U explained it really well 👏 😌 👌 🙂 ☺️ I believe in the same way 💯 My higher power is my higher power 🔋 💪 ✨️ It can't really be explained 💯 🤷 😴 It's just there
The biblical prophet Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: I've watched several of your videos, and I can help, especially concerning the "Higher Power." I was raised in the Catholic Church like you, but it eventually became clear to me that too much of it didn't make sense. And so I became agnostic for many years - until GOD made Itself known to me directly. And as it turns, my becoming agnostic was due to WISDOM. Because, FEAR causes people to cling to beliefs that don't make sense. And wisdom automatically comes as fear is overcome. Wisdom and fear are inversely proportional. Few know where AA truly originated, like I do. And it so happens that it originated from a particular channel, one of two that were extremely instrumental and invaluable in my own GOD-given education. AA wasn't the brain-child of some man or men. It came from THE Higher Power Itself - The Mind That is GOD - through a channel named Edgar Cayce. When you discover what GOD is and what Jesus Christ ACTUALLY teaches, you discover that the organized religions have butchered the "good news" of Jesus Christ ("The Kingdom of GOD is within you") beyond recognition, into its OPPOSITE (judgment and sacrifice for "sin"). And that's why I was sent: To re-state and clarify the "good news" that Jesus Christ brought some 2000 years ago. When you learn exactly what GOD is (The limitless Mind that is ALL), exactly what YOU are ( the "son" of GOD, a limitless Thought in the Mind that is GOD, given the ability to think WITH that Mind), exactly what satan is (the selfish human ego), and exactly why you are here (we partook of an irrational idea, symbolized by the "tree of knowledge of Go(o)d and (d)evil"), and how we will get back Home (by rejecting that irrational idea and overcoming the ego) THEN EVERYTHING MAKES PERFECT RATIONAL SENSE! As Max Planck indicated in his 1944 Florence Italy speech ("On the Nature of Matter"), scientists who pay attention to the quantum physics data can see that this world is a simulation in A Great Mind. GOD has revealed to me WHY we are experiencing it. And Jesus Christ tells you how to leave it behind, and guarantees that you will succeed! "Judge not and you will not be judged, condemn not and you will not be condemned, forgive and you are forgiven." By forgiving others we effectively forgive ourselves and free ourselves from our prison of ignorance, guilt and fear. THIS IS WHAT SALVATION IS. And this is why it is key to know that GOD is the Mind that is ALL...because it is then possible to forgive others as well as yourself, because you know that all is of GOD and all is for good! The evil devil is just an irrational idea! Want to know more? Seek and ye shall find...
We are all connected. Great explanation of your journey to a hp as you understand it. I had a similar journey. Happy to trudge the happy road with you.
Thank you. I’ve been sober for just a week weeks under 9 years and have secretly struggled with agnosticism vs higher power ever since. Hearing the right thing at the right time has been one of my Higher Power connections and hearing your simply and succinctly put ideas is definitely a new one for me. I struggle with connections with people and hearing all things are connected the way you put is extremely helpful!
Ive come to the realization of a Higher power by keep going to meetings and doing the steps, especially the third step, together with applying the first and second, had helped to this realization. I always heard in meetings that a higher power can be anything, even the handle on the door and i couldn't grasp on this concept. I've now come to the realization that not only the Higher power can be anything, but for me is everything out there, my visual of existence is the proof of a higher intelligence, which we are all part of. Keep coming back to meetings brothers and sisters, the miracle will happen 🙌🙌
Thank you so much for this. I am a science-minded person, raised Catholic, and am in Codependents Anonymous. I struggle with the Higher Power concept which is what lead me to this video. Your explanation is something that I can hold onto, so thank you. You helped me. 🙏🏼
AA works for science minded people too. As long as you understand that science will not fix your problem. AA is a Spiritual program of action. Not the scientific or psychological approach. If you understand this you'll be fine.
Thank you for this video. I’m not religious for a variety of reasons, many you mentioned, and because of that have struggled with the Higher Power part of AA. I’m honestly envious of those who can go all in without the religion aspect holding them back but that’s just not my journey. This was very helpful and much appreciated.
A higher power is a flow of energy in the form of vibration, which exists within ourselves and has healing effects, which can also be called the natural healing power. So in order for the higher power to be set in motion, one must be natural, that is to say, one must throw away one's past mind-set and experience. Doing the forth and fifth step work is one of the most effective ways to put the procedure into practice, in my opinion. Thanks for letting me share. From Tokyo, Japan
Yes. Thank you for the insight. Especially the part about letting go of control. I needed to hear that. I'm trying to get my life back together after being a dry drunk, now.
Man thank you for this I first lost my home then the car then the job then the friends then the family . Then hospital time and time again then a padded hospital area. It’s hell being a alcoholic . Takes everything from you And gives you nothing but a fatty l liver thank god that’s as far is it went with me but I’m still struggling with the higher power but people don’t get you literally beg for a way out . Playing with fire just waking up feels like you live a lie try to be productive and positive but deep down you know what will happen if you pick up .
To condense some of what was said I trust the energy that exists in all that there is including myself to be in harmony together. So I can let go of control and let things develop as they will. Let the piece's of the puzzle fall into place if you prefer. When I pray and meditate it's connecting to the energy that exists in harmony. Then I'm in harmony with it. I'm not struggling and fighting. The energy is increasing not decreasing. The energy is the power greater then me. God as I understand God. I connect to the energy. The energy has power to keep me from picking up that first drink. It's my defence against it.
I am an athiest and still am an athiest and am still doing the AA program and I feel like I am having success since I have been sober for about 4 months now. One of the first things I did was read a pamphlet about the "god" word and turned to an atheist's experience in AA. Their higher power was the universe, and that resonated with me. Reading that helped me recognize that "god" is literally anything you need it to be.
From the video: 'I don't believe in God.. Well, I do believe in God..' I came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity whether I believed in it or not.
I'm so glad I'm sober and clean now I'm so confused about who or what god is but like you said you can have any kind of god or object for a higher power
I’m starting to cling to my recovery group more and more. The idea of them being a higher poewer is so loose. My faith in god was heavily damaged by toxic christian communities, so I’m very hesitant to return.
David Hill Hugely insightful and helpful - Got it - CONNECTION 🙂👍 - this central belief in my connection to ALL -- to realise I am “part of” thanks for this a huge step forward for me - letting go of my control and hanging on to my prior shame - we’ll done for this massively useful 👍
Throughout all my growing up and studying 📖 🙃 😪 and learning about the many different types of religion's and about the God of the Bible I just became bewildered and very much confused 😕 😐 and also couldn't accept what the Bible says about God and the other stuff in the Bible about a devil and demons and evil spirits this stuff really confused 😕 me about what or who God really was But when I read 📚 in the Big Book 📖 Of AA on page 47 It said I can have my own conception of God himself So now I do have a God of my own understanding My own conception of God himself This really gave me true love joy and peace ✌️ when I read this in the BIg Book 📖 Of AA I really believe in AA the 12 steps and the 12 Traditions And all there other Books 📚 🙄 😒 😍 🙂 God bless AA 🙌 🙏 ❤️ Thanks buddy for this video 📹 👍 👌 🙌 ❤️
The easiest definition of higher power is this; Anything that gives you the support, direction & srength that you need to stay clean. So long as it is outside of you, It's appropriate to call it a higher power.
Wrong. At least not in a 12 step program like AA. Imagine doing step 2: Came to believe that a doorknob could restore me to sanity. Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a doorknob. Ad infinitum. Completely silly. This pantheistic god will kill many alcoholics. Be careful.
@@rodneyjohnson7327 I know what you're getting at. Some 12 step members have said that you can make your higher power anything. And that's true, but thier is a caviet, it has to be loving. In your mind it has to support your staying clean. For most, this means a monotheistic diety. For many others it's source energy. There are also plenty who use principles and some even go the humanist route, relying on others. All of this is nothing more than psychological manipulation. The point is to convince yourself that you have what you need to stay clean.
@@bobbycecere1037 No. It's more than psychological manipulation. It's a spiritual awakening or God Consciousness. Yes there are plenty in NA and some in AA that take that route of the group being their higher power. Or some other higher power other than God. But I'm here to tell you after almost 19 years sober and most of that active in AA that 98 to 99% of them relapse. But yet when they come back in they will never admit that it was their false god that was the reason for their relapse. They will say it was the "disease". Or they quit coming to meetings. But almost all truly recovered alcoholics know the real reason. They didn't work the steps the original way the precise way that is outlined in the Big Book. The way it was intended so they could have a spiritual awakening and be connected to the God of the Universe. The Creator. Their false energy source or their doorknob or lightbulb or Group of Drunks didn't work. I've seen it a five thousand times if I've seen it once. I hope you find the one true God the Big Book talks about. Good luck.
@@bobbycecere1037 Please don't go by what 12 step members say or what a sponsor said. Go by what the Big Book says. You'll be a lot better off. The Big Book path works. It's been proven by millions. I only know that your sponsor or an AA members way worked for them. There is no guarantee that their way will work for you. There is a guarantee that the Big Book path works.
@@rodneyjohnson7327 I study recovery literature so I appreciate the advice. There is a reason why 12 step fellowships have only one must, a desire to stop. It's pretty obvious the founders knew that humans are fallible.
Why did I cry all the way till the end? I am at my second week of meetings. I am still working on grasping higher power as a core of my identity is...was(?) being non-spiritual and deeply atheistic. Maybe, I am afraid of losing in myself the some of the few things I liked in me and worked hard on building out. I was not just accidentally non-spiritual but I spent considerable energy and time cultivating that part of me. Or maybe I am sad on waisting all that time being hardwood floor not relating to the universe and now it hurts. Anyways, I knew the guy with the backwards baseball cap will have some good down to earth message on spirituality compared to ted talks out there but didn't expect it to be this moving. Fantastic talk, thank you.
Right that’s kind of clever, but it still for me at least is just total emptiness because so much of the blue book and so much of stuff that happens at my local meeting talks about direct communication and contact with the higher power. Not to mention handing over your problems to that higher power not sure the door knob is going towork in any way, other than sort of like a joke.
It's god as we understand it, he, she works for it whatever works keep it simple,,,,,, problem is we blow everything up 20mins to explain something in 20sec but one thing for sure 12steps work if we work it
So you said everything's just energy but what about your thoughts what about your body everything else emits in a frequency but when certain things are disrupted the frequency is different that's the part that can never be forgiven Thank you though I know you're trying to explain it but like I said some things can never be understood
I understand that thinking about doorknob is like something that you can hold on tight clinch onto had knowing that holding on to this strong doorknob is better then letting go and falling backwards. You can even look at this strong door knob as one that hasn't been put in place or made by human hands a power that is so great that as you hold on to it would break through the wood and drop you down back into a place that with figh t and might won't let you fall. That fight is also inside of you that strength is also inside of you. Mind over matter but in order to free your mind from the addiction you must also clear everything out your life people, places and things that will draw you back. I went through this toxic beliefs system dealing with Christains who was meddling every which way I turned the judgement and manipulation of people talking about addiction and demons what is wrong with the addict. Addicts don't have demons in them and they don't need you to lay hands and pray for a demonic spirit to leave them when it's a man made substance. That is so wrong and they mislead people to believe that. I'm on a higher power journey and that higher power is inside of me fight and working for me to stay clean as I stay away fr ok n people places and things because I deserve better
You probably don't have demons inside you. But you have this internal condition that others don't have. A mental obsession. Just avoiding people, places and things will not work in the long run. Avoiding triggers will not work permanently. As you well know. There will come a time as it always does after having some dry time that you will have no mental defense against that first drink/drug. But if you do the 12 steps and have a spiritual awakening/God consciousness as a result then the desire to drink/use will be removed from you. You will have recovered. Then just do steps 10 through 12 daily and you're good for the rest of your life. Not one day at a time. Good Luck.
Why bother with word spiritual. Why not emotional awakening. Remember origin of word spirit came from breathe ie spiratio latin ruadh hebrew. In Greek mind soul spirit was called psyche from where word psychology comes. Where and when priests kept spirit as definition and doctors got psychological i dont know but they mean same thing fior me.
I am a really proud Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland lord Odin and lord Thor are my gods my religion as a Norse pagan has saved me big time but i don't believe in that all loving god thing my gods have empowed me to be balanced and not to be all loving or all hateful thankfully I am 30 days sober from alcohol i am going to the aa 12 steps to the best of my ability all the hail the Norse gods of Valhalla and all hail my gods all hail the Norse gods all hail lord Odin and all hail lord Odin skal peace people and hope yous can all stay sober
AA has a 5-10% success rate, and it is the voices of that 5-10% heard extolling its virtues. AA is vehemently being debunked by professionals in the field. If you are struggling in AA. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are not "constitutionally incapable of being honest" with yourself. AA's idealogy can be damaging for some and even deadly. If you're one of the 5-10%, my "hat is off to you," but please do not encourage struggling, vulnerable people to get into the program more. 5-10% is pretty low odds to bet someones life on!
I have no faith I don't believe in get dead let's say faith without works is dead while I have no faith so I don't like going to work I don't believe in it it just pays the bills I hate my f****** life I hate my family
"Recovery Without God" Lol ...we are made in the image of God everything you do is through Jesus Christ because He is a energy and you were born with His Spirit already in you. So really you cant do anything without God(Creator) ...if that energy(Spirit)(breath) leaves you , good luck on trying to accomplish anything in life because you would be dead lol. Theres only ONE GOD(Creator) and He goes by I AM...
We MAKE God in our own image. Whatever qualities each individual ascribes to their God are the qualities they most need or want in their lives. If your God is commandment based, you crave structure. If your God is love based, you crave acceptance. Not everyone needs an avatar to get these benefits but we respect that you do. For many of us, the peace you get from prayer (which is a form of meditation), we get by mindful meditation. The acceptance and structure you get from your God, we create by ourselves. Again, there's nothing wrong if you need an avatar to achieve this, do you. As long as you don't force it on us.
@@jakestroll6518 There is only one Creator that created us and the world not multiple demi gods....The Creator/God/The Holy Spirit/Energy/Time is the one and only true GOD of the World. The rest are pagan gods. rules and structure and order is needed. Your workplace would be an example and everything you do is structurally ordered , it just depends if you want to follow that. And for sure I would never force my beliefs on anyone , tell em once and they can decide, if not , no love loss
@@jakestroll6518 That's fine if that is you method. Just don't bring that god into AA. Because that way is not tge AA program or the God of the Big Book or the Big, Big Book. Start your own fellowship and call it by another name. Just stop infiltrating 12 step groups with your false God is all I ask.
You didn't do anything it was part of your programming so forgive yourself I forgave myself but I still refuse to f****** play with the b******* I don't like being touched and there's certain things that you will never understand But if it keeps you sober right
Listen dude it's not your inventory it's your programming it's your programming you carry a guilt as do I that is not your original blueprint don't give me that b******* about inventory that's a f****** lie
when u dont have God....u do things....on impulse....& reading HIS WORD....FASTIMG & PRAYING....those apsepts makes u rise above....'cuz its the human condition....
So what you are saying is it’s ok to worship the things God made, and not God? That is exactly what God warns us against. Please take more time to consider what you say before you declare it to be true
@@Baddies_are_back If you don't believe in God then why would you be in AA or NA? God is mentioned in 7 of the 12 steps. He is mentioned in the Big book over 400 times. Why come into a Christian fellowship and then try to make it agnostic or atheist to suit your beliefs? Why not just start your own agnostic/atheist group and call it something other than AA. Enjoy your 1% successes rates in recovery.
Follow my instagram here: instagram.com/davidhmasson
Awesome Job 👌 👏 👍
Great video 📹 👍 👏
U explained it really well 👏 😌 👌 🙂 ☺️
I believe in the same way 💯
My higher power is my higher power 🔋 💪 ✨️
It can't really be explained 💯 🤷 😴
It's just there
Hey David
Try to read 📚 this book 📖 called the Secret
Bye Rhonda Byrne
It's all about the
Law of Attraction
It really works
At your book store
The biblical prophet Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: I've watched several of your videos, and I can help, especially concerning the "Higher Power."
I was raised in the Catholic Church like you, but it eventually became clear to me that too much of it didn't make sense. And so I became agnostic for many years - until GOD made Itself known to me directly. And as it turns, my becoming agnostic was due to WISDOM. Because, FEAR causes people to cling to beliefs that don't make sense. And wisdom automatically comes as fear is overcome. Wisdom and fear are inversely proportional.
Few know where AA truly originated, like I do. And it so happens that it originated from a particular channel, one of two that were extremely instrumental and invaluable in my own GOD-given education. AA wasn't the brain-child of some man or men. It came from THE Higher Power Itself - The Mind That is GOD - through a channel named Edgar Cayce.
When you discover what GOD is and what Jesus Christ ACTUALLY teaches, you discover that the organized religions have butchered the "good news" of Jesus Christ ("The Kingdom of GOD is within you") beyond recognition, into its OPPOSITE (judgment and sacrifice for "sin"). And that's why I was sent: To re-state and clarify the "good news" that Jesus Christ brought some 2000 years ago.
When you learn exactly what GOD is (The limitless Mind that is ALL), exactly what YOU are ( the "son" of GOD, a limitless Thought in the Mind that is GOD, given the ability to think WITH that Mind), exactly what satan is (the selfish human ego), and exactly why you are here (we partook of an irrational idea, symbolized by the "tree of knowledge of Go(o)d and (d)evil"), and how we will get back Home (by rejecting that irrational idea and overcoming the ego) THEN EVERYTHING MAKES PERFECT RATIONAL SENSE!
As Max Planck indicated in his 1944 Florence Italy speech ("On the Nature of Matter"), scientists who pay attention to the quantum physics data can see that this world is a simulation in A Great Mind. GOD has revealed to me WHY we are experiencing it. And Jesus Christ tells you how to leave it behind, and guarantees that you will succeed!
"Judge not and you will not be judged, condemn not and you will not be condemned, forgive and you are forgiven." By forgiving others we effectively forgive ourselves and free ourselves from our prison of ignorance, guilt and fear. THIS IS WHAT SALVATION IS. And this is why it is key to know that GOD is the Mind that is ALL...because it is then possible to forgive others as well as yourself, because you know that all is of GOD and all is for good! The evil devil is just an irrational idea!
Want to know more? Seek and ye shall find...
We are all connected. Great explanation of your journey to a hp as you understand it. I had a similar journey. Happy to trudge the happy road with you.
Thank you. I’ve been sober for just a week weeks under 9 years and have secretly struggled with agnosticism vs higher power ever since. Hearing the right thing at the right time has been one of my Higher Power connections and hearing your simply and succinctly put ideas is definitely a new one for me. I struggle with connections with people and hearing all things are connected the way you put is extremely helpful!
Ive come to the realization of a Higher power by keep going to meetings and doing the steps, especially the third step, together with applying the first and second, had helped to this realization. I always heard in meetings that a higher power can be anything, even the handle on the door and i couldn't grasp on this concept. I've now come to the realization that not only the Higher power can be anything, but for me is everything out there, my visual of existence is the proof of a higher intelligence, which we are all part of. Keep coming back to meetings brothers and sisters, the miracle will happen 🙌🙌
Thank you. I needed that after 3 hours of thinking hard how to make sense of my higher power. Turns out, I came to the exact same conclusion.
Thank you!! I'm 15 months sober and have struggled recently connecting to a higher power. This to me makes so much sense.
Thank you so much for this. I am a science-minded person, raised Catholic, and am in Codependents Anonymous. I struggle with the Higher Power concept which is what lead me to this video. Your explanation is something that I can hold onto, so thank you. You helped me. 🙏🏼
AA works for science minded people too. As long as you understand that science will not fix your problem. AA is a Spiritual program of action. Not the scientific or psychological approach. If you understand this you'll be fine.
Hello Gorgeous Beautiful Sexy Woman
Mary D
U look totally amazing and awesome 👌 👏 👍 😍 💖 😎 👌 👏 👍 😍
My Father was in AA
for 30 years and he died sober and clean
Thank you for this video. I’m not religious for a variety of reasons, many you mentioned, and because of that have struggled with the Higher Power part of AA. I’m honestly envious of those who can go all in without the religion aspect holding them back but that’s just not my journey.
This was very helpful and much appreciated.
A higher power is a flow of energy in the form of vibration, which exists within ourselves and has healing effects, which can also be called the natural healing power. So in order for the higher power to be set in motion, one must be natural, that is to say, one must throw away one's past mind-set and experience. Doing the forth and fifth step work is one of the most effective ways to put the procedure into practice, in my opinion. Thanks for letting me share. From Tokyo, Japan
Actually that's just what a higher power is for YOU....
@@bobbycecere1037 No definition is exact.
Well put bro
I believe in God as a Spiritual Higher Power! Good luck out there Mister!
Thank you very much!
Sober Empire has provided me with a TON of useful information. Thank you!!!
Yes. Thank you for the insight. Especially the part about letting go of control. I needed to hear that. I'm trying to get my life back together after being a dry drunk, now.
You gave me more insight into what a
higher power is
Thanks again buddy 👍
This was absolutely fantastic. Loved every one of your explanations. Also you are an amazing young man 🙏🤗
I love the Moon for a HP happy recovering 🤩
Thank you very much brother
Great way to give back
Thank you for this video, i had similar idea of this concept just didn't know how to put it together. Wish you all the best man.
Ty man. Helped a ton. Relapsed yesterday after over 90 days
I don't know you. But I already know the reason you relapsed. But would you mind sharing why you think you relapsed?
God is the power of good 💯
Man thank you for this I first lost my home then the car then the job then the friends then the family . Then hospital time and time again then a padded hospital area. It’s hell being a alcoholic . Takes everything from you And gives you nothing but a fatty l liver thank god that’s as far is it went with me but I’m still struggling with the higher power but people don’t get you literally beg for a way out . Playing with fire just waking up feels like you live a lie try to be productive and positive but deep down you know what will happen if you pick up .
I believe my relationship with God began this evening and you are the third video I’ve watched great kickstart for a skeptic like me
To condense some of what was said I trust the energy that exists in all that there is including myself to be in harmony together. So I can let go of control and let things develop as they will. Let the piece's of the puzzle fall into place if you prefer. When I pray and meditate it's connecting to the energy that exists in harmony. Then I'm in harmony with it. I'm not struggling and fighting. The energy is increasing not decreasing. The energy is the power greater then me. God as I understand God. I connect to the energy. The energy has power to keep me from picking up that first drink. It's my defence against it.
thanks for that , it made so much sense to me 🙏 much appreciated
Thank you for sharing.
I enjoy yours videos I watch them over and over
Thank you.
I am an athiest and still am an athiest and am still doing the AA program and I feel like I am having success since I have been sober for about 4 months now. One of the first things I did was read a pamphlet about the "god" word and turned to an atheist's experience in AA. Their higher power was the universe, and that resonated with me. Reading that helped me recognize that "god" is literally anything you need it to be.
That really really helped me, thanks
47 Years up. Well said David.
Thank you this!
That was good. Thank you!
From the video: 'I don't believe in God.. Well, I do believe in God..' I came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity whether I believed in it or not.
I'm so glad I'm sober and clean now
I'm so confused about who or what god is but like you said you can have any kind of god or object for a higher power
Awesome video Sir 📹 👏 👌 👍
I’m starting to cling to my recovery group more and more. The idea of them being a higher poewer is so loose.
My faith in god was heavily damaged by toxic christian communities, so I’m very hesitant to return.
We are connected to everything
David Hill Hugely insightful and helpful - Got it - CONNECTION 🙂👍
- this central belief in my connection to ALL -- to realise I am “part of” thanks for this a huge step forward for me - letting go of my control and hanging on to my prior shame - we’ll done for this massively useful 👍
Hope you're doing well my friend David ☺️☺️☺️
Throughout all my growing up
and studying 📖 🙃 😪
and learning about the many different types of religion's and about the God of the Bible
I just became bewildered and very much confused 😕 😐
and also couldn't accept what the Bible says about God and the other stuff in the Bible about a devil and demons and evil spirits
this stuff really confused 😕 me about what or who God really was
But when I read 📚 in the Big Book 📖
on page 47
It said I can have my own conception of God himself
So now I do have a God of my own understanding
My own conception of God himself
This really gave me true love joy and peace ✌️ when I read this in the BIg Book 📖
I really believe in AA
the 12 steps and the
12 Traditions
And all there other Books 📚 🙄 😒 😍 🙂
God bless AA 🙌 🙏 ❤️
Thanks buddy for this video 📹 👍 👌 🙌 ❤️
I used to be a religious person who studied the Bible for many years
But afterwards I came to the conclusion that it wasn't for me
Thanks Man 👨
For this awesome video 📹 👏 👌
Thank you so much
Thanks for sharing 🤩🥰
I would rather call a higher power 🔋 ✨️ 😌
a Source of energy ✨️
Thank you
Thank you brother
Good for you love solved every problem
The easiest definition of higher power is this;
Anything that gives you the support, direction & srength that you need to stay clean.
So long as it is outside of you, It's appropriate to call it a higher power.
Wrong. At least not in a 12 step program like AA. Imagine doing step 2: Came to believe that a doorknob could restore me to sanity. Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a doorknob. Ad infinitum. Completely silly. This pantheistic god will kill many alcoholics. Be careful.
I know what you're getting at.
Some 12 step members have said that you can make your higher power anything.
And that's true, but thier is a caviet, it has to be loving.
In your mind it has to support your staying clean.
For most, this means a monotheistic diety. For many others it's source energy.
There are also plenty who use principles and some even go the humanist route, relying on others.
All of this is nothing more than psychological manipulation. The point is to convince yourself that you have what you need to stay clean.
@@bobbycecere1037 No. It's more than psychological manipulation. It's a spiritual awakening or God Consciousness. Yes there are plenty in NA and some in AA that take that route of the group being their higher power. Or some other higher power other than God. But I'm here to tell you after almost 19 years sober and most of that active in AA that 98 to 99% of them relapse. But yet when they come back in they will never admit that it was their false god that was the reason for their relapse. They will say it was the "disease". Or they quit coming to meetings. But almost all truly recovered alcoholics know the real reason. They didn't work the steps the original way the precise way that is outlined in the Big Book. The way it was intended so they could have a spiritual awakening and be connected to the God of the Universe. The Creator. Their false energy source or their doorknob or lightbulb or Group of Drunks didn't work. I've seen it a five thousand times if I've seen it once. I hope you find the one true God the Big Book talks about. Good luck.
@@bobbycecere1037 Please don't go by what 12 step members say or what a sponsor said. Go by what the Big Book says. You'll be a lot better off. The Big Book path works. It's been proven by millions. I only know that your sponsor or an AA members way worked for them. There is no guarantee that their way will work for you. There is a guarantee that the Big Book path works.
I study recovery literature so I appreciate the advice.
There is a reason why 12 step fellowships have only one must, a desire to stop. It's pretty obvious the founders knew that humans are fallible.
Im working out my hig power mine is sun the moon the stars and the sea i think ang energy ❤
Why did I cry all the way till the end? I am at my second week of meetings. I am still working on grasping higher power as a core of my identity is...was(?) being non-spiritual and deeply atheistic. Maybe, I am afraid of losing in myself the some of the few things I liked in me and worked hard on building out. I was not just accidentally non-spiritual but I spent considerable energy and time cultivating that part of me. Or maybe I am sad on waisting all that time being hardwood floor not relating to the universe and now it hurts.
Anyways, I knew the guy with the backwards baseball cap will have some good down to earth message on spirituality compared to ted talks out there but didn't expect it to be this moving. Fantastic talk, thank you.
Well said!
You actually don't have to have any god or gods at all to be in AA
This is so fucking important. Thanks for sharing
💯🔋 higher power
Right that’s kind of clever, but it still for me at least is just total emptiness because so much of the blue book and so much of stuff that happens at my local meeting talks about direct communication and contact with the higher power. Not to mention handing over your problems to that higher power not sure the door knob is going towork in any way, other than sort of like a joke.
Logically the next drink will kill me..but I do it anyway..no logic to self sabotage ❤
God created you. Not vice verse : God bless , hope you find the truth in Jesus
It's god as we understand it, he, she works for it whatever works keep it simple,,,,,, problem is we blow everything up 20mins to explain something in 20sec but one thing for sure 12steps work if we work it
He said plants come the sun 🌞 I was done👍
Steel girder?
I read a book 📚📖📚📖📚📖
Called the secret by Rhonda Byrne you might wanna read it to it's a very informative book 📚📚📖📖📚📚📖📖📚📚
So you said everything's just energy but what about your thoughts what about your body everything else emits in a frequency but when certain things are disrupted the frequency is different that's the part that can never be forgiven Thank you though I know you're trying to explain it but like I said some things can never be understood
“God is Love” -bible
The only thing I hate about AA is the
Lord's prayer
I can't stand saying that prayer
I always leave the meeting when they start to say that prayer
When I was a child, my God and imaginary friend was my Teddy. That pretty much sais a lot !
I believe in Logic and Reason
Science and Scientist experience ✨️ 😌
I was informed by other people that the word
God means the word Satan in another language
And this really threw me off into space 😒
Nothingness could be your higher power
All hail lord Thor
I understand that thinking about doorknob is like something that you can hold on tight clinch onto had knowing that holding on to this strong doorknob is better then letting go and falling backwards. You can even look at this strong door knob as one that hasn't been put in place or made by human hands a power that is so great that as you hold on to it would break through the wood and drop you down back into a place that with figh t and might won't let you fall. That fight is also inside of you that strength is also inside of you. Mind over matter but in order to free your mind from the addiction you must also clear everything out your life people, places and things that will draw you back. I went through this toxic beliefs system dealing with Christains who was meddling every which way I turned the judgement and manipulation of people talking about addiction and demons what is wrong with the addict. Addicts don't have demons in them and they don't need you to lay hands and pray for a demonic spirit to leave them when it's a man made substance. That is so wrong and they mislead people to believe that. I'm on a higher power journey and that higher power is inside of me fight and working for me to stay clean as I stay away fr ok n people places and things because I deserve better
You probably don't have demons inside you. But you have this internal condition that others don't have. A mental obsession. Just avoiding people, places and things will not work in the long run. Avoiding triggers will not work permanently. As you well know. There will come a time as it always does after having some dry time that you will have no mental defense against that first drink/drug. But if you do the 12 steps and have a spiritual awakening/God consciousness as a result then the desire to drink/use will be removed from you. You will have recovered. Then just do steps 10 through 12 daily and you're good for the rest of your life. Not one day at a time. Good Luck.
Why bother with word spiritual. Why not emotional awakening. Remember origin of word spirit came from breathe ie spiratio latin ruadh hebrew. In Greek mind soul spirit was called psyche from where word psychology comes. Where and when priests kept spirit as definition and doctors got psychological i dont know but they mean same thing fior me.
I am a really proud Norse pagan from Dublin Ireland lord Odin and lord Thor are my gods my religion as a Norse pagan has saved me big time but i don't believe in that all loving god thing my gods have empowed me to be balanced and not to be all loving or all hateful thankfully I am 30 days sober from alcohol i am going to the aa 12 steps to the best of my ability all the hail the Norse gods of Valhalla and all hail my gods all hail the Norse gods all hail lord Odin and all hail lord Odin skal peace people and hope yous can all stay sober
Who are you whats your name
Science could be your higher power 🔋 ✨️
So some things will never be understood thanks though
Why do we drink..to get drunk..logic not really 🤔🌍
AA has a 5-10% success rate, and it is the voices of that 5-10% heard extolling its virtues. AA is vehemently being debunked by professionals in the field. If you are struggling in AA. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are not "constitutionally incapable of being honest" with yourself. AA's idealogy can be damaging for some and even deadly. If you're one of the 5-10%, my "hat is off to you," but please do not encourage struggling, vulnerable people to get into the program more. 5-10% is pretty low odds to bet someones life on!
The Sun 🌞 could be your higher power 🔋 ✨️
god is that you?
I have no faith I don't believe in get dead let's say faith without works is dead while I have no faith so I don't like going to work I don't believe in it it just pays the bills I hate my f****** life I hate my family
"Recovery Without God"
Lol ...we are made in the image of God everything you do is through Jesus Christ because He is a energy and you were born with His Spirit already in you.
So really you cant do anything without God(Creator) ...if that energy(Spirit)(breath) leaves you , good luck on trying to accomplish anything in life because you would be dead lol.
Theres only ONE GOD(Creator) and He goes by I AM...
We MAKE God in our own image. Whatever qualities each individual ascribes to their God are the qualities they most need or want in their lives. If your God is commandment based, you crave structure. If your God is love based, you crave acceptance. Not everyone needs an avatar to get these benefits but we respect that you do. For many of us, the peace you get from prayer (which is a form of meditation), we get by mindful meditation. The acceptance and structure you get from your God, we create by ourselves. Again, there's nothing wrong if you need an avatar to achieve this, do you. As long as you don't force it on us.
@@jakestroll6518 There is only one Creator that created us and the world not multiple demi gods....The Creator/God/The Holy Spirit/Energy/Time is the one and only true GOD of the World.
The rest are pagan gods.
rules and structure and order is needed.
Your workplace would be an example and everything you do is structurally ordered , it just depends if you want to follow that.
And for sure I would never force my beliefs on anyone , tell em once and they can decide, if not , no love loss
@@jakestroll6518 That's fine if that is you method. Just don't bring that god into AA. Because that way is not tge AA program or the God of the Big Book or the Big, Big Book. Start your own fellowship and call it by another name. Just stop infiltrating 12 step groups with your false God is all I ask.
No need to proselytize. Your words are not helpful to anyone that is seeking recovery.
@sunnydayz8747 You are literally trying to force your beliefs on people here by saying there is "only one God and his name is I AM". Get out of here.
A rock 🪨 🎸 could be your higher power
You didn't do anything it was part of your programming so forgive yourself I forgave myself but I still refuse to f****** play with the b******* I don't like being touched and there's certain things that you will never understand But if it keeps you sober right
Listen dude it's not your inventory it's your programming it's your programming you carry a guilt as do I that is not your original blueprint don't give me that b******* about inventory that's a f****** lie
when u dont have God....u do things....on impulse....& reading HIS WORD....FASTIMG & PRAYING....those apsepts makes u rise above....'cuz its the human condition....
So what you are saying is it’s ok to worship the things God made, and not God? That is exactly what God warns us against. Please take more time to consider what you say before you declare it to be true
Not everyone believes in god
@@Baddies_are_back If you don't believe in God then why would you be in AA or NA? God is mentioned in 7 of the 12 steps. He is mentioned in the Big book over 400 times. Why come into a Christian fellowship and then try to make it agnostic or atheist to suit your beliefs? Why not just start your own agnostic/atheist group and call it something other than AA. Enjoy your 1% successes rates in recovery.
Yes to that. I don't want my understanding of a higher power. In other words I don't want to create a false god. I want to know God as He really is.