سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ي
Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) ! God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior . God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️❤😊❤😊😊
@@jrmartinez1354 Uh, thanks? What made you pick this video to comment on and this comment to reply to? Since I don't doubt your sincerity and that doing this is one of the kindest things you feel you can do, all the love right back to you. May you find the wit, wisdom, resolve, and grace to meet the challenges of the day in a surprising and effortless way.
these guys remind me of a drumline with the precision and obvious practice they've put into their routines. the wonders of late night 'Tube surfing. Props, guys.
Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) ! God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior . God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️❤😊❤😊
@@Rxzor_Live Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) ! God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior . God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️
lo e visto desde que era niño y ahora que lo veo de adulto me sigue encantando, es mu bello como hacen el ritmo ;) el video siempre me marco en todos estos años ;) los amo chicos
I do,but it's ruined a bit by the camera guy....man...what? Especially at the end,like why zoom/I/out at guys doing exactly the same,just leave it,so we can see them all.
The guy in the black hoodie was amazing
XD so you like all of them XD if not which one???
YourKpopPal um, i don't know how to describe him...he's the one wearing the sunglasses.
all of them had black hoodies
I preferred the other guy
Doing this is definitely on my bucket list.
+Garrett Howell Of course he is. He's Irish
u sir deserve to be president
get it "bucket" list
Ofc....Count me in
As a percussionist this makes me very happy.
سلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته اذكروا الله وصلوا على سيدنا الحبيب المصطفى محمد اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى آل سيدنا ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني الى نفسي طرفة عين❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ اللهم اغفر للمؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلمات الاحياء منهم و الاموات🌹❤️ في حديث رواه مسلم في الصحيح: ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله ولا ينظر إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: المسبل إزاره، والمنان فيما أعطى، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، هذا من باب الوعيد عند أهل السنة والجماعة ليسوا كفاراً بل من باب الوعيد والتحذير والترهيب، المسبل يدل على أنه كبيرة من الكبائر، والمنان في العطية الله جل وعلا قال: لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى [البقرة:264]، والمنفق سلعته بالحلف الكاذب، اللي يقول: والله إنها علي بكذا، والله إني شريتها بكذا، والله إنها ...... بكذا وهو يكذب حتى ينفقها يمشيها ويأكل أموال الناس بالباطل هذا وعيد شديد يدل على أن هذا من الكبائر من كبائر الذنوب مثل الحديث الآخر: ثلاث لا يكلمهم الله ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: شيخ زاني -شيخ شايب- وملك كذاب، وعائل مستكبر، هذا يدل على أن الزنا مع الشيخوخة مع كبر السن يكون أعظم من الزنا في الشباب أكبر إثماً، وهكذا الملك الكذاب إثمه أكثر؛ لأنه قد أعطاه الله الملك وأغناه الله عن الكذب فما الحاجة للكذب، وعائل مستكبر مع فقره يستكبر، الغني قد يحمله الغنى لكن هذا مع كونه فقير يستكبر هذا يدل على أن الكبر طبيعة له وسجية له نعوذ بالله فاشتد بهذا إثمه نسأل الله العافية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. نعم. المقدم: جزاكم الله خيراً سماحة الشيخ. ي
11 years old, and counting, still amazing
10 years old and still amazing.
Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) !
God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior .
God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️❤😊❤😊😊
@@jrmartinez1354 Uh, thanks? What made you pick this video to comment on and this comment to reply to?
Since I don't doubt your sincerity and that doing this is one of the kindest things you feel you can do, all the love right back to you. May you find the wit, wisdom, resolve, and grace to meet the challenges of the day in a surprising and effortless way.
these guys remind me of a drumline with the precision and obvious practice they've put into their routines. the wonders of late night 'Tube surfing. Props, guys.
Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) !
God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior .
God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️❤😊❤😊
@@Rxzor_Live Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect we all have sinned fallen short of the glory of God, except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. (Until you accept his gift of salvation. You will be seen perfect in his eyes because Jesus Christ paid the price.)Forsake meaning do not sin. (You may stumble but just rely on the Lord he’s got you in Jesus name.) We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again of the spirit to enter The Kingdom of Heaven. (John 3:3) !
God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior .
God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️
My favorite lyric was "Hey!"
Thanx 4 keeping lyrics......
2:40-3:00 feels like your drunk watching one guy & your seeing tracers in your peripheral vision 😂💯
Drinking shrooms :)
2:45 when the guy all the way to the left starts hitting nothing 😂
it's because it wouldn't look good if he didn't
Mediocre PC Gaming LEL XD
Ayame Nyaroiuki d
Come in number 6, your bucket is on fire💥💥💥
Girls: eew why she wearing the same outfit omg
Me and the boys with our drums:
We have some T R A S H fans overhere
I got ya
pick me
You know this is lit when the buckets are LITErALLY smoking
They played so balanced and tuned
They beat is cool,it’s like melody in my ear
I’m a drummer at my school and this really inspires me good job it was amazing
My favorite was the one with the black hoodie and sunglasses
Baller Banana33 mine was the one playing the black drum
and the bucket rite XD
Which one
Baller Banana33 and Mine the drummer
Baller Banana33 same he was best of all
We need more of these guys and this sound on the world!! Absolut AMAZING!!👍🏼👍🏼
Was für eine hammer Truppe!
sir I think your bucket is on fire
Lol thought the same. I'm like, is anyone gonna mention it?
It wasn't on fire it was gas
I'm pretty sure it was dry ice
glowing sticks would cool!!!
well, then check out our show from German's Got Talent 2013: RockStix on Das Supertalent with stickStoff ;-)
Rolling stones
+stickStoff - drumming entertainment Just did, that is cool.
+stickStoff - drumming entertainment go jhii
Just waaaaawwww 😱👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Sir! SIr! Your Bucket seems to be on Fire!
I DON'T CARE! (Keeps drumming)
EXACTLY what I thought!
Playing on a clean drumline is kinda like: "Conceal don't feel, don't let it show, make one wrong move and everyone will know!"
I put the speed on 2x it’s hilarious 😂
Sofia Mang 😂😂
Like ASMR tapping no talking?
just did it, lol
6th bucket blazing 420
No its smoking dat weed
Ikr it's funny
Back again in 2019, still love that bird solo as it flies by !!
2:20 to hear it 2:21 when it sings ,,,,, 2022
baddest drumline alive the bucket is on fire gosh keep it up
Scariest thing in this video, is the perfection
that crow had perfect timing and rythem at 2:22
he's like "CHECK THAT LIT SHIT,CHECK IT!!" then dropped a sick bar. someone get a hold of that rap God of a bird!!
What crow
the one in the background
thats a seagull i believe
no words guys ! I have no words !! congratulations !!!
Those were words
DaniBoy102 lol
But you just typed words...
how did i get to this side of youtube?
can i stay here??
Septiplier Trash? Septiplier Trash. lol yes
Septiplier Trash? Septiplier Trash. yes *hands him a soda* there ya go
Septiplier Trash? Septiplier Trash. Well jack used to be a drummer soooooooo
Septiplier Trash? Septiplier Trash. RIGHT!!
Details makes the difference!
And you have them.
Throwing sticks sound effects, and brooming them of are 👌
The one guy was playing so good his drum started smoking XD
You guys are so talented!! Very good work!!!
Black overal with bright sticks, great choice. Looks great in movement.
that guy in the black hoodie tho
Sniping Is King .....
wich one
The one with sunglasses
Sniping Is King the guy with the black cap! 😍
nice one lads! Ignore the abusive comments on here from people with nothing better to do.....you are awesome!
The guy with the black hoodie is amazing!!
Supertalent anmelden ! SOFORT
Ja aber auf der strasse wird man preisgeld gewinnen :D
+MaD|Sk1LLz Schwachsinn.
+Ansaro1 Deine Muddi is Schwachsinn
VoteaxPvP Also fühlst du dich mit einbezogen? Willst du umarmt werden oder einfach nur Aufmerksamkeit in egal welcher Form?
1:29 and 1:40 falling sticks and the broom solo are my favourite part! Love the sound of it. :)
2:21 bird came in perfect
The drummer is crazy good!!!
2:26 the bird was also joining with them..dope 🐦
Great! :))
Dude in the black hoodie and shades killed it
Woher kommt ihr eigentlich? :)
(Where are you from?)
+Leon Kruppa aus Basel in der Schweiz
+Leon Kruppa ich denkest luxemburg
+stickStoff - drumming entertainment isch doch klae mit em bebbi sagg ;)
ich sprechen ein Englisch
+Brandon Simmons ?
That one guy in the middle seems to have a lot of fun playing it XD
Lilyblue* i
The guy with the drumsticks is a legend
The fourth closest guy is just vibing lmao
the performance was good. the recording totaly sick. congratulation!
I tweeted this as a welcoming for a very famous celbrity to my twitter area- nothing but the best for famous people!!!!
When cats see the laser on the ground. 1:31
Damn, the Astros are really pulling out all the stops this season.
I watch this video every once in a while it’s so fun to watch this
That random guy sweeping up drumsticks lol
Bin there, done that
Bin there, drum that.
R3dacted Gam3r Rest in peace
cross it off the bucket list
+Tom Floor Ayyyyyh
lo e visto desde que era niño y ahora que lo veo de adulto me sigue encantando, es mu bello como hacen el ritmo ;) el video siempre me marco en todos estos años ;) los amo chicos
just one word WOW
Mercede But u use 4 words
consider only the one in caps then its only one
DaniBoy EEEeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwWwww!
Aaaah neighbors from Germany :D
Good work guys :D
Nagyon ügyesek vagytok 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👌🤘🤘🤘🤘🦵
This is really inspiring because I am a drummer
Sounds like a big diesel engine with injector problems. Great job!!
The train passing is a paid actor makes this video even more impressive haha
his buckets smoking because their playing some fire lol😅
Zachary Deeb yes
Zachary Deeb ooopo
Their drums are like thunder and their rythem is like lightning you never know when it's coming
Zachary Deeb no it’s actually because there are bags of dry ice in them and dry ice smokes because it’s so cold. I think
This bucket, best bucket!
these guys rock but the camera man made me sick
the girl too XDDDD
yea he kept whipping his cock out and painting it green. SO FUCKING GROSS
Who is better
Gordo Drummer - Like
Bucket drumm - comment
That beat was so lit that it set the bin on fire.
the camera guy was having too much fun
Camera guy had way too much fucking fun filming.
the camera guy: Zoom in zoom out move to the right zoom out move to the right zoom in etc
This is so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:45 I love this part
what kind of buckets are those...i need to know???
helit Papierkorb (i.e. german word for bucket) 45 liters
sick beat
a special kind, not from the .99 $ store I guess since they didn't break any with those sticks
This is a good great way to get seen on UA-cam...
We used this at my school, we used drums from Home Depot and we did it with our hands.
Me to
Tai Shane roblox
Tai Shane me too we also used drum sticks we used both sticks and are hands
Tai Shane ya me too haha
who else sees the smoke for the man's drum too like really only him
It could be dry ice in water under the bucket
Nah he a wizard
Я не знаю, что за дым, но ребят хорошо "штырит" :) Молодцы
Именно тебя я искала
8 years already? Damn, I remember it was a week ago
9 years now.
My music teacher showed me this, and told me my job was to sweep the sticks away....
I have been doing this entire routine for a year and I can do all that in 1 try u guys are amazing
How do the manage to keep a straight face the whole time?
2:39 I can picture Disturbed yelling “ ooh Wah ha ha”
Hermanos de la misica... Bakannn love
who watch this in 2018 ?
I do,but it's ruined a bit by the camera guy....man...what?
Especially at the end,like why zoom/I/out at guys doing exactly the same,just leave it,so we can see them all.
Still awesome tho
that is amazing and its the best thing that I've ever seen😎
Could watch this all day......Came here from The Drummer Gordo :-)
Over speed !!!!! Now u need to do this in next video!!!! 1:57
Tushar gola true that bro
how did i get here?
you have the same name as my sister xD weird
+CrimsonGamingHD .............................. yeah weird
+CrimsonGamingHD oh my god.....it's HER!! GET HER!!!!
Oh wow
Soundz marvelously WONDERFUL ~~~~
👏 WOW 👏 Thanks for sharing this unique experience 😀
The one with the steam from his bucket looks like whalenjpgaming
This pleases my OCD
They makes me feel good,love them
Why's that one guy's bucket smoking so much?
I think he put liquid nitrogen in his bucket
Because it wants to look cool in front of the other buckets.
where do think the term lit as fuck came from? it's dangerous being so fire.
That blue bag under the bucket has some kind of dust coming out of it.
Maybe it is dry ice, it explains why it smokes less later in the video.
My hands would fall off lol
Eifach mol uf dr Dreirosebrugg! Geil!
Nice❤ This is very very beautyful👍
Everyone who reads this. Just re-watch everything Vadrum. He's having a kid and he deserve all that we can give him. Let's go!
Dry Ice is under the buckets I think
Its not dry ice if the smoke is rising :|
JohnsonHaTV come on dude it's wet ice duh
h20 cubed
oh i thought it was mellow yellow
I think it's concrete mix in the buckets and dust is coming out of them
Live look in at Astros spring training