Miami Dice, Episode 160 - Forbidden Stars

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • Ігри


  • @tbspaceship
    @tbspaceship 9 років тому +1

    I am really glad you guys are making more play throughs of the games itself. They really show how everything comes together and can be fun to watch

  • @daekwankim
    @daekwankim 9 років тому +1

    I love it when Tom moves away from Sam before he compares it to TI3. I just had flashback of Sam going 'Don't ever call it (Eclipse) TI3 lite' or something like that

  • @Salixalba1000
    @Salixalba1000 9 років тому +2

    Picked it up. Loved my first game. 3 Player however. Downtime though there I felt my time was used in planning my next moves. I often have 3 players at the table and this probably will hit the table instead of Eclipse In that situation. Components are just incredible.

  • @dorpth
    @dorpth 6 років тому +3

    I thought this game had a lot of promise but a couple things soured it for me. But what it does do, is absolutely murder the Starcraft board game. It's kind of the same system but works a lot more.
    BUT...the things that soured it:
    Map setup screw- Same problem that Twilight Imperium has where it's a long game and someone can lose right from the start by getting screwed during map construction. You must collect VP tokens from planets and other players get to place your tokens during setup. You can easily get taken out of the game if others are fickle and place your tokens all on the exact opposite ends of the map making it virtually impossible to get the winning amount in time. Likewise, someone can have the game handed to them when others put their VP tokens close to their starting area.
    Warp storms- HATED them. There are 4 warp storm barriers that block movement between 2 map sections. They are also set up by players during map creation and there's nothing keeping one or two players from being completely hemmed in a the start. Every turn, every player gets to move one of them one space. That means they're not going to be drastically shifting around so if they screw you at the start they're going to keep screwing you. You can't even use them as a way to gang up on a leader since he gets an equal chance to move them. They really should have designed their movement as a catchup mechanic where the person in last place gets to move them, or some kind of bidding system. As they are, they're so bad I want to play without them BUT you can't just take them out because so much of the Chaos faction is built around them.
    Faction imbalance- The Eldar were far and away the most powerful faction. They get a ridiculous teleport ability that lets them send units all the way across the map in a game where fast movement is vital. You would think that thematically they would be the high mobility, fragile race that they are so they wouldn't be as good in a stand up fight to balance out that crazy mobility. But that's not the case. Not only are they just as good in a stand up fight as the other factions, they're BETTER than them more often than not. It's crazy comparing them to what Space Marines or Orks get and thinking they're all balanced.

  • @investigator76
    @investigator76 9 років тому +1

    This seems like an interesting tabletop gaming experience. It really feels as though they tried to put together several types of games at once. The combat system has the feel of an actual GW minis game with the simultaneous roll of a handfull of dice ( very simplified and watered down), while at the same time you get to use a deck building mechanic, and I also get a kind of 40k conquest vibe from the switch to the card flopping that comes after the dice get rolled. It seems like FF threw everything at the wall to get something to appeal to several different types of gamers at once. This proves dangerous many more times than not, but from the looks of things, FF did a great job as usual. Thanks for the review, guys. One last question...Do you think 40k conquest has been as well accepted by die hard 40k minis players as you two enjoyed it, or are the miniatures guys just too encroached in their game to ever give an LCG a real chance? Once again, thanks for the review!

  • @ikesteroma
    @ikesteroma 9 років тому +20

    This review renews a wish that I've had for a long time. It's friggin' time for Fantasy Flight to develop and/or release Twilight Imperium 4th Edition. That would be the only way to kill TI3.

    • @EthicalCrackpot
      @EthicalCrackpot 9 років тому +1

      Ike Evans Whats wrong with TI3?

    • @ikesteroma
      @ikesteroma 9 років тому +11

      Patrick Acton TI3 has long been my favorite game of all time. But it is becoming dated. TI3 is awesome because of the epic space battle and technology theme that other games, to date, have failed to measure up to. The miniatures are esquisite, the art is (still to the day) the standard by which all other games try to live up to, and the shear epicness of it all just warms my nerdish heart. But I long for a TI4 because there is still so much room for improvement. In particular, flaws include combat system that feels clumsy and dated, way too much errata, expansions that feel pasted together, and a board set up that often discourages combat. All of these can and should be fixed. I don't live too far from FF headquarters. Maybe I should chain myself to the building until FF agrees to get to work on this?

    • @steveg7000
      @steveg7000 9 років тому +5

      Patrick Acton Oh, there are plenty of areas for improvement. The way VP are earned has a lot of problems that disconnect from what people are spending hours actually doing. And a lot of games involve people building ships and then turtling next to another empire without any way to break the stalemate. And like many FFG games that involve a lot of buildup to battles (Civilizaiton, Runewars), the battles themselves are resolved without anything resembling tactics.
      I adore TI3 for its ambitions, but it shows its age during gameplay.

    • @keithmedlin6678
      @keithmedlin6678 9 років тому +1

      Ike Evans Seems more like Starcraft than TI3...

    • @anubis243-x5h
      @anubis243-x5h 9 років тому

      Keith Medlin Doesn't it though? The first part of the review I found myself thinking about RTS videogames.

  • @danielf.6162
    @danielf.6162 9 років тому +2

    This makes me want to play Warhammer again. Time to dust off the ol' Dark Angels

  • @HeadCannonPrime
    @HeadCannonPrime 9 років тому +1

    I KNEW IT! from the live play I totally thought the down time would be brutal on this one. For a game that is basically a fancy version of 40k risk I see that as a huge drawback.

  • @gamesbymanuel
    @gamesbymanuel 9 років тому +1

    "See you on the flipside...of the starting sheet."

  • @Rhiga
    @Rhiga 9 років тому

    Thank you for another in depth review! Would you guys say this game replaces the Starcraft Board Game? Do either of you still have Starcraft in your collection?

  • @darioodde8590
    @darioodde8590 9 років тому

    They got the battle system from CITY OF REMNANTS from Plaidhat Games, which used dice plus miniature plus cards that you could play from your faction deck, that also had to build during the game by buying different kind of cards. Check that out :)

    • @azraelswrd
      @azraelswrd 9 років тому

      Dario Odde Tom reviewed CoR a few years ago and really liked it.

  • @TyrionXavier
    @TyrionXavier 9 років тому +3

    So I have the beta and have played it a dozen times, give or take. I totally agree with both of you here - less players is better. However you didn't really compare it with what I think is its biggest influence - Starcraft TBG. How do you think it compares to that?

  • @mikejonesnoreally
    @mikejonesnoreally 8 років тому +1

    Noooooooo I forgot about the component drop. Iyanden!! *sniffle* Those few. Those happy *few*.....

  • @toondankmagician8740
    @toondankmagician8740 9 років тому +6

    I think the TI3 comparison is a fair one.

    • @SamHealey6
      @SamHealey6 9 років тому +3

      Zeetro Okay...maybe it's fair, just not accurate...;)

    • @nickp3177
      @nickp3177 9 років тому

      Zeetro They aren't even the same genre. Forbidden Stars is just a conquering game. A cool looking one, but that is all it is. TI3 is politics and research and economics and exploration and, yeah, a bit of conquering in there too.

    • @steveg7000
      @steveg7000 9 років тому

      Zeetro TI3 has an area-control element, but it's not really what the game is supposed to be about.

    • @steveg7000
      @steveg7000 9 років тому +2

      Nicholas Palmer Well, most of that stuff you mention--politics, research, economics--only winds up affecting either combat directly, or affects production (which is 95% about building ships for combat). The laws passed, the techs researched, the things you spend your money on--it's all pretty much about boosting your resources cranking out more ships and getting bonuses to those d10 rolls. There are many paths in TI3, but they all do converge in that one area.

    • @homelessjoe
      @homelessjoe 9 років тому +1

      Sam Healey TI3 is a space opera. This isn't. Just because it's set in space doesn't make it necessarily comparable. For all those that agree with Tom, watch your throats. Sam's coming for you!!!!

  • @VinceYT2408
    @VinceYT2408 9 років тому

    At last, I got it. Just a question : during a battle, I don't roll any morale. But I do play a card giving a morale. Can I use the card event or can it only be triggered by a dice ?

  • @javierper3z
    @javierper3z 9 років тому +3

    I thought "shorter TI3" was a category on it's own, why not put it there? If it's just combat I'm not sure it's a TI3 killer.

  • @rsnewmanwrites
    @rsnewmanwrites 9 років тому

    I will be buying this.

  • @bernardorippe7024
    @bernardorippe7024 6 років тому

    This game is awesome!

  • @andresgarcia-baro5300
    @andresgarcia-baro5300 9 років тому +1

    This is Starcraft (the boardgame) in the WH40k universe
    The only question is: is this one shorter or easier than starcraft?

  • @uglijimus
    @uglijimus 9 років тому

    @19:04 Sam's thoughts: "why do I associate with this guy??!!"

  • @TheGrooves
    @TheGrooves 9 років тому

    So does the game with 3 or 4 players doesn't have any negociation ( alliances, bargaining, betrayal, etc. ) at all?

  • @mrbrianparker
    @mrbrianparker 9 років тому

    To the tune of a certain well-known song...
    "I want my TI3".
    I haven't played it enough to want TI4 and this game doesn't appear to be in the same territory apart from being in space.

  • @Gothbrooks420
    @Gothbrooks420 9 років тому

    I am very much on board with this. I am baffled by comments that the board is ugly, I think the art is amazing and the game play looks very interesting with the orders system and combat alike.

  • @Croc1513
    @Croc1513 9 років тому +22

    This is a 4X game, eXterminate, eXterminate, eXterminate, eXterminate.

    • @azraelswrd
      @azraelswrd 9 років тому

      Croc1513 pretty much. Barely any time to develop because you're going to be in each other's face quickly. I agree with Sam -- downtime increases massively after 2 players. Going to need simultaneous turns or something because watching that live play was....."brutal".

    • @chadvader974
      @chadvader974 9 років тому

      azraelswrd watching which live play

    • @Straddllw
      @Straddllw 9 років тому +3

      Somebody call The Doctor.

  • @maestro7058
    @maestro7058 7 років тому


  • @FabioFaschi13
    @FabioFaschi13 9 років тому

    I'm torn about this one, really like the components naturally and I like the depth of the combat but I'm really nervous about the downtime. Also I'm worried if a player can be forced to fight a two-front war in a 3-player game and be effectively eliminated. I really wish that there was another venue for interaction in this game besides combat, such as intrigue or diplomacy, that would also make the TI3 comparison more viable in my opinion haha.

  • @Crs9072
    @Crs9072 9 років тому

    Tom. If this goes to your collection like you said, what is it replacing from the collection? You said, if you add a game you take another game out.

  • @united1500
    @united1500 3 роки тому

    What happened to Sam haven't seen him in latest videos?

  • @billthecanuck
    @billthecanuck 9 років тому +2

    I disagree about being bored when the other players are fighting in 3 & 4 player games. You gain alot of good info when observing a fight and not taking part in it. What cards which player is going to play in certain situations etc.. i'm sure as time goes on it'll just be second nature to know what someone is building their decks around however while learning i've found every battle interesting. You get to see the cards the player has been buying and can adapt your build around it if you need to, before even engaging in battle against either player. I have played one 4 player game and two 3 player games so far, with another 3 player game scheduled for tonight :)

  • @GeneWarren
    @GeneWarren 9 років тому

    Thinking about using this instead of Planetary Empires to run a campaign for my 40K group

  • @MarekBorecki
    @MarekBorecki 9 років тому +2

    Any comparison with StarCraft or RuneWars?

  • @dnaseb9214
    @dnaseb9214 3 роки тому +1

    Honestly ignore what Sam said, this game is VERY similar to TI3 and 4 once you start playing it.

    • @thedicetower
      @thedicetower  3 роки тому

      Yes, they have some similarities, but I feel like they are VERY different games.

  • @yankeehill10
    @yankeehill10 6 років тому

    At first, I thought this was going to be another game from Matt Leacock like Forbidden Desert and Forbidden Island

  • @AmigaFanatic1980
    @AmigaFanatic1980 6 років тому +1

    So wish they had pushed out an expansion (or 2) before they parted ways with GW :-(

  • @inhumanbookworm
    @inhumanbookworm 9 років тому +6

    This is 2X genre. Expand and Exterminate

  • @kobusstander324
    @kobusstander324 9 років тому

    That is a bit sad. Was really looking forward to it and love the mechanics and stuff. But, the downtime is going to be a bit of a issue. Hopefully they can do a second edition or expansion.

  • @chadvader974
    @chadvader974 9 років тому

    I dont think there is room in my collection for more than 1 4x game. I have Eclipse. Wondering if this is worth trading eclipse for...

  • @mmarosmiscik
    @mmarosmiscik 9 років тому +7

    Shame you didnt mention Starcraft, it seems they are very similar games

    • @gogtad4395
      @gogtad4395 9 років тому +2

      If you take away the cool building types the 5th and 6th player then add a dice element to StarCrafts combat system you get this game. They are more than just similar this is a re-design. I have my suspicions that Tom has been encouraged not to compare them. FFG doesn't have the blizzard license anymore they have this games workshop license so I understand this re-design but just call a spade a spade.

    • @keel1701
      @keel1701 9 років тому +2

      Considering he mentioned Star craft in the live play, I doubt he has been encouraged to do that.

    • @keel1701
      @keel1701 9 років тому +3

      Oh, and since Corey K. Is a designer for both games, they wouldn't be stepping on anyone's toes by stealing anything.

  • @KX5Kat
    @KX5Kat 9 років тому +1

    I'm new to board games, at least strategy ones, I've played Warhammer on PC for years though. I've ordered the game but I'd like to replace some of the underwhelming flag models with some proper Warhammer miniature figurines. Can anyone suggest some cool appropriately sized models?

    • @mikejonesnoreally
      @mikejonesnoreally 8 років тому

      It would be expensive as heck because it's out of print but some models from the FFG game Horus Heresy would work really well.

    • @Talon3000
      @Talon3000 8 років тому

      Maybe you can find some miniatures from Epic 40k, those are pretty tiny. Though the game has been out of production for an eternity.

  • @martinarnold5239
    @martinarnold5239 9 років тому +1

    FFG's new pricing model is utter nonsense. Armada was massively overprioced and so is this.

  • @buckweevil
    @buckweevil 9 років тому

    Needs more Nurgle.

  • @trevor7861
    @trevor7861 9 років тому +1

    Don't see what everyone is bitching about. The board and components all look awesome. 40k is grim and great in terms of theme. Gameplay looks fun. Only thing that bugs me is the usual dice tower mistakes, which are forgivable

  • @IF040020
    @IF040020 9 років тому

    Give us TI 4!

  • @enjoythestruggle
    @enjoythestruggle 7 місяців тому

    I was able to acquire it yesterday, bwahahahahaha.

  • @jayc2193
    @jayc2193 9 років тому

    Can anybody compare this game with Exodus?

  • @steveg7000
    @steveg7000 9 років тому

    I'm pretty disappointed, basically I was hoping for something grander in scope, or at least in presentation. The player boards look like what I'd expect from a 40k game, but the tiles just don't bring the awesome. Too bad. This is the one game this year I was really looking forward to.

  • @Lwilibert
    @Lwilibert 5 років тому

    this one or REX?

  • @zeroisnine
    @zeroisnine 9 років тому

    I look at this game and see an interesting card/dice game + chrome. If I could just buy a card/dice version, it'd be an easy buy. Instead I'm just like, meh. The units aren't even units, they are just flags.

  • @chadvader974
    @chadvader974 9 років тому

    bolters up.

  • @Grnhrz
    @Grnhrz 9 років тому

    What's with all the "Materiel" spelling? Is that on purpose??

    • @Veles343
      @Veles343 9 років тому

      Gruenherz It's a real word, a simple explanation of what it means is military equipment. Spelt that way because it's from ze french

    • @Grnhrz
      @Grnhrz 9 років тому

      Oh thank you, I had no Idea! I was here already thinking "I can't believe FFG made a blunder like that AND it made it past the editors into the final game" ;)

  • @zyb3r29
    @zyb3r29 7 років тому

    When they they throw the components like that,I get so triggered

  • @zylothecat7449
    @zylothecat7449 8 років тому

    the guy on the left says the game is one of the best games of the year. the guy on the right says the game sucks. such a huge gap...

  • @benfoster6715
    @benfoster6715 9 років тому +6

    I'd like to try the game, but it just gives off a vibe of mediocrity (brand exploitation, price inflation).

    • @dreadknot69
      @dreadknot69 9 років тому +3

      Ben Foster I think you should take a look at GW themselves if you want to see brand exploitation and price inflation:
      If it wasn't for FFG, I would never have a 40K universe game less than $250-$300! (Canadian).
      At least Forbidden Stars looks like a good game as well.

    • @benfoster6715
      @benfoster6715 9 років тому +1

      The argument of "X is worse" doesn't really right a wrong, so to speak.

    • @benfoster6715
      @benfoster6715 9 років тому

      Yea, the gameplay just doesn't have any hooks to draw me in. Simultaneously simple and bloated. I was hoping that a $100 msrp 40k space conquest game would offer either grand strategy or operational simulation.

  • @jimsmith7445
    @jimsmith7445 9 років тому

    Thanks for the game review... though I too am NOT a huge fan of the Warhammer system, I found this game almost too impossible to resist... plastic miniatures... great board art.... tiled map boards? COUNT ME IN! Keep up the good work, as always... Do you think that, following up on Forbidden Desert, and Forbidden Island... there might be a new "Forbidden..." something (city, town, marsh, spaceship... etc) ???

  • @Syrilian
    @Syrilian 7 років тому

    I also personally found the rule books to be horrible in explaining things.

  • @adlertag262
    @adlertag262 9 років тому

    Ugh, not YAW40kG