The US Air Force was a disgrace at Chosin Reservoir. The only air support the Marines got was from Marine and Navy planes. Utter failure of Air Force to provide close air support was reason for Army to get back into the aviation business.
“The mail service has been excellent out here, and in my opinion this is all that the Air Force has accomplished during the war.” -USMC Lieutenant General Chesty Puller
Oscar Brand is probably my favorite.
More good ol Oscar Brand
The US Air Force was a disgrace at Chosin Reservoir. The only air support the Marines got was from Marine and Navy planes. Utter failure of Air Force to provide close air support was reason for Army to get back into the aviation business.
“The mail service has been excellent out here, and in my opinion this is all that the Air Force has accomplished during the war.”
-USMC Lieutenant General Chesty Puller