If Mary was sinless, why did she need a savior?

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
  • www.catholic.com
    If Mary was sinless as Catholics believe, then why does the Bible say she needed a savior? Tim Staples tackles this common objection on Catholic Answers Live.
    Tim Staples is Director of Apologetics and Evangelization here at Catholic Answers, but he was not always Catholic. Tim was raised a Southern Baptist. Although he fell away from the faith of his childhood, Tim came back to faith in Christ during his late teen years through the witness of Christian televangelists. Soon after, Tim joined the Marine Corps.
    During his four-year tour, he became involved in ministry with various Assemblies of God communities. Immediately after his tour of duty, Tim enrolled in Jimmy Swaggart Bible College and became a youth minister in an Assembly of God community. During his final year in the Marines, however, Tim met a Marine who really knew his faith and challenged Tim to study Catholicism from Catholic and historical sources. That encounter sparked a two-year search for the truth. Tim was determined to prove Catholicism wrong, but he ended up studying his way to the last place he thought he would ever end up: the Catholic Church!
    He converted to Catholicism in 1988 and spent the following six years in formation for the priesthood, earning a degree in philosophy from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Overbrook, Pennsylvania. He then studied theology on a graduate level at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, for two years. Realizing that his calling was not to the priesthood, Tim left the seminary in 1994 and has been working in Catholic apologetics and evangelization ever since.
    If you are interested in booking Tim Staples for an upcoming event, please contact Catholic Answers at (619) 387-7200.


  • @josemadrigal2293
    @josemadrigal2293 4 роки тому +33

    One good question I ask protestants.
    Why did Jesus need a mother?

  • @javipdr19
    @javipdr19 8 років тому +124

    It's really funny that "evangelicals" never speak about Mary except when they want to remind us that we should not pray to her.

    • @Solideogloria00
      @Solideogloria00 8 років тому +14

      that is not true at all. Or maybe you're misinformed, the Mary in the Bible is preached from time to time and her outstanding example and life.

    • @MsJohnnythunder
      @MsJohnnythunder 8 років тому +50

      That is because we don't believe she's the fourth person of the trinity, my friend.

    • @Solideogloria00
      @Solideogloria00 8 років тому +3

      Bri D. you have been lied to my friend. I will pray for you. You have a bad understanding of the reformers and church history.
      God bless you.

    • @whattheheckification
      @whattheheckification 7 років тому +4

      Javier Pérez that's simply not true

    • @johnjosephembalsado9958
      @johnjosephembalsado9958 7 років тому +27

      If Mary preserve from SIN, she will never said this: My soul Glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my SAVIOR. notice the word my Savior... If she did not sinned why she needs a savior? only a sinner needs a savior. Romans 3:23 says, for ALL have SINNED, and come short of the Glory of God.

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 8 років тому +48

    i am saved by the blood of JESUS who ever believe in him shall have ever lasting life all my sins have been forgiven and fill with the HOLY SPIRIT = i pray to God through Jesus there is no other way to GOD BUT TROUGH JESUS OUR SAVIOR AMEN

  • @TheBigdipper99
    @TheBigdipper99 8 років тому +39

    As a Christian, I was always taught that when in doubt check it up in the Bible. I do not find any accounts of anyone praying to the Apostles or to Mary for that matter. On the contrary I recall the verse where it was assumed that Paul and Barnabas were Greek gods because Paul healed a cripple, and the people of Lystra went to offer sacrifices to honor them. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothing to show they were upset about this. As worship is something that has been only attributed to God/Jesus... I don't think this is something Mary would've been happy with neither.

  • @RGTomoenage11
    @RGTomoenage11 3 роки тому +17

    Mary was saved before time. How do we know ? Because the prophet Isaias says before time that the virgen will give birth to the Savior.

  • @ayobios
    @ayobios 8 років тому +32

    question, if God can preserve Mary from sin, why doesn't he do this with everybody?

    • @rosarywmd
      @rosarywmd 8 років тому +45

      +ayobios why did he create adam and eve? Why couldn't he have just created 9,000,000,000 at once? Your question I'm saying is really stretching it. Why are you so troubled with the idea that God the Father would first create the perfect female human to give birth to his Son, Jesus. And raise his Son Jesus. And give up her Son Jesus, for OUR Sins. The Bible says that Mary will be blessed among ALL generations. What (out of the some 30,000 denominations of Christianity besides the NOMINATOR: The Roman Catholic Church fulfills this Bible prophecy better??? , the Church founded by Mary's son, Jesus Christ himself and handed to St. Peter. You can look up the complete line of Popes all the way to the current Pope. If it wasn't for Mary's agreeing to God's Will, Jesus wouldn't be in our Lives. God also would not leave us orphans. We have a spiritual Mother.....and that is Mary Mother of God.. She listens to our prayers, and if we ask, she delivers them directly to her Son, Jesus. And Jesus can't say no to his mother. This is even described in the Bible during the Wedding Feast at Cana. His disciples didn't go directly to Jesus when they found the wine had run out....they went to his MOTHER, Mary. And Mary took their concern to her Son. Her Son then performed a MIRACLE turning the Water to wine. I think God was telling us the power that Mary's prayers can have over her Son. He can't say no to his mother. Question for you: Do you go to your Father for everything? If I was a girl, I probably wouldn't want to discuss certains matters with my Dad!! And as a boy, there are certain things I don't want to discuss with my Mom.
      Asking Mary to pray for you, and praying the Rosary, can teach you more about Jesus than you would even imagine. In life, if we want to know more about a person, who knows them better than their mother. The one who carried and provided 9 months, labored into this world, and provided for a lifetime...their MOTHER. Our Mothers know more about us, than we know about ourselves!!! Mary wants to teach you more about her Son, Jesus Christ. In the Bible, she teaches that her Soul magnifies the Lord. I personally want to look through that magnifying glass so to speak. The Rosary literally taught me everything I know about Jesus.

    • @krdiaz8026
      @krdiaz8026 8 років тому +15

      Coz that's not part of the plan.

    • @MsJohnnythunder
      @MsJohnnythunder 8 років тому +16

      Two questions I'd like to ask you. 1. Where do you found the belief that Mary was sinless? 2. Why did she need to be sinless? Did Mary's mother need to be sinless too?
      A short answer: God the Father would know Jesus better than Mary, I would say. Considering they spent all of eternity together. Mary was amply blessed by bearing and knowing Jesus in such a personal way. Those of us who are part of God's family, are not orphaned. We have a Brother and a Father. Mary's prayers, not that I believe she actually intercedes for anyone, are no more powerful than a child of God, which you become after accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
      By the way, you never answered ayobios's question. Do you think Jesus chose to die on cross instead of just purifying all of humanity, if He could. He came because there was no other way for the redemption of sin. A Holy and Just person had to take the ransom for all the wicked, and only one could: God himself. Otherwise, Mary could have done it. And if God could've made Mary do it, why not with everyone else? And bam! Humanity's greatest problem solved.

    • @whattheheckification
      @whattheheckification 7 років тому +6

      ayobios this is a good point actually. I've always been taught that God allows us free will so that we have the ability to love Him for real. If He forced us to love Him and not to sin, it wouldn't be a real love. But then how can Mary's love for God be real if she was born sinless? Doesn't that mean she was forced to love God?

  • @johnjosephembalsado9958
    @johnjosephembalsado9958 7 років тому +42

    If Mary preserve from SIN, she will never said this: My soul Glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my SAVIOR. notice the word my Savior... If she did not sinned why she needs a savior? only a sinner needs a savior. Romans 3:23 says, for ALL have SINNED, and come short of the Glory of God.

  • @rosarywmd
    @rosarywmd 8 років тому +19

    The real question is: Why are all these Bibles so vague when it comes to Luke 1:28? Is this the work of Satan??
    If it is a message from an Angel directly from God, it must be extremely important, and to get it wrong could mean a lot. When it is correctly translated it leaves NO ambiguity. "HAIL, FULL OF GRACE" ---you are either full or not full. Full of grace means no room for sin.........yet probably 99.9 percent of Bibles in Book Stores say "highly-favored"----who is responsible for this vague translation???

    • @CatholicismRules
      @CatholicismRules 8 років тому +1

      I agree, why can't it just be Jesus saying, "Yo, don't do this, this, this, or this. like EVER. cause it's bad." I wish it were like that xD would be so easy

    • @MsJohnnythunder
      @MsJohnnythunder 8 років тому +8

      The grace she received is to be the bearer of the Son of God. I think your problem here is that you want to interpret the word "grace" the same way it is applied to a believer in Jesus Christ, who received the grace of God, which is forgiveness of sins.

  • @xuweiwen
    @xuweiwen 7 років тому +33

    the idea of mary being sinless contradicts the Catholic doctrine of the original sin of adam and eve.

    • @bryfryable
      @bryfryable 7 років тому +9

      xuweiwen Thats exactly what i said. agreed.

  • @johndoyle3076
    @johndoyle3076 8 років тому +11

    Great answer

  • @bryfryable
    @bryfryable 7 років тому +27

    didnt Mary inheret sin from adam and eve though? Please answer.

    • @brianestrada2259
      @brianestrada2259 7 років тому +27

      Yes she did, only Jesus Christ was sinless.
      Think of it this way, the reason our savior was the perfect sacrifice was because of his perfect life in obedience to the father, he was the only one to not sin.
      Now, if Mary was sinless, why wasn´t she offered as a sacrifice to the father like Jesus, the reason is becasue she wasn´t perfect. So the only reason Jesus sacrificed himself for us was because he was sinless.
      Now the important thing are the biblical reference:
      2. Hebrews 4:15 -> For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
      3. Isaiah 53:9 -> His grave was assigned with wicked men, Yet He was with a rich man in His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was there any deceit in His mouth.
      The reason the catholic church talks about Mary being sinless is not because it comes in the bible, but because of the next reason:
      "Although the belief that Mary was sinless, or conceived with an immaculate soul, has been widely held since Late Antiquity, the doctrine was not dogmatically defined until 1854, by Pope Pius IX in his papal bull Ineffabilis Deus."
      It was created by a human, by the pope, the only being to be sinless in human form was, is, and will be our lord Jesus.

  • @MsJohnnythunder
    @MsJohnnythunder 8 років тому +5

    Or...Jesus' body was the Temple of God.