I know right? The guy pointing a gun at people, a potentially very dangerous criminal, is forgotten and given ample opportunity to flee the scene. Instead the officer pursues the most serious crime in America; disrespecting a cop.
I understand your anger, but please quit using words that you do not know the definition of. All it does is make you and the people who also want to keep cops in check look stupid.
The cop was basically using the dog as a hostage by threatening to murder the dog if he didn't come out. This guy should never be a cop or be allowed to work in law enforcement ever again.
@@Solo-Road Correct. If this asshole gets so easily triggered, why would you want him threatening to kill people on a bus, McDonald's, or anywhere else. Even worse is he can follow through with the threat. Think of the safety of others first.
@@deaconyates2671for real. My expectations of police are so low these days. That quiet shade from the other officer was more than usual, but definitely said volumes.
thats how their gang humor is. military guys have the same dark humor but at least they're "in the shit". cops like to believe they are "in the shit" when its just a residential street with a guy picking up his mail. Unfortunately its a psychological condition we dont have a diagnosis for yet.
I actually think the joking thing is kind of normal if someone works in a field where you got to do messed up shit. Thier humor is going to reflect that. What we need is cops that don't do messed up shit for no good reason.cops see crazy things like dead people bisected on train tracks. And rarely but sometimes get shot at. It's a high-stress job their humor is going to reflect what they're doing kind of like soldiers, ambulance drivers, or surgeons.
This is all because he felt disrespected . And retaliation followed. His story changed about 8 times. Even made the witness (caller) say something he didn't say . Trying to lie his way out of what he knows he did wrong. Wonder how many peoples lives he's changed over his lies. Despicable 😒
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
He threatened to put him in the back of his car, i.e. cough, and stuff him for a smart comment. this guy was overstepping is authority in the first 10 seconds. He got there.
It's because we now live in a dystopian police-state where they control everything and just didn't notice it because the skies aren't green fog like in the movies. 🤦
Officer commits numerous felonies... Gets slap on the wrist. When the system protects these bullies people lose respect for the system. The officer and the local justice system are equally culpable.
And this happens every day! It’s disgusting what has become of the modern day police force and if the so called “good cops” don’t do anything to stop this behavior then they are just as guilty! We should start going after the training officers with lawsuits for this behavior and watch how fast things change!
A SUSPENSION!?!?? Cop should've been banned for life, fined, and gone to prison. His actions were nothing short of criminally destructive and psychopathic
@@Erawk I don't know about that. Police should be held to a much higher standard as law enforcement officers/servant leaders. The average person would have gotten no less than a minor assault charge for those actions. Given the circumstances, I think anywhere from 15-20 years in prison is more than fair.
I’m a retired Police Sergeant and I’m very happy to see you and others doing this. Officers have to obey the law and don’t get to violate your rights just because they feel like it. It’s on them to know the Constitution and your rights.
Until the Courts, DA and the Supreme courts stop Qualified Immunity this won't stop, knowing they are Hated by so many won't stop them it's going to take the people to do something, this has been going on for to long and the tax payers are tired of there money going to these law suits.
and it's up to the law to make them accountable..this rarely happens especially in the South where WHITE cops and a "person of color" (mostly Black) are concerned
Oh no, 80hrs for assault, battery, excessive force, false arrest and malicious prosecution. Poor officer. Until they are held to the same standards as you or I would be, then the system is broken.
Yet another bully. When he left school and realised he wasn't going to be able to beat kids up for their lunch money anymore, he must have thought "How am I going to get away with bullying people now?". So he became a cop.
Protect and serve isn't actually the police's job. It's to Protect property rights. Basically they're just a security team for the rich and powerful. They're also all corrupt bullies, too.
On top of being the worst person in the world. It states in the Lawsuit that: 1. Officer Thomas turned off his Dashcam before he arrived. 2. Actively attempted to cover/turn off his bodycam when alone with the Mr Carter. 2. Actively attempted to gaslight Sullivan (911 caller) into thinking the Mr Carter was Polo. 3. When making the arrest, pushed his thumb into Mr Carter's neck near Carotid Artery and/or Jugular Vein causing excruciating pain. 4. After a witness told him the location of Polo, he made no attempt to locate Polo or tell anyone else this information. 5. instead of asking Mr Carter who can take care of the children, he told a random stranger/witness to look after them. Surely this man should have a lifetime ban from the police force?
He should be in prison. Not only was this completely unreasonable, he made threats to the man's property, lost all control of himself and aslted and abdcted an innocent man (intentional misspell). He should be charged with aslt, abdctn, making a thrt with ddly whpn, aslt under color of law, etc. He also could have taken all this man's rights away for nothing, which is absolutely unacceptable.
"I popped my cherry ...taser... Ya I needta calm down" Tells ya everything ya need to know about this particular human. He isnt fit for officer duty. He's a danger if he's just hunting adrenaline, and throwing all logic away to feel like the ways cops are portrayed in shows and movies and stuff, which is why cops act this way now. It's "acting", like the movies. Yet the movies are always an unrealistic portrayal of reality, yet here we are where this is the reality now. It's ridiculous
@@undercoveragent9889 this cops actions obviously made the elected public servants proud. Instead of firing him for costing the city probably hundreds of thousands of dollars; They rewarded the cop with a 2 week vacation.
@@NintenDub I'd have to find the study, but many years ago it was published that cops and firefighters are adrenaline junkies. It noted that without the outlet of the job to satisfy those cravings, these same personalities would be in jail for various offenses. Guess they missed that they should STILL be in jail for the offenses committed on the job....
And what about the actual guy with the gun. This police officer wasted all of these resources on the wrong guy, meanwhile the actual suspect just got off free. What a pathetic display of police work. The fact that he is still a police officer in this country is downright frightening.
@@levia9753"obvious perp"? "acting weird"? "ran into the house"? WTF is wrong with you? He even told him where they were called to. I sure hope you are nobody in authority bc you have a f*cked up view of things.
@levia9753 totally writing off the fact nothing about him seemed like the perp especially when even the victim allegedly stated it wasnt him before he went over talk to him and that the guy in question said no its not him , pointed in the direction of where the cop should probably look to find the actual guy, and even stated that it has nothing to do with him and to talk to the man that called him which of whom was allegedly in the street that the cop had a conversion with prior before the video even started.
@@levia9753doesnt matter if he thought it was the suspect. Theres protocols to address this situation. You watched this whole video. Saw that the cop got an F. And mr carter got an A. He didnt do anything illegal and the officer basically abused his power to attack an innocent man. People with your and that cops thought process is what ruins this country. Someone acting weird and telling you to shutup isnt enough reasonable suspicion to tase someone or arrest them. Cop had an ego trip because someome told him to shutup and wanted to teach him a lesson. Your and his labeling of suspicious. Because hes a black man outside minding bis business is insane.
Started as sociopathic, became psychopathic, and then back sociopathic. What’s nuts is that many cops are identified as having these mental disorders but are hired anyway.
He don't have to do s*** that that m*********** criminal officer says you're part of it now what a dog forget about the real situation hey start a situation yourself you're a criminal and should be in jail
I’ve been following you for a loooong time and for some reason this one slipped past me. It popped up on my feed today. You are always on point, always thorough, and always fair. I’m glad this gentleman stood up for his rights and was compensated for this unjust action. Thank you for all you do to bring awareness and accountability to the eyes of the public!
@@Solo-Road I think you need to look it up because Merriam Webster added a definition for the informal meaning of literally - : in effect : VIRTUALLY -used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possible will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice -Norman Cousins
@Solo-Road it means what they put, and it means what you think it means. Words hold the definition that we give them, "literally" was literally used so much that it literally means both "figuratively" and "literally" And you would know that if you googled "Literally" Literally.
He literally said “your a part of this now” proving that he knew he wasn’t the suspect he was there for but then states he “believed” he was the one with the gun that they were called there for ….
Ya, he never even tried to investigate the actual call complaint and definitely knew the difference between green and purple, but decided to harassing an innocent person and thier dog would be more fun. Just spinning a bunch of lies to cover his ass, apparently that's the type of challenge he prefers.
While driving, there's a pair of handcuffs and brass knuckles displayed between the windshield and rear-view mirror. That alone should be a red flag to the department that this officer is unhinged. I don't know about Chattanooga, but where I live, the city has an ordinance against anyone possessing brass knuckles.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you mistaking officer Cody Thomas in this video with the detective for Murfreesboro police. They aren't the same. The latter has been a detective since 2008, while the former joined the force around 2017.
In My City The Dog Catchers Are Also Cops. A Dog Catcher Let My Dog Out Of My Yard. Then She Started To Write Me A For Her Letting My Dog Out Of The Gate. I Told Her I Was Gonna Call The Cops. She Then Pulled Out Her Gun And Said I'm A Real Cop!
"help me making up anything else" should be a criminal admission. This alone, everything else aside, should disqualify this "man" and his collaborators from wearing a badge.
Not to mention the other cop telling him, "ok, you write it down just like you told it to me." Haha! If it wasn't made up, he wouldn't need instructions!
How in the world was the cop not fired? Internal investigation says he put false information on the official report. Now you can't trust anything he says or does. I also don't understand how that could not be a crime. It's bad enough that one bad apple tases, arrests, and threatens to k!ll an innocent man for checking his mail while black. Then he falsifies a report to cover himself. But then he doesn't get fired? That reflects on the whole department IMO. Crazy.
And then police wonder why the general public has a natural distrust toward them. Well maybe if they held themselves accountable, and applied a greater measure of insuring their officers were properly trained and mentally/emotionally/psychologically well enough for this position, people wouldn't HESITATE calling the police for a wellness check on friends and relatives out of fear that some tyrannical officer feeling his cheerios will escalate the situation, knowing full well he'll be protected. They foster a mentality of "Us vs. Them", and it's genuinely despicable.
@@Solo-Road how can you possibly make that assessment? The dog was just tied up in the front yard that doesn't have a fenced area, it COULD be being abused but there's no reason to assume that.
@@Dell-ol6hb Trash and filth all over the grassless lawn, 2 dogs just tied to ropes out front, another dog just running around... Yeah, I'm fine with my assessment.
Got a suspect with gun on the block, and rookie wastes his time & half the dept’s time on an innocent citizen who just wants to be left alone. F off cop.
Dude got a 2 week unpaid vacation for his crimes. Any other job would fire you on the spot if you failed that spectacularly. The corruption is strong with that department.
Any other person who deployed a taser on you for standing on your own property would be arrested and charged with assault and battery. This officer is a criminal and a felon - I don't care if he wasn't charged and convicted, I can see it with my own eyes.
For real this is total and utter 🐴 💩 Any normal citizen would have been arrested charged and thrown in prison. Threatening violence with a weapon, felony. Kidnapping, felony, Falsifying governmental paperwokr. Felony. Aggrevated assault with a weapon. Felony. Asking other government officials to help your lie and cover up crimes. I can't remember what it's called other than some type of corruption. But that's a felony. And the officers who aided him or didn't speak up oe try to stop him, they would have been charged as well Adding him.
"Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'just a dog...' ... ... ... Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'few bad apples...' ... ... ... Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'hope you need a cop that never comes...'" -the other half of the problem on their phone, in their Texxed-out pickup covered in Bluestripe flags
Yeah I would have just said I what are you talking about? He would have explained why he was there and I would have just said I don't know what you're talking about I'm not involved have a good day and if you said well who is involved I would have said again I don't know what you're talking about sorry and then it sounded like the victim spoke up and I would have let him take over
@@Scleavers That's not really what is going on here. My main issue is the person who called it in described what the suspect was wearing so did the dispatcher just never even relay that or did the cop ignore it? If you went based off a description given this guy at the mailbox never would have even been approached.
@@Splintz246 or.. you could hold the guy with the gun and badge to a higher standard. He was told he wasn’t the person he was looking for, the caller came out and said it was them who called, yet his ego being hurt made him attack an innocent civilian. You’re not telling me it’s ok to throw a temper tantrum and possibly ruin someone’s life because they didn’t talk nice to you, are you? You can’t be saying the public should be held to a higher standard then contracted killers walking our streets with Govt. immunity. I can’t believe any true American would think that way.
"Nope, I'm not, person who called you is over there, bye" And walked off is what I woulda done. Grabbed my other dog and brought them in as well while ignoring anything else the cop said.
The lawsuit states that the officer was actually told the location of polo shortly after this incident but decided not to follow up on it or inform other officers either. He got his man in his eyes so polo is a free man now
The fact he started with “keep running your mouth you’re gonna find yourself in the back of my car” tells you what he thinks of his role and relationship with the community. The fact that his punishment is at the expense of the tax payers is ridiculous.
I can't believe the cheek of the cop turning hp looking for a situation unknown to him, having the audacity of questioning a Black king to try and get his bearings. Black mans first reaction RUN YOUR MOUTH and be as vague as you can. Two seconds would've sorted it out if the Carter had acted like any normal civilised person instead of turning his back on the cop and heading indoors.
@@monicarichardson2086 yeah he answered them alright.... in the most ignorant,disrespectful way that he could scrape out of the pits of his ignorant little mind.
Every ant in his childhood yard lost all their arms and legs I'm sure. Hear how excited he **still** is when he gets to the precinct, I mean gang headquarters.
The worst thing is, cops have been getting away with this for decades before bodycams. And a lot of cops are still out there acting like this with 0 consequences
And even with body cameras they still get away with it. The terrorist was even rewarded with vacation time (a.k.a "suspension") which he probably used to work his well paid security side gig in police uniform.
@sethblank3139not even that, qualified immunity is a bitch, because it nullifies precedence. There is no precedence? Can't convict due to QI since there is no formal ruling saying that this isn't okay Oh and qualified immunity does not make precedence And since there is no precedence...
He was just a gross, nasty lil man, wasn’t he? So my question is… do they all talk like that to each other and he was the only one dumb enough to do it in public, or is he the only one who does and they’re laughing at him when he leaves the room?
We've been seeing that more and more often lately, cops "losing control" and hurting people then saying "I don't know what happened, I'm not normally like that". Maybe they're not sane enough to be cops. 😒
Complete maniac. Attacked the man, threatened the dog, roared and yelled like a uncontrolled lunatic, then called to the child like he was Jesus come to save her...just a psychopath, and nothing else... His tone and language would be considered "disturbing the peace", if you or i did it...but this maniac cop gets to commit crimes in order to infringe righs and act unlawfully...what a shitshow!
"You're now a part of this" tells us he knew Mr Carter was not involved. "Can help me make something else up" "He can die in jail"... Disgusting. PD should be disbanded.
Thank you for perfectly highlighting 3 actual quotes of the officer displaying his malice, deceit, and utter unprofessionalism. He is a MENACE, and it’s mind boggling that PD is keeping him on payroll. What is WRONG with that PD?! I would NEVER live there!!
Imagine calling 911 because you and/or your family are in danger, and watch in horror as they get sidetracked into taking your neighbor down, and possibly shooting his dog, for hurting an officer's feelings.
That's something I was wondering, what happened with the original call? It's like the cops said "f* it, this random, unrelated thing is more important"
Right, all because he was black. I mean shit, "911 there is someone trying to shoot me" 911- "ok, well we will send a unit to come shoot your neighbor and his dog as well"
Also note his usage of leading questions to a witness from 7:45 onward. I'm pretty sure that such a questioning style does not lead to reliable testimonies.
Yup, welcome to the biggest gang in america that's protected by a Union that should be abolished and banned in it's entirety as well as new, stricter laws made to prevent this kind of utter bullshit.
“And if Van Ness can help me with making up anything else” is all that we need to justify a lengthy prison sentence, we have had enough of this type of bs!
The pig was suspended for filing a false report...then allowed to come back to work to falsify more reports in the future. What's the penalty for a citizen who files a false police report in Tennessee? In my home state, it's 180 days in jail and a $1000 fine. If the report substantially hinders the law enforcement process _or if it results in harm to another person,_ the penalty increases to 1 year in prison and a $5000 fine. This pig's report met at least one of those criteria. Since the authorities in Chattanooga clearly aren't going to enforce these penalties on one of their thugs, I hope some citizen takes it upon themselves to administer a more fitting (and permanent) penalty on officer NoNuts.
I read your comment 2 seconds before he said that. I can't believe this. So effed up I don't have words. It's all recorded!! Can't wait to get to the end and see exactly how severely this monster was punished.
This lying POS cop, who needlessly escaped this, needs to be fired, arrested and charged with no chance of working as LE ever again. This unprofessional tyrant officer Thomas with, big ego was the one being disorderly.
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
Imagine having been tased by a cop who has been told you're not the person of concern and then had him outside, sounding completely unhinged, screaming to come here. Then being fitting up as an innocent man after being attacked
The officer was involved in another lawsuit. "Now a second suit filed by Flores on behalf of Dale and Alinda Edmonds in February of 2019, claims Thomas and four other officers unlawfully searched the Edmonds' home without a warrant after a neighbor called in saying it was a drug house. "The officers came in unannounced into the house, guns drawn, one of them being Mr. Thomas. They came into the home and forced him outside," Flores said. The complaint states Edmonds, who was shot at the home on South Seminole Drive a few days prior, was forced to raise his injured arm when faced with officers pointing their weapons at him. Just raising his arm up even slightly caused him great pain. Eventually, the officers realize that it was a mistake, and they left," Flores told Channel 3. The suit said after filing a complaint with Internal Affairs, they were told twice the complaint was lost after asking about the case's status. "They were sandbagged and sandbagged and sandbagged until just before the statute of limitation expired," the attorney added. According to a CPD Spokesperson, the investigation into that complaint is still active. The Edmonds are seeking $1.3 million in damages in the suit that names the City of Chattanooga, Thomas, four other CPD officers and an internal affairs employee."
@@Beast_from_the_middle_easti guess u missed the part where they said it was an illegal arrest, he lied on his police report, and he used unnecessary violence and language. Maybe thats why the officer got suspended, charges were dropped and the man arrested got paid. Is that enough reasons why?
The unjust detainment (arrest) and use of force is bad, but that the cops took an active part trying to jam this guy up with a criminal prosecution is far worse. Fighting off criminal charges (or worse actually being convicted) can cost you your job, home, money, family, freedom, and future opportunities. All this because the cops try to cover up their errors to avoid having to just say sorry and pay out a minor settlement for their error, rather they fight tooth and nail which results in people getting falsely charged/prosecuted and later possibly paying out a few much larger and very publicized settlements. This is why police departments should have to budget for and pay for blanket liability insurance. That way an insurance actuarial team assesses risk of each individual and department based on previous claims experience, thus a cop that is costing them fortunes in insurance premiums to cover all the payouts becomes unviable to continue to serve, and that experience modifier follows him to any other law enforcement employment. Only a financial incentive will stop departments leadership from letting a cop that makes too many errors from continuing employment. If the entire department is creating too many claims the premiums will become untenable for the city forcing the mayor and council to change the department leadership to get things back on track. Thankfully there is Federal Legislation being considered to require officers to obtain personal liability insurance along with discussions to greatly reduce the protections of qualified immunity they enjoy today.
Yet, he's still employed??? Who else is he terrorizing? They let him keep his job, but gave him a time out like the toddler he acted like. This is worrisome. He doesn't belong in a uniform. Another example of a bad employee.
@@weenfain2321 WTF 😒??? How many innocent people has he thrown in prison?? That's messed up. They gave him a promotion when he acted like this. That's even more worrisome. I'm glad I don't live there, nor do I plan on ever going through there.
How did he only get 2 weeks suspension!? Bro needs to be FIRED. We don't need him running around the streets terrorizing citizens and wasting millions of taxpayer money.
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
So they're on a call for gun shots. They pull up to the first random guy who's outside and get all up in this guy's business that it consumes all of the cop's time. The cop struggles to figure out what charges to give the random guy, but picks the favorite obstruction/resistance whatever and takes the guy downtown. Meanwhile, the actual reason they were even called is forever forgotten. They don't give a damn about making the neighborhood safer.
I love how the cop confidently explains to his superior on camera exactly what he did, firmly believing he did the right thing. That’s the problem with officers like him, he genuinely believes he handled that situation perfectly. That’s what a poor vetting-process and 3 months in the academy gets you. “Here’s a badge and a pistol - good luck!”
The Sargent immediately involved himself in damage control for his unhinged officer. The fact that he had the wrong man didn't seem to make any difference. The Sargent's response should've been, " We have a big problem here, son." Not, "Write it up just like you told me." This tells me that corruption in this department is routinely covered up by higher ranking officers.
I also couldn't help noticing how the officer tried to manipulate the victims warning around to help his case against this guy. I find it very disturbing that this cop is still on the force.
@user-mb7fw3wm2y suspension isnt paid dumbass. Was it enough punishment. Of course not. He atleast got dragged through the lawsuit and probably was scared shitless.
I would ask people to think about the likelihood that the cop really was trying to lie on a report. The cop knew it was all on body camera. What so many people don’t understand is the human brain is both marvelous and extremely flawed. And when you’re in a stressful situation, or even a non-stressful situation, your perception is often what your brain remembers if anything. I first started learning about the brain on a TV show called the brain games. I think some of his online now. Also watching the mayday aircraft disaster shows about all the crazy mistakes that pilots make, some of them are inexplicable. But they make these because our brain is just beyond flawed so much of the time.
@@KevinLyda- It’s just as reliable or unreliable as anybody’s memory. And everybody who knows anything about memory understands that the human brain is some of the most unreliable evidence.
I had to replay this 3 times because i didn't believe my eyes, this cop need 10-20 years in prison like a civilian would for assault/attempted murder and kidnapping.
And the fact that they continue to employ bozos like this lets you know all you need to know. They want cops out here behaving this way and harassing us. They also don’t care about public safety. Because if they did, cops like this would be fired immediately. Instead get to illegally tase and arrest someone and keep their jobs.
This is why no change happens. Settlements will just be payed via extortion racket(tax money) forever and the thugs(police men) will just move to another deployment. The system works as intended.
So exactly what crime was committed? A guy checked his mail and said he didn’t know anything about a call, so that warrants all this? And what about the original call, the guy just gets away.
Talking was considered "disorderly" then he "resisted" the verbal commands... According to the law it's illegal to be alive. Just a matter of time before the "Law" proves what we are. Natural born criminals...and if you watch a toddler take pleasure in their ability to destroy it becomes evident. We are bad, they are good.
2 things strike me, when an officer said about charges, whatever else we can make up. Then when the other one asks about ID, the cop doesn't even know his name and the other says he can die in jail then. What assholes.
Remember, you can be arrested immediately even when you have done nothing wrong, but a cop who has done a lot wrong gets investigated for months by his BFFs and gets a vacation rather than charges when they do something wrong.
American police are the only police in the world that have EGOS This is a direct result of the American Cop Worshipping Culture! In every other country in the world cops are very much aware that they are Servants of the public and are therefore beneath the Citizens who they body guard for!! Where having an ego over being a servant would be absolutely absurd! But then no other culture in the world view and treat these blue monster as Gods
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
This one seriously pissed me off! He not only tried to blame the guy who called for misleading him, which was a COMPLETE lie, but he reacted because his ego was hurt.
So, the officer got a two week vacation and the taxpayers had to pay a million $$$ for 1)the officers blatant disregard for the law and his assault on a citizen 2)the filing of false chargers and the malicious prosecution by the city of Chattanooga.
This cop decided that the actual call regarding “polo” was no longer important. Bullying citizens and enforcing his feelings became priority 1.
That's the Uvalde PD way.
I know right? The guy pointing a gun at people, a potentially very dangerous criminal, is forgotten and given ample opportunity to flee the scene. Instead the officer pursues the most serious crime in America; disrespecting a cop.
Scared the dog and the cop is a terrorist. Cop should be jail for a long time. I guarantee he is Trump supporter.
This isn't law enforcement, it's domestic terrorism.
Not domestic. Governmental terrorism
@@djekdozovitch3679same difference in this case.
I'm assuming that the word "Domestic" meaning local, not foreign attack
This isn't a country this is a liberal hellhole in decline.
I understand your anger, but please quit using words that you do not know the definition of. All it does is make you and the people who also want to keep cops in check look stupid.
The cop was basically using the dog as a hostage by threatening to murder the dog if he didn't come out. This guy should never be a cop or be allowed to work in law enforcement ever again.
He should never be allowed to interact with the public at all.
@@DJH316007never allowed to interact with public? So, he can't ride a bus or go to a McDonalds?
@@Solo-Roadif anyone without qualified immunity did this to someone I’d be at least 5 years for assault
@@Solo-Road Correct. If this asshole gets so easily triggered, why would you want him threatening to kill people on a bus, McDonald's, or anywhere else. Even worse is he can follow through with the threat. Think of the safety of others first.
@@Solo-Roadin solitary confinement there's no mc donalds
The fact that he's still a cop after this is absolutely insane.
HE IS ???
No it is not, it is about white. 😊
@@j.m.edwards1183 what
@@j.m.edwards1183 you are a racist
The cop told more lies than a child in trouble.
Just because your kids are liars, it doesn't mean all kids are.
@@bojohannesen4352what was the need for this? She was just using a “cliche” and you have to talk about her kids? Bully just like that cop. Smdh
@@bojohannesen4352it’s a damn joke
Are pigs _not_ simply children?
@@bojohannesen4352 just bcuz to mom a ho don't mean everybody one.... see my comment sound just as stupid ass your... smh......
"Popped my cherry," this guy is truly dangerous and needs to be locked up. Joking about tasing people.
How about the look the other cop gave him
@@deaconyates2671for real. My expectations of police are so low these days. That quiet shade from the other officer was more than usual, but definitely said volumes.
He laughed when Mr Carter was in the backseat complaining that his rights were being violated
thats how their gang humor is. military guys have the same dark humor but at least they're "in the shit". cops like to believe they are "in the shit" when its just a residential street with a guy picking up his mail. Unfortunately its a psychological condition we dont have a diagnosis for yet.
I actually think the joking thing is kind of normal if someone works in a field where you got to do messed up shit. Thier humor is going to reflect that. What we need is cops that don't do messed up shit for no good reason.cops see crazy things like dead people bisected on train tracks. And rarely but sometimes get shot at. It's a high-stress job their humor is going to reflect what they're doing kind of like soldiers, ambulance drivers, or surgeons.
Threatens the dog? Why? Going after this man for being in his own yard. All the yelling and screaming, and people who had nothing to do with this.
That’s what pissed me off
This is all because he felt disrespected . And retaliation followed. His story changed about 8 times. Even made the witness (caller) say something he didn't say . Trying to lie his way out of what he knows he did wrong. Wonder how many peoples lives he's changed over his lies. Despicable 😒
The dog is chained, and properly doing his job!… unlike the blue line gangster
cops are bullies. simple as that
Typical cop he must have been a ATF agent before being a cop
Him saying “Now” you are a part of this establishes he knew that was not the suspect
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
Yep, guy was disrespectful so he was committing the crime of contempt of cop.
He threatened to put him in the back of his car, i.e. cough, and stuff him for a smart comment. this guy was overstepping is authority in the first 10 seconds. He got there.
How this cop has a job is beyond me. He should be in prison
80 hours... this pig literally got a 2 week vacation
Hes a thug departments use like an attack dog, even a wild animal can be useful.
And his pension should be donated
It's because we now live in a dystopian police-state where they control everything and just didn't notice it because the skies aren't green fog like in the movies. 🤦
Half of this country believe that cops cannot be wrong and their actions are always justified!
This cop needs to be in jail. The law needs to apply to everyone equally if we're ever going to stop this kind of behavior
Instead he got a 2 week old paid vacation.
Officer commits numerous felonies... Gets slap on the wrist.
When the system protects these bullies people lose respect for the system.
The officer and the local justice system are equally culpable.
@thesuperdingos shameful. And shameful that the ones in authority didn't handle this correctly
And this happens every day! It’s disgusting what has become of the modern day police force and if the so called “good cops” don’t do anything to stop this behavior then they are just as guilty! We should start going after the training officers with lawsuits for this behavior and watch how fast things change!
A SUSPENSION!?!?? Cop should've been banned for life, fined, and gone to prison. His actions were nothing short of criminally destructive and psychopathic
tbh, while I completely agree, I would settle for him being banned for life so he can't do this again.
Racially Motivated Attack. Attempted Murder.
Dont be silly. This is normal behavior by the Enforcers. This is what freedom looks like in America 🤣
A psychotic person suffers from paranoia and usually believes themselves to be persecuted. It doesn't make people evil.
@@Erawk I don't know about that. Police should be held to a much higher standard as law enforcement officers/servant leaders. The average person would have gotten no less than a minor assault charge for those actions. Given the circumstances, I think anywhere from 15-20 years in prison is more than fair.
I’m a retired Police Sergeant and I’m very happy to see you and others doing this. Officers have to obey the law and don’t get to violate your rights just because they feel like it. It’s on them to know the Constitution and your rights.
Until the Courts, DA and the Supreme courts stop Qualified Immunity this won't stop, knowing they are Hated by so many won't stop them it's going to take the people to do something, this has been going on for to long and the tax payers are tired of there money going to these law suits.
You're 100% correct. It's important citizens know their rights as well these days bc most officers surely don't know.
and it's up to the law to make them accountable..this rarely happens especially in the South where WHITE cops and a "person of color" (mostly Black) are concerned
Jesus... One can only imagine how bad dirty cops were prior to body cameras. It's truly terrifying.
You _still_ think it's a matter of _were?_
Guess "human decency" really _will_ always win out over basic reasoning...
@@seand.g423yeah, cops were never the good guys and cops are still not the good guys.
Both are true.
Disgusting and fowl bro,
the fact that that can't be trusted so much that you need body cameras in the first place says a lot.
They’re still dirty.
Oh no, 80hrs for assault, battery, excessive force, false arrest and malicious prosecution. Poor officer. Until they are held to the same standards as you or I would be, then the system is broken.
I Agree.
Suspensions are just non pay vacations lol, they are meaningless anyways
Change the word suspension to unpaid vacation for all that mayhem.
Cops just get a weekend off, just like Twitch streamers, except with guns. 😒
This pig is a freak and shouldn’t be allowed to be a cop or own a gun
Yet another bully. When he left school and realised he wasn't going to be able to beat kids up for their lunch money anymore, he must have thought "How am I going to get away with bullying people now?". So he became a cop.
Yet probably does barrel rolls when he hears acorns falling near him, most likely.
That goes beyond bullying. That is a criminal, a corrupt officer who should never again in his life have the type of power was given.
This is every cop that ever exists
“And whatever else we can make up” - reason for the arrest. Sickening.
If they're that scared of people they SHOULD NOT be police officers...Where is the serve and protect.
Protect and serve isn't actually the police's job. It's to Protect property rights. Basically they're just a security team for the rich and powerful. They're also all corrupt bullies, too.
On top of being the worst person in the world. It states in the Lawsuit that:
1. Officer Thomas turned off his Dashcam before he arrived.
2. Actively attempted to cover/turn off his bodycam when alone with the Mr Carter.
2. Actively attempted to gaslight Sullivan (911 caller) into thinking the Mr Carter was Polo.
3. When making the arrest, pushed his thumb into Mr Carter's neck near Carotid Artery and/or Jugular Vein causing excruciating pain.
4. After a witness told him the location of Polo, he made no attempt to locate Polo or tell anyone else this information.
5. instead of asking Mr Carter who can take care of the children, he told a random stranger/witness to look after them.
Surely this man should have a lifetime ban from the police force?
You mean a lifetime ban from the living?
More like a lifetime sentence behind bars with his reason for detention told to every inmate
You spelled promotion funny.
It's unbelievable they see this and say yup couple weeks off and he'll be fine.
He should be trialed and jailed as a civilian
He should be in prison. Not only was this completely unreasonable, he made threats to the man's property, lost all control of himself and aslted and abdcted an innocent man (intentional misspell). He should be charged with aslt, abdctn, making a thrt with ddly whpn, aslt under color of law, etc. He also could have taken all this man's rights away for nothing, which is absolutely unacceptable.
This cop was completely unhinged and a absolute danger to his community. What a POS!!
POS Officer not peace officer
"I popped my cherry ...taser...
Ya I needta calm down"
Tells ya everything ya need to know about this particular human. He isnt fit for officer duty. He's a danger if he's just hunting adrenaline, and throwing all logic away to feel like the ways cops are portrayed in shows and movies and stuff, which is why cops act this way now. It's "acting", like the movies. Yet the movies are always an unrealistic portrayal of reality, yet here we are where this is the reality now. It's ridiculous
lol This cop was making your elected representatives proud.
@@undercoveragent9889 this cops actions obviously made the elected public servants proud. Instead of firing him for costing the city probably hundreds of thousands of dollars; They rewarded the cop with a 2 week vacation.
@@NintenDub I'd have to find the study, but many years ago it was published that cops and firefighters are adrenaline junkies. It noted that without the outlet of the job to satisfy those cravings, these same personalities would be in jail for various offenses. Guess they missed that they should STILL be in jail for the offenses committed on the job....
And what about the actual guy with the gun. This police officer wasted all of these resources on the wrong guy, meanwhile the actual suspect just got off free. What a pathetic display of police work. The fact that he is still a police officer in this country is downright frightening.
@@levia9753"obvious perp"? "acting weird"? "ran into the house"? WTF is wrong with you? He even told him where they were called to. I sure hope you are nobody in authority bc you have a f*cked up view of things.
@levia9753 totally writing off the fact nothing about him seemed like the perp especially when even the victim allegedly stated it wasnt him before he went over talk to him and that the guy in question said no its not him , pointed in the direction of where the cop should probably look to find the actual guy, and even stated that it has nothing to do with him and to talk to the man that called him which of whom was allegedly in the street that the cop had a conversion with prior before the video even started.
@@levia9753 no remember the 911 call said the guy they were looking for had on Green and black not purple bro
Cops are always Tripping when dealing with People of Color.
@@levia9753doesnt matter if he thought it was the suspect. Theres protocols to address this situation. You watched this whole video. Saw that the cop got an F. And mr carter got an A. He didnt do anything illegal and the officer basically abused his power to attack an innocent man. People with your and that cops thought process is what ruins this country. Someone acting weird and telling you to shutup isnt enough reasonable suspicion to tase someone or arrest them. Cop had an ego trip because someome told him to shutup and wanted to teach him a lesson. Your and his labeling of suspicious. Because hes a black man outside minding bis business is insane.
This is disgusting. Who recruited that “man”? Who trained that “man”? Who tested that “man’s” integrity and intelligence?
Only a psychopath would do that
cop needs court ordered : Roid ReHab...
Started as sociopathic, became psychopathic, and then back sociopathic. What’s nuts is that many cops are identified as having these mental disorders but are hired anyway.
Become a cop, you mean?
@@MrBeevee5 yes, it would seem so. This is socialism at its finest.
Like me.
Threatening to shoot a man's dog if he doesnt adhere to unlawful orders because he didnt pay deference to you is nasty work
He don't have to do s*** that that m*********** criminal officer says you're part of it now what a dog forget about the real situation hey start a situation yourself you're a criminal and should be in jail
He's a yellow-bellied coward
This cop needs sacking and jailed for this
ATF anybody?
The police officer could have been fired
Dude straight up said "...let him die in jail..." HOLY SHIT this Department is fucking unhinged
Unhinged? He was never hinged to begin with. He's on a power trip.
@@Locutuswell put. He truly never was hinged 😂
Most cops are the same.
Good all those good apples stood up to "the bad one"...right??? 😃
@@Locutusdoesn’t unhinged mean not hinged
I’ve been following you for a loooong time and for some reason this one slipped past me. It popped up on my feed today. You are always on point, always thorough, and always fair. I’m glad this gentleman stood up for his rights and was compensated for this unjust action. Thank you for all you do to bring awareness and accountability to the eyes of the public!
How quickly and calmly this dude said he’d shoot the dog????? He’s literally a serial killer with a badge.
You need to Google "literally" because you don't know what it means.
@@Solo-Road I think you need to look it up because Merriam Webster added a definition for the informal meaning of literally - : in effect : VIRTUALLY -used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possible
will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice
-Norman Cousins
@Solo-Road it means what they put, and it means what you think it means. Words hold the definition that we give them, "literally" was literally used so much that it literally means both "figuratively" and "literally"
And you would know that if you googled "Literally"
@@TheEdwardNigmaShownaw dude! That's literally wrong
@@TheEdwardNigmaShow "Words hold the definition that we give them". I have no doubt you believe that.
Green and black are not anywhere related to purple. He sees the first guy minding his business and he’s automatically the suspect. Colorblind cops.
Oh no, piggies see color quite well.
The cop just saw race…
@@cjroberts4457you are correct.
He heard black and that was all he needed
He heard black and found his target 🎯
He literally said “your a part of this now” proving that he knew he wasn’t the suspect he was there for but then states he “believed” he was the one with the gun that they were called there for ….
Well spotted! This whole interaction is larded with 'tells' that the cop's behaviour was nothing more than egomaniacal bullying.
good catch.
You're, not your.
Ya, he never even tried to investigate the actual call complaint and definitely knew the difference between green and purple, but decided to harassing an innocent person and thier dog would be more fun. Just spinning a bunch of lies to cover his ass, apparently that's the type of challenge he prefers.
@Locutus is trolling, not commenting. 😅
While driving, there's a pair of handcuffs and brass knuckles displayed between the windshield and rear-view mirror. That alone should be a red flag to the department that this officer is unhinged.
I don't know about Chattanooga, but where I live, the city has an ordinance against anyone possessing brass knuckles.
This monster is now a detective... He shouldn't even be allowed to be a dog catcher. "Can help me make something else up" What a tyrant!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you mistaking officer Cody Thomas in this video with the detective for Murfreesboro police. They aren't the same. The latter has been a detective since 2008, while the former joined the force around 2017.
So the stupid pig got promoted.. shocking 😐
In My City
The Dog Catchers Are Also Cops.
A Dog Catcher Let My Dog Out Of My Yard. Then She Started To Write Me A For Her Letting My Dog Out Of The Gate. I Told Her I Was Gonna Call The Cops.
She Then Pulled Out Her Gun And Said I'm A Real Cop!
That’s the thin blue line for you!
"help me making up anything else" should be a criminal admission. This alone, everything else aside, should disqualify this "man" and his collaborators from wearing a badge.
He should get a visit from Chris donner
? no this is the behavior the department is actively looking for
Y con camara!
Not to mention the other cop telling him, "ok, you write it down just like you told it to me." Haha! If it wasn't made up, he wouldn't need instructions!
"We investigated our officer and agree he did terrible things. His punishment will be a vacation."
“Thanks for financing this, suckers… ahem, I meant tax payers”
That's not punishment
Sounds about right.
@@mikeveis6393That's a tiny part of the sarcasm. 💀
How in the world was the cop not fired? Internal investigation says he put false information on the official report. Now you can't trust anything he says or does. I also don't understand how that could not be a crime. It's bad enough that one bad apple tases, arrests, and threatens to k!ll an innocent man for checking his mail while black. Then he falsifies a report to cover himself. But then he doesn't get fired? That reflects on the whole department IMO. Crazy.
And then police wonder why the general public has a natural distrust toward them. Well maybe if they held themselves accountable, and applied a greater measure of insuring their officers were properly trained and mentally/emotionally/psychologically well enough for this position, people wouldn't HESITATE calling the police for a wellness check on friends and relatives out of fear that some tyrannical officer feeling his cheerios will escalate the situation, knowing full well he'll be protected. They foster a mentality of "Us vs. Them", and it's genuinely despicable.
Also threatening to kill his dog who was tied up in his yard is terrorism and should be charged as animal cruelty for even having that on the table.
Nothing will ever change until we all exercise our 2a rights and go full Chris donner
Looks like those dogs were already knee deep in animal cruelty.
@@Solo-Roadseems like u get no bitches me thinks
@@Solo-Road how can you possibly make that assessment? The dog was just tied up in the front yard that doesn't have a fenced area, it COULD be being abused but there's no reason to assume that.
@@Dell-ol6hb Trash and filth all over the grassless lawn, 2 dogs just tied to ropes out front, another dog just running around... Yeah, I'm fine with my assessment.
Got a suspect with gun on the block, and rookie wastes his time & half the dept’s time on an innocent citizen who just wants to be left alone. F off cop.
Dude got a 2 week unpaid vacation for his crimes. Any other job would fire you on the spot if you failed that spectacularly. The corruption is strong with that department.
Did it say without pay? I didn’t see it say that but I could be wrong. I just assumed he was put on a 2 week paid vacation as they all are
@@shnryan812 The narrator definitely said unpaid.
He needs to be in jail! He assaulted someone with a deadly weapon. Tazets kill people!
I think this cop was having roid rage, or was on drugs.
Any other person who deployed a taser on you for standing on your own property would be arrested and charged with assault and battery. This officer is a criminal and a felon - I don't care if he wasn't charged and convicted, I can see it with my own eyes.
For real this is total and utter 🐴 💩
Any normal citizen would have been arrested charged and thrown in prison.
Threatening violence with a weapon, felony.
Kidnapping, felony,
Falsifying governmental paperwokr. Felony.
Aggrevated assault with a weapon. Felony.
Asking other government officials to help your lie and cover up crimes. I can't remember what it's called other than some type of corruption. But that's a felony. And the officers who aided him or didn't speak up oe try to stop him, they would have been charged as well
Adding him.
ALL Lawsuits in this case should come from the officer's pension FIRST, then from the city's general fund.
“Popped my cherry” is psychotic. He was excited and motivated to use a taser just to have done it for the first time
Most cops are just like this clown.
telling the guy come outside or "imma shoot your dog" is crazy
"Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'just a dog...'
Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'few bad apples...'
Þumpthing... þumpthing... þumpthing... 'hope you need a cop that never comes...'"
-the other half of the problem on their phone, in their Texxed-out pickup covered in Bluestripe flags
@@seand.g423 bro what?
@@seand.g423 someone call a bondulance this guy's having a stronk
@@seand.g423 lmaoooo
@@TheMoonPresence looks like they loosely covered the majority of the talking points that police supporters have
This is why you never talk to cops. This guy was nice enough to point this cop in the right direction and this is what he got.
Yeah I would have just said I what are you talking about? He would have explained why he was there and I would have just said I don't know what you're talking about I'm not involved have a good day and if you said well who is involved I would have said again I don't know what you're talking about sorry and then it sounded like the victim spoke up and I would have let him take over
@@Splintz246 explain why he's in a public sidewalk or curtilage? The cop has to explain what law is being broken
@@Scleavers That's not really what is going on here. My main issue is the person who called it in described what the suspect was wearing so did the dispatcher just never even relay that or did the cop ignore it? If you went based off a description given this guy at the mailbox never would have even been approached.
@@Splintz246 or.. you could hold the guy with the gun and badge to a higher standard. He was told he wasn’t the person he was looking for, the caller came out and said it was them who called, yet his ego being hurt made him attack an innocent civilian. You’re not telling me it’s ok to throw a temper tantrum and possibly ruin someone’s life because they didn’t talk nice to you, are you? You can’t be saying the public should be held to a higher standard then contracted killers walking our streets with Govt. immunity. I can’t believe any true American would think that way.
"Nope, I'm not, person who called you is over there, bye" And walked off is what I woulda done. Grabbed my other dog and brought them in as well while ignoring anything else the cop said.
Wow that cop just kept lying!!! What a POS
Meanwhile, the person who called for service is ignored, and the suspect remains at large.
Literally ignored, the caller is pointed out, and even explicitly mentions that they called, yet instead harassing someone else is of more interest...
No literally there's still someone with a gun running around and they aren't even investigating it???
"Polo" wasn't important. This officer feeling was, though. Insane.
The lawsuit states that the officer was actually told the location of polo shortly after this incident but decided not to follow up on it or inform other officers either. He got his man in his eyes so polo is a free man now
"I need to calm down" that pos needs to be fired and charged.
I prefer street justice take care of this one...... please video & post.
I concur!
The fact he started with “keep running your mouth you’re gonna find yourself in the back of my car” tells you what he thinks of his role and relationship with the community. The fact that his punishment is at the expense of the tax payers is ridiculous.
I can't believe the cheek of the cop turning hp looking for a situation unknown to him, having the audacity of questioning a Black king to try and get his bearings. Black mans first reaction RUN YOUR MOUTH and be as vague as you can. Two seconds would've sorted it out if the Carter had acted like any normal civilised person instead of turning his back on the cop and heading indoors.
@megamus3 Nobody is interested in talking to them, especially when you're innocent! Are you Polo? NO. He answered him.
@@monicarichardson2086 why are the innocent not interested in speaking to them? Do they not want crime to come down or what?
@@monicarichardson2086 yeah he answered them alright.... in the most ignorant,disrespectful way that he could scrape out of the pits of his ignorant little mind.
@@megamus3 Victim blaming by the bigoted and ignorant at its very best. Sad and sick.
A cops greatest skill: LYING!
"he stepped towards me and started walking back into his house"
Uh, huh? Which is it? What a liar
He wanted to make the guy seem like a threat but then remembered he was wearing a bodycam. The fact that it was recorded is perfect.
Clearly the suspect took a couple of steps towards the officer,stopped then started moonwalking to his property 😂
"I'll shoot your dog"
How much you wanna bet that this "cop" had a history of injuring animals as a kid? Sounds like something a psychopath would say.
What that LYING S.O.B. actually said was "I'll SHOOT YOUR F**KING DOG"
Most serial killers have a history of hurting animals, pets etc
Reminded me of buffalo bill in silence of the lambs
Every ant in his childhood yard lost all their arms and legs I'm sure. Hear how excited he **still** is when he gets to the precinct, I mean gang headquarters.
He's probably a child molester
The worst thing is, cops have been getting away with this for decades before bodycams. And a lot of cops are still out there acting like this with 0 consequences
this dude got caught and hes still out here too bruh like shits infuriating
And even with body cameras they still get away with it. The terrorist was even rewarded with vacation time (a.k.a "suspension") which he probably used to work his well paid security side gig in police uniform.
I wouldn't call 80 hours of suspension "consequences" anyway.
Well, they do have immunity from justice!
@sethblank3139not even that, qualified immunity is a bitch, because it nullifies precedence.
There is no precedence? Can't convict due to QI since there is no formal ruling saying that this isn't okay
Oh and qualified immunity does not make precedence
And since there is no precedence...
And I believe that that police officer stills working for the force!
One of these days he's gonna piss off the wrong guy. He better watch his back.
Saying "I popped my cherry" in regards to using his taser shows he wanted to do that to begin with. Absolutely disgusting.
He was just a gross, nasty lil man, wasn’t he? So my question is… do they all talk like that to each other and he was the only one dumb enough to do it in public, or is he the only one who does and they’re laughing at him when he leaves the room?
7:26 “I need to calm down”. Bro you should’ve done that from the beginning. 8:03 “I guess that could be him” this cop is dangerous, man.
We've been seeing that more and more often lately, cops "losing control" and hurting people then saying "I don't know what happened, I'm not normally like that". Maybe they're not sane enough to be cops. 😒
Not a man
30 seconds on the scene and tasers an innocent man, that has to be a record
He was just anxious to "pop his Taser cherry". It's all a game to them.
That's not a record. The record is 4.5 seconds when that cop shot two black kids thru a wooden fence in their backyard.
Complete maniac. Attacked the man, threatened the dog, roared and yelled like a uncontrolled lunatic, then called to the child like he was Jesus come to save her...just a psychopath, and nothing else...
His tone and language would be considered "disturbing the peace", if you or i did it...but this maniac cop gets to commit crimes in order to infringe righs and act unlawfully...what a shitshow!
@@EvieTighti3Stop pretending like you even care.
@@tombermudez6934 ok bootlicker
Did you notice the cop put his hand over the camera to hide his actions Right there you know he's aware he is doing something illegal
Meanwhile… no investigation of the alleged crime was conducted and the alleged perpetrator went unaddressed. Brilliant policework!
"You're now a part of this" tells us he knew Mr Carter was not involved. "Can help me make something else up" "He can die in jail"... Disgusting. PD should be disbanded.
Thank you for perfectly highlighting 3 actual quotes of the officer displaying his malice, deceit, and utter unprofessionalism. He is a MENACE, and it’s mind boggling that PD is keeping him on payroll. What is WRONG with that PD?! I would NEVER live there!!
I'm so surprised that ATA didn't comment in the video about this.
Great point.
ego is an officer's worst enemy
@@joescambait furthermore, an officer’s ego is the Public’s worst enemy.
Imagine calling 911 because you and/or your family are in danger, and watch in horror as they get sidetracked into taking your neighbor down, and possibly shooting his dog, for hurting an officer's feelings.
i can’t imagine how this stuff affects their view on the police
That's something I was wondering, what happened with the original call? It's like the cops said "f* it, this random, unrelated thing is more important"
Right, all because he was black. I mean shit, "911 there is someone trying to shoot me" 911- "ok, well we will send a unit to come shoot your neighbor and his dog as well"
@@staffzx Theyre like teammates on mutiplayer games who dont understand or care to play the objective
This is a classic case of, "Nobody Tells ME No!" That officer needs job loss, hard prison time, and payments surrendered to his victim in perpetuity.
The bastard ADMITTED to making up charges!!!
and his superior and band of brother's helped him!
Also note his usage of leading questions to a witness from 7:45 onward. I'm pretty sure that such a questioning style does not lead to reliable testimonies.
Literally said "maybe they can help me make something else up" It's OUTRAGEOUS!
@@cg741graf5EXACTLY thats why i dont like cops they support the few bad ones which make all of them bad to me!
Yup, welcome to the biggest gang in america that's protected by a Union that should be abolished and banned in it's entirety as well as new, stricter laws made to prevent this kind of utter bullshit.
911 caller "hey we're over here"
Cop "nah imma go this way"
"Anarcho tyranny "
"This guy didn't lick my ass, I have to go assault him and try to ruin his life. Nothing else matters."
Dude hit the miles morales, "nah, imma do my own thing"
When the ONLY charge is "resisting arrest" and they can't tell you what they were originally arresting him for... that's CRIMINAL!!
we find out @14:50 that it doesn't matter if the original arrest was UNLAWFUL. that's a rigged game and it's rigged against US!!!
Exactly an unlawful arrest is just assault, battery, and kidnapping.
Thank You for your breakdown of these incidents and citation of case law in support of the legal theory.
“And if Van Ness can help me with making up anything else” is all that we need to justify a lengthy prison sentence, we have had enough of this type of bs!
The pig was suspended for filing a false report...then allowed to come back to work to falsify more reports in the future. What's the penalty for a citizen who files a false police report in Tennessee? In my home state, it's 180 days in jail and a $1000 fine. If the report substantially hinders the law enforcement process _or if it results in harm to another person,_ the penalty increases to 1 year in prison and a $5000 fine. This pig's report met at least one of those criteria.
Since the authorities in Chattanooga clearly aren't going to enforce these penalties on one of their thugs, I hope some citizen takes it upon themselves to administer a more fitting (and permanent) penalty on officer NoNuts.
That's enough to justify sending him to the next police department and giving him a raise.
“If you can help me make up anything else(charges)” = immediately fired
I read your comment 2 seconds before he said that. I can't believe this. So effed up I don't have words. It's all recorded!! Can't wait to get to the end and see exactly how severely this monster was punished.
@@time4me2fly94lol you think he got punished… you must be new here
Where are the charge enhancements for “conspiracy”?
This lying POS cop, who needlessly escaped this, needs to be fired, arrested and charged with no chance of working as LE ever again. This unprofessional tyrant officer Thomas with, big ego was the one being disorderly.
I can't beleive the officer threatened to SHOOT HIS DOG. That man has no place holding a gun or any position of power. 😮
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
“If not, he can die in there” but officer safety is supposed to be our concern? They show that they have zero concern for your safety.
So they never actually investigated the real crime, the actual threat. What a joke
He straight lied and tried to gaslight the guy “you said he was polo” the man who called the cops “no I didn’t “. Dude just wanted to shoot someone.
Imagine having been tased by a cop who has been told you're not the person of concern and then had him outside, sounding completely unhinged, screaming to come here. Then being fitting up as an innocent man after being attacked
@Juice-ig3jz He even referred to the use of the taser as having "popped my cherry".
That was utterly disgusting!!
This guy needs to be fired IMMEDIATELY.
You left out the word "upon".
@@harvestmoon2731LMAO Love that reply!!!!♥️
@@harvestmoon2731You forgot to add “until he looks like Swiss cheese “.
@@harvestmoon2731 good one!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The officer was involved in another lawsuit.
"Now a second suit filed by Flores on behalf of Dale and Alinda Edmonds in February of 2019, claims Thomas and four other officers unlawfully searched the Edmonds' home without a warrant after a neighbor called in saying it was a drug house.
"The officers came in unannounced into the house, guns drawn, one of them being Mr. Thomas. They came into the home and forced him outside," Flores said.
The complaint states Edmonds, who was shot at the home on South Seminole Drive a few days prior, was forced to raise his injured arm when faced with officers pointing their weapons at him.
Just raising his arm up even slightly caused him great pain. Eventually, the officers realize that it was a mistake, and they left," Flores told Channel 3.
The suit said after filing a complaint with Internal Affairs, they were told twice the complaint was lost after asking about the case's status.
"They were sandbagged and sandbagged and sandbagged until just before the statute of limitation expired," the attorney added.
According to a CPD Spokesperson, the investigation into that complaint is still active.
The Edmonds are seeking $1.3 million in damages in the suit that names the City of Chattanooga, Thomas, four other CPD officers and an internal affairs employee."
Once a bad cop, always a bad cop.
That's what happens when you get only 80 hours of suspension
Apparently he is now a detective smh
How is this NOT perjury, filing a false police report, false arrest, AND battery?
80 hour suspension?! 80 hour suspension?!?!? FOR KIDNAPPING?
That cop has to be ARRESTED.
And now promoted. Wth is going on. Should be in jail.
@@davidhaworth7152 in jail for what? he was resisting..
@@Beast_from_the_middle_easti guess u missed the part where they said it was an illegal arrest, he lied on his police report, and he used unnecessary violence and language. Maybe thats why the officer got suspended, charges were dropped and the man arrested got paid. Is that enough reasons why?
The unjust detainment (arrest) and use of force is bad, but that the cops took an active part trying to jam this guy up with a criminal prosecution is far worse. Fighting off criminal charges (or worse actually being convicted) can cost you your job, home, money, family, freedom, and future opportunities. All this because the cops try to cover up their errors to avoid having to just say sorry and pay out a minor settlement for their error, rather they fight tooth and nail which results in people getting falsely charged/prosecuted and later possibly paying out a few much larger and very publicized settlements.
This is why police departments should have to budget for and pay for blanket liability insurance. That way an insurance actuarial team assesses risk of each individual and department based on previous claims experience, thus a cop that is costing them fortunes in insurance premiums to cover all the payouts becomes unviable to continue to serve, and that experience modifier follows him to any other law enforcement employment. Only a financial incentive will stop departments leadership from letting a cop that makes too many errors from continuing employment. If the entire department is creating too many claims the premiums will become untenable for the city forcing the mayor and council to change the department leadership to get things back on track.
Thankfully there is Federal Legislation being considered to require officers to obtain personal liability insurance along with discussions to greatly reduce the protections of qualified immunity they enjoy today.
@@Beast_from_the_middle_eaststop licking so many boots
Yet, he's still employed??? Who else is he terrorizing? They let him keep his job, but gave him a time out like the toddler he acted like. This is worrisome. He doesn't belong in a uniform. Another example of a bad employee.
Bad employee, and abusive person
This was 2018 too, he's been continuing to take a taxpayer paycheck for 6 years
What’ll really infuriate you, he’s actually a detective now 😡
@@weenfain2321 WTF 😒??? How many innocent people has he thrown in prison?? That's messed up. They gave him a promotion when he acted like this. That's even more worrisome. I'm glad I don't live there, nor do I plan on ever going through there.
How did he only get 2 weeks suspension!? Bro needs to be FIRED. We don't need him running around the streets terrorizing citizens and wasting millions of taxpayer money.
Proof that cops are above the law and they will be protected at all costs unless they get too extreme.
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
Fired and spend time in jail, it should be a federal offense for a cop to waste resources and man power on situations like this.
So they're on a call for gun shots. They pull up to the first random guy who's outside and get all up in this guy's business that it consumes all of the cop's time. The cop struggles to figure out what charges to give the random guy, but picks the favorite obstruction/resistance whatever and takes the guy downtown. Meanwhile, the actual reason they were even called is forever forgotten. They don't give a damn about making the neighborhood safer.
That's not a cop, that's a threat.
I love how the cop confidently explains to his superior on camera exactly what he did, firmly believing he did the right thing. That’s the problem with officers like him, he genuinely believes he handled that situation perfectly. That’s what a poor vetting-process and 3 months in the academy gets you. “Here’s a badge and a pistol - good luck!”
The dumb cop even tried to cover up his body cam AFTER assaulting the poor guy, what an idiot
He was looking for an excuse to kill the dog
Don't forget him asking the other pigs to help him come up with anything else to charge Mr. Carter with...
And an abuser
It's uvaldee brave..
@@frocat5163 Don't forget the part where he also jokingly talked about 'fearing for his life' as justification for his actions.
17:02 this guy is soooo proud of this
The fact that the victim was literally right there and could tell that Carter was the guy just shows that the cop didn't even want to investigate
The way he was straight up gaslighting the victim too?? Like he's the one who called I'm pretty sure he knows better than you
The Sargent immediately involved himself in damage control for his unhinged officer. The fact that he had the wrong man didn't seem to make any difference. The Sargent's response should've been, " We have a big problem here, son." Not, "Write it up just like you told me." This tells me that corruption in this department is routinely covered up by higher ranking officers.
yeah it’s barely audible, but if you listen closely, at one point the cop even says “i feared for my life” 😵💫
Exactly they all covering for each other like big pile of turds.
@@SeenGod I heard the words "SAY you feared for your life". Other cop giving the newer officer tips to get away with excessive force.
I also couldn't help noticing how the officer tried to manipulate the victims warning around to help his case against this guy.
I find it very disturbing that this cop is still on the force.
Wild, this cop is clearly insane.
This cop will kill someone one day. He is a danger to his own family and the public at large. Clearly a psychopath
Evil, not insane
He's not a cop he's a criminal wearing a costume and badge
@@daveyjones777he can be both at the same time
@@zig_da_pig If he's insane, he's not legally or morally culpable. He should just be in a looney-bin like a good portion of society.
This cop along with his pals that allowed this should be serving life sentences. Time to stop allowing this Bull shit.
So he used excessive force, lied on a police report, and committed an unlawful arrest and received an...80 hour suspension?!
Be willing to bet suspension was with full pay!
@user-mb7fw3wm2y suspension isnt paid dumbass. Was it enough punishment. Of course not. He atleast got dragged through the lawsuit and probably was scared shitless.
Imagine if you had done this. Do you think you'd get to set at home for 2 weeks?
Yeah,and it was most likely paid! SMH
And let’s not forget holding a dog hostage threatening to kill his dog
You just know that cop has killed someone’s dog before too.
And child... probably 😮
@@arshadq1And wife
@@baconheadhair6938And Cat
Nah he was a trigger happy kid who “busted his cherry” deploying that taser for the first time. Pitiful excuse for a human being, if you ask me.
"filed a false statement in his report" should be criminally charged for that alone, not to mention the rest of the behavior
I would ask people to think about the likelihood that the cop really was trying to lie on a report. The cop knew it was all on body camera. What so many people don’t understand is the human brain is both marvelous and extremely flawed. And when you’re in a stressful situation, or even a non-stressful situation, your perception is often what your brain remembers if anything. I first started learning about the brain on a TV show called the brain games. I think some of his online now. Also watching the mayday aircraft disaster shows about all the crazy mistakes that pilots make, some of them are inexplicable. But they make these because our brain is just beyond flawed so much of the time.
@@iMatti00 so no written statement by a police officer should be considered in court of law since it is inherently unreliable?
@@KevinLyda- It’s just as reliable or unreliable as anybody’s memory. And everybody who knows anything about memory understands that the human brain is some of the most unreliable evidence.
@@iMatti00 so perjury doesn't exist. People can say anything and if it's proven false, they just say "unreliable memory!" and it's all good.
”Popped my cherry“ That’s his state of mind, just put your head around that. Predator with police powers. Quite alarming.
I had to replay this 3 times because i didn't believe my eyes, this cop need 10-20 years in prison like a civilian would for assault/attempted murder and kidnapping.
One day he will be sorry and you know what no member of the public will care
This is absolutely beyond reprehensible!!!
And the fact that they continue to employ bozos like this lets you know all you need to know. They want cops out here behaving this way and harassing us. They also don’t care about public safety. Because if they did, cops like this would be fired immediately. Instead get to illegally tase and arrest someone and keep their jobs.
He should be forced to pay 20% of his monthly earnings personally from his own paychecks to this man and hia family.
Not the taxpayers.
If justice was served, this guy wouldn’t have a paycheck because he’d be rotting jail.
This is why no change happens. Settlements will just be payed via extortion racket(tax money) forever and the thugs(police men) will just move to another deployment. The system works as intended.
Imagine telling your wife "imma go check the mailbox" then get to the mailbox and get jumped on by the police. Thats crazy.
Welcome to being black in America.
I wonder if this officer went home thinking he made a positive change, thinking he’s fighting crime, thinking he had a hard and good day on the job.
So exactly what crime was committed? A guy checked his mail and said he didn’t know anything about a call, so that warrants all this? And what about the original call, the guy just gets away.
Assault/battery , unlawful restraint, false arrest, misconduct in office, deprivation of rights under the color of law.
All by the cop.
His feelings were hurt. An acorn probably fell near him earlier that day.
I can't even count how many times I C that happen , they go after the wrong guy & the bad guy gets away . That's real good police work , isn't it .
Talking was considered "disorderly" then he "resisted" the verbal commands...
According to the law it's illegal to be alive. Just a matter of time before the "Law" proves what we are. Natural born criminals...and if you watch a toddler take pleasure in their ability to destroy it becomes evident. We are bad, they are good.
2 things strike me, when an officer said about charges, whatever else we can make up. Then when the other one asks about ID, the cop doesn't even know his name and the other says he can die in jail then. What assholes.
Remember, you can be arrested immediately even when you have done nothing wrong, but a cop who has done a lot wrong gets investigated for months by his BFFs and gets a vacation rather than charges when they do something wrong.
Dispatch: it was a guy wearing green and black not a black guy
Cop: oh
"You are now part of this" is the exact moment the cop's ego ruined the situation...
American police are the only police in the world that have EGOS
This is a direct result of the American Cop Worshipping Culture! In every other country in the world cops are very much aware that they are Servants of the public and are therefore beneath the Citizens who they body guard for!! Where having an ego over being a servant would be absolutely absurd! But then no other culture in the world view and treat these blue monster as Gods
So true!
USA is the place in the world where being a 🐷 is considered a valid excuse to become egotistical
Hear the officer say, "...or he can die in jail" Makes you wonder how many folks have died in their custody.
All citizens should be treated with respect not have rights violated and treated as if you’re already a convicted criminal. Lazy, corrupt cops look for opportunity to power trip; eager to roll out all kinds of illegal and unlawful BS thinking citizens just have to suck it up.
How many false reports sice 1610, do you think? How many lives ruined?
@@Vykcin immeasurable.
Not only saying that as a police officer but saying it boldly on multiple body cams is crazy
Referring to tazing someone as "popping your cherry" is absolutely horrendous.
Absolutely ridiculous.
It means it was his first time, he was definitely eager.
@@11bornrich of course that's what it means. I hate what he referred to harming someone as that though.
Sounds like he gets off on tazing/hurting people. Plus he threatened to kill his dog on a chain in a yard.
11:40 The Car filled for a protection and restraining order on the cop for unwanted touching. Cop was registered as a Car-Molester
Never seen a more clear case of "contempt of cop". Police have way too much latitude that allows them to abuse their authority.
This one seriously pissed me off! He not only tried to blame the guy who called for misleading him, which was a COMPLETE lie, but he reacted because his ego was hurt.
this is a criminal with a badge and this needs to be stopped
Me too!
I caught that also, he tried telling the guy that he said something that he didn’t say. What a liar.
So, the officer got a two week vacation and the taxpayers had to pay a million $$$ for 1)the officers blatant disregard for the law and his assault on a citizen 2)the filing of false chargers and the malicious prosecution by the city of Chattanooga.
Probably closer to half a million. But yes, that's what happened, that's always what happens.
Officer Thomas is clearly a clown. A 2-week suspension is a joke.