A classic ballet by Jose Limon with the original cast. His expressive tight choreography captures the essence of Shakespeare's Othello beautiful. Although it may appear dated now, Jose's expressive tight choreography captures the essence of Shakespeare's Othello beautifully.
This work which I saw first in 1955 had a strong
Influence on me as a director. Harvey Grossman
Me encantó la versatilidad de los cuerpos, el drama, el ballet. El amor, la fatalidad. Muy lindo poder comunicar tanto con la danza.
A classic ballet by Jose Limon with the original cast.
His expressive tight choreography captures the essence of Shakespeare's Othello beautiful.
Although it may appear dated now, Jose's expressive tight choreography captures the essence of Shakespeare's Othello beautifully.
i need to see more purcell with acting and dancing, this is great!
Dancer: José Limón, Betty Jones, Lucas Hoving, Pauline Koner
Nadie de Culiacán lo aclama a pesar de ser de allá.
Ni el aclamaba a su tierra.
есть в мире совершенство!
This is not impressive.