domestically and abroad!
The overall hate towards traditional German culture is just amazing....of course there have been cross-cultural influences over the centuries. Thuringia though is a much more central German regional culture without much foreign influence. I really don't get that contemporary German "we have to be as un-German as possible" at all, whereas many other countries around do their own thing and incorporate foreign influences, without ever questioning their own cultural and ethnic identity.
Ja , Jedes deutsche Bundesland hat nicht nur eine eigene Regierung mit eigener Verfassung , sondern auch ganz eigene spezielle Kultur mit eigener Art zu essen, zu singen, zu tanzen , sich in Festtagstrachten zu kleiden eigenes Brauchtum . Es hat sich nur in den rund 2000Jahren , die wir hier zusammen leben angeglichen und ging auch im Moder des Krieges und der Folgen unter . Wenn man uns heute sagt , das wir bereichert werden müssen ist das eine Beleidung von denen die Deutsche hassen .
I’ve observed that as well. I think the reason why traditional Mexican dances look similar to German (& other traditional European) dances is because Mexico has been colonized by Spain & France, & because of that, some aspects of European culture has been brought to us.
The Germans brought their music to Mexico way back in the 1830s, from German settlers in Texas. So it goes back that far. I had a friend who was Peruvian-German-American. He was born in Peru, German father and Peruvian mother but raised in California, he has a German last name and he’s fluent in Peruvian and German too. A lot of European people settled in the U.S. and in Central and South America. That’s why you see light skinned Hispanics from their ancestors.
@@zozifeliz Yeah did research like thirty minutes ago. There’s still a great amount of German population in Kazakhstan and even Russia. I mean you have Germans in both countries of couple generations of culture/ancestry. Russia especially has some distinct relations with Germany historically. I read that Russia had allowed Germans immigrated to the Volga areas hundreds of years ago. And for that, some ended up in Kazakhstan.
@@zozifeliz And some were freed I’m sure. And as I said, you had some that immigrated to those two nations. Not all of them have to do with being deported due to the Eastern Front campaign. Even a lot of Russians were freed from the gulags after the death of Stalin. I met like one woman from Kazakhstan at a Christmas festival in Washington, DC at a Russian Christmas cultural stand. She was great and pretty.
I wish it were like the late 19th century again where everywhere you go in the world each culture still embraced its traditions and customs. I live in the wrong time era. Love this ♥️
@@Mixxed_King u mean the world with ww|| ,racism to the Max+sexism to the max, homophobia...I just know that u are uneducated and a white straight male...if u would live in this time u would have to go to war and die there or sum stuff...I mean not my problem i‘m just saying
@@sunnybunny4653 I see where your coming from but in tough times things were different, now a days I’m yelled at for not knowing someone’s gender when there’s thousands and I only believe in two, or someone is a sexuality I’ve heard of or someone’s speaking of race or politics which I despise most
German abs Western Europe imposed its culture on Slavic regions, let’s go back to the 14-16 th century where true Slavic heritage wasn’t as corrupted by the Magyars and Germanic peoples. No more tubas or trumpets or polkas, all German oppression.
Ghreinos HD Aus der Gegend um Rudolstadt. Erfurt hat auch eine sehr gute Tanzgruppe , die TANZTEUFEL ,bitte unterstützen genau so auch das Folklore Ensemble Erfurt .Die Folkgruppen werden immer weniger in Deutschland.
Hello guys. I'm from Brazil and I'm of German descent. I love the Germanic culture and practice it in my country as a coordinator of dance groups. I want to congratulate the group for the performance and the creator of the choreography for the excellent work. It would be a pleasure to be able to perform this choreography in my country and cultivate the beautiful Germanic culture. Sorry if there are translation errors.😅
My father's father was from Thuringia. Came to the states by himself (legally) at 15 and ended up owning several German bakeries in Northern New Jersey.
Beautiful beautiful German folk dancing,I simply love German dancing and have been to Germany and toured everywhere in Germany and learnt the history of the place. Germany is a beautiful place.
Annie Campbell - Agree with you, I spent 3 years in Germany as an RAF medic back in the late 50’s, enjoyed the people, their country and traditions. We managed to get along together, so soon after the war, but like so many things in life, a few bad apples want to live in the past to spoil the future. Life is too short to waste on blame & hate- enjoy the nicer side of your time on this planet. Many of the comments I read are totally out of place in these enjoyable, fun presentations of a country’s traditions. 🇦🇺🎼🎷
I find it intersting, with foreign dance , especially the german. Where extroadinary demands on learning and understanding language failed spectacularly in the fact that without knowing German the story of the play is clear. It is a beautiful thing that the untrained eye often overlooks.
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Just a pity the two woman who insisted on talking all through the performance couldn't have shut up. Other then that fantastic routine.
The accent on the pronunciation enhances and underscores the magnitude of the eloquence and the beauty of the rhetoric!!! L'accent mis sur la prononciation valorise et souligne l'ampleur de l'éloquence et la beauté de la rhétorique !!! L'accento sulla pronuncia esalta e sottolinea la grandezza dell'eloquenza e la bellezza della retorica!!! El acento en la pronunciación realza y subraya la magnitud de la elocuencia y la belleza de la retórica !!! Der Akzent auf der Aussprache erhöht und unterstreicht das Ausmaß der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Die Betonung der Aussprache verstärkt und unterstreicht die Größe der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Акцент на произношении усиливает и подчеркивает величие красноречия и красоту риторики !!! Het accent op de uitspraak neemt toe en onderstreept de omvang van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! De nadruk op de uitspraak versterkt en onderstreept de grootsheid van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! Naglasak na izgovoru pojačava i podvlači veličinu elokvencije i ljepotu retorike!!! The Poet lives in the inspiration art of inventing verses from real words!!! El Poeta vive en el arte de la inspiración de inventar versos a partir de palabras reales !!! O Poeta vive na arte da inspiração de inventar versos das palavras reais!!! Le Poète vit dans l'art de l'inspiration d'inventer des vers à partir de vrais mots !!! Il Poeta vive nell'arte dell'ispirazione di inventare versi da parole vere!!! Поэт живет искусством вдохновения придумывать стихи из реальных слов !!! Поэт живёт вдохновенным искусством придумывать стихи из настоящих слов !!! Der Dichter lebt in der Kunst der Inspiration, Verse aus echten Worten zu erfinden!!! De dichter leeft in de kunst van inspiratie om verzen uit echte woorden uit te vinden!! Pjesnik živi u umijeću nadahnuća izmišljanja stihova od stvarnih riječi!!! I want the desire and craving for the ecstasy of the pleasure of poetry, and the heartfelt affections of life!!!! Quiero el deseo y el anhelo del éxtasis del placer de la poesía, y los afectos sinceros de la vida !!!! Eu quero o desejo e ânsia do êxtase do prazer da poesia, e os afetos sinceros da vida!!!! Je veux le désir et l'envie de l'extase du plaisir de la poésie, et les affections sincères de la vie !!!! Voglio il desiderio e la brama dell'estasi del piacere della poesia, e degli affetti sinceri della vita!!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечной привязанности к жизни !!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечным привязанностям жизни !!!! Ich will den Wunsch und die Begierde nach der Ekstase der Freude der Poesie, und die herzliche Zuneigung des Lebens!!!! Ik wil het verlangen en hartstochtelijk verlangen de extase van de vreugde van poëzie, en de hartfelt genegenheid van het leven!!!! Želim želju i čežnju za zanosom užitka poezije, i iskrene naklonosti života!!!! The day of faith is born in the heart that has the resplendent glow of the morning star!!! ¡¡¡El día de la fe nace en el corazón que tiene el resplandor resplandeciente de la estrella de la mañana !!! O dia da fé nasce no coração que tem o brilho resplandecente da estrela da manhã!!! Le jour de la foi naît dans le cœur qui a l'éclat resplendissant de l'étoile du matin !!! Il giorno della fede nasce nel cuore che ha il bagliore splendente della stella del mattino!!! Der Tag des Glaubens ist im Herzen geboren, das den strahlenden Glanz des Morgensterns hat!!! День веры рождается в сердце, которое сияет сиянием утренней звезды !!! De dag van het geloof is geboren in het hart dat de uitstraling heeft van de ochtendster!!! Dan vjere se rađa u srcu koje ima sjajni sjaj zvijezde jutarnje!!! The Tournaments are verses of the composition of entertainment, and bring players and athletes together for the height of inspiration of competition performance, and pure sporting celebration of personal accomplishment !!! Les tournois sont des vers de la composition du divertissement, et rassemblent les joueurs et les athlètes pour le summum de l'inspiration de la performance en compétition, et une pure célébration sportive de l'accomplissement personnel !!! Los torneos son versos de la composición del entretenimiento, y unen a los jugadores y atletas para el pináculo de la inspiración en el desempeño de la competencia, y la celebración deportiva pura de los logros personales!!! I Tornei sono versi della composizione dell'intrattenimento, e riuniscono giocatori e atleti per l'apice dell'ispirazione della performance agonistica e pura celebrazione sportiva della realizzazione personale !!! Турниры - это стихи развлекательного сочинения, которые объединяют игроков и спортсменов для достижения вершины вдохновения в соревнованиях и чистого спортивного празднования личных достижений !!! Турниры - это развлекательные стихи, объединяющие игроков и спортсменов на вершине воодушевления соревновательных выступлений и чисто спортивное празднование личных достижений !!! Die Turniere sind Verse der Zusammensetzung der Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen für die Höhe der Inspiration des Wettbewerbs Leistung, und reine sportliche Feier der persönlichen Erreichung!!! Die Turniere sind Verse über die Komposition von Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen, um den Höhepunkt der Inspiration der Wettkampfleistung und die pure sportliche Feier der persönlichen Leistung zu erreichen !!! De Tournaments zijn verzen van de compositie van entertainment, en brengen spelers en atleten samen voor de hoogte van inspiratie van de competitie prestaties, en pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! De toernooien zijn verzen over de samenstelling van entertainment en brengen spelers en atleten samen om het hoogtepunt te bereiken van de inspiratie van competitieve prestaties en de pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave i okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac natjecateljske izvedbene inspiracije i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave, a okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac inspiracije nastupa natjecanja i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!!
This was absolutely amazing! I choreograph for a theatre company. This will inspire some of what we do for the Hansel and Gretel part of our next production! It was WONDERFUL!
Das ist sogar relativ typisch deutsche Tracht. Vielleicht nicht gerade Dirndl, aber ein gestreifter Rock sowie Schürze, ebenso wie der Schnitt der Tracht sind zumindest in Schleswig Holstein sehr üblich und soweit ich weiß auch im anderen Bundesländern
This is not a traditional dance and it is not unique to german culture. It is a modern production not only a reproduction of traditional stuff. They have a choreographer who combines elements of folk dancing of different backgrounds with ballet like expressions to give a symbolic and idealized picture of miners in old times.
Up to 3:50 and from 5:47 onwards: the dancing tune is the Henkenhagener Kegel, recorded in the named village in Eastern Pomerania (now belonging to Poland)
Ihr wollt mehr wissen oder das Ensemble unterstützen, dann hier:
What is the name of this dance ?
@@achesaian6810 Das Bergmannsfest
Please, what is the version of the song in this vid. Why it's the best thing I could find 😭
I almost 7 years ago, the school chose this song and choreography to be performed as a German folk dance.
I'm feeling some kind of connection and touch with their style and taste. This feels nostalgic
It's great to see German folk dancing from other regions of Germany besides Bavaria.
whats wrong with bavaria
Absolutely nothing. It's just that people in the U.S. think of German folk dancing as being the Bavarian Schuhplattler dances so it's great to folk dancing from Thuringia.
Well if someone could recommend me German folk music from not-Bavaria that'd be great because otherwise I come across Bavarian music every time I'm searching for traditional German music.
@@another90daystochangethis34 I'm dancing, and this are some dances I like:
Holsteiner Dreitour
Grandfather's Clock
Die Acht (for children)
Some of them aren't German, but we still dance them!
i have a chemistry exam, what am i doing here xD
You are learning how to dance correctly, mein Freund
You just achieved culture
did you pass
Ich liebe diese culture und niemand möchte sie verlieren.
Me who is self teaching myself German and understanding a few words you said: "I love these- "
Well it's on the way out so enjoy it buddy
@@runayomozuki8494 "[..] culture and nobody wants to lose it"
It will be lost one day. Too much evil.
I'm from Australia but have German heritage and I used to be apart of a German youth group and we would dance like this at festivals all the time
I'm glad I found this gem by chance on YT because apart from very rural areas it's hard to find any tradition bearing performances in Germany. Modern (urban) society considers anything "völkisch", i.e. national but with a bad connotation, to be too contentious to be proud of. Sad story...
@@OrthographyPoliceman It’s annoying, honestly.
This is why i love my culture i dont understand why some people hate us we are just like you
Do you really like this type of Dance ?..Hmm Most of village girls in north of Iran are dancing like them
+Bab Rainy true.
Sophie Oulds the only people who hate Germany are the idiots who think Germany is hitler when in reality Germany is a very nice and welcoming country with amazing culture and people
You guys are gone bye bye. It sucks . Let a bunch of garbage in your country, become garbage dump.
Some people don't like anyone who's german because it reminds them of Hitler or some shit. But in my school there was this transfer student from germany and someone got up and called him a "Hitler Nazi" and this other kid stood up and just went for the kids throat. But the teacher didn't even try to stop the kid from beating up the one that called the other kid a Hitler Nazi, turns out the teacher was actually german and that one kid got suspended permanently for calling the kid that.
in Mexico we love Our German Cousins..!
I hope thathis culture may never been lost
I am afraid due to Merkel it is totally gone .
Nobu Nuggets back to the cellar sissy! daddy Tyrone will be there shortly.
Nobu Nuggets 🙄
DAPHNE this goes both ways though, google I hate black people or Asians and just as many idiotic forums/websites pop up. Neither is it normal in white countries(white countries as in Europe not USA, Canada, Australia or those kind of immigrant countries) to hate white people. But yeah I would say america in that sense has gone down hill a bit(though not even THAT much) but honestly all white america s do is just nodd OK and feel guilty. Stand up for yourself(without violence that is)
@Nobu Nuggets: you are all fvcked up in the head, Have you been smoking pot all day? I'm a reincarnationist - if you like black culture so much clear off and take rebirth in cess pit Africa.
It looks magical. At last I can say, as an Englishman. I love Germany.
Wow, it must really be important to mention you are an Englishman.
@@StopFear Wow, and why not? Germany is one of my favorite countries.
Warum nicht? Deutschland ist eines meiner lieblings Lander.
Geneisse die Musik. Aufgehorcht!
John Stephen I mean that the fact that you are an Englishman doesn’t have anything to do with your ability to like it
@@StopFear Is that so? Are you sure?
Ist das so? Bist du sicher?
Well the British and Spaniards both came from tribes of Germany that tried to get away from the Roman Empire they migrated to Great Britain and Spain.
The British were the Saxons and the Spaniards were the visigoths.
And the french were the tribe of Franks related to the vikings.
I am from Colombia, and I love this form of dancing, expression, and the german culture! Just beautiful!! 👩✌🎉🍷
....and many people here in Germany love and respect South America. Wishing you the best for your country!
People who keep on saying "this isn't German" need to seriously get a grip. Germany isn't just Bavaria!!!
Germany is internally very diverse with very large regional differences in regards to dialects (as well as folk architecture & customs) and overall has a very large body of folk culture, even though most people don't know about it anymore, both domestically and abroad!
The overall hate towards traditional German culture is just amazing....of course there have been cross-cultural influences over the centuries.
Thuringia though is a much more central German regional culture without much foreign influence. I really don't get that contemporary German "we have to be as un-German as possible" at all, whereas many other countries around do their own thing and incorporate foreign influences, without ever questioning their own cultural and ethnic identity.
Ja , Jedes deutsche Bundesland hat nicht nur eine eigene Regierung mit eigener Verfassung , sondern auch ganz eigene spezielle Kultur mit eigener Art zu essen, zu singen, zu tanzen , sich in Festtagstrachten zu kleiden eigenes Brauchtum . Es hat sich nur in den rund 2000Jahren , die wir hier zusammen leben angeglichen und ging auch im Moder des Krieges und der Folgen unter .
Wenn man uns heute sagt , das wir bereichert werden müssen ist das eine Beleidung von denen die Deutsche hassen .
This ressembles to russian dances..
@@anna.ked.28 NO
@@mrktyb Yes it does i’m a dancer lol
Germans, save your unique nation and culture! Don’t let it dissolved among others.
Das werde ich nicht tun
An absolutely magical performance! Bravo to all the dancers.
Eine absolut magische Aufführung! Bravo für alle Tänzer.
Wow you're really stringing those German words together. i'm most impressed. And I learnt a new German word today -Auffuhrung!.
John Stephen *Aufführung
Thank you Germans for coming to Mexico and bringing your culture here.
Mexican northern music is so similar to this.
I’ve observed that as well. I think the reason why traditional Mexican dances look similar to German (& other traditional European) dances is because Mexico has been colonized by Spain & France, & because of that, some aspects of European culture has been brought to us.
Especially the band in Sinaloa in zacatecas and other places in Mexico, the northern groups, even the mariachi
Lol yeah, German pasta double ;-)
Danke, es ist schön zu lesen, wenn ihr es mit Freude in Ehren haltet :-)
The Germans brought their music to Mexico way back in the 1830s, from German settlers in Texas. So it goes back that far. I had a friend who was Peruvian-German-American. He was born in Peru, German father and Peruvian mother but raised in California, he has a German last name and he’s fluent in Peruvian and German too. A lot of European people settled in the U.S. and in Central and South America. That’s why you see light skinned Hispanics from their ancestors.
Hello from Texas to this wonderful place.
God bless Texas.
Love to see German culture. Hello from Kazakhstan ❤️
I read that there’s a lot of Germans in Kazakhstan. Is that true?
@@BmorePatriot There were, but they moved to Germany, now about 100k
@@zozifeliz Yeah did research like thirty minutes ago. There’s still a great amount of German population in Kazakhstan and even Russia. I mean you have Germans in both countries of couple generations of culture/ancestry. Russia especially has some distinct relations with Germany historically. I read that Russia had allowed Germans immigrated to the Volga areas hundreds of years ago. And for that, some ended up in Kazakhstan.
@@BmorePatriot Yeah, and then deported to Kazakhstan and Siberia and put into labor camps coz the WW2.
@@zozifeliz And some were freed I’m sure. And as I said, you had some that immigrated to those two nations. Not all of them have to do with being deported due to the Eastern Front campaign. Even a lot of Russians were freed from the gulags after the death of Stalin. I met like one woman from Kazakhstan at a Christmas festival in Washington, DC at a Russian Christmas cultural stand. She was great and pretty.
I wish it were like the late 19th century again where everywhere you go in the world each culture still embraced its traditions and customs. I live in the wrong time era. Love this ♥️
Right? every country is now an odd shade of the United Sates. Despite what they try and tell you.
You mean before the World got soft?
@@Mixxed_King u mean the world with ww|| ,racism to the Max+sexism to the max, homophobia...I just know that u are uneducated and a white straight male...if u would live in this time u would have to go to war and die there or sum stuff...I mean not my problem i‘m just saying
@@sunnybunny4653 I see where your coming from but in tough times things were different, now a days I’m yelled at for not knowing someone’s gender when there’s thousands and I only believe in two, or someone is a sexuality I’ve heard of or someone’s speaking of race or politics which I despise most
German abs Western Europe imposed its culture on Slavic regions, let’s go back to the 14-16 th century where true Slavic heritage wasn’t as corrupted by the Magyars and Germanic peoples. No more tubas or trumpets or polkas, all German oppression.
Wunderschön, dass solches Brauchtum hier noch gepflegt wird.
Top performance. Glad to see this performed in Germany.
Fantastic dancing. Lovely music. The girl's dresses are fabulous!
I’m Mexican and me and my whole class has to dance a German themed song! It’s gonna be the best!
This is amazing! I hope this country never dies! I am also from German heritage.
OMG THIS IS LITTERALLY SO CUTE! So happy to be German right now
As a Dancer from Jamaica....i love discovering other dance genres and this was really cool...never seen anything like this before
I love reggae and jamaican accent
This is so beautiful
Love to Germany from Indiana
Absolutely fucking awesome!!! Much love to my German brothers and sisters for keeping beautiful German culture alive! All my best from Naples Florida!
It's amazing how much a smile on a dancer can elevate the dance!
We are always told to smile, but it's really easy because the dances are fun! :D
Wow, so professional from start to finnish, beautifull!
so cute and pretty ...goldig wie meine Großmutter sagen würde
Deutschland ist ein schönes land mit wunderschönen frauen
Despite my lack of German, I think you said 'wonderful women' and I have to agree.
@lutz muller: Richtig! Ein Hundert Prozent.
Thuiringer Bist du ein Thüringer wenn ja kommst du aus Rudolstadt? Ich komm aus Erfurt
Ghreinos HD Aus der Gegend um Rudolstadt. Erfurt hat auch eine sehr gute Tanzgruppe , die TANZTEUFEL ,bitte unterstützen genau so auch das Folklore Ensemble Erfurt .Die Folkgruppen werden immer weniger in Deutschland.
Thuiringer ja leider
Hello guys. I'm from Brazil and I'm of German descent.
I love the Germanic culture and practice it in my country as a coordinator of dance groups. I want to congratulate the group for the performance and the creator of the choreography for the excellent work. It would be a pleasure to be able to perform this choreography in my country and cultivate the beautiful Germanic culture.
Sorry if there are translation errors.😅
A true german demonstration, power and class altogether.
Folklore ist auch Kunst. Schau dir das mal an
This is the most German thing iv'e ever seen.
Blut und Boden agreed (I'm an Aussie with part German and part British)
This dance is genuine White European culture. No SJW or any other multicultural agent can ever say White people have no culture of our own.
Wunderbar! I love watching people enjoy their traditional customs
i'm german and this is literally the first time i see anything like this so y'all racists just fuck off.
1939 thats the most German thing you ever seen lol
Wow ! what a dancers , it's beautiful , Germany I love u !!!!!!!!!!
What a beautiful dance! Very similar to Bohemian and Moravian folk dances! We are all one family
@Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän genau! Wir sind die wahren Brüder! Nicht Russen, Deutsche und Österreicher sind unsere Familie
They dance so beautifully!
Отличный танец,люблю европейский фольклор.Браво
no come turkey
Die Mädchen sind sehr hübsch. Gut getanzt.
the beautiful heritage of German culture, love it
Simply beautiful. Makes me homesick.
Klasse, haben die echt suuuper getanzt!!
That was a whole lot of moves to remember.......
My father's father was from Thuringia. Came to the states by himself (legally) at 15 and ended up owning several German bakeries in Northern New Jersey.
Finde ich gut das Folklore im Kulturgut bestand haben: Ich dachte schon das die echte Volksmusik vergessen wurde.
Robert Alarcon Kultur wird nicht vergessen und auch von unserer Landesregierung aus Erfurt gefördert.
Fantastic 👍
love to more of german folkdances.. its really fascinating.
These dances are not original folk, neither in music or chorograhy. They are inspired by folk tradition. But the performance is professional.
Beautiful beautiful German folk dancing,I simply love German dancing and have been to Germany and toured everywhere in Germany and learnt the history of the place. Germany is a beautiful place.
Annie Campbell - Agree with you, I spent 3 years in Germany as an RAF medic back in the late 50’s, enjoyed the people, their country and traditions. We managed to get along together, so soon after the war, but like so many things in life, a few bad apples want to live in the past to spoil the future. Life is too short to waste on blame & hate- enjoy the nicer side of your time on this planet. Many of the comments I read are totally out of place in these enjoyable, fun presentations of a country’s traditions. 🇦🇺🎼🎷
Wau echt super Vorführung
Weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg
Ich tanze auch beim Thüringer folklore tanzensamble 😊❤❤ ich liebe es zu tanzen
Ich mag Frau Arnold❤❤
Lena Jahn Der Lauschaer Galopp vom TFT ist besonders gut gelungen.
@@Thuiringer Ah okay ❤❤❤
Ich komme aus Deutschland und brauche mehr davon in meinem Leben
Such beautiful dancing, makes me want to get back into my own Lithuanian dancing 🇱🇹
Its awesome seeing this. Type of stuff. Part german myself. Quite interesting to see the tradtional dances that are part of the culture
tilman luther kennst du Martin Luther?
Excelente obra chicas y caballeros,un verdadero arte de maestros,que el señor siempre los ilumine,hasta en la mismísima oscuridad
I find it intersting, with foreign dance , especially the german. Where extroadinary demands on learning and understanding language failed spectacularly in the fact that without knowing German the story of the play is clear. It is a beautiful thing that the untrained eye often overlooks.
Absolutely amazing. This is beautiful, i love it.
Preseving culture is a wise practice. I love this way of your dance.
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Just a pity the two woman who insisted on talking all through the performance couldn't have shut up. Other then that fantastic routine.
The girl's dance reminds me of West Slavic or Hungarian folklore. And their costumes too.
it feels so gfood to have kids like dis.
Dancers are super . Congrats to the costumer and choreographer!
Absolutely great, fantastic, yep, I'm German born too. But not biased, they are just great!
Such a glorious sync. Absolutely beautiful. This is why i love Germany! :)
Keep this culture alive please.
Wirklich schön, wunderschön.... Ich möchte das lernen.
I love this and also I'm part German as well and this helped alot with some of my culture
Which part of Germany 😅 if your ancestors were from anywhere but Thuringia that may be quite an insult to their regional culture
Ich bin nicht Deutscher, aber diese Tanzen und Musik liebe ich
Love germany from Peru 🇵🇪🇩🇪
my heritage stems from here. so beautiful and lively!!
This makes me really happy. I watched it like 10 times lol
The accent on the pronunciation enhances and underscores the magnitude of the eloquence and the beauty of the rhetoric!!! L'accent mis sur la prononciation valorise et souligne l'ampleur de l'éloquence et la beauté de la rhétorique !!! L'accento sulla pronuncia esalta e sottolinea la grandezza dell'eloquenza e la bellezza della retorica!!! El acento en la pronunciación realza y subraya la magnitud de la elocuencia y la belleza de la retórica !!! Der Akzent auf der Aussprache erhöht und unterstreicht das Ausmaß der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Die Betonung der Aussprache verstärkt und unterstreicht die Größe der Beredsamkeit und die Schönheit der Rhetorik!!! Акцент на произношении усиливает и подчеркивает величие красноречия и красоту риторики !!! Het accent op de uitspraak neemt toe en onderstreept de omvang van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! De nadruk op de uitspraak versterkt en onderstreept de grootsheid van de welsprekendheid en de schoonheid van de retoriek!!! Naglasak na izgovoru pojačava i podvlači veličinu elokvencije i ljepotu retorike!!! The Poet lives in the inspiration art of inventing verses from real words!!! El Poeta vive en el arte de la inspiración de inventar versos a partir de palabras reales !!! O Poeta vive na arte da inspiração de inventar versos das palavras reais!!! Le Poète vit dans l'art de l'inspiration d'inventer des vers à partir de vrais mots !!! Il Poeta vive nell'arte dell'ispirazione di inventare versi da parole vere!!! Поэт живет искусством вдохновения придумывать стихи из реальных слов !!! Поэт живёт вдохновенным искусством придумывать стихи из настоящих слов !!! Der Dichter lebt in der Kunst der Inspiration, Verse aus echten Worten zu erfinden!!! De dichter leeft in de kunst van inspiratie om verzen uit echte woorden uit te vinden!! Pjesnik živi u umijeću nadahnuća izmišljanja stihova od stvarnih riječi!!! I want the desire and craving for the ecstasy of the pleasure of poetry, and the heartfelt affections of life!!!! Quiero el deseo y el anhelo del éxtasis del placer de la poesía, y los afectos sinceros de la vida !!!! Eu quero o desejo e ânsia do êxtase do prazer da poesia, e os afetos sinceros da vida!!!! Je veux le désir et l'envie de l'extase du plaisir de la poésie, et les affections sincères de la vie !!!! Voglio il desiderio e la brama dell'estasi del piacere della poesia, e degli affetti sinceri della vita!!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечной привязанности к жизни !!!! Я хочу желание и тягу к экстазу наслаждения поэзией и сердечным привязанностям жизни !!!! Ich will den Wunsch und die Begierde nach der Ekstase der Freude der Poesie, und die herzliche Zuneigung des Lebens!!!! Ik wil het verlangen en hartstochtelijk verlangen de extase van de vreugde van poëzie, en de hartfelt genegenheid van het leven!!!! Želim želju i čežnju za zanosom užitka poezije, i iskrene naklonosti života!!!! The day of faith is born in the heart that has the resplendent glow of the morning star!!! ¡¡¡El día de la fe nace en el corazón que tiene el resplandor resplandeciente de la estrella de la mañana !!! O dia da fé nasce no coração que tem o brilho resplandecente da estrela da manhã!!! Le jour de la foi naît dans le cœur qui a l'éclat resplendissant de l'étoile du matin !!! Il giorno della fede nasce nel cuore che ha il bagliore splendente della stella del mattino!!! Der Tag des Glaubens ist im Herzen geboren, das den strahlenden Glanz des Morgensterns hat!!! День веры рождается в сердце, которое сияет сиянием утренней звезды !!! De dag van het geloof is geboren in het hart dat de uitstraling heeft van de ochtendster!!! Dan vjere se rađa u srcu koje ima sjajni sjaj zvijezde jutarnje!!! The Tournaments are verses of the composition of entertainment, and bring players and athletes together for the height of inspiration of competition performance, and pure sporting celebration of personal accomplishment !!! Les tournois sont des vers de la composition du divertissement, et rassemblent les joueurs et les athlètes pour le summum de l'inspiration de la performance en compétition, et une pure célébration sportive de l'accomplissement personnel !!! Los torneos son versos de la composición del entretenimiento, y unen a los jugadores y atletas para el pináculo de la inspiración en el desempeño de la competencia, y la celebración deportiva pura de los logros personales!!! I Tornei sono versi della composizione dell'intrattenimento, e riuniscono giocatori e atleti per l'apice dell'ispirazione della performance agonistica e pura celebrazione sportiva della realizzazione personale !!! Турниры - это стихи развлекательного сочинения, которые объединяют игроков и спортсменов для достижения вершины вдохновения в соревнованиях и чистого спортивного празднования личных достижений !!! Турниры - это развлекательные стихи, объединяющие игроков и спортсменов на вершине воодушевления соревновательных выступлений и чисто спортивное празднование личных достижений !!! Die Turniere sind Verse der Zusammensetzung der Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen für die Höhe der Inspiration des Wettbewerbs Leistung, und reine sportliche Feier der persönlichen Erreichung!!! Die Turniere sind Verse über die Komposition von Unterhaltung und bringen Spieler und Athleten zusammen, um den Höhepunkt der Inspiration der Wettkampfleistung und die pure sportliche Feier der persönlichen Leistung zu erreichen !!! De Tournaments zijn verzen van de compositie van entertainment, en brengen spelers en atleten samen voor de hoogte van inspiratie van de competitie prestaties, en pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! De toernooien zijn verzen over de samenstelling van entertainment en brengen spelers en atleten samen om het hoogtepunt te bereiken van de inspiratie van competitieve prestaties en de pure sportieve viering van persoonlijke prestaties !!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave i okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac natjecateljske izvedbene inspiracije i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!! Turniri su stihovi kompozicije zabave, a okupljaju igrače i sportaše za vrhunac inspiracije nastupa natjecanja i čisto sportsko slavlje osobnog postignuća!!!
Excellent show thanks for all artist
I love germany 🇩🇪❤️❤️🇩🇿
I love the unity between men and women here.
This was absolutely amazing! I choreograph for a theatre company. This will inspire some of what we do for the Hansel and Gretel part of our next production! It was WONDERFUL!
Magnifique !!!!!
I love the skirts. They have a mind of their own and just go swish swish swish!!!
Ich liebe dich mein schöne Deutschland ❤ Salutes from a German descendant in Argentina !
Ich mag diesen Tanz!
Beautiful. I really enjoy it. Love and respect from Bangladesh. Indeed Bangladesh and Germany are friend together.
Md Mahbubul Bashar see bulgaria folk dance
Md Mahbubul Bashar nope
Какие красивые танцы!!!! Привет из России!
Absolutely beautiful and very beautifully done!!🌄🌄🌄🎆🎆🎆
Das ist Wunderbar !!! Lange lebe Deutschland !!! Ich liebe Deutsches volmusik and ich liebe Deutschland , beste für immer !!! Dankeschön !!!
Bevor hier jemand rum meckert das es nicht typisch deutsche Tracht ist
Das ist die Tracht der Bergmänner in Mitteldeutschland (Erzgebirge)
If you naturally know a language it’s called brain Duolingo
Das ist sogar relativ typisch deutsche Tracht. Vielleicht nicht gerade Dirndl, aber ein gestreifter Rock sowie Schürze, ebenso wie der Schnitt der Tracht sind zumindest in Schleswig Holstein sehr üblich und soweit ich weiß auch im anderen Bundesländern
Beautiful, Deustchland is Deustchland...
JuanSo Mexico *Deutschland
S0phie I don't know german language only Spanish & English lol...
@@twototheonefromtheonetothe525 Mexico?
@@trojicelilie6894 his name had mexico in it when i answered his comment
i have to pick a culture's traditional dance that is unique to their area for a school project :P
yes do it!
This is not a traditional dance and it is not unique to german culture. It is a modern production not only a reproduction of traditional stuff. They have a choreographer who combines elements of folk dancing of different backgrounds with ballet like expressions to give a symbolic and idealized picture of miners in old times.
@Heink de Groot: Nevertheless its good to listen to and fun to watch.
@Silvana Barilla: I recommend a psychiatrist for treatment of your Tourette Syndrom.
I hope Germans and all of us will preserve our culture. Greetings from Russia!
Philip Bajkov Künstler aus Russland in Thü
@@Thuiringer отличный танец! Очень интересный, с большим удовольствием смотрела, приятно, что молодежь хранит традиции.
Herzlich willkommen aus New York! Viel Dank fur ihre schone Art!
Beautiful performance! I really loved and enjoyed it!
Das ist schon . Did earn my folk dance chops in the local Pomeranian group. Always close to my heart.
That I remember the good old German fairy tales...The Brothers Grimm and many others... ❤... Где все они и другие в том классическом изложении...?😒
Ja Ja Ja ja ja!!!! From Minnesota and Arizona, USA. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!! It's so happy and joyful sounding. Come to the USA, please!!!
danny Flies USA mit Joe Biden, ist besser.
I am from New York and I love it also !
Super !!!!!!!!!! Liebe Grüße aus Sachsen !!!!!!!
Love the german culture. 🇹🇷♡🇩🇪
Up to 3:50 and from 5:47 onwards: the dancing tune is the Henkenhagener Kegel, recorded in the named village in Eastern Pomerania (now belonging to Poland)
Beautiful women, beautiful music, fun and upbeat dancing...what's not to love?
Superbly executed. The common themes between folk dances from different countries never cease to amaze me.
I Love being german😊
Emy Chen me too ♡
ich auch.
I wish i was!!
Unser Vaterland - unser Schatz. 🖤❤💛
Amazing , very nice !!! Thank you for uploading !!!
Sehr schoen .. Wunderbar. I wish I could be in such an amazing cultural event someday.
Who knows?