The new branch looks quite nice. Great idea waiting to be sure it's fused. It's going to add lovely balance to the tree as it thickens up. Amazing autumn leaf colour. All of my seed-grown copper beech have their own leaf colour - sure livens up a dull rainy day!
Thanks, Sue. The weather this past couple of weeks has been mainly dry but overcast and just met! Even so, the colours have been better this year for sure, and the odd times the sun has lit them up, wow!
Great looking tree
Nice to see a native species turn out great!
Thanks Kennet.
The new branch looks quite nice. Great idea waiting to be sure it's fused. It's going to add lovely balance to the tree as it thickens up. Amazing autumn leaf colour. All of my seed-grown copper beech have their own leaf colour - sure livens up a dull rainy day!
Thanks, Sue. The weather this past couple of weeks has been mainly dry but overcast and just met! Even so, the colours have been better this year for sure, and the odd times the sun has lit them up, wow!
Very nice , waiting with anticipation to see how the graft turns out👍👍👍
Me too lol!
Thanks very much
Nice tree 👍
Thank you
Elegant little tree.
Thank you