Praise our awesome LORD JESUS. HE lives on the praises of HIS people. Beautiful hymnal videos. From a fan in America. GRACE is GOD'S gift at JESUS expense.
00:30:13-00:33:40 On the UK Version of Songs of Praise, #SongsOfPraise this is called; (In British English) Guide Me O My Great Redeemer and (In American English) Guide Me Lord O Mighty Savior. Russell Watson, Aled Jones, Alfie Boe, Michael Ball, Vincent Niclo, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Frangoulis, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Sarah Brightman, Hayley Westenra, Charlotte Church, Carmen Monarcha, Andre Rieu, Carla Maffioletti, Kimmy Skota, Mairead Nesbitt, Orla Fallon, Meav Ni Mhaolchatha, Chloe Agnew, Lisa Kelly, Simon Rattle, Mirusia Louwerse, Anna Majchrzak, Ellen Williams, London Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Celtic Woman team and the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra can sing. It has only three verses in English Here are the lyrics. #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour #GuideMeOMyGreatRedeemer #RussellWatson #AledJones #AlfieBoe #MichaelBall #VincentNiclo #AndreaBocelli #MarioFrangoulis #KatherineJenkins #LauraWright #SarahBrightman #HayleyWestenra #CharlotteChurch #CarmenMonarcha #AndreRieu #CarlaMaffioletti #KimmySkota #MaireadNesbitt #OrlaFallon #MeavNiMhaolchatha #ChloeAgnew #LisaKelly #SimonRattle #MirusiaLouwerse #AnnaMajchrzak #EllenWilliams #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #SingaporeSymphonyOrchestra #BerlinPhilharmonicOrchestra #CelticWoman #RTENationalSymphonyOrchestra (VERSES 1 TO 3 IN ENGLISH) Guide Me Lord O Mighty Savior (USED IN ENGLISH US) Guide Me O My Great Redeemer (USED IN ENGLISH UK AND WORLDWIDE) Pilgrim through this barren land I am weak, but you are mighty Hold me with your powerful hand Bread of heaven, bread of heaven Feed me now and evermore! Feed me now and evermore! Open now the crystal fountain, where the healing waters flow. Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer, ever be my strength and shield, ever be my strength and shield.
When I tread the verge of Jordan Bid my anxious fears subside Death of death, and hell's destruction Land me safe on Canaan's side Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever sing to you! I will ever sing to you! Written by William Williams, (ENGLISH) Peter Williams (WELSH) Music by John Hughes
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
@Novel Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
The Songs Of Praise team did grabbed the headlines in the news here in the U K and across the world that the musical programme is strong as ever as part of its 60th birthday. Here is the final hymn called Guide Me O, Our Great Redeemer and you have already heard this hymn before over five and a half million times.
@@irenephang7274 Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Imagine raising your voice in praise among hundreds of others at Westminster Abbey! I look forward to praising God with worshippers from every tribe and tongue in a place far better than Westminster Abbey!
I listened to this talk on the prophecy in the Bible and Revelation which was really good, and wanted to share. it is like nothing I had heard of before. Revelation clearly explained
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Hello there every one 'Britan has the Adoration to praise God' Every one present here are Banks of Heaven.. Where your your treasure is, there shall be your heart.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Wow! After covid, lyrics of worship songs are more meaningful and vividly clear. The Holy Spirit is definitely working in our mids. Let us keep holding on to Jesus and trust in Him and let all human races fight the good fight until our King returns. Amen! Hallelujah!
Still in time fans, for sharing new Christmas gifts suggestions, Glory the Lord we are lucky survivors this Covid global apocalypse, only looking back in time gives me creeps, you are not alone, let's sing along
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
This is our greatest journey to be part in our sixtieth anniversary celebrations of the musical programmes. Thank you for being part of the Songs Of Praise team in our special edition. We've enjoyed it today and we have enjoyed it for you as much as we have.
Hello and welcome to a special edition of Songs Of Praise. It is our 60th anniversary today, the Diamond Jubilee of the favorite musical programme that is watched by a quarter of a billion viewers here in the U K and around the world. On T V, on your smartphones, cellphones and mobile phones. On your M P 3 players, on your tablets and on your personal computers. Please welcome your hosts from Westminster Abbey in London:- Allen Jones, Claire Mack, David Grant, James Lusted, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Pam Rhodes, Sally Magnusson and more!
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Thank you from a Brit in Canada. lol, I have been here 30 years though, but grew up with Songs of Praise on a Sunday night in England before that.. My mum saw the 60th Anniversary programme a few weeks ago in England and told me about it. Glad I got to see it. Congratulations.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
My Heart ❤️ is Rejoicing I have always enjoyed songs of praise it’s thirty years since I’m visiting this second Home 🏡 of mine an have Being in love with the queen , the people,the country an most of all Songs of Praise Ihv always look forward to it on a Sunday an what I’m singing my Heart ♥️ out thank you Jesus for a Wonderful Blessed country
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Fantastic. What gorgeous faces and voices....thank you so much. How lovely to go from Queen Elizabeth and her Coronation... To the saxophonist and her gospel singer.....then David Grant....praise God
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Fantastic program, love the hymns and psalms on Songs of Praise, enjoy it while visiting England. Watching this particular program from Barbados, West Indies. Keep it up BBC.
Mu grandma used to watch songs of praise every week she went to be with the Lord a year ago praise the Lord for defeating the sting and power of death 🙏 Jesus our life, righteousness our strength and our shield
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. . .
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Together and with others we pray with and for our separated brethren in other religions asking God to give them healing and harmony and unity and stability and peace and and to govern them with His great wisdom and bind them all to Himself.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
It was especially good to see the hands and glimpses of the faces of the organists too. Yes the last verse of the last hymn was outstanding especially as you announced the death of a significant historical contributor....credits moved too quickly for my old eyes. My condolences for your loss. God be with you till we meet again
Wonderful to see and hear this program after many years! To know it's still going strong! Why should I be surprised? God be praised here through lifted voices 😀❤🇨🇦
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
How GREAT is our GOD! My first time watching SONGS of PRAISE! AWESOME, and I LOVE the WORDS of our Great GOD! express ed in every song, Amen. BLESSINGS to the presenters, choirs,singers and attendees(audiences) all to CELEBRATE the Songs Of Praise 60th anniversary. I look forward the the next Songs Of Praise 61st anniversary. GOD BLESS EVERYONE LOVE, Sr. Pastor Kathy Brown Int'l Gospel Artist/Songwriter Music Producer Ephesian 3: 15-21 Ps 100:1-5
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
I don't think this programme was aired on television in NZ, but I do remember watching Stars on Sunday every week. I especially remember listening to the late, great, Harry Seacombe singing on that programme, and I think, Kiri Te Kanawa as well. Takes me back, neither Stars on Sunday nor Songs of Praise were better than each other but they complimented each other beautifully. Thanks for the memories of Sunday nights spent listening to the beautiful hymns from beautiful locations around the UK but shown on TVNZ. As for Pam Rhodes first appearance being in her local church of St. Albans Cathedral, both my father and uncle were boy choristers there during the war.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
@@swm7394 this program if you ever knew the truth about it is made by evil Satanic folks,presenters who deny God,his word,and condemn true Christians,Aled is a Hell bound soul,did you know that?
Beautiful, and graceful moment right there, I am watching from Uganda, my dream is to attend the BBC song of praise live and sing with the rest of choir team . I hope I get the opportunity one day.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
How great to hear those powerful messages in song. My wife and I have loved to listen each week, for many years, to the testimonies, hymns and songs on "Songs of Praise". Thank you all so much for your dedication, over so many years, to sharing the gospel to a needy world. Thanks for the captions of the hymns. However, just one matter, please include captions for the interviews so the deaf and hard of hearing can see all we hear in those great introductions and interviews and when the Abbey Choir sang. God bless you in this great work for Him. Lyn Lockrey, Australia.
Over continent and over island the voice of prayer is never silent nor dies the strain away as the Church on her mission unsleeping moves on forward into light.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Praise our awesome LORD JESUS. HE lives on the praises of HIS people. Beautiful hymnal videos. From a fan in America.
GRACE is GOD'S gift at JESUS expense.
On the UK Version of Songs of Praise, #SongsOfPraise this is called; (In British English) Guide Me O My Great Redeemer and (In American English) Guide Me Lord O Mighty Savior.
Russell Watson, Aled Jones, Alfie Boe, Michael Ball, Vincent Niclo, Andrea Bocelli, Mario Frangoulis, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Sarah Brightman, Hayley Westenra, Charlotte Church, Carmen Monarcha, Andre Rieu, Carla Maffioletti, Kimmy Skota, Mairead Nesbitt, Orla Fallon, Meav Ni Mhaolchatha, Chloe Agnew, Lisa Kelly, Simon Rattle, Mirusia Louwerse, Anna Majchrzak, Ellen Williams, London Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Celtic Woman team and the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra can sing. It has only three verses in English Here are the lyrics. #GuideMeLordOMightySaviour #GuideMeOMyGreatRedeemer #RussellWatson #AledJones #AlfieBoe #MichaelBall #VincentNiclo #AndreaBocelli #MarioFrangoulis #KatherineJenkins #LauraWright #SarahBrightman #HayleyWestenra #CharlotteChurch #CarmenMonarcha #AndreRieu #CarlaMaffioletti #KimmySkota #MaireadNesbitt #OrlaFallon #MeavNiMhaolchatha #ChloeAgnew #LisaKelly #SimonRattle #MirusiaLouwerse #AnnaMajchrzak #EllenWilliams #LondonSymphonyOrchestra #SingaporeSymphonyOrchestra #BerlinPhilharmonicOrchestra #CelticWoman #RTENationalSymphonyOrchestra
Guide Me Lord O Mighty Savior (USED IN ENGLISH US)
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak, but you are mighty
Hold me with your powerful hand
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
Feed me now and evermore!
Feed me now and evermore!
Open now the crystal fountain,
where the healing waters flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
ever be my strength and shield,
ever be my strength and shield.
When I tread the verge of Jordan
Bid my anxious fears subside
Death of death, and hell's destruction
Land me safe on Canaan's side
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever sing to you!
I will ever sing to you!
Written by William Williams, (ENGLISH) Peter Williams (WELSH)
Music by John Hughes
Graphics appearing on screen for the first hymn, Lord of the years.
We have been giving away lots of hymns on Songs Of Praise today. Let All The World In Every Corner Sing is our next hymn.
So blessed and encouraged that the BBC is not ashamed to own Christ. If a nation knows its life source, there's always hope.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
@Novel Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
lol, wut?
I'm a gregorian chorister and catholic from Congo, and I like your songs. Be blessed.🥰😇
Congrats too BBC Songs of Praise. May they keep leading the world to praise & worship faithfully like they’ve have done in the past 60 yrs. God bless
Used to watch this every sunday with my mum. Mum went to heaven 2014.
Thinking of you and the family and loved ones
The Songs Of Praise team did grabbed the headlines in the news here in the U K and across the world that the musical programme is strong as ever as part of its 60th birthday. Here is the final hymn called Guide Me O, Our Great Redeemer and you have already heard this hymn before over five and a half million times.
I last watched BBC One - Songs of Praise, 60th Anniversary (03/10/2021) on Tuesday 29th August 2023.
My Methodist grandma and grandad used to watch Songs of Praise every Sunday. Lovely memories!
Beautiful program. Let the Hymns continue to praise Lord Jesus! 🇦🇺
Very good 👍 All Glory unto His Holy Name Amen hallelujah ✝️✝️👏👏👏
Amen and glory hallelujah 🎤🎵🎶👏🙌
@@irenephang7274 Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Imagine raising your voice in praise among hundreds of others at Westminster Abbey! I look forward to praising God with worshippers from every tribe and tongue in a place far better than Westminster Abbey!
What a day that will be!
I listened to this talk on the prophecy in the Bible and Revelation which was really good, and wanted to share. it is like nothing I had heard of before. Revelation clearly explained
Amen! I look forward to it too
Till We Meet At Jesus Feet, God bless you Abundantly
Love songs of praise. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
The next hymn is performed by Monique McKen and Yolanda Brown and it's called Blessed Assurance.
Hello there every one 'Britan has the Adoration to praise God' Every one present here are Banks of Heaven.. Where your your treasure is, there shall be your heart.
Still beautiful in 2024
I just so enjoyed songs of praise I listen to it in N Z now but used to listen in the U K in 2003-4 Freda Thomson
Lord the God Jesus be Praised....
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Wow! After covid, lyrics of worship songs are more meaningful and vividly clear. The Holy Spirit is definitely working in our mids. Let us keep holding on to Jesus and trust in Him and let all human races fight the good fight until our King returns. Amen! Hallelujah!
Amen 🙏🏻✝️🛐
Wonderful. Good coordination and song of delight
Good morning father
Mass of demand
Thank for the mass and the gospel
Waching from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌸🌺
Next, Laura Wright and Alexander singing Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace.
The duet by Katherine Jenkins and Aled Jones is profoundly moving. PRAISE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!
Still in time fans, for sharing new Christmas gifts suggestions, Glory the Lord we are lucky survivors this Covid global apocalypse, only looking back in time gives me creeps, you are not alone, let's sing along
It's such a blessing to sing unto the LORD for His mercies, faithfulness and unfailing love.
What a Blessing to be here to celebrate what I love best Songs of praise o lord thank you Jesus
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
This is our greatest journey to be part in our sixtieth anniversary celebrations of the musical programmes. Thank you for being part of the Songs Of Praise team in our special edition. We've enjoyed it today and we have enjoyed it for you as much as we have.
Hello and welcome to a special edition of Songs Of Praise. It is our 60th anniversary today, the Diamond Jubilee of the favorite musical programme that is watched by a quarter of a billion viewers here in the U K and around the world. On T V, on your smartphones, cellphones and mobile phones. On your M P 3 players, on your tablets and on your personal computers.
Please welcome your hosts from Westminster Abbey in London:- Allen Jones, Claire Mack, David Grant, James Lusted, Katherine Jenkins, Laura Wright, Pam Rhodes, Sally Magnusson and more!
Jesus is alive Amen praise Him for everything🙏🏼
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Thirty year an Beyond I have being in love an in tune song of praise
All the way from Sydney Australia - what an inspiration!
Still beautiful in 2023❤🕊️
I'm blessed with this great worship! God bless the organisers!!
Amen to that
The King and Queen of singing superstars Allen Jones and Katherine Jenkins singing Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord.
Thank you from a Brit in Canada. lol, I have been here 30 years though, but grew up with Songs of Praise on a Sunday night in England before that.. My mum saw the 60th Anniversary programme a few weeks ago in England and told me about it. Glad I got to see it. Congratulations.
Let everything that has breath! Praise the Lord! Praise him!
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
What glorious music!
A huge fan of Songs of Praise 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳. All glory and honour to our Lord God Almighty who reigns on high.
My Heart ❤️ is Rejoicing I have always enjoyed songs of praise it’s thirty years since I’m visiting this second Home 🏡 of mine an have Being in love with the queen , the people,the country an most of all Songs of Praise Ihv always look forward to it on a Sunday an what I’m singing my Heart ♥️ out thank you Jesus for a Wonderful Blessed country
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Keep On Praising the Lord,Godbless London,🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
Wonderful presentation. God continue to bless this programme on BBC for His praise and glory.
With my prayer from Jakarta, Indonesia.🙏
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Fantastic. What gorgeous faces and voices....thank you so much. How lovely to go from Queen Elizabeth and her Coronation... To the saxophonist and her gospel singer.....then David Grant....praise God
The Best Praise to the Lord. Excellent!!!
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
We praise our saviour all day long
Glorious 💗. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Bless the LORD o my soul...He is the only ONE to be praised! Alleluia! Love all songs.
Fantastic program, love the hymns and psalms on Songs of Praise, enjoy it while visiting England. Watching this particular program from Barbados, West Indies. Keep it up BBC.
Mu grandma used to watch songs of praise every week she went to be with the Lord a year ago praise the Lord for defeating the sting and power of death 🙏 Jesus our life, righteousness our strength and our shield
Beautiful choice of hymns and music, heavenly..loved the sax!
Agreed; she is so cheerful
I Vow to thee thy country
Crown him crown him with love
Guide me
Yes, very true LORD MAKE A CHANNEL OF YOUR PEACE.....AMEN. THANK you singers.
This was so beautiful and what wonderful hymns to our glorious Sovereign God and King
@@arnicepernice8656 Glory,Honour and praise be to God the Father God the Son & God the Holy spirit.
Songs of praises, I will ever give to thee!
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Let's hear the voices of All People That On Earth Do Dwell.
Beautiful glory to God our creater
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. . .
Absolutely wonderful program !👍🇦🇺🦘🤴
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Together and with others we pray with and for our separated brethren in other religions asking God to give them healing and harmony and unity and stability and peace and and to govern them with His great wisdom and bind them all to Himself.
Beautiful harmony
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Amen I enjoyed watching the original program with my late grandmother on vision tv here in Calgary Alberta Canada
It was especially good to see the hands and glimpses of the faces of the organists too. Yes the last verse of the last hymn was outstanding especially as you announced the death of a significant historical contributor....credits moved too quickly for my old eyes. My condolences for your loss. God be with you till we meet again
Wonderful to see and hear this program after many years! To know it's still going strong! Why should I be surprised? God be praised here through lifted voices 😀❤🇨🇦
Great sound filling hearts with joy! I heard Aled Jones boyhood recordings and was happy to see he is still loving music.
Always be considered towards being part of the blessings of Christ, no matter how good or bad we feel. Jesus is always 💖 there for us.
I been watching songs of praise
A beautiful tribute!
All glory to God! 🙌🏼
Songs of praises, I will always raise to my God.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
How GREAT is our GOD!
My first time watching SONGS of PRAISE! AWESOME, and I LOVE the WORDS of our Great GOD! express
ed in every song, Amen.
BLESSINGS to the presenters, choirs,singers and attendees(audiences) all to CELEBRATE the Songs Of Praise 60th anniversary. I look forward the the next Songs Of Praise 61st anniversary.
Sr. Pastor Kathy Brown
Int'l Gospel Artist/Songwriter
Music Producer
Ephesian 3: 15-21
Ps 100:1-5
Amazing! Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
All glory to God
Wonderful programme & beautiful singing.
I absolutely love Songs Of Praise the show is beautiful in every way long may it last
Amen to this; I miss the choral competitions
Let praise God with gratitude looking forward to the next 60s=120s Amen
It's like a fresh air to me. Thanks God
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Great to see the youngsters participating the future of Songs of praise is guaranteed with these wonderful young ones
I don't think this programme was aired on television in NZ, but I do remember watching Stars on Sunday every week. I especially remember listening to the late, great, Harry Seacombe singing on that programme, and I think, Kiri Te Kanawa as well. Takes me back, neither Stars on Sunday nor Songs of Praise were better than each other but they complimented each other beautifully. Thanks for the memories of Sunday nights spent listening to the beautiful hymns from beautiful locations around the UK but shown on TVNZ. As for Pam Rhodes first appearance being in her local church of St. Albans Cathedral, both my father and uncle were boy choristers there during the war.
Lucky you guys :) :-D
I wonder that nz will become a socialist or communist country ?
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Congratulations - this keeps us sane! Beautiful words and beautiful singing, beautiful organ, beautiful smiles . God be praised indeed. -
I'm a Nigerian and I know one day, I'll join in physically... Big ups
I just discovered this program May 2024!! I've enjoyed it very much!!
Wow this is my first time watching this program and I am reminded of how God the nation of Britain to bring many souls to Christ through missionaries.
My brother and my youngest nephew served as missionaries on the British isles.
Songs of Praise - a blessing to so many of us over the years!
🗻✝🎅🎄Glory and Praise ✝⛪🌸🍁🍀🙏🙏
Itsbecause of this programme that I came to love hymns!!!!!
The music wins the hearts of people around the world ! Awesome, indeed !
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
Amen to singers presenters and all people singing in the church Anniversary of songs of praise .
My Heart is filled with Praises for this program and for our Mighty Lord
@@swm7394 this program if you ever knew the truth about it is made by evil Satanic folks,presenters who deny God,his word,and condemn true Christians,Aled is a Hell bound soul,did you know that?
@@alexandermichael117 May God save us from HATERS/BULLIES like you who spoil things for people who enjoy services like this
Beautiful, and graceful moment right there, I am watching from Uganda, my dream is to attend the BBC song of praise live and sing with the rest of choir team . I hope I get the opportunity one day.
So amazing 🙏✝️🙏Praise the Lord😍❤
🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💗🌹🌹🌹love this so much
Thank you so much. for Gods Blessings 🙏💖….from Anacortes Washington USA
Praise God 👏❤🙏🙏
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Great music! Great celebration! So glad to have found this video.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. .
How great to hear those powerful messages in song. My wife and I have loved to listen each week, for many years, to the testimonies, hymns and songs on "Songs of Praise". Thank you all so much for your dedication, over so many years, to sharing the gospel to a needy world. Thanks for the captions of the hymns. However, just one matter, please include captions for the interviews so the deaf and hard of hearing can see all we hear in those great introductions and interviews and when the Abbey Choir sang. God bless you in this great work for Him. Lyn Lockrey, Australia.
I agree Lyn! I was looking for the captions myself as I'm hearing impaired. I'm an Aussie too!
I praise the Holy Spirit for all of this. ♥️🙏✝️
Thanks for the uplifting and excellent presentation. Happy anniversary. Continue to be a great blessing to all. Thanks for uploading.
Oh waw what a choir, wonderful to see and hear you all sing.
To God be the glory !
Absolutely thrilling! Great job!!💌
Songs of Praise is so uplifting and glorifying to God!
4:53 Make me a Channel of your peace
Over continent and over island the voice of prayer is never silent nor dies the strain away as the Church on her mission unsleeping moves on forward into light.
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..
Self on the cross and Christ on the throne. Amen!
Life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and clearly no way for your consciousness and soul to survive death. Near death experiences and out of body experiences is just the brain going haywire and hallucinating when it is nearly dead as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down, hours later (if they are NOT revived) their consciousness and soul will NO longer function and their mind will become inactive. However if the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with NEW material by coincidence in some future universe. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you elsewhere in the multiverse. The eternally inflating multiverse says there are new big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. Once inflation starts, it never ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their separate own big bang event. ..