Klaatu's warning

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • The original 1951 'Day the Earth stood still'. Klaatu, played by British actor Michael Rennie gives his final warning. A speech which pretty well stands up today.


  • @IKillGoliath
    @IKillGoliath 12 років тому +27

    This is Genius movie making with a powerful story and message . Thanks for the upload.

  • @jmjaxson
    @jmjaxson 11 років тому +21

    The trailer is all I seen of the re-make and that was all it took. In comparison, it would be like painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa. The saddest part is that anyone not familiar with the 'original movie' will will assume there both similar and probably never bother to watch the original '1951' masterpiece that was destroyed by the re-make.

  • @IMaDEM0N
    @IMaDEM0N 11 років тому +26

    this was the most frightening thing ever when I was a kid...it wasn't the undestructable/all powerful robot, or the flying saucer that scared me...it was this address warning the people of earth. What he's saying is "I'm warning you, right here, right now, you change, or you're going to be in a war that you wont even be able to fight!! in case you don't get it, it wont be like Hiroshima or Nagasaki, THERE WONT BE ANY SURVIVORS, NO PLANTS, NO ANIMALS, NO PEOPLE"

  • @keithorr3327
    @keithorr3327 11 років тому +10

    "The Day The Earth Stood Still" made cinema history, of sorts, as being the first theatrically released film to be sold to television in 1957 where it was showcased on "The NBC Saturday Night at the Movies". I vividly recall sitting in front of our old RCA black & white console television and how profound an impact it had on me. Suffice it to say, I've been watching the skies ever since.

  • @mensadavidful
    @mensadavidful 11 років тому +15

    Great film; a classic!

  • @DesX42S
    @DesX42S 11 років тому +6

    it's not them telling us to conform to them, just them telling us that if we continue acting the way we do and ultimately attack another planet they will act in ultimate self defense

  • @clyde9803
    @clyde9803 11 років тому +8

    Colossus: The Forbin Project (excellent in its own right) take much from this film in that both depict the ultimate expression of human wisdom is to irrevocably place the fate of all into the hands of autonomous, all-powerful machines. Colossus is the more realistic of the two with regard to 'what might happen' but both films justifiably show the true limits of human nature...the more powerful we become, the more wicked and self-destructive. Man cannot be trusted - ever - and is without excuse.

  • @theundercoveratheist
    @theundercoveratheist 12 років тому +11

    The remake of original The Day the Earth Stood Still reminds me always of the legend Rocky Marciano. Don't even try to out do the best there ever was.

  • @leavinghope1970
    @leavinghope1970 13 років тому +4

    Great film.

  • @ikosabre
    @ikosabre 11 років тому +3

    It is interesting to note how the politics and the concerns current to the ages, in which the original and the remake were made,have affected both movies. In the first one, the concern is aggression and destruction, obviously referencing nuclear age and the cold war, while the remake bears an environmental message of the dangers of environmental exploitation and decay (or in a more grand sense, the importance of sustaining Earth as a planet capable of supporting life).

  • @JoeMC7
    @JoeMC7 11 років тому +15

    Colossus: The Forbin Project is an excellent movie :) Still powerful in its message to humanity: Don't build something that is capable of turning the tables on you.

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  11 років тому +4

    How we run our planet is of no concern to them, but if we threaten to 'extend' our violence - [towards other planets] We would face the consequences.

  • @auset641
    @auset641 11 років тому +4

    Earth gets blown up never to exsist again .

  • @martymcfly3073
    @martymcfly3073 11 років тому +8

    I actually used docs delorean to go to the premiere... very exciting!

  • @keithorr3327
    @keithorr3327 11 років тому +3

    In John Brosnan's Book: Future Tense: The Cinema of Science Fiction, he expresses concern that the import of Klaatu's message and grand design for the universe is extremely suggestive of socialism. In retrospect, however, Brosnan may have been unduly alarmed in that Klaatu's warning was, and still is, meant as a more peaceful solution which is in and of itself a means to an end only if we "threaten to extend" our, "violence".

  • @wvdpanhuysen
    @wvdpanhuysen 11 років тому +3

    I see now that I overlooked that Klaatu's means "to extend the violence of we humans towards other planets. And yes he talks about "mutual protection of the planets" but still he is in favor of violent repercussions against agressors when he says "At the first time of violence they [the robots] act automatically against the agressor. The penalty for provoking their action is too terrible to risk." I guess the reaction of the robots would even be violence. No?

    @SANDIEGOJON61 11 років тому +4

    We have been warned take head.

  • @icannotfly
    @icannotfly 13 років тому +2

    @DEE777OOO yeah, this is one of those movies that's only gotten better with time

  • @Gixxiemoto
    @Gixxiemoto 11 років тому +12

    Like Klaatu said,it is not our planet,just because we were put here doesn't mean that it is ours!

  • @DjTonioRoffo
    @DjTonioRoffo 11 років тому +7

    Blatant breach of the prime directive.

  • @abacuschannel1
    @abacuschannel1 12 років тому +3

    I hope this comment does not offend anyone; however, I couldn't help notice that Klaatu's concern mirrored that of C. S. Lewis. In his writings, Lewis spoke of the aggressive, sinful nature of Man, and of what could be if Man were to extend his aggression to other planets.

  • @felgiat
    @felgiat 13 років тому +1

    great video

  • @welshwarlock8513
    @welshwarlock8513 11 років тому +1

    its movie sci-fi history its a trend of movies lost to todays mindless gore.

  • @Mike8981
    @Mike8981 11 років тому +9

    Yes, I agree. I always thought it would have been better for the 'higher power' which the alien represents to say that: we will destroy all your weapons so that you can't kill each other or any other life form of life in the Universe. After all, they cut off the electricity to show the strength of their power over us most effectively. Good film nevertheless and one of my favourites. Mick

  • @twilightzoneseinfeld
    @twilightzoneseinfeld 12 років тому +2

    the newer one is okay, but it didn't have to be a remake.

  • @wvdpanhuysen
    @wvdpanhuysen 11 років тому +2

    Klaatu's message could have been a peaceful one if it meant that the "threat of humans to extend their violence" would ultimately result in self-destruction. But, unfortunately Klaatu means that if humans continue to wage war, the extraterrestrial and indestructible robot will destroy the human race. This echoes the motto of a former American President: "If you can't affiliate to our idea(ls), you are against us". So, i don't believe this is an anti-war science fiction movie, like some claim,

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  13 років тому +1

    @HUNTINGSUSAN A classic film. Thanks for commenting

  • @hydrolito
    @hydrolito 11 років тому +1

    Gort is like the first Cylon robot the people of Cylons become extinct. They make a machine that they can't control but can destroy them.

  • @JoeMC7
    @JoeMC7 11 років тому +3

    Please don't toss all Americans in your opinions, it is incorrect to assume all Americans love war and their warrior leaders. You have no idea how many of us don't like (at all) what our leaders have our armies doing to other countries. Perhaps you simply don't realize...

  • @jeffgordon6456
    @jeffgordon6456 11 років тому +2

    I love the idiot comment re: just hosing the aggressive people among us. I believe the point of the movie is specifically the inherent violence in everyone of us and our total inability to control it. Go Gort !!!!

  • @patientzerobeat
    @patientzerobeat 12 років тому +2

    Hey Klaatu, could GORT could just target the aggressive asswipes here and not the entire planet as a whole? If not, could you wait until I have a spaceship?

  • @DrusillaDragonrose
    @DrusillaDragonrose 12 років тому +4

    This compared with the newer one makes me want to smack the director of the new one.

  • @OvoidAxhead
    @OvoidAxhead 11 років тому +2

    Your comments seem to miss the entire point of the movie. It was the height of the Cold War at the time and people were suspicious of everyone and everything. Let me give you a perspective; you live in a town, city or even country with no weapons whatsoever. How would you react to a large tribe of vicious savages living across your borders and getting more aggressive with each day, relentlessly fighting amongst each other?

  • @Gixxiemoto
    @Gixxiemoto 11 років тому +10

    Just because your born in your dads house and live there doesnt make it your house,its that simple and easy to understand!

  • @Lovelymiz
    @Lovelymiz 11 років тому +6

    Moses delivered God’s same msg in Deuteronomy:
    "19 This day I call heaven and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him..." NIV 1984
    One must know both good/bad consequences to make an informed decision; so the msg is peaceful: Don’t wreak havoc on the rest of the universe & you’ll live! Simple

  • @KeyWestBluesX
    @KeyWestBluesX 11 років тому

    good movie

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  13 років тому

    @felgiat thanks for the comment Fx

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  12 років тому

    I echo your thoughts zaroff, good comment.

  • @JoeMC7
    @JoeMC7 11 років тому

    Good idea.

  • @rgaleny
    @rgaleny 11 років тому +1

    The NRA won't like that one.

  • @caspercobrax5645
    @caspercobrax5645 11 років тому

    It's just a movie.

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  13 років тому

    @DEE777OOO Yep, it sure does.

  • @Parsec777
    @Parsec777  12 років тому +1

    Lol I know what you mean.

  • @skyhighproductions24
    @skyhighproductions24 13 років тому

    Suck on this Keanu Reeves!

  • @highlander723
    @highlander723 12 років тому

    Message to Iran: Join us and live in peace or pursue your current ways and face nuclear obliteration.

  • @nickmarsala3787
    @nickmarsala3787 11 років тому +6

    Umm yeah because guess what it's HIS home NOT mine. This is OUR planet NOT their's!

  • @hydrolito
    @hydrolito 11 років тому

    So you think Klaatu was inspired by Moses and Gort by the mythical god with eyes of fire. You piss some high powered being from outer space off it will destroy you.

  • @willibro151
    @willibro151 11 років тому +2

    FSM, what nonsense. It *very precisely* poses the question of what to do about violence, in almost the same terms as "War Games" and a dozens other anti-war films: In the game of violence, the only winning move is not to play.

  • @ikosabre
    @ikosabre 11 років тому


  • @nickmarsala3787
    @nickmarsala3787 11 років тому +1

    Well folks what's the answer? How do you all vote? I vote to stand and fight against the invaders!

  • @rgaleny
    @rgaleny 11 років тому

    Isn't it Fascism? A Police state?