What If I'm Not Hungry on Keto...Like...Ever?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @demongroovemusic
    @demongroovemusic 3 роки тому +52

    I can eat a small amount of fat and protein once a day and not be hungry, and I've endless energy. It's blowing my mind. This is how we lived for millenniums, it makes sense. Still not losing a ton of weight after 1 month but i might have a fatty liver, needs to go from there first. Keto is amazing in every way.

    • @a.c.slater573
      @a.c.slater573 Рік тому +3

      Any update?

    • @EroticOnion23
      @EroticOnion23 Рік тому +2

      Some guy in the 70s didn't eat for an entire YEAR (minus some vitamins and yeast for essential amino acids)...

  • @tedsantiago4505
    @tedsantiago4505 Рік тому +17

    I was a skeptic about keto. I've thought how can you leave without carbs...? seems impossible. just shows how programed we are to eat carbs so frequently
    I'm on keto, 4 weeks in, been doing OMAD for a week, and I couldn't feel any better! I exercise, do sprints, sleep well and mental clarity I haven't experienced in a very long time.

  • @The_Infinite_Journey
    @The_Infinite_Journey Рік тому +17

    I havent ate in two days because I was told to just listen to my hunger. I feel amazing! Its insane lol as long as I add my sodium, magnesium and potassium with a few other vitamins to my water, I am good to go and feel better than I ever have. Im going to see how long I can go.

  • @ASTUTTS100
    @ASTUTTS100 Рік тому +10

    Thank you!! I thought well I didn't know what to think!! I'm obese and started keto 5 days ago. Feel good but the thought of eating lunch is like icky. I'm just not hungry. I'm not super active but do feel like I've got some energy I didn't have for many months now. I'm being super careful but had to make myself eat last night and could only do a few bites without feeling my gag reflex warning to go into action. I'm not giving up! This is the time I become healthy for the remainder of my life!

    • @supercorp45
      @supercorp45 Рік тому +1

      Eat vegetables eat chicken breast without the skin and you be ok

  • @chellepatino1675
    @chellepatino1675 2 роки тому +80

    I just hit some kind of zone. I'm not hungry all day and had to force myself to get to 800 calories today

  • @bkrisp30
    @bkrisp30 3 роки тому +34

    Wow, super helpful info. I’ve been eating 500-700 a day and worried that I’m not hungry for a second meal. Glad to know that my brain is still getting enough energy this way

  • @nancyorkeithm1518
    @nancyorkeithm1518 2 роки тому +17

    Ok I’m going with this… I keep forcing myself to eat to get “enough protein” and “nutrients”. And when I’m hungry I will eat bc that does happen too. My damn liver is definitely producing ketones so I think I’ll be alright until
    I am for real

  • @southpawhammer8644
    @southpawhammer8644 3 роки тому +39

    Thank you! I haven't eaten in two days and I'm not hungry.

    • @lostinspace613
      @lostinspace613 2 роки тому +15

      I thought there was something wrong with me. I don't get hungry. I have to force a meal replacement keto shake

  • @shimasaniei4367
    @shimasaniei4367 3 роки тому +18

    I don’t get hungry at all and can do IF with 500 calories a day. However, I force myself to eat a complete healthy meal. I then feel too full during nights.

  • @a.c.slater573
    @a.c.slater573 Рік тому +9

    This is me right now. I've been Keto for 3-4 weeks and after eating lunch at 1pm (4 eggs, 4 bacon, mushrooms, cheese, avocado, mayo, then some nuts/seeds) - I can't even eat at 7pm. I don't get hungry until 1pm the next day. Happy to know it's safe - no idea how many calories I'm eating and I'm not counting. I'm 6'2 192lbs at the moment and I'm working out 3-4 times a week. I have energy. I sleep early and wake early. I feel I've been detoxed and corrected. I've also given up smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol with no cravings (been doing both 15 years solid).

    • @tedsantiago4505
      @tedsantiago4505 Рік тому

      wow man, good on you! good to see you turn the bad habits around

    • @a.c.slater573
      @a.c.slater573 Рік тому

      @@tedsantiago4505 Thanks! It's been a long time coming.

    • @wab_
      @wab_ Рік тому

      any update? have your appetite opened up a little?

    • @a.c.slater573
      @a.c.slater573 Рік тому +1

      @@wab_ I got down to 180lbs but now at 185lbs and rising. I actually work out 6 days a week so I have stopped checking the scales and just doing eye test in the mirror. I’ve put on a lot of muscle. My hunger is 1 or 2 meals a day, I try to 24h fast every Friday. I actually had some cheat meals at Christmas and New Years then back to keto until this weekend were I had a little sugar and carbs. Will go back to strict Keto for another 1-2 months before reintroducing carbs as I started this in October. I feel like when I’m under 15% bf I will start carb/bulking and trying to gain more Size but the fat has melted off me these past 3 months I started at 215lbs. I do 0 cardio. I had had a few drinks but my alcohol and tobacco use drastically decreased and will stay that way.

  • @SpiralMystic
    @SpiralMystic Рік тому +3

    Fantastic! The 'extreme low calorie' video for us Keto people.
    Forget the rest, they all regurgitate the same 'starvation mode' fears. Applicable only to carb fueled people.

  • @Urmomlolllllll
    @Urmomlolllllll Рік тому +5

    Thank you so so much! This helps me a ton. I was worrying for days trying to figure out what was happening to me.
    Three months ago, I started walking daily (30 mins a day) and doing 20 mins weights twice a week just to be more active again. The first month I became hungrier for protein and ate more than usual. My weight stayed unchanged but I became stronger and leaner. I just kept going. The hunger tapered off while my strength and energy increased even further. Now, for about a week or so, I have had this gross fruity taste in my mouth and just don’t feel that hungry. Still crave chicken/salmon/ chia after workouts but other than that I have to force myself to eat. I average 800-1000 cals per day, being 5’1.

    • @DJT_2024
      @DJT_2024 Рік тому +3

      the fruity taste is a definite sign your in ketosis 👍

    • @lindahandley5267
      @lindahandley5267 Рік тому

      @@DJT_2024 Sure is!

    • @coachcicely908
      @coachcicely908 Рік тому +1

      Yes, you may want to Google "keto breath". It usually goes away after 2 weeks. Some things you can do to help it are 1. Drink plenty of water; I drink sometimes more than a gallon a day. 2. Add things like cinnamon or cloves to your tea. 3. Eat less protein and more complex carbs, like green leafy vegetables. 4. Suck on xylitol sweetened sugar free mints or gum, or 5 just wait it out; it's part of the process.💪

  • @WH2012
    @WH2012 4 роки тому +11

    Mark you look fantastic and full of robust health.

  • @mattlm64
    @mattlm64 4 роки тому +30

    I don't get very hungry (fasting is a piece of cake... except without the cake) and I can end up losing weight easily. Since I don't want to lose much weight I do have to eat when I'm not hungry and I do make an effort to eat more fat.

    • @WH2012
      @WH2012 4 роки тому +6

      Matthew Mitchell I have that issue too. I actually get apathetic about food! (Which can be a problem if not mindful.) I do think this is where people can really get into trouble.

    • @lbee8247
      @lbee8247 3 роки тому +3

      I started the carnivore diet because of symptoms of prediabetes and sugar addiction. I'm only 112 lbs. I was like 115-118. This is day 14 and today I actually dreaded eating. I did the London no starch diet for 15 years. I kept trying to cut back on sugars but I lose control the moment I eat just a taste. Sugar alcohols mess my gut up. I haven't felt hungry in 7 days. I just force myself to eat and it's getting harder.

  • @awesometulips9427
    @awesometulips9427 4 роки тому +6

    This is a must watch video to understand calories on keto, liver function, and burning your own fat🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • @thomasbrooksjr380
    @thomasbrooksjr380 3 роки тому +17

    I think calories are overrated unless your your energy demands are always changing ie athlete, the body is very amazing at adapting and becoming efficient over time, the focus should be on minerals/vitamin nutrition density. The stomach is no bigger than a fist.. i believe we don't even actually need to eat every day, we just do it because of the sensuality of taste and the endorphins it creates get us hooked 🤔?

    • @DaddyOKaboom
      @DaddyOKaboom 3 роки тому +6

      this is kinda true, our ancestors didn't eat everday, eating everday is an after effect of our civilization development

    • @richardmiddleton7770
      @richardmiddleton7770 2 роки тому +1

      Sort of, you will eventually need to eat though and your hunger will be so strong that you will over eat and store fat but if you're conditioned to burn body fat then you'll burn it off during your next fasting period. You can't just simply keep getting smaller and smaller, no will power in the world will let you do that, it's basic survival.

  • @jessytheyodellingirl
    @jessytheyodellingirl Рік тому +7

    what a useful information. I keep trying to eat until I almost vomits, because I'm afraid of losing energy through out the day. I've only been able to eat 1000 cal at most. I'll listen to my hunger, then

    • @RenaWells
      @RenaWells Рік тому +3

      This is me pushing to make a 1000 this is blowing my mind with the amount of energy I have!!!

    • @ramblinrozz2242
      @ramblinrozz2242 7 місяців тому

      Me too, so tired of forcing food and gagging on it.

  • @corteltube
    @corteltube 2 місяці тому +1

    I am only able to eat 1,100 a day…I have been shocked at how unhungry I am on Keto. I do t know ow if I am in Ketosis…I don’t want the hassle of monitoring blood and I am not diabetic, but my whole family is and I want to stay no. Diabetic. I just count just macros, but just the side effect of not being hungry …well that is a first for me. I only have about 20 lb I want to lose. This way of eating does work. I realize I will need to eat this way forever to keep it off…and I am ok with that.

  • @lindahandley5267
    @lindahandley5267 Рік тому +3

    In 2019, after losing my dear husband. I became somewhat depressed and was isolating myself. I knew I needed to do something, so hearing about keto, I decided to give it a try. I loved it because it was simple and easy to follow. I quickly lost 20 lbs. and had a renewed energy for life. Plus, I had gotten back into church and was seeing friends and family again. THEN, the 'pandemic' set in.
    The isolation and boredom messed me up and I gave in to the lure of carbs again. I restarted keto again 3 weeks ago. I haven't been counting carbs, but know I don't go over 30 a day. I am never truly hungry and only eat one meal a day. I'm a 'senior' and have type 2. My blood sugars have never been so good...amazing really. My biggest problem is feeling extremely fatigued and lethargic. That feeling only lasted a couple of days with the 2020 diet. I'm just wondering when I will start to feel better.

    • @doomeduser4048
      @doomeduser4048 Рік тому +3

      Sorry about your loss. I had that feeling of lethargy too and getting more electrolytes helped me. You could try a supplement for it to find out quickly.

    • @cma3436
      @cma3436 Рік тому +1

      I agree, electrolytes will help this issue.

  • @kentondragon9263
    @kentondragon9263 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the info..and thank you liver👍🥰

  • @Snikkelbek
    @Snikkelbek 4 роки тому +16

    It's a slippery slope to be honest. I'm never hungry on keto, and I hit the wall..HARD.
    Listen very good to your body. If you start feeling weak or extremely stressed out, it could be insufficient intake of calories.

    • @richardmiddleton7770
      @richardmiddleton7770 2 роки тому +3

      Yes. It can also be dehydration, low sodium and lack of sleep which can be an issue on keto.

    • @SpiralMystic
      @SpiralMystic Рік тому +1

      Need electrolytes.

  • @sueme1954
    @sueme1954 3 роки тому +6

    My upper belly fat thanks you profusely. 🤓

  • @criticalthinker7822
    @criticalthinker7822 Рік тому

    I like how he has a checklist I'm the beginning. If everything is good, all systems go.

  • @jack6539
    @jack6539 Рік тому

    Interesting. One week into Keto diet and after about day 2 have really not felt hungry at all. Totally satiated. I have almost been struggling to eat 3 meals a day. The interesting thing is that this is the way I was in my late teens and never experienced it since then until now (I was a scrawny little weed who would often forget to eat). Total intake is around 1350 calories a day, but with exercise, net calories around 600. Will keep going and be onguard for when I do get hungry - and make sure I don't overdo it. This actually feels like it's my natural body metabolism is back. I have a lot of weight to lose, so all good -provided I keep my nutrients up to as close to the requisite level as I can.

  • @kraziejacko
    @kraziejacko 6 днів тому

    Good to know. I struggle to eat on keto.... I eat because I feel like it's bad if I don't, but if my liver is making enough ketones. I'll relax.

  • @mrvlhs
    @mrvlhs 3 роки тому +1

    This is beautiful

  • @keshav7428
    @keshav7428 2 роки тому +1

    I would say fast for a few days then feast for a day on Keto so that your BMR doesn’t go down

  • @SweepDailyWin
    @SweepDailyWin Рік тому

    Love Fasting. Never hungry. Can watch food channels all day! Love a clear mind!

  • @adulthumanfemale2665
    @adulthumanfemale2665 8 місяців тому

    I needed to hear this I've stopped all sugar food and max 20 GM's carbs then 16 hr fasting to now 24 now 36 drinking 2 litres of water a day. I think my stomache has shrunk inside. I'm not hungry either. I think my body is eating the fat and high blood sugar as I'm trying to reverse diabetes

  • @ZipzZzzz5
    @ZipzZzzz5 2 роки тому +3

    I made one omelett today, and im so god damn full all day after. Its too full actually, it’s annoying. I really need to eat less its crazy. its almost 8 hours after the meal, and im full up to my throat.

  • @sdgirlCook
    @sdgirlCook Рік тому

    And he looks great❤

  • @johannaj2009
    @johannaj2009 Рік тому +1

    Finally reached keto. I am not hungry. 😮 I want to loose 10kg. I go for one big egg meal with bacon and avocados in the morning and have roasted hazelnuts in the evening … that’s about it

  • @osrsnaturis
    @osrsnaturis 2 роки тому +1

    I eat like 200+ grams of fat 120+g protein arround 50g carbs in a day on keto vegan intermeting fasting easly and im 65kg very fit some weighlifting and doing 50 hours physical demanding job per week, still losing weight which I dont want :) so trying to add 1 carb day a week +- 350g of carbs which I enjoy and next day I gained 1.2 kg of weight from 65 to 66.2 kg Im never hungy even when I am not eating for 20 hours, tho adding fat soy milk to my coffees for extra calories.

  • @sdgirlCook
    @sdgirlCook Рік тому

    I can easily go 24 hours or more. I have like 20 extra lb on me. I love it to be NOT hungry! But when I am hungry I eat a lot. Like 2000 calories bc of fats. It would be eggs, butter, cream cheese, bacon, tuna, cheese and some cream😊

  • @effthegop
    @effthegop Рік тому

    I'm a year older than Mark and I should be as fit as he is. I'm 2 weeks into zero carbs and my appetite is almost almost non existent Yesterday I couldn't finish a hamburger pattie. Weird. I am 60 pounds overweight (50 now) and active. I do feel a bit run down the last couple of days, otherwise I wouldn't have eaten anything. No carb cravings yet but I am expecting them and I am prepared to deal with them.

  • @jenrenee7415
    @jenrenee7415 4 роки тому +19

    I have to choke down food because I have no appetite at all! It makes me want to gag trying to eat. Is that normal?

    • @frawleyfitness5052
      @frawleyfitness5052 4 роки тому +3

      Same here. That is why I came here. Has it gotten better for you?

    • @JannatJannat56
      @JannatJannat56 3 роки тому +8

      Watch Dr.Berg video .He says dont eat if u r not feeling hungry on keto .This shows that u r on ketosis and u r burning fat .

    • @auroralane8839
      @auroralane8839 3 роки тому +2

      Omg I get a similar thing, not quite so severe. I do feel nauseous if I eat when not hungry. But even people at my workplace, they sit and snack all day on chocolate and crisps - that even makes me feel a bit off..

    • @DaddyOKaboom
      @DaddyOKaboom 3 роки тому +2

      try some nuts or salted nuts, like salted peanuts or macadamia nuts from time to time to up the calories intake if you really feel like you need to and you don't want to chow down on lots of food. Over 600 calories in a small 100g bag.

    • @thebrokenmystic879
      @thebrokenmystic879 3 роки тому +1

      @@JannatJannat56 good because I’m never hungry

  • @robinbeers6689
    @robinbeers6689 4 роки тому +13

    IMO, the problem about keto is the emphasis on "butter chugging", i.e. eating a bunch of fats or oils, killing your appetite for solid food. Not that fat is bad for us but it is not covering all the bases in terms of nutrients. Try ignoring the macros and just eat real animal products, actual meat, fish, and eggs. I feel so much better as a carnivore than I did on keto.

    • @cheshire_skatkat9093
      @cheshire_skatkat9093 3 роки тому

      I did carnivore but had to go back to Atkins. The my stomach couldn't handle all the meat and protein like that. Plus, I just like veggies. Lol

    • @robinbeers6689
      @robinbeers6689 3 роки тому

      @@cheshire_skatkat9093 Meat is the easiest thing in the world for your body to digest. The exception could be when people have gallbladder issues. Sometimes the large amount of fat in meaty meals overloads the bile production capabilities of a gallbladder with lots of stones and sludge in it. You might want to have that checked next time you are at the doctor.

  • @Pipsterz
    @Pipsterz 3 місяці тому

    OK, so how to get metabolically flexible? Do you have a video teaching on this?

  • @UnknownUser-sc6jx
    @UnknownUser-sc6jx 2 роки тому +3

    I'm under weight now and don't get hungry at all don't feel any hunger even when i am doing 10k steps a day

  • @emtronea1
    @emtronea1 3 роки тому +3

    ive eaten around 600 calories today and its trying to escape, so im gona listen to my hunger lol

  • @alexiadowd8815
    @alexiadowd8815 3 роки тому +2

    If you are eating high fat for hormone balance and fertility, do you still recommend eating at such a large deficit?

    • @ColorMeRado
      @ColorMeRado Рік тому +1

      Yes. I did. After keto every single time I would end up getting pregnant after I lost a little weight. But carnivore has cured my hormonal/ period issues better than keto did.

  • @9yearoldUmar
    @9yearoldUmar Рік тому

    1 month in to keto , and I can’t be bothered to eat , good sign

  • @lunaticatiga
    @lunaticatiga 5 місяців тому

    What if I feel hunger in my stomach but I dont feel like eating anything. I would have to force myself to eat. What is that???

  • @iam2038
    @iam2038 Рік тому

    Your body will get used to the very low calories and make it very hard to maintain or will stall. Been there done that.

    • @TheShumoby
      @TheShumoby 7 місяців тому

      If you eat enough protein, less than 20g of carbs and in ketosis, your body will use your body fats for ketones. Once your in your ideal weight you can adjust your caloric intake strategically based your your desired macros.

  • @lbee8247
    @lbee8247 3 роки тому +2

    I'm only 112 lbs. I eat but I haven't felt hungry in a week. In fact today I was absolutely turned off from eating. Advice from anyone is welcome you just have to read this whole comment. I am not calorie counting. I started the carnivore diet because I kept getting high blood sugar readings in both my doctor blood work and my home blood glucose thing I bought. I was doing the London no starch diet for 15 years but I am severely addicted to sugar. Trying to cut back from sugar for me was like a drug addict trying to cut back on drugs. So, after failing the cutting back and months of constant peeing and pins and needles and then a hot thumb for no reason I went cold turkey on all carbs. I started 14 days ago. The first couple of days I was constantly hungry. Eating like 6 eggs and 3 jumbo Kirkland Costco bacons for breakfast, drinking keto tea or keto water, and steak or chicken liver. Then one day I woke up and I just wasn't hungry but I ate anyway. Now today I forced myself to eat two 100% grass fed organic beef hot dogs because I ran out of bacon. I did not want to eat it. Now I am trying to force myself to drink this bullet proof tea I mean keto tea. Yesterday I ate 4oz of beef bone broth heavy on fat (I added clean lard and chicken butter to the recipe) and later my husband took me out and I had mussels cooked in butter. I couldn't finish the dish. That's all I had all day. I can't find any advice if eating a carb or strict keto diet for health when you don't need to lose weight. I think my doctors don't care because I'm not overweight. They didn't even mention my high sugar levels only my high inflammation levels on my blood work. In which they want me back on medication. Since doing Carnivore my GKI levels stay in moderate to maximum levels. I called a Dr. Berg nutrition consultant but even she seemed focus on weight loss and selling me vitamins that have cellulose in it. My inflammation levels shoot up with cellulose. I wish I knew what to do. I don't want. Diabetes. But I also don't want to lose weight and I don't know how else to kick my sugar addiction. Also sugar alcohols have all triggered my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms. I haven't tried pure monk fruit yet. The blend messes me up. Pure monk fruit sweetener without anything else is like 22 American dollars for 5 oz pack. Besides it probably would trigger my sugar addiction and I would lose control again. Advice from anyone is welcome. Feel free to ask me anything.

    • @ColorMeRado
      @ColorMeRado Рік тому +2

      I used to have this same issue. Try sugar free protein drinks a couple times a day will really help you

    • @lbee8247
      @lbee8247 Рік тому +1

      @@ColorMeRado thank you. You know, that carnivore/keto I did broke my sugar addiction. I went off the strict no carb and started eating vegetables and then other things but not grains and high starchy foods. Then I started eating fruit and even had some sugar but I was fine. I didn't binge eat any thing anymore. Currently I'm on carnivore again. Not keto. I'm not concerned with the fat. What I am learning is the reason Keto diet helps people loose weight is consuming all that fat makes the body burn fat. I'm just eating meat and I'm not really losing weight. Meat and water. No coffee or keto coffee. I am back on carnivore because I got a Crohn's flare (they changed my diagnosis at my last colonoscopy & endoscopy). I know if I remain on just meat and water I will probably never have another flare again. But to be honest I can't stand only eating meat. I also miss coffee and wine which obviously do not go well with Crohn's. So I'm not committed to this meat and water diet. For now I'm just waiting for my gut to heal. Most of my symptoms have subsided. Thank you for your recommendation of the protein shakes. Not sure what I could make them with. I think I developed an egg intolerance too. It may have been eggs that triggered the Crohn's flare. I will experiment with different egg parts once the flare is all the way over. Also I plan on trying eggs from birds other than chickens to see if I do better with duck, quail or geese eggs. For now I eat bacon, chicken, Chicken liver, fish and beef and water. I add minerals to my water.

    • @ColorMeRado
      @ColorMeRado Рік тому

      @@lbee8247 oh I gotcha. That's rough. I'm not sure

  • @The_New_Abnormal_World_Order

    I started keto about 2 weeks ago and it started quite well. I completely lost my appetite and subsequently was eating not many calories per day. After 10 days I had lost weight and my belly was flat. However, For the past few days I've had no energy whatsoever and my mood has gone down hill. I suppose I just need to eat more calories, but I'm eager to keep losing weight and ideally as quick as possible! I hear great things about int4ermittent fasting too, but I'm struggling as it is, so God knows if it would be a good idea to try that or not?? Maybe I'm not getting my macros quite right or I'm not getting enough nutrients since my appetite went away??

    • @ASouthernLadyinAppalachia
      @ASouthernLadyinAppalachia Рік тому +2

      Make sure you are getting enough electrolytes.

    • @The_Infinite_Journey
      @The_Infinite_Journey Рік тому +1

      @@ASouthernLadyinAppalachia Yessss!! I havent been hungry in two days so I literally just havent ate. But as long as I have my sodium, magnesium and potassium and a few vitamins I feel amazing. Its insane!

    • @SpiralMystic
      @SpiralMystic Рік тому +1

      Think ‘more nutrition’ before ‘more calories’.

  • @Cacophony314
    @Cacophony314 Рік тому

    Please say, don't eat, please say, don't eat...
    I lift weights, so sometimes I need to force feed myself to get adequate nutrition. I find it tough.

  • @Antoinne9
    @Antoinne9 9 місяців тому

    The thing is, when I'm hungry the thought of keto food is killing my appetite. I'd rather sleep than eat keto food

  • @Cacophony314
    @Cacophony314 Рік тому

    Please say don't eat, please say don't eat...

  • @anklebracelet2071
    @anklebracelet2071 3 роки тому +10

    I thought you were joe biden lmao

    • @ths3297
      @ths3297 3 роки тому +1

      Oh yeah, I see that too, long lost brothers?

    • @Max_Krypto
      @Max_Krypto Рік тому

      ​​@@ths3297this guy can actually speak and hold a thought without zoning into a dementia type state

  • @SalsaSippin_
    @SalsaSippin_ 2 роки тому +1

    I have been eating carnivore for the past two and a half weeks. Today I was not hungry at all. I felt a hunger pain two times for one second today. I have no desire to eat today LOL and my energy is through the roof!