It is God’s will for everyone to be reconciled but its also God who gives, draws, and brings His sons and daughters to Him. If we are wise, we take His gifts with gladness and thankfulness. Because it is by grace we're even offered...
Yes... some 'believe' it to be true.. others do not believe it as truth... the choice is ours and the consequences of that choice is also ours... God won't make people believe in anything... the Bible gives a clear warning to those who choose not to believe... damnation
Many Christians and theologians seem to accept a form of invincible ignorance, which means that it would be possible for those who have never heard to be saved. So as to why they never did, it’s likely little more than the shape of a puzzle piece in the grand plan
I think it has to do with the eternal perspective and will of God vs. Time and Space. In eternity, God sees all things in time as truly present. In eternity, God "knows" who are his and who is not, even though his desire is to save the whole world. In order to carry out his perfect will, God "empowers" the foreknown to be saved in his perfect will, and empowers via his permissive will those who in his eternal perspective of time, reject the Gospel. When it comes to election- it is a Soteriological dance between Eternity and Time.
There is not a single verse in all of Scripture that says we come into this world, dead. The Scriptures teach that we die when we sin. This is the teaching of Romans 5, and Paul explicitly says in Romans 7 that he was *alive* and then the commandment came, he sinned, and as a result he *died.* And the reason that Scripture gives as to why some are lost, is because *_they harden their hearts._* It's really not that difficult. As long as you don't let Augustine confuse you, or let Calvinists bully you into some vain and pretentious, false humility, and "pious" self-righteousness. Just teach what the Scriptures teach. Some people are lost because they harden their hearts. They refused to love the truth. They chose the pleasures of sin for a season. They disbelieved the truth, and delighted in wickedness. They loved riches, and the praises of men. Do you see the common thread in all of those? It's their choice. They choose death. They had no fear of God before their eyes. But those who are saved, are those who on hearing the word of God, saw their own filth for what it was. They realized how utterly hopeless their situation was, and that they deserved the wrath of God for their rebellion. The things of this world grew strangely dim, in the Light of God's glory, and the goodness of God led them to repentance.
Do you choose where you're born? Do you choose your environment? Do you choose the evidence that convinces you? Really the obsession with choice can make your life just as miserable as hyper calvinism. Every single choice you make can cause you to slip into apostasy. God's going to let you and everyone you care about drive screaming into a ditch based on whatever mood you're in that day and if you go too far you may even delude yourself into believing you can choose to be morally perfect and fall into deep depression when you fail.
Luther wasn't our pope. What is authoritative in Lutheranism is the confessions, written by other men like Melanchton and Chemnitz, aswell. Not everything the man ever wrote.
Lutheranism is based on the Lutheran confessions, with contributions from Phillip Melancthon, Martin Chemnitz, and others. Lutheranism is not based on every word that proceeded out of the mouth or from the pen of Martin Luther.
It is God’s will for everyone to be reconciled but its also God who gives, draws, and brings His sons and daughters to Him. If we are wise, we take His gifts with gladness and thankfulness. Because it is by grace we're even offered...
Some want it...most don't. Its that simple.
Yes... some 'believe' it to be true.. others do not believe it as truth... the choice is ours and the consequences of that choice is also ours... God won't make people believe in anything... the Bible gives a clear warning to those who choose not to believe... damnation
Will we know why some don't hear the word at all?
Many Christians and theologians seem to accept a form of invincible ignorance, which means that it would be possible for those who have never heard to be saved. So as to why they never did, it’s likely little more than the shape of a puzzle piece in the grand plan
I think it has to do with the eternal perspective and will of God vs. Time and Space. In eternity, God sees all things in time as truly present. In eternity, God "knows" who are his and who is not, even though his desire is to save the whole world. In order to carry out his perfect will, God "empowers" the foreknown to be saved in his perfect will, and empowers via his permissive will those who in his eternal perspective of time, reject the Gospel. When it comes to election- it is a Soteriological dance between Eternity and Time.
There is not a single verse in all of Scripture that says we come into this world, dead. The Scriptures teach that we die when we sin. This is the teaching of Romans 5, and Paul explicitly says in Romans 7 that he was *alive* and then the commandment came, he sinned, and as a result he *died.*
And the reason that Scripture gives as to why some are lost, is because *_they harden their hearts._*
It's really not that difficult. As long as you don't let Augustine confuse you, or let Calvinists bully you into some vain and pretentious, false humility, and "pious" self-righteousness. Just teach what the Scriptures teach. Some people are lost because they harden their hearts. They refused to love the truth. They chose the pleasures of sin for a season. They disbelieved the truth, and delighted in wickedness. They loved riches, and the praises of men.
Do you see the common thread in all of those? It's their choice. They choose death.
They had no fear of God before their eyes.
But those who are saved, are those who on hearing the word of God, saw their own filth for what it was. They realized how utterly hopeless their situation was, and that they deserved the wrath of God for their rebellion. The things of this world grew strangely dim, in the Light of God's glory, and the goodness of God led them to repentance.
Do you choose where you're born? Do you choose your environment? Do you choose the evidence that convinces you? Really the obsession with choice can make your life just as miserable as hyper calvinism. Every single choice you make can cause you to slip into apostasy. God's going to let you and everyone you care about drive screaming into a ditch based on whatever mood you're in that day and if you go too far you may even delude yourself into believing you can choose to be morally perfect and fall into deep depression when you fail.
Ephesians 2:1-3 clearly says we are all born “dead” in trespasses and sins.
The “Lutheran” speaker here doesnt seem to know what Luther himself said about predestination.
Luther wasn't our pope. What is authoritative in Lutheranism is the confessions, written by other men like Melanchton and Chemnitz, aswell. Not everything the man ever wrote.
Lutheranism is based on the Lutheran confessions, with contributions from Phillip Melancthon, Martin Chemnitz, and others. Lutheranism is not based on every word that proceeded out of the mouth or from the pen of Martin Luther.