8 months off fast taper from doctor and poly drugged it's complete hell everyday all day when will things lighten up. It's so hard to keep going like this.
Do you mind sharing what the fast taper was? I'm just curious. It took me forever to find a Dr who did slow tapers (thank God he is also ER doctor) and he follows the Ashton method to an almost t. 10% every 2 weeks. If the patient can't handle it 5%. Can be difficult hence I suggest watching his video on liquid micro tapering but sounds like you didn't get the chance to even try that.....
22 years cold turkey 8 years ago .. the psychical withdrawal was horrific. For those suffering , hold on… your body will heal!!! Frequency healing, Joe Dispenza meditation, red light therapy!!! You have more power in your mind than you realize!!! After all you took the food you ate today and turned it into cells… believe in yourself!!! Don’t give up this world needs you!!!! Much ❤️ 💕
Thanks! 20 years sertraline, Cold turkey. I’ve been so sick barely remember the first year. Worst symptom extreme brain pain, pressure, burning, pulls and pinching, numbing, electricity, vibrations. Pulsating spine. Can only walk for a very short distance even 1 year off. How long did it take to get better? I feel no hope.
i went almost cold turkey, my specialist was booked up for three months, other doctors refused to intervene in the regime implemented by another doctor, i was unable to wake up in the morning (anxiety levels went way down after i finally took enough to get to sleep)...dont do it i got rebound anxiety, tachycardia awake for three days without sleep at a time, down to 32 kg..i was bouncing off the walls (i had lost my toxic job for being late).now cognitive problems, speech probs etc at age 46.
sounds awful. I had only increased anxiety and insomnia, but I did have two seizures. I had told medical professionals that I was tapering and NO ONE told me that seizures were a possible withdrawal symptom. I am fine now and notice no long term impacts, but never will I take another benzo.
Thank you for helping me believe im not insane and that im not imagining all this,watching your videos Please come teach these medical people what you know so they will stop dismissing me and treating me like a drug addict/ drug seeker
I went to treatment. Addicted to Xanax for 5 years and I had to wait for 24 miserable hours until they administered Valium. 5 mg twice a day for 3 days . Then on paxil thereafter. I dealt with paws for 7 months and I finally feel amazing. 17 months later , It's a tough transition. But so doable. So blessed I have no permanent damage. I was taking up to 5 mg a day before treatment. So I did have absolutely miserable withdrawal , Treatment was the answer for me . God is good. Freedom is a beautiful thing, We do recover ❤️
connieclanton9802 Oh that’s wonderful news that you have no brain injury! I sure know that God is good, even though I’ve been in cognitive decline for years now, but never pinned it to my psych meds + having an opioid addiction and being put on Suboxone… My only hope (at 65 yrs old) is God releasing me from the withdrawal symptoms from 3 separate medications. I have no Dr to assist with this, and am on my own… I know the Lord does not want me to suffer, especially not at this stage of my life… I’ve made it to church twice over the last 4 yrs, and that is a far cry from going every single Sunday, and meetings during the week. It really hurts me to be isolated from my brothers and sisters in Christ, but God knows and is able to change what I cannot change. Blessings to you my sister ❤
@@mattkolb3626I'd love to know what this treatment is since there is nothing that can "treat" benzo withdrawal. If there was, none of us would be in indescribable unbearable hell 😕
4mg Xanax daily for 12 years..... realized what was going on in August 2019. I've since transitioned to diazepam and am down to 13mg daily. I am fortunate to have found a physician who understands what is going on. The Ashton Manual is an absolute gift. I can tell you, though, that even that pace of a schedule can be too fast. .125mg has a strong negative effect on me for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. The lower I go, the harder it seems to get.
Wishing you the very best and praying you have an easier time than many, everyone is different, I didn't feel much until around the time my urine samples were clear of benzos, then all hell broke loose. Everyone is different, I have friends who felt it worst like yourself during the taper, but personally it's all been post tapering with me.
When I tapered off Ativan I was quivering, I fealt like I had Parkinsons disease. I frequently had exploding head syndrome when I was sleeping. My anxiety was so much worse than if I never took them in the first place. Don't take those things in the first place is my recommendation.
@@Lolipop59 I was taking it for about 10 Years. Took me about 6 months to taper, and about another 6 months until I fealt normal again. So I'd say a full year of recovering. With that kinda stuff when you taper down to a small fraction of a dose it's the hardest part. I was actually taking tiny crumbs at the end just so I could sort of function a little.
@@Lolipop59 your welcome no problem. Started with 1 mg twice a day back when doctors passed them out like lolly pops. Then 0.5, and id just break them into pieces when I decided I was gonna be done. I cant imagine having to come off a larger dose.
My biggest concern is that the brain injury is permanent and I will never return to baseline, even after all the drugs out of my system. This is so exhausting.
It’s not necessary true that you won’t have bad or many symptoms from a slow taper. I had severe symptoms while in tolerance and a extremely slow withdrawal off Valium. While it’s not common it’s very possible to be completely obliterated from a gradual slow withdrawal process.
Super true. It's also true that a lot of ppl don't have any symptoms that shocks me. Think about how many housewives from the 70s and 80s who were taking these daily and then just stopped......a lot probably suffered in silence and doctors were not as aware of how bad the withdrawal can be back then. I knew a kid who was taking 8mg of Xanax daily. He went cold turkey and went to seizure town for about a week but after that and being stabilized in hospital his only withdrawal was just really bad anxiety and insomnia for a few months. But again he cold turkeyed and never should have he didn't know the risks back then thank God he went to the ER.
@@noobslayer10101 I knew a guy in person who got off with just irritability. For me, I had electricity shooting up and down my nerves with the worst being a temporary paralysis of my left side (was not a stroke) I got absolutely obliterated
During cold turkey withdrawal from 29 years of first Xanax, then Klonopin 1-2 mg, always as directed, I had MANY intolerable symptoms. The earliest and long-lasting symptoms were intense fast pounding of my heart with severe hyperventilation, general anxiety and terror. The heart pounding was visible to others, even in neck and abdomen. This lasted a long time, still occurs now occasionally at 43 months out. When I was able to drive again around 6-7 months out, I saw a cardiologist for it. I had many tests (EKG, echo, nuclear stress tests, blood work, CT for cardiac calcium score). I was diagnosed with paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, a very dangerous condition where the heart can just stop and life ends. I thought it was going to be permanent until i died, but a few months ago I was rechecked and it was completely gone! Many tests were done again and it was gone! I had told the cardiologist about the CT benzo withdrawal, but he refused to believe that had any effect on my heart. A neurologist last diagnosed me with "small fiber peripheral polyneuropathy" explaining the electrical jolts i still get following withdrawal, though are improving. He too 100% denies the CT benzo withdrawal had anything connection to my symptoms. Doctors I've seen are idiots including the doctors who kept me on benzos all those years with no information given about it, and especially the one who saw no problem in telling me to "Just STOP" when I wanted to discontinue them in 2020. No taper was mentioned. No help was offered when I begged her for help or advice during early withdrawal. When I finally saw her at 6 months out and described the hell I'd been going through, she looked annoyed, rolled her eyes, and changed the subject.
There is no way to "correctly" taper off of a benzo. It is a crap shoot no matter what method you use. Tapering gradually over months or years does NOT guarantee a pain-free taper.
@@dinahsoar6982 I was prescribed .5 Ativan for 4 years. I did a 10 month taper and it was indescribable hell. I was already in dire straights from interdose withdrawal but hadn't a clue that was the cause. I am just over 5 years post taper and still recovering.
Also wondering. If you took it just a few years and tapered in a good way. But as I 18 years use and almost Cold turkey. Already injured last years when I took it, iatrogenic injury. Neurological injury. Doubtful. I think many will get better though, but it is individual and depends on how big the damage is and worse if you have taken it for 20 years I think.
I don't know what the medication was exactly, but i was put on an ssri that when i took it in the mornings made me sleepy all day. The doctor told me to switch tonight instead. Then i got the most horrendous restless legs syndrome you could imagine. This led to sleep deprivation, which caused emotional dysregulation and meltdowns. At the next appointment, he told me it can take 6 weeks before I would adjust to the medication, but "don't worry, the side effects will pass." It had already been 6 or so weeks. I decided to stop them as i felt like i was going crazy. The withdrawals were just as shocking. Whenever i moved - even slightly - it felt like my nerves were shuddering under my skin. It was an alien sensation like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I was put on Endep years later for migraine management as well as depression but it made me feel nothing. Feeling nothing is like feeling subhuman... like "meant to be human," but something important is missing that makes you always fall short of being actually human. Thankfully, now I'm off all meds. I have a script for endep to take if i get a migraine, but not every day, as it does help with that. Interestingly, though, I've been experiencing fewer migraines.
Because your body stopped making normal serotonin metabolism _ You will be able to make those receptors again but u usually go crazy first cause u can't make them fast enough or your too old to turn on the DNA to produce _ there u go the truth from a " person who doesn't exist"
@@Anythingforfreedom Your cells are naturally making receptors for your calm down chemicals in your body serotonin. The SSRIs have buggered the the making of the receptors and giving your system free good feeling chemicals serotonin.. So when we take the SSRIs from your body- u has lost the ability to move serotonin into your cell to calm u down. Now your going to self destruct when they take the SSRIs _ all mass shooters were poisoned like this. If u in emergency _eat beets and box breath and hold cold freezer bag to your face.
For Brain fog it is also good to consider non-psychological causes such as allergies. Nasal sprays or Psuedophed can be very helpful to determine if that is the case or not. Sertraline withdrawal symptoms such as zaps or physical jerkimg movements may be associated with the electrolyte imbalances that can occur since sertraline can affect sodium Channels.
“Withdrawal” is just brain change = brain injury being unmasked. It’s not about getting a drug out of you, it’s about your brain’s ability to rewire after it is gone. When you hear “dependence” you can automatically assume it’s causing brain injury. They act like you are okay as long as you don’t start taking more and more. No one tells you that anything with a “withdrawal” or “discontinuation syndrome” can cause akathisia. Especially interdose withdrawal akathisia and withdrawal akathisia. Akathisia isn’t a side effect and it isn’t transient. It’s a sign of neurotoxicity occurring or having already occurred. Translation: it’s a sign you were brain injured. The more you know.
DING DING DING DING!!!! Yes. Yes, it is a brain injury. Specifically, a limbic system injury, which can be healed by neuroplastic training. I did DNRS for about a year and my withdrawals resolved. This shouldn’t be gate kept from people who are still suffering.
Hello Dr. - would you possibly be able to do a video or if this is not the place for me to ask- Where should I submit this question/request-> it has come to my attention based on my experience, which led me to dig into this issue. Why, since I have been going through benzo withdrawals, I cannot take even the tiniest amount of a vitamin or supplement without my withdrawal symptoms shooting through the roof? I have learned this is incredibly common. I also cannot take some medications that I would routinely take for necessary things without having some pretty horrible side effects that I didn’t have pre BWD 2 months ago. While not necessary, I also heard it is imperative to avoid Botox while going through benzo withdrawals, because some people have a horrible reactions that did not occur previously. A doctor told me my reactions to vitamins and meds is not possible. what I understand it is that that it is because the GABA receptors are damaged, and also due possibly to increased histamine reactions that are worsened, especially by taking Valium as part of the taper plan, the nervous system can become highly overreactive, and hyper sensitive to medications, vitamins, supplements, and your body will tell you!!!!! But I would love to understand a bit more about this. Is this a topic you could address in a UA-cam video for us, or let me know where I can submit this request? Thank you so very much!!!! 💜💜😊
This is extremely common and you are spot on due to an overactive nervous system. We can definitely explore in a video further because I think it's a pretty common question!
@@taperclinic Thank you very much!!! It would be a very popular video !!!! And this is one of the scariest things about benzo injury and withdrawal- because sometime you need a med like an antibiotic, and you develop or already B and D deficiency, etc…. 😫 Thank you!!!
I have such bad histamime intolerance and benzo belly - I can literally only stomach red meat and some select foods. Almost all supplements and meds trigger/excerbate a wave. Not sure how long it lasts. Seems like such a common problem.
What do you think about B12? It’s vital for healing nerve damage and is involved in many brain cell processes like synapse formation, neurotransmitters and repairing brain cells. It helps with some symptoms in withdrawal but it is also very activating which is why I can’t take much, but I wonder what role does it play in withdrawal etc? Maybe it can speed up recovery?
Can you help me, dr Josef? Should a person reinstate if a rescue dose triggered severe withdrawl withdrawl never experienced before after it wore off leaving the person disabled?
Same thing happend to me. It got worse. Dont have answer. Individual. Some can if in time. Those already injured after rapid taper off zero, cant reinstate, it can get worse.
Is there anyway you could set me up with a punch biopsy or a spinal tap? I have insurance. Ivd been in benzo withdrawal for 1year an 8 months an jts not getting any better. No doctore around were i live will do anything. I'd like to find out what's really going on inside of me. Cause I've been suffering for a long time. An it's not going away. I got tapered really fast in jail a year an 8 months ago. An I'm in doing horrible still. I feel like by now I should've noticed some type of improvements. But it's the same.
Thanks doc. Wish I could email. I have TD and dystonia from an antinausea, called metoclopramide.. I'm about 50 kg and was given 20M injection by the doctor and perhaps I think he gave me a bit too much? I would really like people to know there's a posibilitynof side effects if they take anti nausea medication, it could be worsening any movement disorders that they have from ssri's. Brain fog is awful too!
@taperclinic thanks so much for everything you're doing. Including keeping people alive! Huge respect for all your advice 🙏 The Nero gave me a script 300mg of garbage twice daily (lyrica) but I am afraid of it affecting my mind, above all! My mum was on 25mg for sciatica. 300mg dose feels too huge..
I was prescribed zopiclone for 2 months and quit cold turkey. Experienceing tinnitus, anxiety, insomnia, burning skin. On day 12 now. Was wondering if the same issues of prolonged withdrawal apply to z-drugs and should i be worried that these symptoms are long lasting?
@@chas1819so sorry to hear that . How do we know if someone has that neuropathy from benzos ? I would appreciate very much if you could explain me this. Thank you very much.
Is there a medication that you can take for brain fog……since Covid after vaccine I got Covid again and have been battling brain fog….. it’s really affecting me, it’s like I’m a different person.
When I was Rx'd Xanax I experienced interdose withdrawal b/c of the short half life...I tapered off b/c I didn't want to have to keep increasing the dose to get the same benefit.
@@bwinkle2915 No, for vestibular migraine..xanax suppresses the central nervous system and stopped the head roar tinnitus and the vertigo which are 2 of my symptoms of vm...the others I experience are fatigue, balance issues, head pressure, hyperacusis, photo phobia, rocking boat sensation. It's pretty miserable. My VM started in childhood, I have classic symptoms which can take decades to finally diagnose...the general pattern of progression is childhood car sickness, sick headaches, abdominal migraine, migraine, IBS, and BPPV which are acutally vestibular migraine.
@@bwinkle2915 No, for vestibular migraine. It did help with the tinnitus and vertigo initially and that was great b/c I'd suffered for 3 years, but after a short time, 4 weeks, the dose was ineffective and the only option was to increase the dose... I didn't want to risk addiction, plus my balance issues were worse due to the Xanax......I was put on Zoloft and I tapered off the Xanax, and for a year the Zoloft was great..then the Zoloft no longer worked as well as it had...the dose was increased from 50mg to 100 mg per day ...there was no benefit from the increase, so I slowly tapered off of it. Other drugs had been prescribed prior to these two but one, amitriptyline caused heart palpitations, and the other Ajovy, helped a little but not enough to warrant staying on it. I'm back to square one, dealing with tinnitus, vertigo and balance issues which vary from day to day...I'm not on any drugs..I have been to see another neuro-otologist for a 2nd opinion...he referred me to a neurologist whom I'll see in December. It seem almost pointless finding any real help.
I was on 50mg a day, sertraline, was told to go to 25mg for a week and then to stop...that was rough...I went back up to the higher dose, sat there for about 10 days until things stabilized, then I did a daily micro taper using water to make a solution. It is very easy to micro taper with a liquid med.
@@THXx1138 And that is why going slower is a good choice, it gives the body more time to achieve homeostasis. Unless there's a very good reason to get off fast, a daily micro taper is a good choice.
I do a month long taper from both SSRI and benzo every summer. I’ve done this regularly for years. I’ve never gotten addicted to the benzo because I taper back if they seem to not be working. SSRI, takes about two weeks. I’ve done it cold turkey, and had anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, myalgia, sensations like feelings of a bug creeping on my arms, paranoia that I know is irrational. It goes away within 10-14 days. It’s not unendurable, but why not taper? When needed, the meds definitely help, so I’ve not sworn off them entirely. As for less intelligent or brain injury, I don’t notice anything along those lines. The brain fog can be overcome with coffee, tea, cola.
That's great to hear you have been able to start and stop them without significant issue. Every person is different and only a small amount develop long-term symptoms.
You're lucky. Most people will eventually have issues with any psychotropic med. When I say most people, its higher than 50% who have issues. And, this is a growing problem because most people take some kind of medication for depression and/or anxiety. The thing is if you ever take any medications like this again in your lifetime you are at risk for "kindling" because your system is now "primed" for this. I am not joking & wish I was. Do not take any psyche meds for the rest of your life because the next time will cause your system to "take a shit". Also, meds like Neurontin too .. these seizure meds that doctors use for pain now. My life saving advice to you is to never touch an anxiety med or antidepressant, or any off label med for pain, or any prescription anti nausea drug, ever again.
@@idesigncutethings2196 I’m so sorry you had such a terrible experience. I’m sorry for all who do. I was just sharing my experience, but thanks for your life saving advice.
I hope you are doing well and not suffering. I don’t wish suffering on any human being. As people are free to share their experiences, I was sharing mine too. Again, thank you for your life saving advice.
@@THXx1138 Yeah, such "doctors" almost kill their patiënts suffering from mental illness. 25 Mg of Lorazepam... WTF 🤮 I personally hate 95%+ of every psychiatrist I've had...
She also talked about 125 Mg of Diazepam. The psychiatrist of one of my friends prescribed her 350 Mg Clozapine, 32 Mg Lorazepam and Midazolam nasal spray. She suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and treatment resistant depression. She almost died on this cocktail of drugs. Most psychiatrists are -in my opinion- legal drugs dealers... 😡
When you’re sane enough to even separate these thoughts! You need some kind of clarity to contrast these thoughts . That kind of spiritual warfare is needful and necessary but until you can crawl you can’t walk.
And you've had no symptoms since being off? I'm on 4mgs but it's extended release and it's been 16 years. I want off bad, but I don't think I'd survive.
@@FarewellFix No symptoms. Don't miss it at all. I still take an antidepressant, which doubles as an anxiolytic, but that's low dose. Yeah, I don't think mine were time release. I took one mg throughout the day.
She was on 150mg diazepam a day! That's crazy and any doctor giving that dose shouldn't be a doctor! My neurologist said my 5mg a day is a serious issue
So you're claiming people have actual brain damage (stressig already stressed out people even further) without having any evidence at all? That sounds pretty messed up
He is an M.D. psychiatrist who helps people get off of these drugs, many who have been unsuccessful...you might want to listen to some of the experiences of people whom he's interviewed that have experienced brain damage. He also worked for FDA and pharmaceutical companies...and he's taken these drugs himself so he knows how his patients feel.
@@allencollins6031 Exactly... it takes approx 5.5 times the half life of a drug to be completely out of your system. Any effects that remain are as you said. I was on Ajovy for vestibular migriane, which has a half life of 31 days. It takes 170.5 days for your system to completely clear it...One of the awful things I experienced going off of it was horrible armpit odor which smelled like burnt onions...another thing it cleared more quickly on my left side than it did on my right side b/c I've had lymph nodes removed in my right armpit due to cancer. I'd have to clean my armpits with rubbing alcohol. TMI, sorry, but it's one of the weird things no one probably mentions..or it could be unique to my body.
@@dinahsoar6982 classical Argument from authority If he doesn't cite any solid research his claims are worthless and just stressing out people who already are stressed out more than enough
Why are you telling people to not take benzodiazepines? I used to have EXTREME panic attacks a lot. Ever since I have been using a benzo (won’t give the name) I have NEVER had a panic attack again. I do not understand the religious crusade against benzos when they work very well for people like me.
I find that most physicians are clueless when it comes to these drugs. They prescribe drugs that should be used short term and keep their patients on them for decades.
And taken off by Dr’s and getting sick by WD an neurological injury. I got long term side effects and numbed as a zoombie. Then I got adverse reaction after 16 years after dose changes.
During Covid I was prescribed generic Klonopin (Clonazpam) for my anxiety. By the time lockdown was over, my cognitive ability had dramatically reduced. I used to be an avid reader, a frequent writer, and a fairly eloquent speaker. Now I struggle to maintain focus on reading, writing, and constantly find myself struggling for words and names in conversation. My short term memory has suffered too, but to be fair compared to many people I hear on this channel I got off easy.
I can totally relate to this. 15years on benzos and almost a year off at this point. My hunger for knowledge is insane right now after all of those years my brains were numbed, and when you combine it with my mental capabilities, oh man that is not good, not good at all. It frustrates the hell out of me and tbh makes me depressed. I am not functioning properly.
@Lolipop59 Hey. I started to taper, slowly. Took me several months to get off and then the real suffering began. It is a painful road but I think it might be worth it in the end. These pills are so damn diabolical 😞
8 months off fast taper from doctor and poly drugged it's complete hell everyday all day when will things lighten up. It's so hard to keep going like this.
Do you mind sharing what the fast taper was? I'm just curious. It took me forever to find a Dr who did slow tapers (thank God he is also ER doctor) and he follows the Ashton method to an almost t. 10% every 2 weeks. If the patient can't handle it 5%. Can be difficult hence I suggest watching his video on liquid micro tapering but sounds like you didn't get the chance to even try that.....
@noobslayer10101 doctor took me off 100 to 50 to 25 and off in a month after 16yrs
@@Mnichols374that quick? You still ok now?
@@jilljohnson9310 no im not okand there's no help
22 years cold turkey 8 years ago .. the psychical withdrawal was horrific. For those suffering , hold on… your body will heal!!! Frequency healing, Joe Dispenza meditation, red light therapy!!! You have more power in your mind than you realize!!! After all you took the food you ate today and turned it into cells… believe in yourself!!! Don’t give up this world needs you!!!! Much ❤️ 💕
Thanks! 20 years sertraline, Cold turkey. I’ve been so sick barely remember the first year. Worst symptom extreme brain pain, pressure, burning, pulls and pinching, numbing, electricity, vibrations. Pulsating spine. Can only walk for a very short distance even 1 year off. How long did it take to get better? I feel no hope.
7 plus years in HELL WITH PAIN 😭 I’m so glad you are healed 😊 Do you lose hope during your WD ?
You Rock
I am happy you finally talk tapering. I think the Colleges should watch this vide
They do not understand the need for long time tapering.
My father had a brain aneurysm when getting off Xanax. These drugs are so terrible.
I so appreciate you Dr. Yousef!
i went almost cold turkey, my specialist was booked up for three months, other doctors refused to intervene in the regime implemented by another doctor, i was unable to wake up in the morning (anxiety levels went way down after i finally took enough to get to sleep)...dont do it i got rebound anxiety, tachycardia awake for three days without sleep at a time, down to 32 kg..i was bouncing off the walls (i had lost my toxic job for being late).now cognitive problems, speech probs etc at age 46.
sounds awful. I had only increased anxiety and insomnia, but I did have two seizures. I had told medical professionals that I was tapering and NO ONE told me that seizures were a possible withdrawal symptom. I am fine now and notice no long term impacts, but never will I take another benzo.
@@taylorcuthrell4123 Taylor, I'm so sorry, how awful. Glad you are OK now..
Thank you for helping me believe im not insane and that im not imagining all this,watching your videos Please come teach these medical people what you know so they will stop dismissing me and treating me like a drug addict/ drug seeker
I went to treatment. Addicted to Xanax for 5 years and I had to wait for 24 miserable hours until they administered Valium. 5 mg twice a day for 3 days . Then on paxil thereafter. I dealt with paws for 7 months and I finally feel amazing. 17 months later , It's a tough transition. But so doable. So blessed I have no permanent damage. I was taking up to 5 mg a day before treatment. So I did have absolutely miserable withdrawal , Treatment was the answer for me . God is good. Freedom is a beautiful thing, We do recover ❤️
What type of treatment did you get
Oh that’s wonderful news that you have no brain injury!
I sure know that God is good, even though I’ve been in cognitive decline for years now, but never pinned it to my psych meds + having an opioid addiction and being put on Suboxone… My only hope (at 65 yrs old) is God releasing me from the withdrawal symptoms from 3 separate medications. I have no Dr to assist with this, and am on my own… I know the Lord does not want me to suffer, especially not at this stage of my life…
I’ve made it to church twice over the last 4 yrs, and that is a far cry from going every single Sunday, and meetings during the week. It really hurts me to be isolated from my brothers and sisters in Christ, but God knows and is able to change what I cannot change.
Blessings to you my sister ❤
Do you still take paxil? Do you feel better from time or from taking the paxil or?
@@mattkolb3626I'd love to know what this treatment is since there is nothing that can "treat" benzo withdrawal. If there was, none of us would be in indescribable unbearable hell 😕
Only 3 days they should have went about 1 week
4mg Xanax daily for 12 years..... realized what was going on in August 2019. I've since transitioned to diazepam and am down to 13mg daily.
I am fortunate to have found a physician who understands what is going on. The Ashton Manual is an absolute gift. I can tell you, though, that even that pace of a schedule can be too fast.
.125mg has a strong negative effect on me for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.
The lower I go, the harder it seems to get.
Can I ask what state you're in?
@@NJmommykyldyl Alabama
Wishing you the very best and praying you have an easier time than many, everyone is different, I didn't feel much until around the time my urine samples were clear of benzos, then all hell broke loose. Everyone is different, I have friends who felt it worst like yourself during the taper, but personally it's all been post tapering with me.
Thanks for your channel. After 20 years in psychiatry I'm embarrassed now to be associated with other psychiatrists who just love their drugs!
When I tapered off Ativan I was quivering, I fealt like I had Parkinsons disease. I frequently had exploding head syndrome when I was sleeping. My anxiety was so much worse than if I never took them in the first place. Don't take those things in the first place is my recommendation.
How long did you take Ativan and how long did take to taper off ? Thank you
@@Lolipop59 I was taking it for about 10 Years. Took me about 6 months to taper, and about another 6 months until I fealt normal again. So I'd say a full year of recovering. With that kinda stuff when you taper down to a small fraction of a dose it's the hardest part. I was actually taking tiny crumbs at the end just so I could sort of function a little.
@@pringals420 thank you very very much for your answer.How much Ativan did you take ? From what dose did you taper down ? Appreciate your help 🤗
@@Lolipop59 your welcome no problem. Started with 1 mg twice a day back when doctors passed them out like lolly pops. Then 0.5, and id just break them into pieces when I decided I was gonna be done. I cant imagine having to come off a larger dose.
@@Lolipop59 are you currently trying to come off em?
My biggest concern is that the brain injury is permanent and I will never return to baseline, even after all the drugs out of my system. This is so exhausting.
I have the same concern.
It’s not necessary true that you won’t have bad or many symptoms from a slow taper. I had severe symptoms while in tolerance and a extremely slow withdrawal off Valium. While it’s not common it’s very possible to be completely obliterated from a gradual slow withdrawal process.
Super true. It's also true that a lot of ppl don't have any symptoms that shocks me. Think about how many housewives from the 70s and 80s who were taking these daily and then just stopped......a lot probably suffered in silence and doctors were not as aware of how bad the withdrawal can be back then. I knew a kid who was taking 8mg of Xanax daily. He went cold turkey and went to seizure town for about a week but after that and being stabilized in hospital his only withdrawal was just really bad anxiety and insomnia for a few months. But again he cold turkeyed and never should have he didn't know the risks back then thank God he went to the ER.
@@noobslayer10101 I knew a guy in person who got off with just irritability. For me, I had electricity shooting up and down my nerves with the worst being a temporary paralysis of my left side (was not a stroke) I got absolutely obliterated
@@ShawnRKA I feel you Zoloft getting off of cold turkey was very similar
It is not brain damage... it is damage to the entire body. Sometimes severe damage.
I tapered VERY slowly and had SEVERE SYMPTOMS the entire time.
what about heart injury?
During cold turkey withdrawal from 29 years of first Xanax, then Klonopin 1-2 mg, always as directed, I had MANY intolerable symptoms. The earliest and long-lasting symptoms were intense fast pounding of my heart with severe hyperventilation, general anxiety and terror.
The heart pounding was visible to others, even in neck and abdomen. This lasted a long time, still occurs now occasionally at 43 months out.
When I was able to drive again around 6-7 months out, I saw a cardiologist for it. I had many tests (EKG, echo, nuclear stress tests, blood work, CT for cardiac calcium score).
I was diagnosed with paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, a very dangerous condition where the heart can just stop and life ends. I thought it was going to be permanent until i died, but a few months ago I was rechecked and it was completely gone! Many tests were done again and it was gone!
I had told the cardiologist about the CT benzo withdrawal, but he refused to believe that had any effect on my heart.
A neurologist last diagnosed me with "small fiber peripheral polyneuropathy" explaining the electrical jolts i still get following withdrawal, though are improving.
He too 100% denies the CT benzo withdrawal had anything connection to my symptoms.
Doctors I've seen are idiots including the doctors who kept me on benzos all those years with no information given about it, and especially the one who saw no problem in telling me to "Just STOP" when I wanted to discontinue them in 2020. No taper was mentioned. No help was offered when I begged her for help or advice during early withdrawal. When I finally saw her at 6 months out and described the hell I'd been going through, she looked annoyed, rolled her eyes, and changed the subject.
@@Rollwithit699 yea im 16 months off Klonopin and been dealing with constant pvcs and pacs since tolerance withdrawal . Still brutal..
Yes, and it injures the muscles of the body as well. I've been clean for 3 years and I'm still weak and sore every day.
It definitely messes up a body and a brain. I'm happy for you that you're in the healing years. You'll get better and better.😊
There is no way to "correctly" taper off of a benzo. It is a crap shoot no matter what method you use. Tapering gradually over months or years does NOT guarantee a pain-free taper.
Have you been on benzos and if so for how long and did you do a fast or slow taper and what was the outcome.
Could you please talk about kindling. It effects so many people in the groups.
I agree. It doesn’t guarantee an easy taper.
@@dinahsoar6982 I was prescribed .5 Ativan for 4 years. I did a 10 month taper and it was indescribable hell. I was already in dire straights from interdose withdrawal but hadn't a clue that was the cause. I am just over 5 years post taper and still recovering.
I don't think I could survive the withdrawal after being prescribed 15 years. I tried to come off them before & it almost killed me.
My dad's been on them over 20 he says the same
Are the brain injuries caused by these drugs still healing or not??
Also wondering. If you took it just a few years and tapered in a good way. But as I 18 years use and almost Cold turkey. Already injured last years when I took it, iatrogenic injury. Neurological injury. Doubtful. I think many will get better though, but it is individual and depends on how big the damage is and worse if you have taken it for 20 years I think.
I don't know what the medication was exactly, but i was put on an ssri that when i took it in the mornings made me sleepy all day.
The doctor told me to switch tonight instead. Then i got the most horrendous restless legs syndrome you could imagine. This led to sleep deprivation, which caused emotional dysregulation and meltdowns.
At the next appointment, he told me it can take 6 weeks before I would adjust to the medication, but "don't worry, the side effects will pass." It had already been 6 or so weeks. I decided to stop them as i felt like i was going crazy.
The withdrawals were just as shocking. Whenever i moved - even slightly - it felt like my nerves were shuddering under my skin. It was an alien sensation like nothing I'd ever experienced before.
I was put on Endep years later for migraine management as well as depression but it made me feel nothing. Feeling nothing is like feeling subhuman... like "meant to be human," but something important is missing that makes you always fall short of being actually human.
Thankfully, now I'm off all meds. I have a script for endep to take if i get a migraine, but not every day, as it does help with that. Interestingly, though, I've been experiencing fewer migraines.
Why does SSRI withdrawal cause excitotoxicity!?
Because your body stopped making normal serotonin metabolism _
You will be able to make those receptors again but u usually go crazy first cause u can't make them fast enough or your too old to turn on the DNA to produce _ there u go the truth from a " person who doesn't exist"
Wonder the same.
Your cells are naturally making receptors for your calm down chemicals in your body serotonin.
The SSRIs have buggered the the making of the receptors and giving your system free good feeling chemicals serotonin.. So when we take the SSRIs from your body- u has lost the ability to move serotonin into your cell to calm u down. Now your going to self destruct when they take the SSRIs _ all mass shooters were poisoned like this.
If u in emergency _eat beets and box breath and hold cold freezer bag to your face.
It takes about 3 month to grow your serotonin receptors back
For Brain fog it is also good to consider non-psychological causes such as allergies.
Nasal sprays or Psuedophed can be very helpful to determine if that is the case or not.
Sertraline withdrawal symptoms such as zaps or physical jerkimg movements may be associated with the electrolyte imbalances that can occur since sertraline can affect sodium Channels.
That was a great bit of information, helped me a lot.
can we just stop deluding ourselves and ask "are all drug withdrawals brain injury?"
With benzos,yes.
Same with SSRI. Rapid taper and Cold turkey.
“Withdrawal” is just brain change = brain injury being unmasked. It’s not about getting a drug out of you, it’s about your brain’s ability to rewire after it is gone. When you hear “dependence” you can automatically assume it’s causing brain injury. They act like you are okay as long as you don’t start taking more and more. No one tells you that anything with a “withdrawal” or “discontinuation syndrome” can cause akathisia. Especially interdose withdrawal akathisia and withdrawal akathisia. Akathisia isn’t a side effect and it isn’t transient. It’s a sign of neurotoxicity occurring or having already occurred. Translation: it’s a sign you were brain injured. The more you know.
85 and stuck on klonopin. I have no life.
NAC. This makes all the difference.
Barwon health (in Geelong) have some uploads on NAC 😊
@@ralsharp6013 What's NAC?
Tell us details, please.
DING DING DING DING!!!! Yes. Yes, it is a brain injury. Specifically, a limbic system injury, which can be healed by neuroplastic training. I did DNRS for about a year and my withdrawals resolved. This shouldn’t be gate kept from people who are still suffering.
Did you do the DNRS online program? I am looking into it myself.
@@timgorskiwhat is DNRS?
Can you talk about Effexor and ssnris?
We are going to do a thorough read of Effexor Label this week and post soon!
In the beginning of the video, she is saying jolts, not chills.
I heard 'jolts' too.
Hello Dr. - would you possibly be able to do a video or if this is not the place for me to ask- Where should I submit this question/request-> it has come to my attention based on my experience, which led me to dig into this issue. Why, since I have been going through benzo withdrawals, I cannot take even the tiniest amount of a vitamin or supplement without my withdrawal symptoms shooting through the roof? I have learned this is incredibly common. I also cannot take some medications that I would routinely take for necessary things without having some pretty horrible side effects that I didn’t have pre BWD 2 months ago.
While not necessary, I also heard it is imperative to avoid Botox while going through benzo withdrawals, because some people have a horrible reactions that did not occur previously.
A doctor told me my reactions to vitamins and meds is not possible.
what I understand it is that that it is because the GABA receptors are damaged, and also due possibly to increased histamine reactions that are worsened, especially by taking Valium as part of the taper plan, the nervous system can become highly overreactive, and hyper sensitive to medications, vitamins, supplements, and your body will tell you!!!!! But I would love to understand a bit more about this. Is this a topic you could address in a UA-cam video for us, or let me know where I can submit this request? Thank you so very much!!!! 💜💜😊
This is extremely common and you are spot on due to an overactive nervous system. We can definitely explore in a video further because I think it's a pretty common question!
@@taperclinic Thank you very much!!! It would be a very popular video !!!! And this is one of the scariest things about benzo injury and withdrawal- because sometime you need a med like an antibiotic, and you develop or already B and D deficiency, etc…. 😫 Thank you!!!
I have such bad histamime intolerance and benzo belly - I can literally only stomach red meat and some select foods. Almost all supplements and meds trigger/excerbate a wave. Not sure how long it lasts. Seems like such a common problem.
2nd caller - "25mg of Lorazepam" ???? That is impossible.
Maybe they meant .25mg?
I was shocked too.
That is definitely impossible.
.25mg probably.
I have a question please answer me can someone get better from cold turkey antidepressants withdrawal
Wondering the same.
brain fog: choline helps (bitartrate or cdp), choline is an essential nutrient for building cell walls and the neurotransmitter
Did you take it ? An dis it help your symptoms?
What do you think about B12? It’s vital for healing nerve damage and is involved in many brain cell processes like synapse formation, neurotransmitters and repairing brain cells. It helps with some symptoms in withdrawal but it is also very activating which is why I can’t take much, but I wonder what role does it play in withdrawal etc? Maybe it can speed up recovery?
Can you help me, dr Josef?
Should a person reinstate if a rescue dose triggered severe withdrawl withdrawl never experienced before after it wore off leaving the person disabled?
Same thing happend to me. It got worse. Dont have answer. Individual. Some can if in time. Those already injured after rapid taper off zero, cant reinstate, it can get worse.
Is there anyway you could set me up with a punch biopsy or a spinal tap? I have insurance. Ivd been in benzo withdrawal for 1year an 8 months an jts not getting any better. No doctore around were i live will do anything. I'd like to find out what's really going on inside of me. Cause I've been suffering for a long time. An it's not going away. I got tapered really fast in jail a year an 8 months ago. An I'm in doing horrible still. I feel like by now I should've noticed some type of improvements. But it's the same.
i was taken off 4 years of diazepam 2mg at night over two weeks and then doctors tried to blame my withdrawal symptoms on bipolar.
I thought SSRI's are safer than benzo's.
None of the poisons are safe.
Can anti parasitic meds cause severe withdrawal when tapering off benzo
Thanks doc. Wish I could email. I have TD and dystonia from an antinausea, called metoclopramide.. I'm about 50 kg and was given 20M injection by the doctor and perhaps I think he gave me a bit too much?
I would really like people to know there's a posibilitynof side effects if they take anti nausea medication, it could be worsening any movement disorders that they have from ssri's. Brain fog is awful too!
We will be posting later this week a similar story to yours!
@taperclinic thanks so much for everything you're doing. Including keeping people alive! Huge respect for all your advice 🙏
The Nero gave me a script 300mg of garbage twice daily (lyrica) but I am afraid of it affecting my mind, above all! My mum was on 25mg for sciatica. 300mg dose feels too huge..
My stomach hurts.
I was prescribed zopiclone for 2 months and quit cold turkey. Experienceing tinnitus, anxiety, insomnia, burning skin. On day 12 now. Was wondering if the same issues of prolonged withdrawal apply to z-drugs and should i be worried that these symptoms are long lasting?
Yes z-drugs are similar to benzos, in some cases worse. I got off Xanax fairly easy. But the z-drug is a nightmare.
What is the punched biopsy Dr Josef mentions please?
Skin biopsy …. It taken at the ankles and knees …. I developed small fiber neuropathy from benzo injury ….. this sucks
@@chas1819so sorry to hear that . How do we know if someone has that neuropathy from benzos ? I would appreciate very much if you could explain me this. Thank you very much.
@@Lolipop59…. A neurologist can do a punch biopsy of your areas of numbness …. Pretty painless
@@chas1819 thank you very much.
Is there a medication that you can take for brain fog……since Covid after vaccine I got Covid again and have been battling brain fog….. it’s really affecting me, it’s like I’m a different person.
Choline , thiamine and b12
When I was Rx'd Xanax I experienced interdose withdrawal b/c of the short half life...I tapered off b/c I didn't want to have to keep increasing the dose to get the same benefit.
It's a very scary experience for many, very common on xanax.
Were you prescribed Xanax initially for anxiety?
@@bwinkle2915 No, for vestibular migraine..xanax suppresses the central nervous system and stopped the head roar tinnitus and the vertigo which are 2 of my symptoms of vm...the others I experience are fatigue, balance issues, head pressure, hyperacusis, photo phobia, rocking boat sensation. It's pretty miserable. My VM started in childhood, I have classic symptoms which can take decades to finally diagnose...the general pattern of progression is childhood car sickness, sick headaches, abdominal migraine, migraine, IBS, and BPPV which are acutally vestibular migraine.
@@bwinkle2915 No, for vestibular migraine. It did help with the tinnitus and vertigo initially and that was great b/c I'd suffered for 3 years, but after a short time, 4 weeks, the dose was ineffective and the only option was to increase the dose... I didn't want to risk addiction, plus my balance issues were worse due to the Xanax......I was put on Zoloft and I tapered off the Xanax, and for a year the Zoloft was great..then the Zoloft no longer worked as well as it had...the dose was increased from 50mg to 100 mg per day ...there was no benefit from the increase, so I slowly tapered off of it. Other drugs had been prescribed prior to these two but one, amitriptyline caused heart palpitations, and the other Ajovy, helped a little but not enough to warrant staying on it. I'm back to square one, dealing with tinnitus, vertigo and balance issues which vary from day to day...I'm not on any drugs..I have been to see another neuro-otologist for a 2nd opinion...he referred me to a neurologist whom I'll see in December. It seem almost pointless finding any real help.
I was on 50mg a day, sertraline, was told to go to 25mg for a week and then to stop...that was rough...I went back up to the higher dose, sat there for about 10 days until things stabilized, then I did a daily micro taper using water to make a solution. It is very easy to micro taper with a liquid med.
What about CBD supplements during tapering? They stop seizures and seem to help protect the brain.
Everything about this topic is a crap shoot. Everyone reacts differently.
@@THXx1138 And that is why going slower is a good choice, it gives the body more time to achieve homeostasis. Unless there's a very good reason to get off fast, a daily micro taper is a good choice.
I do a month long taper from both SSRI and benzo every summer. I’ve done this regularly for years. I’ve never gotten addicted to the benzo because I taper back if they seem to not be working. SSRI, takes about two weeks. I’ve done it cold turkey, and had anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, myalgia, sensations like feelings of a bug creeping on my arms, paranoia that I know is irrational. It goes away within 10-14 days. It’s not unendurable, but why not taper? When needed, the meds definitely help, so I’ve not sworn off them entirely. As for less intelligent or brain injury, I don’t notice anything along those lines. The brain fog can be overcome with coffee, tea, cola.
That's great to hear you have been able to start and stop them without significant issue. Every person is different and only a small amount develop long-term symptoms.
Punch biopsies? Like from the actual brain?
No skin biopsy from foot , knee , hip
I was on .25 mg Xanax for sleep only for many years. When I discontinued, I didn’t have any troubling withdrawal symptoms at all.
You're lucky. Most people will eventually have issues with any psychotropic med. When I say most people, its higher than 50% who have issues. And, this is a growing problem because most people take some kind of medication for depression and/or anxiety. The thing is if you ever take any medications like this again in your lifetime you are at risk for "kindling" because your system is now "primed" for this. I am not joking & wish I was. Do not take any psyche meds for the rest of your life because the next time will cause your system to "take a shit". Also, meds like Neurontin too .. these seizure meds that doctors use for pain now. My life saving advice to you is to never touch an anxiety med or antidepressant, or any off label med for pain, or any prescription anti nausea drug, ever again.
@@idesigncutethings2196 I’m so sorry you had such a terrible experience. I’m sorry for all who do. I was just sharing my experience, but thanks for your life saving advice.
I hope you are doing well and not suffering. I don’t wish suffering on any human being. As people are free to share their experiences, I was sharing mine too. Again, thank you for your life saving advice.
Same with my mom, who tapered Klonopin in 1 month. I'm still tapering over 3 years later and it has been VERY grueling.
You are incredibly fortunate.
@@taylor.i best of luck to you!
WTF, what psychiatrist prescribes 25 Mg of Lorazepam a day... 😡😡
Calling bs on that.
@@THXx1138 Yeah, such "doctors" almost kill their patiënts suffering from mental illness. 25 Mg of Lorazepam... WTF 🤮
I personally hate 95%+ of every psychiatrist I've had...
Perhaps the person meant .25mg a day...
She also talked about 125 Mg of Diazepam.
The psychiatrist of one of my friends prescribed her 350 Mg Clozapine, 32 Mg Lorazepam and Midazolam nasal spray. She suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and treatment resistant depression. She almost died on this cocktail of drugs. Most psychiatrists are -in my opinion- legal drugs dealers... 😡
@@FalcoStarlight .125 mg and .25 mg
"hold every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, captive." ...or throw it away
When you’re sane enough to even separate these thoughts! You need some kind of clarity to contrast these thoughts . That kind of spiritual warfare is needful and necessary but until you can crawl you can’t walk.
I took myself off 4 mg Xanax easily, 1/4 mg every two weeks until I was off.
How long were you taking it for?
@@bwinkle2915 At least ten years. I've actually lost track of time.
And you've had no symptoms since being off? I'm on 4mgs but it's extended release and it's been 16 years. I want off bad, but I don't think I'd survive.
@@FarewellFix No symptoms. Don't miss it at all. I still take an antidepressant, which doubles as an anxiolytic, but that's low dose.
Yeah, I don't think mine were time release. I took one mg throughout the day.
@antinatalope Congrats on getting off them. Even better you didn't have any lingering symptoms.
She was on 150mg diazepam a day! That's crazy and any doctor giving that dose shouldn't be a doctor! My neurologist said my 5mg a day is a serious issue
Hello,everyone I’m on xanax since 5 months now,just take the night before going to bed! Just take 5 drops,planning to come to zero in 1/2 months;
So you're claiming people have actual brain damage (stressig already stressed out people even further) without having any evidence at all? That sounds pretty messed up
He is an M.D. psychiatrist who helps people get off of these drugs, many who have been unsuccessful...you might want to listen to some of the experiences of people whom he's interviewed that have experienced brain damage. He also worked for FDA and pharmaceutical companies...and he's taken these drugs himself so he knows how his patients feel.
After a year or two, it is no longer "withdrawl." The stuff is out of system. So what is left, is some kind of damage that people need to heal from.
@@allencollins6031 Exactly... it takes approx 5.5 times the half life of a drug to be completely out of your system. Any effects that remain are as you said. I was on Ajovy for vestibular migriane, which has a half life of 31 days. It takes 170.5 days for your system to completely clear it...One of the awful things I experienced going off of it was horrible armpit odor which smelled like burnt onions...another thing it cleared more quickly on my left side than it did on my right side b/c I've had lymph nodes removed in my right armpit due to cancer. I'd have to clean my armpits with rubbing alcohol. TMI, sorry, but it's one of the weird things no one probably mentions..or it could be unique to my body.
@@dinahsoar6982 classical Argument from authority
If he doesn't cite any solid research his claims are worthless and just stressing out people who already are stressed out more than enough
Not nearly as messed up as the fact that we have been brain-damaged by doctors and pharma.
Why are you telling people to not take benzodiazepines? I used to have EXTREME panic attacks a lot. Ever since I have been using a benzo (won’t give the name) I have NEVER had a panic attack again. I do not understand the religious crusade against benzos when they work very well for people like me.
You don't get it.
@vagabundood you will have a rude awakening when you try to STOP those poisons. That is what everyone is talking about here.
It’s certainly not an injury in any physical or psychological regards as long as used as directed by a physician
I find that most physicians are clueless when it comes to these drugs. They prescribe drugs that should be used short term and keep their patients on them for decades.
Most of us are in this situation exactly "as prescribed"
And taken off by Dr’s and getting sick by WD an neurological injury. I got long term side effects and numbed as a zoombie. Then I got adverse reaction after 16 years after dose changes.
During Covid I was prescribed generic Klonopin (Clonazpam) for my anxiety. By the time lockdown was over, my cognitive ability had dramatically reduced. I used to be an avid reader, a frequent writer, and a fairly eloquent speaker. Now I struggle to maintain focus on reading, writing, and constantly find myself struggling for words and names in conversation. My short term memory has suffered too, but to be fair compared to many people I hear on this channel I got off easy.
I can totally relate to this. 15years on benzos and almost a year off at this point. My hunger for knowledge is insane right now after all of those years my brains were numbed, and when you combine it with my mental capabilities, oh man that is not good, not good at all. It frustrates the hell out of me and tbh makes me depressed. I am not functioning properly.
@@FinHammerhow did you get off from them please? Thank you
@Lolipop59 Hey. I started to taper, slowly. Took me several months to get off and then the real suffering began. It is a painful road but I think it might be worth it in the end. These pills are so damn diabolical 😞
@@FinHammer thank you. I am glad you feel better now.
What is the punched Biopsy Dr Josef mentions please ?
Punch biopsy. It's to diagnose small fibre neuropathy.
@@nyx3967 thank you 🙏