The thing about water simulator is that it's actually an awesome idea for a game, imagine a godus styled game where you have to create and maintain a healthy and expanding precipitation cycle and aquatic environments. It would be awesome! like having to have enough land for vegetation and animals to live on, but porous enough for ground water retention, maintaining fresh water river flows, and a bunch of cool stuff like that. this game just makes me sad( also the developers who could get water to react and flow realistically would make a shit ton of cash on the engine they used alone let alone the damn game.)
Problem is, while that IS a pretty valid idea, that would require too much effort. It would require actually making a strong water physics engine that could advance things in the industry. Why do that when I can just go into Garry's Mod slap some shit together and sell it for $5 as the latest sim in a series? That said, I honestly wouldn't mind a game like what you described. It would have gameplay, it would have things to do and a goal and would require input from me. I can get an HD version of fucking Water Simulator just loading up GTA V and staring at the beach. Or fuck it let's just load up an ocean gif.
I just want to point out, "water simulator" is LITERALLY a default Unity scene, Zero work was done there. Everything in that scene comes just by downloading Unity. You could create that "game" in under ten minutes.
It's not even a fucking simulator. The point of a simulator is to give the impression of what it's like to be the thing you're simulating. Playing as a person standing by the ocean doesn't simulate water; It simulates a person standing by the ocean. If you're gonna tell a bad non-joke. Do it right.
***** It's not a beach simulator either. Am I playing as the beach? No, I'm playing as a person on the beach. Well, actually you're playing as a floating camera hovering over a grassy plane overlooking water. Now there's a title.
You're wrong there. Truck Simulator: You aren't a truck. Bus Simulator: You aren't a bus. Sim City: You're a major, not a city. Flight Simulator: You're not the concept of flight. You're a pilot. The entire genre of "Car sim". Again, you're not a car. Oh yeah, and space sim. In space sims you aren't space. Space is being simulated, but you're typically a starship pilot.
See I actually think water simulator could be a good idea if you put effort into it. You could play as a Poseidon/Neptune like embodiment of the waters of the world. You could pull minor pranks like spilling people's glasses of water and work up to things like wrecking ships and causing tidal waves. Have some kind of plot like the waters of the world have gained sentience thanks to a bizarre mix of shit we dumped in the ocean. That or go for the ol' Poseidon is angry no one worships him anymore. If anyone wants to actually make this game, please give me a shout out in the credits or something.
Princess_Molestia Oh, god. Yeah I know that one, I saw Nerd3 play it. Yeah, technically it's a game, as it doesn't simulate being an attendant or whatever you're supposed to be.
Has anyone though, really said to Steam "Look, what the hell are you guys doing? I mean... seriously! Get these piles of nonsense off your books, and have some bloody sense when it comes to selling "games" to people." Bollocks to artistic expression. Show some restraint Steam! Jeez! Its not difficult! Greenlight was a great idea, but with no control, it just results in idiots throwing their shit in, thinking its the best thing ever. Get a grip Gabe! Honestly! Damaging your own products!
No, because Greenlight is profitable, and at the end of the day, even though Steam has great rapport with the community and some of the most popular free games, it's still a business, and they're not going to get rid of something profitable just because a minority (make no mistake, even though we're vocal we _are_ a minority) complains. The other thing is, it caters to the (_shudder_) 'filthy casuals' that us true MASTER RAEC pc gamers despise. Unfortunately, they make up a significant proportion of Steam's income, so they're not going anywhere.
The biggest problem with those simulator games... is that they arent games. No, I mean, look at Surgeon Simulator for example: it has gameplay, it has an objective, it has some degree of challange, you accomplish stuff in it. And hell even something like Goat Simulator has a world that you mess around in, the objective is fucking around in different ways, causing chaos and finding different powers that change how you interact with the world, theres stuff here to do, collectables to find, score to get, secrets to find. This tho, the rock and water simulators? Like what is there honestly, you stare at them and thats it? The original joke was taking something thats kinda boring for the regular gamer, a realistic simulator of real life things, making it over the top and kinda have it collapse under its own realism of physics and depth of interaction, while providing gameplay thats overall more engaging than the original thing. This... this isnt even the same joke, its moreso a jab at simulators themselves than the ,,parody'' games, like ,,lol look how boring this is!''. Its accurate to call them a punchline since they dont actually offer anything else than the joke, which was done better by those that came before it. And yet they still end up on Steam somehow, good grief!
These games have really tarnished the genre of simulators. Yes really. There have always been real simulator games and they are very good at an educational or anthropological level. The Sims series has been both educational games from Sim ants to pure escapism like The Sims and much more so this joke "Ha ha. Sim games are boring!" Is really stupid and very much not true. These aren't Simulation games. They are garbage. And not even Garbage simulator where we learn about how organic matter breaks down and how things should be disposed and where it goes to get disposed and recycled.
This isn't even a water sim. You're not simulating the water at all and it has nothing to do with the water cycle. You're just looking at water sway around.
I love this video. Not for its content, or its creator, but for the irony of it. Jim Sterling has decided that the best way to criticise a game is to acquire or purchase it, then talk over playing it. The issue with this is that by acquiring the game you're supporting their developers and therefore perpetuating the content you so clearly despise, Jim.
Water simulator is litterally just standard Unity assets. Not even free assets form the Unity asset store or even some random site, no. Water simulator is made with the STANDARD Unity assets that you can chose to use when you start up the FREE version of Unity. This game was made for free in under 5 minutes. That is not even an exaggeration, i could start up the free version of Unity right now and remake water simulator entirely in under 5 minutes and do a better job at it too.
It's always funny when I see a 'game' that was very clearly made in Unity using the basic pre-built assets. Seriously, give me two minutes, I'll boot up Unity (the free version!) and replicate the entire trailer for "Water Simulator". Is this really not satire, though? I mean, the black screen simulator is clearly making fun of the 'genre', isn't it? I've seen how stupid people can be on the internet, but I have a hard time believing these aren't jokes. Edit: Though to be fair, the 'simulator genre' as a whole was based in satire to begin with. Can you satirize satire?
I was asking a question. Why the hostility? I simply can't see how the 'black screen simulator' could be anything but satire, and nothing was said about the quality of that satire or the morality of offering such a thing for money. It's not like the idea that the 'game' is satirical justifies its existence.
the 'simulator genre' as a whole was based in satire to begin with. No it wasn't. Train Simulator and Flight Simulator were not jokes. The amount of ridiculous "simulator" games that came out caused parodies to start happening like Goat Simulator. Now everything has gone to shit
I was talking about the 'simulation' genre as it started with Surgeon Simulator, not earlier games. Surgeon Simulator was poking fun at the genre to begin with by being purposefully wacky and straying as far from realism as possible.
ShadianVise Black screen simulator is not satire because it is not saying anything about the genre. I mean, what exactly is the joke? That people will pay money for extremely boring things? The closest thing I can see to a joke is that it's not a black screen "simulator", it just *is* a black screen.
to be fair a really good actual water physics sim would be kinda cool if you could drop things in it and have it react to the shape of the area around it and also be able to shape the landscape it reacts with.
My friend started expermenting in Unity a week or two ago and has already made a little map that looks better than that water simulator one. It take next to no effort to do that crap. and it looks like the guy barely even toyed with the water physics cause those waves are freaking huge! It took my friend all of 45 seconds to figure out how to make it look more natural!
Imagine "Black Screen Simulator" for PS4. The platinum trophy would be called "You have no life", and it would say "Watch the black screen for 72 hours".
I dunno why, but water simulator makes me think. If it was a water simulator, it'd simulate an interactive body of water. I don't think that'd be such a bad idea, if you could actually do stuff with it. And it was just a free physics engine experiment. This is just "watery map simulator"
Goat Simulator, while also being Let's Play-bait, has had support since it came out... it has a whole new level, new powers, you can ride on a bike... they didn't just put it out, say "That's it, we're done!" and left; they stand behind their product. None of these folks will. Also, I would equate it more to old played-out movies like Austin Powers or Ace Ventura... someone put time and effort into making the films, which were funny at the time, then everyone at school in the lunch room and every dad-joke-riddled non-funny-guy at the water cooler at work spat out the same lines from the film over and over as if it were their own personal joke (and you could always tell by the stupid, stupid smirk on their face.)
Also, Goat Simulator was a joke that everyone wanted to be an actual game. I didn't buy it because I didn't find it funny. Well, at least that dev is putting the money he got into other projects, like A Story About My Uncle.
I'm kind of happy there are at least a couple of these games that attempt to be more than the punchline to a joke told a year ago that just made sense to someone with a terminal lack of humor, like Car Mechanic Simulator and Euro Truck Sim. 2. Goat Simulator was when any amusement left in the joke died a horrible, bloody death, though. :|
I never understood this type of "game" :S Whats the point of even creating it as it does nothing. Its basically like paying to watch your own screen saver -_-
Step 1: Read all instructions before completing them Step 2: Press the backlit button on the front of your PC Step 3. Stand up Step 4: Go outside Step 5: Enjoy your everything simulator, otherwise known as "the universe"
IVIaskerade Everything this universe can do within the confines of its own rules. We can simulate rules that dont seem to work within rl in video games.
I just had a great idea for a simulator while watching this: "Game Development Simulator." You need to manage your budget, hire employees, put out fires (figuratively and occasionally literally), deal with inane decisions from your higher ups, and have meetings with your peons to make decisions concerning the game you're making. What I have in mind is you have until a certain time limit to get the game finished and tested, and after that the game (the one you're playing, I mean) decides how well it sells based on pre-programmed criteria. If you turn a profit, you win. If you win, you start over in a new round and the decisions you made while making the last game carry over. Bonus points if you actually include the games your company makes as mini games for you to play. I don't have the know-how, money, or programming skill to make this happen, so if someone reads this who does, PLEASE MAKE THIS A THING! I don't expect credit for the idea or anything, I just want to hear about it if it gets made so I can play it.
Also, here's one I'm just throwing out there in the "weird, funny simulator" category: J. Jonah Jameson Simulator. You tell me you wouldn't play the f*** out of that. Same thing as before, don't expect credit for the idea, just want to get to play it if it gets made.
i suddenly thought a tide simulator would be a pretty cool idea where you have to get from land mass to land mass dodging the waves, but just a walking sim with water added is boring af
These type of jokes are so obnoxious. Shit like the "intentionally shit randume animations" and shrek shit just show how comedy is dying amongst this sort of stuff. Bubbles burst, but these simulator games are a deflating balloon that just wont go empty already.
The worst thing is that those types of games will keep coming. The worst part is in the greenlight pages for those games, some people encourage the game dev...I don't know if its serious or not
The water simulator is not even worth beeing called a joke at all! Any 5 year old could just make a simple terrain in unity, drag in the default unity water and fps controller and call it a game! Literally no affort at all!!! This is making me so angry as a game developer who works in unity and actually spends a lot of time, wisdom and affort into a game.
It also trivializes the idea that it's satire based on how bad simulator games are because their satire is to release more bad simulator games for people to buy with more of their real cash. It's fucking illogical
I don't think I fully understand, Jim. Please tell me. "Water" you really trying to say? (tap-dancing my way off stage to the sound of thunderous applause)
And there you have it, folks; Internet memes in a nutshell. Somebody makes something funny and then the rest of the internet proceeds to beat the fuck out of the joke until it becomes more annoying than funny.
Imagine if someone makes a simulator game where you drive around with a truck and people genuinely find it good...oh wait... I wonder if the next step is to make a game that is titled Black Square Simulator but then it turns out to be a great shoot'em up with very deep gameplay mechanics.
***** I actually liked it in general. It didn't delivery as promised, but it had its moments.If you forget the water powers (which you only get at the end >_> ), you get a pretty good Tomb Raider 1 like game.
Can't agree more these "Simulators" realy get out of hand. When Surgeon Sim came out it was just perfect seeing that the market was flooded with actual sims (although most of these are not realy good) and Surgeon sim stuck out as it was basicly the right parody at the right moment. And then came all this nonsense like Goatsim and Amputee that also tried to be whacky and ohhh so random from all the other sims and now there are so many of these "lol so random" sims poping up lately its disgusting. That said however im OK when they are free stuff like Romba sim and Coffe sim yeah sure i don't need to pay and for a few minutes of fun thse look okish but when they start charging money for it well thats where you hit the sweetspot as people probably arent going to pay 5 bucks upwards just to play a stupid sim game (looking at you goat sim) All in all i think Indie devs need to learn that there is a point in time when the Cashcow is milked dry and we already crossed that point a looooong time ago with these whacky sim games
I think that the real problem here is that whilst Surgeon Simulator was wacky and out there, it was a well-thought-out game with proper implementation and reasonably thorough design. Newer "simulator" publishers have, in the long-standing tradition of failures great and small, picked up on the wrong element of the appeal, leading to a rash of "lolsorandom" games that don't work because they've missed the point of the successful game.
the real problem with these simulators is that they actually sell them for money... and people actually buy them for money even thought they are the equivalent of an internet meme comic strip
Sasha Sexyfur: I really love the name for what it's worth, and I agree with you to an extent. But with all the respect and love in the world I don't believe that Mr. Sterling is attempting to stop people form doing stupid things, by telling them that what their doing is stupid. I honestly believe that he has an alter ego with costumes to fight it physically and mentally on the weekends using various blunt objects, decor, tasty class, awesome, along with whatever comes between. No pun, porn, or bad joke intended. I would like to say I know this personally via a flogging like thrashing experience which happened a weekend sometime ago, but that's another story. In conclusion I didn't think that this video was pointless.
personally i think there's some decent comedy to be had in having more than one of these pointless simulator games. they seem like a good basic for creating a joke that builds upon itself. they just need a bit more participation by creatives outside of the game itself to add that connective tissue to build upon the joke. it's like complaining that a single meme of a gif of a pop tart cat set to music isn't enough to warrant the kind of attention it seems to have gotten, but really, that just means you're inherently misunderstanding how a meme works in the first place, which is the growth of a comedic element into different variations and the way those elements interact.
The sad thing is that an actual proper water simulator with fluid physics and weather systems could be pretty cool. This doesn't even come close to even mock-simulation. Surgeon Simulator has correct-looking gut bits and you perform surgery, Goat Simulator has you controlling a goat and being a dick like a goat, albeit to ridiculous extremes for both. This is like the blithering idiot from Jim's metaphor repeating THE WRONG PUNCHLINE. "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Obama!" "BAHAHAHAH A LLAMA! DID YOU HEAR? A LLAMA!"
That black screen sim isn't a sim - it IS a black screen. I don't think the dev even knows his/her joke really isn't even valid as a joke. Such a shame that no doubt lots of genuinely good games get neglected and flop on Greenlight, Kickstarter and elsewhere.
Some people got way over the limits of irony since Surgeon Simulator and are now lost in their own unfunny world, exept they're still trying to communicate but you just want them to shut up. That's what those """joke""" games feel now.
Well, we can all take comfort in the fact that they had to pay 100 dollars to put it up on greenlight. When their shit doesn't get greelit, they lost their money and they'll never make any of these 'games'
Dammit, they stole my idea for rock simulator! Now I have to find some other way of tricking people into giving me money. The game would have been a picture of rocks, but then I couldn't show any screenshots without giving people the game for free.
It's shite like this that is adding to the oversaturation of the market (not a joke.. ..well, not intentionally) Those old enough to remember the events of the eighties Gaming crash, will see the similarities between then and now.
you know what makes me sad about water simulator and the like? its that i wish you could take water physics and drag them into games like GTA or Watch Dogs, have realistic rain/flood/drough cycles/ ect.... sigh.....
As an idea, maybe. As a concept. Not as a game. Not as an actual product on a storefront. The joke begins and ends with the title, there's no point in it existing.
The thing about water simulator is that it's actually an awesome idea for a game, imagine a godus styled game where you have to create and maintain a healthy and expanding precipitation cycle and aquatic environments. It would be awesome! like having to have enough land for vegetation and animals to live on, but porous enough for ground water retention, maintaining fresh water river flows, and a bunch of cool stuff like that. this game just makes me sad( also the developers who could get water to react and flow realistically would make a shit ton of cash on the engine they used alone let alone the damn game.)
I would play that
Problem is, while that IS a pretty valid idea, that would require too much effort. It would require actually making a strong water physics engine that could advance things in the industry. Why do that when I can just go into Garry's Mod slap some shit together and sell it for $5 as the latest sim in a series?
That said, I honestly wouldn't mind a game like what you described. It would have gameplay, it would have things to do and a goal and would require input from me. I can get an HD version of fucking Water Simulator just loading up GTA V and staring at the beach.
Or fuck it let's just load up an ocean gif.
That would be an interesting game to play.
Too bad that's not what Water Simulator is.
That game already exists, it's called "Wetrix" and it was released on the n64.
I just want to point out, "water simulator" is LITERALLY a default Unity scene,
Zero work was done there. Everything in that scene comes just by downloading Unity. You could create that "game" in under ten minutes.
Also the water looks like shit.
Papscott333 It's basically in the "Uncanny Valley" of water.
It's not even a fucking simulator. The point of a simulator is to give the impression of what it's like to be the thing you're simulating. Playing as a person standing by the ocean doesn't simulate water; It simulates a person standing by the ocean. If you're gonna tell a bad non-joke. Do it right.
but "beach simulator" isnt a punchline. good luck getting yucks showing THAT title off in yr steam inventory to yr pals.
***** It's not a beach simulator either. Am I playing as the beach? No, I'm playing as a person on the beach. Well, actually you're playing as a floating camera hovering over a grassy plane overlooking water. Now there's a title.
You're wrong there.
Truck Simulator:
You aren't a truck.
Bus Simulator:
You aren't a bus.
Sim City:
You're a major, not a city.
Flight Simulator:
You're not the concept of flight. You're a pilot.
The entire genre of "Car sim".
Again, you're not a car.
Oh yeah, and space sim.
In space sims you aren't space. Space is being simulated, but you're typically a starship pilot.
I find these games to be in rather 'pour' taste.
Perhaps your judgement is just clouded.
Mark Casey I dunno, I think some of these simulators are some people's wet dream.
Clearly they're just looking to be streamed.
Mark Casey That idea's just dripping with potential.
Perhaps we should drop the puns, now?
See I actually think water simulator could be a good idea if you put effort into it. You could play as a Poseidon/Neptune like embodiment of the waters of the world. You could pull minor pranks like spilling people's glasses of water and work up to things like wrecking ships and causing tidal waves. Have some kind of plot like the waters of the world have gained sentience thanks to a bizarre mix of shit we dumped in the ocean. That or go for the ol' Poseidon is angry no one worships him anymore. If anyone wants to actually make this game, please give me a shout out in the credits or something.
It wouldn't be a simulator though, it'd be a game
New House Production Studios then air control by that very definition, as much as it pains me to say, is indeed a game.
Princess_Molestia Air control?
New House Production Studios search up on your youtube search bar: Markiplier air control most broken game
Princess_Molestia Oh, god. Yeah I know that one, I saw Nerd3 play it. Yeah, technically it's a game, as it doesn't simulate being an attendant or whatever you're supposed to be.
What about "Good Game Simulator", where they actually make a good and playable game for once?
Has anyone though, really said to Steam "Look, what the hell are you guys doing? I mean... seriously! Get these piles of nonsense off your books, and have some bloody sense when it comes to selling "games" to people." Bollocks to artistic expression. Show some restraint Steam! Jeez! Its not difficult! Greenlight was a great idea, but with no control, it just results in idiots throwing their shit in, thinking its the best thing ever. Get a grip Gabe! Honestly! Damaging your own products!
No, because Greenlight is profitable, and at the end of the day, even though Steam has great rapport with the community and some of the most popular free games, it's still a business, and they're not going to get rid of something profitable just because a minority (make no mistake, even though we're vocal we _are_ a minority) complains.
The other thing is, it caters to the (_shudder_) 'filthy casuals' that us true MASTER RAEC pc gamers despise. Unfortunately, they make up a significant proportion of Steam's income, so they're not going anywhere.
Pro tip for getting this game for free!
Fill a bath and watch it
Chareater You have to pay for water and electricity.
Fucking! Rekt!
Or you could like... Go outside?
Lucina056 What is this 'outside' you speak of and where can I pre-order it?
***** I wouldn't get into the alpha of outside yet if I were you, it's still full of *bugs.*
Thank you, Jim. You've said exactly what's been on my mind for the past month or so.
"Go soak your head"
Was that a joke at the end? You didn't say if it was or not. Does anyone know if that part was a joke!?
***** Wow, I hadn't even made the connection with the whole water theme.
"Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Obama" -Jim Fucking Sterling Son
Black Screen footage is going to get copyright claimed by Mircosoft
I have decided to make a "not being funny anymore simulator".
The biggest problem with those simulator games... is that they arent games. No, I mean, look at Surgeon Simulator for example: it has gameplay, it has an objective, it has some degree of challange, you accomplish stuff in it. And hell even something like Goat Simulator has a world that you mess around in, the objective is fucking around in different ways, causing chaos and finding different powers that change how you interact with the world, theres stuff here to do, collectables to find, score to get, secrets to find. This tho, the rock and water simulators? Like what is there honestly, you stare at them and thats it? The original joke was taking something thats kinda boring for the regular gamer, a realistic simulator of real life things, making it over the top and kinda have it collapse under its own realism of physics and depth of interaction, while providing gameplay thats overall more engaging than the original thing. This... this isnt even the same joke, its moreso a jab at simulators themselves than the ,,parody'' games, like ,,lol look how boring this is!''. Its accurate to call them a punchline since they dont actually offer anything else than the joke, which was done better by those that came before it. And yet they still end up on Steam somehow, good grief!
I thought _Water Simulator_ was already made years ago under the name " _Wetrix_ ".
These games have really tarnished the genre of simulators. Yes really. There have always been real simulator games and they are very good at an educational or anthropological level.
The Sims series has been both educational games from Sim ants to pure escapism like The Sims and much more so this joke "Ha ha. Sim games are boring!" Is really stupid and very much not true.
These aren't Simulation games. They are garbage. And not even Garbage simulator where we learn about how organic matter breaks down and how things should be disposed and where it goes to get disposed and recycled.
This isn't even a water sim. You're not simulating the water at all and it has nothing to do with the water cycle. You're just looking at water sway around.
VulpineTaco Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe? Oh wow. I've never heard of that particular tycoon game.
VulpineTaco I'm looking at it already and it seems that way. I'll be needing to find some tutorials.
VulpineTaco All right then.
***** That does seem to be the intention with these "Simulator" games.
I love this video. Not for its content, or its creator, but for the irony of it. Jim Sterling has decided that the best way to criticise a game is to acquire or purchase it, then talk over playing it. The issue with this is that by acquiring the game you're supporting their developers and therefore perpetuating the content you so clearly despise, Jim.
Water simulator is litterally just standard Unity assets. Not even free assets form the Unity asset store or even some random site, no. Water simulator is made with the STANDARD Unity assets that you can chose to use when you start up the FREE version of Unity. This game was made for free in under 5 minutes. That is not even an exaggeration, i could start up the free version of Unity right now and remake water simulator entirely in under 5 minutes and do a better job at it too.
It's immense fun to watch reviewers confront these simulators, you can't deny that
It's always funny when I see a 'game' that was very clearly made in Unity using the basic pre-built assets. Seriously, give me two minutes, I'll boot up Unity (the free version!) and replicate the entire trailer for "Water Simulator".
Is this really not satire, though? I mean, the black screen simulator is clearly making fun of the 'genre', isn't it? I've seen how stupid people can be on the internet, but I have a hard time believing these aren't jokes.
Edit: Though to be fair, the 'simulator genre' as a whole was based in satire to begin with. Can you satirize satire?
I was asking a question. Why the hostility? I simply can't see how the 'black screen simulator' could be anything but satire, and nothing was said about the quality of that satire or the morality of offering such a thing for money. It's not like the idea that the 'game' is satirical justifies its existence.
The simulator genre isn't satire... Simulators existed long before this trash.
the 'simulator genre' as a whole was based in satire to begin with. No it wasn't. Train Simulator and Flight Simulator were not jokes. The amount of ridiculous "simulator" games that came out caused parodies to start happening like Goat Simulator. Now everything has gone to shit
I was talking about the 'simulation' genre as it started with Surgeon Simulator, not earlier games. Surgeon Simulator was poking fun at the genre to begin with by being purposefully wacky and straying as far from realism as possible.
Black screen simulator is not satire because it is not saying anything about the genre. I mean, what exactly is the joke? That people will pay money for extremely boring things? The closest thing I can see to a joke is that it's not a black screen "simulator", it just *is* a black screen.
to be fair a really good actual water physics sim would be kinda cool if you could drop things in it and have it react to the shape of the area around it and also be able to shape the landscape it reacts with.
2:44 and 2 and a half years after this video the "joke" still didn't die.
My friend started expermenting in Unity a week or two ago and has already made a little map that looks better than that water simulator one. It take next to no effort to do that crap. and it looks like the guy barely even toyed with the water physics cause those waves are freaking huge! It took my friend all of 45 seconds to figure out how to make it look more natural!
+AlternateHanta perhaps he didn't measure it correctly and thought the player was much larger?
Khorps Potentially, but that takes all of a minute or two to figure out and correct.
"This is a Steam Greenlight trailer for Water Simulator and, oh for fucks sake. . . "
I lost it. I just goddamn lost it XD
Surgeon Simulator also had that kickass music playing on the radio that you could knock off the table
Imagine "Black Screen Simulator" for PS4.
The platinum trophy would be called "You have no life", and it would say "Watch the black screen for 72 hours".
I dunno why, but water simulator makes me think.
If it was a water simulator, it'd simulate an interactive body of water. I don't think that'd be such a bad idea, if you could actually do stuff with it. And it was just a free physics engine experiment.
This is just "watery map simulator"
I was curious to see what would happen if you got into the water.
Game would probably crash
He's really raining on these devs' parades.
Goat Simulator, while also being Let's Play-bait, has had support since it came out... it has a whole new level, new powers, you can ride on a bike... they didn't just put it out, say "That's it, we're done!" and left; they stand behind their product. None of these folks will. Also, I would equate it more to old played-out movies like Austin Powers or Ace Ventura... someone put time and effort into making the films, which were funny at the time, then everyone at school in the lunch room and every dad-joke-riddled non-funny-guy at the water cooler at work spat out the same lines from the film over and over as if it were their own personal joke (and you could always tell by the stupid, stupid smirk on their face.)
Also, Goat Simulator was a joke that everyone wanted to be an actual game. I didn't buy it because I didn't find it funny. Well, at least that dev is putting the money he got into other projects, like A Story About My Uncle.
I'm kind of happy there are at least a couple of these games that attempt to be more than the punchline to a joke told a year ago that just made sense to someone with a terminal lack of humor, like Car Mechanic Simulator and Euro Truck Sim. 2.
Goat Simulator was when any amusement left in the joke died a horrible, bloody death, though. :|
Black screen simulator and rock simulator have sequels on Steam Greenlight now.
I heard Rock Simulator has a sequel/spinoff on iOS and Android called Pebble Simulator.
I never understood this type of "game" :S Whats the point of even creating it as it does nothing. Its basically like paying to watch your own screen saver -_-
But when can we have an Everything Simulator?
They could call it the Matrix to get rid of the stigma these games are putting on the word Simulator.
matrix simulator?
swedenownz123 It's gonna have a lot of math.
Step 1: Read all instructions before completing them
Step 2: Press the backlit button on the front of your PC
Step 3. Stand up
Step 4: Go outside
Step 5: Enjoy your everything simulator, otherwise known as "the universe"
So, when do i respawn in rela life?
IVIaskerade Everything this universe can do within the confines of its own rules. We can simulate rules that dont seem to work within rl in video games.
I just had a great idea for a simulator while watching this: "Game Development Simulator." You need to manage your budget, hire employees, put out fires (figuratively and occasionally literally), deal with inane decisions from your higher ups, and have meetings with your peons to make decisions concerning the game you're making. What I have in mind is you have until a certain time limit to get the game finished and tested, and after that the game (the one you're playing, I mean) decides how well it sells based on pre-programmed criteria. If you turn a profit, you win. If you win, you start over in a new round and the decisions you made while making the last game carry over. Bonus points if you actually include the games your company makes as mini games for you to play. I don't have the know-how, money, or programming skill to make this happen, so if someone reads this who does, PLEASE MAKE THIS A THING! I don't expect credit for the idea or anything, I just want to hear about it if it gets made so I can play it.
Also, here's one I'm just throwing out there in the "weird, funny simulator" category: J. Jonah Jameson Simulator. You tell me you wouldn't play the f*** out of that. Same thing as before, don't expect credit for the idea, just want to get to play it if it gets made.
Skidley McBastard
Thanks. I am gonna EA the SHIT out of that game.
i suddenly thought a tide simulator would be a pretty cool idea where you have to get from land mass to land mass dodging the waves, but just a walking sim with water added is boring af
My little brother actually made Black Screen Simulator before it came out, but he called it the Hellen Keller Experience.
Coffee Stain Studios must be having quite the laugh right now.
Jim, I feel this may be your very finest simile.
I would like to see a real water simulator with the best water physics applied.
Its like the Potato Salad kickstarter. Everyone just has to start up another pointless campaign now.
These type of jokes are so obnoxious. Shit like the "intentionally shit randume animations" and shrek shit just show how comedy is dying amongst this sort of stuff. Bubbles burst, but these simulator games are a deflating balloon that just wont go empty already.
The worst thing is that those types of games will keep coming. The worst part is in the greenlight pages for those games, some people encourage the game dev...I don't know if its serious or not
The water simulator is not even worth beeing called a joke at all! Any 5 year old could just make a simple terrain in unity, drag in the default unity water and fps controller and call it a game! Literally no affort at all!!! This is making me so angry as a game developer who works in unity and actually spends a lot of time, wisdom and affort into a game.
+G4Evideos You're probably a 12 year old yourself looking at your videos and you're spelling.
No I'm 6
+Cory In The House your* spelling
+SG Producer oh hi! im 4
+Ultimate Baller I'm spelling am I? you probably meant "your" instead of "you're".
Coming soon to Steam Early Access for $19.99: The simulator to end all simulators... Simulator Simulator.
I think the joke of these simulators are the fact people are still gullible enough to pay money to buy them...
It also trivializes the idea that it's satire based on how bad simulator games are because their satire is to release more bad simulator games for people to buy with more of their real cash. It's fucking illogical
Still waiting for someone to make 'Dangling Penis Simulator' a thing.
Maybe 'Francium Simulator' if I'm in the mood for science.
"Mount Your Friends" is a dangling penis simulator
I don't think I fully understand, Jim. Please tell me. "Water" you really trying to say? (tap-dancing my way off stage to the sound of thunderous applause)
I am still waiting for the Jim Sterling simulator.
And there you have it, folks; Internet memes in a nutshell.
Somebody makes something funny and then the rest of the internet proceeds to beat the fuck out of the joke until it becomes more annoying than funny.
It is like writing "first" into comment sections.
Imagine if someone makes a simulator game where you drive around with a truck and people genuinely find it good...oh wait...
I wonder if the next step is to make a game that is titled Black Square Simulator but then it turns out to be a great shoot'em up with very deep gameplay mechanics.
Next game on steam: "super funny survival game simulator funny super..,! ! !"
I wonder if anyone has done gaming simulator yet that would simulate a player playing a video game
turns out water "simulator" is very similar to a environmental pc "stress-test" thing i have
Do you want a proper water simulator? Hydrophobia:Prophecy
***** I actually liked it in general. It didn't delivery as promised, but it had its moments.If you forget the water powers (which you only get at the end >_> ), you get a pretty good Tomb Raider 1 like game.
I want to try 'Games Journo Simulator' (currently under development so they say).
I would expect a free copy though ;)
It's a reddit circlejerk
I bet there are a few people that got 'wet'. Haaghh? Eh? Get it?
Valentin Lance fuck you
deadclock7 Why
Valentin Lance fuck me
deadclock7 no
you got to admit tho, thats some damn fine water
No it isn't
Can't agree more these "Simulators" realy get out of hand. When Surgeon Sim came out it was just perfect seeing that the market was flooded with actual sims (although most of these are not realy good) and Surgeon sim stuck out as it was basicly the right parody at the right moment.
And then came all this nonsense like Goatsim and Amputee that also tried to be whacky and ohhh so random from all the other sims and now there are so many of these "lol so random" sims poping up lately its disgusting. That said however im OK when they are free stuff like Romba sim and Coffe sim yeah sure i don't need to pay and for a few minutes of fun thse look okish but when they start charging money for it well thats where you hit the sweetspot as people probably arent going to pay 5 bucks upwards just to play a stupid sim game (looking at you goat sim)
All in all i think Indie devs need to learn that there is a point in time when the Cashcow is milked dry and we already crossed that point a looooong time ago with these whacky sim games
I think that the real problem here is that whilst Surgeon Simulator was wacky and out there, it was a well-thought-out game with proper implementation and reasonably thorough design.
Newer "simulator" publishers have, in the long-standing tradition of failures great and small, picked up on the wrong element of the appeal, leading to a rash of "lolsorandom" games that don't work because they've missed the point of the successful game.
the real problem with these simulators is that they actually sell them for money... and people actually buy them for money even thought they are the equivalent of an internet meme comic strip
If they spent 5 minutes and actually made proper looking water, it might have gone somewhere...
these type of simulators have been around for years.
Shouldda said "goats are jackasses"... missed opportunity.
Sasha Sexyfur: I really love the name for what it's worth, and I agree with you to an extent. But with all the respect and love in the world I don't believe that Mr. Sterling is attempting to stop people form doing stupid things, by telling them that what their doing is stupid. I honestly believe that he has an alter ego with costumes to fight it physically and mentally on the weekends using various blunt objects, decor, tasty class, awesome, along with whatever comes between. No pun, porn, or bad joke intended. I would like to say I know this personally via a flogging like thrashing experience which happened a weekend sometime ago, but that's another story. In conclusion I didn't think that this video was pointless.
Is it too late too release
Simulator Simulator
I could literally whip that up in a couple of minutes playing around in Unreal Engine. Or even Unity.
What if I told you there was ANOTHER game called "Black Screen Simulator", which is just a GameGuru demo under a different name?
Goat simulator and surgeon simulator are the only ones worth playing.
When am I gonna get dragon simulator or Unicorn or Evil corporate asshole simulator?
robot unicorn attack? Adult Swim made it at least that shite after hopping on the "mobile revolution" bandwagon
Carzeyday Evil Genius
What do you think about Tabletop Simulator?
They should just be free on flash sights.
for me its that they think its ok to ask ppl for money for this kind of thing.
i doubt many will buy it (i hope)
personally i think there's some decent comedy to be had in having more than one of these pointless simulator games. they seem like a good basic for creating a joke that builds upon itself. they just need a bit more participation by creatives outside of the game itself to add that connective tissue to build upon the joke.
it's like complaining that a single meme of a gif of a pop tart cat set to music isn't enough to warrant the kind of attention it seems to have gotten, but really, that just means you're inherently misunderstanding how a meme works in the first place, which is the growth of a comedic element into different variations and the way those elements interact.
The sad thing is that an actual proper water simulator with fluid physics and weather systems could be pretty cool. This doesn't even come close to even mock-simulation. Surgeon Simulator has correct-looking gut bits and you perform surgery, Goat Simulator has you controlling a goat and being a dick like a goat, albeit to ridiculous extremes for both.
This is like the blithering idiot from Jim's metaphor repeating THE WRONG PUNCHLINE.
"Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Obama!"
I made a game called "bullshit simulator." I don't want to spoil much, but it's just a picture of steam greenlight.
That black screen sim isn't a sim - it IS a black screen. I don't think the dev even knows his/her joke really isn't even valid as a joke. Such a shame that no doubt lots of genuinely good games get neglected and flop on Greenlight, Kickstarter and elsewhere.
This is the dark side of making game development tools easy to use.
Some people got way over the limits of irony since Surgeon Simulator and are now lost in their own unfunny world, exept they're still trying to communicate but you just want them to shut up. That's what those """joke""" games feel now.
Is this like someone quoting "The cake is a lie" thinking that everyone will laugh as soon as they hear it?
Maybe, exept it costs money in that case.
Am I the only one who'd pay for a cornflakes homunculus simulator?
No, no you are not.
There's apparently two of you.
Too many simulators: thanks, Obama.
Well, we can all take comfort in the fact that they had to pay 100 dollars to put it up on greenlight.
When their shit doesn't get greelit, they lost their money and they'll never make any of these 'games'
What happens if you go into the water?
You get wet.
The only reason i like these games is because it forces Steam to get some form of QA
That's cute.
Its rreally, really not, but id like to think that if they get enough s**t for these games they might change stuff
I blame the community voting for these games since you already know they are gonna get enough votes
Dammit, they stole my idea for rock simulator! Now I have to find some other way of tricking people into giving me money. The game would have been a picture of rocks, but then I couldn't show any screenshots without giving people the game for free.
Is it just me, or did yahtzee use the same Obama joke about, hmm... I think it was Destiny on zero punctuation? I'm gonna look it up, to the escapist!
And now there's another one, on Kickstarter no less.
It's shite like this that is adding to the oversaturation of the market (not a joke.. ..well, not intentionally)
Those old enough to remember the events of the eighties Gaming crash, will see the similarities between then and now.
Simulator Simulator Simulator
Nailed it
Does it have grass DLC?
Sounds like Jim needs to use Toilet Sitting simulator a bit. It supports occulus too!
you know what makes me sad about water simulator and the like? its that i wish you could take water physics and drag them into games like GTA or Watch Dogs, have realistic rain/flood/drough cycles/ ect.... sigh.....
Have wee got an air simulator yet? If not copyrighted by me I want some easy money
A game advocater who speaks the fucking truth, AND is funny?! Subbed!
Rock simulator gets a pass from me, if it's literally just staring at a rock. That's funny to me, at least as an idea.
As an idea, maybe. As a concept.
Not as a game. Not as an actual product on a storefront. The joke begins and ends with the title, there's no point in it existing.
Simulators are watered down versions of jokes now?
To be fair, Brocko Bologna totally is a joke.
I'm still waiting on Simulator Simulator. Should be out soon.