Katy Perry (Katy Hudson) 2001 - Naturally

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Before she was Katy Perry, she was known as Katy Hudson, a Christian artist. This is the 9th song on her 2001 album "Katy Hudson" by Red Hill Records, titled "Naturally"


  • @vicentballesterrodriguez4153
    @vicentballesterrodriguez4153 10 років тому +11

    I'm Little Monster and I love this song!

  • @thomasbrookwood9887
    @thomasbrookwood9887 7 років тому +2

    I dunno - a young Katy Hudson looks like Meg Ryan

  • @mtber714
    @mtber714 13 років тому

    i am a born again christian. But im not gonna get into the argument of how she decided to move away from faith. She has a choice, and thats what she chose. But seriously she sounds way better this way, i think id actually listen to her if she was still like this. I guess the public would rather listen to mainstream instrumentals and songs about lesbian qualities. Great job Katy.

  • @nad77772
    @nad77772 13 років тому

    @shiphrahhopeful We're all sinners, everyone is. I'd leave the judging to God, for he has more right than you and I.

  • @forgetxM3xnot
    @forgetxM3xnot 14 років тому +5

    i was given this album for christmas 8 years ago. still listen it to this day! wasnt till about 6 months ago i realized she was katy perry. haha

  • @96burjen
    @96burjen 13 років тому +6

    That's a gorgeous picture of her.

  • @ShawnaFattahi
    @ShawnaFattahi 13 років тому +3

    Katy, come back...Please? ...Jesus Misses you... And so do we. -Shawna

  • @livpants
    @livpants 14 років тому +4

    she should defo do music like this again, shows off her voice amazzinnggglllyyyyyyy

  • @shutterstar7869
    @shutterstar7869 7 років тому +4

    My fav of "Katy Hudson"😍

  • @themadelvishpoet
    @themadelvishpoet 12 років тому +2

    Good grief, she could have been the next Point of Grace...what went wrong?

  • @katycat3863
    @katycat3863 11 років тому +4


    • @jessicanelson901
      @jessicanelson901 6 років тому

      I speak Katy’s language and I need her in my Justice League. I’ll be her witness.

  • @skw2394
    @skw2394 13 років тому +1

    people change with time............ :( :( :(

  • @gonzataker
    @gonzataker 13 років тому +1

    Katy Perry is very good I love her teenega dream but I think than Katy Hudson is more artistic.

  • @linnvi08
    @linnvi08 13 років тому +3

    I love this song.

  • @bbloodyangel1
    @bbloodyangel1 14 років тому +1

    she went from this to... i kissed a girl....? um...

  • @UgetMe09
    @UgetMe09 12 років тому +2

    I was so surprised when I found out Katy Perry used to be gospel rock!

  • @irishcatholicgirlie
    @irishcatholicgirlie 14 років тому +1

    Her real last name is Hudson? Why the change to Perry?

    • @qkbarbland4332
      @qkbarbland4332 2 роки тому

      it was too similar to kate hudson so she took her mother's maiden name

  • @ThePowerkikolino
    @ThePowerkikolino 13 років тому

    he leido todos sus post lo unico que digo es que de la abundancia del corazon habla la boca el afan de riquezas es causa de que nos apartemos pero siempre el hijo prodigo vuelve a casa despues de comer de las algarrobas de los cerdos esperemos en DIOS y oremos por ella

  • @shiphrahhopeful
    @shiphrahhopeful 13 років тому

    Turn from your righteousness and do evil,or you will die spiritually (Ezek.3:20; 18:24; 33:18; Rom.8:13).
    Become a drunkard, sexually immoral, greedy, a liar, etc.,which will cause you to not inherit the kingdom of God but instead end up in the Lake of fire (1 Cor.6:9,10; Gal.5:19-21; Eph.5:5-7; Rev.21:8; 22:15; Mk.7:20-23).

  • @bgconnet
    @bgconnet 13 років тому

    There are many who question God and the Bible, Thomas one Jesus's own disciples didn't believe either... so Jesus said to him after allowing Thomas to place his fingers in his wounds, "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe." Faith is not "proving" anything, its believing. And God gave us that free will. I chose to believe. As for Katy, I think she is an outstanding artist, God has His own plans for her.

  • @sunfisharegreat
    @sunfisharegreat 13 років тому

    Ya know, for all those who are hatin on relogion, please realize that there are ways in which it helps people. It is beneficial to those who believe in it because it gives them a central idea to believe in. And I myself have a hard time with religion becuase it is so dogmatic, and I have a hard time with religion because people say they believe, but then return to being arrogant pricks on Monday. It makes it hard to believe.
    I think that the Bible has part of the truth, but there is more.

  • @MrTruthAddict
    @MrTruthAddict 13 років тому

    @Xnightsaber We're supposed to genuflect in the presence of someone who proclaims themself to be a "child of god"?? No, I'm sorry but it's high time we treat faith as it deserves to be treated. If not with contempt, then with the level of respect it truly deserves, none. Anyone who believes in imaginary beings that live in the sky in the 21st century should be ridiculed and made a public spectacle of.

  • @MrTruthAddict
    @MrTruthAddict 13 років тому

    @Xnightsaber So using 'naughty' words is considered arrogant or ignorant? Sometimes in the real world, adults use profanity to punctuate their message or to add impact. Just because cultmembers think they are proving themselves to be more pious than others by not uttering words deemed by them to be bad doesnt mean a thing. Christians have the concept of "righteous anger" and use it all the time but those of us who KNOW the truth about Xtians are supposed to just automatically respect you?

  • @realrickyruller91
    @realrickyruller91 14 років тому

    Yeah I agree with rikku5000....yeah these songs are great...but she made a choice and and who is to say it was wrong or right... God has always told us to never judge no matter what someone chooses to do...when it comes down to it...at the end of the day we all just want to be susessful and have money to support ours selves and family...after all Katy Perry is just human...we all go thourgh our rights and wrongs...

  • @MrTruthAddict
    @MrTruthAddict 13 років тому

    Thank goodness she got out of this cult and is happy now. As a pastor's son, I know the freedom you feel when you walk away from childish superstitions. Rejecting christianity made me feel like I was born again. Free from the ridiculous man-made bullshit that enslaves you cult members. Enjoy this life, it's the only one you've got!

  • @fabio40
    @fabio40 13 років тому

    Why is it that so many so called Christians are so judgmental even though the Luke 6-37 says "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven"? So stop judging Katy and worry about how you live your own life. Geez!

  • @Divingdeepwithsendy
    @Divingdeepwithsendy 13 років тому

    @disghurlx she may sing great songs but its all about the life style! if u loved her u would want what is right for her and her life, she said she basically sold herself to the devil smh is that the life u want for her?? this industry is crazy! SHE IS A GREAT ARTIST..

  • @tru2u4eternity
    @tru2u4eternity 14 років тому

    its interesting to see the kind of christian artist she could have been. Can't help but feel the christian music community lost a talented artist but I'm not judging her. We all fall. Its still obvious underneath the hollywood polish she still knows who christ is.

  • @Lizzie200292
    @Lizzie200292 13 років тому

    Well actually Katy has said that she wasn't as happy here... because she wasn't allowed to sing or listen to anything other that gospel music. She wanted to though and her faith is still strong and still is put across is some of her songs.

  • @LisaPizzaTheLibra
    @LisaPizzaTheLibra 13 років тому

    @MrTruthAddict I'm sorry u feel that way bcuz jesus was the best decision I've ever made. and wat u said about us only having one life thats right y not live it rite and live eternally happy with someone who really loves u- known as God

  • @mizzgothic
    @mizzgothic 15 років тому

    yeah katy hudson and katy perry are the same person cause her name is katheryn hudson but she got called katy hudson so she thought it was to much like kate hudson so she changed her last name to perry her mothers maiden name!

  • @Lizzie200292
    @Lizzie200292 13 років тому

    @shilohxoxo1 Well you are lucky. I know from what Katy has said about her upbringing that she wasn't allowed to listen to certain music. Listen to 'Who Am I Living For?' from her new album.

  • @hollypattersonwriter
    @hollypattersonwriter 14 років тому

    What happened! I blame the Christian music industry for not making her more known her new songs are empty and lost her old songs are full and found

  • @frogsrcool42
    @frogsrcool42 14 років тому

    @irishcatholicgirlie her name Katy Hudson was too similar to Kate Hudson the actress so she changed it to Perry, it's her mother's maiden name.

  • @watermelonygoodness
    @watermelonygoodness 14 років тому

    I'm surprised at how bad her voice sounds here. Not trying to be a hater. I'm genuinely just really surprised what Hollywood producers can do.

  • @yranac
    @yranac 15 років тому

    just because you say no offense doesn't mean that it offends any less. we understand the intention, but fans still take offense to it. sorry dude.

  • @GiannuzziSavelli
    @GiannuzziSavelli 13 років тому

    They are bigots! They write about Katy and God. They hope that Katy will turn back to God. Stop! Please, write about her music!

  • @yranac
    @yranac 15 років тому

    yeah and her songs are normally a bunch of beats and stuff. so i guess its not a surprise that she sounds differently live.

  • @bbloodyangel1
    @bbloodyangel1 14 років тому

    @IdRatherBinADream92 its nice. something very soothing about it. i wish she'd write more songs like this to be honest.

  • @sneakertoni
    @sneakertoni 14 років тому

    @bbloodyangel1 why don't you listen to her other songs on her album -.-? listen to fingerprints or circle the drain

  • @nad77772
    @nad77772 13 років тому

    Romans 3 : 23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Nobody's perfect, sure the Lord is perfect and can help you, but that doesn't deny the fact that we're sinners. And BTW thank you for telling me I'm going to hell, because we all deserve it whether or not we're believers. God Bless you!

  • @Lizzie200292
    @Lizzie200292 13 років тому

    ''So I pray for a favour like Esther I need your strength to handle the pressure I know there will be sacrifice But that's the price It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called Standing on the frontline when the bomb starts to fall I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames Calling out my name I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for?''
    Like if you know what this is and ♥ Katy for who she is :)

  • @bbloodyangel1
    @bbloodyangel1 14 років тому

    @IdRatherBinADream92 i totally read your usenrname as i'dratherbebinladen' and i almost died

  • @UgetMe09
    @UgetMe09 12 років тому +1

    Yeah you say that. But im sure she would rather be rich and famous, then being very unknown. Her album Katy Hudson was a huge fail, and she saw the only way to get ahead was going mainstream. Don't judge

  • @babyinblack
    @babyinblack 15 років тому

    sing live she has quirks... idk when it's just her and her acoustic guitar...

  • @sneakertoni
    @sneakertoni 14 років тому

    here's the newer version

  • @aarfan44
    @aarfan44 14 років тому

    I totally agree with you and feel the same way...

  • @lucasbalbi5779
    @lucasbalbi5779 6 років тому +1

    Te amo y te amaré incondicionalmente

  • @cowfloss
    @cowfloss 13 років тому

    @Made2LuvJesus Jesus? Don't you mean God? Jesus is dead ey.

  • @Lycophagic1
    @Lycophagic1 13 років тому

    @xxILuvTheRaiNxx I agree..you said a mouthful!

  • @commajade
    @commajade 13 років тому

    When did her eyes turn from blue to gray?

  • @HeartsCryAcademy
    @HeartsCryAcademy 14 років тому

    @tamtamLOVESkaty so crazy and so sad

  • @linnvi08
    @linnvi08 13 років тому

    @MobiusChaos she's done nothing wrong.

  • @TragicLonelyXic
    @TragicLonelyXic 15 років тому

    i saw her live last month i can say that she's awesome. She sings she jumps plays both acoustic and electric guitar and comunicate as anyone with the audience. She's really good if u guys have the oppurtunity to see her live u should go. Believe me and then tell me what u think!

  • @91raindancer
    @91raindancer 13 років тому

    She's beautiful blonde or black hair.

  • @shiphrahhopeful
    @shiphrahhopeful 13 років тому

    @nad77772 Not "all" are sinners on their way to Hell like you and Ms. Hudson.
    In John 15:6,10, Jesus made it clear that it's HOLINESS or HELL: " If a man ABIDE not in me, he
    is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the FIRE, and they are burned. IF YE KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, ye shall ABIDE in my love."
    "He who sins is of the devil" 1Jn.3:8.
    "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Gal 5:24.

  • @bageldog123
    @bageldog123 15 років тому

    Oui, she is wonderful. Even at 17 she had such a strong voice. Now at 24 she is bigger than she expected. How could someone turn down the best singer there is? Both Katy Hudson and her album with The Matrix were turned down. That's plain weird because shes so good. She doesn't lipsync either. And still, very many people thinks she's bad live. Those people are just stupid. And jealous.
    wow thats good puncuation/capatalization stuff.

  • @emiirozenn
    @emiirozenn 3 роки тому


  • @Merryrobin
    @Merryrobin 13 років тому

    Its interesting after hearing her present popular music to where she was ten years ago. I am impressed with her range, but I dont think she has found her own voice yet. I think what she's making now is just a product she can sell (or is she the product being sold?) and what she made in the beginning was an imitation of others. But she is the best female artist that has come out in the last ten years, so Im not putting her down where she is now.

  • @Disneygirl3715
    @Disneygirl3715 13 років тому

    Katy changed her image because she got teased by the kids at her school for being a christian. She still has a great personality in my opinion, and if anything, God wants us to pray for her instead of judging her. That just goes to show how people can change because they're afraid of what others will think. She felt too sheltered. Whether or not she comes back into God's plan is between her and God only. It's not our job to make sure. We don't even know her.

  • @ShawnaFattahi
    @ShawnaFattahi 13 років тому

    i pray 4 you

  • @kungfudodo
    @kungfudodo 13 років тому

    @cowfloss ha. I am sorry just thought I would stop in and correct you :) Jesus Rose again on the 3rd day and assented into heaven. He is not dead. Sorry thought I would throw that out there. have a nice day!

  • @TragicLonelyXic
    @TragicLonelyXic 15 років тому

    hi there! yeah, i totally get u. I also love her old stuff, it's different from what she does right now. But if u listen closely to the old ones was kind of predictable that she would become as famous as she is right now. but i'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy the show. then tell me how things were. BTW if u get any photos from the show tell me, ok?. Thanks and enjoy

  • @Anthony72093
    @Anthony72093 12 років тому

    What's wrong with them? You seemed to have said a pretty nasty word, so it doesn't seem like you are so perfect either. I am pretty sure they are still "normal". Anyways, who are we to judge?

  • @Battlecryer
    @Battlecryer 13 років тому

    @missmissy1027 Amen Im with you I love Katy Hudson Perry!!! I am a christian & I strayed away from God for 7 years & I do understand what that's like. Regardless where she is in her life she is 1 of God's children & Im praying for her. Love love love Katy!!! Ty for posting her songs they are amazing!!

  • @RockSingthenStudy
    @RockSingthenStudy 13 років тому

    Katy can change her music style. it can be her choice and she can still be connected to the lord even if she doesnt sing songs for him

  • @irvinetustin
    @irvinetustin 13 років тому

    Katy is a great singer. Her Christian music is her best stuff.

  • @RockSingthenStudy
    @RockSingthenStudy 13 років тому

    @dhssoccer1347 I dont believe Katy said that in an interview. i tried to find it and i found nothing. Please post the link to the interview if there actually is one.

  • @titmisti
    @titmisti 15 років тому

    her voice xas good and her voice is still nice .
    it's nice as before as now!
    katy has a really voice !
    nobody can never say the opposite !

  • @GeorginaJungle
    @GeorginaJungle 14 років тому

    Lovely song. Her Christian music is utterly fantastic too, it's amazing she possessed those superb vocals at just 16

  • @AlienSnowflake
    @AlienSnowflake 15 років тому

    "Thot she was Shakira for a sec there in the pic xD"

  • @bageldog123
    @bageldog123 15 років тому

    xD i love you too :D and all other katy perry fans, they make me happy. :]

  • @sinisterbd
    @sinisterbd 12 років тому

    @KitKatPerryfan Great idea, the comments have just turned into a religious debate.

  • @MikeSmith-wo1ln
    @MikeSmith-wo1ln 7 років тому

    I used to listen to her Christian Albums. I loved her back then.

  • @ShawnaFattahi
    @ShawnaFattahi 13 років тому

    das not very nice. but jesus loves you

  • @Battlecryer
    @Battlecryer 13 років тому

    @Made2LuvJesus Amen Im with you!! We are praying for her!!!!...Joanna

  • @manalalo9136
    @manalalo9136 4 роки тому

    Es muy buena cantante, además sale en la foto con una cara de lista que llama la atención.

  • @KitKatPerryfan
    @KitKatPerryfan 13 років тому

    @missmissy1027 I suggest you make this video without comments -_-

  • @tamtamLOVESkaty
    @tamtamLOVESkaty 14 років тому

    so she changed. people change. she's always been amazing.

  • @sockshotholly
    @sockshotholly 16 років тому

    this is really good...
    what happened lol?...x

  • @jordan11112222
    @jordan11112222 13 років тому

    @Made2LuvJesus i agree she has amazing christian music

  • @carlyland2468
    @carlyland2468 13 років тому

    she sounds the same but looks so different!!

  • @goldark3
    @goldark3 14 років тому

    Glad to hear someone with common sense finally !!!

  • @llShalomll
    @llShalomll 14 років тому

    xD ... ironies ... come back, I know :)

  • @juan082891
    @juan082891 13 років тому

    @Galleta4life I'm with you on the one!

  • @BreathingYourLife
    @BreathingYourLife 13 років тому


  • @earthalien77
    @earthalien77 13 років тому

    Any way to post the lyrics? ☺

  • @jessicanelson901
    @jessicanelson901 6 років тому

    She came BACK to her roots.

  • @zimerframe9
    @zimerframe9 11 років тому

    This is okay, like her other stuff.

  • @biancaisabel
    @biancaisabel 5 років тому

    this is so emo omg

  • @getachefupya
    @getachefupya 11 років тому

    what the fuck?

  • @OfficialRebeccaWiley
    @OfficialRebeccaWiley 14 років тому

    love it!

  • @nad77772
    @nad77772 13 років тому

    @serenityluvsgod Hey, don't condemn her for being a sinner like you and I. Pray for her, that she may find repentance in her path. For there is still hope.

  • @georgemiser
    @georgemiser 12 років тому

    Hudson, Perry. it doesn't matter. Being ''of the world'' is the only thing that matters. Katie wised up. And because of that she freed herself from the lie of god.