Royal Manufacturing Gold Dust Concentrating Table

  • Опубліковано 19 гру 2024


  • @danhodgins4015
    @danhodgins4015 4 роки тому +8

    Beautiful product, looks like it works really well! At 21:15 - you might want to consider adding a drop of Jet Dry to break surface tension. Also, wet any material before you run it so it can break the surface tension properly.

  • @Notellemkrik1776
    @Notellemkrik1776 4 роки тому +4

    I ordered one and came two days ago. Might want to check out the holes for leveling the table. Improperly drilled, thankful I had drill to drill new holes. Table is awesome

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому +2

      If you ordered from Sunny Mountain, we did not ship them the black bins, they purchased their own and did not move the hole as they should have. But we are sorry for that and have spoken to them a few times as there customers where calling us regarding holes.

  • @rickpierson2586
    @rickpierson2586 4 роки тому +1

    Just got & used the table for the first time. It works awesome! What a Fantastic tool Robert!

  • @jorgebolanos3918
    @jorgebolanos3918 4 роки тому +1

    Lots of good information that I never would know how to explain to people.

  • @joshuaespinoza534
    @joshuaespinoza534 4 роки тому +2

    Woooo hooo! I just bought the last miller table from Royal Mfg. I'm very exciting to have the last one shipped to me. I've been wishing to have this unit for some time now and can't wait to hold it. Thank you Robert, Tim and Milly. Thank you to everyone at Royal Mfg. for making this man and his family very excited to enjoy the adventures of prospecting. Gosh I'm in awe. Thank you, thank you and thank you. Happy holidays and Happy New Year! :)

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому +1

      Happy Holidays to you as well and we are glad to make your Holidays better. We are working on another large lot and we will be adding to website as we get them assembled. :) We will always be fabricating more.

    • @mikekobes8739
      @mikekobes8739 2 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical hhj0j0jjh0h0jj0j0h0j00j0mh0h00hk0hjj00h0hh00hkhh0h0m0j0jjjhhhh0hh00hjy0jh0m0j0yhjh0m0jh0m0j0hjhhh0hk0h0jj00jh0yj0h0j0hm0hk0hj0jhh0jjh0jh0m0h0y0hj00jj00jj0kjhm0h00j00hh0mh0hhhjjmhh0j0hj00hhjj0jj0j00jhh0hhmj0jhjhj0j0jhj0jh000jjhj0jjm0mjjj0jh0jjhh0hk0j0jmjjjj0jmjjhhh0hhhjhhmjjkjjhj0hhjhhkjjm0jhhj0h0hj0jmhhy0jhj0hjh0mj0h0j0j0mh0jjjjhj0jjmjjjmhjjhhhj0h0hhjmkmhj0hmhh0k0h0jjh0hm0j0hj0jhh0mjjj0h0j0hh00j0j00h000j0jjjhjj0mjjhjjjj0jjjjjjj00jhjh0hjmh0jkh0j0jhhh00j0jjjhj0jhhm0hh0jjmjhhh0hjhhhjhhhhjk0h0hhh0mj0hj0hh0hyjhykjh0h0jj0j0j0h0jj0j0jjj0hj0m0jjh00hjh0m0jjjjjjh0k0j0jj0jjjj0jjhhmjk0hhjm0j0hj0jjjjhh0hhjm0j0h0h00jh0hhjj00j0kjjjjhhhhhjmh00jhhjhhhhjjjh0m0mjjjkhhkj0mh0j0jjjjjkjj0hh0m0hhhhhjhmj0jj00jjjmjjj,jjj0h0hjkjjjjjmj0hhhjhmj0h0jjhjh0h0jhm0hm0hkjhm0h0hjmjhjhhhm0mjjjjjjjh00j0j0hj00hhjjjm0hm0jjkjjj0hh000j0h0h0jjhj0hjhhhjj0h0jjkj0hj0jjhh0kj0jh0h00hj0h0jh0yhjjjmjh0hy0hjjj0h0y0hmjkjh0hh0hjhhmjjjkh0hjhhjmhjjjhmjhh0hjjh0hmmhhjhjk0hh0jmjmj0jjj,hkjjjhhk0jjjy0hjyjh0hjjj0mjj0h0hy0hjjj0jj0jjjj0j0jj0hmhhjjjmmmmjjk0m0jmkjjjh0hhhh0h,0hhhjj00hmjhj0jjh0jkjj00j0h00h0jjmh0hhmjhmjmhhmh0hhj0jj0jj0h0hm0hmjjmjjmh000hhj0kjjh0mhjymjhmhkmjjjjjmjhhhhjhjhhhkjh00hjhhhjjhjmjjjjkkhh0mjhh0h0hjh0hjj0jmk0j0hjjhjhjh0jjmj0jjjhh0h0j0jjh00hmjjjmh0kjj00hk0hhjjh00j0h0hjhjyjhkhhj0jhhj0hm0hj0hhjhj0h0y0hjhhhjjhjh0mjj0j0hhhjmhj00jjj00jhj0hjjjjhhj0hhhhhh0yj0h0hhmhhhm0jjh0j0j0jhjj0jjhj0hjj0hm0mjk0jjhj0h0j0jy0kjjhjh0jjjj0hhhj0j0hhhhhj0hhyhhjhjjhhhmjj0mh0jjjkhhjhyhmjjjjhhj0jj0jjjjjhmjjjjmjhj0hhjhjj0jhhjm0jjhhjjjmjhjj0jjjmjhhjjmh0hjjjjjmjjjjy0jy0jjhj0jmjjmh0h0hmjkhj0jjjhhjhhyjh0jh0j0mjhhmj0hh0hhmjjmjjjjjjhh0hjmhh0mjhjkjjhk0h0hhhjhhkjjhhh0hhjhjjjjhmj0jjjjjh0h00jjmjjjj0hhhjjjj0jjjjjh,h0h0m0jjjhjmmj0jjjhjjhhjjjjjjjjh0hh0hjmjjjhj0j0hh0hh0hjh0hhjhjhhh0hmjjjjj0jm0jj0jj0h0jh0hj0jjjhhjhhyhhjmjjjj0hhhjk0jjhmjhhhyjjjjymhh0mjhjhjhj0k0,jj0jjhhjmjjhhh0jjh0hhj0mh0hmh00jhyhjjjjmj0hhhhhmhjhhhjjhhhjj0jmhhhhjh0hhjhh0hhhj0jjjjjmjjjhm0jjhjhhh00hmhh0hh0jjhhhhh0jjhhhhjjmjjjjjjjjjmhjh0hmyh000hymhmjjh0jk0jjjjhhjjjjjjjjmjjhjjjjhhhmhkjjmjjjjjjhummh0hhhhhhjmj0hhj0kjkj0kjh0hjh0mjjjjjjjj0mhhhhhjyhjhhhjjhjhhhhjjjjjmhjjhhhmhjjhhhm,jjjmhhh0hmmjhjk0jjjjk0hjmj0hjhhhhhhhjhhhjhhhmjjjjj0jjj0jhhjhjhmjhhhhhhh0mjjjjmjjm0hhymjmmjjjjjjj0hh0hhmhjhhhmh0hm0jjh0jjm0hhjmk0jjjjjkhhhmh0hhjj0hm0jh0kj0jjmyhjmjjj0h0mj0jjjhhhmjjjhj0jjjmjh0hhhjjjjjjhmmjhh0h0m0,jh0hyj0jjjhjjj0jjhhj0jjjmjhhjmjhjjmjh000hhhhhhhhjhh0jjjhjh0hmjjkj0jj0jjjjmh0yjj0hhk0jhjhj0jmjjhhhhh0hhmh0hj0jj0jhjjjh0h0mh0hjjjjjjhjhmmmjjjjjjhjhj0jj0j0jjjjm0h0jh0j0hj0yjh0hhmhhj0mmjhj0hhhmhhj0h0jhhkj0h0hhj0m0hhh0h00hhj0hj00hmjj0mj0jhh0j0jhh0hmhjhjjmjyhmy0mh00jm0hhmhhhhjhj000hmhkhhm0jjjjj0j0jhhykj0jjhjhhmjjhmjjh0jj0h0jh0hhjhhmhhhhj0h0jhjjhjhjjh0jh0mhyj0jjhjhjhhj00jjk0jhh0mjmjh0j00k0h00jhhh0hjjjjjhhhjjhhj0hh00m0hj0j0mhhhh0hjhjj0hhh0hhhjh0mjjhhh0mj0hhhhhjhjhjhh0hj0h00jhh0hj0jjjjhh0hh0h0jjhhhmjjjhjjjk0h0hhjhhh00hjh0hmm0hhh00hhmhhhj0jh0jh00mhhhhj0h0jj0hhhh0hhh0h0jymjk0khhh0hjhhhh0hhhh0mhhhj0hhjhhhj00hhhhhhj0h0mj0h0hh0j0hhj00ymj0mhhhhhhh00hj0j0jh00j0h0h0jh0jh0h0h0jj0hhjhhh00jh0jhjk0jk0h0h0hh0m0hh0hh0hhjh0hjh0j0j000jjm0hhj0hh0hhhj0jkh0hhj0jmh0h0j0hjjh0hjhhjhhh0h0hjhjjhhmjjh0j0hhhh0jjh0hh0h0hmj0hhhhj00hj0jhhhhhh0hhhhhh0jj0jhh0h0j0hhy0mjhhhm0h0hhjjj0j0jjhjhm0hj0jjj0hh0jh0hk0h0hhhj0h0hjyhjjj0jhhjhhjh0jjkj00jjhhjjj0h0j0hhhjhhhhjhj0hh0j0jhjhhjj0jjhj0kj0h0ymh0j0h0h0h000jjh00hhjjj0jhjj0jhh0hhmj0hhhj0mmhjm0hmhhhjhjmyhjhjj0hhk0jjjhk0jhmj0jj0jh0j0jhhhhh00j0h0hhj0hhhh0yj0hhhjj0hm0hhj0jjjhh0hhhjhh00hh00hjhhhjhhj0jmhh0hjjhhhj0hhhhh0jh0hjh0hm0jh,h0h0h0hkhhhhhmh0hh0mhhmjjj0mhmmmj0jhjjmjh00hhkhjhh0h0h0jh0hj0jh0jjyjhj0yhjjmkj0hmmjhh0hjhj0mhmhhhj0hjhhjh0hh0jhj0jjj0my0mhyjhmhjjm0hhmmjjj0jjjjhhmjhj0hj0yh0j0j0jjmmkmjjhhjmhjjmhmjjjhj0hhj0j0j00j00hym0j0jjjhm0jkjhhhhjmhhhm0hhhhhjjhhj0jjh0hjjh0h0jj0hhjj0hjhmh0mj0jh0hjjhhjhjhhjjhhjjhhmhhjmjjhhjhjmh0jhhhjhjhmj0jjj0hj0hj0jh00hh0mjmjjj0hhjj0h0mjj00yhm0h0mjjjmhmj0hjmhh0j00hj0jmjmjh00hj0hy0hmjjhjhmjh0h0hhyhmm0h00mh0hmh0hj0hjhm0j0jhjh00hymj0jjjj0hh0hh0jkhhjh00jm00h00h00hj0hhh0jh0hh0h00hj00hjpjhmh0jhhj0hjjh0hjhj00jhj0hh0jhk0jhjjjhkjjhhhhhhhhhhhmh00jhhjh0jhh0jhhjk0jhhh0jh

    • @mikekobes8739
      @mikekobes8739 2 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical hhj0j0jjh0h0jj0j0h0j00j0mh0h00hk0hjj00h0hh00hkhh0h0m0j0jjjhhhh0hh00hjy0jh0m0j0yhjh0m0jh0m0j0hjhhh0hk0h0jj00jh0yj0h0j0hm0hk0hj0jhh0jjh0jh0m0h0y0hj00jj00jj0kjhm0h00j00hh0mh0hhhjjmhh0j0hj00hhjj0jj0j00jhh0hhmj0jhjhj0j0jhj0jh000jjhj0jjm0mjjj0jh0jjhh0hk0j0jmjjjj0jmjjhhh0hhhjhhmjjkjjhj0hhjhhkjjm0jhhj0h0hj0jmhhy0jhj0hjh0mj0h0j0j0mh0jjjjhj0jjmjjjmhjjhhhj0h0hhjmkmhj0hmhh0k0h0jjh0hm0j0hj0jhh0mjjj0h0j0hh00j0j00h000j0jjjhjj0mjjhjjjj0jjjjjjj00jhjh0hjmh0jkh0j0jhhh00j0jjjhj0jhhm0hh0jjmjhhh0hjhhhjhhhhjk0h0hhh0mj0hj0hh0hyjhykjh0h0jj0j0j0h0jj0j0jjj0hj0m0jjh00hjh0m0jjjjjjh0k0j0jj0jjjj0jjhhmjk0hhjm0j0hj0jjjjhh0hhjm0j0h0h00jh0hhjj00j0kjjjjhhhhhjmh00jhhjhhhhjjjh0m0mjjjkhhkj0mh0j0jjjjjkjj0hh0m0hhhhhjhmj0jj00jjjmjjj,jjj0h0hjkjjjjjmj0hhhjhmj0h0jjhjh0h0jhm0hm0hkjhm0h0hjmjhjhhhm0mjjjjjjjh00j0j0hj00hhjjjm0hm0jjkjjj0hh000j0h0h0jjhj0hjhhhjj0h0jjkj0hj0jjhh0kj0jh0h00hj0h0jh0yhjjjmjh0hy0hjjj0h0y0hmjkjh0hh0hjhhmjjjkh0hjhhjmhjjjhmjhh0hjjh0hmmhhjhjk0hh0jmjmj0jjj,hkjjjhhk0jjjy0hjyjh0hjjj0mjj0h0hy0hjjj0jj0jjjj0j0jj0hmhhjjjmmmmjjk0m0jmkjjjh0hhhh0h,0hhhjj00hmjhj0jjh0jkjj00j0h00h0jjmh0hhmjhmjmhhmh0hhj0jj0jj0h0hm0hmjjmjjmh000hhj0kjjh0mhjymjhmhkmjjjjjmjhhhhjhjhhhkjh00hjhhhjjhjmjjjjkkhh0mjhh0h0hjh0hjj0jmk0j0hjjhjhjh0jjmj0jjjhh0h0j0jjh00hmjjjmh0kjj00hk0hhjjh00j0h0hjhjyjhkhhj0jhhj0hm0hj0hhjhj0h0y0hjhhhjjhjh0mjj0j0hhhjmhj00jjj00jhj0hjjjjhhj0hhhhhh0yj0h0hhmhhhm0jjh0j0j0jhjj0jjhj0hjj0hm0mjk0jjhj0h0j0jy0kjjhjh0jjjj0hhhj0j0hhhhhj0hhyhhjhjjhhhmjj0mh0jjjkhhjhyhmjjjjhhj0jj0jjjjjhmjjjjmjhj0hhjhjj0jhhjm0jjhhjjjmjhjj0jjjmjhhjjmh0hjjjjjmjjjjy0jy0jjhj0jmjjmh0h0hmjkhj0jjjhhjhhyjh0jh0j0mjhhmj0hh0hhmjjmjjjjjjhh0hjmhh0mjhjkjjhk0h0hhhjhhkjjhhh0hhjhjjjjhmj0jjjjjh0h00jjmjjjj0hhhjjjj0jjjjjh,h0h0m0jjjhjmmj0jjjhjjhhjjjjjjjjh0hh0hjmjjjhj0j0hh0hh0hjh0hhjhjhhh0hmjjjjj0jm0jj0jj0h0jh0hj0jjjhhjhhyhhjmjjjj0hhhjk0jjhmjhhhyjjjjymhh0mjhjhjhj0k0,jj0jjhhjmjjhhh0jjh0hhj0mh0hmh00jhyhjjjjmj0hhhhhmhjhhhjjhhhjj0jmhhhhjh0hhjhh0hhhj0jjjjjmjjjhm0jjhjhhh00hmhh0hh0jjhhhhh0jjhhhhjjmjjjjjjjjjmhjh0hmyh000hymhmjjh0jk0jjjjhhjjjjjjjjmjjhjjjjhhhmhkjjmjjjjjjhummh0hhhhhhjmj0hhj0kjkj0kjh0hjh0mjjjjjjjj0mhhhhhjyhjhhhjjhjhhhhjjjjjmhjjhhhmhjjhhhm,jjjmhhh0hmmjhjk0jjjjk0hjmj0hjhhhhhhhjhhhjhhhmjjjjj0jjj0jhhjhjhmjhhhhhhh0mjjjjmjjm0hhymjmmjjjjjjj0hh0hhmhjhhhmh0hm0jjh0jjm0hhjmk0jjjjjkhhhmh0hhjj0hm0jh0kj0jjmyhjmjjj0h0mj0jjjhhhmjjjhj0jjjmjh0hhhjjjjjjhmmjhh0h0m0,jh0hyj0jjjhjjj0jjhhj0jjjmjhhjmjhjjmjh000hhhhhhhhjhh0jjjhjh0hmjjkj0jj0jjjjmh0yjj0hhk0jhjhj0jmjjhhhhh0hhmh0hj0jj0jhjjjh0h0mh0hjjjjjjhjhmmmjjjjjjhjhj0jj0j0jjjjm0h0jh0j0hj0yjh0hhmhhj0mmjhj0hhhmhhj0h0jhhkj0h0hhj0m0hhh0h00hhj0hj00hmjj0mj0jhh0j0jhh0hmhjhjjmjyhmy0mh00jm0hhmhhhhjhj000hmhkhhm0jjjjj0j0jhhykj0jjhjhhmjjhmjjh0jj0h0jh0hhjhhmhhhhj0h0jhjjhjhjjh0jh0mhyj0jjhjhjhhj00jjk0jhh0mjmjh0j00k0h00jhhh0hjjjjjhhhjjhhj0hh00m0hj0j0mhhhh0hjhjj0hhh0hhhjh0mjjhhh0mj0hhhhhjhjhjhh0hj0h00jhh0hj0jjjjhh0hh0h0jjhhhmjjjhjjjk0h0hhjhhh00hjh0hmm0hhh00hhmhhhj0jh0jh00mhhhhj0h0jj0hhhh0hhh0h0jymjk0khhh0hjhhhh0hhhh0mhhhj0hhjhhhj00hhhhhhj0h0mj0h0hh0j0hhj00ymj0mhhhhhhh00hj0j0jh00j0h0h0jh0jh0h0h0jj0hhjhhh00jh0jhjk0jk0h0h0hh0m0hh0hh0hhjh0hjh0j0j000jjm0hhj0hh0hhhj0jkh0hhj0jmh0h0j0hjjh0hjhhjhhh0h0hjhjjhhmjjh0j0hhhh0jjh0hh0h0hmj0hhhhj00hj0jhhhhhh0hhhhhh0jj0jhh0h0j0hhy0mjhhhm0h0hhjjj0j0jjhjhm0hj0jjj0hh0jh0hk0h0hhhj0h0hjyhjjj0jhhjhhjh0jjkj00jjhhjjj0h0j0hhhjhhhhjhj0hh0j0jhjhhjj0jjhj0kj0h0ymh0j0h0h0h000jjh00hhjjj0jhjj0jhh0hhmj0hhhj0mmhjm0hmhhhjhjmyhjhjj0hhk0jjjhk0jhmj0jj0jh0j0jhhhhh00j0h0hhj0hhhh0yj0hhhjj0hm0hhj0jjjhh0hhhjhh00hh00hjhhhjhhj0jmhh0hjjhhhj0hhhhh0jh0hjh0hm0jh,h0h0h0hkhhhhhmh0hh0mhhmjjj0mhmmmj0jhjjmjh00hhkhjhh0h0h0jh0hj0jh0jjyjhj0yhjjmkj0hmmjhh0hjhj0mhmhhhj0hjhhjh0hh0jhj0jjj0my0mhyjhmhjjm0hhmmjjj0jjjjhhmjhj0hj0yh0j0j0jjmmkmjjhhjmhjjmhmjjjhj0hhj0j0j00j00hym0j0jjjhm0jkjhhhhjmhhhm0hhhhhjjhhj0jjh0hjjh0h0jj0hhjj0hjhmh0mj0jh0hjjhhjhjhhjjhhjjhhmhhjmjjhhjhjmh0jhhhjhjhmj0jjj0hj0hj0jh00hh0mjmjjj0hhjj0h0mjj00yhm0h0mjjjmhmj0hjmhh0j00hj0jmjmjh00hj0hy0hmjjhjhmjh0h0hhyhmm0h00mh0hmh0hj0hjhm0j0jhjh00hymj0jjjj0hh0hh0jkhhjh00jm00h00h00hj0hhh0jh0hh0h00hj00hjpjhmh0jhhj0hjjh0hjhj00jhj0hh0jhk0jhjjjhkjjhhhhhhhhhhhmh00jhhjh0jhh0jhhjk0jhhh0jhyjyyyhhyhyyyyyyuuuujhj

    • @mikekobes8739
      @mikekobes8739 2 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical hhj0j0jjh0h0jj0j0h0j00j0mh0h00hk0hjj00h0hh00hkhh0h0m0j0jjjhhhh0hh00hjy0jh0m0j0yhjh0m0jh0m0j0hjhhh0hk0h0jj00jh0yj0h0j0hm0hk0hj0jhh0jjh0jh0m0h0y0hj00jj00jj0kjhm0h00j00hh0mh0hhhjjmhh0j0hj00hhjj0jj0j00jhh0hhmj0jhjhj0j0jhj0jh000jjhj0jjm0mjjj0jh0jjhh0hk0j0jmjjjj0jmjjhhh0hhhjhhmjjkjjhj0hhjhhkjjm0jhhj0h0hj0jmhhy0jhj0hjh0mj0h0j0j0mh0jjjjhj0jjmjjjmhjjhhhj0h0hhjmkmhj0hmhh0k0h0jjh0hm0j0hj0jhh0mjjj0h0j0hh00j0j00h000j0jjjhjj0mjjhjjjj0jjjjjjj00jhjh0hjmh0jkh0j0jhhh00j0jjjhj0jhhm0hh0jjmjhhh0hjhhhjhhhhjk0h0hhh0mj0hj0hh0hyjhykjh0h0jj0j0j0h0jj0j0jjj0hj0m0jjh00hjh0m0jjjjjjh0k0j0jj0jjjj0jjhhmjk0hhjm0j0hj0jjjjhh0hhjm0j0h0h00jh0hhjj00j0kjjjjhhhhhjmh00jhhjhhhhjjjh0m0mjjjkhhkj0mh0j0jjjjjkjj0hh0m0hhhhhjhmj0jj00jjjmjjj,jjj0h0hjkjjjjjmj0hhhjhmj0h0jjhjh0h0jhm0hm0hkjhm0h0hjmjhjhhhm0mjjjjjjjh00j0j0hj00hhjjjm0hm0jjkjjj0hh000j0h0h0jjhj0hjhhhjj0h0jjkj0hj0jjhh0kj0jh0h00hj0h0jh0yhjjjmjh0hy0hjjj0h0y0hmjkjh0hh0hjhhmjjjkh0hjhhjmhjjjhmjhh0hjjh0hmmhhjhjk0hh0jmjmj0jjj,hkjjjhhk0jjjy0hjyjh0hjjj0mjj0h0hy0hjjj0jj0jjjj0j0jj0hmhhjjjmmmmjjk0m0jmkjjjh0hhhh0h,0hhhjj00hmjhj0jjh0jkjj00j0h00h0jjmh0hhmjhmjmhhmh0hhj0jj0jj0h0hm0hmjjmjjmh000hhj0kjjh0mhjymjhmhkmjjjjjmjhhhhjhjhhhkjh00hjhhhjjhjmjjjjkkhh0mjhh0h0hjh0hjj0jmk0j0hjjhjhjh0jjmj0jjjhh0h0j0jjh00hmjjjmh0kjj00hk0hhjjh00j0h0hjhjyjhkhhj0jhhj0hm0hj0hhjhj0h0y0hjhhhjjhjh0mjj0j0hhhjmhj00jjj00jhj0hjjjjhhj0hhhhhh0yj0h0hhmhhhm0jjh0j0j0jhjj0jjhj0hjj0hm0mjk0jjhj0h0j0jy0kjjhjh0jjjj0hhhj0j0hhhhhj0hhyhhjhjjhhhmjj0mh0jjjkhhjhyhmjjjjhhj0jj0jjjjjhmjjjjmjhj0hhjhjj0jhhjm0jjhhjjjmjhjj0jjjmjhhjjmh0hjjjjjmjjjjy0jy0jjhj0jmjjmh0h0hmjkhj0jjjhhjhhyjh0jh0j0mjhhmj0hh0hhmjjmjjjjjjhh0hjmhh0mjhjkjjhk0h0hhhjhhkjjhhh0hhjhjjjjhmj0jjjjjh0h00jjmjjjj0hhhjjjj0jjjjjh,h0h0m0jjjhjmmj0jjjhjjhhjjjjjjjjh0hh0hjmjjjhj0j0hh0hh0hjh0hhjhjhhh0hmjjjjj0jm0jj0jj0h0jh0hj0jjjhhjhhyhhjmjjjj0hhhjk0jjhmjhhhyjjjjymhh0mjhjhjhj0k0,jj0jjhhjmjjhhh0jjh0hhj0mh0hmh00jhyhjjjjmj0hhhhhmhjhhhjjhhhjj0jmhhhhjh0hhjhh0hhhj0jjjjjmjjjhm0jjhjhhh00hmhh0hh0jjhhhhh0jjhhhhjjmjjjjjjjjjmhjh0hmyh000hymhmjjh0jk0jjjjhhjjjjjjjjmjjhjjjjhhhmhkjjmjjjjjjhummh0hhhhhhjmj0hhj0kjkj0kjh0hjh0mjjjjjjjj0mhhhhhjyhjhhhjjhjhhhhjjjjjmhjjhhhmhjjhhhm,jjjmhhh0hmmjhjk0jjjjk0hjmj0hjhhhhhhhjhhhjhhhmjjjjj0jjj0jhhjhjhmjhhhhhhh0mjjjjmjjm0hhymjmmjjjjjjj0hh0hhmhjhhhmh0hm0jjh0jjm0hhjmk0jjjjjkhhhmh0hhjj0hm0jh0kj0jjmyhjmjjj0h0mj0jjjhhhmjjjhj0jjjmjh0hhhjjjjjjhmmjhh0h0m0,jh0hyj0jjjhjjj0jjhhj0jjjmjhhjmjhjjmjh000hhhhhhhhjhh0jjjhjh0hmjjkj0jj0jjjjmh0yjj0hhk0jhjhj0jmjjhhhhh0hhmh0hj0jj0jhjjjh0h0mh0hjjjjjjhjhmmmjjjjjjhjhj0jj0j0jjjjm0h0jh0j0hj0yjh0hhmhhj0mmjhj0hhhmhhj0h0jhhkj0h0hhj0m0hhh0h00hhj0hj00hmjj0mj0jhh0j0jhh0hmhjhjjmjyhmy0mh00jm0hhmhhhhjhj000hmhkhhm0jjjjj0j0jhhykj0jjhjhhmjjhmjjh0jj0h0jh0hhjhhmhhhhj0h0jhjjhjhjjh0jh0mhyj0jjhjhjhhj00jjk0jhh0mjmjh0j00k0h00jhhh0hjjjjjhhhjjhhj0hh00m0hj0j0mhhhh0hjhjj0hhh0hhhjh0mjjhhh0mj0hhhhhjhjhjhh0hj0h00jhh0hj0jjjjhh0hh0h0jjhhhmjjjhjjjk0h0hhjhhh00hjh0hmm0hhh00hhmhhhj0jh0jh00mhhhhj0h0jj0hhhh0hhh0h0jymjk0khhh0hjhhhh0hhhh0mhhhj0hhjhhhj00hhhhhhj0h0mj0h0hh0j0hhj00ymj0mhhhhhhh00hj0j0jh00j0h0h0jh0jh0h0h0jj0hhjhhh00jh0jhjk0jk0h0h0hh0m0hh0hh0hhjh0hjh0j0j000jjm0hhj0hh0hhhj0jkh0hhj0jmh0h0j0hjjh0hjhhjhhh0h0hjhjjhhmjjh0j0hhhh0jjh0hh0h0hmj0hhhhj00hj0jhhhhhh0hhhhhh0jj0jhh0h0j0hhy0mjhhhm0h0hhjjj0j0jjhjhm0hj0jjj0hh0jh0hk0h0hhhj0h0hjyhjjj0jhhjhhjh0jjkj00jjhhjjj0h0j0hhhjhhhhjhj0hh0j0jhjhhjj0jjhj0kj0h0ymh0j0h0h0h000jjh00hhjjj0jhjj0jhh0hhmj0hhhj0mmhjm0hmhhhjhjmyhjhjj0hhk0jjjhk0jhmj0jj0jh0j0jhhhhh00j0h0hhj0hhhh0yj0hhhjj0hm0hhj0jjjhh0hhhjhh00hh00hjhhhjhhj0jmhh0hjjhhhj0hhhhh0jh0hjh0hm0jh,h0h0h0hkhhhhhmh0hh0mhhmjjj0mhmmmj0jhjjmjh00hhkhjhh0h0h0jh0hj0jh0jjyjhj0yhjjmkj0hmmjhh0hjhj0mhmhhhj0hjhhjh0hh0jhj0jjj0my0mhyjhmhjjm0hhmmjjj0jjjjhhmjhj0hj0yh0j0j0jjmmkmjjhhjmhjjmhmjjjhj0hhj0j0j00j00hym0j0jjjhm0jkjhhhhjmhhhm0hhhhhjjhhj0jjh0hjjh0h0jj0hhjj0hjhmh0mj0jh0hjjhhjhjhhjjhhjjhhmhhjmjjhhjhjmh0jhhhjhjhmj0jjj0hj0hj0jh00hh0mjmjjj0hhjj0h0mjj00yhm0h0mjjjmhmj0hjmhh0j00hj0jmjmjh00hj0hy0hmjjhjhmjh0h0hhyhmm0h00mh0hmh0hj0hjhm0j0jhjh00hymj0jjjj0hh0hh0jkhhjh00jm00h00h00hj0hhh0jh0hh0h00hj00hjpjhmh0jhhj0hjjh0hjhj00jhj0hh0jhk0jhjjjhkjjhhhhhhhhhhhmh00jhhjh0jhh0jhhjk0jhhh0jhyjyyyhhyhyyyyyyuuuujhj

    • @mikekobes8739
      @mikekobes8739 2 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical hhj0j0jjh0h0jj0j0h0j00j0mh0h00hk0hjj00h0hh00hkhh0h0m0j0jjjhhhh0hh00hjy0jh0m0j0yhjh0m0jh0m0j0hjhhh0hk0h0jj00jh0yj0h0j0hm0hk0hj0jhh0jjh0jh0m0h0y0hj00jj00jj0kjhm0h00j00hh0mh0hhhjjmhh0j0hj00hhjj0jj0j00jhh0hhmj0jhjhj0j0jhj0jh000jjhj0jjm0mjjj0jh0jjhh0hk0j0jmjjjj0jmjjhhh0hhhjhhmjjkjjhj0hhjhhkjjm0jhhj0h0hj0jmhhy0jhj0hjh0mj0h0j0j0mh0jjjjhj0jjmjjjmhjjhhhj0h0hhjmkmhj0hmhh0k0h0jjh0hm0j0hj0jhh0mjjj0h0j0hh00j0j00h000j0jjjhjj0mjjhjjjj0jjjjjjj00jhjh0hjmh0jkh0j0jhhh00j0jjjhj0jhhm0hh0jjmjhhh0hjhhhjhhhhjk0h0hhh0mj0hj0hh0hyjhykjh0h0jj0j0j0h0jj0j0jjj0hj0m0jjh00hjh0m0jjjjjjh0k0j0jj0jjjj0jjhhmjk0hhjm0j0hj0jjjjhh0hhjm0j0h0h00jh0hhjj00j0kjjjjhhhhhjmh00jhhjhhhhjjjh0m0mjjjkhhkj0mh0j0jjjjjkjj0hh0m0hhhhhjhmj0jj00jjjmjjj,jjj0h0hjkjjjjjmj0hhhjhmj0h0jjhjh0h0jhm0hm0hkjhm0h0hjmjhjhhhm0mjjjjjjjh00j0j0hj00hhjjjm0hm0jjkjjj0hh000j0h0h0jjhj0hjhhhjj0h0jjkj0hj0jjhh0kj0jh0h00hj0h0jh0yhjjjmjh0hy0hjjj0h0y0hmjkjh0hh0hjhhmjjjkh0hjhhjmhjjjhmjhh0hjjh0hmmhhjhjk0hh0jmjmj0jjj,hkjjjhhk0jjjy0hjyjh0hjjj0mjj0h0hy0hjjj0jj0jjjj0j0jj0hmhhjjjmmmmjjk0m0jmkjjjh0hhhh0h,0hhhjj00hmjhj0jjh0jkjj00j0h00h0jjmh0hhmjhmjmhhmh0hhj0jj0jj0h0hm0hmjjmjjmh000hhj0kjjh0mhjymjhmhkmjjjjjmjhhhhjhjhhhkjh00hjhhhjjhjmjjjjkkhh0mjhh0h0hjh0hjj0jmk0j0hjjhjhjh0jjmj0jjjhh0h0j0jjh00hmjjjmh0kjj00hk0hhjjh00j0h0hjhjyjhkhhj0jhhj0hm0hj0hhjhj0h0y0hjhhhjjhjh0mjj0j0hhhjmhj00jjj00jhj0hjjjjhhj0hhhhhh0yj0h0hhmhhhm0jjh0j0j0jhjj0jjhj0hjj0hm0mjk0jjhj0h0j0jy0kjjhjh0jjjj0hhhj0j0hhhhhj0hhyhhjhjjhhhmjj0mh0jjjkhhjhyhmjjjjhhj0jj0jjjjjhmjjjjmjhj0hhjhjj0jhhjm0jjhhjjjmjhjj0jjjmjhhjjmh0hjjjjjmjjjjy0jy0jjhj0jmjjmh0h0hmjkhj0jjjhhjhhyjh0jh0j0mjhhmj0hh0hhmjjmjjjjjjhh0hjmhh0mjhjkjjhk0h0hhhjhhkjjhhh0hhjhjjjjhmj0jjjjjh0h00jjmjjjj0hhhjjjj0jjjjjh,h0h0m0jjjhjmmj0jjjhjjhhjjjjjjjjh0hh0hjmjjjhj0j0hh0hh0hjh0hhjhjhhh0hmjjjjj0jm0jj0jj0h0jh0hj0jjjhhjhhyhhjmjjjj0hhhjk0jjhmjhhhyjjjjymhh0mjhjhjhj0k0,jj0jjhhjmjjhhh0jjh0hhj0mh0hmh00jhyhjjjjmj0hhhhhmhjhhhjjhhhjj0jmhhhhjh0hhjhh0hhhj0jjjjjmjjjhm0jjhjhhh00hmhh0hh0jjhhhhh0jjhhhhjjmjjjjjjjjjmhjh0hmyh000hymhmjjh0jk0jjjjhhjjjjjjjjmjjhjjjjhhhmhkjjmjjjjjjhummh0hhhhhhjmj0hhj0kjkj0kjh0hjh0mjjjjjjjj0mhhhhhjyhjhhhjjhjhhhhjjjjjmhjjhhhmhjjhhhm,jjjmhhh0hmmjhjk0jjjjk0hjmj0hjhhhhhhhjhhhjhhhmjjjjj0jjj0jhhjhjhmjhhhhhhh0mjjjjmjjm0hhymjmmjjjjjjj0hh0hhmhjhhhmh0hm0jjh0jjm0hhjmk0jjjjjkhhhmh0hhjj0hm0jh0kj0jjmyhjmjjj0h0mj0jjjhhhmjjjhj0jjjmjh0hhhjjjjjjhmmjhh0h0m0,jh0hyj0jjjhjjj0jjhhj0jjjmjhhjmjhjjmjh000hhhhhhhhjhh0jjjhjh0hmjjkj0jj0jjjjmh0yjj0hhk0jhjhj0jmjjhhhhh0hhmh0hj0jj0jhjjjh0h0mh0hjjjjjjhjhmmmjjjjjjhjhj0jj0j0jjjjm0h0jh0j0hj0yjh0hhmhhj0mmjhj0hhhmhhj0h0jhhkj0h0hhj0m0hhh0h00hhj0hj00hmjj0mj0jhh0j0jhh0hmhjhjjmjyhmy0mh00jm0hhmhhhhjhj000hmhkhhm0jjjjj0j0jhhykj0jjhjhhmjjhmjjh0jj0h0jh0hhjhhmhhhhj0h0jhjjhjhjjh0jh0mhyj0jjhjhjhhj00jjk0jhh0mjmjh0j00k0h00jhhh0hjjjjjhhhjjhhj0hh00m0hj0j0mhhhh0hjhjj0hhh0hhhjh0mjjhhh0mj0hhhhhjhjhjhh0hj0h00jhh0hj0jjjjhh0hh0h0jjhhhmjjjhjjjk0h0hhjhhh00hjh0hmm0hhh00hhmhhhj0jh0jh00mhhhhj0h0jj0hhhh0hhh0h0jymjk0khhh0hjhhhh0hhhh0mhhhj0hhjhhhj00hhhhhhj0h0mj0h0hh0j0hhj00ymj0mhhhhhhh00hj0j0jh00j0h0h0jh0jh0h0h0jj0hhjhhh00jh0jhjk0jk0h0h0hh0m0hh0hh0hhjh0hjh0j0j000jjm0hhj0hh0hhhj0jkh0hhj0jmh0h0j0hjjh0hjhhjhhh0h0hjhjjhhmjjh0j0hhhh0jjh0hh0h0hmj0hhhhj00hj0jhhhhhh0hhhhhh0jj0jhh0h0j0hhy0mjhhhm0h0hhjjj0j0jjhjhm0hj0jjj0hh0jh0hk0h0hhhj0h0hjyhjjj0jhhjhhjh0jjkj00jjhhjjj0h0j0hhhjhhhhjhj0hh0j0jhjhhjj0jjhj0kj0h0ymh0j0h0h0h000jjh00hhjjj0jhjj0jhh0hhmj0hhhj0mmhjm0hmhhhjhjmyhjhjj0hhk0jjjhk0jhmj0jj0jh0j0jhhhhh00j0h0hhj0hhhh0yj0hhhjj0hm0hhj0jjjhh0hhhjhh00hh00hjhhhjhhj0jmhh0hjjhhhj0hhhhh0jh0hjh0hm0jh,h0h0h0hkhhhhhmh0hh0mhhmjjj0mhmmmj0jhjjmjh00hhkhjhh0h0h0jh0hj0jh0jjyjhj0yhjjmkj0hmmjhh0hjhj0mhmhhhj0hjhhjh0hh0jhj0jjj0my0mhyjhmhjjm0hhmmjjj0jjjjhhmjhj0hj0yh0j0j0jjmmkmjjhhjmhjjmhmjjjhj0hhj0j0j00j00hym0j0jjjhm0jkjhhhhjmhhhm0hhhhhjjhhj0jjh0hjjh0h0jj0hhjj0hjhmh0mj0jh0hjjhhjhjhhjjhhjjhhmhhjmjjhhjhjmh0jhhhjhjhmj0jjj0hj0hj0jh00hh0mjmjjj0hhjj0h0mjj00yhm0h0mjjjmhmj0hjmhh0j00hj0jmjmjh00hj0hy0hmjjhjhmjh0h0hhyhmm0h00mh0hmh0hj0hjhm0j0jhjh00hymj0jjjj0hh0hh0jkhhjh00jm00h00h00hj0hhh0jh0hh0h00hj00hjpjhmh0jhhj0hjjh0hjhj00jhj0hh0jhk0jhjjjhkjjhhhhhhhhhhhmh00jhhjh0jhh0jhhjk0jhhh0jhyjyyyhhyhyyyyyyuuuujhj

  • @timharris7425
    @timharris7425 3 роки тому +3

    I use a 3 stack gold cube with tromel then I clean out the miners moss from the gold cube into a 5 gallon bucket and it's very fine almost like slurry and then I run it through the royal table and it works great

  • @driverjamescopeland
    @driverjamescopeland 2 роки тому +2

    I can't imagine putting this much energy and time into capturing so little material.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  Рік тому +3

      It's a hobby, not for everybody

    • @driverjamescopeland
      @driverjamescopeland Рік тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical - definitely.

    • @Acuity-1
      @Acuity-1 3 місяці тому

      It’s a ton of work. Screening Gold bearing mud particulate through screens. Filtering mud off Gold dust with jet dry/dawn dish soap but the mud eventually separates as much as it will, then you let the water settle for 2 days near the sink before gently pouring the muddy looking water until you see heavy looking sand since Gold is denser than water. Then you keep transferring the water from bucket to bucket to further agitate the remainder of the mud. Do what works for you and discover the process.
      There is tons of Gold flour but greed is the only thing that can ruin the fun. For thousands of years people have fought, been killed and had their Gold stolen even lifelong friendships have been ruined over it.
      It wastes a lot of time and it’s a huge pain but fine Gold is everywhere sometimes after a heavy rain if you look for light yellow spots in soil to scoop up. Gold erodes out of rocks after millions or thousands of years until it becomes the size of dust or the size of microns. Everything needed to process it is more expensive as a start up cost than the actual process itself minus heavy machinery since I am not rich.
      You can also use round magnets to get the black magnetic sands out of the micron sized gold bearing sludge as much as you can. You can see the Gold glimmer eventually.

    • @MsRavenPerez
      @MsRavenPerez 2 місяці тому +1

      Atomic size actually. Very very small but, yes, abundant!

  • @jaysuper8255
    @jaysuper8255 6 років тому +3

    I got their 50" river sluice which is of a fairly good quality. Got my cons down to 10 mesh which I then pan out. Like he said it's hard to pan out the tiny 400-800 floor gold. I to figure out if this Con table is cost effective, as far as time wise to the hours of panning.

  • @airplanegirl01
    @airplanegirl01 2 роки тому +1

    I just ordered you're Table. I'd tried a Blue Bowl, and just got frustrated. I'd read that most Tables were not much better than a Blue Bowl. I'm impressed by your video, and hopefully when I use it, it will perform as shown in this video. I used to toss my lack sand, but one day I viewed it through a 5 power loupe, and discovered gold that was nearly invisible. And the black sand was from the bottom of you large drywasher. So to everyone who has a drywasher, DO NOT throw away the fine material that falls into the bottom of your drywasher.

  • @royalmanufacturingoffical
    @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому

    Happy Holidays and stay safe. We will be shutting down from Dec 24th, 2020 through Jan3rd, 2021. Whishing you all the best for the New Year, from all of us here at Royal Manufacturing we would like to thank you for believing in our products and always coming back. We will always stand behind our products and your always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns. Happy New Year!

  • @greenandgold2185
    @greenandgold2185 2 роки тому +1

    If this is your first time seeing a table like this, add jet dry and make sure your material is wet before adding. And run 2 different classifications at different water flows. 50 mesh and 800 mesh don't separate well together.

  • @obi1kahnobee549
    @obi1kahnobee549 8 років тому +8

    It works great, well made quality product that exceeded my expectations. The packaging was superb and made it to New Zealand intact after multiple handling. I ran some cons that had been through a Blue Bowl twice and some that had been through a Gold Cube, about five or six cups gave about a gram not much but remember these were cons that I was finished with. From now on I will run anything -50 mesh through this. The black sand did not yield much I use a magnet multiple times to separate the gold that gets picked up with the black sand it was slow but from now on I would not use the magnet at all and just run it on this table.
    There are others much cheaper but they will not last this is solid and well made in all respects. The only thing I changed was to raise the catch bucket up about four inches to stop minor splashing no big deal. Great machine and very happy with it.

    • @shortsdeliveries
      @shortsdeliveries 6 років тому

      so you bought it, is it worth the trouble retrieving that flower gold?

    • @KFitzG35competitor
      @KFitzG35competitor 2 роки тому

      @@shortsdeliveries every little bit adds up

  • @mattahern4959
    @mattahern4959 3 роки тому +1

    You guys make the best Equipment!

  • @alicegriffin402
    @alicegriffin402 2 роки тому +2

    You should watch Vo-Gus Prospecting from Australia. Where he prospects, it is all flour gold, and he often finds gold that is that fine in his pan!

  • @WaltSorensen
    @WaltSorensen 7 років тому +4

    seems using damp concentrate would help

  • @hockeydad6211
    @hockeydad6211 6 років тому +2

    Christmas day and I find your channel and this awesome clean up table. I hope Santa brought me one.

    • @gerardvriend729
      @gerardvriend729 4 роки тому

      Not for Trumpist

    • @ssijon
      @ssijon 3 роки тому +1

      @@gerardvriend729 so for a Bidenophile then .... what a awesome comment!

  • @carltoneesquire302
    @carltoneesquire302 3 роки тому

    Do u add a surfacant to ur water might have missed if u said that ?

  • @jamesolson4420
    @jamesolson4420 2 роки тому

    I really like this all the gold around me is really fine. How much is the table.

    @THATHATSALLFOLKS 2 роки тому +1

    I would want to buy it with bolts that fully engage the nylon on the lock nuts

  • @ddreuss
    @ddreuss 8 років тому +6

    Just from watching this it looks much better then the others. I will say, I think touching it with your brush is a mistake. Touching it with the brush just make you impatient. It seems to do a great job just from spreading it across the board.

  • @AMProspecting
    @AMProspecting 2 роки тому +1

    Great looking unit, how much are they in Canadain dollars?

  • @CandSMINING
    @CandSMINING Рік тому +1

    Very well done video. Your equipment appears to be very well made. Your video instructions are perfect. I am subbed to your channel and hope to see some more very creative new products. This is probably the only piece of mining equipment I don't have. I have some new equipment that catches 100- and smaller. So I am looking for a good way to clean up the 100- cons. I have done several reviews of equipment on my channel, but this is the best review I have seen. Looks like beach miners would love this piece of equipment. Maybe in the future sometime I will have a Royal table. I will recommend to my subs.😎😎⛏⛏🔥🔥

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  Рік тому

      Thank you very much for taking the time and leaving your thoughts, we appreciate it. It's always great to hear positive feedback of course.

  • @annedunn5859
    @annedunn5859 Рік тому

    How much is it?iam in Australia, I have a bluebowl, yes it is very slow.
    I am loosing my fine gold in the clean up.
    What should I do 😢😢

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  Рік тому

      Hello, All International order will need to be placed from our eBay listing as they take care of all paperwork for us.

  • @bigagold5763
    @bigagold5763 7 років тому +2

    I would use only the brush so as not to wear out the mat...and the brush moves the gold better than the card.

  • @rexhaney8455
    @rexhaney8455 3 роки тому

    I dropped out of solution gold but has some base metals in it I need cheap way to separate the gold powder from everything else

  • @bayougoldguy7337
    @bayougoldguy7337 2 роки тому

    I need that table to recover the rest of my Nine Finger Minings Kinky bottle of TALC GOLD. Great video. 👍🤠🐊

  • @banditprospecting6784
    @banditprospecting6784 Рік тому

    So I got one two years and worked 1 and a 1/2 and it broke the bar of the table broke and I can’t find you the receipt and I have proof I have one brought one all I am asking to buy the bar.

  • @larrycockerham8318
    @larrycockerham8318 4 роки тому +1

    nice video. looks like a good miller table

  • @paulnee6047
    @paulnee6047 9 років тому +5

    Nice unit like the thought you put into it. Just an idea, my miller table has a vial screwed in to the table, near the top on one side witch I can sweep with a brush my fine gold into

    • @geofflotton5292
      @geofflotton5292 8 років тому

      Do you use your witch's broom for that?

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  8 років тому +3

      Sorry for the very late response, we are new to this youtubeing :) When we first designed our new table, we had the hole for the vial but found that the vials were breaking and thought it was not a safe design so we decided to attach the flip tray to catch the gold. With the hole you need to add your concentrates further down the table past hole than scrape your gold back up the table and try and get it into such a small hole. The flip tray runs across the whole bottom of table which make it easy to scrape your gold fast than use your snuffer bottle

    • @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243
      @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243 7 років тому +1

      Royal Manufacturing Industries I have to agree with the commenter. You've put together a nice little table. I use one with the one that has a vile threaded on to the table and I've never had one brake. However, you can pop the threaded cap off that's glued on the bottom of the table and glue on one from a plastic vile. Doesn't take long at all to make the modification. Both designs are effective for catching fine gold. It comes down to personal choice.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому

      Hi Kevin, Thank you for your feedback, always appreciated.

  • @joshuaespinoza2567
    @joshuaespinoza2567 6 років тому

    Very useful video and product. Great tutorial and presentation. Thank you very much for sharing and letting us view this product. This will be the next thing I buy. My family will love it. Thank you kindly.

  • @MrFlyb4crawl
    @MrFlyb4crawl 2 роки тому

    What are the dimensions of the large container and how many gallons of water does it hold? I heard that 1/8 Teaspoon / gallon of water of Jet Dry, was the most effective amount. I also add the same amount of rubbing alcohol. It tends to get rid of the bubbles created from the Jet Dry. I filled the container till it was a few inches from the top of the container. I figured that the smaller plastic container was used to hold the belge pump. I placed the pump in that small container and used two of those 2nd's bricks to make sure it sat on the bottom of the tub. I figured that is how to protect the pump from intaking material into it.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  Рік тому

      The biggest tote is 17 gallons. We say if it works for you than that is great! Thanks for comment.

  • @davidlent9277
    @davidlent9277 6 років тому +3

    Your guidance was wonderful and fascinating. I recommend to whoever is behind the camera to be better prepared - with practice - to be steady, well-composed, and IN FOCUS next time.

  • @maxmann1964
    @maxmann1964 7 років тому

    With the water turned up, can you run bigger material like 1/8 mesh?

  • @josh2916
    @josh2916 3 роки тому

    Do you sell just the mat

  • @joshuaespinoza534
    @joshuaespinoza534 4 роки тому +1

    Hello Robert, is there any way I can purchase this unit? I was on your website and I see it's out of stock. I'll give your company a call tomorrow. Thank you very much.

  • @saleebanaxmedorshe9322
    @saleebanaxmedorshe9322 2 роки тому

    Saleeban ahmed orshe how many powder you added and what is name s all adding tell me one by one all together names

  • @bobmccutcheon7398
    @bobmccutcheon7398 8 років тому +4

    looks like a good product but but my Miller does same thing.needs a vial inset in table so you don't have to keep reajusting

  • @luiscesars.kaisar8329
    @luiscesars.kaisar8329 3 роки тому +1

    isn't this table made of copper ?! You painted it with electro static, good idea, congratulations friend. I'm from Brazil, and I know that the copper plate makes the powdered gold stick to it, but I paint it, I don't know if it works. thanks

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  3 роки тому

      Hi Luis, no our Concentrating Table is not copper, the top green is a matting and the blue is powder coated

    • @luiscesars.kaisar8329
      @luiscesars.kaisar8329 3 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical Hello my friend, is that here we use the copper plate, because copper attracts gold, creates an ionic and magnetic alloy

  • @صناعةالزراعة
    @صناعةالزراعة 4 роки тому

    لو سمحتم كم سعر هذه الماكنة مع خدمة التوصيل الى بغداد ؟

  • @letschat1
    @letschat1 7 років тому

    I have yet figured out how to use this. What angle should the table be at.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому

      Sorry for late response, we hope by now you got the help you needed if not you are always welcome to call us at (714) 668-9199

  • @kevinerickson2595
    @kevinerickson2595 8 років тому +1

    just received my royal table, what kind
    brand of light do you use? I bought a voltech 500 watt Halogen.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  8 років тому +1

      No specific light is needed

    • @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243
      @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243 7 років тому

      Kevin Erickson I have a miller table from Martin Prospecting. They bott have good and not so good qualities, but for a light I use an old style clamp on desk lamp, the kind with the spring at the hinge. I recommend an led bulb though as they give better light and one that has a magnifying glass for the fine gold for those that are far sighted

    • @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243
      @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243 7 років тому +1

      Kevin Erickson this is a good little table I'd have bought one but I got my Martin Prospecting table at a gpaa raffle before these came out.

  • @supersneakusa4492
    @supersneakusa4492 2 роки тому

    Went to your website, this product isn't there ?

  • @kernu11
    @kernu11 7 років тому +1

    You missed the point that you have to filter out the material at the beginning. Not all the sand is already so small. There are a lot of small stones you have to filter out. What was the mesh size you used to prepare the sand?

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  7 років тому +2

      Hi Niko, we used a 12 Mesh classifier or 1/16" openings. All gold larger than 1/16th is easy to pan out without much trouble.

  • @Empath-gh8jq
    @Empath-gh8jq 8 років тому +1

    Do you accept money orders. I don't do credit cards.?

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  8 років тому +3

      Hi Derek, we do accept money orders. To place your order using that method please give us a call at (714) 668-9199. Thank You!

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  7 років тому +1

      Sorry for late response but yes, Please call if you are still interested and have not already received your answer.

    • @motherslove1829
      @motherslove1829 7 років тому

      I would like to buy one of these.. How do I order ??

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому

      Sorry for late response :( If you have not already made your purchase by now, you can give us a call at (714) 668-9199

  • @Madmoody21
    @Madmoody21 6 років тому +1

    Once set up do not lift it Get something made to dam the end till you cover table then remove the dam.

  • @flaviuvacanta1
    @flaviuvacanta1 5 років тому

    What material is the turqoise table? Thank you

    • @davidhaykus1568
      @davidhaykus1568 3 роки тому

      I think its like the "self healing" mat material (Hobbico is one name.)

    @TAZ.MENARD 8 років тому

    Would adding a surfactant help?

  • @fredhebert8592
    @fredhebert8592 3 роки тому

    How much for the table

  • @geofflotton5292
    @geofflotton5292 8 років тому +1

    How many microns is 1000 mesh?

  • @stanleymudge3029
    @stanleymudge3029 4 роки тому

    how much do u sell the table for?

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  3 роки тому

      $271.00. Royal will be set up at the GPAA Gold Shows, Pomona, CA Feb 5-6, Phoenix, AZ March 12-13, Portland April 30- May 1 2022

  • @rosshathaway170
    @rosshathaway170 4 роки тому +1

    What is the price of your Gold Dust Concentrating Table? Do you have a bet bigger?

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому

      Hi Ross our Royal Gold Dust Concentrating Table is $246.00, we only have this one size

    • @rosshathaway170
      @rosshathaway170 4 роки тому

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical Ok so how do I get a hold of you to make an order.

    • @rosshathaway170
      @rosshathaway170 4 роки тому

      I still would like to talk to you about your Gold Dust Concentrator. How can we get together and make a deal? You can reach me at 208- 715- 0999. Thank you for your time.

    • @rosshathaway170
      @rosshathaway170 4 роки тому +2

      Hello! Hello!

    • @rosshathaway170
      @rosshathaway170 4 роки тому

      Hello this is Ross Hathaway I would like to order your Gold Dust Concentrating Table please. You can reach me at (208) 715- 0999 around 4 pm.

  • @DJstoopnig
    @DJstoopnig 4 роки тому +1

    Every time he says "band of gold", I think of that sixties song of the same title.

  • @onLakeUnion-mq5hx
    @onLakeUnion-mq5hx 4 роки тому

    You said you classify it down to 20 mesh. So you don't recommend separating 30-100 in order to run it? Just throw it on and use this process? That's pretty exciting! Please confirm :)

  • @greglay7425
    @greglay7425 4 роки тому

    Where can I buy that

  • @cherylleftwichvicki1284
    @cherylleftwichvicki1284 5 років тому

    The web of water do you see it the web.

  • @6061lucky
    @6061lucky 4 роки тому +2

    Royal Manufacturing Is probably the number one friend to the for average prospector . They make Quality products that work. I have a sluice box from them that I used for almost 10 years. I have put my Keen A-52 behind it to see if I am losing gold and the answer is no . This Gold Dust Concentrating Table hands down will Capture more gold than blue bowl . They are not paying me to say any of this . Just a 17 year prospector telling you the facts .

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому

      No we are not paying you but we really do appreciate your feedback :) and we are also happy and thank you for being such a loyal customer for all these years.

  • @williamgordon1835
    @williamgordon1835 6 років тому

    i want one how to buy?

  • @lendoggy2
    @lendoggy2 8 років тому

    can we buy these in Australia?

    • @daledewhirst4468
      @daledewhirst4468 8 років тому

      Hi lennyboy, did you find out the cost and if we can get these sent to Australia? Did you buy one? If so, what do you think of it.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  8 років тому

      Best way to purchase internationally is through our ebay listing.

    • @annawhite868
      @annawhite868 8 років тому

      Royal Manufacturing Industries

  • @gerardvriend729
    @gerardvriend729 4 роки тому +1

    I like it but would like to speed it up. Fine gold, process fast!

    • @Adilazizi_44
      @Adilazizi_44 4 роки тому +2

      you want to get rich faster hmmm

    • @gerardvriend729
      @gerardvriend729 4 роки тому +2

      adil azizi maybe, or we try to find bigger gold

    • @Adilazizi_44
      @Adilazizi_44 4 роки тому +1

      Gerard Vriend still we need a machine to process it

    • @gerardvriend729
      @gerardvriend729 4 роки тому

      adil azizi i am thinking more like melting it with lead or oxidized lead and cupel it afterwards. Or am I wrong?

    • @Adilazizi_44
      @Adilazizi_44 4 роки тому

      Gerard Vriend it maybe a good way but, your cost will increase

  • @kristianlindblom1114
    @kristianlindblom1114 5 років тому +2

    21,58 he says that it´s not going to pan this stuff give me that and i pan it out no problem it´s take some time

  • @RonaldJClark
    @RonaldJClark 8 років тому

    How was the con selected from the source. a random selection of the beach , low tide ???Can you give any info on the tdes better selection at lowest tide? did you classify from the beach?
    Enjoyed the video.. cost of table?

  • @kristianlindblom1114
    @kristianlindblom1114 5 років тому +2

    when gold is 200 mesh you don´t see it with the eyes you the gold on the table is 20-100 mesh

    • @emf4652
      @emf4652 4 роки тому +2

      You can easily see 200 mesh gold particles. And smaller.

    • @mattlegerton4908
      @mattlegerton4908 Рік тому

      ​@@emf4652 plus it's magnified in the water.

  • @turgutbelen6374
    @turgutbelen6374 6 років тому

    This is just a rubber mat and a water pump in a flat box...great idea!

  • @ymmvmeuk
    @ymmvmeuk 2 роки тому

    20 mesh description made me chuckle.
    1/20th inch described as "about 1/16th".
    It's 1/20th. No "about" about it.
    20 mesh is 1/20. Twentieth.
    16 mesh is 1/16. Sixteenth.

  • @pappyb9644
    @pappyb9644 2 роки тому +1

    Mine is on the way

  • @motherslove1829
    @motherslove1829 7 років тому

    I would like to order one.. How do i do that ??

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому

      Hi Cindy, Sorry for the late response. If you have not purchased one and still would like to you can give us a call at (714) 668-9199 unless it will be shipped international, in this case you will need to place your order through our eBay listing.

  • @suzettegilbert770
    @suzettegilbert770 7 років тому

    soo a nice pond of that stuff lower treay could paybirt 90 percent dues

  • @HuntrPat
    @HuntrPat 6 років тому

    Nice table but beyond my price range. Retired military pay check is set
    Nice product.

  • @maranti34b
    @maranti34b 6 років тому +2

    The unaided naked eye with 20-20 vision can't see a piece below 200 mesh. 600 mesh gold will float off a gravity table. I used to know the Original Mr. Miller. He lived in Sacramento. I owned one of his lab tables. Better design.

    • @HMDickson
      @HMDickson 5 років тому +1

      LOL! I beg to differ ;) If there are 2 trillion 200 mesh in a green pan, you can see it ;)

    • @maranti34b
      @maranti34b 5 років тому

      My info came from my mentor who was a gold mining engineer, grad of the Mackay School of Mines, and co-inventor of the heap leach method. He owned an electron microscope.

    • @danholman5282
      @danholman5282 4 роки тому +1

      @@maranti34b David do you have pictures of the original Miller table.? I meet Mr. MILLER in the late 70s or early 80s.

    • @maranti34b
      @maranti34b 4 роки тому

      @@HMDickson Try to see one. If you can you have great eyes.

    • @maranti34b
      @maranti34b 4 роки тому +2

      @@danholman5282 I may have a pic. I will check old files post if I find one. The biggest one was 16' long.

  • @BearwoodBrown
    @BearwoodBrown 7 років тому +5

    IS IT ME OR does it seem way to much work

    • @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243
      @KevinGrumpyCuzz3243 7 років тому

      Bearwood Brown It is a bit tedious but I it beats panning and requires less constant adjusting than the blue bowl.

    • @billcoley8520
      @billcoley8520 5 років тому

      These people are trying to reinvent the friggin wheel... pan the gold down to next to nothing but gold, then use a magnet 🧲, the smelt it and the black sand will not mix

  • @goldbunny1973
    @goldbunny1973 6 років тому

    14mins is enough. Seems well made, not overpriced, but what a faff. If collecting microfine gold I'd want that process to be as automated as poss. A waterbag weight-assisted manual (or riverflow-powered) pump with lightweight collapsible buffer tank washing through an Auto Feed Material Hopper for field work wd be ideal. A Backpack Kit is needed but I've not seen one yet. No-one seems to be using the flow of faster rivers, or fold-out solar panels, to power water pumps for Battery/Gas Independent Portable Setups. Anyone tried either?

  • @Empath-gh8jq
    @Empath-gh8jq 8 років тому +1

    Thank you, You will be hearing from me soon.

  • @skylac8839
    @skylac8839 5 років тому

    Id like some what your on

  • @alanrobertson2510
    @alanrobertson2510 6 років тому

    Thanks for the video. I use your products and have been very happy how about a video on your new sluice mats that you have for sale that look like gold hog mats would love to see then in action.

  • @suzettegilbert770
    @suzettegilbert770 7 років тому

    that cromium valuable if u cant gat enuf in one spot then dump the whole vile in a container

  • @timothypeterson5359
    @timothypeterson5359 2 роки тому

    You must not have tried a Dream mat if you say there is nothing that catches fine Gold, the Dream mat does, plus it does not take you hours to go through buckets of cons. All you need is a Dream mat mico- mat and in minutes your concentrates fit in a gold pan. You could use your product after running through the micro mat and it would cut your time into minutes instead of hours.

  •  4 роки тому +4

    This is like a crackhead at 4am looking for rocks in the shag carpet. This seems very slow. I would melt it with lead then cupel it.
    After a month of this I would go buy some mercury. And drink it all.

  • @michaelbrooks7445
    @michaelbrooks7445 6 років тому +1

    The magnum concentrator will run hundreds of pounds per hour and easily recover that gold.!

  • @zandemen
    @zandemen 7 років тому +2

    What do you mean you would have lost all that stuff panning it? That's all I get in my pan in some of the rivers around here.
    In fact, If you search UA-cam, sure you've heard of it, you could find dozens of videos of people panning out this 200 mesh gold.
    This makes me think that this is a shameless promotional video without regard for fact, so I'm now questioning the validity of any statement in it.

    • @michaela5702
      @michaela5702 7 років тому


    • @joshuaespinoza2567
      @joshuaespinoza2567 6 років тому

      Macks Power
      Idiot. U cant pan 1000 mesh without a magnifier. That's exactly what he mentioned before the 24:00 mark.

  • @synapticaxon9303
    @synapticaxon9303 3 роки тому

    It is hard to conceptualize the mass of the accumulated 200-1000 mesh pieces. If you have a 55 gallon drum of Nome black sands, or similar concentrates with 200+ mesh gold, how long is it going to take to spoon it in and brush a zillion pieces? Naturally you're demonstrating how to do this here, but in your normal operations rhythm, how fast can you go on this? It might be cool to watch a timelapse of you working some of your material and a weigh in. Maybe richer material goes faster, idk. Have you roasted your concentrates prior to using this? Might make a cool video to try it and see? I guess I'm really curious where is the point of diminishing returns, where the labor exceeds the value? Thank you!

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  3 роки тому

      Probably better you call us to cover all of your questions if possible. Royal Manufacturing Ind. We are located in Santa Ana Ca. Open Monday through Friday

  • @MrBlackdeath420
    @MrBlackdeath420 6 років тому +2

    Take a shot every time he says “ you know “

    • @gaz1tinsley
      @gaz1tinsley 5 років тому

      im pissed up already !

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому +1

      Dear MrBlackdeath420, We are very sorry that our video upsets you.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  4 роки тому +1

      @@gaz1tinsley We do not understand your comment. Are you pissed about video?

    • @Knightyme
      @Knightyme 4 роки тому +1

      @@royalmanufacturingoffical They are not upset, its a 'drinking game'. The way it works is when a person says a particular phrase you take a drink of something, typically a shot of whisky or similar.
      I'm sure they were not seriously drinking, they were just making a bit of a joke that you say 'you know' a lot. As for the pissed part, in context with the comments here pissed = drunk. So Gaz said 'I'm drunk already'

  • @jacelynnfontaine6635
    @jacelynnfontaine6635 2 роки тому

    Omg you can pan this stuff your cleaning on your table as I do it all the time. And there are others mats out there which are green that holds the gold and we found it out yrs ago so maybe search before you make those comments

  • @robdoggerful
    @robdoggerful 7 років тому

    Just buy a gold magic spiral. No pumps, allself contained. Portable and it gets all the fine gold!

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому +1

      Thank you! Sounds like you have not had the chance to use our Table but we appreciate your feedback.

  • @yulisamamanirondon5534
    @yulisamamanirondon5534 2 роки тому

    Perú estoy intersado

  • @fenders9911
    @fenders9911 5 років тому +1

    looks like a lot of work for a machine to use...

    • @НурлыбекСубебаев
      @НурлыбекСубебаев 4 роки тому

      Как оформить заказ с доставкой в Казахстан. Нурлыбек +7 776 610 1960 электронный адрес

  • @ВалерийТекстоволев-щ9п

    Это вам ни мозайку собирать! 😊 Интересно, пробы от детских песочниц покажут тот же результат?😯

  • @danieldeanmasterfinisher4715
    @danieldeanmasterfinisher4715 Рік тому +1

    😱🚨You should never add dry material 🚨
    , always get it wet first…👅
    😍”That’s what she said”😜

  • @allenroach7503
    @allenroach7503 6 років тому

    Don't waste your time at their website. They do not have this table for sale and I guess from someone else it was very expensive.

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  6 років тому

      As of right now we are working on updating our website. You are welcome to call to place an order at (714) 668-9199 if you are within the US, if your international we have it listed on eBay.

  • @nickford5549
    @nickford5549 3 роки тому

    "We only build quality" followed by "its held down with double sided tape" imagine the quality of a glued unit! Lol

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  3 роки тому

      Not just ANY double sided tape, very high quality you can't just buy in the store :) But thank you.

  • @suzettegilbert770
    @suzettegilbert770 7 років тому

    people would do that that damn white sand sooo a special expert there there they pay then selves prob 40 an hour to seperate white rock from gold primo it could burn yellow grade it on tray heifghth

  • @duanemiles1558
    @duanemiles1558 2 роки тому

    Everything but the wiggle? You cough the wiggle.

  • @thunderlightning5267
    @thunderlightning5267 5 років тому

    Ordered one today. Got a blue bowl for sale hmu

    • @OleMossyHorn
      @OleMossyHorn 5 років тому

      Brad Hatt how much for the blue bowl?

    • @stumped463
      @stumped463 4 роки тому

      Get a silicone mat for your blue bowl works great

  • @heinzhubbuch9409
    @heinzhubbuch9409 2 роки тому +2

    do you ever play back and listen to yourself? lol

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  2 роки тому

      Absolutely, more info than you need right. Thats exactly how Royal works thanks for asking

  • @dwightpruitt6809
    @dwightpruitt6809 3 роки тому +1

    Water Web , No such Thing , look it up

    • @royalmanufacturingoffical
      @royalmanufacturingoffical  3 роки тому

      I think the people can figure out the meaning never the less but thank you for your positive input, always welcome :)

  • @shpixi
    @shpixi 6 років тому

    Right There

  • @张晶-u6x
    @张晶-u6x 4 роки тому

    need the details of the shaking table click here:

  • @suzettegilbert770
    @suzettegilbert770 7 років тому

    i hate too bum ya out butt alot of ave areas w a couple cool trays a sub pack a smokes a soda ttc every day

  • @itsdjdozer5025
    @itsdjdozer5025 6 років тому lost all that gold why?, I thought you were going to separate the gold from everything else?

  • @syahrilariel235
    @syahrilariel235 2 роки тому


  • @circusboy90210
    @circusboy90210 7 років тому +1

    Too much work and too much equipment for not enough return