Always voted Blue in the past unlikely to again until they find an articulate leader with vision and courage. Seymour talks the big game and so long as his ego doesn't get the better of him ( as it showed signs of during the election campaign in his 'discussions' with Peters in the minor parties' debates) he is such a man. I applaud his courage and ability to articulate his views and many of his policies.
With you on that. I voted national to get Helen out. I voted national to get Jacinda out until the last election. 2 weeks out from the election I changed my vote to act because I worked out that Mr Luxon was going to reneg on his stance on stop co governance, and my assumption has turned out to be bang on. Yes I want EQUALITY, equal rights and equal opportunitys but I will not tolerate colour politics and national will never get my vote again so long as they persue this line of politicing.
@@dougbell2203Seymour brought the Atlas Network to Co-Governance here AFTER SHRIEKING ABOUT MĀORI CO-GOVERNANCE 😮 He is a dangerous liar for big business 😢😢
@MaryAda-wj3dy too late, eh. Seymour brought the Atlas Network into CO-GOVERNANCE by STEALTH after Atlas Network (est 1981 by Sir Antony Fisher 1915) began the ACT Party as a Think Tank 30 YEARS ago.
He was weak, and the worst PM ever! Look at the influx of migrants under his watch. Made the economy look half decent, but it was just a facade, GFC gave him free reign, just like Robbo. We're in the mess we are, because of his Govt. He and Bill English screwed NZ. Hekia Parata and Anne Tolley LOL
Look at what he Promised to the People of New Zealand around the PIKE River Mine Disaster, which his Government was in charge of H&S along with the Dropping Down the Number of Mines Inspectors from 14 across NZ Down too Only 4 at the Time of the PIKE River Mine Explosion 💥 at 3.45pm 19 November 2010 "LEST WE FORGET the DEAD 29 Men"
Michael Laws - your assessment of John Keys seems to me to be 100% correct. The trouble is that the cat is out of the bottle. The itch has been scratched and democracy (i.e. government by the people) has been fundamentally undermined. One Person (not ethnicity) One VOTE, and that means Maori are NOT a 50% of control, power. Now they will not accept anything less than one Maori vote being worth at least two New Zealander votes.
Everyone only gets one vote. No matter what role your voting in. Maori role means Maori can pick who represents them better. Its not taking anything away from you crybaby
@@tpaine1815 wel that has to go. I agree with you totally. 1 vote only to each person otherwise it's just a racist communistic regime that will turn us into a Mugabe replica run state. Don't for one minute think that TPM or elite radical separatist racist activist maori give a damm about the rest of us. Just listen to hana wariri and Debbie in the house r willy jackson or john tamahwre and kiri tamahere with all their insulting racist deceptive rhetoric. They still think they are better than anyone else and TPM have openly declared that they want control by 2040. They are rapidly figering up every trick in the book to take whatever they can however they can whenever and from who ever they can and half of nzers are just sitting back and doing nothing about it. Time to stand up for democracy. Equality equal rights and equal opportunities for all nzers including Maori and definitely only 1 vote per person. Get rid of all those racist political special rights designed for only one race and end the deceit deception and misinformation that us causing a huge division in our society once and for all.
What Key is actually saying is to capitulate to Maori and make everybody who doesn't have any Maori lineage a second class citizen. This started with the biggest lying government in NZ of the 80s the then Labour government and we have been sinking slow ever since . I would say that both ACT and NZ First are the only thing standing in the way of National continuing this tradition of failure.
Thanks for that Michael. Totally agree - Key was nothing more than a 'used car salesman.' And you didn't even touch on how he allowed 'housing' to become the biggest driver of the NZ economy at the expense of anything seriously productive. It never ceases to amaze me how Key has somehow maintained the reputation for being a competent Prime Minister. He laid the seeds for all of the problems NZ is now facing and as you said, planted the garden for Jacinda to come onto armed with her ideological watering can.
I find it extremely difficult to comprehend how we have had 2 absolute incompetent PMs in the last few years in Key and Ardern and for that incompetence they are rewarded with Knighthoods. The system is so ridiculous and corrupt it’s sickening. 🤮
@@kungfutzu3779 I beg to differ. His background is money trading not politics. You may think he is a globalist but he is ambivalent. He supports whomsoever he can make a fast buck out of. I’ve not voted National since he dropped Bill English in the turds.
Agree nothing behind the eyes, I have always thought that of him imo.....a man who as a currency trader is used to making instant decisions about other peoples money, along with that no emotional involvement if loses made, never been a fan.
He certainly sold kiwi workers to Warner Brothers. My understanding until then had been that governments work for the citizens (i.e. not foreign corporations). I've since boycotted Peter Jackson's films.
He was a economic genus...jacked up the GST and opened up the flood gates to migrants we didn't need that took the jobs and brought existing business and sacked the local employees and brought in slave labor to exploit..the guy was vacuum in a suit!!!.🤣🤣🤣
Dont listen to Key, its time for the hard decisions to be sorted,, now is the time , fix the problems, i dont want my grandchildren paying for gutless politician's mistakes
In my book, the worst of it was that Key led a govt that opened NZ to mass migration, a policy that has been continued since by all the shades of govt that have followed. If we take health as an example, the health system was not designed or funded for 1 million additional people. Not a problem for Key and his cronies who can afford private health care and indeed private schooling for their kids. But for the rest of us, we have seen all of our public infrastructure overload and new infrastructure not get funded. The degradation of NZ public services in this way commenced under his watch and is part of his sad legacy.
And the hilarious thing is John key got a knighthood. Laughable. Don’t forget his hand in housing prices. Consequence of allowing his overseas mates to have unchecked foreign investment in residential housing. From which he himself profited from quite nicely. And Luxon tried to bring it back again this time round. Stopped again by Winston Peter’s, as you say the handbrake to the left and right. Essential NZ first remains in government going forward.
One of the first things Key did on election was bring back UK type honours to NZ. He would have got his mates or himself nominated at termination of ' reign'. Actually, I believe all PMs get one no matter what eg. J A. Another horrible thing, he committed NZ to active action in Afghanisten & they got badly kicked. These guys never read history or think of the big picture....the common man pays the price.
Keys rock star economy relied on immigration and houses going up in value I agree he was a failure for younger kiwis wanting a house and decent education!
@@olliemoose2020 good point ! They have really stuffed up the re build of the city the Metro Center has run out to over 480 k and 18 months behind completion I have had my house repaired and now they are going to pay me out for a rebuild because Fletchers hired cowboys!
Encouraged gun sales & used the licence fees as revenue gathering. We are paying for that process now - heavily. No need for any citizen of NZ to have a gun/rifle of any form - excel farmers in the Deep South?
@@johnlamb3101 nor is the need for a car that does 260 k or a V8/engine but oh we live in a democracy. And I can own both because this is not North Korea so suck it sucks to have freedom of choice and not be dictated to Jezzz Cindy took all that bad guns away and now only the criminals get to have them and not law abiding citizens!
Well said and correctly identified, Michael. Key opened Pandora's Box and sold us down the river, aided and abetted by Christopher Finlayson. But Luxon looks up to Key as a mentor and he's one of his "A lister" mates that he so deperately wants to emulate. Just like Key, Luxon wanted the job for his own prestige and status, and there's nothing more that he wants now than a Knighthood, to pander ot his narcissistic proclivities. This country absolutely needs the Treaty principles discussion, otherwise we are stuffed. Of course, both Key and Luxon can jet off to Hawaii with their A-Lister pals when the going gets tough, which it undoubtedly will given we've allowed this matter to fester for far too long..
Housing crisis would have gotten bigger, as it will with Luxton, and National would have let people die of covid because the economy is more important than lives.
Totally agree with Michael Laws. Key lives in a privileged wealth bubble and would not be much affected by Te Pati separatist apartheid BS. John Key ran a way from dealig with the hard issues. Luxon is not much better. just as well we have David Seymour, Shane Jones and Winston Peters to do the heavy lifting.
A really great analysis Michael. We are so grateful to you. What's most telling about John Key's "speech" was that he does not refer to the actual Treaty. Someone, some day, has to confront the actual words of the Treaty AND confront Maori with those words. It's the elephant in the room. That is to say: That the Treaty is not a partnership. There is absolutely no evidence of the idea of 'partnership' in the Treaty. Read Justice Willy's excellent analysis HERE. That Maori were made equal before the law with everyone else via article 3. That via cession of sovereignty, article 1, all the resources of the country, other than those privately owned, were given over to the British to be put under their management e.g.. fisheries, forests, water, beaches, etc. That special rights and privileges for Maori are just not in the actual words of the Treaty. John Key didn't have the guts to confront Maori with these and other points, by referencing THE ACTUAL WORDS of the Treaty. Why? Key didn't want to know the actual words of the Treaty, it's actual meaning, for if he did, and he was honest, he'd have no option but to confront Maori activists about how 'off' they are with their understanding / interpretation of the Treaty. In other words, he was and is gutless. He couldn't stomach confrontation. Luxon, under Key's 'tutorship' is showing himself to be the same. This is a case of the blind leading the blind. The gutless showing his protege how to be gutless and how to sidestep confronting the issue head on. This situation with Maori activists demanding more and more (and it's building as each day goes by) is like a boil. Medics tell me that that longer a boil is left un-lanced, the worse it gets. And the worse it gets, the more painful it will be for the patient when it's eventually lanced. When are we going to get a PM who had the guts, and courage, and wisdom to lance the boil, once and for all? Remember the saying of the police "The faster you go, the bigger the mess" ? We could come up with a similar slogan for New Zealand's political situation "The longer we wait to lance the boil, the more painful the eventual lancing will be." The other point I would make it this - what does “take the temperature down a wee bit” mean? For John Key, over and over, it meant appeasement. For 50 years, appeasement has been the order of the day for successive governments. There is a familiar pattern here. Maori activists have worked out that the more they protest and complain, the more they get what they want. They have worked out that when they INCREASE THE TEMPERATURE (i.e. up the complaints, the protests, the bullying, the intimidation, the niggling, the walk outs, the threats of court action, etc), the more the government, without fail, appeases them, turning up the dial of appeasement. Thus "the temperature" is dialled down. For activists, this is a game. They only ever turn down the temperature of their protests / complaints / niggling / intimidation when they are appeased. Then there is a lull. Then they start up again with a different issue from the previous one. And so this dreadful, pathetic, tragic cycle - complain-appease-complain-appease-complain-appease - continues. What's the big problem with this? Inch by inch, increment by increment, the activists move towards their goal of taking over the country. For activists, we are a play thing. They have worked us out, but we have not worked them out. I have written a book about this, which you can read HERE For Maori activists, we are easy beats, simpletons, as easy to steal from as taking lollies off babies. They salivate when a gutless, history ignorant PM comes onto the throne. Why? Because they are good for cave ins and appeasement. Luxon fits the profile perfectly. The more Key is involved, the more activists rub their hands with glee. Key is literally teaching Luxon how to appease and cave in, one coward to another. Now...tell me if that is not the truth.
People like Don Brash and Duncan Webb should never have left the Vienna coffeeshop in 1911. They have less mana, gravitas or power than Nicky Kay or Swarbuck crying in public Brash is a snowflake. Nothing.
@@hughheeney3554 Why withhold judgement?...the guy has the military all needled with lethal force to shoot you in the arm the minute the Defence Minister orders a new plandemic
China never had a better agent than John Key during the Grafar Farms saga which involved the Overseas Investment office that Key appeared too influence.. Its like you say Michael, Key never added value too NZ. I only saw him adding value too John Key.
The 2 prime ministerial mates John Key & Christopher Luxon both didn't take the PM Salary ? they are both doing/did it for love of country ? and behind closed doors both have paved the way for Māori ownership of our coastline and Co Governance . They both answer to Blackrock CEO Larry Fink , like Ardern who had a meeting with Larry in NY after speaking at the UN , 2 weeks later she was gone ! Do you know where your ESG deductions from your pay go ? Blackrock . It doesn't matter what side your on they own both sides , it's just a game for those in control and we are all being played.
@@PeteThecurious100 Another point would be the speed at which Key and Luxon gained power from zero to PM in roughly 3 years each , unheard-of in modern political times and yet New Zealanders just shrug their shoulders as if it's nothing . Luxon is an asset of Blackrock which has controlling share in Unilever where Luxon spent 18 years . Unilever is the number 1 woke corporation in the western world period , please look at the link as to how many other companies they own it's mind blowing "List of Unilever brands " 🕳
I remember speaking to a Nat MP who said to me that the reason Key wont do anything that should be done was his 60% approval rating. He was scared of that number going down.
I have always been a National supporter. John Key changed my attitude. I put Jacinda and John in the same canoe. John Key Immigration , flag changing and bicycle lanes. Jacinda put a scarf over your head and be kind. Rubbish leaders with their own pathetic agendas. I can almost hear them saying to there partners, l will do this for as long as l can it will put me on the world stage and think of all the VIP’s you will meet during my term. Both shocking leaders.
My thoughts are Mr Laws, you make some very interesting comments about John Key. His so called 'rock star economy' was never helpful to myself or anyone I knew. But of course I have never moved in millionaire circles. Interesting. Thanks for your show.
I agree with Michael. It is time to have a real discussions on where New Zealand should be going factoring in the increasing global geopolitical, trade, economic, manufacturing, supply chains and health uncertainties and the unpredictable destructive effects of a warming planet.
Or was 'changing our flag' a euphemism for Shonkey John Key stealing and putting some of the $37 million in his back pocket ? The Flawed NZ political system allows criminal activity....then they "run out of gas" and bolt with no accountability whatsoever while the media gloss it over and the new government is left to pick up the pieces.
You're the man, great summary. Key also helped canvas for Helen Clark trying to win the votes for secretary general of the United Nations, showing his true colours.
The key problem with Key is that he did not tackle the really big issues. He refused to tackle Maori Nationalism, refused to deconstruct the Waitangi Treaty nonsense, refused to organise the economy in a manner that did not rely on cheap immigrant labour, refused to stand with the Aussies and US against Communist China, and so on and so forth. So that, when Jacinda and the Bolsheviks came to power, the Far Left could just pick up from where Helen Clark left off. The best observation came from Damien Grant recently: “the leadership of National are showing themselves to be the same timid and ineffective party of cautious inactivity that we saw under Key. They lack the political will to take on the teacher unions and improve education. They are unable to introduce market discipline into health that is the only means of driving improved performance.” Say no more !
If you think not supporting the US and Australia against China is a problem you really don't understand geopolitics. China isn't communist, their economic model is for sure NOT communist that much is clear. It takes a massive schill like Luxon to come out against China because China is our largest trading partner.... Can you comprehend the ignorance of this move? It seems you can't. Pro lock down too I bet
Small correction - many Māori had the right to vote before women and before many Pakeha men bc voting back in the 1860's was based on 'land holdings'... So, our trip to representative Democracy has favoured Māori from a very early stage...
Your commentary is accurate and wonderful. I'd not had an allergic reaction to a kiwi PM since Muldoon, until donkey arrived. He was the worst we'd had in decades.
The word "Partnership" does not appear in the Treaty, "Cede Sovereignty" does however - twice, the only "principal" in the Treaty to do so. In Key speak it wasn't a merger it was a takeover. In Gang-speak it was a patch-over. Laws you are absolutely spot on, you only have to read the Treaty to understand why. It only takes five minutes to read it, and if you struggle there is "The Treaty for Dummies" on you tube. Watch it, it is stunning to say the least how much it is twisted by everybody even Luxon and Key, and Boldger, and and and and and and and and. BUT, not Winston, not Seymour, not Laws. God bless you boys, God bless you all, for you speak the God honest truth of the matter.
Michael Laws is 100% correct in his words about John Key. The major issues we have with Education, Health, Housing & Race Relations originated when Key was PM. So please National Party, for the benefit of our Country & our People, DO NOT LISTEN TO JOHN KEY. He was a failed PM & has created the ongoing Treaty gravy train & had nothing for the non Maori population. Why do you think we have over a million Kiwis living overseas !
In the ideal world, John Key and Chris Finlayson would apologise for allowing possibly half of our beaches to be removed from public ownership. Part of their apology would involve no more appeasement of extremists.
Yes I agree with you about this. The thing that Key dosen't remember is that a big portion of us voted for not toning down the conversation about the division in nz. We voted act and nz first. To try to address this now. Otherwise everyone with any brains is going to exit. Gone Gone all the smart cookies they are leaving. Thanks.
I'm beginning to agree with those who see Key, Adern, Trudeau, Macron, Blair etc etc as globalists and effectively a uniparty i.e it doesn't matter who is in power you get the same thing. Unfortunately I think Luxon is pretty clearly of the same ilk and no doubt approved Key's speech. I think it's actually our proportional representation that is giving us a voice against this. I voted for Winston and am very glad i did. If you told me five years ago I'd become a NZ First voter I'd have thought you were mad
I voted for National and Key, but you are dead right and while I didn't agree with everything he did I didn't quite realize how bad he actually was. This should be broadcasted to the whole country on TV1 and the maori channel.
John Key as keynote speaker for the Nats conference fed the Luxon narrative perfectly. Luxon is a juniour Key and demonstrates the same lack of courage when facing the Woke and Māori activism that has infiltrated our government services sector.
John Key's biggest mistake was working with the Māori Party. In retrospect, Winston and NZ First was a better coalition partner that wouldn't have allowed this Pandora's box to be opened
He always came across as smarmy to me. Slippery. I never trusted him. So patronizing to the NZ public. I agree with you, he's got his Knighthood and his connections through politics and that's all he wanted. Self serving weasel. And I, like you Michael, used to be a Blue supporter. The fence is so much more objective nowadays.....
Mr Laws - I have new found respect for you! You nailed the performance of Key during those 3 terms. NZ is DESPERATELY crying out for good leadership. The situation is now critical. The coalition MUST shape up.
I met Michael Laws when he was a member of the Select Committee considering the Student Loan Scheme Bill - he was quite late to the meeting, unprepared and arrogantly annoyed at everyone else who had read the papers ....however after some minutes, he proceeded to ask the most insightful and probing questions of them all - that doesn't excuse the mullet
I voted for Key, twice, and he flattered to deceive. He spent too much time cosying up to the UN & WEF etc too make himself look good and look where that has gotten us - the majority of NZers. He was only interested in his rich mates and acquiesced to the Maoris at every turn. Yep, sorry John but you screwed us. Now P off.
On point mr Law .I'll always remember john key as the guy who buried our brothers alive in the pike river mine tragedy cause he didn't have enough balls to rescue them .he had all the power, resources and support to attempt to rescue but decided their fate for them .
I am generally not a fan of yours, Mr. Laws, but you NAILED this, exposing the Populous to the ignorance and incompetence of Jonny, who had a very good marketing team behind him ( including the Lamestream Media ), and unbeknownst to the everyday Kiwi ( me included ), that he was on the payroll of uncle klAus, soRos, and fiNk. Well done, Mike
Ex PM's should stay the hell out of things. That goes for Helen Clarke as well.
They're all in the Schwab nest together
Yes it's funny they both think that they actually did a good job 😂
AND JA.... you jumped a sinking ship... move overseas now that you're an ELITE !!!
@@richardosborne2067 Shit, I'm hoping not.
One wants to stay on the throne the other wants to legalise the cone
Thanks for calling John Key out. From a conservative who has lost all faith in the National party.
Always voted Blue in the past unlikely to again until they find an articulate leader with vision and courage. Seymour talks the big game and so long as his ego doesn't get the better of him ( as it showed signs of during the election campaign in his 'discussions' with Peters in the minor parties' debates) he is such a man. I applaud his courage and ability to articulate his views and many of his policies.
With you on that. I voted national to get Helen out. I voted national to get Jacinda out until the last election. 2 weeks out from the election I changed my vote to act because I worked out that Mr Luxon was going to reneg on his stance on stop co governance, and my assumption has turned out to be bang on. Yes I want EQUALITY, equal rights and equal opportunitys but I will not tolerate colour politics and national will never get my vote again so long as they persue this line of politicing.
Vote NZ First!
@@dougbell2203Seymour brought the Atlas Network to Co-Governance here AFTER SHRIEKING ABOUT MĀORI CO-GOVERNANCE 😮
He is a dangerous liar for big business 😢😢
@MaryAda-wj3dy too late, eh.
Seymour brought the Atlas Network into CO-GOVERNANCE by STEALTH after Atlas Network (est 1981 by Sir Antony Fisher 1915) began the ACT Party as a Think Tank 30 YEARS ago.
Key is a slimy, self-serving bankster. He sold-out NZ to WEF.
Keu is a lazy disgusting individual self serving at all times
He was weak, and the worst PM ever! Look at the influx of migrants under his watch. Made the economy look half decent, but it was just a facade, GFC gave him free reign, just like Robbo. We're in the mess we are, because of his Govt. He and Bill English screwed NZ. Hekia Parata and Anne Tolley LOL
Well,you are certainly right in the first sentence.
@@richardscanlan3419Never Trust Men who wear Small Hats Mate; Regards Dave McC
@@davidmccormick3742 😘😘😘😘😁😁🤔🤔🤔🤔
John Key has always been a snake in the grass,and everything you say Michael is a 100% correct
Look at what he Promised to the People of New Zealand around the PIKE River Mine Disaster, which his Government was in charge of H&S along with the Dropping Down the Number of Mines Inspectors from 14 across NZ Down too Only 4 at the Time of the PIKE River Mine Explosion 💥 at 3.45pm 19 November 2010 "LEST WE FORGET the DEAD 29 Men"
Laws is obviously anti-Māori and racist 😢
@@cherylreid2964 No he isn't he tells it the way it is.
Michael Laws - your assessment of John Keys seems to me to be 100% correct. The trouble is that the cat is out of the bottle. The itch has been scratched and democracy (i.e. government by the people) has been fundamentally undermined. One Person (not ethnicity) One VOTE, and that means Maori are NOT a 50% of control, power. Now they will not accept anything less than one Maori vote being worth at least two New Zealander votes.
Thats rubbish, another excuse by the right to remove anything Māori based on a perception held by thieves of the nation.
Everyone only gets one vote. No matter what role your voting in. Maori role means Maori can pick who represents them better. Its not taking anything away from you crybaby
@@tpaine1815 wel that has to go. I agree with you totally. 1 vote only to each person otherwise it's just a racist communistic regime that will turn us into a Mugabe replica run state. Don't for one minute think that TPM or elite radical separatist racist activist maori give a damm about the rest of us. Just listen to hana wariri and Debbie in the house r willy jackson or john tamahwre and kiri tamahere with all their insulting racist deceptive rhetoric. They still think they are better than anyone else and TPM have openly declared that they want control by 2040. They are rapidly figering up every trick in the book to take whatever they can however they can whenever and from who ever they can and half of nzers are just sitting back and doing nothing about it. Time to stand up for democracy. Equality equal rights and equal opportunities for all nzers including Maori and definitely only 1 vote per person. Get rid of all those racist political special rights designed for only one race and end the deceit deception and misinformation that us causing a huge division in our society once and for all.
What Key is actually saying is to capitulate to Maori and make everybody who doesn't have any Maori lineage a second class citizen. This started with the biggest lying government in NZ of the 80s the then Labour government and we have been sinking slow ever since . I would say that both ACT and NZ First are the only thing standing in the way of National continuing this tradition of failure.
Hear hear
Agree 💯
Wakaremoana agreement and subsequent Tahoe infighting shows what NZ would be with co governance
NO! Māori do NOT want anyone to be second class😢
ACT and CLuxon might want Māori to STAY 2nd class, with the race-baiting Hate Propaganda
@@jemma_19988this Demolition COAL-ition is ALREADY in CO-GOVERNANCE by STEALTH with the Atlas Network who are behing ACT's existence 😮
Unfortunately he was more interested in being popular and seen as a nice guy.
And desired a knighthood before hoofing with one.
Luxon is the same unfortunately
It seemed especially when he rubbed snout,s with a moari.
@@barrysmith6845nothing wrong with Māori😊
I think pulling pony tails on young waitresses was more his calling in life. Remember the ponygate saga ?
Thanks for that Michael. Totally agree - Key was nothing more than a 'used car salesman.' And you didn't even touch on how he allowed 'housing' to become the biggest driver of the NZ economy at the expense of anything seriously productive. It never ceases to amaze me how Key has somehow maintained the reputation for being a competent Prime Minister. He laid the seeds for all of the problems NZ is now facing and as you said, planted the garden for Jacinda to come onto armed with her ideological watering can.
Oh so Key is responsible for Ardern's governments caucus actions. I think its Trumps fault.
Earthquake, rich, delivary.
Nz public all profit get spent on holidays by free loaders helpping oz bleed us..
I find it extremely difficult to comprehend how we have had 2 absolute incompetent PMs in the last few years in Key and Ardern and for that incompetence they are rewarded with Knighthoods. The system is so ridiculous and corrupt it’s sickening. 🤮
It is nauseating especially Key….Arderns and Bloomfield’s just as bad.
By design
@@mikeholling8830 once quoted "it's a club and we ain't in it"
key is not incompetent. nor is he a coward or procrastinator. he's a globalist. a very effective one. this also explains his animosity to peters
@@kungfutzu3779 I beg to differ. His background is money trading not politics. You may think he is a globalist but he is ambivalent. He supports whomsoever he can make a fast buck out of. I’ve not voted National since he dropped Bill English in the turds.
Agree with you Michael.
Right on point Mr LawsThank you for saying what so many NZers think
Key was a sellout someone I know calls him a major league crim the man is hollow
Agree nothing behind the eyes, I have always thought that of him imo.....a man who as a currency trader is used to making instant decisions about other peoples money, along with that no emotional involvement if loses made, never been a fan.
He certainly sold kiwi workers to Warner Brothers. My understanding until then had been that governments work for the citizens (i.e. not foreign corporations).
I've since boycotted Peter Jackson's films.
Well said Michael. Spot on. All he ever wanted was 'Sir' as prefix to his career.
exactly what I heard
John Key does not like Winston because Winston is not fooled at all, and Winston understands what John Key is capable of.
He was a economic genus...jacked up the GST and opened up the flood gates to migrants we didn't need that took the jobs and brought existing business and sacked the local employees and brought in slave labor to exploit..the guy was vacuum in a suit!!!.🤣🤣🤣
John Key would sell his mother for a Shekel. He cared only for the rich. To me Key was the worst “piece of shit” NZ has ever had in Cabinet.
Well put
100% agree but property investors would not agree
@@jemma_19988 Your right and there he was recently on Breakfast TV stating that he thought house prices in NZ will double over the next ten years.
Weak cowardly leadership in this country. Sick of it.
were is Hika Parata !!!!!!!
Labour's covid response took courage...
Labours Covid response was Bullying and destructive to NZ.
Your delusional.
Pathetic Labour
Dont listen to Key, its time for the hard decisions to be sorted,, now is the time , fix the problems, i dont want my grandchildren paying for gutless politician's mistakes
Trouble is Luxon listens to his MATE. Key
Very, very good analysis Michael. I couldn't agree with you more.
John Key era was one of rampant unchecked low wage migrants ,increased homelessness,and sky high house prices
I agree. Just go to Albany in Auckland. We call it, a Chinese ghetto.
Its very important to have the referendum to recover democracy.
Well said Michael
very well said!
In my book, the worst of it was that Key led a govt that opened NZ to mass migration, a policy that has been continued since by all the shades of govt that have followed. If we take health as an example, the health system was not designed or funded for 1 million additional people. Not a problem for Key and his cronies who can afford private health care and indeed private schooling for their kids. But for the rest of us, we have seen all of our public infrastructure overload and new infrastructure not get funded. The degradation of NZ public services in this way commenced under his watch and is part of his sad legacy.
Agreed absolutely, but it's worse - he enriches his family now through that very corrosive immigration
Yes, it's not migration itself, but rather the scale of migration and speed of it that has dire consequences.
And the hilarious thing is John key got a knighthood. Laughable. Don’t forget his hand in housing prices. Consequence of allowing his overseas mates to have unchecked foreign investment in residential housing. From which he himself profited from quite nicely. And Luxon tried to bring it back again this time round. Stopped again by Winston Peter’s, as you say the handbrake to the left and right. Essential NZ first remains in government going forward.
I have been saying this for years. Knighthoods are for Corporate Fraudsters and Politicians who have Screwed the Country
And Obama got a peace prize for starting wars and droning kids
One of the first things Key did on election was bring back UK type honours to NZ. He would have got his mates or himself nominated at termination of ' reign'. Actually, I believe all PMs get one no matter what eg. J A. Another horrible thing, he committed NZ to active action in Afghanisten & they got badly kicked. These guys never read history or think of the big picture....the common man pays the price.
Did Ardern get a damehood?
Just like Jacinda became a Dame. Politicians should not get honours just for doing their job 😡
Keys rock star economy relied on immigration and houses going up in value I agree he was a failure for younger kiwis wanting a house and decent education!
The only reason the economy was not to distressed was because of the ch ch earth quake and the money it brought into NZ at the time.
@@olliemoose2020 good point ! They have really stuffed up the re build of the city the Metro Center has run out to over 480 k and 18 months behind completion I have had my house repaired and now they are going to pay me out for a rebuild because Fletchers hired cowboys!
Encouraged gun sales & used the licence fees as revenue gathering. We are paying for that process now - heavily. No need for any citizen of NZ to have a gun/rifle of any form - excel farmers in the Deep South?
@@johnlamb3101 Well there are a lot of gun owners that would disagree with you there and I am one of them
@@johnlamb3101 nor is the need for a car that does 260 k or a V8/engine but oh we live in a democracy. And I can own both because this is not North Korea so suck it sucks to have freedom of choice and not be dictated to Jezzz Cindy took all that bad guns away and now only the criminals get to have them and not law abiding citizens!
Well said and correctly identified, Michael. Key opened Pandora's Box and sold us down the river, aided and abetted by Christopher Finlayson. But Luxon looks up to Key as a mentor and he's one of his "A lister" mates that he so deperately wants to emulate. Just like Key, Luxon wanted the job for his own prestige and status, and there's nothing more that he wants now than a Knighthood, to pander ot his narcissistic proclivities. This country absolutely needs the Treaty principles discussion, otherwise we are stuffed.
Of course, both Key and Luxon can jet off to Hawaii with their A-Lister pals when the going gets tough, which it undoubtedly will given we've allowed this matter to fester for far too long..
Imagine how different NZ might have been if they had allied with Winston in 2017…
Housing crisis would have gotten bigger, as it will with Luxton, and National would have let people die of covid because the economy is more important than lives.
Totally agree with Michael Laws. Key lives in a privileged wealth bubble and would not be much affected by Te Pati separatist apartheid BS. John Key ran a way from dealig with the hard issues. Luxon is not much better. just as well we have David Seymour, Shane Jones and Winston Peters to do the heavy lifting.
Luxon is as bad as keys. So disappointed in him.
Harahan bwahahaha Bwahahaha
He always reminded me of Tony Blair and look how that has turned out for the UK
John Key is the epitome of weakness!
Luxon is following right behind him
@@mephistofleecethank goodness we've got Act and NZ first to try and keep National honest, luxon without Winnie or David Seymour would be a walkover
@@daveyboy6985yep I would have to agree. If only we could just have Act and NZ first running things.
@@danieljessop7140 😊 👍
Thanks for pointing out some of this historical stuff that many are not aware of
Well said Michael 👍👍👍
Key had the backbone of a Jellyfish and drifted as mindlessly with the current
please don't degrade jellyfish, key is just a broken shell on the beach that gets trodden on
A really great analysis Michael. We are so grateful to you.
What's most telling about John Key's "speech" was that he does not refer to the actual Treaty.
Someone, some day, has to confront the actual words of the Treaty AND confront Maori with those words. It's the elephant in the room.
That is to say:
That the Treaty is not a partnership. There is absolutely no evidence of the idea of 'partnership' in the Treaty. Read Justice Willy's excellent analysis HERE.
That Maori were made equal before the law with everyone else via article 3.
That via cession of sovereignty, article 1, all the resources of the country, other than those privately owned, were given over to the British to be put under their management e.g.. fisheries, forests, water, beaches, etc.
That special rights and privileges for Maori are just not in the actual words of the Treaty.
John Key didn't have the guts to confront Maori with these and other points, by referencing THE ACTUAL WORDS of the Treaty.
Why? Key didn't want to know the actual words of the Treaty, it's actual meaning, for if he did, and he was honest, he'd have no option but to confront Maori activists about how 'off' they are with their understanding / interpretation of the Treaty. In other words, he was and is gutless.
He couldn't stomach confrontation.
Luxon, under Key's 'tutorship' is showing himself to be the same.
This is a case of the blind leading the blind.
The gutless showing his protege how to be gutless and how to sidestep confronting the issue head on.
This situation with Maori activists demanding more and more (and it's building as each day goes by) is like a boil.
Medics tell me that that longer a boil is left un-lanced, the worse it gets.
And the worse it gets, the more painful it will be for the patient when it's eventually lanced.
When are we going to get a PM who had the guts, and courage, and wisdom to lance the boil, once and for all?
Remember the saying of the police "The faster you go, the bigger the mess" ?
We could come up with a similar slogan for New Zealand's political situation "The longer we wait to lance the boil, the more painful the eventual lancing will be."
The other point I would make it this - what does “take the temperature down a wee bit” mean?
For John Key, over and over, it meant appeasement.
For 50 years, appeasement has been the order of the day for successive governments.
There is a familiar pattern here.
Maori activists have worked out that the more they protest and complain, the more they get what they want.
They have worked out that when they INCREASE THE TEMPERATURE (i.e. up the complaints, the protests, the bullying, the intimidation, the niggling, the walk outs, the threats of court action, etc), the more the government, without fail, appeases them, turning up the dial of appeasement.
Thus "the temperature" is dialled down.
For activists, this is a game. They only ever turn down the temperature of their protests / complaints / niggling / intimidation when they are appeased.
Then there is a lull.
Then they start up again with a different issue from the previous one.
And so this dreadful, pathetic, tragic cycle - complain-appease-complain-appease-complain-appease - continues.
What's the big problem with this?
Inch by inch, increment by increment, the activists move towards their goal of taking over the country.
For activists, we are a play thing. They have worked us out, but we have not worked them out.
I have written a book about this, which you can read HERE
For Maori activists, we are easy beats, simpletons, as easy to steal from as taking lollies off babies.
They salivate when a gutless, history ignorant PM comes onto the throne. Why? Because they are good for cave ins and appeasement.
Luxon fits the profile perfectly.
The more Key is involved, the more activists rub their hands with glee.
Key is literally teaching Luxon how to appease and cave in, one coward to another.
Now...tell me if that is not the truth.
Spot on!
I would much rather have seen Don Brash as Prime Minister.
No charisma at all. Key was successful because it could appeal to a wide range of people and satisfy very few and then up with a knighthood.
Don the savage fighter
@@johnr3150I call it the best scam ever.
People like Don Brash and Duncan Webb should never have left the Vienna coffeeshop in 1911. They have less mana, gravitas or power than Nicky Kay or Swarbuck crying in public
Brash is a snowflake. Nothing.
What is it with ex PMs in New Zealand, KEY AND Clark are tarred with the same brush.
yes and they are being buttinskies and have no right and no say in what is going on
Well said Michael.
Don’t forget he’s now doing business with the Chow brothers who used to build and run brothels , what a classy guy no principles
What's wrong with brothels ?
That’s his drop kick son MAX - using daddy’s ludkas ( Yiddish for money).
I remember that. The department of statistics was running from one of their ex brothel houses at one time.
@@gregberry7647nothing if your John And son max free services🤣🤣
Chris Luxon is another John Key I’m afraid …😢
I'm withholding judgment on Mr Luxon, but I agree it's not looking good.
@@hughheeney3554 Why withhold judgement?...the guy has the military all needled with lethal force to shoot you in the arm the minute the Defence Minister orders a new plandemic
Totally agree. Luxon obsessed with everyone liking him. Especially when he meets someone he touches. Not a strong leader.
Even more slimy than Key
Yes I agree
China never had a better agent than John Key during the Grafar Farms saga which involved the Overseas Investment office that Key appeared too influence..
Its like you say Michael, Key never added value too NZ.
I only saw him adding value too John Key.
Jucinda had 6yrs and basically sold us out
More strength to Michael Laws for exercising these opinions
The 2 prime ministerial mates John Key & Christopher Luxon both didn't take the PM Salary ? they are both doing/did it for love of country ? and behind closed doors both have paved the way for Māori ownership of our coastline and Co Governance . They both answer to Blackrock CEO Larry Fink , like Ardern who had a meeting with Larry in NY after speaking at the UN , 2 weeks later she was gone ! Do you know where your ESG deductions from your pay go ? Blackrock . It doesn't matter what side your on they own both sides , it's just a game for those in control and we are all being played.
Yes an Jacinda walked away with 32 million not bad ahe
i think luxon is drawing a salary
@@PeteThecurious100 Another point would be the speed at which Key and Luxon gained power from zero to PM in roughly 3 years each , unheard-of in modern political times and yet New Zealanders just shrug their shoulders as if it's nothing . Luxon is an asset of Blackrock which has controlling share in Unilever where Luxon spent 18 years . Unilever is the number 1 woke corporation in the western world period , please look at the link as to how many other companies they own it's mind blowing "List of Unilever brands " 🕳
@user-tc7ze6xb4l Jeez. It is true that the world is full of trickery.
Totally true what you are saying
Great commentary Mike.
I remember speaking to a Nat MP who said to me that the reason Key wont do anything that should be done was his 60% approval rating. He was scared of that number going down.
Like Spindy
Think he has low self esteem he wants everyone to like him cant deal with opposites.
I have always been a National supporter. John Key changed my attitude. I put Jacinda and John in the same canoe. John Key Immigration , flag changing and bicycle lanes. Jacinda put a scarf over your head and be kind. Rubbish leaders with their own pathetic agendas.
I can almost hear them saying to there partners, l will do this for as long as l can it will put me on the world stage and think of all the VIP’s you will meet during my term.
Both shocking leaders.
I love and miss them both😊❤
Fortunately we have a coalition that adds a bit of spine. All being well in 2.5 years the balance will be more so in NZF & Acts hands. Good chat ML
Problem is, the stupid people of NZ will put Liebour and dregs back into power and NZ is TOILET
If they can get past WEF CL and his do as I say or out you go party members.
Well summed up
My thoughts are Mr Laws, you make some very interesting comments about John Key. His so called 'rock star economy' was never helpful to myself or anyone I knew. But of course I have never moved in millionaire circles. Interesting. Thanks for your show.
I remember Key in opposition saying Working for Families is evil, and doing nothing once in govt. All talk.
One of the worst things he ever did made the entire country beneficiaries when they didn’t need to be.
@@deborahburnside1204 Helen Clarke brought in Working For Families, but Key didn't dismantle it despite promising to do so whilst in opposition.
Key saying that Maori are indigenous and the treaty is a partnership is quite frankly BS
old skeletons found in caves around new zealand and D.N.A. tested have been found too be from a white race/ breeds.
I agree with Michael. It is time to have a real discussions on where New Zealand should be going factoring in the increasing global geopolitical, trade, economic, manufacturing, supply chains and health uncertainties and the unpredictable destructive effects of a warming planet.
He took a knighthood and spent $37million on changing our flag.Self serving Bad Person
Or was 'changing our flag' a euphemism for Shonkey John Key stealing and putting some of the $37 million in his back pocket ?
The Flawed NZ political system allows criminal activity....then they "run out of gas" and bolt with no accountability whatsoever while the media gloss it over and the new government is left to pick up the pieces.
You're the man, great summary. Key also helped canvas for Helen Clark trying to win the votes for secretary general of the United Nations, showing his true colours.
❤Thankyou Michael for you always bringing to air. I as the many hope National do not listen to J. Key🌹👍
Sadly he will as he is the same as him a globalist pupil
The key problem with Key is that he did not tackle the really big issues.
He refused to tackle Maori Nationalism, refused to deconstruct the Waitangi Treaty nonsense, refused to organise the economy in a manner that did not rely on cheap immigrant labour, refused to stand with the Aussies and US against Communist China, and so on and so forth. So that, when Jacinda and the Bolsheviks came to power, the Far Left could just pick up from where Helen Clark left off.
The best observation came from Damien Grant recently: “the leadership of National are showing themselves to be the same timid and ineffective party of cautious inactivity that we saw under Key. They lack the political will to take on the teacher unions and improve education. They are unable to introduce market discipline into health that is the only means of driving improved performance.”
Say no more !
If you think not supporting the US and Australia against China is a problem you really don't understand geopolitics. China isn't communist, their economic model is for sure NOT communist that much is clear. It takes a massive schill like Luxon to come out against China because China is our largest trading partner.... Can you comprehend the ignorance of this move? It seems you can't. Pro lock down too I bet
Small correction - many Māori had the right to vote before women and before many Pakeha men bc voting back in the 1860's was based on 'land holdings'... So, our trip to representative Democracy has favoured Māori from a very early stage...
Excellent observation. Thank you
Read allot off those maoris in 18 00's died very wealthy
@@mikeduplooy3159 Thank you Mike - I believe we possibly know each other from Otago University and running together...
Your commentary is accurate and wonderful. I'd not had an allergic reaction to a kiwi PM since Muldoon, until donkey arrived. He was the worst we'd had in decades.
Excellent summary
Didnt he resign or toppled or sumpin?
Remember the flag referendum!!!!!!
He was made to resign over the 13million of taxpayer money given to the Clinton Foundation, he was so corrupt.
Well said michael Time for Mr Seymour to get the * Treaty* sorted out
Yep. Go David. You got my vote from national to do just that.
Spot on, Michael.
The word "Partnership" does not appear in the Treaty, "Cede Sovereignty" does however - twice, the only "principal" in the Treaty to do so. In Key speak it wasn't a merger it was a takeover. In Gang-speak it was a patch-over. Laws you are absolutely spot on, you only have to read the Treaty to understand why. It only takes five minutes to read it, and if you struggle there is "The Treaty for Dummies" on you tube. Watch it, it is stunning to say the least how much it is twisted by everybody even Luxon and Key, and Boldger, and and and and and and and and. BUT, not Winston, not Seymour, not Laws. God bless you boys, God bless you all, for you speak the God honest truth of the matter.
Well said!! And don’t forget he was the one that first suggested mandates during covid.
you're not wrong!
He certainly sold out the NZDF
Well said sir!
Michael Laws is 100% correct in his words about John Key. The major issues we have with Education, Health, Housing & Race Relations originated when Key was PM. So please National Party, for the benefit of our Country & our People, DO NOT LISTEN TO JOHN KEY. He was a failed PM & has created the ongoing Treaty gravy train & had nothing for the non Maori population. Why do you think we have over a million Kiwis living overseas !
In the ideal world, John Key and Chris Finlayson would apologise for allowing possibly half of our beaches to be removed from public ownership. Part of their apology would involve no more appeasement of extremists.
They should do more than apologise.
Yes I agree with you about this. The thing that Key dosen't remember is that a big portion of us voted for not toning down the conversation about the division in nz. We voted act and nz first. To try to address this now. Otherwise everyone with any brains is going to exit. Gone Gone all the smart cookies they are leaving. Thanks.
Thats what Maori want the country to themselves
David Seymour is the only politician
with the common sense and balls to sort this country out.
Abso-bloody-lutly got my vote 💯 so pleased Winnie got in, too... National is disappointing at the moment. At least Act/Nzf will handbrake when needed.
Winnie for PM
This needs to be sorted alright.
Treaty is clear as a bell. British common law was what was asked and signed for full stop.
I'm beginning to agree with those who see Key, Adern, Trudeau, Macron, Blair etc etc as globalists and effectively a uniparty i.e it doesn't matter who is in power you get the same thing. Unfortunately I think Luxon is pretty clearly of the same ilk and no doubt approved Key's speech. I think it's actually our proportional representation that is giving us a voice against this. I voted for Winston and am very glad i did. If you told me five years ago I'd become a NZ First voter I'd have thought you were mad
Labour, 2020 to 2023: Activist, ideological and utterly, utterly spendthrift.
Faaitjie (little fat boy) Grant Robertson had no clue. We are paying for it now!
Kiwi not Iwi.
I voted for National and Key, but you are dead right and while I didn't agree with everything he did I didn't quite realize how bad he actually was. This should be broadcasted to the whole country on TV1 and the maori channel.
John Key as keynote speaker for the Nats conference fed the Luxon narrative perfectly. Luxon is a juniour Key and demonstrates the same lack of courage when facing the Woke and Māori activism that has infiltrated our government services sector.
Excellent commentary
John Key's biggest mistake was working with the Māori Party. In retrospect, Winston and NZ First was a better coalition partner that wouldn't have allowed this Pandora's box to be opened
He always came across as smarmy to me. Slippery. I never trusted him. So patronizing to the NZ public. I agree with you, he's got his Knighthood and his connections through politics and that's all he wanted. Self serving weasel. And I, like you Michael, used to be a Blue supporter. The fence is so much more objective nowadays.....
@@johnr3150 Always say it how I see it. He still makes my skin crawl and I used to be a Blue supporter....
I sit on the fence now....
@@johnr3150 also edited my comment....
Very true michael…key was a failure..should keep his nose out
On the nail Michael! Well said! And will Luxon be any better????
Right on assessment here.
Music to my ears … So factual and a true journalist ..
Mr Laws - I have new found respect for you! You nailed the performance of Key during those 3 terms. NZ is DESPERATELY crying out for good leadership. The situation is now critical. The coalition MUST shape up.
Two Parties need to override the One holding the ultimate power.
john key looks after john key and his cronies
if Luxon follows his advice ,NATIONAL WILL GO NEXT ELECTION
I met Michael Laws when he was a member of the Select Committee considering the Student Loan Scheme Bill - he was quite late to the meeting, unprepared and arrogantly annoyed at everyone else who had read the papers ....however after some minutes, he proceeded to ask the most insightful and probing questions of them all - that doesn't excuse the mullet
Proves dont judge a book by its covers, thankfully you listened to the words of wisdom.
National are UK Tory Lite.
I voted for Key, twice, and he flattered to deceive. He spent too much time cosying up to the UN & WEF etc too make himself look good and look where that has gotten us - the majority of NZers. He was only interested in his rich mates and acquiesced to the Maoris at every turn. Yep, sorry John but you screwed us. Now P off.
Key legacy was creating a generation of have nots.
On point mr Law .I'll always remember john key as the guy who buried our brothers alive in the pike river mine tragedy cause he didn't have enough balls to rescue them .he had all the power, resources and support to attempt to rescue but decided their fate for them .
I still remember the speech at the Kumara Racing Club, the man is evil. Thanks for reminding me.
It's hilarious that you turn on your own guy as soon as he suggests this is the wrong road😂
Michael Laws is by far the best political commentator in the land and speaks from experience
He is a deal maker, polish something up and make everyone happy, then wipe you hands before everyone realises it was a terrible decision
I am generally not a fan of yours, Mr. Laws, but you NAILED this, exposing the Populous to the ignorance and incompetence of Jonny, who had a very good marketing team behind him ( including the Lamestream Media ), and unbeknownst to the everyday Kiwi ( me included ), that he was on the payroll of uncle klAus, soRos, and fiNk. Well done, Mike
Yes, Jewish Globalists.