To be fair, Rauru had good reasons to trust Zelda on this Zelda told Rauru that Link already managed to save Hyrule one time, so that's speaking for his capabilities Everything unfolded as Zelda told him. Before facing Ganondorf she warned him of Ganondorf's power and that he would die and he did sacrifice himself. Which means no events changed and the future in which Link is born is certain.
@@lu.vii5 She came from Link's era 'cuz they came from thousands o' years after Sonia's murder, the Imprisonin' War (not the conflict in A Link to the Past's backstory, but long before or after), Rauru's sacrifice. She came to the past, met the past rulers, met the Ganondorf in the past (before the dehydrated state), and the sages. She gave instructions to the sages so they'd help Link and the successors win the ancient war against Ganonforf's evil schemes. Zelda's the same one in Breath o' the Wild, so SHE was the Zelda as Sage of Time AFTER Ocarina of Time's Zelda in the Teen Link Timeline.
Even if you’ve spoiled the ending for yourself, this very scene would still be powerful for you, because it’s THAT good! A truly well-crafted story can never be ruined by spoilers. If it does, then apparently it wasn’t good to begin with. …at least, that’s how see it.
after doing the final boss, i find it hilarious how much more powerful link is than these sages. these sages lost a 1v7 with enhancement power stones while link just shows up with his sword. priceless.
@@poochieman9356 facts, the 5 sages that accompany link couldn't even last 2 minutes with the phantom ganon while link goes through multiple phases of the demon king with just his trusty sword. too funny.
He literally loses when he first showed how bias are some link fans that they ignore in their first meeting ie Ganondorf destroying the master sword while still a weekend corpse mocking link defeating him and dropped him back to base hearts and forcing him on another journey because he was MASSIVELY UNDERPREPARED Ganondorf literally made link weak which makes sense as calamity Ganondorf the antagonist from botw caused link so much trouble and he's literally just massive amounts of energy that leak out of Ganondorf corpse stop sucking link dick don't be a biased idiot accept him for both his great Ws and his Fat Ls which is what Ganondorf gave him in his meeting with his corpse a FAT L
@@ness_vibe Its strange, one could say that Link manages because he has the Triforce of Courage. But If Thats so, why didnt Zelda's wisdom Power worked against him?
God damn, I keep coming back to watch this because it's so cool and I get chills every time when it gets to "remember this name" with the theme on heroic, brassy tones. Nintendo always GOATed with their soundtracks, and Rauru is literally the GOAT for what is probably my new favourite Legend of Zelda moment of all time.
This game’s lore on the Master Sword makes you really think how FREAKISHLY powerful Skyward Sword Link and the First Hero from Hyila’s time were. Skyward Sword Link had a nearly Full Upgraded Master Sword AND the Triforce. But the First Hero most likely had Hyila’s Sacred Powers to upgrade the Master Sword to its very very peak. I would think only Fierce Deity Link can face those monsters
In the Skyward Sword prequel manga, Link broke the earlier, wider Master Sword, then melted the shattered broad sword down (broad sword 'cuz the blade was so wide), then reforged it w/ the heat and the hammer as a slightly thinner blade at the blacksmiths' forge, then quenched it when it was ready. He was the first ta reforge the holy sword, so Skyward Sword's Link was the first one to completely restore it back in full power (The Wind Waker's Link as the second to do that in the Teen Link Timeline). Link in Hylia's time was the very first hero named Link, then Skyward Sword's Link came long after as his successor who restored the holy Master Sword back into its real form w/ the 3 sacred flames w/ Fi's help, then his Zelda's sacred power from God Almighty (as the final key that completed the full restoration to the sword's power so he'd kill Demise as justice). Now the Master Sword was shattered again in Tears o' the Kingdom's prologue, then restored to its pristine condiotion again in Tears o' the Kingdom after the prologue. Which kinda brings the sword to the "full circle" w/ the sword shattered fer the second time (the second time 'cuz Hylia's time was when her left-handed hero shattered the sword, then remade it so real heroes' mortal hands could use it more easily), then restored back to its invulnerable, invincible, unbreakable, pristine, fully restored state all over again. So Link the left-handed hero in Hylia's era was the very first Link, the OG Link, the Alpha (like A in Greek). So Breath o' the Wild's Link in Tears o' the Kingdom's gotta be the Omega to a long cycle w/ Demise's curse and the new Alpha to a new story. Like, a big endin' to a long era w/ Demise's curse, then the beginnin' to a new story w/ more fights against sin, evil, AND death 'til Reckonin' Day. The Omega as a brand new Alpha to a brand new cycle. A brand new Alpha to a brand new cycle w/ more gals named Zeldas w/ more guys named Link ta win more fights against the demonic darkness. More Links usin' the renewed, fully restored Master Sword ('til the Savior comes back as the mighty monarch ta rule the whole Earth w/ love).
There was no “first hero of Hylia’s time”. SS Link was the first hero who defeated Demise due to a time travel paradox. Thus SS Link was the first hero
@@truelionofhylia8152 I’m pretty sure the Skyward Sword prequel Manga wasn’t Canon. At least, it hasn’t been fully confirmed like the Historia book. I think the only thing from book that’s Canon for Zelda is the Hyrule Historia
@@AlecEburhard There is a first hero. He was brought up in Skyward Sword and the blade was made before Skyward Sword Link’s time. The first chosen hero was born years before SS Link
Love how the music goes from triumphant and hopeful to super eerie and desolate. Kinda alluding to the fact that they’ll both be trapped down there for at LEAST ten thousand years up until Ganondorf is a mummified “corpse” and Rauru is reduced to only an arm holding him down.
It's crazy how well-attuned Ganondorf was to the secret stone almost immediately. Shit, he faced seven other wielders, but he _ALONE_ nearly beat them all in one go.
I smiled like an IDIOT when his theme kicked in!! Ganondorf is the best villain in video game history hands down. Pure evil, no redemption, just doesn't give a fuck.
Majora's Mask would like to have a word. It was arguably MUCH more evil than Ganondorf. Ganondorf wanted to rule the world... Majora's Mask wanted to end it.
Honestly. Totk did Ganondorf so much justice since OoT or Twlilight princess and it made him feel like a genuinely intimidating villain that was a force to be reckoned with. The other versions just kinda felt like a guy with anger issues and his design was a little quirky but this truly felt like the REAL Ganondorf we all know and love
In my head canon, the average person in the Zelda world (who hasn't received a bunch of spirit orbs and light blessings like Link) has only three hearts. That's why Ganondorf is able to stomp everyone else.
I can't express how floored I am by this game. The cutscenes are breathtaking. The music is fantastic. Like everything about this game and the lore behind it is a masterpiece
This memory is so good when viewed just before the Awakening memory. "Thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye. You only delay the inevitable." "You're wrong. Years from now, someone will appear with the sword that seals the darkness. A swordsman with the power to defeat you. Link. Remember... this name." "Link... interesting... I look forward... to him..." *Ganondorf's first words after awakening:* "Was that the sword that seals the darkness? A blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me." "Zelda... you, who carries that fragile sword... are Link. Rauru placed his faith in you..." When I saw that memory for the first time it just felt so right. it's the game's time loop, come full circle. The first thing we see in the game, and then the final action that comes before. You can tell that Ganondorf was right. For him, all these millennia really have passed in an instant. The last thing he remembers is Rauru sealing him, and now he's back, and in his mind, the only threat to him was defeated before he was even conscious.
I would like to add how when you first face phantom Ganon he thinks the only getting link to where he is is the arm. Then when you defeat phantom Ganon, he realizes that his a lot more than just an arm. Heck if anything link would have probably been able to beat him with it
Not really hypocrisy. Telling someone that they are wasting something is always a matter of opinion and a difference between a set of values. If someone valued hoarding money, they will always see someone giving it away to help others a waste of time and vice versa. I remember someone who had average telling someone who had eidetic memory that they were wasting their time trying to live a normal life when he could be saving the world by being a scientist/doctor or some shit. In Ganon’s perspective, he values exerting power for destruction and dominance; he will always see the opposite of that as a waste of time. It’s a matter of perspective on what one considers “a waste.”
@@MrWongWey Doesn't change the fact that he killed the queen of the country just to get the power he desired. So his perspective is flawed as he fails to see the other side, he couldn't even let them be. Know this, behind those perspectives is a person with an ego born of insecurities. Let's not forget that this Ganondorf like those before him keeps making the same predictable mistakes. He sees power to obtain his goals, and he would destroy the lives of others before he lets anyone else live. He's still hypocritical in a sense that he squanders all his power into taking over the world because he sees himself to be "the only one capable". He's learned nothing and his incarnations continues to learn nothing throughout the ages. If that's not insanity, then people needs to learn from the history they disregard. All Ganondorf is doing is proving how power corrupts and causes suffering to anyone whose not him.
@@ProBroZeeOfficialDenise's reincarnations always think about destroying unfortunately. Hopefully there's a Ganondorf who would want to break the cycle...
I think it would be better if ganondorf somehow had the memories from the ganon from OOT just to reveal the circle of reincarnation to link and zelda, their reaction would be great to see.
@@alexjackyperson101 no they said at the point of breath of the wild all the timelines have reconverged and cannon is whatever basically the old games are considered legends at this point
See, this is how you introduce personal investment in a hero's story. Rauru really gave his everything to leave this matter to you. You might have never met him but he feels like a close ally all along.
I got spoiled here and there but was still blown away when I saw the full thing Clutched and overwhelmed a 1v7, past and present sages Absolutely terrifying combat abilities and speed The dragon alone was awe inspiring and intimidating in a sense
4:11 I haven't gotten to this part yet, but does Ganondorf mean he has seen this exact tactical attack, or does he remember his incarnation when this exact attack took place, as he says, "Now Rauru" and "I've seen this before." I wonder this because the timeline loops back to skyward sword somehow
....Did it never occur to them to rip off Ganondorf's sacred stone while he was a mummy? The fact that they didn't do that feels like a monumentally stupid thing to miss.
I think it won't work because unlike most holders of the secret stone, Ganondorf's merged with his forehead and therefore, nearly, if not equal on Demise level of power.
5:10 When Rauru’s Theme kicks in and then seamlessly moves into the Zelda main theme, symbolizing Rauru’s strength (even can say his arm) transferring to Link always gets me teary-eyed.
Ganondorf was already powerful to begin with, and the stone just made it unfair. This Ganondorf is so powerful due to being the first spawn of Demise. After he was sealed away, Demise had to create a new Ganondorf, who we see in oot, tp, ww, the original zelda games, etc
Also perhaps because he knows this is fate, and Link will best Ganon, so he’s basically saying ‘Yeah, this has happened before, you won’t win, so I’ll just two you what happens.’
I mean: Rauru tells Ganondorf about Link - Ganondorf gets clapped in the future by Link Rauru doesn't tell Ganondorf about Link - Ganondorf gets clapped in the future by Link So it doesn't really matter in the end.
Rauru has got to be the most trusting character I've ever seen. He was willing to bet the lives of everyone in his kingdom and said kingdoms's future on someone he's never met, thousands of years in advance
That & the Stone didn’t GIVE him his Demonic form & powers, it was in him all along - the stone just gave him a Massive Power boost. If Goku or Vegeta back in the Saiyan Saga had the stone, it would of boosted them to a Super Saiyan.
My brother beat the game before me, and told me there was a scene that will be so epic I'll feel emotional. I thought it was the scene with Zelda eating her secret stone to become a dragon. That was epic too. But when I found THIS cutscene- I pissed my pants with excitement.
K bro what’s creepy about this scene is the time in between. Like imagine gannondorfs body slowly deteriorating, or even worse Rauru who wasted away over time till nothing but his ARM was left
I found this cutscene out of order and it was quite hilarious, the order of what I say was: Zelda waking up in the pass She talking to Sonia and Rauro Ganondorf killing Sonia and f*cking everything up Sozia and Zelda having a lovely conversation in the garden
What I don’t get is why raru had to hold him there for thousands of years when in reality as soon as ganon froze up someone could’ve snatched the stone from his forehead
Bro how has no one thought of the theory that the skyloftians evolved into the zonai? A lot of them very clearly did not leave skyloft since the only thing that fell was the hylia statue.
Ganon's stone was a corrupted secret stone, thus tampering with such could break him free. Even when Rauru's stone fell off in the beginning of the game Ganondorf was free
@@StatusZer00 I figured that would be the case *despite* the default language. I thought it was for all the games since Twilight Princess. It could just be an animation staple since this is only the second time a Zelda game has had voice acting. In every other game in the series, animating to sync with english wasn't necessary.
Anyone else believe that the Triforce of Courage acts somewhat like One For All; if not Fi in the Master Sword retaining all the memories of the past Heros?
Huge Zelda fan here and TOTK is an outright masterpiece. That being said, you'd think at least one of the sages witnessing the Imprisoning would suggest just dismembering the now decaying corpse of Ganondorf, with each race guarding a piece for all time, if it can't be destroyed outright.... But I suppose we wouldn't have a game then 🤣
Rauru trusting a guy he don't certain if he will even exist... He really trusted Zelda
To be fair, Rauru had good reasons to trust Zelda on this
Zelda told Rauru that Link already managed to save Hyrule one time, so that's speaking for his capabilities
Everything unfolded as Zelda told him. Before facing Ganondorf she warned him of Ganondorf's power and that he would die and he did sacrifice himself. Which means no events changed and the future in which Link is born is certain.
@@lu.vii5 She came from Link's era 'cuz they came from thousands o' years after Sonia's murder, the Imprisonin' War (not the conflict in A Link to the Past's backstory, but long before or after), Rauru's sacrifice. She came to the past, met the past rulers, met the Ganondorf in the past (before the dehydrated state), and the sages. She gave instructions to the sages so they'd help Link and the successors win the ancient war against Ganonforf's evil schemes. Zelda's the same one in Breath o' the Wild, so SHE was the Zelda as Sage of Time AFTER Ocarina of Time's Zelda in the Teen Link Timeline.
@@truelionofhylia8152why do you write like that
“Link. Remember… this name”
That combined with the main theme sweeping in, holy shit. Peak gaming.
I need the OST name for that song
Ya that was fantastic
@@burningghidorah7294 its called "Remember this name"
@@bradonhassell5567 thank you
The music when rauru said that is why rauru is my new faviot sage/champion of all the games
The composers went so hard in this game, it's crazy. I have the greatest admiration for them.
im so glad i didn’t spoil the ending for myself this was so insane
Even if you’ve spoiled the ending for yourself, this very scene would still be powerful for you, because it’s THAT good!
A truly well-crafted story can never be ruined by spoilers. If it does, then apparently it wasn’t good to begin with. …at least, that’s how see it.
Rauru looks like he's gonna say: "I will take that head from your shoulders AND HANG IT FROM THE GATES OF HYRULE!"
A three houses references 😂
Dimitri resembles Zelda.
@@juanbriones5989Rauru and Dimitri share Chris Hackney as their V/A so it makes it more hilarious to think of it like that
Hahaha. I get it with the whole Behind the Voice thing.😂😂
And then he's gonna kill every last one of Ganondorf's body.
after doing the final boss, i find it hilarious how much more powerful link is than these sages. these sages lost a 1v7 with enhancement power stones while link just shows up with his sword. priceless.
Link and his super saiyan powered sword* and along with the 5 sages granted they got knocked out after fighting the phantom ganons😂
@@poochieman9356 facts, the 5 sages that accompany link couldn't even last 2 minutes with the phantom ganon while link goes through multiple phases of the demon king with just his trusty sword. too funny.
He literally loses when he first showed how bias are some link fans that they ignore in their first meeting ie Ganondorf destroying the master sword while still a weekend corpse mocking link defeating him and dropped him back to base hearts and forcing him on another journey because he was MASSIVELY UNDERPREPARED Ganondorf literally made link weak which makes sense as calamity Ganondorf the antagonist from botw caused link so much trouble and he's literally just massive amounts of energy that leak out of Ganondorf corpse stop sucking link dick don't be a biased idiot accept him for both his great Ws and his Fat Ls which is what Ganondorf gave him in his meeting with his corpse a FAT L
@@ness_vibe Its strange, one could say that Link manages because he has the Triforce of Courage. But If Thats so, why didnt Zelda's wisdom Power worked against him?
@@pauloamaral6069 safe to say that link is basically hulk but in a miniature body of a teenager and also spiderman with his super fast reflexes.
God damn, I keep coming back to watch this because it's so cool and I get chills every time when it gets to "remember this name" with the theme on heroic, brassy tones.
Nintendo always GOATed with their soundtracks, and Rauru is literally the GOAT for what is probably my new favourite Legend of Zelda moment of all time.
This game’s lore on the Master Sword makes you really think how FREAKISHLY powerful Skyward Sword Link and the First Hero from Hyila’s time were. Skyward Sword Link had a nearly Full Upgraded Master Sword AND the Triforce. But the First Hero most likely had Hyila’s Sacred Powers to upgrade the Master Sword to its very very peak. I would think only Fierce Deity Link can face those monsters
In the Skyward Sword prequel manga, Link broke the earlier, wider Master Sword, then melted the shattered broad sword down (broad sword 'cuz the blade was so wide), then reforged it w/ the heat and the hammer as a slightly thinner blade at the blacksmiths' forge, then quenched it when it was ready. He was the first ta reforge the holy sword, so Skyward Sword's Link was the first one to completely restore it back in full power (The Wind Waker's Link as the second to do that in the Teen Link Timeline). Link in Hylia's time was the very first hero named Link, then Skyward Sword's Link came long after as his successor who restored the holy Master Sword back into its real form w/ the 3 sacred flames w/ Fi's help, then his Zelda's sacred power from God Almighty (as the final key that completed the full restoration to the sword's power so he'd kill Demise as justice). Now the Master Sword was shattered again in Tears o' the Kingdom's prologue, then restored to its pristine condiotion again in Tears o' the Kingdom after the prologue. Which kinda brings the sword to the "full circle" w/ the sword shattered fer the second time (the second time 'cuz Hylia's time was when her left-handed hero shattered the sword, then remade it so real heroes' mortal hands could use it more easily), then restored back to its invulnerable, invincible, unbreakable, pristine, fully restored state all over again. So Link the left-handed hero in Hylia's era was the very first Link, the OG Link, the Alpha (like A in Greek). So Breath o' the Wild's Link in Tears o' the Kingdom's gotta be the Omega to a long cycle w/ Demise's curse and the new Alpha to a new story. Like, a big endin' to a long era w/ Demise's curse, then the beginnin' to a new story w/ more fights against sin, evil, AND death 'til Reckonin' Day. The Omega as a brand new Alpha to a brand new cycle. A brand new Alpha to a brand new cycle w/ more gals named Zeldas w/ more guys named Link ta win more fights against the demonic darkness. More Links usin' the renewed, fully restored Master Sword ('til the Savior comes back as the mighty monarch ta rule the whole Earth w/ love).
The master sword wasn't a thing in hylias era
There was no “first hero of Hylia’s time”. SS Link was the first hero who defeated Demise due to a time travel paradox. Thus SS Link was the first hero
@@truelionofhylia8152 I’m pretty sure the Skyward Sword prequel Manga wasn’t Canon. At least, it hasn’t been fully confirmed like the Historia book. I think the only thing from book that’s Canon for Zelda is the Hyrule Historia
@@AlecEburhard There is a first hero. He was brought up in Skyward Sword and the blade was made before Skyward Sword Link’s time. The first chosen hero was born years before SS Link
Love how the music goes from triumphant and hopeful to super eerie and desolate. Kinda alluding to the fact that they’ll both be trapped down there for at LEAST ten thousand years up until Ganondorf is a mummified “corpse” and Rauru is reduced to only an arm holding him down.
Yeah, way more than 10,000 years
I’ve never thought of it as them standing still slowly decaying like that but that gives be chills.
It's crazy how well-attuned Ganondorf was to the secret stone almost immediately. Shit, he faced seven other wielders, but he _ALONE_ nearly beat them all in one go.
it seems like he was just playing too, so much better than botw i love this ganondorf he thinks hes him and hes actually HIM
I like to think that's because this Ganondorf, unknowingly, is the reincarnation of the previous Ganondorf, holder of the Triforce of Power.
And then… Link came by lol
It’s because he has the power of suavemente
@@TheDeadmanstrolling can’t be
This is a Ganondorf from before OoT
5:40 is the same type of words from Tai Lung that said: Finally, a worthy opponent, our battle will be Legendary.
Hell ya dude I also got kung fu panda vibes at 4:36 when he hits ganondorf its like when oogway hits tai lung
That sealing scene should be an amibo
I’m just going to say it.
This is the best Ganondorf has been since Ocarina of Time.
*wind waker
I don’t know, Twilight Princess Ganondorf was pretty badass.
Wind waker/oot ganondorf is still the best ganondorf but totk is a close second
OOT Ganondorf ain’t even that good lol. Generic villain. Wind wakers is much better imo
@@Someone86000he said oot/ww because there the same Ganondorf he just had time to think about his motives while sealed away
I smiled like an IDIOT when his theme kicked in!! Ganondorf is the best villain in video game history hands down. Pure evil, no redemption, just doesn't give a fuck.
Majora's Mask would like to have a word. It was arguably MUCH more evil than Ganondorf.
Ganondorf wanted to rule the world... Majora's Mask wanted to end it.
@@Travis371 Fair fair! I do agree. I wonder... What if Majora was able to possess Ganondorf? Oh man, the world would end in no time flat.
@@TinyToadSage Majora's Mask possessing Ganondorf would be one of the most twisted things I've ever seen in my entire life.
Honestly. Totk did Ganondorf so much justice since OoT or Twlilight princess and it made him feel like a genuinely intimidating villain that was a force to be reckoned with. The other versions just kinda felt like a guy with anger issues and his design was a little quirky but this truly felt like the REAL Ganondorf we all know and love
@@ATwistedKindofParadise I disagree. Majora was more ate up in the head than Ganondorf.
In my head canon, the average person in the Zelda world (who hasn't received a bunch of spirit orbs and light blessings like Link) has only three hearts. That's why Ganondorf is able to stomp everyone else.
That's...actually a good point, now that I think about it.
That's a good headcanon
I can't express how floored I am by this game. The cutscenes are breathtaking. The music is fantastic.
Like everything about this game and the lore behind it is a masterpiece
This memory is so good when viewed just before the Awakening memory.
"Thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye. You only delay the inevitable."
"You're wrong. Years from now, someone will appear with the sword that seals the darkness. A swordsman with the power to defeat you. Link. Remember... this name."
"Link... interesting... I look forward... to him..."
*Ganondorf's first words after awakening:*
"Was that the sword that seals the darkness? A blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me."
"Zelda... you, who carries that fragile sword... are Link. Rauru placed his faith in you..."
When I saw that memory for the first time it just felt so right. it's the game's time loop, come full circle. The first thing we see in the game, and then the final action that comes before. You can tell that Ganondorf was right. For him, all these millennia really have passed in an instant. The last thing he remembers is Rauru sealing him, and now he's back, and in his mind, the only threat to him was defeated before he was even conscious.
I would like to add how when you first face phantom Ganon he thinks the only getting link to where he is is the arm. Then when you defeat phantom Ganon, he realizes that his a lot more than just an arm. Heck if anything link would have probably been able to beat him with it
A bit hypocrite of Ganondorf to say that Rauru was wasting the power but when he himself is wasting it on destruction 😑😑😑😑
Not really hypocrisy. Telling someone that they are wasting something is always a matter of opinion and a difference between a set of values. If someone valued hoarding money, they will always see someone giving it away to help others a waste of time and vice versa. I remember someone who had average telling someone who had eidetic memory that they were wasting their time trying to live a normal life when he could be saving the world by being a scientist/doctor or some shit. In Ganon’s perspective, he values exerting power for destruction and dominance; he will always see the opposite of that as a waste of time.
It’s a matter of perspective on what one considers “a waste.”
@@MrWongWey Doesn't change the fact that he killed the queen of the country just to get the power he desired. So his perspective is flawed as he fails to see the other side, he couldn't even let them be.
Know this, behind those perspectives is a person with an ego born of insecurities. Let's not forget that this Ganondorf like those before him keeps making the same predictable mistakes. He sees power to obtain his goals, and he would destroy the lives of others before he lets anyone else live. He's still hypocritical in a sense that he squanders all his power into taking over the world because he sees himself to be "the only one capable". He's learned nothing and his incarnations continues to learn nothing throughout the ages. If that's not insanity, then people needs to learn from the history they disregard. All Ganondorf is doing is proving how power corrupts and causes suffering to anyone whose not him.
@@MrWongWey Agreed
I think instead of destroying he could've just ruled the kingdom
@@ProBroZeeOfficialDenise's reincarnations always think about destroying unfortunately. Hopefully there's a Ganondorf who would want to break the cycle...
I think it would be better if ganondorf somehow had the memories from the ganon from OOT just to reveal the circle of reincarnation to link and zelda, their reaction would be great to see.
I kinda get the feeling that most of the zelda games are not connected, that they are just alternative universes, not more
Yea I wish that happened to
Doubt that, considering Demon King Ganondorf comes from a time long before OOT and right after Skyward Sword
@@toon2152 there are 4 timelines now, when add time travel or something it will make a new timeline
@@alexjackyperson101 no they said at the point of breath of the wild all the timelines have reconverged and cannon is whatever basically the old games are considered legends at this point
Ganondorf truly is evil personified.
In a way he is, he’s made of evil since he is the incarnation of the hatred and evil of someone who is basically Satan
@Thoughtful Why'd you say that?
He's the reincarnation of demise.
Kinda expected
hes a better villain than what disneys made in the past 7 years
Well, Ganondorf isn't technically a Disney villain.
´the sword that seals the darkness´ sounds so fucking cool
This is some Elden ring type stuff. Ganondorf got that flowing hair. 😂
in a different universe ganondorf could be a elden ring boss
@Chiki Ganondorf as an Elden Ring boss would be a nightmare to face against and amazing at the same time.
If Gannon is a pig not a random animal ?? And the triforce is actually in the Games Religion???
Hes radahns cousin
How is this anything like elden ring?
Zelda: “Queen Sonia needs you!”
Me: “Zelda - her spine just got turned to Jell-O”
Haha, thank you! Same thought I had! Dude, Sonia is dead! Go to town, Raruru!
This theme at the end is so good
Zelda shouting "rauru!" sounded so raw and genuinely desperate omfg
See, this is how you introduce personal investment in a hero's story. Rauru really gave his everything to leave this matter to you. You might have never met him but he feels like a close ally all along.
Ganondorf finally speaks?!?!
@@RenSako he has but not with a fully acted voice,unlike his 4 other previous iterations
The main theme omg its BEAUTIFUL
The main theme leitmotif ALWAYS hits hard
When this game came out, I was super hyped to see the return of Ganondorf!!!
I got spoiled here and there but was still blown away when I saw the full thing
Clutched and overwhelmed a 1v7, past and present sages
Absolutely terrifying combat abilities and speed
The dragon alone was awe inspiring and intimidating in a sense
Zelda music goes SO HARD. I swear I’ve gotten goosebumps several times playing botw and totk from the music alone
Rauru almost defeated Ganondorf with a one punch man attack
Revenge for what he did to Sonia
4:11 I haven't gotten to this part yet, but does Ganondorf mean he has seen this exact tactical attack, or does he remember his incarnation when this exact attack took place, as he says, "Now Rauru" and "I've seen this before." I wonder this because the timeline loops back to skyward sword somehow
It just mean when the sages are fighting him, they tried it before, so ganondorf know the trick and thought rauru was trying to trick him.
Zelda uses the same thing a little bit before the first cutscene in this video, when his puppet tried to kill sonia
He said he saw that before because Zelda used that exact trick before killed Sonia
Do you think the sages awkwardly walked around them to pick up their weapons?
....Did it never occur to them to rip off Ganondorf's sacred stone while he was a mummy? The fact that they didn't do that feels like a monumentally stupid thing to miss.
I think it won't work because unlike most holders of the secret stone, Ganondorf's merged with his forehead and therefore, nearly, if not equal on Demise level of power.
Pheraps it was to keep the seal intact
This and zelda not using her goddesses powers...
@@alphaaegis2625 The powers she explicitly said was gone at the end of BoTW?
@@conormccue2871 Then how is she powering up Rauru's beam?
Zonia also mention that she has the power to dispel darkness or something
Can I just say ganondorf looks fucking amazing in every game. We need Ganondorf merch
I like how they imply that Ganondorf seems to know Link through his reincarnations.
Does it?
Well I mean he is the literal hate for that twink taken form-
Not really, he only knows him thanks to Rauru
One of the best transformations in the game.
I wasnt prepared for gandaddy nintendo wtf
I have no idea whats going on, but i like it
And that is why you start the story from the start.
aww you poor slow child😢
@@breeseburger nah
@@itzdcxwow like the story is so memorable
don;t worry, the story of botw and totk is garbage anyway
I love Rauru's voice. He sounds just like Dimitri.
That’s because they both share the same voice actor!
@@wackko300 I know, and it's awesome.
@@KDAC2001 I agree!:)
@@MiracleTimes07 Yeah. Lol
5:10 When Rauru’s Theme kicks in and then seamlessly moves into the Zelda main theme, symbolizing Rauru’s strength (even can say his arm) transferring to Link always gets me teary-eyed.
3:56 totally not Rauru rizzing 💀💀
He looks similar to demise. I'm sure that's intentional.
It 100% is
It definitely is. He's literally the reincarnation of Demise's hatred.
He's more similar to an Oni (a demonic creature of japanese folklore) than Demise.
@@luisramosaguilar3493 onis can look like anything. He specifically resembles Demise.
@@luisramosaguilar3493no he looks like demise
5:40 pure hype
Id picture Ganondorf saying "Link. That" or something
He doesn’t know Link though
He does say that. He says "You who carries that fragile blade... are link"
@@JakeYolk he knows of him because rauru tells him
@@apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868 ik i had a brain fart lol
After ganon was immobilized, no one thought to rip that stone outta his head?
This game truly is a masterpiece
Botw is better
Bro should audition for the shampoo adds, they would totally hire him 💀
Ganondorf was already powerful to begin with, and the stone just made it unfair. This Ganondorf is so powerful due to being the first spawn of Demise. After he was sealed away, Demise had to create a new Ganondorf, who we see in oot, tp, ww, the original zelda games, etc
Why would you give the bad guy a heads up by revealing Link will come clap you in the future? So stupid
I think because Ganon has no memories of the past times Link killed him so he just thinks they are bluffing
Also perhaps because he knows this is fate, and Link will best Ganon, so he’s basically saying ‘Yeah, this has happened before, you won’t win, so I’ll just two you what happens.’
I think Rauru was trying to strike fear into Ganondorf by doing something like, "trembleat his name. Link!"
obviously it didn't work.
I mean:
Rauru tells Ganondorf about Link - Ganondorf gets clapped in the future by Link
Rauru doesn't tell Ganondorf about Link - Ganondorf gets clapped in the future by Link
So it doesn't really matter in the end.
@@glupshitto7402 lol exactly, the comment is acting like there was going to be consequences, Ganondorf underestimated Link anyway.
I can’t believe it’s been 1 year!!
King Rauru is like a medival master splinter.
2:20 rauru was about to wipe ganon off the timeline
*to die earlier than he should have.
Rauru has got to be the most trusting character I've ever seen. He was willing to bet the lives of everyone in his kingdom and said kingdoms's future on someone he's never met, thousands of years in advance
4:35 Bro got hit with that Taco Bell
0:53 Ganondorf is like a mortal reincarnated version of Ganon.
so is Ganondorf like a Super-Saiyajin? when he became stronger his hair grew longer
That & the Stone didn’t GIVE him his Demonic form & powers, it was in him all along - the stone just gave him a Massive Power boost. If Goku or Vegeta back in the Saiyan Saga had the stone, it would of boosted them to a Super Saiyan.
My brother beat the game before me, and told me there was a scene that will be so epic I'll feel emotional.
I thought it was the scene with Zelda eating her secret stone to become a dragon. That was epic too. But when I found THIS cutscene- I pissed my pants with excitement.
Nintendo really did a good job on the character's expressions, I feel like they're so alive, especially rauru
1:34 Is that melody a Gamecube startup easter egg?
It’s just used to make the scene more intimidating
@@MiracleTimes07 Now that makes sense, I remember watching this on the phone and it sounded like the gc intro lol
The ending cutscene: nothing can ruin this moment of the story
Zelda: RAuUuUrRrRUUuUuu!!!!!!!
The ending cutscene: FUUUUU-
K bro what’s creepy about this scene is the time in between. Like imagine gannondorfs body slowly deteriorating, or even worse Rauru who wasted away over time till nothing but his ARM was left
I love how the hinox just yawned
I found this cutscene out of order and it was quite hilarious, the order of what I say was:
Zelda waking up in the pass
She talking to Sonia and Rauro
Ganondorf killing Sonia and f*cking everything up
Sozia and Zelda having a lovely conversation in the garden
I like how he just straight up says GANONDORF DESTROYS EVERYONE, except just putting "birth of the demon king"
gannondorf went in for the fist bump but failed
What I don’t get is why raru had to hold him there for thousands of years when in reality as soon as ganon froze up someone could’ve snatched the stone from his forehead
Who would win in a fight against the demon king, seven sages with secret stones or one determined twink?
Ganon is just filled with INSANITY
2:19 Not the first time Chris Hackney’s lost his cool and lunged at the killer…
Ah, yes. Mr. Dimitri from FE:3H.😂
*laughs hysterically*
Beginning scene
"Iv givin thee, courtesy enough"
@@MiracleTimes07 Dude is killing it in Nintendo games. Rauru and Dimirtri are not small roles
damn i havent seen zelda express so much emotion that wasnt either anger or crying
2:20 If you play Fire Emblem Three Houses, you can hear Post-time skip Dimitri facing Ganondorf for being the Flame Emperor instead of “you-know-who”.
*laughs hysterically*
Bro how has no one thought of the theory that the skyloftians evolved into the zonai? A lot of them very clearly did not leave skyloft since the only thing that fell was the hylia statue.
Link still beat him with no stone for himself , he really is OP
He can't do shit without the master sword nor ultrahand
Those sideburns are legendary
I was just wondering. Why didn't Zelda and the other sages removed the secret stone from Ganondorf's forehead while he's imprisoned by Rauru's magic?
Could’ve broken the seal
Because plot
Ganon's stone was a corrupted secret stone, thus tampering with such could break him free. Even when Rauru's stone fell off in the beginning of the game Ganondorf was free
Zelda " Rauru, Sonia needs you!"...girl Sonia is dead
0:13 little neat reference to the theme that plays in the botw hyrule castle theme
Ganondorf honestly looks like Sauron without armor… I’m SO DOWN! Now just get the two bastards on screen to fight it out!
2:37 zelda said she wanted to play switch for a while
Ganondorf literally turns into Demise as one of his forms
I guess that Triforce of Power really went to his head!!
my favorite legend of Zelda villain hands down
He went into sleep mode
ganondorf cant use a kill blast, but i can, in my dreams
This soundtrack is built different
Honestly, the entire Imprisoning War memory sounds good in Japanese VA.
Basically rauru used reaper death seal on himself and ganondorf
This is what happens when Ganon doesn't have his Snickers I see...
the mouth sync in "I can feel my strength surging" is so fucking bad
I thought maybe the mouths were animated to sync with their Japanese lines, since Zelda is technically a Japanese game.
@@saviitrius true. but the game itself has default english audio and subtitles, plus it's name is english, so i dunno.
@@StatusZer00 I figured that would be the case *despite* the default language. I thought it was for all the games since Twilight Princess. It could just be an animation staple since this is only the second time a Zelda game has had voice acting. In every other game in the series, animating to sync with english wasn't necessary.
1:21 I was woken up for this?? I'm going back to sleep!
The fact that this hasn’t got a single like in a year is crazy this is so funny 😭
Anyone else believe that the Triforce of Courage acts somewhat like One For All; if not Fi in the Master Sword retaining all the memories of the past Heros?
Why isn’t anyone talking about the similarities?!
Huge Zelda fan here and TOTK is an outright masterpiece.
That being said, you'd think at least one of the sages witnessing the Imprisoning would suggest just dismembering the now decaying corpse of Ganondorf, with each race guarding a piece for all time, if it can't be destroyed outright....
But I suppose we wouldn't have a game then 🤣
How can anybody in this world deny that Zelda is the most constant gaming series in peak gaming experience? :D