not just the physical part but also considering she is singing half speed. Later on for Meteorites acoustic video she did it one better singing backwards at maybe double speed
+svndhu I really don't think that's a cut. It just looks like the camera tracked over to the window she was coming back through. You can even see the corner she left from a few seconds later on the very left side of the screen.
1) she's not doing anything to make a single shot challenging. it's just randomly applying paint to parts of the set. 2) not a single take. 3) all you have to do is play the song back at a slower speed and lip sync to that instead. really, really easy.
i used to watch this on repeat as a kid, something about the paint was so satisfying I swear i memorized every colour and lines lol watching this feels really nostalgic :"")
I always wondered how they filmed this? It's all one take and yet the film is sped up and Lights is mouthing in sync with the song. It's very impressive stuff you don't see in music videos.
They probably had the song playing in slo motion for her to lip sync to so that it would sound normal when it was played back faster. Helps cover up any lip sync mistakes too
Lights was VERY GOOD back in the day at using innovative little tricks to maximize her production value. If you find some of her old blogs she probably explains exactly how it was done. IIRC, Ice involved spray painting boots and buying expensive leather pants and returning them after the shoot 🤫
Ugh I still love this song so much. I can’t believe it’s been 12 yrs…I met lights in early 2020, and she was such a sweetheart. Made me wish more people knew about her :’) so underrated (glad this mv got a lot of views tho. Deserved)
Didn’t really know who she was until We Were Here came out. Though I have seen this music video a while back and thought it was a Boxxy related fever dream cause I didn’t pay too much attention to the title.
I met LIGHTS in 2011 at Calgary Stampede :') we waited 2 hours but it was sooo worth it! I still have her signed bag, and I remember how she couldn't take photos because they were in a hurry, so she gave me a hug instead. 07/13/2011 Best. Day. Ever.
This was the first ever song I heard by her and I still think it’s one of the best music videos. I’ve loved her ever since and now I listen to her newest album Pep! 💛❤️💙
2010 man... second go, i got a feeling, california girls, bullet proof, high school years at an end, biggest memories and nostalgia comes with this song
I remember in my youth staying up late and watching Much music on my 24 inch tube tv in my room, when suddenly Lights song "Drive my Soul" came on and I was instantly hooked. My eyes and ears were glued to the screen and before I knew it the song and video was over. I would contantly leave my T.V on my Much just to see if the song would come on and when it would I drop everything just to watch it. I would go to my friends and tell them how great and talented this singer is and tell them about the video, they were quite surprised as I mostly listened to metal/rock. I I started doing more reseach on Lights and bought some of her CDs and would routinely go on youtube and watch some of her videos, still glued to the screen. I fell out of music and a lot of things for a time and I've come back and now as an adult... I still think she is fantastic.
What would of happened if she messed up towards the end? Like she slipped or she sang the wrong words. 'Okay guys… we need to repaint the whole set white again'
Some random useless information: This whole video was shot at half speed, then played back at original speed to match the vocals to give it that sped up look, so she was actually doing all this at a slow pace :)
*He* has her singing lyrics from the Torah Codes. Most of the pop singers do NOT know what they have been singing about or WHO is indicated in the songs or WHY! To Whom It May Concern; RE: Torah Codes and POP SINGERS Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. It is sad how the CIA destroyed all of their careers and Lou Pealman's life all because they are in the Torah Codes, as their names are connected to the matrixes of the Terror sequences, for reasons such as being indirectly connected to Pearlman who was obviously connected to Backstreet Boys, and their touring road crew was on the planes during the 911 September 11th 2001 attacks and the members of the road crews that travelled and toured with these bands some were killed. I believe people like Brian Littrell's wife and even Mark Wahlberg had last minute flight changes. As they and others since, obviously Boston etc. and now New York, when the B44 guys friend and person they have sang with Josh Groban who was also in the Bible Torah codes, for those of you that do not understand what those are, mathematicians can find codes or keywords messages in the Torah through equal-distance skip sequencing. It reveals many hidden truths about life and of the people in the world, all people are in the "BOOK OF LIFE"" Jesus saves all who believe and there is HOPE for all who accept Christ as their savior, so in the bible, not just the plain text, many have found codes about President Kennedy and the grassy knoll, most have heard about those, but many have NOT heard about the sequences related to the Terror attacks, and as such all of the people and those that have been part of or indirectly part of the lives of those same people are in the codes. So much like the "Kevin Bacon Game" if you have heard of it, he being an actor in an Oliver Stone movie, who filmed about Kennedy, (though his theory not exact) the reality everybody is in the codes in "matrixes" or groupings of sometimes connected and or interconnected ways. The guys in B44, Ryan,Dan and Ohad are in there too. When they and even ones like BSB NSYNC JT,were made to sing certain songs and film certain videos that were considered "ODD" it is because government security behind the scenes was making the record execs like Pearlman, co-operate with them to get the guys, to ACT-OUT the "clues" or keywords that did NOT necessarily apply to them BUT were in code sequences NEAR them to try to figure out WHAT it all meant. Kind of like saying if only we could figure out WHO the person is that has dentures, AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE VIDEO THEY HAVE HIM ACTING OUT AS IF HE IS WITH AN OLDER WOMAN WITH DENTURES, and NOTE Justin Timberlake TOO has been asked to do the SAME he sang DRESS ON, about a person with dentures, SAME with BSB in songs, where they had to sing .....Don't let them take away your smile, a soldier is out there taking them on, etc. and if you WATCH or LISTEN to MANY of the VIDEOS /SONGS you will hear it and think OMG WHAT on earth is going on? And why is B44 made to sing about "sexual themes" ......think M. Lewinsky, in the codes near a President BUT she IS NOT the one with the "kneepads" unlike the CIA, who believed she was, SHE IS NOT THEN NOR NOW THAT PERSON, they CIA sent an UNDERCOVER AGENT TO POSE AS HER HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA TEACHER! He abused her as a child and LEAD her to the FATE she ultimately would end up having, so did they AVOID the trouble or DID they CIA CAUSE THAT ONE?....QUESTIONS...... Are the boybands near Presidential sequences YES, some have sang with ones, like Josh at OBAMAS inaugurationand he JOSH sang with RYANDAN in CANADA and is friends with them, so are they all six-degrees-of-separation in the codes so to speak from OPRAH or any other person, YES! Sometimes the things the pop stars were made do in video treatments made NO SENSE or connection their lives BUT WAS IN CODES NEAR so the government wanted to then and NOW for some pop singers figure out WHO OR WHAT THAT PERTAINED TO BEFORE sometimes TRAGIC EVENTS like the recent attacks on concerts, think VEGAS or MANCHESTER happened,SO NOW YOU KNOW WHY they have some not all but SOME singers dragged into their government schemes and they were or ARE TODAY some others made or asked to film things or sing things in songs to SEE WHO REACTS and says hey wait a minute why are they doing this BECAUSE........THAT is what they WAITED FOR! So is the STRATEGY of doing that HELPING OR GETTING MORE KILLED? Just a question from a CANADIAN GIRL! WOMAN NOW! OLD! Gosh.......the YEARS GO BY FAST DON'T THEY? Well they had the guys all FORCED to sing songs like this, to try to figure out WHO was the FAN of theirs that IF they found them they might......THEY DID NOT STOP......the TERROR ATTACKS....ALL OF THEM.....SOME IN CANADA THEY DID ;) gives you a clue as to the WHERE they were in the codes, if you still do not know I will NOT go into DETAILS about it on here BUT suffice it to say, that WHEN everyone is giving ALL OF THESE GUYS a hard time making fun of them being cruel, saying why are they doing this, why did they act like that, why were they made to act out as if someone is getting peed on, STRANGE except if the code reveals keywords about attacks, harm etc, obviously NOT the boyband guys, but if they were or are waiting to see who was going to react SECURITY KNOWS WHO IT IS and did LITTLE to stop many of the attacks they could have, MOST RECENTLY BEFORE the ATTACKS at the ariana grande concert even rcmp was warned of more attacks being triggered! Were they able to stop it NO! Did more attacks from the same area and distant family of those ones all connected to alqaeda try to attack again in New York most recently in Times Square the bomber who did not blow himself up, is from the Pashto tribal area where Bin Laden was . SO YES, as it was one of the recent attacks where people like Josh Groban nearly got targeted, and he being friends with Ryan and Dan, as well as other Broadway stars and former boyband singers like Joey McIntyre, who was targeted in the boston attacks, think NKOTB......NKOTBSB.....then you can start to see why they had SOME of the guys acting out EARLIER on in videos to see if they could figure out WHO IT WAS and HOW the codes are connected. Note; ones like Josh G sang at OBAMA's innauguration and he was the President who killed Bin Laden. SEE how they are all connected one person to another in life? I KNOW it seems odd. BUT for that reason decades earlier they were trying BEFORE everything else ever happened to see if they could find who certain people are. Also the whole sequence with Presidents even George Washington had dentures all beit wooden ones, he just was not a female who has them and when they have things that are like that in the code some times far distant connections they still search out to find if it was or is relevant to the immediate investigations. I KNOW TRUTH is sometimes STRANGER than fiction. SADLY ones like LOU PEARLMAN had his life ruined over it all. He was NOT and NEVER was part of a PONZI scheme, he just could no longer control the boybands who were no longer little boys they were men in their twenties who had their own ideas about what they were going to do, however being as they did not finance themselves and did not own their trademark names even they under actual law had no say and were under contract, did they abide by law NO, all rebelled and some of you might think well if they are being told film a video that has you peeing on some one or weird things like include a person with dentures and NONE were given the explanations, but told just do what we say it is a government project. Were they told ? NOT LIKELY? SO that would leave people to think well NO SANE person would keep going along with that. AND THEN IT ALL WENT OUT OF CONTROL PEARLMAN GOT SET UP TO TAKE THE FALL FOR IT LIKE A PATSY THE MONEY HIDDEN IN CAYMAN ISLAND ACCOUNTS and all went to one big mess! LIVES CAREERS REPUTATIONS ALL DESTROYED! In shambles. Sadly Pearlman is reported to have died in prison. They destroyed his life! All because he cooperated and did what they wanted and as he could have exposed their mess, CIA treats people unkindly shall we say ........I will leave it at that.
Here is another example .....Taylor Swift End Game....THEY HAVE HER REFERENCE THE DUKE (OF NORMANDY) ....WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR.....FRANCE....ANCESTOR OF DIANA AND OTHER PEOPLE, (LIKE ME) ......they are still playing PSY OPS ....with all of our LIVES! Reality it is in sequences with the Presidents and Royals Prime Ministers, Actors, Actresses, Screenwriters, Talk Show Hosts you would be surprised , etc. IF you have not seen the codes and are wondering but WHAT does LIGHTS have to do with it? She is/was managed by Ghomeshi, and he was in a band with Moxy fruvous, Murray Foster who was in Great Big Sea with Alan Doyle, and he was in movies with Russell Crowe and in another movie he played John Nash PRINCETON UNIVERSITY the guy *NOBEL PRIZE WINNER* was the one they made the movie Russell Crowe starred in , #BEAUTIFULMIND have to have a high IQ or at least be in the *Matrixes* to find the Torah Code sequence with all of them in it. They have since removed the online code reader program I think 5 eyes took it down to stop too much from being revealed . The do get hostile if too much is revealed. LIGHTS is in there as is EVERYONE, we are ALL in God's *BOOK OF LIFE* the bible in the equal-distance skip sequencing amen *PRAY TO JESUS TO BE SAVED BY GOD's GRACE AMEN* READ the bible learn of GOD and JESUS and KNOW he died on the cross to save ALL who believe! IT IS REAL! IT IS TRUE! If you read in the bible, way back CYRUS a King was told by the jews how GOD encoded his name and the events of his life to SHOW HIM PROOF so that he would believe and be saved. GOD gives signs to those who do not ask, to those that make demands HE hides it, so that they come to HIM JESUS in humility and ask to be saved. HE gives wisdom and salvation and grace and mercy to ALL who PRAY TO HIM JESUS and ask. DO SO RIGHT NOW TAKE TIME TO PRAY AND THANK JESUS FOR SAVING YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES AMEN PRAY FOR OTHERS TO BE SAVED AND BLESSED AMEN! I PRAY ALL OF YOU ARE SAVED AND BLESSED AMEN! IN JESUS'NAME AMEN GOD BLESS! This song and others sometimes they wanted the singers to act-out "clues" from the code to see who would react. Conqueror is part of it, it is WAY MORE COMPLEX THAN THAT but I will refrain from saying anything else as I usually get deleted by either people flagging it out of fear due to the reference to the terror attacks in the sequence or the singers themselves trying to DENY IT as most WERE and ARE just used as what I call , PSY OPS PUPPETS , I know it is cruel and depending on which one that got manipulated into certain things in videos acting out or singing certain lyrics it was or wasn't noticeable. They usually got ones who are six-degrees-of-separation away from others that are closer to certain key events and as President, Royals and Prime Ministers are all in those particular sequences they spent money to have them "investigated" by having the singers act-out sing it in lyrics or videos to see if anyone would react to get further info, it was more over the last four decades done in tunes not always noticeable unless you are familiar with the Torah Codes then it is drastic and frightening especially for certain reasons, but I will refrain from going into that as I do not want deleted or banned from social media again!
Here is Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran doing it to, though I doubt any of them realize who or what or WHY they are all asked to reference it from the TORAH CODES. You note in the song, like how LIGHTS references CONQUEROR, Taylor references the DUKE, it is about Normandy there is also a WW2 sequence etc. it has many eras from 1000 years ago 100 years ago and into the future.......;) .......GOD BLESS
so i was in 5th grade when this music video came out and i remember watching this video in the locker room with the whole class and getting yelled at for taking too long changing, its crazy how songs can hold such strong memories
After a hiatus from electronic music of approx ten years I decided to remind myself of how some of my favourite artists of the last twenty years are progressing, I just saw the video for Feel Less with Felix Cartal so thought I'd do some Lights reminiscing. I loved this whole album and this was probably my 2nd favourite song after The Listening title track.
if there is anyone who may think they know... HOW DID THEY FILM THIS VIDEO? what i mean is how did they do it so when they were recording they listened to the song and then fast forwarded the video but yet the lyrics and the music still matched in the end? cause if you fast forward the video the lyrics are faster then her singing.. anyone know what i mean or how it was done??????
How do you not about time bending apps? She obviously used one to control time. Do you live under a rock or something? lol, not really. They probably had the whole song done before making the video. They could have slowed down the song and filmed her lip syncing to the slowed version. Being able to edit audio and video separately allows them to do stuff like this.
i know how she made it faster. i dont understand how the lyrics were still on point. when she recorded the video she sang along to the song . but then when they edited the video, they sped it up. now when you would speed it up the timing of her singing would not match with the song anymore because it was sped up, do you understand what i mean.
I can't believe after watching this video so many times I've only just realized she actually mutters who the song's really about at 2:16. If you can read her lips she says "my God" even though you can't hear it in the song. Must've really been going through some tough times. Lights, you're wonderful! Thank you for keeping the music going!
Lights has always been an absolute genius with her art and I cannot believe how much she has grown. She is CRIMINALLY underrated and will by far be the most impressive, original and innovated artist I have ever seen. Hope you're proud of your journey, Lights. You are insane in the best way.
How is it possible that they sped up the film yet Light's mouth still sings along with the music? Do you think Light's was lip-syncing to the song in slow motion?
WoozworldLegitFilmMaker if they sing fast and then speed it up more it wouldnt match the original tempo. they play the music slowly for her to lip sync then they edit the speed up like linkmitch said
If I ever won the lottery this is how my last day of work would be(I'm a painter). On a side note: I remember first hearing this when I was 17, I feel old.
Omg I remember listening to this song the first time like it was yesterday. Many years have passed but I still love this song and video, thanks for your music Lights 💜🎶
Its really ironic that they did this in one take... considering the title of the song. lol
After 4 years, a reply
Well it might be one take. But this is not the first one. This is the second go..
not just the physical part but also considering she is singing half speed. Later on for Meteorites acoustic video she did it one better singing backwards at maybe double speed
@missjamjam2824 4 more years
@@volvoxc1937yeah that was weird. Iirc Avril did double speed for I'm With You and said it was difficult. Backwards seems hard
I guess I’m not the only one periodically remembering this song
I honestly cannot believe that this was an era and it’s gone.
man I remember being obsessed with her years ago
+Faith Ann same
Omg same lmao I wanted to look like her
@@Checkersss she just put out an album last year that might be her best work yet.
Check out skin and earth. Really great.
Woahhhhhh I’m back again and it’s 2020
11 years and this song is still just as good
it still SLAPS
It's like she predicted 2020's music.
yeah thats p much the way she goes there ol randy bobandy
So this is what core memories feel like
One-take video for a song called "Second Go". Genius!
HAHAHAHAHA I never got that before. Thank you for making my day that much better
+djentlover Its not all one take though....1:32
+svndhu I really don't think that's a cut. It just looks like the camera tracked over to the window she was coming back through. You can even see the corner she left from a few seconds later on the very left side of the screen.
back here 14 years later and i still love her so much
Omg can't believe she's a mom now. How time flies by!
Timeless song and music video. Watching it 12 years later brings me the same joy I had when I first saw it. We’re lucky to have this girl
Years later and I still watch this video..
LeeTheProdigy ye so tru
LeeTheProdigy me 2
LeeTheProdigy We are all here with you!
Hey it's Chevonne! me 3
+LeeTheProdigy Same! I'm back in high school when I hear this one lol
Damn this was really 10 years ago. It’s crazy how fast time really flies.😢
Now 12 yes I agree
Yeah. Now 12 years ago
Now 13 years ago
I can't believe this song came out 6 years ago. I used to be obsessed with lights 😌❤️
Alice Plamedie me too
Just discovered them. I am hooked!!
Alice Plamedie me too
Well Sports Arent my Only brought me here
Giving her a second go i see :)
Even after all these years, every time i watch this video, it always makes me smile.
Not only did she have to do this in ONE TAKE. But she also had to do it in slow motion so that it would look like shes talking normal, props to her.
That reminds me of that movie The Rocker 😂
woah i never realized that when i was younger that’s crazy
There is a cut at 1:33. But yes, its good.
1) she's not doing anything to make a single shot challenging. it's just randomly applying paint to parts of the set.
2) not a single take.
3) all you have to do is play the song back at a slower speed and lip sync to that instead. really, really easy.
Loser tik tokers
i used to watch this on repeat as a kid, something about the paint was so satisfying I swear i memorized every colour and lines lol
watching this feels really nostalgic :"")
I always wondered how they filmed this? It's all one take and yet the film is sped up and Lights is mouthing in sync with the song. It's very impressive stuff you don't see in music videos.
They probably had the song playing in slo motion for her to lip sync to so that it would sound normal when it was played back faster. Helps cover up any lip sync mistakes too
Slow motioned the song like how they make slo-mo tiktok these days.
@@srija4400 lights was the blueprint 😍
Lights was VERY GOOD back in the day at using innovative little tricks to maximize her production value. If you find some of her old blogs she probably explains exactly how it was done. IIRC, Ice involved spray painting boots and buying expensive leather pants and returning them after the shoot 🤫
Ugh I still love this song so much. I can’t believe it’s been 12 yrs…I met lights in early 2020, and she was such a sweetheart. Made me wish more people knew about her :’) so underrated (glad this mv got a lot of views tho. Deserved)
Didn’t really know who she was until We Were Here came out. Though I have seen this music video a while back and thought it was a Boxxy related fever dream cause I didn’t pay too much attention to the title.
I can just imagine....
Cameraman: Oops, forgot to press play. Do it again!
you mean record
V1nsanity -.\
***** what doesnt this have more likes
Let her paint the house they said..
+TheLatestSounds Let her pick the colors they said...
Let her wear white while doing it they said
ley her choose the colors they said. ..
Pika Ash Bruh. Hi. Nice to meet you. You copied me :)
Suddenly remembered this song again 😭 my heart is feeling the nostalgia
I met LIGHTS in 2011 at Calgary Stampede :') we waited 2 hours but it was sooo worth it! I still have her signed bag, and I remember how she couldn't take photos because they were in a hurry, so she gave me a hug instead. 07/13/2011 Best. Day. Ever.
Anyone out here in 2024 still obsessed w this hit??? Love this song, brings back memories
"How can you love me when I'm ugly?" Lights, you are the furthest from ugly. You're like a Goddess among mortals.
My thoughts exactly, every time I hear this song
I never thought "ugly" in that song was referring to physical appearance
Alex Callender me too. I think she meant really angry or sad. Like when she's angry, things she says or does can be ugly
Dylan White amen to that bro
Pretty sure that’s how she became famous, that and being a WoW player
That had to be the most fun music video ever. Directer "Here's some paint and a white house, have fun" LIghts: WOOOOOOOOOOO
Who remembers when this was first released?
I sure do
I was like 14
@@MiyukiKitty I was 16! Just a couple of kids lol
I didn’t even watch it until a few months ago and didn’t even pay attention to the title And thinking “ahh, Boxxy is a musician now??”
Her music speaks to me every time. ❤
That baby blue and purple go good together! but I'm not sure if I would hire this painter.
seeing her live was one of the greatest things ive ever experienced that i started crying so hard. there’s really no one like her.
this melody will forever live in my head rent free
Omg I used to listen to her in high school .. class 2011 where you at 🌸💕🌺✌🏽
Omg meeee!! I’m 30 now and this is all used to listen too!! You’re Somali too ❤
over a decade old, time sure does fly
She's so perfect I could cry
Her voice. ♥
Still a banger
This was the first ever song I heard by her and I still think it’s one of the best music videos. I’ve loved her ever since and now I listen to her newest album Pep! 💛❤️💙
Grew up loving this song and i still do :)
2010 man... second go, i got a feeling, california girls, bullet proof, high school years at an end, biggest memories and nostalgia comes with this song
it’s been 14 years and i still think of this video. 9 year old me watched this everyday before school 😭
This song is the only thing I love about my past
Cant get over how amazing this video is
I remember in my youth staying up late and watching Much music on my 24 inch tube tv in my room, when suddenly Lights song "Drive my Soul" came on and I was instantly hooked. My eyes and ears were glued to the screen and before I knew it the song and video was over. I would contantly leave my T.V on my Much just to see if the song would come on and when it would I drop everything just to watch it. I would go to my friends and tell them how great and talented this singer is and tell them about the video, they were quite surprised as I mostly listened to metal/rock. I I started doing more reseach on Lights and bought some of her CDs and would routinely go on youtube and watch some of her videos, still glued to the screen. I fell out of music and a lot of things for a time and I've come back and now as an adult... I still think she is fantastic.
Wasn’t watching Much around this time sadly. Was it 2008??
What would of happened if she messed up towards the end? Like she slipped or she sang the wrong words.
'Okay guys… we need to repaint the whole set white again'
that would suck XD
I guarantee she was lip syncing during the music vid lol though picturing that gave me a laugh xD
Even of she's lip syncing she could still mess it up and say the wrong lines
Shannon Vamp that's why it's probably shot in a slower speed than we see :P
This must have been the most satisfying clip to shoot. I won't lie, I'm jealous. Gonna need to gather up white walls and paint.
Wow! It’s been so many years!
Lights you were the first videos I saved on my UA-cam liked videos back then lol! 💕
This is probably one of my favorite songs of all time by lights
This entire album is perfect
2021 and I’m still obsessed 😍
Remember always seeing this music video on Family Channel when I was younger ♥️
this is one of the song that i ever heard from Lights and i love her so much
I remember this song.. When I was 10 years old I always hear this song now I'm 22 years but i still like love this song❤❤❤❤
I was 15 I know what you mean
when this song came out I was so obsessed with it and this music video.
Listening again after 12 years… remembering my good old college days😢
Her music was great then and it's even more awesome now! Especially Skin&Earth omg. Would love to see her in concert!
4 years later and I am still in love with her, you rock Lights ♥
That must have been so fun to film. 0_o
I LOVE this video oh my gosh. This looks so fun!
I miss music videos like this!!
Some random useless information: This whole video was shot at half speed, then played back at original speed to match the vocals to give it that sped up look, so she was actually doing all this at a slow pace :)
I miss simple music videos that have nothing to do with the lyrics of the song yet still look so pretty.
"How many coffins before there's a crown"
Too real in this day and age.
I think it's ground, not crown
BlooWolfy it's crown lol
*He* has her singing lyrics from the Torah Codes. Most of the pop singers do NOT know what they have been singing about or WHO is indicated in the songs or WHY!
To Whom It May Concern; RE: Torah Codes and POP SINGERS
Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
It is sad how the CIA destroyed all of their careers and Lou Pealman's life all because they are in the Torah Codes, as their names are connected to the matrixes of the Terror sequences, for reasons such as being indirectly connected to Pearlman who was obviously connected to Backstreet Boys, and their touring road crew was on the planes during the 911 September 11th 2001 attacks and the members of the road crews that travelled and toured with these bands some were killed. I believe people like Brian Littrell's wife and even Mark Wahlberg had last minute flight changes. As they and others since, obviously Boston etc. and now New York, when the B44 guys friend and person they have sang with Josh Groban who was also in the Bible Torah codes, for those of you that do not understand what those are, mathematicians can find codes or keywords messages in the Torah through equal-distance skip sequencing. It reveals many hidden truths about life and of the people in the world, all people are in the "BOOK OF LIFE"" Jesus saves all who believe and there is HOPE for all who accept Christ as their savior, so in the bible, not just the plain text, many have found codes about President Kennedy and the grassy knoll, most have heard about those, but many have NOT heard about the sequences related to the Terror attacks, and as such all of the people and those that have been part of or indirectly part of the lives of those same people are in the codes. So much like the "Kevin Bacon Game" if you have heard of it, he being an actor in an Oliver Stone movie, who filmed about Kennedy, (though his theory not exact) the reality everybody is in the codes in "matrixes" or groupings of sometimes connected and or interconnected ways.
The guys in B44, Ryan,Dan and Ohad are in there too. When they and even ones like BSB NSYNC JT,were made to sing certain songs and film certain videos that were considered "ODD" it is because government security behind the scenes was making the record execs like Pearlman, co-operate with them to get the guys, to ACT-OUT the "clues" or keywords that did NOT necessarily apply to them BUT were in code sequences NEAR them to try to figure out WHAT it all meant.
Kind of like saying if only we could figure out WHO the person is that has dentures, AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE VIDEO THEY HAVE HIM ACTING OUT AS IF HE IS WITH AN OLDER WOMAN WITH DENTURES, and NOTE Justin Timberlake TOO has been asked to do the SAME he sang DRESS ON, about a person with dentures, SAME with BSB in songs, where they had to sing .....Don't let them take away your smile, a soldier is out there taking them on, etc. and if you WATCH or LISTEN to MANY of the VIDEOS /SONGS you will hear it and think OMG WHAT on earth is going on?
And why is B44 made to sing about "sexual themes" ......think M. Lewinsky, in the codes near a President BUT she IS NOT the one with the "kneepads" unlike the CIA, who believed she was, SHE IS NOT THEN NOR NOW THAT PERSON, they CIA sent an UNDERCOVER AGENT TO POSE AS HER HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA TEACHER! He abused her as a child and LEAD her to the FATE she ultimately would end up having, so did they AVOID the trouble or DID they CIA CAUSE THAT ONE?....QUESTIONS......
Are the boybands near Presidential sequences YES, some have sang with ones, like Josh at OBAMAS inaugurationand he JOSH sang with RYANDAN in CANADA and is friends with them, so are they all six-degrees-of-separation in the codes so to speak from OPRAH or any other person, YES! Sometimes the things the pop stars were made do in video treatments made NO SENSE or connection their lives BUT WAS IN CODES NEAR so the government wanted to then and NOW for some pop singers figure out WHO OR WHAT THAT PERTAINED TO BEFORE sometimes TRAGIC EVENTS like the recent attacks on concerts, think VEGAS or MANCHESTER happened,SO NOW YOU KNOW WHY they have some not all but SOME singers dragged into their government schemes and they were or ARE TODAY some others made or asked to film things or sing things in songs to SEE WHO REACTS and says hey wait a minute why are they doing this BECAUSE........THAT is what they WAITED FOR!
Just a question from a CANADIAN GIRL! WOMAN NOW! OLD! Gosh.......the YEARS GO BY FAST DON'T THEY?
Well they had the guys all FORCED to sing songs like this, to try to figure out WHO was the FAN of theirs that IF they found them they might......THEY DID NOT STOP......the TERROR ATTACKS....ALL OF THEM.....SOME IN CANADA THEY DID ;) gives you a clue as to the WHERE they were in the codes, if you still do not know I will NOT go into DETAILS about it on here BUT suffice it to say, that WHEN everyone is giving ALL OF THESE GUYS a hard time making fun of them being cruel, saying why are they doing this, why did they act like that, why were they made to act out as if someone is getting peed on, STRANGE except if the code reveals keywords about attacks, harm etc, obviously NOT the boyband guys, but if they were or are waiting to see who was going to react SECURITY KNOWS WHO IT IS and did LITTLE to stop many of the attacks they could have, MOST RECENTLY BEFORE the ATTACKS at the ariana grande concert even rcmp was warned of more attacks being triggered!
Were they able to stop it NO! Did more attacks from the same area and distant family of those ones all connected to alqaeda try to attack again in New York most recently in Times Square the bomber who did not blow himself up, is from the Pashto tribal area where Bin Laden was . SO YES, as it was one of the recent attacks where people like Josh Groban nearly got targeted, and he being friends with Ryan and Dan, as well as other Broadway stars and former boyband singers like Joey McIntyre, who was targeted in the boston attacks, think NKOTB......NKOTBSB.....then you can start to see why they had SOME of the guys acting out EARLIER on in videos to see if they could figure out WHO IT WAS and HOW the codes are connected.
Note; ones like Josh G sang at OBAMA's innauguration and he was the President who killed Bin Laden. SEE how they are all connected one person to another in life? I KNOW it seems odd. BUT for that reason decades earlier they were trying BEFORE everything else ever happened to see if they could find who certain people are. Also the whole sequence with Presidents even George Washington had dentures all beit wooden ones, he just was not a female who has them and when they have things that are like that in the code some times far distant connections they still search out to find if it was or is relevant to the immediate investigations.
I KNOW TRUTH is sometimes STRANGER than fiction. SADLY ones like LOU PEARLMAN had his life ruined over it all. He was NOT and NEVER was part of a PONZI scheme, he just could no longer control the boybands who were no longer little boys they were men in their twenties who had their own ideas about what they were going to do, however being as they did not finance themselves and did not own their trademark names even they under actual law had no say and were under contract, did they abide by law NO, all rebelled and some of you might think well if they are being told film a video that has you peeing on some one or weird things like include a person with dentures and NONE were given the explanations, but told just do what we say it is a government project. Were they told ? NOT LIKELY? SO that would leave people to think well NO SANE person would keep going along with that. AND THEN IT ALL WENT OUT OF CONTROL PEARLMAN GOT SET UP TO TAKE THE FALL FOR IT LIKE A PATSY THE MONEY HIDDEN IN CAYMAN ISLAND ACCOUNTS and all went to one big mess! LIVES CAREERS REPUTATIONS ALL DESTROYED! In shambles.
Sadly Pearlman is reported to have died in prison. They destroyed his life! All because he cooperated and did what they wanted and as he could have exposed their mess, CIA treats people unkindly shall we say ........I will leave it at that.
Here is another example .....Taylor Swift End Game....THEY HAVE HER REFERENCE THE DUKE (OF NORMANDY) ....WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR.....FRANCE....ANCESTOR OF DIANA AND OTHER PEOPLE, (LIKE ME) ......they are still playing PSY OPS ....with all of our LIVES! Reality it is in sequences with the Presidents and Royals Prime Ministers, Actors, Actresses, Screenwriters, Talk Show Hosts you would be surprised ,
etc. IF you have not seen the codes and are wondering but WHAT does LIGHTS have to do with it?
She is/was managed by Ghomeshi, and he was in a band with Moxy fruvous, Murray Foster who was in Great Big Sea with Alan Doyle, and he was in movies with Russell Crowe and in another movie he played John Nash PRINCETON UNIVERSITY the guy *NOBEL PRIZE WINNER* was the one they made the movie Russell Crowe starred in , #BEAUTIFULMIND have to have a high IQ or at least be in the *Matrixes* to find the Torah Code sequence with all of them in it. They have since removed the online code reader program I think 5 eyes took it down to stop too much from being revealed . The do get hostile if too much is revealed.
LIGHTS is in there as is EVERYONE, we are ALL in God's *BOOK OF LIFE* the bible in the equal-distance skip sequencing amen *PRAY TO JESUS TO BE SAVED BY GOD's GRACE AMEN*
READ the bible learn of GOD and JESUS and KNOW he died on the cross to save ALL who believe! IT IS REAL! IT IS TRUE!
If you read in the bible, way back CYRUS a King was told by the jews how GOD encoded his name and the events of his life to SHOW HIM PROOF so that he would believe and be saved.
GOD gives signs to those who do not ask, to those that make demands HE hides it, so that they come to HIM JESUS in humility and ask to be saved. HE gives wisdom and salvation and grace and mercy to ALL who PRAY TO HIM JESUS and ask. DO SO RIGHT NOW TAKE TIME TO PRAY AND THANK JESUS FOR SAVING YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES AMEN PRAY FOR OTHERS TO BE SAVED AND BLESSED AMEN!
This song and others sometimes they wanted the singers to act-out "clues" from the code to see who would react. Conqueror is part of it, it is WAY MORE COMPLEX THAN THAT but I will refrain from saying anything else as I usually get deleted by either people flagging it out of fear due to the reference to the terror attacks in the sequence or the singers themselves trying to DENY IT as most WERE and ARE just used as what I call , PSY OPS PUPPETS , I know it is cruel and depending on which one that got manipulated into certain things in videos acting out or singing certain lyrics it was or wasn't noticeable.
They usually got ones who are six-degrees-of-separation away from others that are closer to certain key events and as President, Royals and Prime Ministers are all in those particular sequences they spent money to have them "investigated" by having the singers act-out sing it in lyrics or videos to see if anyone would react to get further info, it was more over the last four decades done in tunes not always noticeable unless you are familiar with the Torah Codes then it is drastic and frightening especially for certain reasons, but I will refrain from going into that as I do not want deleted or banned from social media again!
Here is Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran doing it to, though I doubt any of them realize who or what or WHY they are all asked to reference it from the TORAH CODES.
You note in the song, like how LIGHTS references CONQUEROR, Taylor references the DUKE, it is about Normandy there is also a WW2 sequence etc. it has many eras from 1000 years ago 100 years ago and into the future.......;) .......GOD BLESS
here i am reminiscing on the scene days 😭💕💕
so i was in 5th grade when this music video came out and i remember watching this video in the locker room with the whole class and getting yelled at for taking too long changing, its crazy how songs can hold such strong memories
I don't listen to electro-pop music, but Lights is definitely and exception! She is amazingly talented, super nice and funny!
She's so pretty I'm jealous ): Her teeth are so perfect haha. I wonder how the video is like fast forward but her singing still matches with the song?
+Billy McLander Wow that sounds tedious
This was the first video I ever saw from her and ever since I love all her music. I love her voice it makes me feel happy every time I hear her.
I'd be curious to see what this ladies Mansion looks like.
Great song though. I have put it on repeat thousands of times. Not exaggerating.
So you gave it more than a second go?
Thomas Caliborn Hahaha
I'm pretty sure she lives in an apartment or condo, not a fancy mansion :)
Who's still listening in 2023? this song used to play on the family channel... it was really catchy.
What did we learn from this video? You probably shouldn't let Lights be your interior designer
should *
After a hiatus from electronic music of approx ten years I decided to remind myself of how some of my favourite artists of the last twenty years are progressing, I just saw the video for Feel Less with Felix Cartal so thought I'd do some Lights reminiscing. I loved this whole album and this was probably my 2nd favourite song after The Listening title track.
This is the epitome of 2010‘s pop music
i probably never would have survived middle school if it weren't for you lights. :)
"Let her paint your house"
they said
"It'll look great"
they said
Hannah Jawed Lol ikr lol
I use to love when this came on mtv music in the morning before school
Still listening, 2136!! Who's with me??
I was so distracted by the paint that I wasn't even listening to the music. I literally had to restart it
Henry O'Bryan wtf bro ?
Otochiro1 lol
wtf isn't a bad word. It's just letters XD
Came here after my crush posted her playlist and now im more into her!!!
glad that I listened to your songs that just got released recently otherwise I would not hear this natural voice talent
this girl and the old marina joyce were the people i loved and wanted to look like back in the day
Peachi They're all dead
and so am I
TheUndeadTitan Wtf???
if there is anyone who may think they know...
what i mean is how did they do it so when they were recording they listened to the song and then fast forwarded the video but yet the lyrics and the music still matched in the end?
cause if you fast forward the video the lyrics are faster then her singing..
anyone know what i mean or how it was done??????
How do you not about time bending apps? She obviously used one to control time. Do you live under a rock or something?
lol, not really. They probably had the whole song done before making the video. They could have slowed down the song and filmed her lip syncing to the slowed version. Being able to edit audio and video separately allows them to do stuff like this.
i know how she made it faster.
i dont understand how the lyrics were still on point. when she recorded the video she sang along to the song . but then when they edited the video, they sped it up. now when you would speed it up the timing of her singing would not match with the song anymore because it was sped up, do you understand what i mean.
Captain Bujo They slow down the song and she sings to the slower version. Speed it back up and you get this music video.
This is still her best song ever made.
LOVE LOVE LOVED since FOREVER and always! 😀❤🎵🙏🖖😀
I can't believe after watching this video so many times I've only just realized she actually mutters who the song's really about at 2:16. If you can read her lips she says "my God" even though you can't hear it in the song. Must've really been going through some tough times. Lights, you're wonderful! Thank you for keeping the music going!
Lights has always been an absolute genius with her art and I cannot believe how much she has grown. She is CRIMINALLY underrated and will by far be the most impressive, original and innovated artist I have ever seen. Hope you're proud of your journey, Lights. You are insane in the best way.
How is it possible that they sped up the film yet Light's mouth still sings along with the music? Do you think Light's was lip-syncing to the song in slow motion?
Just a speculation, they slowed down the track for her to do so and then sped it up to fit with the original tempo
omg i've been wondering this for years
no they have to sing fast and they speed up to make it look good it and it really hard work.Trust me
Coldplay - The Scientist....................[problem?]
WoozworldLegitFilmMaker if they sing fast and then speed it up more it wouldnt match the original tempo. they play the music slowly for her to lip sync then they edit the speed up like linkmitch said
Props to the person who captured this amazing video
Thank you Lights, for helping my preteen self realize I'm a lesbian
Omg youre vegan and you love lights!? Pls marry me.
lysica Dandel When and where? Hahaha xD
And I thought I was the only one
screen name and comment are both on point
HAHAH i choked on my drink. why is this so true
this is mv is so random looking back on it 12 years later lol
I thought she was saying, "give me a second coat."
Well she was painting so you never know 😂
+Luis Torres hahaha. That made me giggle :P
+videoboysayscube Or second goat.
"Give me a second goat"
This video has lived rent free in my mind since it released
it’s iconic honestly
I miss her hair like this 😩 or the blonde haha
Damn i got old
If I ever won the lottery this is how my last day of work would be(I'm a painter).
On a side note: I remember first hearing this when I was 17, I feel old.
Light's first album is my favourite, still remember buying it at Dundas Discs in London ON years ago!
Shortly after, singer Lights was arrested for trespassing and defacing private property.
+GooseHinson dead. lol
Hahah omg I have a crack in my screen and it looked like it said trespassing and defecating private property😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
omg 😂
Meep Moop omg :")
love dis song :p
that looks like fun xD
Took me 11 years to realize "Six to (Sixty) Nine I'm out of line" 😂
Omg I remember listening to this song the first time like it was yesterday. Many years have passed but I still love this song and video, thanks for your music Lights 💜🎶
I love how she paints. Lol. She is so pretty. I would paint my house like that lol