Keep Politics Out Of The Hobby!!!

  • Опубліковано 17 тра 2024
  • Politics in the hobby just distracts from what is really important.
    #mantic #warlordgames #wargaming
    #ufoキャッチャー #aliens #wildwest #wildwestexodus #dystopian #40k lore #WTF #epic #chaos #legionsimperialis #dystopianage #dystopianwars
    #emperor #lore #necromunda #warhammercommunity #warhammertheoldworld #40k
    #horusheresy #ageofsigmar
    PATREON: / chaptermasterreziel
  • Ігри


  • @judgecohen1373
    @judgecohen1373 Місяць тому +3

    Videos like this are far more valuable than pearl clutching or worse drama farming on the back of bad company decisions for personal gain/channel growth.

  • @judgecohen1373
    @judgecohen1373 Місяць тому +4

    Ronnie Renton (formerly of GW) wanted to do things he felt other companies were doing wrong, right. He has worked hard over the years to work Mantic into a niche where they can continue to do well. I respect him for it.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      I like mantic, painting some halflings at the moment.

    • @TooManyCadwalladers
      @TooManyCadwalladers Місяць тому +1

      @@RazielLordOfSecrets which is funny considering the topic. Halflings broke away from the League of Rhordia due to Lord Darvled's racist interference. Lord Darvled is a Donald Trump parody, even built a wall in the world

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      @@TooManyCadwalladers where is that?
      Do you think i picked halflings because of parody?

    • @TooManyCadwalladers
      @TooManyCadwalladers Місяць тому +2

      @@RazielLordOfSecrets nope, just thought it was funny coincidence considering the topic. Wasn't trying to start anything. Darvled's Wall was built after the Edge of the Abyss supplement and Broken Alliance novel goes into his connection with breaking up the League of Rhordia. Plus Mantic themselves have pointed out it was a parody of him

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      @@TooManyCadwalladers i didnt think you were. Yeah that is pretty funny. Sounds like it was done well and pretty funny too.

  • @charliemeade8642
    @charliemeade8642 29 днів тому +4

    Activists who push their politics will do so at the expense of quality every single time. They do not respect the hobby or community, they respect power and you bending the knee to their ideology.
    Do not let them in, do not give them money. This has all been sliding in one direction for a long time now.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  29 днів тому

      Bending the knee by telling both parties to get bent? It's not that I was against politics. Your problem is I am not on your side.

    • @charliemeade8642
      @charliemeade8642 29 днів тому +1

      @@RazielLordOfSecretsI'm talking about anyone injecting dogmatic politics into spaces, what side are you trying to attribute me to?

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  29 днів тому

      @@charliemeade8642 sorry hard to gain context from written. I agree with what you said. I don't assume you are on anyside.

    • @irgilligan
      @irgilligan 29 днів тому

      Lol, imagine making political then bitching it's political. These mouth-breathers are embarrassing, absolutely no-one cares about their boycott (they didn't buy shit anyway). They are an insignificant micro-sliver of the people in the hobby, that we actually would benefit from just disappearing from the scene.

  • @Surfklone
    @Surfklone Місяць тому +5

    It’s business. Politics is business. Welcome to the world.

  • @leovalenzuela8368
    @leovalenzuela8368 Місяць тому +8

    I plainly disagree. I would rather not give my money to a company that is politically lobbying for a worse city/country/world.
    All companies are paying some politician or another to bend the direction of policy and legislation towards.
    Why would you blindly assist those that are using your revenue to shift the world towards one that is actively harmful to you and your loved ones?

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      both are actively harmful. Theres no better one, one more good than the other. Both have the same goals. If you are choosing the better of two evils, you are still choosing evil.

  • @SecretWizardful
    @SecretWizardful 29 днів тому +1

    A very mealy-mouthed rant that skirted well around the actual issue of "politics" in hobbies. If everyone had and earnestly followed your principles, then hobbyspaces would be in a very good place. If people had the ability to recuse themselves when something isn't for them, or is no longer what they enjoy, then I think people would generally get along much better with what they actually DO like.
    First of all, it behooves us to define what "politics" in games actually entails. Literally speaking, everything is "political", in the sense that most work engages with mainstream cultural narratives and philosophies. Almost all fiction is based in and around what an audience expects, and will play on those expectations. The idea that there exists "pure" escapism that is free from "politics" is a concentrated form of poppycock. Even very simple kid's media will have "political" morals within along the lines of "be nice to people, even if they're different from you, every life has value, nobody likes being bulled, etc." I'm using "politics" as you are, in the very loosest sense of the term, because most of what people complain about isn't really political.
    "Politics" here which people hate and think is ruining hobbies generally refers to the inclusion and representation of people other than heterosexual white males. Including women is politics, including black people is politics, including gay people is politics, and if a character is some combination of these, then they're concentrated politics and their presence is ruining the media even harder, so they say. There is very much a recency effect in play here. If you grew up with a work of fiction that had black people or women or gay people, then when you were a kid it wasn't political, but if these kinds of characters are included going forward, then it's an intrusion that constitutes the dreaded politics.
    So what are the actual politics at play here? The people who generally don't like things being "political" and argue that "real world politics" interferes with their escapism. These sorts of things are frankly a dogwhistle. The people who complain about politics don't hate politics. They just want to see their own politics. And those politics are generally a grab-bag of far right return-to-tradition values. Anti-feminism, anti-gay rights, anti-racial equality, that sort of thing. And when they feel like the creators whose work they support don't share those views, they get into Conspiracy Mode.
    Now, people who adhere to the politics of the far right are generally pretty conspiracy-minded people as it is. These are people who are already very much inclined to both actively disdain mainstream accounts of things, and also lump many social phenomena together as having one or a small handful of root causes, usually small malicious groups targetting them. The laundry list of things that feminism has supposedly ruined is a mile long. So it's very easy for them to jump to feminism ruining another thing when lore suggests that women can be Custodes. Feminism in this case of course not being like a broad shifting of social attitudes by many people towards women, not at all. Feminism to them is a shadowy cabal who are directly and specifically aiming to ruin things. There is a central group of malicious minds and a malevolent aim that is targeting him, a straight white man, simply because of who he is.
    These sorts of things demand and betray a basic lack of understanding about how literally anything is made in a creative setting. Or rather, who creatives are. Quite frankly, most creative people who create the media that hobbyists consume, are indeed talented, intelligent, well read, well educated, friendly, progressive normal people. Art is inherently collaborative by nature, and espeically when you're working for a big company on a big IP. If you're in any sort of artistic space that's serious about the craft above petty political concerns, you're going to end up with a pretty diverse group of people working together, where the ability and willingness to work together is king. This is why big media industries like games and movies and such seeem to have been "taken over by woke", as people put it. You generally don't last long in a workplace when you openly suspect that all of your non-white, non-male coworkers are diversity hires.
    This, more than any stuff about rogue interns or politically motivated investment banks is why hobbygame company's outputs don't signal far right views, and indeed may well end up including more women and gays and such. This sort of thing doesn't really occur to or compute with the far right mind. In a big way, they don't tend to accept that most of the media they've been passively consuming has been made by people whose politics they don't share. Their imaginary progressive is one who would re-write the Black Templars into being a pride parade of transwomen trying to fight Chaos with a strongly worded letter or something. They can't imagine anyone left-leaning or queer thinking that the Black Templars are simply rad as fuck for their aesthetic or for their backstory, because they themselves only like the Black Templars because of what they represent about their poltics. And therefore anyone who doesn't share those politics can't earnestly love what they do about the hobbies they have in the same way. So the whole notion that creative industries are made up of talented progressive people who just like to make what makes sense to them doesn't occur. These industries must be made up of "traditional" white dudes like me, but they're being constrained and controlled by harmful outsider left-leaning forces. And there conspiracy brain takes over.
    All of this to say, is that you're basically correct. The only thing that really matters when you want to buy something is the quality of the product. GW has a LOT of problems. Prices are up again and a lot of the model ranges are being cut, replaced with nothing. Paints are low quality, Space Marines get all the attention, while other lists languish in refresh doldrums. There's a lot of very reasonable quality arguments to make about GW's stuff. Them obliquely referring to the potential for female Custodes is not a reasonable quality argument to make. And anyone who does so is a buffoon.

    • @jmlkhan5153
      @jmlkhan5153 29 днів тому +1

      Bro that was some real bish talk. Literally aint nobody read that crap. Get your point across in one paragraph. If you enough sense in that space, somebody worth talking to about it will imply a desire for clarification and expansion.
      If that doesnt happen, then nobody cared.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  29 днів тому

      dude, that must have taken longer to write the the video itself. You are better than this. It's just someone's opinion, it didn't require an essay.

    • @SecretWizardful
      @SecretWizardful 29 днів тому +2

      @@RazielLordOfSecrets If you don’t take your own opinions seriously enough to engage in discussion on them, what’s the point of making these videos in the first place? Would you rather just have an endless series of platitudes softly agreeing with you? If your attention span is so blasted that this is too much to read, you need to uninstall tiktok or something.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  29 днів тому

      @@SecretWizardful I do take my opinions seriously and I welcome open and honest discussion. What you did was nothing short of narcissism. You wrote a long essay, which actually said nothing. You were lucky to get a reply at all. It was just "look at me, I am smart". I'll prove him wrong, in the end all you did was prove me right. The hobby doesn't need that sort of talk. If you cannot phrase what you said succinctly, you are not showing intelligence.
      Also never had tiktok. Though I am guessing that is where you get your opinions from. Which are just opinions, take them for what they are.

    • @jmlkhan5153
      @jmlkhan5153 29 днів тому

      @@SecretWizardful his attention span is fine. You were up there on a podium, pontificatin. And all you had to say was jazz. No substance.

  • @sickofwashington
    @sickofwashington Місяць тому +4

    Never let tourists change your hobby for some imagined petty political gain. If you're interested in a hobby because you like the setting, characters, lore, ect, then welcome. I hope you have fun. If you're interested in a hobby because you see something you'd like to change because it doesn't align with your politics, don't let the door hit you in your ass on your way out.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому


    • @similaritiesendhere
      @similaritiesendhere Місяць тому +1

      The lore is political satire and the shocking number of 40k fans who can't tell that it makes fun xenophobia, fascism, religion, etc... should've been addressed much earlier.
      The latest diaper filling party was over female Custodians.
      Custodes are based on Leto II's all female honor guard from "God of Emperor of Dune" (Dune Book 4). Leto chose an all female army because he couldn't trust male soldiers to not turn war into dick measuring contests (Horus, Angron, Perterabo, Fulgrim, Mortarion, etc...).
      No offense but, you guys are defending the dumbing down of all the sci-fi lore that inspired 40k (Dune, Alien, Starship Troopers) to appease 40k's early fanbase.
      You used to be able to meet girls in comic shops unless there was a tabletop event. Women knew to stay away from those chuds. Now, it's 2024 and D&D nerds are getting laid more than Warhammer fans because their lore isn't such a Freudian sausage celebration.

    • @irgilligan
      @irgilligan 29 днів тому +1

      Lol, imagine the tourists calling others tourist. You're going to be shocked that GW was always progressive. Easily since the mid 1990s. They just now have realized that they don't have to placate the mouth-breating basement dwelling incel segment.

  • @MrGunBunny13
    @MrGunBunny13 Місяць тому +1

    It’s too late.
    The corporations were the ones who brought current day politics in; don’t make the surprised Picachu face when this results in their self-destruction.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому +1

      buy from privately owned companies. Problem solved

    • @irgilligan
      @irgilligan 29 днів тому +1

      Lol, they have the highest margins ever. Keep mouth breathing and you'll keep being shocked you're so irrelevant.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  27 днів тому

      because many people buy it doesn't make it good.

  • @RazielLordOfSecrets
    @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

    your thoughts?

  • @ShadowOfMoria
    @ShadowOfMoria Місяць тому +2

    To be frank, hobbies, movies, art etc. is always political to begin with. When you choose the setting to be a certain type it is always a political choice, wheter you intended it to be or not. If it's a male-dominated setting like space marines and custodes being male, that's a political choice. You just don't get it because it's the norm and you're used to it. However, if you look at current trends with netflix and amazon for instance, they use identity politics to do garbage shows and then just throw diversity there to make it harder to criticize as an art form. They hire amateurs to do these things because it's cheaper and if they just make the trailers appealing enough there's gonna be people buying the subscription. And some even celebrate the diversity although it's made poorly and in a way that is not fitting to the setting in any way (lord of the rings, witcher).

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      No, the argument that all choices are political consciously or other wise. Is a poor argument. it neglects many factors. Space marines are male hence the male dominated space. Excludes The eldar, the tyranids, the tau, the necrons, the sisters of battle, the sister of silence, the imperial guard. People choose on personal preference, very rarely on politics. If anything it would be better to make the argument on biological differences. More males would watch reservoir dogs than bridget jones diary, it is little to do with politics why that is.

  • @jarosawknas8947
    @jarosawknas8947 Місяць тому +2

    I rethinked my moral support for Trench Crusade. There is too many red flags on this project. Even if authors weren't making a game which is not driven by modern political climate we don't have any guarantees that will be the case in the future. They can make new discord server but it will probably be moderate by the same people which banned people on the old server. I wrote few times that this game isn't woke, despite being made by people which may be woke on social media. I still believe it and wokeness which they are see in the game is probably only in theirs minds. But it will probably be remade in the future.

  • @WarbossSkullKrusha
    @WarbossSkullKrusha Місяць тому +1

    I see your point, but in the case of Warhammer 40K the Lore is what held the GW hobby together. Let's be honest, GW games are boring and take too long to play. Essentially every other game system provides a better player experience. So when they went hard left and applied 2024 political and social values in the lore, many of us decided to take our Hobby Dollars elsewhere. As a parent I will not support companies that actively undermine the values that I am instilling in my children.

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  Місяць тому

      and you did the right thing. They weren't providing what you wanted.

    • @WarbossSkullKrusha
      @WarbossSkullKrusha 29 днів тому +1

      Can you please define the term "posh"for the Yanks who watch your videos?@@RazielLordOfSecrets

    • @RazielLordOfSecrets
      @RazielLordOfSecrets  29 днів тому

      @@WarbossSkullKrusha upper class