I will recommend the same across all soil types. I'm not terribly concerned with the CEC. I'm also not trying to "feed" the soil or store nutrients in the soil for future plant use. I'm trying to ensure the grass is supplied with all the nutrients it can use and the soil test data are used as a guide for whether the soil can obviously supply all those nutrients at the moment, or whether the soil might not. If my determination is that the soil might not be able to supply them, then I'll recommend that nutrient as fertilizer.
Would fertiliser recommendations be altered according to the CEC of the soil, or would you recommend the same across all soil types?
I will recommend the same across all soil types. I'm not terribly concerned with the CEC. I'm also not trying to "feed" the soil or store nutrients in the soil for future plant use. I'm trying to ensure the grass is supplied with all the nutrients it can use and the soil test data are used as a guide for whether the soil can obviously supply all those nutrients at the moment, or whether the soil might not. If my determination is that the soil might not be able to supply them, then I'll recommend that nutrient as fertilizer.