The Global setting rule determines the Waiver members can chose to have their services in their own home. What happens when the Department will pay for the services the member needs in a more restrictive group home setting but will only pay for 1/2 the persons medically necessary hours if they want the same level of services in their own home. Waiver 21 is a cost neutral program so the funding allocated by the federal government is the same without regard to the setting chosen. The choice is not meaningful if the member cannot have the necessary level of care in the choice they want, but they can have their services if they pick the setting the Department wants. What happens when it is the Department divesting the member of their rights?
When the needs of the Member have been determined by medical professionals including Ph D's and medical doctors to be a need for life-long 24/7 HCB support services does the Department have the authority to suspend or divest the DD person of their right to the appropriate medical care, in their own home. When the Member has a waiver 21 due to more severe disabilities, and an individual cost limit of 200% of the cost of an ICF-MR facility. How is it that the department can use MaineCare Section 21 policies that are not compliant with federal law to reduce the authorized hours determined by the doctors. Isn't a matter of law that layperson cannot overturn the diagnosis of doctors?
Having the state INSIST upon having a client who is deaf and blind with IQ far below 35, work every day with staff and an apple tablet, a flat object to learn all about using their money in a store. ::Stares.:: We have moved VERY far from "rights" to too much needed common sense to intervene at times? I think sometimes someone sitting in an office somewhere really does not understand our clients as we do and we are being asked to do some things that make zero sense?
Your telling me, as a dsp idc if you worked in dsp in the past. if you’re not currently working as a dsp, you shouldn’t have input on how it works. The amount of residents I’ve seen become more negated by the community because they really force the community involvement is too high.
You state that ICF-MR cannot use HCBS funding. Group homes are far more restrictive to personal liberty than a persons own home. You tell people about their rights, but I never hear about the rights of DD persons under the Federal DD Act. The right to appropriate medical treatment in the setting least restrictive to their personal liberty. And to live free of abuse , neglect, exploitation, and rights violations. Abuses includes deprivation of services and essential needs. MaineCare has no real options for a Waiver 21 member with more severe disabilities who wants to remain in their own home, requiring their cost neutral funding for 24/7 DSP's. You state that some of the issues should call DRM. What assurance are made to assure that DRM (The federal Protection and Advocacy) is independent of DHHS as required under federal law? DRM will not represent Waiver 21 members who are being deprived of their federally protected rights; deprived of the right to remain in their own home. I have multiple members who can get no help. I see from OADS documents that 90% of Section 21 recipients are in group homes. Paul Saucier director of OADS stated this is the case even when they don't to be in group homes. DHHS does not want to hear comments. Maine DHHS held one man in a Crisis Facility for seven months because he wouldn't agree to go into a more restrictive setting. When DD persons are indigent and can't afford a lawyer there is no help. This man has been fighting to stay in his home where his life is better and he is happiest. The man is very vocal about not wanting his services in a group home. Maine will not let up. They state he can stay in his own home if he can find someone to provide his services for free... while Maine continues to collect his federal funding. They are now saying they will give him 112 hours per week, but not the 168 hours/week his doctors state he needs. BUT the man has to adhere to a strict schedule and give detailed notes of what he is doing, where he goes and even when he is awake and asleep, all violations of privacy. The Department has stated might want to more the 112 hours (16 hours a day) around. He is blind, diabetic, has memory impairments and issues with realities, he has burned down at least two homes when trying to cook. The doctors determine in order to protect his safety and this rights he needs 24/7. I'm pretty sure no one will respond to this issue. Years of Reportable events and grievance have been ignored. The man has been listening to this and keeps saying that is a lie that is a lie. What is happening to him is happening to others. There is no help.
The Global setting rule determines the Waiver members can chose to have their services in their own home. What happens when the Department will pay for the services the member needs in a more restrictive group home setting but will only pay for 1/2 the persons medically necessary hours if they want the same level of services in their own home. Waiver 21 is a cost neutral program so the funding allocated by the federal government is the same without regard to the setting chosen. The choice is not meaningful if the member cannot have the necessary level of care in the choice they want, but they can have their services if they pick the setting the Department wants. What happens when it is the Department divesting the member of their rights?
what is the plan for clients who don't like being in the community no matter how much you try.
When the needs of the Member have been determined by medical professionals including Ph D's and medical doctors to be a need for life-long 24/7 HCB support services does the Department have the authority to suspend or divest the DD person of their right to the appropriate medical care, in their own home. When the Member has a waiver 21 due to more severe disabilities, and an individual cost limit of 200% of the cost of an ICF-MR facility. How is it that the department can use MaineCare Section 21 policies that are not compliant with federal law to reduce the authorized hours determined by the doctors. Isn't a matter of law that layperson cannot overturn the diagnosis of doctors?
are client's family get some training to assist while clients are in their communities?
access to food when the client has no control over the amount of food they eat. how does this food at any time fit in?
That's is a right violation
Having the state INSIST upon having a client who is deaf and blind with IQ far below 35, work every day with staff and an apple tablet, a flat object to learn all about using their money in a store. ::Stares.:: We have moved VERY far from "rights" to too much needed common sense to intervene at times? I think sometimes someone sitting in an office somewhere really does not understand our clients as we do and we are being asked to do some things that make zero sense?
Your telling me, as a dsp idc if you worked in dsp in the past. if you’re not currently working as a dsp, you shouldn’t have input on how it works. The amount of residents I’ve seen become more negated by the community because they really force the community involvement is too high.
If the unchallenged citizenry cannot afford a property, why isnt a facility option a defined option?
Thank you
I’ve already seen this video… I’m confused, is there another video I’m supposed to be watching?? Hmmmm…
You state that ICF-MR cannot use HCBS funding. Group homes are far more restrictive to personal liberty than a persons own home. You tell people about their rights, but I never hear about the rights of DD persons under the Federal DD Act. The right to appropriate medical treatment in the setting least restrictive to their personal liberty. And to live free of abuse , neglect, exploitation, and rights violations. Abuses includes deprivation of services and essential needs. MaineCare has no real options for a Waiver 21 member with more severe disabilities who wants to remain in their own home, requiring their cost neutral funding for 24/7 DSP's. You state that some of the issues should call DRM. What assurance are made to assure that DRM (The federal Protection and Advocacy) is independent of DHHS as required under federal law? DRM will not represent Waiver 21 members who are being deprived of their federally protected rights; deprived of the right to remain in their own home. I have multiple members who can get no help. I see from OADS documents that 90% of Section 21 recipients are in group homes. Paul Saucier director of OADS stated this is the case even when they don't to be in group homes. DHHS does not want to hear comments. Maine DHHS held one man in a Crisis Facility for seven months because he wouldn't agree to go into a more restrictive setting. When DD persons are indigent and can't afford a lawyer there is no help. This man has been fighting to stay in his home where his life is better and he is happiest. The man is very vocal about not wanting his services in a group home. Maine will not let up. They state he can stay in his own home if he can find someone to provide his services for free... while Maine continues to collect his federal funding. They are now saying they will give him 112 hours per week, but not the 168 hours/week his doctors state he needs. BUT the man has to adhere to a strict schedule and give detailed notes of what he is doing, where he goes and even when he is awake and asleep, all violations of privacy. The Department has stated might want to more the 112 hours (16 hours a day) around. He is blind, diabetic, has memory impairments and issues with realities, he has burned down at least two homes when trying to cook. The doctors determine in order to protect his safety and this rights he needs 24/7. I'm pretty sure no one will respond to this issue. Years of Reportable events and grievance have been ignored. The man has been listening to this and keeps saying that is a lie that is a lie. What is happening to him is happening to others. There is no help.