Osteoarthritis explained (explainity® explainer video)

  • Опубліковано 18 сер 2022
  • Did you know that several billion people suffer from osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide. If you're not careful, the affected joint can become highly damaged, so that it can no longer function. In this explanatory video we explain more about osteoarthritis.
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    (menue point: "Englisch")
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  • @willow_rayne6678
    @willow_rayne6678 Рік тому +1

    I'm 34 and suffer from osteoarthritis. Daily life is impacted so much for me that I walk with a cane now and I have to have help getting in and out of the shower. It started when I was 15 and I was told by several specialists that had my mother pushed the issue, taken me to the doctor like she should have, they would have taped my kneecaps and I wouldn't be dealing with this now. My kneecaps actually go to the side, which exacerbated this disease. People don't understand how this affects someone, especially when they're younger. It's more common in older persons, ages 60+, but it can - and does - happen to younger people. I'm tired of having to get viscal gel injections every 4-6 weeks and struggling to do basic things. It's tiring. I can't play with my kids at the park anymore, I can't just go and do what I used to enjoy. When we go out as a family, or even as a couple, we have to make sure that what we do is handicap assessable. I never thought that I'd be 34 with a handicap placard that doesn't expire and walking with a cane. My life began 100x more difficult and I had to make so many changes and sacrifices. It's tough mentally and emotionally and it made me feel incredibly insecure and low. I have an amazing husband whose stood by my side through all this and our 3 kids, ages 9, 11, and 13, understand and will help in certain areas without being asked. I have had a terrible time with this because I've been so independent and worked beginning at 15. I was 30 when I had to stop because I couldn't keep up with my job anymore and sitting/standing for too long brought on immense pain and inflammation that caused more pain. So the cycle would keep going. We went down to 1 income supporting 5 people. It's not been easy, especially as the world has changed in 4 years with inflation and food costs and gas prices going up steadily. BUT...we keep going. My kids tell me every day how much they love me and I hear "you're the best mom ever" about 1000x a day lol I shower them with love, affection, and I can't even begin to say how much I'm blessed to have my family. My parents and sibling are deceased, aunts, uncles, and several cousins as well. So my husband and kids are all I have and they make things easier by just being here and being supportive. It's a difficult thing. I've had some rude people when I've been at the store and had to use an electric cart. They've made comments about how I'm just being lazy, etc, but I've had a lot MORE people who are friendly, helpful, and understanding. It took me a long time to admit I needed a cane, and even longer to accept when others would try to help as I was getting to my car and trying to unload groceries or carry pops, etc., all while holding onto a cane. There are some decent people still left in this world. Just be nice to others because you don't know what they're going through. I spent a long time in my head, cooped up in a little world full of doubt, not loving myself, and feeling pretty low. I still try to do too much and I pay the price later for it, but I'm a mom and a wife and I feel my role is to take care of my family, but when I'm having a really bad day physically then my kids and husband help pitch in where I can't (thank goodness the hubs knows how to cook, too lol) but it still, even after years of this, it still hits me hard at times mentally/emotionally. I used to go to the gym, went on long walks, took everyone out to the nature trails and just enjoyed every bit of what I could. For those who aren't suffering from this crappy disease and know someone who is, be there for them in every way because losing that independence is extremely hard.

  • @sallybush6454
    @sallybush6454 Рік тому

    Been going gym 20 yrs...got stuck on equipment done now..got osteoarthritis in both hips...knees and hand...I use to swim...but couldn't fo it do walked the pool ...I have bursitis in my hip to...Been stretching every morning..I can't actually do no more