Pilates for Spine Health

  • Опубліковано 10 бер 2024
  • Increase spinal mobility and core strength in a fun, safe environment.
    Pilates with Erin!
    full length Pilates workout
    Class flow:
    Seated Meditation:
    Technique: Seated position, hands resting on the legs or at heart center, eyes closed, deep breathing, and inward focus.
    Benefits: Helps in centering, calming the mind, and bringing awareness to the present moment. Supports emotional regulation and stress reduction.
    Neck Stretches:
    Technique: Gentle tilting of the head to the sides, holding for a few breaths, and returning to center.
    Benefits: Relieves tension in the neck muscles, improves flexibility, and promotes relaxation.
    Spinal Circles:
    Technique: Circling the spine while seated, focusing on mobilizing the back and hips.
    Benefits: Increases mobility and flexibility of the spine, releases tension in the back muscles, and prepares the body for more challenging movements.
    Active Rest Position:
    Technique: Lying on the back with soles of the feet on the ground, rocking the pelvis north to south, and engaging core muscles.
    Benefits: Engages and strengthens the core, promotes relaxation, and relieves tension in the lower back.
    Technique: Lifting one foot at a time into tabletop position while maintaining engagement through the core.
    Benefits: Strengthens the core muscles, improves stability, and enhances coordination.
    Bridge Pose:
    Technique: Lifting the hips off the ground while pressing into the feet and engaging the glutes.
    Benefits: Strengthens the back, glutes, and legs, opens the chest and shoulders, and improves spinal flexibility.
    Ball Squeezes:
    Technique: Squeezing a ball between the thighs or hands during exercises like bridge pose or abdominal curls.
    Benefits: Increases muscle engagement, especially in the inner thighs and core, enhances stability, and adds resistance to exercises.
    Tabletop Leg Reaches:
    Technique: Extending legs one at a time while maintaining stability through the core and pelvis.
    Benefits: Strengthens the core muscles, improves balance, and enhances body awareness.
    Puppy Pose:
    Technique: Stretching the arms forward while lowering the chest toward the ground, keeping hips elevated.
    Benefits: Stretches the shoulders, chest, and spine, relieves tension in the upper body, and promotes relaxation.
    Ball Exercises for Core:
    Technique: Performing core exercises with a ball, such as abdominal curls and twists.
    Benefits: Increases core strength, improves balance and stability, and enhances proprioception.
    Seated and Tabletop Twists:
    Technique: Twisting the torso while seated or in tabletop position, engaging the core and maintaining stability.
    Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the spine, massages the abdominal organs, and improves digestion.
    Cat-Cow Stretch:
    Technique: Moving between arching and rounding the spine while on hands and knees.
    Benefits: Increases flexibility and mobility of the spine, stretches the back and abdominal muscles, and promotes spinal health.
    Bird Dog Pose:
    Technique: Extending opposite arm and leg while balancing on hands and knees.
    Benefits: Strengthens the core, improves balance and coordination, and enhances stability of the spine and pelvis.
    Child's Pose and Puppy Pose:
    Technique: Resting in a kneeling position with arms extended forward (Child's Pose) or lowering chest toward the ground with hips elevated (Puppy Pose).
    Benefits: Stretches the spine, shoulders, and hips, promotes relaxation, and relieves tension in the back and neck.
    Shoulder Opener with Strap:
    Technique: Using a strap to stretch and open the shoulders by pulling it apart.
    Benefits: Increases shoulder flexibility and mobility, releases tension in the shoulders and upper back, and improves posture.
    These techniques collectively offer a well-rounded yoga practice focusing on relaxation, flexibility, strength, balance, and body awareness.


  • @Kingdabag
    @Kingdabag 2 місяці тому

    Nice outfit

  • @erinmenut
    @erinmenut  3 місяці тому

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