Funnily, when you were talking about Larum and Elffin's differences you didn't mentioned their most important difference, their con. Elffin has 6 con wich means he can't be rescued, taked and dropped by units with his same con, it mostly affects Roy who has 6 con until promotion, wich means that Elffin won't be able to be dropped by Roy, or other units with 6 con, while Larum could. This is very small but is a funny thing that GBA giving women con deficits is actually a good thing for once
Funnily enough this is one of the reasons I really enjoyed usimg Wendy on my first (Normal Difficulty) playthrough, I found that I could rescue drop her with more units than I initally expected which really eased the 4 move pains
Reasons why I trained Amelia as a Knight in my first FE8 run. She caps everything as a General and anyone can drop her in a mob of enemies and canto away lol.
Fun fact about Niime I was told recently, if you give her an Angelic Robe + Nosferatu, she survives the Ch19 Wyvern Riders with 7-1 HP (depending on Str rolls + Steel vs Killer) even on Hard Mode from base. Meaning the Angelic Robe gives her EXACTLY enough HP to always survive a hit. She'll even double the Steel Lance Wyverns on average (10 AS Steel Lance Wyvern vs Niime's 14 Base AS when holding Nos) which mean she can reliably grind WEXP against the near infinite wyvern reinforcements if you dont get screwed by enemies rolling up on Speed. But only the Steel Lance ones. A speedwing or Body Ring will guarantee she doubles all the Steel Lance Wyverns, but thats a lot harder to justify than the Angelic Robe. Again, super super niche if you REALLY want Apocalypse on her, but the fact its such low investment to make such a huge change, especially when Ch 20 Ilia give you an Angelic Robe, means the only cost is giving her the stat booster and saving green units. Niime will even bring her own Nos tome on join to use so thats literally all she needs if youre willing to let Granny have near global warp range. She still slays with the Warp Staff at base, but for those who want ASCENDED GRANDMA dont have to work too hard for that. Another Sacae L, deserved tbh, I hate Sacae
The Rapier not being effective against Nomads almost certainly is not a programming oversight In FE1 and FE3, which FE6 draws extremely heavy inspiration from, Horsemen are not weak to the horse effective weapons, because the mount killing lance in FE1/FE3 is a 「ナイトキラー」 and not a 「ホースキラー」as it's called in many future games, or a "Knightkiller" and not a "Horsekiller" so Nomads, Troubadours, and Valkyries who are just mounted and not mounted knights are not weak to it (How a lance is able to determine the social standing of the person on a horse I don't know, but it is consistent) From FE7 onwards (mostly) the lance became the 「ホースキラー」("Horseslayer") and so was consistently effective against all horses and not just Cavaliers, with the exception of FE9 where it is once again 「ナイトキラー」and guess who's now immune to the effective damage from it because she's just mounted and not a "Knight" And while Roy's Rapier has a unique effectiveness table and isn't using the same one as the Knightkiller, it's still just following the trend that Marth's old Rapier and the Knightkillers of this game and not being effective against Nomads. FE4 and FE5 are the only games that don't really follow the trend where the lance is a "Knightkiller" despite being effective on Troubadours and Horsemen, but given how many things FE6 likes to reference back to FE1 and FE3 it's almost certainly intentional that FE6 reverted it. People probably don't notice the distinction between the Japanese names of these weapons because the games are usually played in English and a lot of the FE6 translation patches incorrectly localize the lance's name.
Noah's interesting because of his base level. It's a suuuper niche use but he can be quickly early promoted if you're feeling spicy and Allen/Lance are unavailable or not being used. Also Lilina is probably mid by every metric but seeing her hit a guy for bigly damage is good for the psyche
Being 50 swings away from using the ch9 silver sword for the axe isles if you do this makes him such a well designed backup unit if Lance and Allen died IMO
I remember my first time through this game blind, i saw Wendy and was like "Oh, this is clearly my Est character I HAVE to use her" and since i actuall6 don't mind using armors her class wasn't a forbidding factor (plus i love using Meg so thats basically the same thing). Anyway, I used her, got her to about 15 before promo and by the time I got Douglas he was beating her in basically every stat except for speed. Devastating.
The great thing about Wolt and other archers is that you don't have to worry about silver swordmasters in the arena, so there's basically no chance of them dying in 1 round.
@@shellpoptheepicswordmaster755maybe on a map, but in the arena you only fight enemies you can counter, so Archers will only fight other Archers, Nomads and magic users
Last time I trained rutger, karel showed up with +2 in most stats over him. Idk if my rutger was insanely cursed, but it was nice to get to try out karel as an obvious upgrade to a member of my army. I sometimes think he fits the gotoh archetype better than Yoder due to the durandal utility for the finale, then I remember you can not have the durandal, fir or bartre when showing up so the anti-softlock measure isn't really there. Still find him a fascinating unit that adds to binding blade's unique cast.
@@ConcernedSapho I have numerous times. I've trained Lot to S bows once, and it was very funny Ps: I'm also really good friends with Dani, and it's a running joke
Klein and Echidna being super awesome combat units by itself is really impressive, getting them both at the same time is just asinine and feels like a completely different game designer stepped in on their chapter. I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that Clarine becomes basically untouchable once she starts leveling up. I havent done a run of FE6 in vanilla OR Rom Hacks where she doesn't dodge everything including God's smite.
If you do 2hours+ long videos tiering every single game, I will forever be able to keep listening to all of them in a loop and never have to listen anything else. Thank you very much for this ❤️
I think you undervalue Fir, on hard mode her stats are actually pretty good, and she joins in the western isles easily being able to pick up kills on all the axe users, you can easily have her fight the pirate reinforcements, being level 1 her exp gain isn't that bad, for a boss kill she'll usually get a level, overall her training arc is very easy, and the pay off for using her is a slightly worse Rutger. All this to say she's at least B tier.
I also like using Fir if for some reason my Rutger is strength screwed. Her super high bases level 1 means that Fir can get higher strength than Rutger despite having a lower strength growth.
I’ve tried using Fir a few times in hard mode. The strength growth is very…..unreliable. Maybe I’m just so used to Rutger and Clarine support combo. There’s probably ways to make her good too, but I’d be surprised if she can be as much of a panic button as Rutger is. I can’t imagine not using him.
As a Bors and Wendy enjoyer, the real Bors meme is that he’s needed for the armor knight triangle attack. He’s bad filler but he’s also a great meme if you’re memeing with Wendy.
My whole squad in FE6 is force deploy Roy, Christmas Cavs, Shanna, Deke, Rutger, Miledy, a healer, a thief, and then I play Mage hokie pokie depending on which ones gets better levels. The rest of my deployment slots go to pre-promotes, and if I don’t have enough pre-promotes any more, then I just don’t deploy anybody. There are so many warm bodies in the game begging to go to the bench.
Ok so a small thing about Dayan that I like is that if you give him a Sue B support (decently fast by fe6 standars and if you are going to Sacae you are likely to have been using Sue) or an energy ring (you get one in the chapter before he joins) he can oneround with the silver bow every magic enemy, not named Brunnya and high speed roll nosferatu druids, left in the game. Also iirc he has 43 hp and like 10 defense wich means that Steel lance wyvern (they all have 30 attack) 3hko him wich means that he doesn't need to be protected as much as an aircalibur mage or one of the prepromoted snipers or even a trained Sue if you can't kill all the wyverns in range of your units in chapter 22.
2:49:13 "[Karel] has S rank swords, so you can, like, bring him into the *TOWER* if you absolutely need a Durandal user..." Playing some Radiant Dawn lately, Dani? Jokes aside, nice video!
Okay, in my opinion this tier list is kind of insane, but its interesting. For every unbelievably off placement (B tier Lilina and C tier Cecelia), there are placements that are just flawless for units who are a bit slept on (C tier Roy and A tier Zelot). Because I am a certified sufferer of FE6 brainrot, and like I said, this tier list is kinda ehhhh in some areas imo, I'm going to (hopefully briefly (EDIT: it was not brief at all)) run through my problem areas. Mostly just to cure some boredom and burn some time. Alen > Lance for early bulk and strength even if Lance is generally a better promo options, but tbf Lance > Alen isn't egregious lol. We overrating Bors now? Damn. Bro does ONE unique drop on an already easy chapter, and that makes him upper D tier? Crazy. It is so easy for him to get out of those first couple chapters without him even seeing combat a single time due to how bad he is; availability is kind of null if you aren't doing anything important with it (no, that single rescue drop is not a game changer for him). Wolt is indeed historically underrated, but good filler feels like a bit of a stretch to me. Like, he's doing about 4 damage at 70ish accuracy on chapters 1-3, and its likely for him to be unable to even do damage in chapter 4, and then he just kind of gets left behind fast. "Good filler" feels like its overstating both his impact and how for how long he is actually even useful for. This list seems to place a lot of emphasis on early contributions (relatively high placements for characters like Marcus, Roy, Wolt, Bors). With that in mind, I believe Dieck deserves more credit for being your second best combat unit for a couple of chapters, and then probably your third best combat unit for another stretch of time. Getting Dieck levels is super easy due to this, and the second Hero Crest shows up in time for him to be used long term without it feeling like he has to be dragged for too long, even if his niche becomes a bit less necessary in the Western Isles. I think bottom of A is more appropriate for him; he feels much more solid than the likes of Lugh, Echidna, and Thea. Lot and Ward below Bors is kind of insane. Lot and Ward are both capable of one-rounding Soldiers at base level, and both are technically favored to straight up one-shot those insane chapter 4 Cavaliers. Even if you plan to give your axes to Marcus, there's going to be enough for at least one of them (Lot) to still fight. They also have a fast support together. They are far from your worst early game unit (Bors), and I'd say they are more similar to someone like Wolt (high D or low C). Shanna is S tier. She has exclusive access to a valuable niche for about half of the game, is straight up your best character for a period of time in the Western Isles, faces no competition to promote, and her "combat issues" are easily supplemented with the heaps of speed and weapon ranks she is expected to get. Even if she can be eclipsed by Melady, who cares, just use both. I'd go so far as to say she's top 3. Thieving is subjective indeed; I agree that Astolfo should be given primary credit for most of the game's loot, but the fact that Chad and Cath (anyone who can get you the Delphi Shield should not be in meme tier imo) are equally able to get these items makes me think they deserve at least a bit of credit. Late into the game, Astolfo's combat becomes negligble and he starts to die to siege tomes anyways, so while he'll always technically be your best thief deployment, the choice ends up mattering less and less as the game progresses. With this in mind, I'd personally place Astolfo in high B, Chad in low B, and Cath in low C. I think Rutger is the best unit in the game; when looking at the game collectively, he is your best combat unit, and there are enough problematic bosses and threatening enemies to make his dominance of this niche significant enough to rate him that highly. But I can respect Marcus > Rutger, since Marcus's niche is less replaceable. Sue's stats are eh, but I can see her in lower B tier thanks to her horse and her lack of competition for a promotion item (one for her and one for Sin). Her speed balloons nicely and her weapon ranks will be superior to Sin's for a while if she's trained, even if Sue can be skipped in the long term. Zelot being higher than Clarine and Saul, who can commonly see important use throughout the whole game, feels a bit off to me, but I'm happy Zelot is getting some love. Noah and Trec are waaay too low. It is important to note that Alen and Lance are growth units, so they can get screwed. I believe Noah exists to correct for any rare instances of this happening to both of them; with passable stats, a nice sword rank, and being at level 7, Noah can become a competent, yet unimpressive Paladin. Even when Alen and Lance promote, though, serving as a solid filler Cavalierm especially for the Western Isles, is more than most in this game can offer. I'd go so far to place Noah in B tier. Trec takes everything I said about Noah, but without any of the actual reason to use him lol. Still, filler Cav Trec can slot in nicely in the next couple of pre-premote dominated chapters, and I personally think this is good enough to earn a spot near someone like Elen. The point is though, that neither of them are anywhere close to the likes of Bors. Ogier sucks, but saying he's on the same level of someone like Gwendolyn or Sophia feels a bit too harsh. At least he can serve as bad filler in the Western Isles, can soak up some exp from chapter 8X and the axe units in the mid game, and (hopefully) be ready for the second Hero Crest (if you're insane). I'd compare him to someone like Geese before I would Gwendolyn: shit, but not irredeemably so. Lilina's placement is probably the worst thing about this tier list. Your logic with her seemed inconsistent with how you talked about other units. You talked about Bartre's speed being a damning weakness, and Lilina can only equal this number after 9 levels and a competitive promotion item. You talked about Ogier being a worse version of Dieck when Dieck's niche isn't important anymore, but ignore how Lilina has this exact same relationship with Lugh. You talked about how difficult is is for characters like Noah to win a promotion item, but ignore how things are nearly as bad for Lilina. You talked about how Lilina can benefit from easy training chapters, when she is far from the only unit to have this benefit, and others can benefit from it moreso (last minute training for Shanna, Alen, Lance, or even building up other more flawed units that yield better results as filler, like Noah, Trec, and even Ogier). Lilina is down there with the likes of Geese and Ogier (extremely skippable investment units), easily a bottom 5 unit in this game. From a unit who both hard to train and not worth training comes a unit who is easy to train and can be worth training: Fir! There are so many Pirate reinforcements on her joining map that Fir can handle so easily, and by the time Fir should be level 10, the second Hero Crest shows up, of which her only serious competition is Dieck (who requires less work but might benefit from it less). I think you discount the second Rutger thing; having two enemy deleters is better than one, and I think she pushes her way into the bottom of B tier for her strengths and ease of use.
Sin is not S tier. His player phase combat may be basically perfect (aside from shaky weapon ranks at the beginning), but he is inherently limited with what he can do being basically only locked to player phase. Wyvern killing is extremely important, and Sin probably does it best, but by this point, your army has plenty of options to take on these behemoths (most of your units should be promoted, pre-promotes you get around this time can tangle with wyverns, and extremely strong combat units are joining soon). Sin is an absolutely central unit in a ton of ways, but he isn't as necessary, unique, or dominant as any of the other S tiers; I think he's more in the mid A-range, close to Clarine and Saul. Gonzalez is another pretty disastrous placement on this list; as fun as he is, he is way too flawed to be in B tier. He suffers from the same excessive con issues that Barthe and Douglas deal with. I find that depending on the route, Gonzalez either turns into an awkward training project that needs 5 levels asap to get out of Brigand (have fun getting that done with his inconsistent accuracy), or an underwhelming instant-promote, with not enough speed to stay offensively potent. Compared to the other B tiers, all of whom are basically guaranteed to have a period of the game with a lot going for them, Gonzalez sticks out. The coolest thing about Gonzalez to me is the peak walking to distract wyverns, but characters like Garret can do this for free, and Gonzalez himself can even do this alright without promoting (which he is a worse candidate for than both Dieck and Fir). Gonzalez, in my experience, is more similar to someone like Roy. I think you summarized Bartre and Echidna well, but were a bit too hard on Bartre; his speed is low, but enough to keep him from getting doubled from most mid-range enemies (cementing his superior bulk to Echidna), and I find Bartre to have more long term potential, thanks to always being able to chip hard with bows and Armads coming faster to him. I think Echidna is right below Bartre, but these two are very close. When I've made FE6 tier lists in the past, I've always placed Raigh in low C tier. He has some good stuff going for him for sure; insta-promotion and reaching at least 16 magic afterwards will make his chip damage quite potent with relatively little work... but idk, he really is just so skippable and he's not good enough a lot of the time to earn usage. At the same time, idk if I'd call him bad? I'll go ahead and talk about Hugh here too, since I think of him and Raigh in a similar way, with Hugh trading a later join time and higher cost with better performance (Aircalibur will boost High's damage noticeably). Given how plentiful money is in FE6, it's not hard to meet Hugh's requirement (hell, his join map is brimming with treasure anyways)... but is it really worth it for just a filler unit (and one who is going to be near-useless if the route split goes to Sacae)? I need to think on these two more. Melady is maybe a smidge overrate, but the gap between her and Perceval is what is throwing me. Perceval's combat abilities are just better than Melady's and even if Melady is certainly a better unit when factoring in her flight, I don't think Perceval being worse than her is enough to justify that much of a distance. Even worse is Alen and Lance being over Perceval; sure they're around for longer, but never at any point reach the dominance that Perceval can achieve. I think Perceval belongs in S tier. Cecelia's placing is another one of the biggest errors in this list. Who cares if she can't Warp or Physic; she comes with 8 move and can restore, and can do everything that comes along with this for free for the rest of the game. Cecelia is seriously such an easy deployment for literally every chapter after she joins, I'd go so far as to put her in the lower end of A tier. Broke: Sophia > Gwendolyn because Sohpia gets you a Guiding Ring Woke: Sophia > Gwendolyn because Sophia baits a Sleep Staff on her join chapter Igrene is far too low for a unit who can realistically slot in for Klein, who is of course a good unit. She's worse than him just off the basis of availability, but when they're both around, she can make a case. Klein, a Sniper, levels up slow, and is far from certain to exceed Igrene's stats. Igrene joins in time to shoot down plenty of wyverns, pegasi, or just be there to try to counter attack Nomads. Given that she does what Klein does, but at a later point in the game, I think she deserves to be much closer to him. Garret > Gonzalez. He is slightly easier to make work as filler and can do the mountain distraction strategy more easily. Fae's "utility" is indeed overrated, and her five move sucks. But with how unique her role is, and her potential to output such insane damage makes me think that she is rated a bit harshly. Zeiss's placement in B is pretty accurate, but I think its worth mentioning how the incentive to train him lowers a bit if you choose to take the Sacae route. I think he is more similar to units like Noah, Sue, or Fir: units who have genuine points going for them, but whose utility is far from essential. I don't know how Douglas, a unit who can honestly make a decent argument for deployment on some Sacae maps (even if that Roy-rescue strategy is indeed ridiculous) is lower than units like Barthe and Geese, who likely don't get deployed once. Douglas is like Wolt in my mind; he does an important job poorly. At least he's promoted... Douglas is weird, but I don't think its bottom 10 weird. Niime slots into bottom of A nicely, but being above Saul, your primary staff specialist for almost 4/5ths of the game feels strange. Yoder is probably more of a (high) B tier unit due to just being worse than Niime with worse usability. I will say though, that reducing their jobs to simple "staff-bots" might be selling them a bit short. Sure, that's what makes them good units, but they have high enough magic (and honestly high enough speed) to do some serious damage to plenty of enemies. Karel is a bad unit, but I think there are plenty of occasions where he can make a case to be used on the final map. All he needs to do is have among the 8th highest stats in your army, and this is something Karel can easily achieve (if I did the calculation right, Karel at base has 4 more strength then a insta-promoted level 10 Rutger). Honestly, one chapter of useful (yet unnecessary) utility makes me think he's at least better than a handful of D tier units, and certainly not in contention for meme tier, even if he is the worst pre-promote in the game. Okay this was way longer than I wanted it to be, but once I got going, I was having a blast writing this and the time just melted away. On the plus side, I'm not knowledgeable enough with any other Fire Emblem game to bombard any other of your tier list videos with something like this lol. Anyhow, good video, despite my gripes with your list. Looking forward to what else you have in store.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 I disagree strongly. FE6 combat is particularly hard because of the inflated stats on enemies. Much in the same way as Marcus is indispensable in the early game, Rutger is the only unit capable of consistently taking down deadly enemies on the map, even more than Marcus. And unless you really early promote him he never falls off, again unlike Marcus. Rutger will always be your best combat unit until the end of the game. In this context, I find players overrate movement. What's the point of movement if your unit just gets destroyed in combat? The answer is to carry stronger units further. So the emphasis is still on combat units performing, while the ferries need to be strong enough to survive just behind them. Even then, the faster movement is unnecessary unless you're in the niche of players who do ltcs. Otherwise, 5 move is not bad for most of the game, just average. With all this in mind, I dislike Shanna. I think she's a bad unit with some niche uses. Her combat is miserable and even with babying she'll only be good for a few chapters before falling off again. Yes flyer utility is good, but when your combat is so pitiful you have to be protected like a frail cleric then you lose points from me. I train her sister Thea instead of I want a Pegasus knight.
Lot I think could reasonably fit in Good Filler tier when the Halberd and Killer Axe aren't easily accessible by Marcus earlygame, and his speed is just high enough to avoid getting doubled by medium speed enemies. Getting C Axes by Ch 7 is realistically only going to happen most playthroughs by training a Fighter, and this is one of your better ways of checking the Wyverns there.
Tbh I’d have merlinus in good filler. Serves a niche which is a lot more than other units. You’ve got a core of units which you use, and I rate what merlinus can do over extra chip and risk of death/losing weapons
147:30 shin can rescue the fat man, 18 aid is nice ok u figure that out now i look silly, so i'll note that while gonzales's stats dont change between routes, he strangely starts with c axes on echidna route and d axes on bartre route
I'm pretty sure Wendy does 0 damage when she does the triangle of sadness (yes, that's what I call the armour knight triangle attack) to high Def enemies. Also, Barthe can't hit anything with that terrible Skl. At least Treck can use Iron Swords (lol).
Clarine is actually S tier because if you get her to 10/20 she'll cap speed and luck, making her the dodgiest unit in the entire game, and then you get her to S rank tomes and she gets oneshot by a ch21 wyvern lord with 15 hit. All hail our lord and saviour Lady Clarine.
I feel like Ogier could at least slot into D tier off of simply being a Sword unit in FE6 (and chapter 9 being loaded with Pirate reinforcements but those can go to plenty of units besides Ogier), but I admit I don't have the most experience with this game (only 1 playthrough on Normal mode so far)
@@DaniDoyle yeah, plus you only get 2 Hero Crests before chapter 16, one of which goes to Rutger, and the other probably goes to Deick, Gonzales, or Fir before Ogier (there's also the Axe bros but they're also bad)
Fire Emblem 6 is truly a game of all time. Like i cannot perceive it beyond the fact that it exists. I guarantee after this video ends i wont event remember the names of 95% of the characters. I just go full smooth brain whenever it's placed in front of me
I don't think she'd move up by much. Her combat stats aren't especially good, so while the 30 attacks does hold her back, IMO its far from her biggest problem
If you ever want to see just how essential Marcus is, try playing Ostian Revolt without him. Without RNG rigging I speculate it's impossible to beat without losing units.
I'd swap Lilina and Fir. Lilina has a really shaky speed growth that causes her to not really double in the endgame, I just used her in my hard mode playthrough and she had 15 speed and that's with a speedwing earlier on. I think you're understating the value of Rutger and the value of a second Rutger, Rutger's not just early game by a longshot, he's the best unit for the entire game. He always doubles, he always hits, and he crits most of the time, so he's basically one of the few units that can one-round almost anything including bosses, and he almost never GETS hit either. Even Milady and Perceval, even though they'll always have more strength and do more consistent damage, have some more trouble hitting and don't have the 30% crit boost of Swordmaster. Swordmaster's just an insane class in general, probably the best in the game. Also, Fir joins at a point in the game where there's a lot of axe users she won't get hit by, so training her's not THAT hard, and she gets hard mode bonuses. I'd personally give the second Hero Crest to Gonzalez just because I like him (and Berserker also gets 30% crit) but I'd prioritize Fir over Dieck. Dieck's great early on but he also has some speed problems.
I'd like to point out that Dayan only doesn't double the fastest wyvern riders at base, and with a speedwing [I'm not saying this is the best use just going over numbers] he doubles all but the fastest Wyvern lords in 21. Not much but its something especially in an iron man or a draft.
1:49:18 We did it everybody! We found irredeemable horse unit in GBA fire emblem! (the joke is that "Ogier" means "stallion" in polish so his name is basically "Horse")
When i did my playthrough of FE6 Hard mode i followed Mekkah's FE6 HM Tier list and liked it up until i started using Shin. Shin wasn't highly ranked on Mekkah's HM tier list and i needed a bow user for Wyverns. Shin from the very start had insane growths and was just as effective as Miledy in the late game as in i could put a sword on Shin on a forest and he could solo and survive wave after wave after wave of Chapter 21's reinforcements (even without a single support boost). Shin with average growths deserves A-tier at the very least, Shin with lucky growths deserves S-tier as he can carry late game against reinforcements & one rounding bosses.
I don't think I agree with your analysis of Lot. The fact he doesn't get doubled by breakable walls puts him WELL ahead of Wade, and means he's capable of engaging enemies by himself. He's the best non-Marcus unit for The Trap due to all the Knights and Soldiers, and contributes to melee just as effectively as the cavs at that point in the game. His passable base speed and high CON mean he can use the Halberd+Hammer right away and won't get doubled for it even during the dreaded Ostian Revolt and its southern cavaliers. He can also take 3 hits rather than the usual 2, making him a good candidate to put up front to take an enemy clump's first attack before surrounding them in player phase. He also has the same speed growth as Dieck, and the highest defence growth in the game (40% tied with Barthe. I ain't counting Karel). Lot suffers immensely from the scarcity of Hero Crests in the mid-game, but there isn't a single non-Melady unit in the game I'd rather have than Lot when it comes to dealing with enemy wyverns in the endgame. His role as a durable frontliner with reasonable movement makes him what Generals wish they could be, all while no weapons have effectiveness against him. None of this puts him on par with the game's gods, and his lack of Canto means his utility will never go beyond combat. Also his supports all generate slowly, so you're unlikely to build them up without spamming out End Turn in front of a throne. I'd place him just below Dieck in the B tier - or if he has to go to C, I'd certainly never place him behind Wolt.
I would move both Cecelia and Lilina up a rank. Cecelia can do something every turn! She is decent at everything and has acceptable stats in everything. Doesn't excel anywhere but NO investment cost and can find a place on any team essentially. Lilina is slightly better than Lugh in my opinion because she is essential for recruiting so many characters and has great supports. And she is cuter. And has a heart of gold. And she is one of the easiest units to train.
Lilina in b tier is crazy, she can’t even double armors or soldiers in her join map even if they roll down on speed, her magic growth doesn’t make her special since her speed averages are so bad and her only realistic chance of one shotting is forblazing wyverns which any mage can
Lilinas main use is as a boss killer. At base, with roy A rank support (which she gets near instantaneously, within 2 chapters) she reaches a hit of 122 with the fire tome - combine that with not taking counters from the majority of bosses with their base weapons, rescue drop, and her massive damage output thanks to hitting on resistanceand her higher magic growth, she actually becomes a far more reliable boss killer than rutger. For example, a level 1 promoted rutger wielding the killing edge will have 123 hit. Against henning who averages about 60 avoid, being forced to attack at 1 range means that rutger is forced to face 5 crit on average from henning with a decent chance to miss his attacks. Lilina averages about the same hit at base alone, with the fire tome and roy support, she will be fealing 5 damage at base - which is certainly paltry. However, its important to note that she will match rutgers hit rate at base with the roy support - thus when given levels against the easy fodder enemies of chapter 8 and 8x, lets say reaching level 8, her damage against henning already averages 10 (with rutger averaging 14 assuming he hits both attacks, which is unreliable - so 7 is more likely) - all this before mentioning how she will have 15 crit from her roy support as well. Now, mind, she will likely take longer to kill henning than rutger - but she will be more consistent, and as the game goes on and she gains levels, other supports and promotes, she will A) have the resistance to take on the magic bosses B) have the hit to take on high avo bosses C) have the 2 range to avoid boss counters and D) deal enough damage to kill them extremely quickly.
"I value recruitment cost" and dunks on Hugh, but fails to acknowledge deployment/unit conversation costs for units. Units that start as enemies and/or units that require someone OTHER THAN Roy talk to them are harder to acquire. But especially if it's both: Rutger, Fir, Sin, Gonzales, Thea, Raigh, Garret, Percival, and Zeiss. They all require someone other than Roy to recruit, and are out for Blue Unit blood. While, according to the guidelines and standards that were laid out, you will have them and you are willing to reset for the characters that recruit them - you still have to deploy them. And while you can absolutely have a good Lilina for the Gonzales recruitment, there is an equally likely chance that someone benches her after chapter 8, meaning she is a liability to your strategy that you could make better by forsaking these recruitments. The least egregious of these examples are Rutger and Thea, whose recruitment conditions - Clarinne and Klein respectively - are recruited in the same map. That said, a bunch of others are still problems. Echidna requires you to talk with Larum, who's fragile. And yet, the game wants you to get her to the front line. Not ideal. Juno requires Shanna, Thea or Zelot. And while you are probably using at least one of them, they are not required to be in any map at any time, so you could theoretically miss it, simply because none of them are present. So while Geese may be worse than Gonzales, and Hugh shakes you down for cash, at least they approach your only forced unit about it, instead of needing to drag along some other scrub to get them. Bonus points to Bartre, Klein, Dayan and the Illian Cavs. They all can be recruited by units other than Roy, but can also be recruited by Roy, should something happen, the talking units are required elsewhere, or were not deployed Tl;dr - Penalties for units that require additional deployment slots for their own recruitment, as well as ones that are actively threatening your army before they join.
One little tiny defense of Barthe: I belive Sin/Shin can pick up an unpromoted Barthe (though i dont think he can carry general barthe), so you have a whopping TWO units that can ferry him around. And as I've found out in my current draft run, when given a bunch of levels and a knight crest (because i had no one else to give it to), he becomes a mid tier bad filler. barthe and bors bros forever 🫡
The Gonzalez-Geese gap is really throwing me. I like using both for fun, but their accuracy against swords really is unforgivably low. Even neutral triangle is bad. I'd drop Gonzalez a tier.
Geese's speed is nearly unsalvageable, exhasurbsting the accuracy issues, whereas Gonzo's speed and strength and speed can help make up for the shakey hit rates
They expect you to lose units and not reset over it every time. Thats why there’s so many horse units. They’re very useful and might die while being useful.
Ogier does have some use when trained in that he has better Luck and Speed than Deick with the downside of less strength and a little bit of bulk. He can be trained at the western isles to help him get to those good points. I would still agree Deick is better because you get them far earlier and they carry good in the early game which is what they are supposed to do. It just feels way too low for Ogier since he does have better selling points compared to a lot of units in D tier. Also free armor slayer. I still like Fe6 but my biggest issue with it is the lop-sidedness of balance the game has. I like using units the community calls trash or bad units but most of the ones here are a more boring bad or painful bad. Still most reasoning is good here and I like the video.
I would personally disagree about Percival. He's the best unit in the game at going into a hoard and coming out on top. While Milady never dies, even her accuracy can be shaky and going into Sacae means shes vulnerable. While the Winged Shield exists (and I personally always have it) theres a chance the player might not have it or realized they needed their thief, or maybe lost their thieves somehow in an ironman or something. Percival, conversly, can still just go straight into a group of... just about anything and come out on top, as well as having more reliable accuracy. Now granted Sacae sucks but still. The better magic resistance also can be more helpful to him as well. Percival I find actually usually ends up being my vanguard for the whole army while Milady is often charging way past the main force to secure some side objective or navigate something else. I think Percivals role is nigh-unreplacable, and while the cavs are good, the arent as immortal as Percival is. Also this may sound like a meme but if you are willing to put in a little time, giving Percival Hand Axes will actually nake his weapon rank go up rather fast, and Armads Percival will just annihilate every single Wyvern in the game. I think hes S, under Milady
I don't mind a cast being unbalanced, some units just being blatantly stronger than other is fine, however that is only as long as everybody can be competent enough, and FE6 has some examples of borderline unusable units, it's not enough to ruin the game but I don't like it
I don't know if I miss remember or if you misheard, but either way you're not factoring in that Hugh gets S rank on all 3 magics upon promotion so Ellen can cry
@@voltron77 The tier meanings are a bit hazy, but I really don't think she fits in with the likes of Allen, Lance, Saul and Clarine Plus you don't get her for free. At the very least you need 9 levels and a hero crest (and there are 7 other potential users of a hero crest). She does join in an arc filled with axe wielders, but you could train any sword wielder on those.
@@Supreyo Yeah, but she also joins level 1 and is a great investment, on top of getting hard mode bonuses. Also, why the hell is Saul in A tier, his luck is so bad he gets critted left and right.
@voltron77 Hard mode bonuses are awesome, but she doesn't do anything that rutger and arguably deke can do as well Also yeah saul's survivability is garbage but he's not a front line unit. In fact, I'd argue his survivability is among the best of the staffbots. He can easily reach high staff levels to use Physic, status staves and Warp, and his magic is more reliable than elen and clarine
Noah turned out better than Lance OR Alan for me....and then Percival promptly outclassed him, even on Normal mode. Percival should absolutely be higher.
@@DaniDoyle I'm not entirely sure that qualifies as a problem, considering his ranks may be just as high. Maybe supports? Niime, for instance, absolutely nukes some enemies, and is a great healer, making her great low-investment unit with the problem a stiff breeze kills her. For comparison, Raigh requires somewhat high investment for an average magic unit who doesn't die as easily. Alan and Lance require usage to get even close to Percival's level. Perhaps you can argue that usage is far more useful than Raigh's? I guess so.
Honestly I like Sophia just because of her sprite and I'm someone who plays with looks in mind but 😢 yeah even with alot of investment because of how heavy some of the dark tomes are n her low con plus the amount of investment 😢 sadly she's just not good 😮💨 disappointing for a half dragon
I can see Rutger being behind Miledy. But Marcus? Nah. Great combat for 1/3 of the game and basic mounted utility for the rest doesn't feel as good as great combat for the entire game after ch4. After Marcus's combat falls off, he's not doing anything you can't do with any horse/flying unit.
For sure, but in my experience when he does eventually drop off, he drops off pretty hard. I can definitely understand the argument, but I suppose it's a matter of how valuable one considers his stellar early game performance vs Rutger's consistent combat all game or Miledy dominating the back half @@DaniDoyle
@@allenkeettikkal3149 it doesn’t matter how quickly you get to the throne if you can’t beat the boss. Put Rutger and Marcus in front of Henning and see how much longer it takes Marcus to kill, if he can at all. Rutger is by far your best boss killer until Miledy shows up, and in hard mode where hit rates are so bad, his high skill and ability to double are extremely valuable. Not to mention, there are enemies in between point A and B. If movement is so much better than combat as you claim, you might as well put Noah and Treck before Rutger as well, that seems appropriate
@@allenkeettikkal3149 some valid points, and some I disagree with but won’t bother arguing since the original point is whether Marcus is more valuable than Rutger. Both of their major contributions are early/midgame, and I don’t think anyone is going to argue that they’re the best overall when the game hands you Miledy and Percival. My argument is that until you get them, boss killing is a much more difficult role to fill than generic combat and mobility. While Marcus thrives in the latter and is extremely effective in the early game, there are other units who can fill that role, like a trained Alan or Shanna as you mentioned. Assuming a fairly normal exp distribution, even a 10/1 Rutger will have better combat stats than any other unit at that same time frame (by average stats) and usually by a significant margin. Marcus needs to be Level 13 (not likely) on average to double ch8 Leygance with the armorslayer and not be doubled by 8x Henning, and similar benchmarks apply for every boss until Miledy shows up in ch13. Meanwhile 10/1 Rutger doubles most, has a much lower chance of being hit, much higher chance of critting, and higher chance of even hitting his target. They both have great combat against generics, and even if you don’t rescue drop Rutger up to the boss, which you should, he makes up turns it takes him to walk there by killing faster than Marcus can. And that’s assuming they’re both using full movement and aren’t impeded by enemies or terrain in their way, which they almost always are. And when Rutger does get outclassed by Miledy showing up, you still have a very good combat unit at your disposal. I’m not trying to diminish how important Marcus is in the early game, he’s by far the best and is pretty much mandatory for beating crazy chapters like 7, but the job Rutger does is more valuable for the time they’re both relevant and he’s uniquely the best option for it, whereas Marcus doesn’t have as much of a monopoly on high movement and becomes less valuable when the cavs and Shanna catch up to him stat-wise. If you’re purely talking LTC where you can rig level ups and 40% hit rates, etc, then sure Marcus is definitely better, but Rutger has more important contributions in a casual or efficient playthrough
@@allenkeettikkal3149 I generally agree with all of that. Acknowledging Rutger's value in the time frame that he's relevant, the crux of the argument is whether one considers it more or less valuable than Marcus's contributions (which incidentally I consider to be relevant at about the same time frame). At the end of the day it does end up being subjective to how much value you place where, and personal playstyle
I admit it been a while since I played blinding blade. However it is a interesting game to said the least, gameplay. Again even the really powerful unit have their obvious weakness or join later compare to other "powerful unit" in the series. Also I will said Roy is probably the worst lord gameplay wise. Sure the rapier and bindling blade are nice, however mediocre growth and base combined with not promoting until it ends of the game hurts.atleast with leif and alear who aren't that good in combat have support and other quirks that make a useful unit, while Roy doesn't until the end. I guess that what happens when you put a 15-16 in war I guess.
I mean, Roy does have his downsides for sure, but fe9 ike is just Roy w/o any upside, and fe11 marth/FE7 Elwiood/Lyn/FE8 eikia also offer less than him imo
Yeah really looking at it, I think lyn might actually be worse then Roy if we are talking the context of their game. The fact that lyn was in a fire emblem where speed wasn't most important state and dominated by 1-2 range is just unfortunate. Even when she promated and gets her ultimate weapon, she still unwhealeming(at eliwood get momvent, 1-2 range, and rescue stuff. Meanwhile Ike has at least rangell. Still wished Ike got axes on promotion in path of radiance.) Seriously if lyn was in player phase heavy game like fire emblem 6 she would be actually pretty good.
A lot of units super overrated here. Roy, Fir, Astore, Deick... did you forget being sword locked is bad? Rutger I understand hes crazy good but the others are like D tier.
I've gone fully Shanna Bad-brained. Only unit in the franchise whose rankings consistently involve a dissertation on all the ways she sucks followed by placement at the top. Great rescue-dropper, lousy investment. I think that her combat deficiencies make comparing her to Allen & Lance the wrong approach; I peg her somewhere between Saul (an early-game staple in every map who brings non-combat utility in a few) and Chad (an early-game utility unit to be benched once a replacement comes in). Probably less controversially, IMO Zealot is more like Good Filler mostly by virtue of lacking a role. He's *fine* , but the midgame just doesn't really call for a Jagen. And while his endgame combat is marginally better than Marcus's (maybe? his growths are about as bad), Marcus is still serviceable *and* he brings better supports. If I'm bringing a fourth cav beyond Percival, Allen, and Lance, it's the guy that make Allen and Lance even *more* powerful.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 That's a common but pretty short-sighted take. Lance has better bulk and a big enough HP growth advantage to widen the lead quickly, as well as not exploding if an archer looks at him. He gets free stats from supports with Allen and Marcus, with good long-term outlooks and quick growths. Shanna has a support list full of units you don't want to use, aren't available yet, or both. The only exceptions are Deke and Roy, but both are substantially slower than Lance's and don't align to her positioning unless you're doing tippy-top-tier Metal Gear Shanna play where every map is her sneaking Roy to the throne while dodging every enemy along the way. The cavs have a big edge here whether you grind OR don't. (Shanna's wind affinity is also IMO the worst one if we want to split this hair further) Then there's the maps. Lance has one extra -- not a lot but not nothing for growth units. Chapters 2 and 5 both have a significant number of axe units and forests, both of which give cavs additional offense and defense. 7 also centers around forest and hems you in with archers. Even 8x is borderline, depending on how many levels you're trying to eke out on her before promoting. She is a poor combatant, full stop. With heavy investment or top .1% play you can get a decent amount of it from her, but for anything resembling "normal" play she is a good rescue dropper and very little more, and an active drain on experience at worst. Useful, but not a top tier unit any more than somebody like Saul who gets deployed every map. The only thing in her favor as a fighter is that you do get a whip, but it's not like we rate archers highly just because a game gives you bolts.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 This is just factually wrong. Allen & Lance C support after 15 turns. They C support Marcus after 20 turns. That's trivial to earn as you go and nets Lance 2 ATK, 2 DEF, 5 accuracy, and 10 avoid -- comparable to Shanna's promotion bonuses. If you're paying attention, you have these by chapter 4 or 5 even playing for turncount. If you're playing for real-world time and consistency, they blow her out of the water. It's like getting _her_ promotion multiple chapters earlier. That they have "worse ranks" is just obviously silly. They have D spears and E swords. Shanna has D spears. What are we even talking about here. You can give Shanna the angelic robe, that's true. It still doesn't really solve her problems, as she's going to be at risk of getting 2-rounded regardless and still has to skirt around the edges to avoid counters and dogpiles. The cavs and Rutger are at least as good candidates to upgrade their durability from pretty good to very good. For my money, Roy gets it as an insurance policy or Marcus gets it to accentuate his place as the early-game wall while extending his shelf-life through the mid- and late-game. Of course I'm going to prioritize funneling EXP onto the cavs over Shanna. They have better bases, better growth distributions, better weapons, and better and more accessible supports. She can indeed pick up incidental XP on soldiers here and there; I remain unconvinced that "can kill the literal weakest enemies in the game" is a selling point, especially since she is still prone to taking counterattacks in the process and often can't capitalize on her mobility due to the danger that swooping in for a kill puts her in. I'm baffled that you would call chapter 7 "not even an issue" in any respect. It's a massive scrap near the arenas with no avenue for her to pick off soft targets. The armors and wyverns have 12-13 DEF, so she's dinking those. Those cavs have 8, so she's dinking them with a slim and barely doing more with iron while getting clobbered on the counter. The mercs are in the middle of everything, no chance she touches them. The loldiers and houses are guarded by archers, and almost everybody on the map has a jav. She's critical to the turn-2 recruit strategy but has nearly nothing to do afterwards. Dondon is great but bringing him up in this conversation is kind of absurd. Besides being unreflective of normal play at a strategic level, the only reason it works is thanks to RNG scumming. His FE6 LTC would have you believe that the game had FE8 hit rates. It's super impressive, but using it as a basis to inform any kind of normal gameplay is a howling mistake. She's not essential. There are reasons she was long considered garbage, just as there are reasons that the community (over)corrected back. But the bulk of her value is derived from things that she does with 0 EXP, and throwing more levels at her largely fails to solve her problems. You're almost arguing this yourself! You don't need a bunch of levels and a promotion item to visit a house!
@@allenkeettikkal3149 Buddy if you're going to make this an argument you could at least remember which side you're on. My point from the jump has been that she's a decent unit but don't bother worrying about her combat. Don't come around parroting half baked combat numbers and bouncing in and out of 0% LTC contexts then say I'm the one who only cares about her combat.
Funnily, when you were talking about Larum and Elffin's differences you didn't mentioned their most important difference, their con. Elffin has 6 con wich means he can't be rescued, taked and dropped by units with his same con, it mostly affects Roy who has 6 con until promotion, wich means that Elffin won't be able to be dropped by Roy, or other units with 6 con, while Larum could. This is very small but is a funny thing that GBA giving women con deficits is actually a good thing for once
Funnily enough this is one of the reasons I really enjoyed usimg Wendy on my first (Normal Difficulty) playthrough, I found that I could rescue drop her with more units than I initally expected which really eased the 4 move pains
the devs learned from kaga and instead of being sexist they are now sexist with benefits
Reasons why I trained Amelia as a Knight in my first FE8 run. She caps everything as a General and anyone can drop her in a mob of enemies and canto away lol.
Fun fact about Niime I was told recently, if you give her an Angelic Robe + Nosferatu, she survives the Ch19 Wyvern Riders with 7-1 HP (depending on Str rolls + Steel vs Killer) even on Hard Mode from base. Meaning the Angelic Robe gives her EXACTLY enough HP to always survive a hit. She'll even double the Steel Lance Wyverns on average (10 AS Steel Lance Wyvern vs Niime's 14 Base AS when holding Nos) which mean she can reliably grind WEXP against the near infinite wyvern reinforcements if you dont get screwed by enemies rolling up on Speed. But only the Steel Lance ones.
A speedwing or Body Ring will guarantee she doubles all the Steel Lance Wyverns, but thats a lot harder to justify than the Angelic Robe.
Again, super super niche if you REALLY want Apocalypse on her, but the fact its such low investment to make such a huge change, especially when Ch 20 Ilia give you an Angelic Robe, means the only cost is giving her the stat booster and saving green units. Niime will even bring her own Nos tome on join to use so thats literally all she needs if youre willing to let Granny have near global warp range. She still slays with the Warp Staff at base, but for those who want ASCENDED GRANDMA dont have to work too hard for that.
Another Sacae L, deserved tbh, I hate Sacae
Nvm, just double checked, there is no Angelic Robe in Ch 18 or in Sacae, but there is one in 20 Ilia for saving all the villagers
The Rapier not being effective against Nomads almost certainly is not a programming oversight
In FE1 and FE3, which FE6 draws extremely heavy inspiration from, Horsemen are not weak to the horse effective weapons, because the mount killing lance in FE1/FE3 is a 「ナイトキラー」 and not a 「ホースキラー」as it's called in many future games, or a "Knightkiller" and not a "Horsekiller" so Nomads, Troubadours, and Valkyries who are just mounted and not mounted knights are not weak to it (How a lance is able to determine the social standing of the person on a horse I don't know, but it is consistent)
From FE7 onwards (mostly) the lance became the 「ホースキラー」("Horseslayer") and so was consistently effective against all horses and not just Cavaliers, with the exception of FE9 where it is once again 「ナイトキラー」and guess who's now immune to the effective damage from it because she's just mounted and not a "Knight"
And while Roy's Rapier has a unique effectiveness table and isn't using the same one as the Knightkiller, it's still just following the trend that Marth's old Rapier and the Knightkillers of this game and not being effective against Nomads.
FE4 and FE5 are the only games that don't really follow the trend where the lance is a "Knightkiller" despite being effective on Troubadours and Horsemen, but given how many things FE6 likes to reference back to FE1 and FE3 it's almost certainly intentional that FE6 reverted it.
People probably don't notice the distinction between the Japanese names of these weapons because the games are usually played in English and a lot of the FE6 translation patches incorrectly localize the lance's name.
Long comment involving evidence vs "wrong"
"I value recruitment cost"
We lost Hugh bros... 😔
Hugh fans are crying (I'm Hugh fans)
The Hugh Hood is in shambles tonight
Clarine is a good unit cuz she completely wrecks Narcian in their in combat dialogue 😂
Noah's interesting because of his base level. It's a suuuper niche use but he can be quickly early promoted if you're feeling spicy and Allen/Lance are unavailable or not being used.
Also Lilina is probably mid by every metric but seeing her hit a guy for bigly damage is good for the psyche
Being 50 swings away from using the ch9 silver sword for the axe isles if you do this makes him such a well designed backup unit if Lance and Allen died IMO
This tier list is acceptable by the Echidna nation.
Expect a 5 hour response video if you don't put Sophia in S tier
I remember my first time through this game blind, i saw Wendy and was like "Oh, this is clearly my Est character I HAVE to use her" and since i actuall6 don't mind using armors her class wasn't a forbidding factor (plus i love using Meg so thats basically the same thing).
Anyway, I used her, got her to about 15 before promo and by the time I got Douglas he was beating her in basically every stat except for speed. Devastating.
The great thing about Wolt and other archers is that you don't have to worry about silver swordmasters in the arena, so there's basically no chance of them dying in 1 round.
From swordmasters, they still die really quickly
@@shellpoptheepicswordmaster755maybe on a map, but in the arena you only fight enemies you can counter, so Archers will only fight other Archers, Nomads and magic users
I sure can’t wait to see in which tier Sophia is ranked
well her name starts with an s so its gotta be S
Yup, S tier.
All the way after A, B, C, D, E, F, G....
Last time I trained rutger, karel showed up with +2 in most stats over him. Idk if my rutger was insanely cursed, but it was nice to get to try out karel as an obvious upgrade to a member of my army. I sometimes think he fits the gotoh archetype better than Yoder due to the durandal utility for the finale, then I remember you can not have the durandal, fir or bartre when showing up so the anti-softlock measure isn't really there. Still find him a fascinating unit that adds to binding blade's unique cast.
I'm so excited to sit down and watch my boy Lot climb the ranks as the sole Murgleis user
What does this mean??? Have you even played the game?
@@ConcernedSapho I have numerous times. I've trained Lot to S bows once, and it was very funny
Ps: I'm also really good friends with Dani, and it's a running joke
Lot is actually bad because he's swordlocked.
Klein and Echidna being super awesome combat units by itself is really impressive, getting them both at the same time is just asinine and feels like a completely different game designer stepped in on their chapter.
I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that Clarine becomes basically untouchable once she starts leveling up. I havent done a run of FE6 in vanilla OR Rom Hacks where she doesn't dodge everything including God's smite.
If you do 2hours+ long videos tiering every single game, I will forever be able to keep listening to all of them in a loop and never have to listen anything else. Thank you very much for this ❤️
I'm doing a lot of the games, but not all of them because there's a few I don't feel like I have the knowledge for (such as fe12),
@@DaniDoyleso what tier list is next? SS or PoR?
@@DaniDoyle”a lot of games” is amazing, definitely more than good enough, thank you so much ❤😊
Run starts at 12:03
wake up babe another 3-hour video of a 20-year-old game never released outside japan just dropped
I think you undervalue Fir, on hard mode her stats are actually pretty good, and she joins in the western isles easily being able to pick up kills on all the axe users, you can easily have her fight the pirate reinforcements, being level 1 her exp gain isn't that bad, for a boss kill she'll usually get a level, overall her training arc is very easy, and the pay off for using her is a slightly worse Rutger. All this to say she's at least B tier.
I also like using Fir if for some reason my Rutger is strength screwed. Her super high bases level 1 means that Fir can get higher strength than Rutger despite having a lower strength growth.
I’ve tried using Fir a few times in hard mode. The strength growth is very…..unreliable. Maybe I’m just so used to Rutger and Clarine support combo. There’s probably ways to make her good too, but I’d be surprised if she can be as much of a panic button as Rutger is. I can’t imagine not using him.
@@cocomunga her bases are good enough and swordmaster crit is enough to be reliable, also female swordmaster has slightly better promotion bonuses.
Finally someone respecting the monster that is Sin. Great tier list overall as well.
The only bad thing to be said about Shin is that using him ticks you closer to going to Sacae.
As a Bors and Wendy enjoyer, the real Bors meme is that he’s needed for the armor knight triangle attack. He’s bad filler but he’s also a great meme if you’re memeing with Wendy.
I can't wait to see where Geese and his glorious hair end up.
Shin is great. Feels underrated. Don’t see ppl talk about him much.
My whole squad in FE6 is force deploy Roy, Christmas Cavs, Shanna, Deke, Rutger, Miledy, a healer, a thief, and then I play Mage hokie pokie depending on which ones gets better levels. The rest of my deployment slots go to pre-promotes, and if I don’t have enough pre-promotes any more, then I just don’t deploy anybody. There are so many warm bodies in the game begging to go to the bench.
Ok so a small thing about Dayan that I like is that if you give him a Sue B support (decently fast by fe6 standars and if you are going to Sacae you are likely to have been using Sue) or an energy ring (you get one in the chapter before he joins) he can oneround with the silver bow every magic enemy, not named Brunnya and high speed roll nosferatu druids, left in the game.
Also iirc he has 43 hp and like 10 defense wich means that Steel lance wyvern (they all have 30 attack) 3hko him wich means that he doesn't need to be protected as much as an aircalibur mage or one of the prepromoted snipers or even a trained Sue if you can't kill all the wyverns in range of your units in chapter 22.
Only reason i clicked the video is because of the thumbnail, it's incredible
"[Karel] has S rank swords, so you can, like, bring him into the *TOWER* if you absolutely need a Durandal user..."
Playing some Radiant Dawn lately, Dani?
Jokes aside, nice video!
The final two maps are a tower, I always refer to them as the tower.
@@DaniDoyleFair enough. I always thought of the final maps as a labyrinth or tunnel, since they're entirely underground.
Why did you not tier Pent?
Okay, in my opinion this tier list is kind of insane, but its interesting. For every unbelievably off placement (B tier Lilina and C tier Cecelia), there are placements that are just flawless for units who are a bit slept on (C tier Roy and A tier Zelot).
Because I am a certified sufferer of FE6 brainrot, and like I said, this tier list is kinda ehhhh in some areas imo, I'm going to (hopefully briefly (EDIT: it was not brief at all)) run through my problem areas. Mostly just to cure some boredom and burn some time.
Alen > Lance for early bulk and strength even if Lance is generally a better promo options, but tbf Lance > Alen isn't egregious lol.
We overrating Bors now? Damn. Bro does ONE unique drop on an already easy chapter, and that makes him upper D tier? Crazy. It is so easy for him to get out of those first couple chapters without him even seeing combat a single time due to how bad he is; availability is kind of null if you aren't doing anything important with it (no, that single rescue drop is not a game changer for him).
Wolt is indeed historically underrated, but good filler feels like a bit of a stretch to me. Like, he's doing about 4 damage at 70ish accuracy on chapters 1-3, and its likely for him to be unable to even do damage in chapter 4, and then he just kind of gets left behind fast. "Good filler" feels like its overstating both his impact and how for how long he is actually even useful for.
This list seems to place a lot of emphasis on early contributions (relatively high placements for characters like Marcus, Roy, Wolt, Bors). With that in mind, I believe Dieck deserves more credit for being your second best combat unit for a couple of chapters, and then probably your third best combat unit for another stretch of time. Getting Dieck levels is super easy due to this, and the second Hero Crest shows up in time for him to be used long term without it feeling like he has to be dragged for too long, even if his niche becomes a bit less necessary in the Western Isles. I think bottom of A is more appropriate for him; he feels much more solid than the likes of Lugh, Echidna, and Thea.
Lot and Ward below Bors is kind of insane. Lot and Ward are both capable of one-rounding Soldiers at base level, and both are technically favored to straight up one-shot those insane chapter 4 Cavaliers. Even if you plan to give your axes to Marcus, there's going to be enough for at least one of them (Lot) to still fight. They also have a fast support together. They are far from your worst early game unit (Bors), and I'd say they are more similar to someone like Wolt (high D or low C).
Shanna is S tier. She has exclusive access to a valuable niche for about half of the game, is straight up your best character for a period of time in the Western Isles, faces no competition to promote, and her "combat issues" are easily supplemented with the heaps of speed and weapon ranks she is expected to get. Even if she can be eclipsed by Melady, who cares, just use both. I'd go so far as to say she's top 3.
Thieving is subjective indeed; I agree that Astolfo should be given primary credit for most of the game's loot, but the fact that Chad and Cath (anyone who can get you the Delphi Shield should not be in meme tier imo) are equally able to get these items makes me think they deserve at least a bit of credit. Late into the game, Astolfo's combat becomes negligble and he starts to die to siege tomes anyways, so while he'll always technically be your best thief deployment, the choice ends up mattering less and less as the game progresses. With this in mind, I'd personally place Astolfo in high B, Chad in low B, and Cath in low C.
I think Rutger is the best unit in the game; when looking at the game collectively, he is your best combat unit, and there are enough problematic bosses and threatening enemies to make his dominance of this niche significant enough to rate him that highly. But I can respect Marcus > Rutger, since Marcus's niche is less replaceable.
Sue's stats are eh, but I can see her in lower B tier thanks to her horse and her lack of competition for a promotion item (one for her and one for Sin). Her speed balloons nicely and her weapon ranks will be superior to Sin's for a while if she's trained, even if Sue can be skipped in the long term.
Zelot being higher than Clarine and Saul, who can commonly see important use throughout the whole game, feels a bit off to me, but I'm happy Zelot is getting some love.
Noah and Trec are waaay too low. It is important to note that Alen and Lance are growth units, so they can get screwed. I believe Noah exists to correct for any rare instances of this happening to both of them; with passable stats, a nice sword rank, and being at level 7, Noah can become a competent, yet unimpressive Paladin. Even when Alen and Lance promote, though, serving as a solid filler Cavalierm especially for the Western Isles, is more than most in this game can offer. I'd go so far to place Noah in B tier. Trec takes everything I said about Noah, but without any of the actual reason to use him lol. Still, filler Cav Trec can slot in nicely in the next couple of pre-premote dominated chapters, and I personally think this is good enough to earn a spot near someone like Elen. The point is though, that neither of them are anywhere close to the likes of Bors.
Ogier sucks, but saying he's on the same level of someone like Gwendolyn or Sophia feels a bit too harsh. At least he can serve as bad filler in the Western Isles, can soak up some exp from chapter 8X and the axe units in the mid game, and (hopefully) be ready for the second Hero Crest (if you're insane). I'd compare him to someone like Geese before I would Gwendolyn: shit, but not irredeemably so.
Lilina's placement is probably the worst thing about this tier list. Your logic with her seemed inconsistent with how you talked about other units. You talked about Bartre's speed being a damning weakness, and Lilina can only equal this number after 9 levels and a competitive promotion item. You talked about Ogier being a worse version of Dieck when Dieck's niche isn't important anymore, but ignore how Lilina has this exact same relationship with Lugh. You talked about how difficult is is for characters like Noah to win a promotion item, but ignore how things are nearly as bad for Lilina. You talked about how Lilina can benefit from easy training chapters, when she is far from the only unit to have this benefit, and others can benefit from it moreso (last minute training for Shanna, Alen, Lance, or even building up other more flawed units that yield better results as filler, like Noah, Trec, and even Ogier). Lilina is down there with the likes of Geese and Ogier (extremely skippable investment units), easily a bottom 5 unit in this game.
From a unit who both hard to train and not worth training comes a unit who is easy to train and can be worth training: Fir! There are so many Pirate reinforcements on her joining map that Fir can handle so easily, and by the time Fir should be level 10, the second Hero Crest shows up, of which her only serious competition is Dieck (who requires less work but might benefit from it less). I think you discount the second Rutger thing; having two enemy deleters is better than one, and I think she pushes her way into the bottom of B tier for her strengths and ease of use.
Sin is not S tier. His player phase combat may be basically perfect (aside from shaky weapon ranks at the beginning), but he is inherently limited with what he can do being basically only locked to player phase. Wyvern killing is extremely important, and Sin probably does it best, but by this point, your army has plenty of options to take on these behemoths (most of your units should be promoted, pre-promotes you get around this time can tangle with wyverns, and extremely strong combat units are joining soon). Sin is an absolutely central unit in a ton of ways, but he isn't as necessary, unique, or dominant as any of the other S tiers; I think he's more in the mid A-range, close to Clarine and Saul.
Gonzalez is another pretty disastrous placement on this list; as fun as he is, he is way too flawed to be in B tier. He suffers from the same excessive con issues that Barthe and Douglas deal with. I find that depending on the route, Gonzalez either turns into an awkward training project that needs 5 levels asap to get out of Brigand (have fun getting that done with his inconsistent accuracy), or an underwhelming instant-promote, with not enough speed to stay offensively potent. Compared to the other B tiers, all of whom are basically guaranteed to have a period of the game with a lot going for them, Gonzalez sticks out. The coolest thing about Gonzalez to me is the peak walking to distract wyverns, but characters like Garret can do this for free, and Gonzalez himself can even do this alright without promoting (which he is a worse candidate for than both Dieck and Fir). Gonzalez, in my experience, is more similar to someone like Roy.
I think you summarized Bartre and Echidna well, but were a bit too hard on Bartre; his speed is low, but enough to keep him from getting doubled from most mid-range enemies (cementing his superior bulk to Echidna), and I find Bartre to have more long term potential, thanks to always being able to chip hard with bows and Armads coming faster to him. I think Echidna is right below Bartre, but these two are very close.
When I've made FE6 tier lists in the past, I've always placed Raigh in low C tier. He has some good stuff going for him for sure; insta-promotion and reaching at least 16 magic afterwards will make his chip damage quite potent with relatively little work... but idk, he really is just so skippable and he's not good enough a lot of the time to earn usage. At the same time, idk if I'd call him bad? I'll go ahead and talk about Hugh here too, since I think of him and Raigh in a similar way, with Hugh trading a later join time and higher cost with better performance (Aircalibur will boost High's damage noticeably). Given how plentiful money is in FE6, it's not hard to meet Hugh's requirement (hell, his join map is brimming with treasure anyways)... but is it really worth it for just a filler unit (and one who is going to be near-useless if the route split goes to Sacae)? I need to think on these two more.
Melady is maybe a smidge overrate, but the gap between her and Perceval is what is throwing me. Perceval's combat abilities are just better than Melady's and even if Melady is certainly a better unit when factoring in her flight, I don't think Perceval being worse than her is enough to justify that much of a distance. Even worse is Alen and Lance being over Perceval; sure they're around for longer, but never at any point reach the dominance that Perceval can achieve. I think Perceval belongs in S tier.
Cecelia's placing is another one of the biggest errors in this list. Who cares if she can't Warp or Physic; she comes with 8 move and can restore, and can do everything that comes along with this for free for the rest of the game. Cecelia is seriously such an easy deployment for literally every chapter after she joins, I'd go so far as to put her in the lower end of A tier.
Broke: Sophia > Gwendolyn because Sohpia gets you a Guiding Ring
Woke: Sophia > Gwendolyn because Sophia baits a Sleep Staff on her join chapter
Igrene is far too low for a unit who can realistically slot in for Klein, who is of course a good unit. She's worse than him just off the basis of availability, but when they're both around, she can make a case. Klein, a Sniper, levels up slow, and is far from certain to exceed Igrene's stats. Igrene joins in time to shoot down plenty of wyverns, pegasi, or just be there to try to counter attack Nomads. Given that she does what Klein does, but at a later point in the game, I think she deserves to be much closer to him.
Garret > Gonzalez. He is slightly easier to make work as filler and can do the mountain distraction strategy more easily.
Fae's "utility" is indeed overrated, and her five move sucks. But with how unique her role is, and her potential to output such insane damage makes me think that she is rated a bit harshly.
Zeiss's placement in B is pretty accurate, but I think its worth mentioning how the incentive to train him lowers a bit if you choose to take the Sacae route. I think he is more similar to units like Noah, Sue, or Fir: units who have genuine points going for them, but whose utility is far from essential.
I don't know how Douglas, a unit who can honestly make a decent argument for deployment on some Sacae maps (even if that Roy-rescue strategy is indeed ridiculous) is lower than units like Barthe and Geese, who likely don't get deployed once. Douglas is like Wolt in my mind; he does an important job poorly. At least he's promoted... Douglas is weird, but I don't think its bottom 10 weird.
Niime slots into bottom of A nicely, but being above Saul, your primary staff specialist for almost 4/5ths of the game feels strange. Yoder is probably more of a (high) B tier unit due to just being worse than Niime with worse usability. I will say though, that reducing their jobs to simple "staff-bots" might be selling them a bit short. Sure, that's what makes them good units, but they have high enough magic (and honestly high enough speed) to do some serious damage to plenty of enemies.
Karel is a bad unit, but I think there are plenty of occasions where he can make a case to be used on the final map. All he needs to do is have among the 8th highest stats in your army, and this is something Karel can easily achieve (if I did the calculation right, Karel at base has 4 more strength then a insta-promoted level 10 Rutger). Honestly, one chapter of useful (yet unnecessary) utility makes me think he's at least better than a handful of D tier units, and certainly not in contention for meme tier, even if he is the worst pre-promote in the game.
Okay this was way longer than I wanted it to be, but once I got going, I was having a blast writing this and the time just melted away. On the plus side, I'm not knowledgeable enough with any other Fire Emblem game to bombard any other of your tier list videos with something like this lol.
Anyhow, good video, despite my gripes with your list. Looking forward to what else you have in store.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 I disagree strongly. FE6 combat is particularly hard because of the inflated stats on enemies. Much in the same way as Marcus is indispensable in the early game, Rutger is the only unit capable of consistently taking down deadly enemies on the map, even more than Marcus. And unless you really early promote him he never falls off, again unlike Marcus. Rutger will always be your best combat unit until the end of the game.
In this context, I find players overrate movement. What's the point of movement if your unit just gets destroyed in combat? The answer is to carry stronger units further. So the emphasis is still on combat units performing, while the ferries need to be strong enough to survive just behind them. Even then, the faster movement is unnecessary unless you're in the niche of players who do ltcs. Otherwise, 5 move is not bad for most of the game, just average.
With all this in mind, I dislike Shanna. I think she's a bad unit with some niche uses. Her combat is miserable and even with babying she'll only be good for a few chapters before falling off again. Yes flyer utility is good, but when your combat is so pitiful you have to be protected like a frail cleric then you lose points from me. I train her sister Thea instead of I want a Pegasus knight.
Lot I think could reasonably fit in Good Filler tier when the Halberd and Killer Axe aren't easily accessible by Marcus earlygame, and his speed is just high enough to avoid getting doubled by medium speed enemies. Getting C Axes by Ch 7 is realistically only going to happen most playthroughs by training a Fighter, and this is one of your better ways of checking the Wyverns there.
Marcus is sooo good he’s the best unit in 2 games! Anyways good list homie 🙏🙏
Tbh I’d have merlinus in good filler. Serves a niche which is a lot more than other units. You’ve got a core of units which you use, and I rate what merlinus can do over extra chip and risk of death/losing weapons
2:35:16 straight up facts, love me some manaketes. Although big chicken isn't exactly my ideal choice of transformation
147:30 shin can rescue the fat man, 18 aid is nice
ok u figure that out now i look silly, so i'll note that while gonzales's stats dont change between routes, he strangely starts with c axes on echidna route and d axes on bartre route
I'm pretty sure Wendy does 0 damage when she does the triangle of sadness (yes, that's what I call the armour knight triangle attack) to high Def enemies. Also, Barthe can't hit anything with that terrible Skl. At least Treck can use Iron Swords (lol).
Clarine is actually S tier because if you get her to 10/20 she'll cap speed and luck, making her the dodgiest unit in the entire game, and then you get her to S rank tomes and she gets oneshot by a ch21 wyvern lord with 15 hit. All hail our lord and saviour Lady Clarine.
Re: Saul/Barrier staff discussion
There's a second barrier staff only on B route in the Western Isles.
Another point for Bartre!
I feel like Ogier could at least slot into D tier off of simply being a Sword unit in FE6 (and chapter 9 being loaded with Pirate reinforcements but those can go to plenty of units besides Ogier), but I admit I don't have the most experience with this game (only 1 playthrough on Normal mode so far)
At the point he joins, there are a lot of other sword options, which imo makes his sword combat mostly irrelevant
@@DaniDoyle yeah, plus you only get 2 Hero Crests before chapter 16, one of which goes to Rutger, and the other probably goes to Deick, Gonzales, or Fir before Ogier (there's also the Axe bros but they're also bad)
Fire Emblem 6 is truly a game of all time. Like i cannot perceive it beyond the fact that it exists. I guarantee after this video ends i wont event remember the names of 95% of the characters.
I just go full smooth brain whenever it's placed in front of me
I know it's a glitch, but how would obtaining an infinite-use firestone affect Fae's placement on the tier list?
I don't think she'd move up by much. Her combat stats aren't especially good, so while the 30 attacks does hold her back, IMO its far from her biggest problem
Dorothy and Sue have my favorite GBA portraits
If you ever want to see just how essential Marcus is, try playing Ostian Revolt without him. Without RNG rigging I speculate it's impossible to beat without losing units.
I try to use lance every play through and somehow after 6-7 runs Alan has always ended up better. Alan gang rise up
fe6 my beloved, time for another podcast.
I'd swap Lilina and Fir. Lilina has a really shaky speed growth that causes her to not really double in the endgame, I just used her in my hard mode playthrough and she had 15 speed and that's with a speedwing earlier on. I think you're understating the value of Rutger and the value of a second Rutger, Rutger's not just early game by a longshot, he's the best unit for the entire game. He always doubles, he always hits, and he crits most of the time, so he's basically one of the few units that can one-round almost anything including bosses, and he almost never GETS hit either. Even Milady and Perceval, even though they'll always have more strength and do more consistent damage, have some more trouble hitting and don't have the 30% crit boost of Swordmaster. Swordmaster's just an insane class in general, probably the best in the game. Also, Fir joins at a point in the game where there's a lot of axe users she won't get hit by, so training her's not THAT hard, and she gets hard mode bonuses. I'd personally give the second Hero Crest to Gonzalez just because I like him (and Berserker also gets 30% crit) but I'd prioritize Fir over Dieck. Dieck's great early on but he also has some speed problems.
I love caths join dialoge though.
I'd like to point out that Dayan only doesn't double the fastest wyvern riders at base, and with a speedwing [I'm not saying this is the best use just going over numbers] he doubles all but the fastest Wyvern lords in 21. Not much but its something especially in an iron man or a draft.
We did it everybody! We found irredeemable horse unit in GBA fire emblem!
(the joke is that "Ogier" means "stallion" in polish so his name is basically "Horse")
Shoutouts to my son Hugh(I am kin to all purple haired mage lads).
When i did my playthrough of FE6 Hard mode i followed Mekkah's FE6 HM Tier list and liked it up until i started using Shin. Shin wasn't highly ranked on Mekkah's HM tier list and i needed a bow user for Wyverns. Shin from the very start had insane growths and was just as effective as Miledy in the late game as in i could put a sword on Shin on a forest and he could solo and survive wave after wave after wave of Chapter 21's reinforcements (even without a single support boost). Shin with average growths deserves A-tier at the very least, Shin with lucky growths deserves S-tier as he can carry late game against reinforcements & one rounding bosses.
I don't think I agree with your analysis of Lot. The fact he doesn't get doubled by breakable walls puts him WELL ahead of Wade, and means he's capable of engaging enemies by himself. He's the best non-Marcus unit for The Trap due to all the Knights and Soldiers, and contributes to melee just as effectively as the cavs at that point in the game. His passable base speed and high CON mean he can use the Halberd+Hammer right away and won't get doubled for it even during the dreaded Ostian Revolt and its southern cavaliers. He can also take 3 hits rather than the usual 2, making him a good candidate to put up front to take an enemy clump's first attack before surrounding them in player phase.
He also has the same speed growth as Dieck, and the highest defence growth in the game (40% tied with Barthe. I ain't counting Karel). Lot suffers immensely from the scarcity of Hero Crests in the mid-game, but there isn't a single non-Melady unit in the game I'd rather have than Lot when it comes to dealing with enemy wyverns in the endgame. His role as a durable frontliner with reasonable movement makes him what Generals wish they could be, all while no weapons have effectiveness against him.
None of this puts him on par with the game's gods, and his lack of Canto means his utility will never go beyond combat. Also his supports all generate slowly, so you're unlikely to build them up without spamming out End Turn in front of a throne. I'd place him just below Dieck in the B tier - or if he has to go to C, I'd certainly never place him behind Wolt.
I would move both Cecelia and Lilina up a rank. Cecelia can do something every turn! She is decent at everything and has acceptable stats in everything. Doesn't excel anywhere but NO investment cost and can find a place on any team essentially. Lilina is slightly better than Lugh in my opinion because she is essential for recruiting so many characters and has great supports. And she is cuter. And has a heart of gold. And she is one of the easiest units to train.
Lilina in b tier is crazy, she can’t even double armors or soldiers in her join map even if they roll down on speed, her magic growth doesn’t make her special since her speed averages are so bad and her only realistic chance of one shotting is forblazing wyverns which any mage can
Lilinas main use is as a boss killer. At base, with roy A rank support (which she gets near instantaneously, within 2 chapters) she reaches a hit of 122 with the fire tome - combine that with not taking counters from the majority of bosses with their base weapons, rescue drop, and her massive damage output thanks to hitting on resistanceand her higher magic growth, she actually becomes a far more reliable boss killer than rutger.
For example, a level 1 promoted rutger wielding the killing edge will have 123 hit. Against henning who averages about 60 avoid, being forced to attack at 1 range means that rutger is forced to face 5 crit on average from henning with a decent chance to miss his attacks. Lilina averages about the same hit at base alone, with the fire tome and roy support, she will be fealing 5 damage at base - which is certainly paltry. However, its important to note that she will match rutgers hit rate at base with the roy support - thus when given levels against the easy fodder enemies of chapter 8 and 8x, lets say reaching level 8, her damage against henning already averages 10 (with rutger averaging 14 assuming he hits both attacks, which is unreliable - so 7 is more likely) - all this before mentioning how she will have 15 crit from her roy support as well.
Now, mind, she will likely take longer to kill henning than rutger - but she will be more consistent, and as the game goes on and she gains levels, other supports and promotes, she will A) have the resistance to take on the magic bosses B) have the hit to take on high avo bosses C) have the 2 range to avoid boss counters and D) deal enough damage to kill them extremely quickly.
Marcus bros we won
"I value recruitment cost" and dunks on Hugh, but fails to acknowledge deployment/unit conversation costs for units.
Units that start as enemies and/or units that require someone OTHER THAN Roy talk to them are harder to acquire. But especially if it's both: Rutger, Fir, Sin, Gonzales, Thea, Raigh, Garret, Percival, and Zeiss. They all require someone other than Roy to recruit, and are out for Blue Unit blood. While, according to the guidelines and standards that were laid out, you will have them and you are willing to reset for the characters that recruit them - you still have to deploy them. And while you can absolutely have a good Lilina for the Gonzales recruitment, there is an equally likely chance that someone benches her after chapter 8, meaning she is a liability to your strategy that you could make better by forsaking these recruitments.
The least egregious of these examples are Rutger and Thea, whose recruitment conditions - Clarinne and Klein respectively - are recruited in the same map.
That said, a bunch of others are still problems. Echidna requires you to talk with Larum, who's fragile. And yet, the game wants you to get her to the front line. Not ideal.
Juno requires Shanna, Thea or Zelot. And while you are probably using at least one of them, they are not required to be in any map at any time, so you could theoretically miss it, simply because none of them are present.
So while Geese may be worse than Gonzales, and Hugh shakes you down for cash, at least they approach your only forced unit about it, instead of needing to drag along some other scrub to get them.
Bonus points to Bartre, Klein, Dayan and the Illian Cavs. They all can be recruited by units other than Roy, but can also be recruited by Roy, should something happen, the talking units are required elsewhere, or were not deployed
Tl;dr - Penalties for units that require additional deployment slots for their own recruitment, as well as ones that are actively threatening your army before they join.
Talking is not a cost.
@@DaniDoylewhy wouldnt it be? Is it not costing you deployment slots that could be better used in a different way?
I'm here for the AEW thumbnail. FE6 is pretty cool though, I guess.
Whats AEW?
@@DaniDoyle All Elite Wrestling. Its a competitor of WWE. Lots of goofs to be had.
Gotcha gotcha didn't know that
One little tiny defense of Barthe: I belive Sin/Shin can pick up an unpromoted Barthe (though i dont think he can carry general barthe), so you have a whopping TWO units that can ferry him around. And as I've found out in my current draft run, when given a bunch of levels and a knight crest (because i had no one else to give it to), he becomes a mid tier bad filler. barthe and bors bros forever 🫡
The Gonzalez-Geese gap is really throwing me. I like using both for fun, but their accuracy against swords really is unforgivably low. Even neutral triangle is bad. I'd drop Gonzalez a tier.
Geese's speed is nearly unsalvageable, exhasurbsting the accuracy issues, whereas Gonzo's speed and strength and speed can help make up for the shakey hit rates
Maybe its just me, but this cast seems absolutely massive
Yeah it's pretty big
They expect you to lose units and not reset over it every time. Thats why there’s so many horse units. They’re very useful and might die while being useful.
Ogier does have some use when trained in that he has better Luck and Speed than Deick with the downside of less strength and a little bit of bulk. He can be trained at the western isles to help him get to those good points. I would still agree Deick is better because you get them far earlier and they carry good in the early game which is what they are supposed to do. It just feels way too low for Ogier since he does have better selling points compared to a lot of units in D tier. Also free armor slayer.
I still like Fe6 but my biggest issue with it is the lop-sidedness of balance the game has. I like using units the community calls trash or bad units but most of the ones here are a more boring bad or painful bad.
Still most reasoning is good here and I like the video.
I would personally disagree about Percival. He's the best unit in the game at going into a hoard and coming out on top. While Milady never dies, even her accuracy can be shaky and going into Sacae means shes vulnerable. While the Winged Shield exists (and I personally always have it) theres a chance the player might not have it or realized they needed their thief, or maybe lost their thieves somehow in an ironman or something. Percival, conversly, can still just go straight into a group of... just about anything and come out on top, as well as having more reliable accuracy. Now granted Sacae sucks but still. The better magic resistance also can be more helpful to him as well. Percival I find actually usually ends up being my vanguard for the whole army while Milady is often charging way past the main force to secure some side objective or navigate something else. I think Percivals role is nigh-unreplacable, and while the cavs are good, the arent as immortal as Percival is. Also this may sound like a meme but if you are willing to put in a little time, giving Percival Hand Axes will actually nake his weapon rank go up rather fast, and Armads Percival will just annihilate every single Wyvern in the game. I think hes S, under Milady
The way I want Wendy and Sophiya to be good everytime I play
Wendy has good combat when you use a triangle attack with steel lance
@@Starwars-Fanboybut that means using 3 armor knights at once...
Echidna reminds me of Venessa Lewis from Virtua Fighter.
42:10, theres a divine tome in the chapter 15 village, its not very helpful lmao
I don't mind a cast being unbalanced, some units just being blatantly stronger than other is fine, however that is only as long as everybody can be competent enough, and FE6 has some examples of borderline unusable units, it's not enough to ruin the game but I don't like it
Geese should have been S tier tbh!!!
Bruhhhhh seeing wade escape the meme tier gave me hope lot would make it in good filler, guess not though lol 😅
Ok but Saul and Elen get D light magic on promo and unless I missheard you said E, So of course S tier units
I don't know if I miss remember or if you misheard, but either way you're not factoring in that Hugh gets S rank on all 3 magics upon promotion so Ellen can cry
Fir should be in A tier.
She is underrated, but she’s not A tier material. Around B tier I think
@@Supreyo Nah she’s A tier cause it says that A tier are amazing with investment and you get basically a second rutger for free.
@@voltron77 The tier meanings are a bit hazy, but I really don't think she fits in with the likes of Allen, Lance, Saul and Clarine
Plus you don't get her for free. At the very least you need 9 levels and a hero crest (and there are 7 other potential users of a hero crest). She does join in an arc filled with axe wielders, but you could train any sword wielder on those.
@@Supreyo Yeah, but she also joins level 1 and is a great investment, on top of getting hard mode bonuses. Also, why the hell is Saul in A tier, his luck is so bad he gets critted left and right.
@voltron77 Hard mode bonuses are awesome, but she doesn't do anything that rutger and arguably deke can do as well
Also yeah saul's survivability is garbage but he's not a front line unit. In fact, I'd argue his survivability is among the best of the staffbots. He can easily reach high staff levels to use Physic, status staves and Warp, and his magic is more reliable than elen and clarine
Let’s pray for ceciliA tier…
We didn’t make it Cecelia bros 😔 (C is insane)
Can't believe Elfin's portrait is the one used for the tiering when Larum is a cute girl, literally unusable tier list.
Noah turned out better than Lance OR Alan for me....and then Percival promptly outclassed him, even on Normal mode. Percival should absolutely be higher.
Percival's biggest problem is he just shows up very late
@@DaniDoyle I'm not entirely sure that qualifies as a problem, considering his ranks may be just as high. Maybe supports? Niime, for instance, absolutely nukes some enemies, and is a great healer, making her great low-investment unit with the problem a stiff breeze kills her. For comparison, Raigh requires somewhat high investment for an average magic unit who doesn't die as easily. Alan and Lance require usage to get even close to Percival's level. Perhaps you can argue that usage is far more useful than Raigh's? I guess so.
Sue and Wolt are in the same tier? Blasphemy!
Honestly I like Sophia just because of her sprite and I'm someone who plays with looks in mind but 😢 yeah even with alot of investment because of how heavy some of the dark tomes are n her low con plus the amount of investment 😢 sadly she's just not good 😮💨 disappointing for a half dragon
I can see Rutger being behind Miledy. But Marcus? Nah. Great combat for 1/3 of the game and basic mounted utility for the rest doesn't feel as good as great combat for the entire game after ch4. After Marcus's combat falls off, he's not doing anything you can't do with any horse/flying unit.
I think you'd be surprised at how long Marcus's combat lasts. it definitely doesn't stop being good in chapter 4
For sure, but in my experience when he does eventually drop off, he drops off pretty hard. I can definitely understand the argument, but I suppose it's a matter of how valuable one considers his stellar early game performance vs Rutger's consistent combat all game or Miledy dominating the back half @@DaniDoyle
@@allenkeettikkal3149 it doesn’t matter how quickly you get to the throne if you can’t beat the boss. Put Rutger and Marcus in front of Henning and see how much longer it takes Marcus to kill, if he can at all. Rutger is by far your best boss killer until Miledy shows up, and in hard mode where hit rates are so bad, his high skill and ability to double are extremely valuable. Not to mention, there are enemies in between point A and B. If movement is so much better than combat as you claim, you might as well put Noah and Treck before Rutger as well, that seems appropriate
@@allenkeettikkal3149 some valid points, and some I disagree with but won’t bother arguing since the original point is whether Marcus is more valuable than Rutger. Both of their major contributions are early/midgame, and I don’t think anyone is going to argue that they’re the best overall when the game hands you Miledy and Percival. My argument is that until you get them, boss killing is a much more difficult role to fill than generic combat and mobility. While Marcus thrives in the latter and is extremely effective in the early game, there are other units who can fill that role, like a trained Alan or Shanna as you mentioned. Assuming a fairly normal exp distribution, even a 10/1 Rutger will have better combat stats than any other unit at that same time frame (by average stats) and usually by a significant margin. Marcus needs to be Level 13 (not likely) on average to double ch8 Leygance with the armorslayer and not be doubled by 8x Henning, and similar benchmarks apply for every boss until Miledy shows up in ch13. Meanwhile 10/1 Rutger doubles most, has a much lower chance of being hit, much higher chance of critting, and higher chance of even hitting his target. They both have great combat against generics, and even if you don’t rescue drop Rutger up to the boss, which you should, he makes up turns it takes him to walk there by killing faster than Marcus can. And that’s assuming they’re both using full movement and aren’t impeded by enemies or terrain in their way, which they almost always are. And when Rutger does get outclassed by Miledy showing up, you still have a very good combat unit at your disposal.
I’m not trying to diminish how important Marcus is in the early game, he’s by far the best and is pretty much mandatory for beating crazy chapters like 7, but the job Rutger does is more valuable for the time they’re both relevant and he’s uniquely the best option for it, whereas Marcus doesn’t have as much of a monopoly on high movement and becomes less valuable when the cavs and Shanna catch up to him stat-wise. If you’re purely talking LTC where you can rig level ups and 40% hit rates, etc, then sure Marcus is definitely better, but Rutger has more important contributions in a casual or efficient playthrough
@@allenkeettikkal3149 I generally agree with all of that. Acknowledging Rutger's value in the time frame that he's relevant, the crux of the argument is whether one considers it more or less valuable than Marcus's contributions (which incidentally I consider to be relevant at about the same time frame). At the end of the day it does end up being subjective to how much value you place where, and personal playstyle
Fucking based Sue enjoyer 😎 she's an awesome unit and character
I admit it been a while since I played blinding blade. However it is a interesting game to said the least, gameplay. Again even the really powerful unit have their obvious weakness or join later compare to other "powerful unit" in the series.
Also I will said Roy is probably the worst lord gameplay wise. Sure the rapier and bindling blade are nice, however mediocre growth and base combined with not promoting until it ends of the game hurts.atleast with leif and alear who aren't that good in combat have support and other quirks that make a useful unit, while Roy doesn't until the end. I guess that what happens when you put a 15-16 in war I guess.
I mean, Roy does have his downsides for sure, but fe9 ike is just Roy w/o any upside, and fe11 marth/FE7 Elwiood/Lyn/FE8 eikia also offer less than him imo
Yeah really looking at it, I think lyn might actually be worse then Roy if we are talking the context of their game. The fact that lyn was in a fire emblem where speed wasn't most important state and dominated by 1-2 range is just unfortunate. Even when she promated and gets her ultimate weapon, she still unwhealeming(at eliwood get momvent, 1-2 range, and rescue stuff. Meanwhile Ike has at least rangell. Still wished Ike got axes on promotion in path of radiance.) Seriously if lyn was in player phase heavy game like fire emblem 6 she would be actually pretty good.
Um actually Larum is a tiny minuscule marginal bit better than Elphin because Larum has less con. 🤓
Yes, someone else pointed that out too, most notibly roy can take-drop her but not elfin.
@@DaniDoyle indeed. Just had to voice the most nitpickiest of nitpicks.
@@DaniDoyle Jesus what kind of nerd would comment about such small and insignificant things??
A lot of units super overrated here. Roy, Fir, Astore, Deick... did you forget being sword locked is bad? Rutger I understand hes crazy good but the others are like D tier.
Being sword-locked is fine in FE6 because swords are the only weapons that hit anything
Lmao yeah, axes get like 50-60 hit and lances 70-80 without weapon triangle
Sophia is S only if you invest all you have on her and if you use Save States.
This video was all a ruse to promote Shin propaganda.
Shockingly less amount of comments going but you forgot Guinevere
I've gone fully Shanna Bad-brained. Only unit in the franchise whose rankings consistently involve a dissertation on all the ways she sucks followed by placement at the top. Great rescue-dropper, lousy investment. I think that her combat deficiencies make comparing her to Allen & Lance the wrong approach; I peg her somewhere between Saul (an early-game staple in every map who brings non-combat utility in a few) and Chad (an early-game utility unit to be benched once a replacement comes in).
Probably less controversially, IMO Zealot is more like Good Filler mostly by virtue of lacking a role. He's *fine* , but the midgame just doesn't really call for a Jagen. And while his endgame combat is marginally better than Marcus's (maybe? his growths are about as bad), Marcus is still serviceable *and* he brings better supports. If I'm bringing a fourth cav beyond Percival, Allen, and Lance, it's the guy that make Allen and Lance even *more* powerful.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 That's a common but pretty short-sighted take.
Lance has better bulk and a big enough HP growth advantage to widen the lead quickly, as well as not exploding if an archer looks at him. He gets free stats from supports with Allen and Marcus, with good long-term outlooks and quick growths. Shanna has a support list full of units you don't want to use, aren't available yet, or both. The only exceptions are Deke and Roy, but both are substantially slower than Lance's and don't align to her positioning unless you're doing tippy-top-tier Metal Gear Shanna play where every map is her sneaking Roy to the throne while dodging every enemy along the way. The cavs have a big edge here whether you grind OR don't. (Shanna's wind affinity is also IMO the worst one if we want to split this hair further)
Then there's the maps. Lance has one extra -- not a lot but not nothing for growth units. Chapters 2 and 5 both have a significant number of axe units and forests, both of which give cavs additional offense and defense. 7 also centers around forest and hems you in with archers. Even 8x is borderline, depending on how many levels you're trying to eke out on her before promoting.
She is a poor combatant, full stop. With heavy investment or top .1% play you can get a decent amount of it from her, but for anything resembling "normal" play she is a good rescue dropper and very little more, and an active drain on experience at worst. Useful, but not a top tier unit any more than somebody like Saul who gets deployed every map. The only thing in her favor as a fighter is that you do get a whip, but it's not like we rate archers highly just because a game gives you bolts.
@@allenkeettikkal3149 This is just factually wrong. Allen & Lance C support after 15 turns. They C support Marcus after 20 turns. That's trivial to earn as you go and nets Lance 2 ATK, 2 DEF, 5 accuracy, and 10 avoid -- comparable to Shanna's promotion bonuses. If you're paying attention, you have these by chapter 4 or 5 even playing for turncount. If you're playing for real-world time and consistency, they blow her out of the water. It's like getting _her_ promotion multiple chapters earlier.
That they have "worse ranks" is just obviously silly. They have D spears and E swords. Shanna has D spears. What are we even talking about here.
You can give Shanna the angelic robe, that's true. It still doesn't really solve her problems, as she's going to be at risk of getting 2-rounded regardless and still has to skirt around the edges to avoid counters and dogpiles. The cavs and Rutger are at least as good candidates to upgrade their durability from pretty good to very good. For my money, Roy gets it as an insurance policy or Marcus gets it to accentuate his place as the early-game wall while extending his shelf-life through the mid- and late-game.
Of course I'm going to prioritize funneling EXP onto the cavs over Shanna. They have better bases, better growth distributions, better weapons, and better and more accessible supports. She can indeed pick up incidental XP on soldiers here and there; I remain unconvinced that "can kill the literal weakest enemies in the game" is a selling point, especially since she is still prone to taking counterattacks in the process and often can't capitalize on her mobility due to the danger that swooping in for a kill puts her in.
I'm baffled that you would call chapter 7 "not even an issue" in any respect. It's a massive scrap near the arenas with no avenue for her to pick off soft targets. The armors and wyverns have 12-13 DEF, so she's dinking those. Those cavs have 8, so she's dinking them with a slim and barely doing more with iron while getting clobbered on the counter. The mercs are in the middle of everything, no chance she touches them. The loldiers and houses are guarded by archers, and almost everybody on the map has a jav. She's critical to the turn-2 recruit strategy but has nearly nothing to do afterwards.
Dondon is great but bringing him up in this conversation is kind of absurd. Besides being unreflective of normal play at a strategic level, the only reason it works is thanks to RNG scumming. His FE6 LTC would have you believe that the game had FE8 hit rates. It's super impressive, but using it as a basis to inform any kind of normal gameplay is a howling mistake.
She's not essential. There are reasons she was long considered garbage, just as there are reasons that the community (over)corrected back. But the bulk of her value is derived from things that she does with 0 EXP, and throwing more levels at her largely fails to solve her problems. You're almost arguing this yourself! You don't need a bunch of levels and a promotion item to visit a house!
@@allenkeettikkal3149 Buddy if you're going to make this an argument you could at least remember which side you're on. My point from the jump has been that she's a decent unit but don't bother worrying about her combat. Don't come around parroting half baked combat numbers and bouncing in and out of 0% LTC contexts then say I'm the one who only cares about her combat.