Thanks for posting this video - some of those teachers I remember fondly, and others I didn't know. There were more than a couple,. however, that my father had during his years at Maple.
One of those teachers thought it was ok to smack kids around, that shit would not fly today. I'm not talking about the formerly accepted child abuse known as "paddling" I'm referring to backhand to the face, full force kind of abuse. A few others were just assholes, and some were ok.
Thanks for posting this video - some of those teachers I remember fondly, and others I didn't know. There were more than a couple,. however, that my father had during his years at Maple.
One of those teachers thought it was ok to smack kids around, that shit would not fly today. I'm not talking about the formerly accepted child abuse known as "paddling" I'm referring to backhand to the face, full force kind of abuse. A few others were just assholes, and some were ok.