What's YOUR #1 reason for not improving? Let us know down below! Want unlimited, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from high elo players? Then check out our website: www.proguides.com/yt
The only reason people don't climb is because of being Lazy. You stop doing the things you know you should do simply because you are a lazy pos whose entitled.
U forgot the most important tip of all... mental. You can play your best 5 games in a row and lose them all due to dogshit animals on ur team. U need to keep in mind that u must keep playing ur best and in the LONG RUN you'll climb. Tilt is the number 1 thing that will hold u back. If you feel like you're not at your best, take a break and play later. This 1 tip got me from hardstuck d4 to master and I'm sure itll help a bunch of you. Cheers.
im silver 1 and i always have dogshit animals on my team like trollers or those who want to ff after just 4 minutes, i dont know how to win and i do not flame and i try to keep a positive mindset but its hard because i do 9/10 games play really good
im silver 1 and i always have dogshit animals on my team like trollers or those who want to ff after just 4 minutes, i dont know how to win and i do not flame and i try to keep a positive mindset but its hard because i do 9/10 games play really good
There was a one moment before like 2 months when i was on like a hot streak where in like 5th min my jg rage quit cuz mid flamed her out but still we won a 4 v 5.. so yeah i agree playing with a cool mindset is veary important
Damn, I'm relatively new to League but all this information processing, cs, awareness needed makes it sound more like a part-time job than a videogame. The guy in the video literally started talking about concepts in psychology. Talk about something being overly complex lol.
My school is starting an Esports team that my friend told me to join so he's been trying to show me how to play league and this is exactly how I feel. Am i playing a game or practicing a religion?
It's incredibly complex when you look at everything as a whole, but it's really simple things when you break it down. Creeps for instance; you talk about wave management and it gets seemly complex, but when you understand it, it's just knowing when to kill which minions - which comes naturally with time. Just take your time and enjoy the game, as long as you are open to improving you will do so.
I think it’s good that we have players that fit in at all ranks. Imagine a landscape where literally everyone is Diamond or higher. Maybe the pro scene would improve because of competition and possible talent, but then it would be a less magical experience to be good at the game because literally everyone would be good at the game. No one would have anything to aspire for. Ranked would be less dynamic. Not everyone should be a pro or a challenger player. It’s cool just to be a casual and enjoy watching the pro scene or streamer rather than aspiring to be them. Most of us are pro at another thing in life. Idk, maybe I’m wrong. With that being said, thanks for the vid. Gonna use this to casually climb the ranks when I can.
That entire video was actually on point. At least for me. In these last few years I dropped alot of bad habits just spending hours on UA-cam looking up tips for champions, ward placements, Kiting, and jungle routes. I've watched multiple matches for a single champion so I can know how to play against it. I put time into playing these matchups every time I got the chance even if it tilted me. I always wanted to know where I was messing up time and time again and finally I really started to see my improvement. I've transitioned from jungle into top and even if top has some cancer matchups for top you can find ways to win if you just get your items. Nasus is honestly a prime example. You've killed him 2 times he's still cs with you. Now 4: still same cs as you. Now 6: he has more C's than you and proceeded to take you and a the cane on a one way date to railing lane. And you lost the match all because you didn't deny nasus as much as possible. Instead went to kill him instead of long conning him out of cs. You're sitting at 100 and he's stuck at 30 with 21 stacks. Sorry that was a rant XD
Normal brain - Silver is low elo BIG brain - Gold is low elo M E G A brain - Platinum is low elo *T R A N S C E N D E D* - Diamond is low elo Like come on, one day challenger is going to be considered low elo
It is true actually. Being overfeed with those champions will be stronger than any other champions. Incase of passing through iron,bronze,silver and gold those champions are right to pick(Of course you need to be a good player).
play a champion like annie, have absolutely no mechanics, then u are gonna want to swap over to something more mechanical because a simple champion wont cut it for you. if u start learning mechanics before the game, u wont climb above plat 4 but u will learn the game much easier knowing the damage of most of the champions u play and ofc their kill potential in lane.
First find a lane you enjoy playing then find a champ you enjoy playing then master the champ or just learn him/her then find another champ to play if your main gets banned and get at least one cham on every lane in case of an autofill
@@dna7767 Yasuo showing up in my games is why i brought Annie out of retirement, had to ban fresh release Sylas when he came out because i did not understand him, now my main ban is Morde so had to improve yasuo counter picks. Malz can also beat him quite well too
Another reason: Use your brain and adapt your itembuild and don´t always force it. Look which items are better for example if the enemy team has a jax, yasou, sivir and yi then you should build armor boots.
Just play Ekko and Kassadin if you want to win or Pyke supp and do a lot of roaming with xp taxing. Here's Pyke guide: 1.farm till lvl 6 with your adc 2.buy tiamat, get lvl 6 and mobility boots 3.roam where you're needed and after back you should go top>mid>bot doing vision into enemy jungler into road
This video made me realize that i am improving. The only thing is, I don't actually feel like i am. I think the best thing to do is to make a list of the things what you want to improve on and go down the list completing everything. It is going to make your improvements much more noticeable for you and improve your confidence.
My team won a game the other day when we were down 20 kills. The other team was only fragging. They didn't farm or get towers. We were down almost 30 kills at one point but finished 40 kills to 60. Objectives are important people. Lol
I love how you guys are reading the comments and interacting with the viewers. It's not selfless like just some people that are part of a business and making these videos for the success of said business.
You only need a 55% win rate to climb consistently so playing might feel like a coinflip sometimes since (even if you're doing well) you're still losing 45% of the time. Just play more and that extra 5% will start helping you climb.
listening to you is so painful.. a week ago i got a streak of 15 victory all with great score, now all fail i lost 2 ranks.. and now listening to you this moment, i realized.. i actually was focused on getting CS and not engaging till i at least 6 or got my first item and even then i'm very careful, that is how i got my streak, but this week all fail, cause i only focus on fighting the enemy champion.. i always rush, that is why its painful, i always try to get cs and less death but i always forget that it is what i should do.. now i will literally do that. or i will go back to being unranked.. at this point.. thanks for the video. for everyone who is stuck at the same place, who hit a wall, and he thinks that wall is his limit, its not.. you just forgot how to manage you're lane, how to farm CS and stay back get ready and steady and wait for the moment, and never forget to ward.. always ward, and most importantly MAP AWARENESS, too many people in LoL does not have that, i pinged a player at least 10 times before he notices.. tho he died because he was slow to notice.. so that is all i want to say. Happy Ranking, and don't forget to Enjoy the Match, or its pointless to even play the game.. so don't be toxic (Like me when i die 2 times in 5 minutes XD)
I know I'm bad and need alot of improving. But it always feels like coin flips when I do good say 3/0 30-50 cs up all my other lanes feed. I try super hard to get drags rome to help my team. Its so hard tho I just need to learn how to carry when everyone is fed on the other team. Last game I was in bot lane was 7/37 hard stuck d4 for life.
So true about Fiora, I just decided to play her and I basically win every laning phase but my late game is very cranky to say the least. She is a really good splitpusher though so I should use it to my advantage
I was practicing Qiyana yesterday in normal I was 1/2/3 u know no good not terrible 20 cs ahead of Zoe but... Vayne was 0/4/ and tressh 0/5 then the enemy rakan formed a death squad on the map with the jg and zoe and... yeah it was lost a learning experience non the less but frustrating.
For players of plat and below here are some of my tips from a d2 player who climb rank from plat 4 to almost d2 in under a month 1. Have a game plan, when you laning phase you must know what are your opponent strength and weaknesses. 2. Know your team strength. If your team is weaker in Teamfight and better at split pushing you should play to that advantage 3. Warding and dewarding. Try to deny your enemy from vision of objectives and ward areas where they might go to get gold when they are behind. Such as when you push bot turret and ur enemy botlane is 2/5. You can deward the bot lane jungle and ward the Bush that is closest to tier 2. This let you know if your enemy is going back bot to farm up and gives your team the chance to catch them. 4.Tracking your enemy jungler. I'm not talking about what buff they start but where they most likely be at. Lets say u are an adc and your enemy top lane jungle is cleared, he most likely will be at botlane so you should be letting the enemy push in to a safer zone or bunch the wave aka crash and reset wave. 5.As a mid lane you should always be looking for roaming opportunities if possible. And when you roam you should be roaming with your jungler. This will prevent counter ganking. 6. This tip requires a lot of Teamwork which is to deward baron before 20 and rush it down. Even in diamond, players won't do that. But when I played I challenger games enemy will rush baron if you guys are off guard. Such as clearing mid lane. Going bot lane for whatever stupid reasons etc. Of course there are still many more room for improvement but I can't think of anymore as of this moment or are too long for me to right and maybe to large for you to digest
P2 Player adding on, know that lategame exists and throws happen. Type smthing like Dont tilt, we win. Theyre trash they will throw. You dont need to believe it, because they enemy team might not be trash, but I find it helps to stop a player with high ego from spiraling into an endless cycle of tilt.
Die less spoken from the heart. It's how I ranked up from gold into platinum. ''Die less'' means so many basic things. - Less overextending. - Going back when low hp or mana. - Positioning during tf. I know it sounds pretty basic. But if you want to really improve you have to actively think about those aspects during your game. Improving is not just being told. It's about realising. At that moment when you realise those things. That's when you will improve. Not your gameplay but you as a player will improve.
I was in Silver II last 2 months but after watching your videos I managed to reach Platinum IV in just 1 month(don't know if it is a quite good improvement) and now I was stuck in Platinum IV 0-80 LP everytime :l..Hope this video can help me and thanks for the videos..Keep up the good work :)
The one thing I wish there was more resources for is how to approach lanes as the champion your currently playing as, verses the lane your fighting. Most of it is just how to approach lane as your champion, but that's half the equation, and I find myself not knowing how to approach a lane with a new variable in it. You all have mentioned win conditions, but when do those conditions change? If I need to push lane so they can't cs and I can have a easier time bullying them, or if I instead should play the lane safer. It seems like most of your videos your only constant win condition is that you need to try to get a level 2 advantage, and if you don't to know when they get theirs so you don't or get punished. Thank you very much for all your content tho, have a great day ProGuides.
I just wanna reach gold for that free skin, honestly would be happy when new server lunches and see what the latency are, currently playing on EUW server with 210ms average
As a gold 2 Riven player i could say that this is very true, i was hard stuck in s4 then i decided to try and farm more, i started practicing farming against an intermediate darius bot, then i decided to try and look more at the map and ward more often and buy control wards, lastly i tried(didnt exactly successed) to learn to spread my lead across the map, for example i often look at the botlane and tell my botlane to deep ward into the lane so i can tp and help when they r pushed
What I'd love to learn is what I should do when you're up against your counter. For me, unless I have a jungler ganking my lane, the lane is a loss most of the time, They go ahead on cs, they apply a lot of lane pressure so I cannot really aid other lanes, I usually lose out on farm, and going slightly out of my turret could be extremely risky.
Awesome vídeo, great message to everyone on LoL. Enough with the flame and toxic among players. Grow above that. Its a game, for having fun. U should pass this message during LCS and EU LCS and so on. Great job.
I am moderate at CS but where I truly struggle is when I’ve been counter picked top and am basically shut down. Unable to CS because any venturing forth is a death, bad at farming under tower and essentially out of the game. Top lane snowballs so hard 1 death can mean losing the lane seems like.
Hey! I'm wondering is there a plan to make support guide video? What can you work on improving? When you should look for engage, how to manage tower dive and tower shots tanking, are you putting down your vision correctly even tho you had like 45 vision score in 30 min game. I also noticed that I got worse in support after so many years haha any tips? ;)
I feel like what you say is very true but in iron/bronze/silver people can't recognize when you are creating map pressure so you just put yourself in danger and adc will just take your jungler red even tho the whole team is busy dealing with you on the other side of the map and you get flame for being "out of position"
I can tell you, i have like 10 accounts and in the past i got also 10 perma bans, im basically only smurfing and kinda toxic when its not going well. I dont have much fun in D4 Toplane, especially not in these days where it is normal that i have to lane against almost unbeatable champions like Tahm, Illaoi Yorick ,Tank Karma whatever. I really dont wanna be toxic every 2nd game, but im just mental very weak, i dont know how to reform i tried it many times.
@@tempo9400 rip.. I saw a steamer listen to peaceful piano on Spotify and it helped me stay calm but try some twisted tree line or aram those are easy to win in and puts you in a happier mood
I acknowledge these tips as being correct and accurate, however, I wish to add my own that might help some others; it's an important one that personally helped me the most. Don't care about winning. That's it. Focus on how you play the game and be analytical of your gameplay - as the video explained, really - and simply teach yourself that the actual outcome of the game literally doesn't matter. If you stop caring about winning and focus on getting better by analysing everything going on in the game (chiefly yourself) then, guess what, you will start winning more.
Holy shit this is really good. I usually dont play ranked a whole lot because of afraid to lose or demote but im going to start playing on a regular bases
can also do a video how to handle an enemy 5.0 draven or irelia? or a yasou going 0.4 after 10min and flame team? THAT is how i get stuck and slowed down most. believe it or not.
its not wrong, just play a champ that does not rely on skill shots or too high mechanics and then rotate and focus minor goals and objectives better. generally getting baron/inhib/drake/turret > getting a kill.
I'm a long time plat player since i never really main any role, but i've been using ezreal alot again and that farm more die less helps me. one time i had to 1v2 a draven sona lane cause my support was auto filled and went double jungle, i got out of lane w.o dying even though we lost. i only had 5 deaths that game
As a diamond/master tier player i'll say high elo starts from plat, but challenger would say it starts in grandmaster. It is a personal opinion for evryone
Well the matchmaking is designed to base the enemy team off the personal stats of the best person on your team, but your team off your win/loss record. Which means the better you do personally, the stronger your enemies, but the more you lose anyway the more trolls/afkers you get, the more likely you are to be teamed with trolls/afkers in the future. So yeah, the game is kinda fundamentally toxic and designed to frustrate you harder the better you become. Only dodging using op.gg and duoing with other skilled players can unstick you once you're in that scenario, unless you have little enough pride to purposely throw a dozen games or so without contributing much at all to unretard your matchmaking. Source: Happens to me on every new solo climbing account at least once. Purposefully throwing (emphasis on low objectives/cs/kills, only taking assists so I can still be carried despite tanking out my personal stats) until I no longer end up with strong opposition is usually enough for the next dozen matches to unstick me till I have to do it again a division or two later. You know you've hit the tipping point when your team actually carries you for a change a couple times, then can switch back to hardclimbing now that your matchmaking isnt poisoned anymore.
I will set an example here, i'm grandmaster 308lp with 64% winrate, and stillhad some good insights watching this video. The mentality of "i can learn something to improve every game i play" is real. Every single one in challanger thinks like this, because in the end of the day doesn't matter if you had 0/11 junglers every game, but the difference you could have made to win this game despite the troll jungler.
Meanwhile: Becoming One Trick Katarina Main Winning every single match Climbing very fast from B5 to B1 in 3 days Saying idiot accidentally Get perma ban for that 1 word True Story
Question: I am a support main (silver) and often I get an ADC that is bad at farming, like down by half of the other ADC. What should I do? Should I try farming, but I hate to upset my ADC???? And yes I try my best to deny enemy farming. PS thank you, for all your videos teaching us noobs how it's done, they are much appreciated
Yes buy armor vs assassins who can have up to 70 amor pene while you have only one slot to put an armor related item which if it gave you 60 armor it would still not be enough to survive their full combo damage but oh wait, there is no good enough armor item that costs good enough in terms of gold cost and slot efficiency/loss in power like ap/ad which you have to sacrifice...unless you are a tank and have the innate HP scaling to help, which, you aren't anyway otherwise assassins wouldn't even try to murder the shit out of you in the first place, so... What is this math-noob-land or something?
Just stay calm and collected on early game no matter what especially when you gey invaded or the enemy got their first blood. All you should focus on is the preperation through the mid and late-game.
Tbh some tips on this guide is more suited for people who play on the lane But sometimes people who play in jungle and support have different winning condition / goal. Great tips tho
Ha Im hardstuck d4 and I do no of the mistakes u mentioned aside from periodic disrespecting. It's my mentality that is ruined and I need a few weeks break from lol - bored but also unable to quit. Also, to learn a new champion better and faster there's nothing better than going balls deep in to realize their limits. (tip to all of u new qiyana mains :D)
I know what I'm doing in game but I don't what I'm doing with my champion. I don't know how to control them to avoid dying and still kill the enemy. I usually panic and spam all my attacks or miss them which just leaves me defenseless
pro tip to climb is good mental, bronze and silvers rage and tilt so much off of small stuff, iron players have some kind of mental illness that they will join the game tilted if you can stay positive AND be a positive player (say ty, gj, its ok we can win easy) that can boost your teams mental. being toxic just increases ur chances of losing imo
very good information, I think my main problem is I do try to focus on CS as much as possibly but especially top lane or if im adc against a pokey bottom lane they deny me way too hard, top I like to play Camille mostly and she can have trouble getting cs when the enemy just pokes you down, jungler wont gank for me as often as he should when he sees im pushed to my tower, of course Camille has great 1v1 potential but against a riven or a jax its not so great and they can zone me really easily
The number 1 reason for this applies to everything(and i mean EVERYTHING).. *They are not willing to learn* I did my big jump in results when i started experimenting with new champions to learn their kit,strengths and weaknesses.When i watched LCS to see what i did differently in terms of laning when i went into games just for the purpose of learning how to farm,or watch map or anything..Learned to use pings,wards and chat effectively(and ofc dont fking flame in ranked,it never helps) I m a mechanical slowbro,my reactions are worse than gold,yet i have reached diamond multiple times.Every1 calling me boosted because i cant do a basic lee sin combo,they think that being able to do flashy plays is what makes a diamond...BIG MISTAKE(btw i dont play lee sin or jungle for that matter)
This is such a good video! Changing ones mindset is not easy, but personally, i finally did, and climbed from B4 to B1 in a single day! Keep the awesome videos comming! :D P.S. Could you ask Riot to replace their loadingscreen with this video? Eventually it should stick to all low ELO players :D
I only play this game on mobile now. I started playing with less than a month to the end of the last season and kept climbing and reached emerald 3 before the end of the season. New season starts and I get placed on platinum 2 and now I only get terrible teammates and can't climb.
Yeah I’m starting to realize this now. I’ve gotten to gold 2 then dropped all the way to gold 4 and now I’m MMR is low so everytime I win I’m only getting 13-15 and I lose like 18-20 I got tilted and kept trying to win. I just trying to figure out how to win games where others are feeding.
i think the main reason why a lot of people don't grow that much is that everyone gets better overtime. Were people hyped over the Faker first game of nidalee punishing a khazix who evolved his skill while in attack range. People would now say that khazix is trolling lets summary quickly. Get gud
I am currently at diamond 3 , and every game I played I can tell that I make alot of mistakes and I keep repeating these mistakes. Do I consider myself as a good player? nah not really it just happened that I kinda know the basics of how this game works, which applies to every plat2+ players. When I played my smurf account in gold elo, I realized that most of the players do not know the basics of their champions. For example if u r playing Fiora, u should just maximum ur split and 1v1 power, not joining teamfights. Or if u r playing fizz talon u should always looking for chances to roam , not just trying to even cs a vlad or orianna. Once u have a general idea of what u should be doing in the game, u can climb to plat even diamond 4 easily.
What's YOUR #1 reason for not improving? Let us know down below!
Want unlimited, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from high elo players? Then check out our website: www.proguides.com/yt
And taking a look at the minimap every 5-10 seconds is also important
I loved the video, this is really going to help me out because I'm stuck on iron||
Not being able to use an advantage
Listening to high elo players that dont play in low elo and dont realize that the game is played totally differently. Pretty sure thats why.
The only reason people don't climb is because of being Lazy. You stop doing the things you know you should do simply because you are a lazy pos whose entitled.
Pro guides: Gold players need to farm more, die less.
Support mains: awww shiiiiiit
Adc: hey what r u doing? Don't take my cs.
Support: wtf but pro guides told me to cs more :c
@@deathnote939393 and i can't ward enemy jg if i must die less :c
@@serbiagamingiscool515 No, the question should become: when do you ward?
@@zeronothinghere9334 seriously
dont play support to climb in bronze or silver tho. that shit def no work
U forgot the most important tip of all... mental. You can play your best 5 games in a row and lose them all due to dogshit animals on ur team. U need to keep in mind that u must keep playing ur best and in the LONG RUN you'll climb. Tilt is the number 1 thing that will hold u back. If you feel like you're not at your best, take a break and play later. This 1 tip got me from hardstuck d4 to master and I'm sure itll help a bunch of you.
im silver 1 and i always have dogshit animals on my team like trollers or those who want to ff after just 4 minutes, i dont know how to win and i do not flame and i try to keep a positive mindset but its hard because i do 9/10 games play really good
im silver 1 and i always have dogshit animals on my team like trollers or those who want to ff after just 4 minutes, i dont know how to win and i do not flame and i try to keep a positive mindset but its hard because i do 9/10 games play really good
There was a one moment before like 2 months when i was on like a hot streak where in like 5th min my jg rage quit cuz mid flamed her out but still we won a 4 v 5.. so yeah i agree playing with a cool mindset is veary important
Went from gold promos to s4 due to others feeding at least 10 kills by 6 minutes every single game. How do I carry that?
@@memelmell3158 same that idk why they even doing that videos, what u can do with that teams or like 1 or 2 afks XD ( speak in gold I )
lmfao 1-6 down 50 cs *shows yasuo*
if that ain't the truth
Ph server yas mains
Nida Laranjo 🇵🇭 wag mo kalimutan Mga one trick Master Yi
Sylas presses W goes to full health kills yasuo, gg ff15
@@nidalaranjo3154 Trueee even most Mastery 7 Yasuos suck
This is actually a really good vid, realised how much I suck lol
@Charlotte Katakuri aha true
@Charlotte Katakuri True, must keep student mindset and keep learning.
I always ban kassadin
Damn, I'm relatively new to League but all this information processing, cs, awareness needed makes it sound more like a part-time job than a videogame. The guy in the video literally started talking about concepts in psychology. Talk about something being overly complex lol.
not only that, but almost everybody is salty on this game. doesn't really help new players.
My school is starting an Esports team that my friend told me to join so he's been trying to show me how to play league and this is exactly how I feel. Am i playing a game or practicing a religion?
It's incredibly complex when you look at everything as a whole, but it's really simple things when you break it down.
Creeps for instance; you talk about wave management and it gets seemly complex, but when you understand it, it's just knowing when to kill which minions - which comes naturally with time.
Just take your time and enjoy the game, as long as you are open to improving you will do so.
That's half the fun.
Ofc that 1-6 and -50 CSD champ is Yasuo.
The Ph Server Mastery 7 shitty Yasuo
@@Shinoruba the all server mastery 7 yasuo*
All fair and good till yasuo mid lane decides to 1v5 with 30 cs and 0/8, Yeah that’s the league i love
this guy knows me
he is going for his power spike
that 0/10 power spike goes crazy
This me tho 😐
man typical for eveeyone to blame the yasuo players lmao. not all are shit
The #1 Reason why I'm not improving? I only play ARAM.
Same though! Fuck these pro players just in it for money!
i actually need to play more ARAM to improve my micro and teamfights lol
In that case, there must be ARAM ranked
I don't play Aram that much
@Kate Kuray What an incredibly braindead thing to say.
I do the same thing. I just enjoy leveling up faster then normal.
So no cs practice lol
As long as i have higher rank than my friends i am satisfied
Shiro Neko my friends don’t even play pc games😭😭
true LMAO
@@mirakal9018 you guys got friends? 😕😕
@siv le yes you dumb fuck they just play on consoles😂
I think it’s good that we have players that fit in at all ranks. Imagine a landscape where literally everyone is Diamond or higher. Maybe the pro scene would improve because of competition and possible talent, but then it would be a less magical experience to be good at the game because literally everyone would be good at the game.
No one would have anything to aspire for. Ranked would be less dynamic. Not everyone should be a pro or a challenger player. It’s cool just to be a casual and enjoy watching the pro scene or streamer rather than aspiring to be them. Most of us are pro at another thing in life. Idk, maybe I’m wrong.
With that being said, thanks for the vid. Gonna use this to casually climb the ranks when I can.
That entire video was actually on point. At least for me. In these last few years I dropped alot of bad habits just spending hours on UA-cam looking up tips for champions, ward placements, Kiting, and jungle routes. I've watched multiple matches for a single champion so I can know how to play against it. I put time into playing these matchups every time I got the chance even if it tilted me. I always wanted to know where I was messing up time and time again and finally I really started to see my improvement. I've transitioned from jungle into top and even if top has some cancer matchups for top you can find ways to win if you just get your items.
Nasus is honestly a prime example. You've killed him 2 times he's still cs with you. Now 4: still same cs as you. Now 6: he has more C's than you and proceeded to take you and a the cane on a one way date to railing lane. And you lost the match all because you didn't deny nasus as much as possible. Instead went to kill him instead of long conning him out of cs. You're sitting at 100 and he's stuck at 30 with 21 stacks.
Sorry that was a rant XD
The content in this channel is getting better and better everyday. Thank you for this amazing video.
Normal brain - Silver is low elo
BIG brain - Gold is low elo
M E G A brain - Platinum is low elo
*T R A N S C E N D E D* - Diamond is low elo
Like come on, one day challenger is going to be considered low elo
NA challenger is low elo
Low elo is subjective
faker is low elo
*L.C.S* PLAYERS: *C h a l l e n g e r i s l o w e l o*
I do disagree about champion pool. Because my coach form InstaPro told me to stick with yasuo, akali and ryze.
It is true actually. Being overfeed with those champions will be stronger than any other champions. Incase of passing through iron,bronze,silver and gold those champions are right to pick(Of course you need to be a good player).
Are u improving with istapro???
play a champion like annie, have absolutely no mechanics, then u are gonna want to swap over to something more mechanical because a simple champion wont cut it for you.
if u start learning mechanics before the game, u wont climb above plat 4 but u will learn the game much easier knowing the damage of most of the champions u play and ofc their kill potential in lane.
Stick with the champions you like to play.
NeMtEx well my coach said I could hit diamond with thoes champs. He said my mechanics are already good
Kellen you hit me where it hurts. You told me I am hardstuck
its alright sometimes its not your fault, but that fucker who fattens enemies all the time
I'm just tired of loosing games, my bf always makes fun of me for only having defeats in my match history ☹️
First find a lane you enjoy playing then find a champ you enjoy playing then master the champ or just learn him/her then find another champ to play if your main gets banned and get at least one cham on every lane in case of an autofill
Unlucky. Maybe the matchmaker is a bit crazy
The #1 reason you arent improving
You aren't playing Annie.
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lmfaoooooo true
@@dna7767 Yasuo showing up in my games is why i brought Annie out of retirement, had to ban fresh release Sylas when he came out because i did not understand him, now my main ban is Morde so had to improve yasuo counter picks. Malz can also beat him quite well too
Tnx man for that im aniee and everyone should try her
Get ready for her Ult+Stun+Q+W
Another reason: Use your brain and adapt your itembuild and don´t always force it. Look which items are better for example if the enemy team has a jax, yasou, sivir and yi then you should build armor boots.
If u use a mage and they have a tank go Lyandri that kills tanks in no time ffs
The #1 reason I'm not improving? Bruh I'm training for that challenger status on TFT.
Flamers : *exists*
Me : *please kill me*
Enemy Yasuo : Ur just all bad *shows his 38/3/66 score*
I mean...hes right. If you have good mechanics...you simply dont die a lot. I die like 4 times a game going HAM as support
Just play Ekko and Kassadin if you want to win or Pyke supp and do a lot of roaming with xp taxing. Here's Pyke guide:
1.farm till lvl 6 with your adc
2.buy tiamat, get lvl 6 and mobility boots
3.roam where you're needed and after back you should go top>mid>bot doing vision into enemy jungler into road
Thanks for posting this video! Very helpful, you guys have made me really passionate about league 😁
This video made me realize that i am improving. The only thing is, I don't actually feel like i am. I think the best thing to do is to make a list of the things what you want to improve on and go down the list completing everything. It is going to make your improvements much more noticeable for you and improve your confidence.
My team won a game the other day when we were down 20 kills. The other team was only fragging. They didn't farm or get towers. We were down almost 30 kills at one point but finished 40 kills to 60. Objectives are important people. Lol
I love how you guys are reading the comments and interacting with the viewers.
It's not selfless like just some people that are part of a business and making these videos for the success of said business.
I’m hard stuck plat every game feels like a coin flip as to who gets the better team
if ignore the lp u lose/win and if team is winning losing and put full focus on what YOU could be doing better you will climb, even if its slowly
You only need a 55% win rate to climb consistently so playing might feel like a coinflip sometimes since (even if you're doing well) you're still losing 45% of the time. Just play more and that extra 5% will start helping you climb.
listening to you is so painful.. a week ago i got a streak of 15 victory all with great score, now all fail i lost 2 ranks.. and now listening to you this moment, i realized.. i actually was focused on getting CS and not engaging till i at least 6 or got my first item and even then i'm very careful, that is how i got my streak, but this week all fail, cause i only focus on fighting the enemy champion.. i always rush, that is why its painful, i always try to get cs and less death but i always forget that it is what i should do.. now i will literally do that. or i will go back to being unranked.. at this point.. thanks for the video.
for everyone who is stuck at the same place, who hit a wall, and he thinks that wall is his limit, its not.. you just forgot how to manage you're lane, how to farm CS and stay back get ready and steady and wait for the moment, and never forget to ward.. always ward, and most importantly MAP AWARENESS, too many people in LoL does not have that, i pinged a player at least 10 times before he notices.. tho he died because he was slow to notice.. so that is all i want to say.
Happy Ranking, and don't forget to Enjoy the Match, or its pointless to even play the game.. so don't be toxic (Like me when i die 2 times in 5 minutes XD)
I know I'm bad and need alot of improving. But it always feels like coin flips when I do good say 3/0 30-50 cs up all my other lanes feed. I try super hard to get drags rome to help my team. Its so hard tho I just need to learn how to carry when everyone is fed on the other team. Last game I was in bot lane was 7/37 hard stuck d4 for life.
So true about Fiora, I just decided to play her and I basically win every laning phase but my late game is very cranky to say the least. She is a really good splitpusher though so I should use it to my advantage
*Thank You* ill carry bot lane and be 10-1 and top goes 0-2 and is like GG FF jg diff. I'm just like stfu and let me carry
Bro im always 10-1 top and adc goes 0-5 gg ff jg diff.
What is up with top players if they're dying 1 or 2 times they think the world is over. Cant count how many times i've lost because top afk
I was practicing Qiyana yesterday in normal I was 1/2/3 u know no good not terrible 20 cs ahead of Zoe but... Vayne was 0/4/ and tressh 0/5 then the enemy rakan formed a death squad on the map with the jg and zoe and... yeah it was lost a learning experience non the less but frustrating.
what a hero.
For players of plat and below here are some of my tips from a d2 player who climb rank from plat 4 to almost d2 in under a month
1. Have a game plan, when you laning phase you must know what are your opponent strength and weaknesses.
2. Know your team strength. If your team is weaker in Teamfight and better at split pushing you should play to that advantage
3. Warding and dewarding. Try to deny your enemy from vision of objectives and ward areas where they might go to get gold when they are behind. Such as when you push bot turret and ur enemy botlane is 2/5. You can deward the bot lane jungle and ward the Bush that is closest to tier 2. This let you know if your enemy is going back bot to farm up and gives your team the chance to catch them.
4.Tracking your enemy jungler. I'm not talking about what buff they start but where they most likely be at. Lets say u are an adc and your enemy top lane jungle is cleared, he most likely will be at botlane so you should be letting the enemy push in to a safer zone or bunch the wave aka crash and reset wave.
5.As a mid lane you should always be looking for roaming opportunities if possible. And when you roam you should be roaming with your jungler. This will prevent counter ganking.
6. This tip requires a lot of Teamwork which is to deward baron before 20 and rush it down. Even in diamond, players won't do that. But when I played I challenger games enemy will rush baron if you guys are off guard. Such as clearing mid lane. Going bot lane for whatever stupid reasons etc.
Of course there are still many more room for improvement but I can't think of anymore as of this moment or are too long for me to right and maybe to large for you to digest
P2 Player adding on, know that lategame exists and throws happen. Type smthing like Dont tilt, we win. Theyre trash they will throw. You dont need to believe it, because they enemy team might not be trash, but I find it helps to stop a player with high ego from spiraling into an endless cycle of tilt.
This is really detailed,helped me a lot
Die less spoken from the heart. It's how I ranked up from gold into platinum. ''Die less'' means so many basic things.
- Less overextending.
- Going back when low hp or mana.
- Positioning during tf.
I know it sounds pretty basic. But if you want to really improve you have to actively think about those aspects during your game.
Improving is not just being told. It's about realising. At that moment when you realise those things. That's when you will improve. Not your gameplay but you as a player will improve.
I was in Silver II last 2 months but after watching your videos I managed to reach Platinum IV in just 1 month(don't know if it is a quite good improvement) and now I was stuck in Platinum IV 0-80 LP everytime :l..Hope this video can help me and thanks for the videos..Keep up the good work :)
What region
I'm from Philippines and unfortunately I don't know what region my country belongs
Mai Sakurajima Garena server, Philippine region. I can relate to you, I also climbed all the way up from Silver 2 from Placements to Plat IV.
same region and i keep seing this kind of jungler
'no leash no dalaw'
The one thing I wish there was more resources for is how to approach lanes as the champion your currently playing as, verses the lane your fighting. Most of it is just how to approach lane as your champion, but that's half the equation, and I find myself not knowing how to approach a lane with a new variable in it. You all have mentioned win conditions, but when do those conditions change? If I need to push lane so they can't cs and I can have a easier time bullying them, or if I instead should play the lane safer. It seems like most of your videos your only constant win condition is that you need to try to get a level 2 advantage, and if you don't to know when they get theirs so you don't or get punished. Thank you very much for all your content tho, have a great day ProGuides.
I just wanna reach gold for that free skin, honestly would be happy when new server lunches and see what the latency are, currently playing on EUW server with 210ms average
I love it when you repeat the whole video in the summaries.
Not going to lie, there are so many good tips in this one!
As a gold 2 Riven player i could say that this is very true, i was hard stuck in s4 then i decided to try and farm more, i started practicing farming against an intermediate darius bot, then i decided to try and look more at the map and ward more often and buy control wards, lastly i tried(didnt exactly successed) to learn to spread my lead across the map, for example i often look at the botlane and tell my botlane to deep ward into the lane so i can tp and help when they r pushed
I hate it when speedwagon dies after part 2
God bless I can’t go anywhere without this lmao. At least it wasn’t on screen
Really sad indeed
What I'd love to learn is what I should do when you're up against your counter. For me, unless I have a jungler ganking my lane, the lane is a loss most of the time, They go ahead on cs, they apply a lot of lane pressure so I cannot really aid other lanes, I usually lose out on farm, and going slightly out of my turret could be extremely risky.
Play the match up more and more and look up how challenger manage that match up, copy what they do/when they do something
Awesome vídeo, great message to everyone on LoL. Enough with the flame and toxic among players. Grow above that. Its a game, for having fun. U should pass this message during LCS and EU LCS and so on. Great job.
This information is gold !! I climbed from g4 to p3 by learning from this chalnel and watching my mistakes and not blaming others
Wait so if a diamond 3 isn’t considered good by challengers, why do you have diamond 4 coach’s on your site?
All of this advice is absolutely perfect for where I'm standing right now. Thank you.
6:46 ofc it's a Yasuo XD
I am moderate at CS but where I truly struggle is when I’ve been counter picked top and am basically shut down. Unable to CS because any venturing forth is a death, bad at farming under tower and essentially out of the game. Top lane snowballs so hard 1 death can mean losing the lane seems like.
I was a hardstuck Platinum4-Platinum3 but when i tried Proguides it helped me climb in rank and now im a Platinum1 67LP
Thanks to Proguides
Lmao its sound like a publicity. Hey guys with proguide i climb so quickly dont waste you're time and go Proguide! "SmileyFace" "Thumb up"
Hey! I'm wondering is there a plan to make support guide video? What can you work on improving? When you should look for engage, how to manage tower dive and tower shots tanking, are you putting down your vision correctly even tho you had like 45 vision score in 30 min game. I also noticed that I got worse in support after so many years haha any tips? ;)
5:20 You can't 1v5
Well , if You play illaoi...
can confirm. my only penta is a 1v5 as illoai
I feel like what you say is very true but in iron/bronze/silver people can't recognize when you are creating map pressure so you just put yourself in danger and adc will just take your jungler red even tho the whole team is busy dealing with you on the other side of the map and you get flame for being "out of position"
"This video is going to help you not flame you"
Me: Ahahh
This is the most informative League video I have EVER seen!!!! Great job Kellen!!!!!
ok im in the category: wtf is cs
Dimitris Kliafas hopeful you have figured this out by now. But if not, “Creep Score” = cs lol. How many minions you have killed.
I can tell you, i have like 10 accounts and in the past i got also 10 perma bans, im basically only smurfing and kinda toxic when its not going well. I dont have much fun in D4 Toplane, especially not in these days where it is normal that i have to lane against almost unbeatable champions like Tahm, Illaoi Yorick ,Tank Karma whatever. I really dont wanna be toxic every 2nd game, but im just mental very weak, i dont know how to reform i tried it many times.
Hey man 2 things mute and listen to music
@@coaxhchris i cant mute the stupidity of my team :D and music doesnt change anything
@@tempo9400 rip.. I saw a steamer listen to peaceful piano on Spotify and it helped me stay calm but try some twisted tree line or aram those are easy to win in and puts you in a happier mood
If thats true pls stop playing LoL ;)
@@ChrissyWestside its the best game by far for me atm and im still having much fun why would i lol
This is why im a Jungler main.. I dont cs in lane..
I acknowledge these tips as being correct and accurate, however, I wish to add my own that might help some others; it's an important one that personally helped me the most.
Don't care about winning.
That's it. Focus on how you play the game and be analytical of your gameplay - as the video explained, really - and simply teach yourself that the actual outcome of the game literally doesn't matter. If you stop caring about winning and focus on getting better by analysing everything going on in the game (chiefly yourself) then, guess what, you will start winning more.
Best your video. This is what all players should see, and following all these steps you will hella climb
Yo exile, good to know your name is Kellen xd
Holy shit this is really good. I usually dont play ranked a whole lot because of afraid to lose or demote but im going to start playing on a regular bases
I just hit diamond and this dude calls me hardstuck how rude
can also do a video how to handle an enemy 5.0 draven or irelia? or a yasou going 0.4 after 10min and flame team? THAT is how i get stuck and slowed down most. believe it or not.
1-6, Down 50 cs, and a level behind. You should never 1v1 your enemy laner.
*Laughs in Tahm and Yorick*
ezreal could be 100 cs down but have much better items than enemy too lmao ...OP kleptomancy
Love this video! Gave alot of useful information, especially for someone like me, who is new and wanting to get better. Keep them coming!
So basically you could be as bad as landing Q's on Lee and ezreal but reach Gold because youre decent in macro plays....interesting
its not wrong, just play a champ that does not rely on skill shots or too high mechanics and then rotate and focus minor goals and objectives better. generally getting baron/inhib/drake/turret > getting a kill.
@@codywilliams2615 so, Nunu is a good jungler for lower elo's?
ISAAC Lalnunzira nunu is a good jungler for every elo , like a s tier
I'm a long time plat player since i never really main any role, but i've been using ezreal alot again and that farm more die less helps me. one time i had to 1v2 a draven sona lane cause my support was auto filled and went double jungle, i got out of lane w.o dying even though we lost. i only had 5 deaths that game
reason is because i have 270 ping constant
I play with 250 ping and at 12 fps. And i suck
Then chose a diffrent server?
@@roarbahamut9866 and playing with everyone saying tangina every 10 sec? no thanks
As a diamond/master tier player i'll say high elo starts from plat, but challenger would say it starts in grandmaster. It is a personal opinion for evryone
DorszNaHaju high elo is d3+
I know why im not improving, because I stopped playing this toxic game :D
Very cool, nobody cares
Well the matchmaking is designed to base the enemy team off the personal stats of the best person on your team, but your team off your win/loss record. Which means the better you do personally, the stronger your enemies, but the more you lose anyway the more trolls/afkers you get, the more likely you are to be teamed with trolls/afkers in the future. So yeah, the game is kinda fundamentally toxic and designed to frustrate you harder the better you become. Only dodging using op.gg and duoing with other skilled players can unstick you once you're in that scenario, unless you have little enough pride to purposely throw a dozen games or so without contributing much at all to unretard your matchmaking.
Source: Happens to me on every new solo climbing account at least once. Purposefully throwing (emphasis on low objectives/cs/kills, only taking assists so I can still be carried despite tanking out my personal stats) until I no longer end up with strong opposition is usually enough for the next dozen matches to unstick me till I have to do it again a division or two later. You know you've hit the tipping point when your team actually carries you for a change a couple times, then can switch back to hardclimbing now that your matchmaking isnt poisoned anymore.
I will set an example here, i'm grandmaster 308lp with 64% winrate, and stillhad some good insights watching this video. The mentality of "i can learn something to improve every game i play" is real. Every single one in challanger thinks like this, because in the end of the day doesn't matter if you had 0/11 junglers every game, but the difference you could have made to win this game despite the troll jungler.
Becoming One Trick Katarina Main
Winning every single match
Climbing very fast from B5 to B1 in 3 days
Saying idiot accidentally
Get perma ban for that 1 word
True Story
The number one rule is troll and afks and don t come with you don t climb because its your fault, say that to 90 % of game are fucked by trolls
Man. If Bot feds their adc, its game over whatever i do.
Question: I am a support main (silver) and often I get an ADC that is bad at farming, like down by half of the other ADC. What should I do? Should I try farming, but I hate to upset my ADC???? And yes I try my best to deny enemy farming. PS thank you, for all your videos teaching us noobs how it's done, they are much appreciated
Yes buy armor vs assassins who can have up to 70 amor pene while you have only one slot to put an armor related item which if it gave you 60 armor it would still not be enough to survive their full combo damage but oh wait, there is no good enough armor item that costs good enough in terms of gold cost and slot efficiency/loss in power like ap/ad which you have to sacrifice...unless you are a tank and have the innate HP scaling to help, which, you aren't anyway otherwise assassins wouldn't even try to murder the shit out of you in the first place, so...
What is this math-noob-land or something?
@@cmj2b yeah because they don't have one gap closers like *cough* Zed and buying stopwatch that is a one thing is gonna win me the game xD
@@georgeindestructible Why do I get the "hard stuck silver" vibe from you lmao
@@roarbahamut9866 Because you probably never done the math and tests?
Just stay calm and collected on early game no matter what especially when you gey invaded or the enemy got their first blood. All you should focus on is the preperation through the mid and late-game.
10 thousand subs With no videos unless ur bot goes 0/14 and is down 50 cs
My mind is challenger but my account is silver
ofcource you are
@@ptbro3334 yea l m XD
Bruh, the most important piece of information in this video is at 7:30 it showed that minions don't actually walk but hover over the ground.
Tbh some tips on this guide is more suited for people who play on the lane
But sometimes people who play in jungle and support have different winning condition / goal.
Great tips tho
Ha Im hardstuck d4 and I do no of the mistakes u mentioned aside from periodic disrespecting. It's my mentality that is ruined and I need a few weeks break from lol - bored but also unable to quit.
Also, to learn a new champion better and faster there's nothing better than going balls deep in to realize their limits. (tip to all of u new qiyana mains :D)
Haven't finded a Good Video like this in along time ago!!! Perfection!!!
Massive loss streak 😫 even got demoted to silver but this video shows me some errors I'm making and how to improve on them
I know what I'm doing in game but I don't what I'm doing with my champion. I don't know how to control them to avoid dying and still kill the enemy. I usually panic and spam all my attacks or miss them which just leaves me defenseless
pro tip to climb is good mental, bronze and silvers rage and tilt so much off of small stuff, iron players have some kind of mental illness that they will join the game tilted
if you can stay positive AND be a positive player (say ty, gj, its ok we can win easy) that can boost your teams mental. being toxic just increases ur chances of losing imo
This is actually a pretty good video . I thought it was going to be cheesy but it does make sense most of it.
very good information, I think my main problem is I do try to focus on CS as much as possibly but especially top lane or if im adc against a pokey bottom lane they deny me way too hard, top I like to play Camille mostly and she can have trouble getting cs when the enemy just pokes you down, jungler wont gank for me as often as he should when he sees im pushed to my tower, of course Camille has great 1v1 potential but against a riven or a jax its not so great and they can zone me really easily
I like the use of the word silly, the most childish and yet the most loving insult ever x3
I was challenger season 5, now just plat since no more time in league.. I could still win lanes, but time is needed to ranked up
Actually a super helpful video, will make sure to use these tips, as a jinx main lol
The number 1 reason for this applies to everything(and i mean EVERYTHING)..
*They are not willing to learn*
I did my big jump in results when i started experimenting with new champions to learn their kit,strengths and weaknesses.When i watched LCS to see what i did differently in terms of laning
when i went into games just for the purpose of learning how to farm,or watch map or anything..Learned to use pings,wards and chat effectively(and ofc dont fking flame in ranked,it never helps)
I m a mechanical slowbro,my reactions are worse than gold,yet i have reached diamond multiple times.Every1 calling me boosted because i cant do a basic lee sin combo,they think that being able to do flashy plays is what makes a diamond...BIG MISTAKE(btw i dont play lee sin or jungle for that matter)
This is such a good video! Changing ones mindset is not easy, but personally, i finally did, and climbed from B4 to B1 in a single day! Keep the awesome videos comming! :D
P.S. Could you ask Riot to replace their loadingscreen with this video? Eventually it should stick to all low ELO players :D
pretty fast. Did You played 10+ hours this day or you skipped division?
@@tropicaldog430 10+ hours :) not recomended, but was on a winstreak :D so wasn't getting tired or tilted :D
I only play this game on mobile now.
I started playing with less than a month to the end of the last season and kept climbing and reached emerald 3 before the end of the season.
New season starts and I get placed on platinum 2 and now I only get terrible teammates and can't climb.
Yeah I’m starting to realize this now. I’ve gotten to gold 2 then dropped all the way to gold 4 and now I’m MMR is low so everytime I win I’m only getting 13-15 and I lose like 18-20 I got tilted and kept trying to win. I just trying to figure out how to win games where others are feeding.
Started from season 3, silver, silver, silver ,and only recently gold and plat from last 3 seasons. Still climbing :d
A slow climb is climbing
This hurts me because i spent 2 months learning Taliyah's mechanics and forgot Csing existed T_T
Good video tho, definitely will take notes
Taliyah has mechanics ?
One thing about this game is patience and when to disengage from a fight.
i think the main reason why a lot of people don't grow that much is that everyone gets better overtime. Were people hyped over the Faker first game of nidalee punishing a khazix who evolved his skill while in attack range. People would now say that khazix is trolling
lets summary quickly. Get gud
I am currently at diamond 3 , and every game I played I can tell that I make alot of mistakes and I keep repeating these mistakes. Do I consider myself as a good player? nah not really it just happened that I kinda know the basics of how this game works, which applies to every plat2+ players. When I played my smurf account in gold elo, I realized that most of the players do not know the basics of their champions. For example if u r playing Fiora, u should just maximum ur split and 1v1 power, not joining teamfights. Or if u r playing fizz talon u should always looking for chances to roam , not just trying to even cs a vlad or orianna. Once u have a general idea of what u should be doing in the game, u can climb to plat even diamond 4 easily.