Such a good explanation..! And the graphical illustration with actual parts as well is just create! One thing only, is that @13:05 you show 2 different input voltages but they both have the same first slope and different time at which they switch, but it's actually exactly the opposite, same time different slope.
Finally a tutorial that provides real demonstration, though the video lost me at 15:04 when it started to explain how the discharge time is count. Which count represents the discharge time - is it the Count-In, I/O Port, or the Counter? The figure drawn is confusing - it starts counting the Count-In, then terminate, then follows with counting on the IO, and finally there's a blue-pulse that gets triggered? That doesn't make much sense.
Let's pretend it's 8 bits rather than 16 bits. When the counter hits 256, it interrupts the microcontroller. Lets say the voltage being measured is equivalent to 75% of maximum, so 192 pulses are generated and counted. Now the counter needs another 64 counts to trigger the interrupt on the microcontroller. So, the microcontroller can send a pulse to the counter to increment it by one and see if that increases the number to 256 and it would then get an interrupt. The counter is then at 193 and the microcontroller doesn't get triggered. OK, let's do it again. Now the count is 194. Still not triggered. Keep going. Eventually we hit 256 and the microcontroller gets interrupted. It of course knows how many times (64 times) it had to add one to the counter, therefore it knows the number already on the counter had to have been 192.
What about a saw tooth wave and 8 bit register syncronised off the same clock and cycling between their minimum and maximum values and running that saw tooth wave and analog circuit through a comparator to latch the data in the register? Am I going to find out that's what a delta sigma does?
I am excited that I found your channel. I am a Surveillance Technologies Technician in the casino business. It is the perfect tranquil world of analog and network convergence. I may email you or post in your forums, but in the mean time, I am quickly going through a stock of used proprietary encoders. NVE1008. The company was called NICE before they discontinued the product and changed their name to Qognify. It happens, I know. I'd like to build my own. Ideas? I have one disassembled.
All Bill videos should get automatic free promotion! Just get back to this video after 5y and still found it amazing!
Great video I love Bil's stuff.
Thanks guys. Always open to suggestions to improve!
Such a good explanation..! And the graphical illustration with actual parts as well is just create!
One thing only, is that @13:05 you show 2 different input voltages but they both have the same first slope and different time at which they switch, but it's actually exactly the opposite, same time different slope.
Man this is a bloody great video! You do an incredible job of getting the information across in a way that really works for me. Thank you!
Finally a tutorial that provides real demonstration, though the video lost me at 15:04 when it started to explain how the discharge time is count. Which count represents the discharge time - is it the Count-In, I/O Port, or the Counter? The figure drawn is confusing - it starts counting the Count-In, then terminate, then follows with counting on the IO, and finally there's a blue-pulse that gets triggered? That doesn't make much sense.
Let's pretend it's 8 bits rather than 16 bits. When the counter hits 256, it interrupts the microcontroller. Lets say the voltage being measured is equivalent to 75% of maximum, so 192 pulses are generated and counted. Now the counter needs another 64 counts to trigger the interrupt on the microcontroller. So, the microcontroller can send a pulse to the counter to increment it by one and see if that increases the number to 256 and it would then get an interrupt. The counter is then at 193 and the microcontroller doesn't get triggered. OK, let's do it again. Now the count is 194. Still not triggered. Keep going. Eventually we hit 256 and the microcontroller gets interrupted. It of course knows how many times (64 times) it had to add one to the counter, therefore it knows the number already on the counter had to have been 192.
Great video! the demo with the fpga was very interesting.
Woooow, this is just to great to have only 5k views. Thanks a lot for this!
What about a saw tooth wave and 8 bit register syncronised off the same clock and cycling between their minimum and maximum values and running that saw tooth wave and analog circuit through a comparator to latch the data in the register? Am I going to find out that's what a delta sigma does?
yep, macs used to do it
what is SPS?
Great job and lol to 1024 word! Very useful video. Thanks for putting all effort
I am excited that I found your channel. I am a Surveillance Technologies Technician in the casino business. It is the perfect tranquil world of analog and network convergence. I may email you or post in your forums, but in the mean time, I am quickly going through a stock of used proprietary encoders. NVE1008. The company was called NICE before they discontinued the product and changed their name to Qognify. It happens, I know. I'd like to build my own. Ideas? I have one disassembled.
Thanks for educating. Great video!
"A picture is worth 1024 words" DEAD
keep to share your passion
"Picture worth more than 1024 words" xD Great video!
Great Sir..! you expanding my Brain
I wished I had a lab like this one omg
Thanks. It's a great video.
thanks, it helps me so much :)
Çok feci sardı bu videolar
Need help on an EE problem? Locate: androidcircuitsolver/app.html
3:34 bad dec
8 bit ADC shouldn't mean 256 comparators; it should mean 256 values per sample and hold conversion.
Never mind.