@@kongakau5058 at least Dr M did not join kleptokrats. He still has his principles. He knows how to pick team members who can work. Tsmy has the worst team, big in number but least efficient.
Me as a Malaysian felt shame with PM's offers...By right he should resign his post...we have lost so many innocent people lives due to their actions...
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
But whats the point by doing that...everybody knows this Gov is going to fall....all the MPs are smart for not accerpting the offer or they mayb facing the consequences so bad that they themself cant imagined it....
@@eddielee9179 That's the problem with Malaysian gomen. All the smart2 one and honest one gets sidelined, while all the gundu, clueless and cruel gets elected to position of power. No wonder GDP lower than Singapore.
Truly a mockery, PM is the one betraying his fellow compatriots wjen he was under pakatan Harapan. Now he ask for their help. As the saying goes, There is nothing good out from Treachery. Curses will eventually sprang forth.
@@JiFan now that the prime minister has resigned., I bet AA is now starting to betray the flower team since the flower has lost power.. he will stick to whoever that can give him power… let’s see
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 do you even know how much debt PN has gotten Malaysia into? You think Malaysia has a lot of money? The current situation is worse than when Pakatan was government. You have no idea what you're babbling about
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 absolute lies created,never was a team. Of excellent calibre. ,voted by the citizens,but killed by few termites,up to Sheraton.We don't need long essays to Know,who are the real nation culprits.
He is the worst PM in Malaysia - no idea what he’s doing, scared to do any PC, avoids parliament as much as possible, only use bribery to gain support, only work hard to save his position but never for the country or the people.
I see? But what about BPR that you applied? Or you never apply for BPR money? The worst one was the previous PM. "That guy (i dont want to say his name" said that our country and frontliner can manage for covid virus? "That guy" make a mistake when "that guy"still accept tourist from outside.
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
Mahiaddin has failed yet asking for support to continue. Why can't Mahiaddin support PH instead and let Anwar be the PM. Why can't Anwar be given bi-partisan support?
Pale hotak kauu..skg aku nk tny, ape mslh korng xleh nk sokong PN?? Korang tau x skg PN dh byk dn msih trs tuk bendung covid ni. Ape jd klau PN jtuh? Ape jd pd rakyat dgn covid ni?? Korng x prnh brpikir, sblm2 ni PM lain2 ckp MALAYSIA DH MISKIN, DAH XDE DUIT, Dan ade plak PM sblm ni ckp, MALAYSIA HAMPIR BANKRAP, dh tu ckp plak RAKYAT MANJA DAN MALAS sbb asyik mntk bntuan. Itu ke PM sbnr????? Tpi ble TSMY jd PM, covid dtg dan BOOMMMM berbilion2 bntuan die bg, BANYAK PLAK DUIT MALAYSIAA???? Ade korng pikir. TSMY buat mcm2 tuk bendung covid. Tpi ade segelintir rakyat yg x reti bahasa, yg degil, x ikut sop, yg buat kn kes jd naik. Itu pnca sbnr. Dh tu heboh asyik nk blik kmpng rndu mak ayah bagai. Pkir sikit, nk tgk mak ayah krong ke wlupn lmbt dpt jmp tpi mak ayah sihat, atau nk mak ayah korng TUTUP MATA sbb covid yg korng bwk jmp dorng???? Berpikir la secara logik dan warassss oiiii.. Jgn jadi bebal sgt. Ni skg PN msih trs nk bendung covid, ape mslh nye klau yg lain brsama PN tuk bendung covid. Xpe la x sokong PN, tpi x blh ke sme2 lawan covid??? Ape klau kate tkr PM, covid ni trs hilang??? Klau btl tkr PM covid blh trs hilang, ok aku stuju dn sokong, tpi bg bukti yg ble tukar PM covid akan hilang. Bolehh????? Klau x sokong PN pn, korng bg la idea, kluarkn buah2 fikiran tuk bntu bendung covid ni. Bkn asyikkk hebohhh suh ltk jwtn, trik sokongan, hkng majoriti bagai sume. Bnde2 tu blh buat rakyat senang??, blh buat rakyat bebas dri covid??? Blh trs matikan covid??? Blh bantu rakyat ke bnde2 tu??? Trik sokongan, suh ltk jwtn, tu sume tuk kepentingan sape??? Kepentingan negara ke? Kepentingan rakyat ke?? Atau tuk KEPENTINGAN DIRI SENDIRI DAN PARTI???? Blh bg aku jaminan klau kate PN jtuh dan tkr PM RAKYAT SEMUA TERBELA DAN X SUSAH LAGII., BOLEH JAMIN???? Boleh menyenangkan rakyat???? Klau blh sila kluarkn jaminann..
@@mohdfazlihamir7701 kalau PN tak tumbang confirm Covid kes terus melambung sebab PN sudah confirm tak boleh menangani pandemik. Bukan tak beri peluang, sudah 18 bulan tiap hari makin teruk kerana hanya tau buat benda sama tapi harapkan keputusan yang lain. SOP yang tak manasabah yang tak berkesan buat semua orang pening, semua orang penat, semua orang pusing, akhirnya semua orang pengsan. Baik tukar baru je.
@@mohdfaridsahar7374 you don't understand the situation. 1) when Mahiaddin lost the majority support, he is bound by the Federal Constitution to resign. Whether anyone else has the majority or not is irrelevant. 2) Whether any other MP has the majority in the Parliament is not for Mahiaddin to decide 3) It is the YDPA who will decide who to be appointed as PM, Mahiaddin has no say. Mahiaddin had usurp the duty of YDPA when he claims that no other MP has the majority support. 4) If Mahiaddin can set up a government and cabinet with minority, why not Anwar? AS long as Mahiaddin did not resign, there is no need for any other MP to show majority simply because it is of no use because YDPA had already bertitah to follow the provisions in the Federal Constitution to remove the existing PM before appointing a new PM.
PM should resign for his failed government and openly offering to those support him. It's a shame if he doen't otherwise he's going to lose his respect from the rakyat as well as people around the world.
I don't believe him one bit. He backstabbed PH last year to join BN, UMNO and PAS to make Bersatu. He turned from the opposition to the people we wanted to avoid. I just want him out, I don't care what he says, I just want him out.
He lied to the king again n again abt his majority support until the king need to ask the speaker if he still command majority support. How can this person b pm n still advice the king on the country's affairs.
He already failed, failed badly to tackle covid-19 and country economy.instead economy and Covid-19 r getting worsen. He has to go for the better Malaysia.. Pls step down. We need new leader to save the country.
Not some ministers, is ALL ministers and deputy ministers. Also never in Malaysia history there are so many ministries with 2 deputy ministers. Many of these ministers didn't even do anything and were unknown to the public. we only get to know them for the wrong reasons.
He makes enemy with every one, especially umno which supporting him as pm.. in the begining. Now only few people left to support him. He should make peace with supporting parties, not back stabing. Its too late now. He spoiled the soup
PM : Tujuan saya kemukakan cadangan ni ialah....tolong sokong saya, tolong, saya tak cukup ahli. U join saya, saya akan kasi anda dedak & gula-gula (cara Najib). 😂😂😂
No we don't want the back door gov....especially Azim Ali, Wee, and Saravanan....they all have very bad record, didn't do their job and a lot of corruption. Saravanan didnt do or standby any thing on the last which he should for his community.... Anybody comment ..they will end up messed.....
i will not trust a traitor like him. but the question is... why does he want to cling to power so much? it cant be for the rakyat for sure. so what is the motif?
@@harukrentz435My opinion this time Tun will not dum Anuar as he must realised by now that Anuar for the past had given him so much spaces as a respect I think if Anuar becomes PM hence Tun will support him Mukriz is too young in politik to be a PM
Its getting common that PM in Malaysia wont last long-its becoming a trend. After several months a new PM is up there will be MP on SALE to restructure everything again.
This is a clear resentment and challenge to the Institution of Malay Rulers and the King not to mention the audacity to even lied in Parliament as a PM. That goes to show his pathetic character and the disrespect for the democracy just for him to stay in power. He’s conveniently forgotten how he came to power last year being appointed by the King despite him not proving he got the majority but Malaysians respected the King’s power to appoint someone he “deemed to be able” ( though the PM does not have the majority then ) to command the majority in Parliament eventually which the “confidence vote” never happen anyway. He and his team of cabinet members could have been arrested for treason!
For so many years, I finally understand how the best is my country has been doing all-time for us...fearlessly live over the day and night. many things have improved just over 1 single sleep night... Wake up I have to adopt it for next level.. Thank you so much, my country China.
@@tenierslai5876 we have 5g, we have cashless social , we have huawei, we have longest highway, we have super speed bullet train, we have hypersonic missile, we have long range nuclear weapons, we have aircraft carrier.we have stealthy aircraft J20. We have Vaccine. we have fastest infrastructure in the world..We have super power Xi Jinping.and many many.. Your mom lied to you? Funny?
Azmi is the greatest instigator of this dirty politics. Shame on Yasin for being a figure head incompetent PM. Disgusting to watch this sad episode across the causeway.
Sudah derhaka,tamak dan buat keputusan yang melulu tanpa fikirkan tentang rakyat.kini berada digelangang kleptokrat.seperti meludah ke langit. Inilah balasan ketamakan seseorang.
So much damage done by his administration yet he wants to steer the ship , but I have a inkling that he will stay on to put the final nail in the coffin , let me wrong on this one and I willl happily accept it
Whether others got more support than him is irrelevant. In total the PN government has the support of only 100 supporters while the opposition has 118. The motion of confidence on 7 September 2021 is the best solution. Positive cases are on the rise and deaths averages 200 a day!
He already stabbed Mahathir in the back. The only way Mahathir would support him would probably be for the comedy skit Muhyiddin would undoubtedly perform if he remain PM. Muhyiddin is grass, he has no brain of his own. He just did whatever Azmin told him to do.
@@aziris7257 Tun Mahathir is a sly fox. Nobody (except himself) knows if he is the guy who put muhyiddin to premiership. They can pretend to quarrel openly. Lets wait n see if he support Muhyiddin. If he does, the picture is clear
OK, who will replace him? Mahathir, Anwar, or someone from UMNO. Najib and his gang are still free and in parliament after 1MDB. The Delta variant is destroying Malaysians' livelihood. I'm afraid Malaysia doesn't have smart and caring leader.
@@johnji3537 How about Tajuddin Abdul Rahman? He seem to stand for woman's rights with his comment "only woman with a Kok". Along with his good management of the transport issues in Malaysia recently.
U believe him? U believe him? Not only once but twice , he betrayed PH he betrayed his own chairman guess who
His chairman, mahathir deserved to be betrayed
All are sucks
@@kongakau5058 agreed lol
@@kongakau5058 at least Dr M did not join kleptokrats. He still has his principles. He knows how to pick team members who can work. Tsmy has the worst team, big in number but least efficient.
@@limliza992 mathir, the main cause of msia downfall..
Me as a Malaysian felt shame with PM's offers...By right he should resign his post...we have lost so many innocent people lives due to their actions...
Same here.
ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html Let's watch
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 ya.... dream on. Your PN govt going to collapse anytime now.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 Hahaha Jkom detected....🤣
He’s still buying time to “buy” over MPs from opposition parties
But whats the point by doing that...everybody knows this Gov is going to fall....all the MPs are smart for not accerpting the offer or they mayb facing the consequences so bad that they themself cant imagined it....
@@eddielee9179 That's the problem with Malaysian gomen. All the smart2 one and honest one gets sidelined, while all the gundu, clueless and cruel gets elected to position of power. No wonder GDP lower than Singapore.
Its .....reaally embrassing
Like a lost team pursuade the winner to share a champion trophy ... what a joke
Lebih baik meletak jawatan secara terhormat daripada jatuh ketika undian keabsahan di dalam parlimen
Takkan nak harapkan PH ambil alih balik. Tak kesian ke kat rakyat?
Truly a mockery, PM is the one betraying his fellow compatriots wjen he was under pakatan Harapan. Now he ask for their help. As the saying goes,
There is nothing good out from Treachery. Curses will eventually sprang forth.
@@peterpacker83 Dont click the above link, This Peter Packer is SPAMMING....it might contain virus.
the sheraton movement had fallen.
It’s a big NO for me to support the prime minister as long as that back door Power hungry treacherous AA is still in the government.
Azwan Ali ah? ☻☻☻
@@JiFan now that the prime minister has resigned., I bet AA is now starting to betray the flower team since the flower has lost power.. he will stick to whoever that can give him power… let’s see
It will be wise for him to resign tomorrow rather than booted out by a no confidence vote next month.
Or Agong sacks him and he get dragged out of office. Wait, what if Zahid U-turn? And tsmy acquiting him from court cases. Tsmy will stay on...😥
@@limliza992 You only need to wait for the breaking news that suddenly announcing his resignation. Be patient and watch the event unfolding soon.
@@dayylogg9716 seems like you got it right
@@wavyduck1273 The minister and MP surrounding him will choose to abandon a sinking ship very soon. And, he will resigned.
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 do you even know how much debt PN has gotten Malaysia into? You think Malaysia has a lot of money? The current situation is worse than when Pakatan was government. You have no idea what you're babbling about
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 don't try to speak for "all Malaysians" because most people don't agree with your stupid opinions at all
@@canopyfields q
Ya senile mahathir will forever be power hungry until his grace
He stabbed them and ask them to help him now.
This matters in politics?
Frog are rarely to find in this season so price has rocketing to the roof.
@@Godfrey77 Do you know that the frog's do have a very thick skin?
@@Godfrey77 i tot they are suggesting anti frog bill ? hahaha buy before it pass ! :D
Melissa Goh keeps dodging the questions posed to her by always explaining things in another way. Excellent Tai Chi!
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 Can't argue. Your logic's too fantastic!
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 absolute lies created,never was a team. Of excellent calibre. ,voted by the citizens,but killed by few termites,up to Sheraton.We don't need long essays to
Know,who are the real nation culprits.
Thomas Chua, agree with you.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 now is malay elite in charge..still better than all those umno old greed
He is the worst PM in Malaysia - no idea what he’s doing, scared to do any PC, avoids parliament as much as possible, only use bribery to gain support, only work hard to save his position but never for the country or the people.
I see? But what about BPR that you applied? Or you never apply for BPR money? The worst one was the previous PM. "That guy (i dont want to say his name" said that our country and frontliner can manage for covid virus? "That guy" make a mistake when "that guy"still accept tourist from outside.
How can one go back to people whom he had betrayed? How can we trust one who can't manage the country?
ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html Let's watch
All Malaysian known the current government is better than previous PH government. Worse result by PH Government said before our country dun have money. Lim Guan Eng as Finance Minister said got many debts from the previous Najib's government. Just give Malaysian RM30 during their time. What a shame minister & government. Always lying & spread slanders. See now how current government handled Covid cases in proper. Vaccination programmes going smoothly to achive herd immunity. Got also alternative to give incentives & inniciatives to all citizens not like PH government. PH government is worse government coz all the leaders just want power & tittle. Cannot be government again. Enough for 22 months we as Malaysian give them power. Once pandemic Covid 19 started in Malaysia they already surrender & run away. All the cabinets dissolved parliament like that & our current Prime Minister Tan Sri Dato Haji Mahiaddin Bin Md. Yasin with new cabinets assist & continue the worse relicts by PH. We trust on this new government compare PH. Enough is enough. If give Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister also cannot solve Covid 19 problem. Before he said want he reduce petrol price & toll fees immediately after win the election also cannot fullfill. Just empty promises. Rakyat always got cheated by PH. PH government is very good if being the opposition. Let them be opposition forover to check & balance the government. Thats is better rather than be the government.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 cool delusional story, bro
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 Very deluded. Once Anwar Ibrahim takes over our country I would like to see you talk.
@@ashrafzulkiflireconcartyco186 Wowwww....are u a writer in anyway....?? The way u expressed it is so.......surreal dude.... 😳
Those pathetic clowns behind stood there, hands together, looking solemn, praying for dear life.
Yea,that was like begging for mercy from
the Rakyat from some place of worship.
Malaysia is a kleptocratic dictatorship posing as a democracy. Semua angguk, angguk, to an unelected asshat.
the traitor is asking for help from people he betrayed... what a joke.
That's y...😂 nyways anything still can happen in boleh land
and want to table anti-frogs act?
@@ariffahmi403 some people aaah ..their house got no mirror one..😂
hahahahahaha hahaha哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.
@@MrMandaihill ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html
We suggest he better resign & let potential candidate to take over. 🙏
please name the potential candidates. all are same
@@risingphoenix1001 hmmmmmm young & aggressive guy full wisdom & knowledge....
@@risingphoenix1001 definitely not tsmy. Dia paling tak layak. I won't say others the same. Give sincere leader a chance and give the ppl hope.
@@limliza992 Anwar sounds like the best option at the moment
Musang dalam selimut... bersama kleptokrat, berlaku macam orang baik. Pelakon terbaik. Oscar.
Mahiaddin has failed yet asking for support to continue. Why can't Mahiaddin support PH instead and let Anwar be the PM. Why can't Anwar be given bi-partisan support?
Pale hotak kauu..skg aku nk tny, ape mslh korng xleh nk sokong PN?? Korang tau x skg PN dh byk dn msih trs tuk bendung covid ni. Ape jd klau PN jtuh? Ape jd pd rakyat dgn covid ni?? Korng x prnh brpikir, sblm2 ni PM lain2 ckp MALAYSIA DH MISKIN, DAH XDE DUIT, Dan ade plak PM sblm ni ckp, MALAYSIA HAMPIR BANKRAP, dh tu ckp plak RAKYAT MANJA DAN MALAS sbb asyik mntk bntuan. Itu ke PM sbnr????? Tpi ble TSMY jd PM, covid dtg dan BOOMMMM berbilion2 bntuan die bg, BANYAK PLAK DUIT MALAYSIAA???? Ade korng pikir. TSMY buat mcm2 tuk bendung covid. Tpi ade segelintir rakyat yg x reti bahasa, yg degil, x ikut sop, yg buat kn kes jd naik. Itu pnca sbnr. Dh tu heboh asyik nk blik kmpng rndu mak ayah bagai. Pkir sikit, nk tgk mak ayah krong ke wlupn lmbt dpt jmp tpi mak ayah sihat, atau nk mak ayah korng TUTUP MATA sbb covid yg korng bwk jmp dorng???? Berpikir la secara logik dan warassss oiiii.. Jgn jadi bebal sgt. Ni skg PN msih trs nk bendung covid, ape mslh nye klau yg lain brsama PN tuk bendung covid. Xpe la x sokong PN, tpi x blh ke sme2 lawan covid??? Ape klau kate tkr PM, covid ni trs hilang??? Klau btl tkr PM covid blh trs hilang, ok aku stuju dn sokong, tpi bg bukti yg ble tukar PM covid akan hilang. Bolehh????? Klau x sokong PN pn, korng bg la idea, kluarkn buah2 fikiran tuk bntu bendung covid ni. Bkn asyikkk hebohhh suh ltk jwtn, trik sokongan, hkng majoriti bagai sume. Bnde2 tu blh buat rakyat senang??, blh buat rakyat bebas dri covid??? Blh trs matikan covid??? Blh bantu rakyat ke bnde2 tu??? Trik sokongan, suh ltk jwtn, tu sume tuk kepentingan sape??? Kepentingan negara ke? Kepentingan rakyat ke?? Atau tuk KEPENTINGAN DIRI SENDIRI DAN PARTI???? Blh bg aku jaminan klau kate PN jtuh dan tkr PM RAKYAT SEMUA TERBELA DAN X SUSAH LAGII., BOLEH JAMIN???? Boleh menyenangkan rakyat???? Klau blh sila kluarkn jaminann..
@@mohdfazlihamir7701 kalau PN tak tumbang confirm Covid kes terus melambung sebab PN sudah confirm tak boleh menangani pandemik. Bukan tak beri peluang, sudah 18 bulan tiap hari makin teruk kerana hanya tau buat benda sama tapi harapkan keputusan yang lain. SOP yang tak manasabah yang tak berkesan buat semua orang pening, semua orang penat, semua orang pusing, akhirnya semua orang pengsan. Baik tukar baru je.
Anwar just show majority lah...if cannot then still cannot lah.
@@mohdfaridsahar7374 you don't understand the situation. 1) when Mahiaddin lost the majority support, he is bound by the Federal Constitution to resign. Whether anyone else has the majority or not is irrelevant. 2) Whether any other MP has the majority in the Parliament is not for Mahiaddin to decide 3) It is the YDPA who will decide who to be appointed as PM, Mahiaddin has no say. Mahiaddin had usurp the duty of YDPA when he claims that no other MP has the majority support. 4) If Mahiaddin can set up a government and cabinet with minority, why not Anwar? AS long as Mahiaddin did not resign, there is no need for any other MP to show majority simply because it is of no use because YDPA had already bertitah to follow the provisions in the Federal Constitution to remove the existing PM before appointing a new PM.
He should just resign rather embarrassing himself to the world.
Sad for Malaysia to have all these people around to lead. Sigh sigh.....
I wish I can make use of some vulgarity here to express how I felt.
Go ahead
In Malaysia now frog 🐸 price is very high, lucky to those whose keeping frog in their house.
Now is durian season not frogs any more
@@john63ny RM30 DURIAN MAO TAK....
I like frog soup. Any frogs there in Malaysia parliament
PM should resign for his failed government and openly offering to those support him. It's a shame if he doen't otherwise he's going to lose his respect from the rakyat as well as people around the world.
it is check mate now, finally . He was never meant to lead in the first place !
I just cannot contain my anger and disappointment after I saw this dumb plea. Im speechless!
That's exactly it, isn't it? He just wants power, not to actually help & lead his people
Malaysia indonesia thailand similar fate. Ki wuhan first
I don't believe him one bit. He backstabbed PH last year to join BN, UMNO and PAS to make Bersatu. He turned from the opposition to the people we wanted to avoid. I just want him out, I don't care what he says, I just want him out.
unless Malaysian wants to see more chaos (COVID) in Malaysia then he should stay....else....please please...change a better leader
He don’t care about the covid , don’t care how the people suffer , how many died , all he want is to be PM .
@@tomyap9723 He (Muhyiddin) is deadlier then COVID
So, you support Mahiaddin should stay?
Pray to Allah. Pray like wuhan people then can spread covid kill everyone
The truth is Malaysia is a racial country , that is the reason there are lot of setbacks
He lied to the king again n again abt his majority support until the king need to ask the speaker if he still command majority support. How can this person b pm n still advice the king on the country's affairs.
Would Singaporeans think that these kind of offers, made to garner support, on live TV no less, not considered as bribery?
He already failed, failed badly to tackle covid-19 and country economy.instead economy and Covid-19 r getting worsen. He has to go for the better Malaysia.. Pls step down. We need new leader to save the country.
Some of the ministers have shown inadequate for their portfolio.
Not some ministers, is ALL ministers and deputy ministers. Also never in Malaysia history there are so many ministries with 2 deputy ministers. Many of these ministers didn't even do anything and were unknown to the public. we only get to know them for the wrong reasons.
Be a gentleman or rather be a man…
Resign & accept defeat gentlemanly. People will respect U more sir…
Gentleman is a word that does not appear in their dictionary
He got into power via backdoor, (secret meeting in a hotel), now people are doing the same against him, so i guess its someone else turn?
Just show him the exit.....
you mean BACKDOOR is it..??
He has just signed his own death warrant.
Dear CNA pls take note he is not mine or our PM. He is an embrassement to us Malaysian.
ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html NOWW
Because of these people, the New Malaysian dream has been tarnished.
Because of the old fox, they r all disciples of the bloody old fox!!
@@bootre9148 true
He makes enemy with every one, especially umno which supporting him as pm.. in the begining. Now only few people left to support him. He should make peace with supporting parties, not back stabing. Its too late now. He spoiled the soup
PM : Tujuan saya kemukakan cadangan ni ialah....tolong sokong saya, tolong, saya tak cukup ahli. U join saya, saya akan kasi anda dedak & gula-gula (cara Najib). 😂😂😂
Only anwar can solve it. The rest should step aside including the old man.
Really hope for a general election after the pandemic gets done in Malaysia.
He already loss the vote,Mahiaddin no majority,shameful still refuse to step down
No we don't want the back door gov....especially Azim Ali, Wee, and Saravanan....they all have very bad record, didn't do their job and a lot of corruption. Saravanan didnt do or standby any thing on the last which he should for his community.... Anybody comment ..they will end up messed.....
Malaysia politic scene is the best political drama on earth, better than Netflix!
He wanted a chance to govern. Was given one on 1st Mar 2020 but he literally squandered all d goodwill away. Who to blame but himself.
i will not trust a traitor like him.
but the question is... why does he want to cling to power so much? it cant be for the rakyat for sure. so what is the motif?
The glory he brought to the citizen is sufferings,no peace in mind and may as well brings glory! once he left! Thanks PM
Offering from the position of strength is commendable,Now he's a lame duck it seem degrading and insulting.
You just knew things will not be much different as long as mahathir still alives.
IF Anuar takes over hence ask Anuar to appoint Tun as SM and also adviser to the new cabinet ministers as a respect to Tun
@@azizsultan6744 and Tun would dump Anwar like he did multiple times in the past.
@@harukrentz435My opinion this time Tun will not dum Anuar as he must realised by now that Anuar for the past had given him so much spaces as a respect I think if Anuar becomes PM hence Tun will support him Mukriz is too young in politik to be a PM
singapore would love this guy to continue. Even Anwar will do. But not the mamak.....
Its getting common that PM in Malaysia wont last long-its becoming a trend. After several months a new PM is up there will be MP on SALE to restructure everything again.
The coffee shop uncle contributed more than Malaysia Prime Rubbish Minister :)
PM Muhyiddin is confident that money can buy him support
With his "Durian is Rm30" also no offer.. THIRTY MILLION WORRRR..!
Money is King.
This is a clear resentment and challenge to the Institution of Malay Rulers and the King not to mention the audacity to even lied in Parliament as a PM. That goes to show his pathetic character and the disrespect for the democracy just for him to stay in power. He’s conveniently forgotten how he came to power last year being appointed by the King despite him not proving he got the majority but Malaysians respected the King’s power to appoint someone he “deemed to be able” ( though the PM does not have the majority then ) to command the majority in Parliament eventually which the “confidence vote” never happen anyway. He and his team of cabinet members could have been arrested for treason!
What a joke
I think Malaysia will lockdown forever if he never resign.
My cheating heart
His days are numbered. He knows it and that's why this speech.
Legend in the Nation history...Kerajaan Gagal!
ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html Let's watch
He is fighting for himself and his country,deserve compliment
Since when is he PM? I thought is Mahathir and the party? Anyway God bless Malaysia 🇲🇾🙏🏻❤️
For so many years, I finally understand how the best is my country has been doing all-time for us...fearlessly live over the day and night. many things have improved just over 1 single sleep night... Wake up I have to adopt it for next level.. Thank you so much, my country China.
Very funny….
@@tenierslai5876 we have 5g, we have cashless social , we have huawei, we have longest highway, we have super speed bullet train, we have hypersonic missile, we have long range nuclear weapons, we have aircraft carrier.we have stealthy aircraft J20. We have Vaccine. we have fastest infrastructure in the world..We have super power Xi Jinping.and many many.. Your mom lied to you? Funny?
@@japantonful best to hv a good heart..which I think yr leader may still lack.
@@WuMinShen your leader heart how good? You got take it out saw it once?
I dun know what heart they (or u) hv..but hope yours good too :))
Azmi is the greatest instigator of this dirty politics.
Shame on Yasin for being a figure head incompetent PM. Disgusting to watch this sad episode across the causeway.
ua-cam.com/video/-klzxGuoQi8/v-deo.html Let's watch
Who is kleptocrat now?
Sudah derhaka,tamak dan buat keputusan yang melulu tanpa fikirkan tentang rakyat.kini berada digelangang kleptokrat.seperti meludah ke langit. Inilah balasan ketamakan seseorang.
The worse PM Malaysia has ever had
Kerajaan Kayu. Kapal Akan Karam. Kleptokrat? Siapa yg menyapu kontrak2?
What can a plutocrazy gov do..
Better to go all of them through the back door
Please step down. We dont care who's PM, we just want the cases being controllable , enough struggling between poorer, sickness and death.
Wah I'm on the edge of my seat
Leaving with dignity is what the least/last a man can and should do...
Never thought that he will do this shamefull and stupid act
malaysia truly asia...
Be a man and just step down BUT please use the back door where you came in earlier . Front door is reserved for honorable people only . Bye Bye !
But the main problem is he and his team did not stem the tide of covid infections effectively.
I have one last survivor kit, Mahiaddin... Get Rakyat's petition 😏
So much damage done by his administration yet he wants to steer the ship , but I have a inkling that he will stay on to put the final nail in the coffin , let me wrong on this one and I willl happily accept it
I can't with home at all. I'm stuck in a foreign country and any day that I can enter the country that day and have to go home.
Aduhhhhh, Just step down, no excuses...
Just step down u and your failed government.let the right team take over.
Malaysia truly asia
Whether others got more support than him is irrelevant. In total the PN government has the support of only 100 supporters while the opposition has 118. The motion of confidence on 7 September 2021 is the best solution. Positive cases are on the rise and deaths averages 200 a day!
I think he just resign, and come Singapore treat his cancer properly.
Tun Mahathir will support him !
He already stabbed Mahathir in the back. The only way Mahathir would support him would probably be for the comedy skit Muhyiddin would undoubtedly perform if he remain PM. Muhyiddin is grass, he has no brain of his own. He just did whatever Azmin told him to do.
Mahatir does not support him. He joined his long time rival, Anwar Ibrahim, in the protests for muhyddin to resign.
@@aziris7257 Tun Mahathir is a sly fox. Nobody (except himself) knows if he is the guy who put muhyiddin to premiership. They can pretend to quarrel openly. Lets wait n see if he support Muhyiddin. If he does, the picture is clear
@@davidtu3276 Mahathir will nv support Anwar
Let the people decide..
Collect 3 more weeks pay and go
Sepatutnya ayat yg diucapkan oleh pm ni..merupakan Titah YDPA. Baru betul
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Musibah jatuh ke Malaysia, kerana kuasa adalah dirampas, Tuhan memukul Malaysia. Nak sesaisai ini hanya memulangkan kuasa balik kuasa di rampas.
I SERIOUSLY don't mind Anuar or Najib.
PM should team up with Najib who may still have some magic tricks to play here. The end result could be a miracle or a total disaster.
And welcome back 1MDB?
If u really look back, maybe life is better with MDB
OK, who will replace him? Mahathir, Anwar, or someone from UMNO. Najib and his gang are still free and in parliament after 1MDB. The Delta variant is destroying Malaysians' livelihood. I'm afraid Malaysia doesn't have smart and caring leader.
@@johnji3537 How about Tajuddin Abdul Rahman? He seem to stand for woman's rights with his comment "only woman with a Kok". Along with his good management of the transport issues in Malaysia recently.
Lady from Malaysia very biased...
Mahathir said that as a PM he was pay 6000 Ringgit a month. Very poorly paid but why so many people fighting for job?
The final countdown
How long he can survive?
He is talking about kleptokrat he himself is a traitor to his comrade by created coup from PH and peoples mandate