Would you track a wild leopard gecko if you could? Well here's some cool animals you can actually track! www.wildlifecollections.com/?rfsn=5842339.758a59 - Use Code WWR20 to get 20% off!
My dad is always complaining about how he doesn't understand why I enjoy my leopard gecko because she's a pet that you "watch" over a "cuddly" type pet, but I don't get how he doesn't see her charm. That smile with her eyes closed when you scratch her in just the right spot, the way she goes right to her bowl at night and stares at where I sit across from her tank until I feed her, the little creaky noise she makes when someone else is holding her and she wants to come back to me. She's precious and to me it's like having a tiny dinosaur, which was always a childhood dream
me too! my mums always like, your gecko is so boring, you cant cuddle it... Which is silly, because a lot of the time you can't cuddle cats or anything either cause they scratch you, at least geckos are friendly and will just climb up your arm.
Exactly! My sister and I own a leopard gecko, she has one, I have one. He’s actually just chilling on my arm as I’m typing this, I love Leopard Gecko’s so much!
You know with how commonly ball pythons, bearded dragons and leopard geckos are kept as 1st time reptiles, it almost feels like choosing a Pokémon starter 😂
@@WickensWickedReptiles I had a clear deep dish feeder kind of like a shot glass and mine kept trying to bite a Dubia through the glass and still hasn't figured out all he has to do is stand up and look down 🤣🥳 I tilt it for him. It's my bonding time
I got my leo, Soul, from a friend of mine. Apparently, she was always the most active when I was around; even when she was at his place, I was one of the only people whose hand she would climb onto. It’s so fun watching her explore her area, whether that be her habitat, my room, or the lanai table. Soul’s easily the best thing to come out of this year.
I love my gecko. Easy to care for. Likes being handled and hiding in my goodies pocket. How he chases his food in his tank. I love him. I hope he lives as long as possible
Just wanting to ask you, if you know this, if geckos climb all the way up your arm and to your neck and whatever, will you catch salmonella? I’m a germaphobe, and I;m planning on getting a leopard gecko after a few years. 😂😂😂
Haha this was fun! And I appreciate the mention of the overwhelming info and debates on herps especialky for newbies. That is one of my biggest issues being new :/
I've been pet sitting my friend's leo and they left me a bunch of superworms. I ran out of the worms and ended up substituting crickets that I feed to my inverts. I was so enthralled with watching the little dude because he did the tail wiggle and chased down the crickets. I think I prefer my crested geckos and beardie overall but I've enjoyed my time pet sitting.
I love my leopard geckos, but I do agree they’re not the most interesting compared to a lot of other reptiles, and they’re one of the most common species surrendered to the reptile rescue I work with (the other two are beardies and ball pythons). I think because people get them because they’re cheap and then get bored with them.
@@sarahbeaulieu999 lol we do get green iguanas occasionally, Retics are pretty rare though, I actually can’t remember us getting one surrendered while I’ve been working with the rescue. I’m guessing because generally if people are keeping a retic, they either know what they’re doing and have friends they can rehome too if needed, or have absolutely no idea and keep them even when they shouldn’t, or release them. But that’s just my guess. We get Common BCIs the most (I’m guessing because I’ve seen petco sell them as tiny babies with no indication as to how big they get) as far as big snakes go, all the ones I’ve met have always been absolute sweethearts, I fostered a 9-foot BCI named Rosie for awhile, absolutely loved her, but I didn’t have the space she needed for a long-term setup.
@@lauracraig8110 oh try interacting with a monitor (a tame one) or Tegu, they’re so fun! My savannah monitor would play with balls and follow me around the house, and they’re really fun to feed.
im a reptile lover, always been, and i really love Geckos and all types of lizards and reptiles in general, finding your channel might have saved my life honestly
not gonna lie, when i first started researching reptiles to pick what my first pet herp would be, i was REALLY OPPOSED to getting a leo. Wasn't a fan of insectivores, wasn't a fan of ground dwellers, wasn't a fan of the looks. But I'm only 3 years and 4 cresties into keeping herps and I've already done a 180 and want a leo now lol, especially now that I've got a nice mealworm colony and dubia colony going. working on a waxworm one, too. Spoiling lizards is an addictive hobby and cresties n' leos are gateway drugs lmao
I had a leopard gecko and he was the bestest boy! I loved seeing him wag his tail when he was excited or eating. He had sneezed one time and it was so cute
I absolutely love my Leo's! Never had one lose a tail. I see so many people who keep them wrong. It's truly easy to keep them as long as ppl do their research! All 12 of my Leo's never had shedding issues, and are super healthy and happy! All my little buddies 😁 Most of my Leo's are outgoing and love to be held or sit on my shoulder.
I wanted a crested gecko, hognose snake, or blue tongued skink to start, but couldn’t resist when my friend needed to rehome his leopard gecko.. and although she isn’t exactly what I wanted, I absolutely love her. I was always told she would bite and not come out of her hide, (Probably due to the toddler in the previous home) but after lots of gentle introductions and easing into handling, we’re besties. she’s hilarious, fearless, incredibly smart, intuitive, listens to my voice. She so sweet she even hangs out with me on the couch and watches movies with me and my dog. I never would’ve expected to love a little creature companion so much and would do anything for her care.
I have a leopard gecko and am considering getting an African Fire Skink. If you are considering getting a skink (usually people go for blue tongues) be sure to look into the fire skinks, they're a little less common but they are gorgeous!
Should do top 5 for both 20 gallon terrestrial tank and top 5 arboreal tank animals, think a lot of people would benefit from knowing what they can put best in a typical vertical or horizontal tank
I like how my take-away from this was, “Mindless Self Indulgence reference for the win.” 🤣 Jokes aside, your passion for these fascinating creatures shows! Always a wonderful video. ☺️
I’ve had my Leo for over a year now and the little dude’s been thriving. Been keeping him in a twenty gallon with a heat mat and eco earth but I’m planning on upgrading him to a 36x18x12 Exo Terra bioactive setup with an Arcadia deep heat projector in a few months:)
Chuckwallas are my favorite reptile. But I am having so many problems finding them for sale anywhere. Tho I do love my leopard gecko too! Thanks for the cool new info on them!
I got a pair they are fun to watch and feed also easy to handle. I got lucky a few years ago at a reptile show. Morph market also occasionally has them just gotta be persistent
Chuckwallas are one of the first reptiles I ever learned about and I still love them. When I was young I used to pretend I was a chuckwalla and go hide in small spaces and then inhale to puff myself up and wedge myself in the space 🤣
Zeus is my Leopard Gecko and he's in a 30 gallon long acrylic tank which used to house fish. I'm putting together a wall and just purchased expandable foam and wanted to know if three hides on the wall is enough and I have to hides on the ground floor, so he'll have five hides in total.
Yeah just a heads up, if you have a leopard gecko that drops his tail there's something seriously wrong! That is a sign that your animal is beyond stressed and scared! Cuz that animal typically will not drop its tail, as opposed to crested geckos who drop their tails all the time.
Love that you used the correct anatomical term for leo feetsies. 🥰 You forgot that being crepuscular, they aren’t a good fit for those who may want to watch an animal be active during the day. Alternative…day gecko. 😄
I just wish that day geckos were more handleable ;-; skittish, skins tears AND they can drop their tail? Yikes (I honestly still want one tbh, or an Abronia)
@@randomuser8660 my day gecko boy is super fun to watch chase around the crickets, I had a girl who had a brain tumor when I rescued her, but she loved to hop on my hand while I fed her puréed fruit and protein mixes. She lived about two years with me ♥️ my boy is skittish but I’ve been working on tong feeding with him!
I love my Leo! I got him from someone who was rehoming him just over a year ago and he's so sweet, friendly, and of course super cute. Love your substitutes though, I'm a big Crestie fan (have 4 of them) and both Bearded Dragons and Chinese cave geckos are on my dream herps list
I started with 3 Leopardgeckos because of the color diversity and the landscape of the tank. Then I bought my crestie, who has a beautiful tank with Orchids and unfortunately is very shy,so most of the time hidden somewhere. I like feeding him his Pangea tho. Now I am waiting for my Stenodactylus Sthenodactylus, dwarf geckos, but my Leopardgeckos are by far my favourite ones. Little clowns,clumsy,so curious and just so cute,great at interacting♡
@@nightinggale6470 currently the 3 girls live together since hatch and are one year old now. But if they fight one day, i have two smaller seperate tanks to split them
@@sophiesosox4668 I strongly recommend separating them asap. I have seen countless cases of females tolerating each other for years, then snapping and seriously injuring or killing each other. Best to prevent it entirely before it’s too late. How big is the enclosure?
@@nightinggale6470 it's 200×50×50 cm with a stonewall to climb and lots of natural hidings to avoid fights. They all are the same size and well fed, but I am aware of the risk and will react immediately
@@sophiesosox4668 I’m glad to hear that it’s that large, the risk is much lower. Many people attempt to cohab in significantly smaller enclosures, which usually ends badly.
Keep trying other feeders. Live crickets, roaches, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae can be fed regularly. Super worms and hornworms can be fed occasionally. The more variety in their diet, the better. You can try rubbing mealworm guts on other feeders. Be stubborn.
Leopard Geckos are freaking awesome, i’m very glad that you think so too! Mine are such cuties and i know some don’t like them because they’re not very active but i’ve found that all 3 of mine tend to be quite active compared to how others say theirs are. especially since i’ve added loose substrate! i see them everyday and if i mess around in my room or start opening their enclosures, they almost always come up to me! i adore them all so much!! i also really want to own an african fat tailed one day!
my flukers light i bought was burning the top of the cage i think. maybe the paint on metal? not sure. but it was making a horrible smell. any ideas what to do?
This gets a thumbs up just for the MSI reference. The quote had me wondering, the clip confirmed it. And leopard geckos are pretty awesome, but my Viper Geckos are starting to sway me. Almost a leo, just a lot smaller with some funky tails and no eyelids. Definitely an interesting species.
@@its.me.8 I'm in the US, so Josh's Frogs, LLL Reptiles and several breeders have them available. I believe there are some babies from Big Borges(?) available on Morph Market. You should be able to find them listed under 'Other Geckos' if they are still available and if you go with Josh's Frogs, i believe they currently have free shipping for orders over $300. Great little geckos and not too bad to handle if you are patient, despite currently being about the size of my finger tip.
@@its.me.8 Glad I could help. It also looks like 5to9 has some babies for sale. Great person to work with and one I can highly recommend. I hope you can find some as they are great fun to watch but I'd definitely look into starting a few rice flour or peanut beetle cultures if your local shops are anything like mine where 'small' crickets can range from tiny to monstrous. Black Soldier Fly larvae are a good option as well but I'd steer clear of bean beetles as they can climb the walls and/or fly. Fruit flies work as well, but they share similar issues with bean beetles So I've stuck to a diet or primarily crickets and peanut beetle larva or rice flour beetle larva with the occasional soldier fly larva as treats.
Too late I’ve already had my leopard gecko for seven years. While I love my baby girl I agree they aren’t the most handleable gecko. She is pretty fragile and is just kind of a looking reptile. But I made her a whole bio active enclosure so her tank is always interesting. Shedding tends to be an issue sometimes shed can get stuck on toes and many don’t use a moist hide. They are super hardy as a major plus though and very adorable mine loves food and mealworms are super easy to bred and crickets aren’t awful but dubia roaches are also good. And yes my female always does the tail wag though sometimes they only do it as babies but mine does it as an adult. Honestly their care is super simple most important is temps, humidity and mine girl is in a 40 gallon breeder the bigger the better! So far no issue with loose substrate organic topsoil and playsand mix and leaves their is a huge debate but I believe loose substrate is fine especially for an adult. And yes low humidity can be an issue depending on where you live some higher humidity is okay as long as it isn’t for a long time.
I live in Brooklyn New York, and today I took my older son to get a bearded dragon for his birthday tomorrow, as he’s been wanting one since the summer started. We found them at 2 pet shops but they were already way too grown and he wants one that’s very small and young so it can grow with him from the early stages. Short story shorter we didn’t get the bearded dragon, but they had leopard geckos which he doesn’t like as they are shy and nocturnal.. the bearded dragons they had would come right up to the front of the terrarium as if pleading to be taken home, while the leopard geckos hid in the back of their enclosures hiding in the dark.. hopefully we get the dragon soon.
Honestly my first lizard and the only one I have rn is a leopard gecko and I love her she’s so calm all the time and pretty easy to take care of but yeah not really fun to watch
I love Leo’s, they are pretty hardy compared to most species. Morphs are great , good eaters , oh they clean their own shed ! Can you do a video on Tokay Gecko? I always wanted to have a Tokay , still planning on it. Not many videos on Tokays.
Would you recommend me to get a leopard gecko or a chinese cave gecko, with consideration that I live in southern Florida and am also a 13 year old with no money, also if anyone knows, what are the differences between the two
I 100% agree that Leopard Geckos are a little overrated. I find them a little too fragile so get stressed out when handling them (and even more so when assisting others handle them, which is a big part of my volunteering at the zoo.)
I love my 2 leopard geckos, but they won't eat anything besides crickets. They use to eat other insects when they were small, but now they stopped eating meal worms and wax worms. Would there be a reason they only eat crickets?
Try different feeders. Live roaches, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae can be fed regularly. Super worms and hornworms can be fed occasionally. The more variety in their diet, the better. Are they housed together?
I work at a pet store with baby leopard geckos right now, and I couldn’t agree more about how cute they are hunting insects. The tail shake and the pounce is just so funny!
Great vid! I have two Leos in my classroom. The kids love them. Especially our male who likes to come out of his hide when they come into the room. He thinks he is going to get fresh meal worms whenever he hears noise. Cheers, Chris
@@nightinggale6470 No, they are in a divided 36x18x18 with many levels of Drylock painted styrofoam. They eat vitamin or calcium with D3 dusted mealworms, Dubias, waxworks and the occasional horn worm. They always have calcium without D3 available. They have warm wet hides, and deep heat projectors on their basking spots. All of their heat sources are thermostatically controlled.
@@Cgraseck ahh gotcha! So each gecko has 18x18x18” of space? That’s honestly not a lot of space. If possible, it’d be a good idea to let one gecko have the 36x18x18” to themselves, and get another separate 20-40 gallon for the other. If you have the space, that is
@@nightinggale6470 You are obviously correct. More room would always be better but they do have more floor space than a 20 long with the levels that they have. It is possible that I could put another 36 X18X18 above the existing one but for the time being I'm going to see how they do in this setup. I feel that it is better than most that I have seen. Cheers, Chris
I thought Leo’s were my jam until I learned about African Fat Tailed Geckos 💖 they have a lot of similarities but funny enough it was the environmental needs that won me over. The higher humidity requirements are more friendly towards the plants and bioactive set up’s I prefer. Personally, I enjoy caring for my bioactive set up as much as I enjoy watching an interacting with my geckos 🦎 Melding my love of plants, science and reptiles was the perfect equation for me.
That’s a great substrate and UVB bulb! I’d upgrade to a 40 gallon or bigger, though, 20 gallons is only the bare minimum. Also, just wondering, what heat source are you using?
They now have giant and super giant variations. I think the most interesting thing people could be doing with Geckos as breeders is aiming to create the biggest leopard gecko possible. After all, they're not aggressive and reasonably sociable.
Too late, I picked up one this weekend at the expo, along with a Jungle Carpet Python. Adding to the collection and knowing full well what I was doing with full knowledge, but I'm not who you were talking to ;-)
So let me see if my understanding is correct. With a tube UVB light 6-10% you do not need to use calcium with D3. You still need to dust insects with calcium w/o D3 though. Correct? We've always fed our beardie dubia roaches which we were told are nutritious enough you don't need to dust them. Was that wrong then?
@@nightinggale6470 Thank you :) I suppose a follow up question is, is the 10% UVB tube too much UVB? I'm trying like heck but cannot find any 7% UVB lights available at any local stores or even online. I'd love the Arcadia Shadedweller 7.0 but that's impossible to find now unless you want to pay $100 plus for a $40 light and I can't afford that.
@@wmichael78 for a leopard gecko, right? You should be able to get Arcadia’s shadedweller at PetSmart. If not, a zoo med T5 5.0 tube bulb would be best. What’s the height of your enclosure, and do you have a mesh lid?
@@nightinggale6470 All the Petsmart stores within 75 miles of me are sold out. And I'm not seeing them online either (unless they're priced north of $100 by greedy people looking to grossly profit on a $40 light) The enclosure is 36x18x18 with a black metal mesh lid. So the leo's hot hide is 13-15 inches away from where the 10% UVB tube would be.
@@wmichael78 ahh ok. So a zoo med T8 10.0 bulb could be 10” away from the basking spot with a reflector, and a zoo med T5 10.0 bulb could be 12” away from the basking spot without a reflector.
Hey man quick question I’ve had a gecko now for a couple of months they’re rescued when i got them they had a cut over the top of there mouth and it doesn’t seem to heal I’ve tried creams and other things any ideas on how i could help them get better?
How do get a crested gecko to eat a powdered diet? If possible because mine ONLY eats crickets and he won’t even eat fruit or even other insects..…I did get him at a petco and yes I wish I got him somewhere else but I do love him! Can you get them to eat other things with certain techniques??
i just got a leopard gecko today he is a little baby and I love him idk what name him I'm stuck between marble gatoraid and dionysus can someone help me decide lol?
do the insects have to be alive? whats the powder in the food bowl? do you have to clean the cage everyday? do we clean the poop from the sand with the cat poop scoopers or just switch the sand any lizards that can take any climate humidity stuff?
Yes, the insects must be live. The powder is supplements; they need calcium and multivitamins. One needs d3 unless you use UVB (which is very beneficial). Repashy Calcium Plus is a good all in one. You don’t have to clean the enclosure every day. Spot clean whenever you see poop/urates. Use a suitable loose substrate such as a soil/playsand or soil/sand/clay mix, do not use sand on its own. You only need to deep clean every few months or so. If you go bioactive only minimal cleaning will be necessary. Leopard geckos should ideally have humidity between 35-65%, measured by a digital hygrometer.
My family is 100% anti pet. One day in school, I was taking CMAS (Colorado measures of academic success, a test we take) and I was doing the English version. One article in the test was about how geckos are great to have as pets because they are very easy to take care of. I went home and started doing my research. I love animals so much, and it hurts me when I remember my parents don’t let us have pets. I know this won’t change their mind at all but I figured it would be a good way to practice doing research on things I’m passionate about. After a while I discovered that it is generally pretty cool to have geckos as pets. The most popular seemed to be the leopard gecko. I to,d my parents about my research and to my absolute amazement, they said they would consider getting me one if I was responsible and mature for around a month and proved I was worthy. During that time me and my parents did our research together to see what we would need to do/buy in order to have it as a pet. After a while we found out the cost would be $500. FYI, I had a very stuffy nose that I ended up getting surgery on to fix a year later, but as a 10 year old or something like that, I was too stubborn to blow my nose even once. One time in our car while we were driving my mom said she would pay me $500 if I blew my nose because she was so fed up with my sniffling. I knew she was just doing it for the gecko and she would’ve paid for it anyways, but it was still motivating enough. We eventually got the gecko, and I named it Lu. It was a girl. She was so cute and I loved her. Lucious D. Gecko for full name, name was decided before I knew the gender. I was a terrible owner. She didn’t die or get lost, I was just a bad owner and didn’t take care of her as well as I should’ve because I didn’t clean its home or feed it myself, my parents did even though I said I would. I told my parents it would be best if I just got rid of her because I was not a good owner. I was heartbroken but I didn’t want the gecko to die because of me. We got rid of her, and my life is still petless to this day. Because I’m still a kid. I hate myself for thinking I should get a pet when I was still immature and irresponsible and now my parents probably will never ever let me get a pet again, until I’m out of the house at least
I love my leopard gecko but I got him when he was a year old and he had severe MBD from his previous owners not giving a shit and he was beat up from living in a 10g with another male for the beginning of his life. He still has shedding issues and problems moving but he’s super friendly
Would you track a wild leopard gecko if you could? Well here's some cool animals you can actually track! www.wildlifecollections.com/?rfsn=5842339.758a59 - Use Code WWR20 to get 20% off!
Yes that would be amazing!
I love my leo and can't wait to get a Chinese cave gecko, they are quite stunning and a wonderful contrast to my albino leo
You are NEVER supposed to cohab UNLESS you have a 200 gal
Is everyone here too young for the MSI reference? Haha
The answer to what animals I can track are garter snakes and tiger salamanders, maybe an ermine or ferret if it's mammal time... welcome to Alberta
My dad is always complaining about how he doesn't understand why I enjoy my leopard gecko because she's a pet that you "watch" over a "cuddly" type pet, but I don't get how he doesn't see her charm. That smile with her eyes closed when you scratch her in just the right spot, the way she goes right to her bowl at night and stares at where I sit across from her tank until I feed her, the little creaky noise she makes when someone else is holding her and she wants to come back to me. She's precious and to me it's like having a tiny dinosaur, which was always a childhood dream
me too! my mums always like, your gecko is so boring, you cant cuddle it... Which is silly, because a lot of the time you can't cuddle cats or anything either cause they scratch you, at least geckos are friendly and will just climb up your arm.
Exactly! My sister and I own a leopard gecko, she has one, I have one. He’s actually just chilling on my arm as I’m typing this, I love Leopard Gecko’s so much!
My gecko is everything to me
Top ten saddest anime sentences
More like having a really tiny, but easier to care for dog! Great to hear that you have noticed how smart they are.
As a leopard gecko owner I confirm that they're very good at being cute
Cute experts
mine likes to give me an annoyed look or a judgmental look, which is still cute
I laughed so hard and almost spit out my mouth wash reading this
right! i own 4!
@@112887dbdo u own any other reptiles ?how do they compare
You know with how commonly ball pythons, bearded dragons and leopard geckos are kept as 1st time reptiles, it almost feels like choosing a Pokémon starter 😂
this is so true
My bearded dragon was trained and my best friend for 14 years, he was ancient! I miss him
@@WickensWickedReptilesyour opinion is ass
u made me love my leo even more cause u said pokemon starter looking at him in a whole other way
😂😂😂 I literally just got a leopard gecko in Nov for my birthday. It’s indeed my first pet 😭😭😭
I have to agree that Leopard Geckos are amazing! Mine are super shy, but still enjoy and love them. Watching them eat is the best part.
I totally agree! They are so hilarious to watch hunt!
@@WickensWickedReptiles I sit there and wait...I am like are you going to get it?
I just recently got a leopard gecko. First time I fed him was awesome and it's still awesome!! That tail wiggle gets me every time 🥺
Mines pretty shy unless there's food. Mine will eat from my fingertips. He just started
@@WickensWickedReptiles I had a clear deep dish feeder kind of like a shot glass and mine kept trying to bite a Dubia through the glass and still hasn't figured out all he has to do is stand up and look down 🤣🥳 I tilt it for him. It's my bonding time
My gecko watching this with me: you talkin trash about me?
Same I had two but one just passed away on oct 14 so I have my other gecko on me
I got my leo, Soul, from a friend of mine. Apparently, she was always the most active when I was around; even when she was at his place, I was one of the only people whose hand she would climb onto. It’s so fun watching her explore her area, whether that be her habitat, my room, or the lanai table. Soul’s easily the best thing to come out of this year.
that's awesome!
Adam must confuse a lot of people. “Beardies are my favorite” to “beardies kinda suck” and “I love leopard geckos” to “leopard geckos kinda suck”
Personally new to Leo's. Using arcadia earth mix arid with custodians. Everything is so far so good, I'm not worried about impaction at all.
This sounds like a great start!
I love my gecko. Easy to care for. Likes being handled and hiding in my goodies pocket. How he chases his food in his tank. I love him. I hope he lives as long as possible
My daughter loves her leopard gecko celia she adores her and wont give her up she thinks her gecko is the best reptile she has ever had
Just wanting to ask you, if you know this, if geckos climb all the way up your arm and to your neck and whatever, will you catch salmonella? I’m a germaphobe, and I;m planning on getting a leopard gecko after a few years. 😂😂😂
Haha this was fun! And I appreciate the mention of the overwhelming info and debates on herps especialky for newbies. That is one of my biggest issues being new :/
Leopard Geckos are awesome, we enjoy our guy Batman. I did notice one of our other reptiles, Decker as an alternative 😉 Great video
Leopard Geckos are some of the easiest reptiles ever and so rewarding! Decker is a great looking Uro
Thank you for this video I'm desperate to get a gecko I'm obsessed and these videos are so helpful. Loove how chill littlefoot was during this video
I'm so glad!
I've been pet sitting my friend's leo and they left me a bunch of superworms. I ran out of the worms and ended up substituting crickets that I feed to my inverts. I was so enthralled with watching the little dude because he did the tail wiggle and chased down the crickets. I think I prefer my crested geckos and beardie overall but I've enjoyed my time pet sitting.
I love my leopard geckos, but I do agree they’re not the most interesting compared to a lot of other reptiles, and they’re one of the most common species surrendered to the reptile rescue I work with (the other two are beardies and ball pythons). I think because people get them because they’re cheap and then get bored with them.
I had a leo, he was so cute but I didn't find him very interactive and I think it put me off owning reptiles in the future.
When I was young it was bearded dragons, green iguana's, and retics. Yes I'm old
@@sarahbeaulieu999 lol we do get green iguanas occasionally, Retics are pretty rare though, I actually can’t remember us getting one surrendered while I’ve been working with the rescue. I’m guessing because generally if people are keeping a retic, they either know what they’re doing and have friends they can rehome too if needed, or have absolutely no idea and keep them even when they shouldn’t, or release them. But that’s just my guess. We get Common BCIs the most (I’m guessing because I’ve seen petco sell them as tiny babies with no indication as to how big they get) as far as big snakes go, all the ones I’ve met have always been absolute sweethearts, I fostered a 9-foot BCI named Rosie for awhile, absolutely loved her, but I didn’t have the space she needed for a long-term setup.
@@lauracraig8110 oh try interacting with a monitor (a tame one) or Tegu, they’re so fun! My savannah monitor would play with balls and follow me around the house, and they’re really fun to feed.
im a reptile lover, always been, and i really love Geckos and all types of lizards and reptiles in general, finding your channel might have saved my life honestly
not gonna lie, when i first started researching reptiles to pick what my first pet herp would be, i was REALLY OPPOSED to getting a leo. Wasn't a fan of insectivores, wasn't a fan of ground dwellers, wasn't a fan of the looks. But I'm only 3 years and 4 cresties into keeping herps and I've already done a 180 and want a leo now lol, especially now that I've got a nice mealworm colony and dubia colony going. working on a waxworm one, too. Spoiling lizards is an addictive hobby and cresties n' leos are gateway drugs lmao
Good for you
I had a leopard gecko and he was the bestest boy! I loved seeing him wag his tail when he was excited or eating. He had sneezed one time and it was so cute
I absolutely love my Leo's! Never had one lose a tail. I see so many people who keep them wrong. It's truly easy to keep them as long as ppl do their research! All 12 of my Leo's never had shedding issues, and are super healthy and happy! All my little buddies 😁 Most of my Leo's are outgoing and love to be held or sit on my shoulder.
I wanted a crested gecko, hognose snake, or blue tongued skink to start, but couldn’t resist when my friend needed to rehome his leopard gecko.. and although she isn’t exactly what I wanted, I absolutely love her. I was always told she would bite and not come out of her hide, (Probably due to the toddler in the previous home) but after lots of gentle introductions and easing into handling, we’re besties. she’s hilarious, fearless, incredibly smart, intuitive, listens to my voice. She so sweet she even hangs out with me on the couch and watches movies with me and my dog. I never would’ve expected to love a little creature companion so much and would do anything for her care.
So close to 150k subs. Early Congratulations!
So close! thanks so much!
I have a leopard gecko and am considering getting an African Fire Skink. If you are considering getting a skink (usually people go for blue tongues) be sure to look into the fire skinks, they're a little less common but they are gorgeous!
Should do top 5 for both 20 gallon terrestrial tank and top 5 arboreal tank animals, think a lot of people would benefit from knowing what they can put best in a typical vertical or horizontal tank
This is a cool idea! I hope Adam sees it!
The lady at Petco told me that my Leopard Gecko can only have "reptile carpet" in the tank. She said nothing else like sand, dirt, etc. HELPPPPPP!!!!
oh god! don't listen to her please
I like how my take-away from this was, “Mindless Self Indulgence reference for the win.” 🤣
Jokes aside, your passion for these fascinating creatures shows! Always a wonderful video. ☺️
Way to stretch to find reasons, haha really cool video and love ur footage! 🥳🥳
Thank you!! 😁
I’ve had my Leo for over a year now and the little dude’s been thriving. Been keeping him in a twenty gallon with a heat mat and eco earth but I’m planning on upgrading him to a 36x18x12 Exo Terra bioactive setup with an Arcadia deep heat projector in a few months:)
Just upgraded my girl to a bio! Best decision ever! Also DHP are great! But halogen lights are slightly better but both are great options.
That sounds amazing R J, hope it is great!
Chuckwallas are my favorite reptile. But I am having so many problems finding them for sale anywhere. Tho I do love my leopard gecko too! Thanks for the cool new info on them!
they are so underrated
@@WickensWickedReptiles 💯 agreed! They are basically the North American bearded dragons.
I got a pair they are fun to watch and feed also easy to handle. I got lucky a few years ago at a reptile show. Morph market also occasionally has them just gotta be persistent
Chuckwallas are one of the first reptiles I ever learned about and I still love them. When I was young I used to pretend I was a chuckwalla and go hide in small spaces and then inhale to puff myself up and wedge myself in the space 🤣
Is it OK if a baby gecko sleep all day and night is my first time having one and I don’t know what to do
sure can be
They're so mellow and cool , beautiful too.
leaped geckos are cute you can’t convince me otherwise
Great video. Good points. I love Leo's too. My leo will be 20 in February!
very cool!
Zeus is my Leopard Gecko and he's in a 30 gallon long acrylic tank which used to house fish. I'm putting together a wall and just purchased expandable foam and wanted to know if three hides on the wall is enough and I have to hides on the ground floor, so he'll have five hides in total.
My leopard gecko just passed I wished I would have watched this first! Thank you I will watch your videos if I get another one 🥺🥺🥺😕😞
Sorry to hear that :(
5:00 into this diamond is about the drop the album of the year or should we say ear?
Yeah just a heads up, if you have a leopard gecko that drops his tail there's something seriously wrong! That is a sign that your animal is beyond stressed and scared! Cuz that animal typically will not drop its tail, as opposed to crested geckos who drop their tails all the time.
Bearded dragon is my favorite pet reptile. My Beardie is so lovely and has a strong personality. My leopard gecko is just dumb and weird, but cute.
Even though they're not the most entertaining lizards I still love them. Love mine
mines pretty entertaining he digs and climbs like crazy and hes so active love him
11:13 bro I caught the MSI reference, definitely earned the sub , much love
haha thank you!
Love that you used the correct anatomical term for leo feetsies. 🥰
You forgot that being crepuscular, they aren’t a good fit for those who may want to watch an animal be active during the day. Alternative…day gecko. 😄
I just wish that day geckos were more handleable ;-; skittish, skins tears AND they can drop their tail? Yikes (I honestly still want one tbh, or an Abronia)
@@randomuser8660 my day gecko boy is super fun to watch chase around the crickets, I had a girl who had a brain tumor when I rescued her, but she loved to hop on my hand while I fed her puréed fruit and protein mixes. She lived about two years with me ♥️ my boy is skittish but I’ve been working on tong feeding with him!
Was that a mindless self indulgence pun adam?lol 11:10 ... great band, and clever segway;)
The bass, the rock, the money, the trouble ^-^
Totally agree with this. I'm considering getting my first bluey.
I love me a BTS!
You look like the ‘yo mama so far’ lady
What’s your recommendation on feeding super worms for African fat tails? Thx
put them in a bowl and watch them disappear?
Keep in mind that they’re fatty and should only be fed occasionally, not as a staple.
I love my Leo! I got him from someone who was rehoming him just over a year ago and he's so sweet, friendly, and of course super cute. Love your substitutes though, I'm a big Crestie fan (have 4 of them) and both Bearded Dragons and Chinese cave geckos are on my dream herps list
I started with 3 Leopardgeckos because of the color diversity and the landscape of the tank. Then I bought my crestie, who has a beautiful tank with Orchids and unfortunately is very shy,so most of the time hidden somewhere. I like feeding him his Pangea tho. Now I am waiting for my Stenodactylus Sthenodactylus, dwarf geckos, but my Leopardgeckos are by far my favourite ones. Little clowns,clumsy,so curious and just so cute,great at interacting♡
Just wondering, are your leopard geckos housed together?
@@nightinggale6470 currently the 3 girls live together since hatch and are one year old now. But if they fight one day, i have two smaller seperate tanks to split them
@@sophiesosox4668 I strongly recommend separating them asap. I have seen countless cases of females tolerating each other for years, then snapping and seriously injuring or killing each other. Best to prevent it entirely before it’s too late. How big is the enclosure?
@@nightinggale6470 it's 200×50×50 cm with a stonewall to climb and lots of natural hidings to avoid fights. They all are the same size and well fed, but I am aware of the risk and will react immediately
@@sophiesosox4668 I’m glad to hear that it’s that large, the risk is much lower. Many people attempt to cohab in significantly smaller enclosures, which usually ends badly.
was smoking a joint and the I LOVE BREAD played and now i'm cough-laughing like an amateur
Wow, what a badass
Hey so, I know about the varied diet recommendations, but my leopard gecko won't eat ANYTHING but mealworms.
Any advice?
Keep trying other feeders. Live crickets, roaches, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae can be fed regularly. Super worms and hornworms can be fed occasionally. The more variety in their diet, the better. You can try rubbing mealworm guts on other feeders. Be stubborn.
I love this video but that Mindless Self Indulgence reference absolutely KILLED me xD I love that band!
hahhaha nice!
What's the best size of a viverum for a lepord gecko I understand that it has to be a longer tank not tall viverum
40 gallon breeder or larger.
I've been waiting for this video for a loooooooooong time......
hope you enjoy!
Can you teach me how to take care of a Missouri green tree or it was a Mississippi
Ha! Wasn't expecting a Mindless Self Indulgence reference. 😍
I was so nervous nobody would get it.
Leopard Geckos are freaking awesome, i’m very glad that you think so too! Mine are such cuties and i know some don’t like them because they’re not very active but i’ve found that all 3 of mine tend to be quite active compared to how others say theirs are. especially since i’ve added loose substrate! i see them everyday and if i mess around in my room or start opening their enclosures, they almost always come up to me! i adore them all so much!! i also really want to own an african fat tailed one day!
My leopard gecko acts so outgoing and sweet yet constantly bites and won’t let go. She’s literally evil and untamable 😂
wow eh!
Buy her a plastic hamster wheel or dish they love walking on them.
my flukers light i bought was burning the top of the cage i think. maybe the paint on metal? not sure. but it was making a horrible smell. any ideas what to do?
You could try a different bulb. You can get halogen flood bulbs from hardware stores. Make sure it’s connected to a dimmer or dimming thermostat.
This gets a thumbs up just for the MSI reference. The quote had me wondering, the clip confirmed it. And leopard geckos are pretty awesome, but my Viper Geckos are starting to sway me. Almost a leo, just a lot smaller with some funky tails and no eyelids. Definitely an interesting species.
@@its.me.8 I'm in the US, so Josh's Frogs, LLL Reptiles and several breeders have them available. I believe there are some babies from Big Borges(?) available on Morph Market. You should be able to find them listed under 'Other Geckos' if they are still available and if you go with Josh's Frogs, i believe they currently have free shipping for orders over $300. Great little geckos and not too bad to handle if you are patient, despite currently being about the size of my finger tip.
@@bipolarchemist thank you so much!
@@its.me.8 Glad I could help. It also looks like 5to9 has some babies for sale. Great person to work with and one I can highly recommend. I hope you can find some as they are great fun to watch but I'd definitely look into starting a few rice flour or peanut beetle cultures if your local shops are anything like mine where 'small' crickets can range from tiny to monstrous. Black Soldier Fly larvae are a good option as well but I'd steer clear of bean beetles as they can climb the walls and/or fly. Fruit flies work as well, but they share similar issues with bean beetles So I've stuck to a diet or primarily crickets and peanut beetle larva or rice flour beetle larva with the occasional soldier fly larva as treats.
Thank you for doing these videos. You always brighten up my day. :)
Side note, Diamond sitting completely still on a tape measure, trying to measure our corn snake hahaha
he's a good boi
My lepord geko died yesterday the first part didn’t help
so sorry to hear this
Too late I’ve already had my leopard gecko for seven years. While I love my baby girl I agree they aren’t the most handleable gecko. She is pretty fragile and is just kind of a looking reptile. But I made her a whole bio active enclosure so her tank is always interesting. Shedding tends to be an issue sometimes shed can get stuck on toes and many don’t use a moist hide. They are super hardy as a major plus though and very adorable mine loves food and mealworms are super easy to bred and crickets aren’t awful but dubia roaches are also good. And yes my female always does the tail wag though sometimes they only do it as babies but mine does it as an adult. Honestly their care is super simple most important is temps, humidity and mine girl is in a 40 gallon breeder the bigger the better! So far no issue with loose substrate organic topsoil and playsand mix and leaves their is a huge debate but I believe loose substrate is fine especially for an adult. And yes low humidity can be an issue depending on where you live some higher humidity is okay as long as it isn’t for a long time.
Me watching this after I bought another one literally two hours ago
This man said "footsies" I love it :)
the cutest footsies
I live in Brooklyn New York, and today I took my older son to get a bearded dragon for his birthday tomorrow, as he’s been wanting one since the summer started. We found them at 2 pet shops but they were already way too grown and he wants one that’s very small and young so it can grow with him from the early stages. Short story shorter we didn’t get the bearded dragon, but they had leopard geckos which he doesn’t like as they are shy and nocturnal.. the bearded dragons they had would come right up to the front of the terrarium as if pleading to be taken home, while the leopard geckos hid in the back of their enclosures hiding in the dark.. hopefully we get the dragon soon.
Honestly my first lizard and the only one I have rn is a leopard gecko and I love her she’s so calm all the time and pretty easy to take care of but yeah not really fun to watch
I feel that
I have two leopard Gecko, of course they dont suck.
I love Leo’s, they are pretty hardy compared to most species. Morphs are great , good eaters , oh they clean their own shed ! Can you do a video on Tokay Gecko? I always wanted to have a Tokay , still planning on it. Not many videos on Tokays.
Would you recommend me to get a leopard gecko or a chinese cave gecko, with consideration that I live in southern Florida and am also a 13 year old with no money, also if anyone knows, what are the differences between the two
I 100% agree that Leopard Geckos are a little overrated. I find them a little too fragile so get stressed out when handling them (and even more so when assisting others handle them, which is a big part of my volunteering at the zoo.)
I love my 2 leopard geckos, but they won't eat anything besides crickets. They use to eat other insects when they were small, but now they stopped eating meal worms and wax worms. Would there be a reason they only eat crickets?
Try different feeders. Live roaches, silkworms, and black soldier fly larvae can be fed regularly. Super worms and hornworms can be fed occasionally. The more variety in their diet, the better. Are they housed together?
@@nightinggale6470 no separately. They go out to look at their food if it's not crickets and leave it there
I work at a pet store with baby leopard geckos right now, and I couldn’t agree more about how cute they are hunting insects. The tail shake and the pounce is just so funny!
Great vid! I have two Leos in my classroom. The kids love them. Especially our male who likes to come out of his hide when they come into the room. He thinks he is going to get fresh meal worms whenever he hears noise.
Are they housed together? Also, just wondering, are mealworms the only thing they eat?
@@nightinggale6470 No, they are in a divided 36x18x18 with many levels of Drylock painted styrofoam. They eat vitamin or calcium with D3 dusted mealworms, Dubias, waxworks and the occasional horn worm. They always have calcium without D3 available. They have warm wet hides, and deep heat projectors on their basking spots. All of their heat sources are thermostatically controlled.
@@Cgraseck ahh gotcha! So each gecko has 18x18x18” of space? That’s honestly not a lot of space. If possible, it’d be a good idea to let one gecko have the 36x18x18” to themselves, and get another separate 20-40 gallon for the other. If you have the space, that is
@@nightinggale6470 You are obviously correct. More room would always be better but they do have more floor space than a 20 long with the levels that they have. It is possible that I could put another 36 X18X18 above the existing one but for the time being I'm going to see how they do in this setup. I feel that it is better than most that I have seen.
I thought Leo’s were my jam until I learned about African Fat Tailed Geckos 💖 they have a lot of similarities but funny enough it was the environmental needs that won me over. The higher humidity requirements are more friendly towards the plants and bioactive set up’s I prefer. Personally, I enjoy caring for my bioactive set up as much as I enjoy watching an interacting with my geckos 🦎 Melding my love of plants, science and reptiles was the perfect equation for me.
Fat Tails are so dope!
My leopard gecko (named Violet has a 20 gallon vivarium with earth mix arid by arcadia and 7% shadedweller uvb by arcadia.
That’s a great substrate and UVB bulb! I’d upgrade to a 40 gallon or bigger, though, 20 gallons is only the bare minimum. Also, just wondering, what heat source are you using?
How about 'Do not get A Russian Tortoise'?
I hope Little Foot doesn't have a taste for human ears .😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
oh she does!
@@WickensWickedReptiles oh WOW your ears are a Lizard magnet.😃😃😃❤❤❤
They now have giant and super giant variations. I think the most interesting thing people could be doing with Geckos as breeders is aiming to create the biggest leopard gecko possible. After all, they're not aggressive and reasonably sociable.
My question is. Which of the two are Bigger species? Tokay or leopard geckos?
Oh thank you. Here in my country we have lots of them tokay in our houses especially in our attic or ceiling walls. But catching them is prohibited 😁
Too late, I picked up one this weekend at the expo, along with a Jungle Carpet Python. Adding to the collection and knowing full well what I was doing with full knowledge, but I'm not who you were talking to ;-)
Very cool!!!
Get what I like not what you like
Too late my leopard gecko watched this video
I have a 21W 18D 19H terrarium, would that be suitable for a leopard gecko? I've never owned reptiles so I'm not sure if they use climbing space
That’s not big enough. A 36x18x18” enclosure or bigger would be ideal. They’re mainly terrestrial but they definitely climb
@@nightinggale6470 alright, thanks! I'll get a larger one. any suggestions on something beginner friendly I could put in the smaller one, though?
So let me see if my understanding is correct.
With a tube UVB light 6-10% you do not need to use calcium with D3.
You still need to dust insects with calcium w/o D3 though. Correct?
We've always fed our beardie dubia roaches which we were told are nutritious enough you don't need to dust them. Was that wrong then?
Correct. And yes, that was wrong. Dubias need to be dusted.
Thank you :)
I suppose a follow up question is, is the 10% UVB tube too much UVB?
I'm trying like heck but cannot find any 7% UVB lights available at any local stores or even online. I'd love the Arcadia Shadedweller 7.0 but that's impossible to find now unless you want to pay $100 plus for a $40 light and I can't afford that.
@@wmichael78 for a leopard gecko, right? You should be able to get Arcadia’s shadedweller at PetSmart. If not, a zoo med T5 5.0 tube bulb would be best. What’s the height of your enclosure, and do you have a mesh lid?
All the Petsmart stores within 75 miles of me are sold out. And I'm not seeing them online either (unless they're priced north of $100 by greedy people looking to grossly profit on a $40 light)
The enclosure is 36x18x18 with a black metal mesh lid.
So the leo's hot hide is 13-15 inches away from where the 10% UVB tube would be.
@@wmichael78 ahh ok. So a zoo med T8 10.0 bulb could be 10” away from the basking spot with a reflector, and a zoo med T5 10.0 bulb could be 12” away from the basking spot without a reflector.
Hey man quick question I’ve had a gecko now for a couple of months they’re rescued when i got them they had a cut over the top of there mouth and it doesn’t seem to heal I’ve tried creams and other things any ideas on how i could help them get better?
all I can offer for advice is to see a vet
@@WickensWickedReptilesduring the night she got out her tank and is around the house somewhere now :(
How do get a crested gecko to eat a powdered diet? If possible because mine ONLY eats crickets and he won’t even eat fruit or even other insects..…I did get him at a petco and yes I wish I got him somewhere else but I do love him! Can you get them to eat other things with certain techniques??
This guy is so passionate and knowledgeable
I seen a tank thats 18 x 18 x12 would you say this tank size is goo enough ?
Too small. Leopard geckos need a 20 gallon long (30x12x12”) bare minimum, and 40 gallons (36x18x18”) or bigger is strongly recommended.
Please make a California king snake care guide 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
i just got a leopard gecko today he is a little baby and I love him idk what name him I'm stuck between marble gatoraid and dionysus can someone help me decide lol?
do the insects have to be alive?
whats the powder in the food bowl?
do you have to clean the cage everyday?
do we clean the poop from the sand with the cat poop scoopers or just switch the sand
any lizards that can take any climate humidity stuff?
Yes, the insects must be live. The powder is supplements; they need calcium and multivitamins. One needs d3 unless you use UVB (which is very beneficial). Repashy Calcium Plus is a good all in one. You don’t have to clean the enclosure every day. Spot clean whenever you see poop/urates. Use a suitable loose substrate such as a soil/playsand or soil/sand/clay mix, do not use sand on its own. You only need to deep clean every few months or so. If you go bioactive only minimal cleaning will be necessary. Leopard geckos should ideally have humidity between 35-65%, measured by a digital hygrometer.
Going to sub just for the MSI reference! The bass, the rock, the mic, the treble 🤘
Your clickbait skills are really improving
you're too kind
new to ur channel and fell in love when you inserted a msi reference
Such a blast from the past
I need advice on my leopard geckos. Where can I find the experts
I may be able to help :) what’s up?
Like the subtle reference to the band mindless self indulgence. Rock on.
Do you have any recommendations for a western banded gecko?
My family is 100% anti pet. One day in school, I was taking CMAS (Colorado measures of academic success, a test we take) and I was doing the English version. One article in the test was about how geckos are great to have as pets because they are very easy to take care of. I went home and started doing my research. I love animals so much, and it hurts me when I remember my parents don’t let us have pets. I know this won’t change their mind at all but I figured it would be a good way to practice doing research on things I’m passionate about. After a while I discovered that it is generally pretty cool to have geckos as pets. The most popular seemed to be the leopard gecko. I to,d my parents about my research and to my absolute amazement, they said they would consider getting me one if I was responsible and mature for around a month and proved I was worthy. During that time me and my parents did our research together to see what we would need to do/buy in order to have it as a pet. After a while we found out the cost would be $500. FYI, I had a very stuffy nose that I ended up getting surgery on to fix a year later, but as a 10 year old or something like that, I was too stubborn to blow my nose even once. One time in our car while we were driving my mom said she would pay me $500 if I blew my nose because she was so fed up with my sniffling. I knew she was just doing it for the gecko and she would’ve paid for it anyways, but it was still motivating enough. We eventually got the gecko, and I named it Lu. It was a girl. She was so cute and I loved her. Lucious D. Gecko for full name, name was decided before I knew the gender. I was a terrible owner. She didn’t die or get lost, I was just a bad owner and didn’t take care of her as well as I should’ve because I didn’t clean its home or feed it myself, my parents did even though I said I would. I told my parents it would be best if I just got rid of her because I was not a good owner. I was heartbroken but I didn’t want the gecko to die because of me. We got rid of her, and my life is still petless to this day. Because I’m still a kid. I hate myself for thinking I should get a pet when I was still immature and irresponsible and now my parents probably will never ever let me get a pet again, until I’m out of the house at least
My leopard gecko loves his hamster wheel he's on it daily.
I love my leopard gecko but I got him when he was a year old and he had severe MBD from his previous owners not giving a shit and he was beat up from living in a 10g with another male for the beginning of his life. He still has shedding issues and problems moving but he’s super friendly
sad but glad you rescued