"There's racism everywhere" and "Everyone is discriminated against by everyone" ............ pretty much bang on and down to earth, honest statements. Thankyou Mr. Fox.
There is racism, just not toward who they think. I would love for some of these people to provide an example of the racism they think is so prevalent. And they are dead silent on what is happening in South Africa.
And what is the truth? That your pure English and "White" and indigenous to England? Wrong !!! And because the majority of you really believe this: You believe it gives you the right to say what you want: and when your challenged you act like this prick because the truth hurts, and you don't want to be told that you can basically say offensive things: If you dont want to be labelled as a racist dont say racist things then; you love to offend or make out that everyone that we got a chip on our shoulder well its their because you put it there: What you have never gone through is something that you have no idea about: Your favourite is of being a tolerant country and tolerating people; who the hell do you think you are? It's this arrogance which makes you come out with insensitive remarks about others because you somehow believe that you are separate from all races and superior otherwise you would just leave people be: but don't because your obsessed with race and colour and your overinflated egos Every human being has melanin you called whites included but you have a very critical low amount which obviously meanstill that you must have had a fully melinated distant ancestor. Who ever created humans created the first in a hot place and created them as fully melianated people: Europe was unliveable for thousands of years no one lived there: so where do you come from really, It's funny to me how people like you and people like Lawrence who always claim that you are not privileged but talk as if you are exactly that: like it's your entitlement to offend or trivialise others experiences !!! You have this ignorant arrogance no matter how well educated you are: it's this colonial mentality that has been conditioned and fed to you by society the media and the education system. Your not indigenous to England or the British Isles nor Europe. Anglo Saxons are Germanic tribe members of Scandinavia who invaded and settled in the British Isles they fought their Norman cousins for control of it: England was named by the Germans: Engalannd Anglo Land !!! Privilege is the fact that you can walk down the street without some so called white sometimes Indian women grabbing on to their handbags !! Even though those kind of crimes are normally committed by white guys junkies down and outs as well as Black kids but be honest that's not a crime that young Black boys are out there committing: they out there selling drugs no mugging no women's bags:
Grow up, hate speech does not exist, it's called free speech. Just ignore her, and people like her, the problem is that too many people give these vermin too much credence.
I’m a 27-year-old American and let me just let me say that I’m sick to death of everyone being slept with the label of racist just because they don’t agree with a POC.
Fox is an unemployed and unemployable rather dim racist who once said that his followers would bankrupt a local supermarket for supporting black lives mater
Everyone has a right to freedom of speech so he should not back down but my take on him is that he is only where he is because of the vulgar nepotism that we have in our class ridden country we call great Britain turns out it not so great anymore so keep calling out the liberal fascism and the woke racist
@@louisdocherty8219 Your government would disagree with you that you have freedom of speech. You are free to repeat sentiments the government has approved, but if you waver off of that you face prosecution. Don't think so? Experiment: Post on your Twitter account that you don't think that Islam is the religion of peace and that you think all immigration should be stopped. How long before the thought police come knocking on your door?
"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." -- Orwell, 1984.
When GB News condemns s few tweets about a knitting pattern and that this is woke really tells you how the right wing media is really struggling to grasp those straws.
I'm mixed race and say BRAVO Mr Fox! Personally I'm sick to my stomach with all this victim culture and super woke lunacy! People have had enough of being told who they are and how to think! Again BRAVO loz!
I really feel for him. I don’t think he was racist and I think he has a lot of fair points. You can’t say because someone is white and privileged that he isn’t allowed an opinion. He didn’t mention race, the audience member did.
Yeah and i really admire him holding his ground. He knows he isn't wrong, and he's not gonna back down - brilliant guy. We need more like him. Will be looking out for his acting work in the future
@sl64642 what IS 'privilege' anyway but preception of another that someone has more than him/herself? Obviously stems from a place of jealousy. Add race to it as in 'white priviliged' and it becomes even more loaded. Seems to me the energy employed in that jealousy could be better spent in improving's one life rather than eying others with envy. Only a loser never takes responsibility for their life.
Same as much of the Brexit argument over EU freedom of movement. To many it's purely about numbers and capability to house, employ and provide services to so many. Doesn't matter where they come from. Yet first thing we hear from the wokeists is you don't like them because they are foreign. Identity politics again.
Huge respect for Lawrence Fox. Saying that every individual is as important as the next no matter what colour they are is a brave thing to say these days.
Hang in there, sensible friends - you are not alone. This strange, self-defeating phase is passing. Woke ideology will eat itself. Common sense will prevail.
Yes it will! Common sense will prevail! The left will destroy themselves like they always end up doing all throughout history! I often think about The French Revolution and the role Robespierre played! In my opinion Maximilien Robespierre is a perfect example of how the left devours themselves! 🇺🇸🤩😊
Exactly because even if you got in you’re knees, kissed their feet, they still wouldn’t accept a apology because all they want to do is silence & control their opposition which is just common sense!
@@Marcus538 I'm surprised that you even use this meaningless term. Who the fucK uses words like 'woke' unless they're bored of their own language. Politics aside, Fox can flannel away to his hearts desire for all I care; it only confirms that he is the arsewipe one expected him to be.
Meghan and Harry have NO idea what is coming for them in North America with the American paparazzi. What excuse will they have now since they already used the race card to get out of the UK?
5 років тому+540
As a Northern working class man ,Laurence is the type of poshy we like,keep it up mate
I'm 52 and I've noticed a big change in the last 30 years or so, in that the working class don't dislike proper posh people any more. Nowadays it's the virtue-signalling middle class arseholes who look down their noses at the working class, far more than proper posh people like Boris Johnson and such like. That's what I think anyway. It reminds me of an old anecdote of Billy Connolly's, from about 30 years ago, when he talked about the workers and the landowners getting on like a house on fire in a pub and then a middle class guy arrives to talk about house prices or something and everyone in the pub hates him, both posh and workers. I'm middle class myself, so I'm not playing any "poor me" cards in saying this and I try not to be a hypocrite. I used to bore for Britain about house prices myself. It's just an observation.
Labour would like to divide us with the phoney class war. A good kind man or woman is just that regardless of the "class" he or she occupies. WE are in fact brothers under one flag. We died together in the trenches (check the figures - no privileged with shrapnel) and when our ships went down. Let us honour their sacrifice and stand together.
You don't need to qualify it as you being a "working class man". That's the point of what he was saying. Judge people's opinions on their arguments, not on their characteristics, whether that's black, white, gay, straight, man, woman, posh, working class etc etc.
It's okay to be posh. Even more than what he's saying, it's not okay when you're an Ethnic Minority Police Constable participating in the rape of thousands of working class English girls.
The only thing that i don't agree with is that to be woke you need to think that the world is a horrible place. The world is a horrible place exactly because of woke people. LGBT, sjw, Extinction Rebellion, blm, antifa.... The woke... They all make the world a fucking horrendous place. I'm so tired of racism and racist i want to leave my country and move to a ethno state. A place with only white people.
Im sick of this identity politics as well. We have managed very well in the past without it, people didnt play the victim. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Snowflakes need to grow up and stop being cry babies and feeling sorry for themselves and drop the me me me attitude.
I have so much respect for Laurence and how he handled the question time incident! He is absolutely right about the agenda to divide us and that we need to make sure it doesn’t ❤️
Doesn't he behave exactly like a 'woke-ist' though? He goes around making very subjective, confrontational and often factually incorrect remarks and when somebody poses an opposing viewpoint or challenges him he plays the 'free speech' card. When the 'woke-ists' do the exact same thing he criticises our tolerant, free-speech society for giving them a platform. He hides behind the very same system he wants you to get angry at.
In the US, the Democrats no longer take any interest in the working class - in fact, they actually seem to despise workers - so the workers have turned to a billionaire businessman who talks their language. The same has happened to Labour in the U.K. and Labor in Australia. They have deserted their base and chased the woke vote into oblivion.
"Anyone who resonates with a posho toff tory is a bellend" Fox is definitely a Tory then? I certainly haven't seen/heard him confirm this and suspect you've just _decided_ he is in order to affirm your own, rather maladroit prejudices...
Anyone who has a problem with what Laurence said in my opinion has some real problem's of there own. Every thing he said was the truth and just common sense.
Ant Nam oh shut up ya nob! Another delusional lefty. Sorry to tell you the facts of life kid! There is only two genders Man in dress is still a woman None binary doesn't exist Oh let's hug the local mùßlim next time we're attacked let's not forget singing oasis to bat away terror. Haha you weirdo derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Laurence Fox is right, I'm fed up with being lectured by people who think they know better. Having a different opinion is a good thing, not a bad thing.
In democratic capitalism everyone has an opinion BUT it should be determined and understood that every single person's opinion is irrelevant unless it makes up the opinion of the majority.
Thank God Laurence Fox had the balls to say it. Speaking for the silent majority. And he is very correct. We British are just too polite to say anything. Doesn’t mean we don’t think it.
And then, like a fog lifting away and the sun coming out - the country realised that they were actually being bullied by very weak, very impotent loudmouths. And it was over.
That's so true and boggles my mind how so many coward and useless idiots have gained the power to silence others and impose their hollow views with barely any kickback.
Yes. I have no idea when and how these people managed to gain so much power. Simply telling them "No" shuts them down, yet 9 times out of 10 they are pandered to.
We have the big problem of draining the swamp that is the woke infected education system, churning out brainwashed youth who subscribe to this racist, sexist ideology.
1951GL, the black woman on Question time was speaking the truth, but you wouldn't understand anything she said, because neither you or your family and friends ever experience racism, the truth can sometimes hurt, as far as you're concerned everything is just fine. why change?
No doubt 'teaching' people WHAT to think as opposed to HOW to think. Her comment on QT whilst being extremely embarrassing belonged in the dumbest 6th form debating room. The moment she chose to open her mouth was like witnessing an unavoidable car crash in slow motion.
@@apathyintheuk265 you're entitled to your opinion, however, I disagree with you on this, in my opinion, nothing can justify how the media have torn Megan Markle to shreds, she has been treated quite differently from Kate Middleton and I've come to the conclusion that her race has a lot to do with it, it has been proven conclusively by UK statisticians, that people of African descent suffer from social and economical disadvantages in UK society, and that disadvantage is fuel by covert racial discrimination which can negatively affect their life opportunities in housing, education, and jobs, that is why the United Nations as proclaimed this decade in recognising that this group of people human rights must be protected. people can try and defend the indefensible all they want, if we are honest, we all know that some whites are racist, but very few will openly admit it, instead, they like to pretend racism and racial discrimination is just some imaginary problem that doesn't exist in the UK, as if they would know what racial discrimination is! once a black person expresses his or her objection to racism, you get mad at them and the barrier goes into defensive mode. at the end of the day, the reality is most whites will never understand or know the challenges of being a black person in the UK, because they are not affected by racial discrimination.
I’ve been waiting almost 30 years for the pendulum to start heading back to the centre, at last it appears to be heading that way, but our indoctrinating education system has to be dealt with at some point soon!!
Legend. He has just calmly and simply said what's wrong with society, this is why people are quick to attack him as he calls people out by talking common sense
he hasn't made any sense since he was going to shut down a supermarket group for not being racist enough, stop giving this rather dim unemployed actor the publicity he craves
You should be admired for your honesty Lawrence Fox. I for one can't see anything wrong in what you said. Even when shami chakrabarti wade in with her 2pence worth, you corrected her when she went wrong. Good on you Squire.
@@wangdangdoodie What difference does it make who you support? At least they have have called out the hypocrisy of the lefties and delivered some home truths.
@bat man Gervais didn't "allow" anything. He spoke up where he's presumably aware but he's not some God who can decide. The deplatforming was by others. He's speaking out now against it, that's what counts.
@@MrPaulmorris7777 The main plus that you loony leftists have is that you think everyone to the right of Karl Marx is a white supremacist Nazi far right extremist. You're alienating all the slight-left moderates to such an extent that they'll never vote Labour again and you'll forever lose the 40%+ that might have voted for you. We all thank you for your remarkable insight.
@Beach Body Ready Correct me if I'm wrong but what distinguishes a liberal from a leftists are free speech and individualism rather than totalitarian hate speech laws and collectivism. I think a classical liberal is more of a conservative but can't bring themselves to admit it because of the value they place in their peer groups. In America to be a conservative is to be the defender of classical liberalism. The revolutionary ideas of our founders that changed the world. Our rights are endowed by our creator not the state. The individual is the sovereign not birthright. A person is free to pursue his ambitions powered by his own energy and intellect, not a subject of a corrupt collective engineered to prop up and benefit those anointed by self interest.
It's worse than that: a racist is essentially a thought criminal. If you assault, beat, rape or murder somebody, or commit robbery or theft, all those things are already against the law. The thoughts going through the offender's head are irrelevant. If you abuse somebody verbally, short of making threats, it's not pleasant but that's life.
Lawrence is so right. We've all gone mad with if you criticise you are call racist. He was right to say she was racist. Am black and i was mad at what that lady on question time said. She does not speak for all people of colour. Well said Lawrence!
The woman in the QT audience was a typical BBC liberal leftie plant. She is a lecturer in Edge Hill University called Rachel Boyle who has appeared reviewing newspapers for the BBC's Marr Programme (and appeared in other programmes) but this wan't mentioned and she was introduced as 'just an audience member'. It was obvious she was prepared for this as she kept on talking when Fox was asked to reply and then cries 'he kept talking over me'. Well he did because she wouldn't stop talking! This is the level of liberal left deceit and deception to which we have to be very alert. This isn't the first time the BBC QT programme has done this as Farage faced two deliberate remainer plants in his appearance before the General Election and of course week in week out we see an audience very pro left and very anti Brexit.
One of life's little pleasures for me is to read the Guardian online at weekends as it often gives me a grin. There was an article about this question time debate (well, it was about Rachel, the wonderful woman that called out Lawrence) in which she said she was proud of the position she took but she had been bombarded with abusive emails and tweets from "people who appear to be of the alt-right". I reckon Lawrence got the same or worse but keep playing the victim Rachel This brave woman, in the paper moaning and yet I didn't hear Lawrence moan once. Strange mentality
@@jamesm1018 I read a cross section during the week - Telegraph, Guardian and FT etc. Have to say the Guardian has been soaked in salty tears recently ... Fox has been brilliant in batting off the feminazis and entitled Wokes throwing illogical and abusive crap at him. Fair play to the Lad I say. What cracked me up was when this planted woman was complaining about racism and then said he shouldn't have a view as he was white and male ... the whole audience groaned.....
@@1chish Totally with you on that. To be fair, I was waiting for somebody in the audience to throw that at him and he reacted exactly as I would. I too was brought up to believe you don't judge a book by it's cover/ character before skin colour, however you frame it. This now seems to be treated like a moronic concept... If you are of pale complexion. I'm glad he was there I don't know what the hell is wrong with these people
@@jamesm1018 What makes it an even more stupid intervention is Fox quoted Martin Luther King's speech when he said: "I have a dream that one day my children will be judged not by the colour of their skin but the quality of their character" So Fox was criticising Markle's character and actions not her skin colour let alone race. This planted moron seems to think you can only call out racism when you are black. Now I am probably not too Woke here but this dumb Professor and Meghan do not seem too black to me... More Spanish or Italian. So I really do not get this racist tag at all ...
@@1chish Exactly. If somebody hadn't screamed about her being mixed race I wouldn't have guessed on my own. I used to believe that common sense will prevail but I'm starting to wonder if I'm the deluded one.
well one should expect good manners, educated at Eton, part of the theatrical and acting establishment, RADA trained and currently acting as a politician in his own UKIP spin off drama, after all politics pays well dahling.
@@thehatpriestess7503 - calm down dear, and at least get some of your facts right. You were too lazy to even establish that Laurence Fox was actually educated at Harrow, not Eton, and he was expelled just before his A-levels. Some people were brought up at Eton, but I suspect you were just eaten and brought up. Best stick to the subjects you know about as per your channel: yoga, fashion, and needlework. No offence, obviously.
@@Johnny-sj9sj just looked at your channel, hahahaha, love the wee uniform. Go on get up that ladder. I can just see you with yer wee hose oot. Lol. You are funny. 'Born to be mild' that you aye.
@@thehatpriestess7503 ..What frightfully hog wash airing his dirty laundry on youtube shows the upper class have no morals only narcissism and self centredness. I dumped my expartner because of her wokeness he would not have a partner in the first place is he didn't have cash horrible ginge
I have worked on a tv series with Laurence and found him to be very easygoing unlike others that are supposed to be. He was an absolute gent to every single person that had any contact whatsoever. If I get the chance to work alongside him again I will do so in the knowledge that we will have to work hard but enjoy every minute. Please don’t judge him by class there is good and bad in all classes.
@@makara80 They dont forgive anyone that backs down and apologizes to them. They just check off another victory for the cause and move on to the next rational person thinking for themselves.
@@joemarlspods5757 you mean saying someones opinion is invalid simply because he is a white male isnt racism? please help all of us unenlightened understand what racism is then if not dismissing someone simply because of their skin colour which is exactly what the woman in the question time audience was doing until she got destroyed by her own racist logic.
conrad black please try and explain to me how the same word ‘racist’ can be used by you here as to describe hundreds of years of slavery and identity theft. Do you not understand racism is all about power, if you are a Harrow educated white male you hold all the fucking power. I do not agree that Megan left the royal family because of racism, but for somebody to say it is getting ‘boring’ is so beyond infuriating when the racist past of this country continues to shape peoples lives
Bravo. Bang on the money! I don't care about what other people think or do, as long as they're not hurting any one else. Freedom is my ultimate goal and everyone should have it! Thanks for your precise articulation.
@@MrRailjunkie the salt is strong with you ow woke one, what he says is what the majority of the country think. Me and people like him dont care what colour your skin is , we just car you work hard , pay your taxes and get promoted in life due to merit . Whatbon earth is wrong with that , people like you are the ones who cause division by saying your white I'm black do you not bloody see it . If your say an idiot, it dosnt matter if you are black white purple or pink , your just a fucking idiot.
It's not no, but there are those that get about their business ,live their lives, and have no grudge to bear ......and then there are those who look for offence on others behalf, for no reason other than to cause trouble, who scream, and shout, and stamp their feet, and if they keep on sceaming the same nonsense loud enough, over and over, then it becomes THEIR truth. They arent intelligent enough to see the irony or hypocrisy.
William Ballantyne is clearly someone who is intolerant to anybody else’s views. He exudes all the characteristics of someone who is both racist and facist , but doesn’t know what definition is. Guess what, it’s you.
@@ceciliawyu RUDE !! You must be one of the woke ppl he is talking about ,you have no argument so you just resort to insults and belittling tactics smh!
discoveryman59 yup, the real problems that black people have are not down to racism but how they behave within their own communities, especially in America. So if they stop banging on about it they, we can deal with the real issues and correct them but as long as the lefty morons keep using racism as part of a weaponised political agenda it will never have chance to be dealt with.
@@sacred1827 Agreed, so let's see who are the most reluctant to shut up about it... And to be honest, Morgan Freeman said not to characterize him as a black man and he wouldn't refer to the host as a white man, thus not talking about it. If there are instances true racism, people should speak up about it.. naturally.
,The thing is when the term racist is over used it devalues the term when real racism shows it's disgusting head! And it's now notjust racism but its every worthy cause.
@@lashercollette88 No I don't think so. Racism was only an issue when the lefty MSM cried it out loud showing who the real racists are. If this country is so racist why is that Africans Asians and Arabs are queuing up to live here.
Who is this presenter? She is absolutely brilliant - balanced, on point, relevant, pushes when required, listens when appropriate and is not sensationalist. She needs to get on the BBC and destroy the woke muppet women who are trying to push their specific agenda.
Unfortunately Julia wouldn’t be allowed on the BBC - you have to be a total lefty or allow yourself to be indoctrinated by their left wing views in order to work for the BBC. Bring on subscription and end the licence
Time we brought the BBC back into the centre. It's supposed to be impartial so as to represent the broadchurch of people who pay for it. If it continues to spout its left wing diatribe and rewriting British history it's time for it to go.
@@paultanton4307 Cheers! I gave up watching QT about 10 years ago after throwing too many objects at the TV. Don't watch TV in general because it's full of idiots. It is nice to know that decent presenters still exist :)
When I saw this guy introduced on QT I thought " hear we go " another woke, virtue signaller actor but that was until he answered the first question of the night, the bail out of Flybe. And I actually stood up and applauded when he took that woman apart in the audience. 99 % of viewers probably done the same. The audience loved it also.
@Tuco The Rat So Sartre, Camus and plenty of other giants of philosophy are "some idiots"? Libertarian socialism has a long rich history you refuse to look at.
Alex Bunn look at it this way, by dismissing Camus & Sartre and Kant etc it means Tuco The Rat doesn’t have to bother actually reading them. After all, they are a little difficult, aren’t they?! & they say only the left play identity politics. It seems to me that lazy people use identity politics as they don’t want to discuss anything and they can’t see nuance. Imagine defining yourself by what you hate whether left or right.... I mean just imagine it. That’s not a life full of joy and curiosity is it?
Politicians are puppets... he needs to be a English leader... and start a war with the scumbags who are destroying England by inviting half of the third world.
it hasn't really divided the nation has it? The majority of people agree with laurence and a loud vocal minority supported by the press and lilly allen don't.
It's divided the 99.99% who agree with him from the 0.01% who don't. Unfortunately the 0.01% are very noisy, and some people think there are more of them.
You have to keep challenging the like of Allen, they are so good at fooling the young with their veneered virtuosity commentary, you are spawn of satan for not agreeing with them. People like her make me sick, they are the true dividers in the 21st century, they are creating shit storms out of nothing when what they are snarling at doesn't even affect them. They do it for pure attention since their once supposed talent has run dry..
@Mrs. Edna Welthorpe I would take Ricky Gervais over the lot of them. Why the hell would you ever pick entitled toffs like that to rule the country? I'd rather not vote at all than vote for upper class liars.
@@bganonimouse2754 Ricky Gervais has got more money than both of them actually. In your mind, because he was born to a lower income family, it means he's better? What an idiotic thing to say. Judge people for their ideas and values, not the circumstances of their birth.
If you have talent and are good at what you do, you will always get by. Look around the world at all the genuine horror that is still taking place. It's shameful to claim to be a victim because you can't get the top job, etc... Fact of life, sometimes (most times) when you don't get top pay, job or whatever, it is usually because your crap at what you do. Thats life. Deal with it.
Love the Guardian's reporting of the event, it/she claims 'he totally dismissed my comments', when in actual fact it was exactly what she did - tried to dismiss LF as privileged white male.
I used to read The Guardian once, but no more, as its become shockingly aggressive & divisive & just ridiculous. I'm unsure if an element of the left have actually gone insane, or if they are planted & stirred up by trolls/hate powers to ruin the left, but sense is certainly vanishing, as extremists push both ends. As a now 'old school' socialism lefty, I am sick to death of being called a communist by climate change denying far right capitalists, & equally if not more sick to death of being called a 'secret Tory' by extreme far left hateful divisive people. I am not a centralist Lib Dem voter, I have never been, I have always been an old school socialist & I still am, its not me thats moved, its just these new crazy aggressive people coming in stirring up hate, that I am not on-board with. I did vote Corbyn because I thought he was ok, but certainly some of Londons young people, or maybe its just incel trolls, are starting to become the Nazis they so hate.
Ah, the good ol' Graun! They've long since become a parody of themselves though a debilitating dearth of self-awareness prevents staff and (dwindling) readership alike from realising it....
"There's racism everywhere" and "Everyone is discriminated against by everyone" ............ pretty much bang on and down to earth, honest statements. Thankyou Mr. Fox.
Great we need him X 100k to stop the programmed take over.
There is racism, just not toward who they think. I would love for some of these people to provide an example of the racism they think is so prevalent. And they are dead silent on what is happening in South Africa.
Sure....it's just that the consequences of the discrimination will be entirely different from one individual to another!
Wherever there are races there will be racism (from both sides)
@@saran.4001 👏👏👏
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
- George Orwell
@@eviled2925 you are so backward
S2 audiocoupeS2
"People can continually shout falsehoods,
that doesn't make it true" - KD 😀
And what is the truth? That your pure English and "White" and indigenous to England? Wrong !!!
And because the majority of you really believe this: You believe it gives you the right to say what you want: and when your challenged you act like this prick because the truth hurts, and you don't want to be told that you can basically say offensive things: If you dont want to be labelled as a racist dont say racist things then; you love to offend or make out that everyone that we got a chip on our shoulder well its their because you put it there: What you have never gone through is something that you have no idea about:
Your favourite is of being a tolerant country and tolerating people; who the hell do you think you are? It's this arrogance which makes you come out with insensitive remarks about others because you somehow believe that you are separate from all races and superior otherwise you would just leave people be: but don't because your obsessed with race and colour and your overinflated egos
Every human being has melanin you called whites included but you have a very critical low amount which obviously meanstill that you must have had a fully melinated distant ancestor. Who ever created humans created the first in a hot place and created them as fully melianated people: Europe was unliveable for thousands of years no one lived there: so where do you come from really,
It's funny to me how people like you and people like Lawrence who always claim that you are not privileged but talk as if you are exactly that: like it's your entitlement to offend or trivialise others experiences !!! You have this ignorant arrogance no matter how well educated you are: it's this colonial mentality that has been conditioned and fed to you by society the media and the education system. Your not indigenous to England or the British Isles nor Europe. Anglo Saxons are Germanic tribe members of Scandinavia who invaded and settled in the British Isles they fought their Norman cousins for control of it: England was named by the Germans: Engalannd Anglo Land !!!
Privilege is the fact that you can walk down the street without some so called white sometimes Indian women grabbing on to their handbags !! Even though those kind of crimes are normally committed by white guys junkies down and outs as well as Black kids but be honest that's not a crime that young Black boys are out there committing: they out there selling drugs no mugging no women's bags:
S2audicoupeS2 Ingolstadt great comment
George Orwell was a socialist. He would support Corbyn.
I would like to see the women charged with hate speech
It would be really funny, but it's better to destroy those bullshit laws altogether :)
Time for real Free Speech!
Shut up u Trollope I think she’s a stuck up bitch but free speech is free
Grow up, hate speech does not exist, it's called free speech. Just ignore her, and people like her, the problem is that too many people give these vermin too much credence.
Darren Martin Spoken like a real man ! She should have to consult a proctologist to find 'em.
@Darren Martin avoid them and they will just VANISH.
I’m a 27-year-old American and let me just let me say that I’m sick to death of everyone being slept with the label of racist just because they don’t agree with a POC.
Fox is an unemployed and unemployable rather dim racist who once said that his followers would bankrupt a local supermarket for supporting black lives mater
I don't think this rather dim unemployed and unemployable jobbing actor knows what words mean i certainly don't know what woke means
@@jeremysmith8035 Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy..... Lawrence fox is going to be heard a tiny bit more than Jeremy Smith.
poke a woke . Wake the fuckers up
@@jennyshoarhouse do you think sweetheart? Last time I heard he was going to bankrupt sainsways for not being racist enough ,do fuck off quickly
We have entered an age where expressing common sense is now controversy.
Everyone has a right to freedom of speech so he should not back down but my take on him is that he is only where he is because of the vulgar nepotism that we have in our class ridden country we call great Britain turns out it not so great anymore so keep calling out the liberal fascism and the woke racist
The key word is 'common'. The university-lobotomised left have never forgiven the working people for rejecting their economic arguments.
@@louisdocherty8219 Your government would disagree with you that you have freedom of speech. You are free to repeat sentiments the government has approved, but if you waver off of that you face prosecution. Don't think so? Experiment: Post on your Twitter account that you don't think that Islam is the religion of peace and that you think all immigration should be stopped. How long before the thought police come knocking on your door?
"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." -- Orwell, 1984.
When GB News condemns s few tweets about a knitting pattern and that this is woke really tells you how the right wing media is really struggling to grasp those straws.
I'm mixed race and say BRAVO Mr Fox! Personally I'm sick to my stomach with all this victim culture and super woke lunacy! People have had enough of being told who they are and how to think! Again BRAVO loz!
Megalodon Unlocked ugh really ?
You shouldn't be proud of being a disgusting, rootless goblin.
@Megalodon Unlocked I think you will find the Irish of the 1850s were the same race as the English the 1850s
Wow a very grown up response from someone of colour. Thank you for restoring my faith in human kind
I really feel for him. I don’t think he was racist and I think he has a lot of fair points. You can’t say because someone is white and privileged that he isn’t allowed an opinion. He didn’t mention race, the audience member did.
Yeah and i really admire him holding his ground. He knows he isn't wrong, and he's not gonna back down - brilliant guy. We need more like him. Will be looking out for his acting work in the future
The audience member is a BBC plant, apparently.
@sl64642 what IS 'privilege' anyway but preception of another that someone has more than him/herself? Obviously stems from a place of jealousy. Add race to it as in 'white priviliged' and it becomes even more loaded. Seems to me the energy employed in that jealousy could be better spent in improving's one life rather than eying others with envy. Only a loser never takes responsibility for their life.
Same as much of the Brexit argument over EU freedom of movement. To many it's purely about numbers and capability to house, employ and provide services to so many. Doesn't matter where they come from. Yet first thing we hear from the wokeists is you don't like them because they are foreign. Identity politics again.
Call her by her name silly woke woman.
Huge respect for Lawrence Fox. Saying that every individual is as important as the next no matter what colour they are is a brave thing to say these days.
‘They are everything they accuse you of’ - spot on.
Hang in there, sensible friends - you are not alone. This strange, self-defeating phase is passing. Woke ideology will eat itself. Common sense will prevail.
Wokeism is self consuming
Yes it will! Common sense will prevail! The left will destroy themselves like they always end up doing all throughout history! I often think about The French Revolution and the role Robespierre played! In my opinion Maximilien Robespierre is a perfect example of how the left devours themselves! 🇺🇸🤩😊
Its amazing that those of that "Woke Culture/Ideology" can't agree among themselves about the meanings. Its irrational arguments crying "Me First!"
@Michael Srite Your kindness and generosity? Whatever you take it's causing some serious delusions.
@Ru22eLL unfortunately it's getting much worse
Take lead from guys like Fox - don’t apologise, don’t justify - just calmly explain your logic and let the truth win.
Exactly because even if you got in you’re knees, kissed their feet, they still wouldn’t accept a apology because all they want to do is silence & control their opposition which is just common sense!
We need guns to deal.with woke people they are vicious ,
@@Marcus538 I'm surprised that you even use this meaningless term. Who the fucK uses words like 'woke' unless they're bored of their own language. Politics aside, Fox can flannel away to his hearts desire for all I care; it only confirms that he is the arsewipe one expected him to be.
@@TheClemcaster Oh dear , the hard truth melting you snowflake ?
@@mjones4083 Are they renting out 'the truth' by the hour now twat?
This man is a breath of fresh air, at last we have somebody who is prepared to stand up and be counted.
The ones who call you racist, are the racist ones. Fox is a legend
Theresa Pierce he sure is!
He truly is
Absolutely so true. So its alright to call someone a white privilege! Since when we regard "white " is not a colour?
2.31 can you explain who he is referring to?
Meghan and Harry have NO idea what is coming for them in North America with the American paparazzi. What excuse will they have now since they already used the race card to get out of the UK?
As a Northern working class man ,Laurence is the type of poshy we like,keep it up mate
I suppose he can’t help being posh. It would be ghastly if he pretended he wasn’t.
I'm 52 and I've noticed a big change in the last 30 years or so, in that the working class don't dislike proper posh people any more. Nowadays it's the virtue-signalling middle class arseholes who look down their noses at the working class, far more than proper posh people like Boris Johnson and such like.
That's what I think anyway.
It reminds me of an old anecdote of Billy Connolly's, from about 30 years ago, when he talked about the workers and the landowners getting on like a house on fire in a pub and then a middle class guy arrives to talk about house prices or something and everyone in the pub hates him, both posh and workers.
I'm middle class myself, so I'm not playing any "poor me" cards in saying this and I try not to be a hypocrite. I used to bore for Britain about house prices myself. It's just an observation.
Labour would like to divide us with the phoney class war. A good kind man or woman is just that regardless of the "class" he or she occupies. WE are in fact brothers under one flag. We died together in the trenches (check the figures - no privileged with shrapnel) and when our ships went down. Let us honour their sacrifice and stand together.
You don't need to qualify it as you being a "working class man". That's the point of what he was saying. Judge people's opinions on their arguments, not on their characteristics, whether that's black, white, gay, straight, man, woman, posh, working class etc etc.
It's okay to be posh. Even more than what he's saying, it's not okay when you're an Ethnic Minority Police Constable participating in the rape of thousands of working class English girls.
He’s bang on, agree with everything he says. Shame others don’t have the balls to say it as it is. !!
The only thing that i don't agree with is that to be woke you need to think that the world is a horrible place.
The world is a horrible place exactly because of woke people.
LGBT, sjw, Extinction Rebellion, blm, antifa.... The woke... They all make the world a fucking horrendous place.
I'm so tired of racism and racist i want to leave my country and move to a ethno state.
A place with only white people.
@@Drquibble You really are !
They've been removed by the education system.
Im sick of this identity politics as well. We have managed very well in the past without it, people didnt play the victim. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Snowflakes need to grow up and stop being cry babies and feeling sorry for themselves and drop the me me me attitude.
I have so much respect for Laurence and how he handled the question time incident! He is absolutely right about the agenda to divide us and that we need to make sure it doesn’t ❤️
I love Laurence Fox. He speaks total sense, get rid of the “wokies”, they’re boring, racist and idiotic.
Doesn't he behave exactly like a 'woke-ist' though? He goes around making very subjective, confrontational and often factually incorrect remarks and when somebody poses an opposing viewpoint or challenges him he plays the 'free speech' card. When the 'woke-ists' do the exact same thing he criticises our tolerant, free-speech society for giving them a platform. He hides behind the very same system he wants you to get angry at.
@jrb designer alliance - You wake up by thinking objectively and not blindly nodding your head to edgelord celebrities. Good bit of advice there.
A posh actor resonates with the working class more than the labour party. What a time to be alive!!!
shark wolf The working classes always fall for a posh accent M’Lord.
In the US, the Democrats no longer take any interest in the working class - in fact, they actually seem to despise workers - so the workers have turned to a billionaire businessman who talks their language. The same has happened to Labour in the U.K. and Labor in Australia. They have deserted their base and chased the woke vote into oblivion.
Anyone who resonates with a posho toff tory is a bellend
"The working classes always fall for a posh accent M’Lord."
Clearly not else they would've overwhelmingly voted Labour into power last month!
"Anyone who resonates with a posho toff tory is a bellend"
Fox is definitely a Tory then? I certainly haven't seen/heard him confirm this and suspect you've just _decided_ he is in order to affirm your own, rather maladroit prejudices...
"What they're accusing you of is what they are."
Finally someone said it! Thank you Laurence Fox.
Spell it with me kids ... P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N... 'projection'.
Projection has always been their thing.
"What they accuse you of is what they are!' Absolutely!!!
"We have a tendency to lay all of our troubles on the working man, and the working man is tired of it". What an incredibly apt quote.
It's not split, the majority agree with him.
@Alvida Hamesha WTF? Hope you're joking. Otherwise you need to listen again carefully to what he just said.
@Alvida Hamesha Your the racist
Alvida Hamesha hahaha
@Alvida Hamesha and from your statements on here its pretty obvious that hatred and racism oozes out of your every pore!
Except the simp James O'Brien who was crying about him on LBC earlier.
Anyone who has a problem with what Laurence said in my opinion has some real problem's of there own. Every thing he said was the truth and just common sense.
Well said,I agree.
@Ant Nam Not really though, eh?
Ant Nam oh shut up ya nob! Another delusional lefty.
Sorry to tell you the facts of life kid!
There is only two genders
Man in dress is still a woman
None binary doesn't exist
Oh let's hug the local mùßlim next time we're attacked let's not forget singing oasis to bat away terror. Haha you weirdo derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@Ant Nam So much projection there Ant.
ant brain. such intelligence shown by yourself there!
I am sick and tired of the words woke and toxic.
Laurence Fox you rock !!!!!
He's the one that literally won't stop saying it.
Oh, the irony.
Laurence Fox is right, I'm fed up with being lectured by people who think they know better. Having a different opinion is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Unless your opinion is racist. You fucking pig.
Him talking about meritocracy is absolutely hilarious
In democratic capitalism everyone has an opinion BUT it should be determined and understood that every single person's opinion is irrelevant unless it makes up the opinion of the majority.
Laurence Fox is a smart man. I respect a person who can go out and just tell the solid truth and hold up against a backlash. Good man!
Lindsey and MOST importantly, he’s NOT apologising !!!! Well done Laurence ...
Thank God Laurence Fox had the balls to say it.
Speaking for the silent majority. And he is very correct. We British are just too polite to say anything. Doesn’t mean we don’t think it.
Well said Laurence Fox. We need people like you to start stating the bloody obvious without fear.
He has become a peoples hero. Wokeness is harming society.
A certain people's hero maybe....
Gareth - the majority mate
The majority view is not always right....
@@Diamondgee80 yes it is, majority wins every time
@@Diamondgee80 - What are you implying? come now be specific.
And then, like a fog lifting away and the sun coming out - the country realised that they were actually being bullied by very weak, very impotent loudmouths. And it was over.
That's so true and boggles my mind how so many coward and useless idiots have gained the power to silence others and impose their hollow views with barely any kickback.
Yes. I have no idea when and how these people managed to gain so much power. Simply telling them "No" shuts them down, yet 9 times out of 10 they are pandered to.
@@pablolobo6560 blame the media for deliberately putting weak people up against them
We have the big problem of draining the swamp that is the woke infected education system, churning out brainwashed youth who subscribe to this racist, sexist ideology.
Legend ... I also found it telling how QT completely ignored the scandal of the grooming gangs 🤔
DB-I don't think it was ignored. I would bet that a number of the audience did put forward a question on it. BUT the BBC has it's
own agenda.
Yes they did yet LF did bring it up, good on him for that too.
D B totally agree with you. No comments or discussions on his point of view regarding Manchester grooming gangs.
My point exactly!!!
Yeah I’ve been in the audience of a QT programme and is telling!
Laurence is a breath of fresh air at a time when common sense & decency has been thrown out the window
Linda King ::
"Common sense & decency" were thrown out the window, centuries ago.
He's an entitled sheltered upper class nonce
A man with halitosis.
Linda, I like you.
The ridiculous woman on Question Time is, apparently, a lecturer at Edge Hill University. One place where £9000 fees would be wasted.
And as far as we are told she was a BBC plant in the audience - she is there frequently too.
1951GL, the black woman on Question time was speaking the truth, but you wouldn't understand anything she said, because
neither you or your family and friends ever experience racism, the truth can sometimes hurt, as far as you're concerned
everything is just fine. why change?
No doubt 'teaching' people WHAT to think as opposed to HOW to think.
Her comment on QT whilst being extremely embarrassing belonged in the dumbest 6th form debating room.
The moment she chose to open her mouth was like witnessing an unavoidable car crash in slow motion.
@@apathyintheuk265 you're entitled to your opinion, however, I disagree with you on this, in my opinion, nothing
can justify how the media have torn Megan Markle to shreds, she has been treated quite differently from
Kate Middleton and I've come to the conclusion that her race has a lot to do with it,
it has been proven conclusively by UK statisticians, that people of African descent suffer from social and
economical disadvantages in UK society, and that disadvantage is fuel by covert racial discrimination which
can negatively affect their life opportunities in housing, education, and jobs, that is why the United Nations
as proclaimed this decade in recognising that this group of people human rights must be protected.
people can try and defend the indefensible all they want, if we are honest, we all know that some whites are
racist, but very few will openly admit it, instead, they like to pretend racism and racial discrimination is just
some imaginary problem that doesn't exist in the UK, as if they would know what racial discrimination is!
once a black person expresses his or her objection to racism, you get mad at them and the barrier goes into
defensive mode.
at the end of the day, the reality is most whites will never understand or know the challenges of being a black
person in the UK, because they are not affected by racial discrimination.
He is a breath of fresh air, logic prevailed and they don't like it
Guy Incognito Exactly. He was very level in his remarks. The woman came across as a woke racist.
Indeed! I hope he has become a role model for anyone who want to start thinking for themselves and dropping the evil identity politics form hell!
It's just common sense
Tomes 23 ... Came across Tomes ??
She was bloody good at it😉😉🤣🤣
Poor little incels
I’ve been waiting almost 30 years for the pendulum to start heading back to the centre, at last it appears to be heading that way, but our indoctrinating education system has to be dealt with at some point soon!!
We've got much work to do yet
Legend. He has just calmly and simply said what's wrong with society, this is why people are quick to attack him as he calls people out by talking common sense
he hasn't made any sense since he was going to shut down a supermarket group for not being racist enough, stop giving this rather dim unemployed actor the publicity he craves
You should be admired for your honesty Lawrence Fox. I for one can't see anything wrong in what you said. Even when shami chakrabarti wade in with her 2pence worth, you corrected her when she went wrong. Good on you Squire.
Shami represents the sham that is Labour.
Well done Laurence Fox.
Common sense talking right there.
The worm is finally turning.
As a racist (according to Far left, sjw, woke tossers) i was cheering this guy on as watched QT last week. Absolute Legend!
Spot on that man! I love the way he thinks and expresses himself
Ricky Gervais and Laurence Fox. Hopefully, the floodgates have opened and Common Sense will be re-established.
They are still Liebour supporting scum though. Don't place either on a pedestal.
Sam Casamassa well said
@@thejupiter2 I respect Ricky for his constant support for abused animals - and I enjoyed him giving the Hollywood luvvies both barrels
@@wangdangdoodie What difference does it make who you support? At least they have have called out the hypocrisy of the lefties and delivered some home truths.
@bat man Gervais didn't "allow" anything. He spoke up where he's presumably aware but he's not some God who can decide. The deplatforming was by others. He's speaking out now against it, that's what counts.
What's amazing is the "outrage" over a series of extremely benign remarks. What a time we live in.
Yes, totally agree.
He's right, we're all getting sick and tired of wokeness.
Sick to death of Laurence Fox.
@@MrPaulmorris7777 go take your face for a shit
Wow thank you for your incredible inspiring insight. You’re amazing
@ which one James or Paul?
@@MrPaulmorris7777 The main plus that you loony leftists have is that you think everyone to the right of Karl Marx is a white supremacist Nazi far right extremist. You're alienating all the slight-left moderates to such an extent that they'll never vote Labour again and you'll forever lose the 40%+ that might have voted for you. We all thank you for your remarkable insight.
What a complete revelation; somebody talking common sense. Well done Foxy, stick at it
The man has a spine , and his analysis is correct , great interview .
Yes yes yes, someone who is not afraid to be say the OBVIOUS 👏👏👏👏👏
Are they chicken legs? Yum
Susan Walton like the boy who said. “Look at the king he has no clothes”
Racist; noun; a word used to describe a person who wins an argument with a Liberal
@Beach Body Ready right, falsely called liberal
Billy whizz no, someone with subtle or overt racist opinions
@Beach Body Ready Correct me if I'm wrong but what distinguishes a liberal from a leftists are free speech and individualism rather than totalitarian hate speech laws and collectivism. I think a classical liberal is more of a conservative but can't bring themselves to admit it because of the value they place in their peer groups. In America to be a conservative is to be the defender of classical liberalism. The revolutionary ideas of our founders that changed the world. Our rights are endowed by our creator not the state. The individual is the sovereign not birthright. A person is free to pursue his ambitions powered by his own energy and intellect, not a subject of a corrupt collective engineered to prop up and benefit those anointed by self interest.
Either part of problem or part of solution. Agreed white privilege exists so be part of solution.
It's worse than that: a racist is essentially a thought criminal. If you assault, beat, rape or murder somebody, or commit robbery or theft, all those things are already against the law. The thoughts going through the offender's head are irrelevant. If you abuse somebody verbally, short of making threats, it's not pleasant but that's life.
Thank god for Laurence. Well said mate.
No good god created Laurence.
I’ve always loved Laurence Fox as an actor now I really respect him as a man and a voice of reason
Lawrence is so right. We've all gone mad with if you criticise you are call racist. He was right to say she was racist. Am black and i was mad at what that lady on question time said. She does not speak for all people of colour. Well said Lawrence!
The woman in the QT audience was a typical BBC liberal leftie plant. She is a lecturer in Edge Hill University called Rachel Boyle who has appeared reviewing newspapers for the BBC's Marr Programme (and appeared in other programmes) but this wan't mentioned and she was introduced as 'just an audience member'. It was obvious she was prepared for this as she kept on talking when Fox was asked to reply and then cries 'he kept talking over me'. Well he did because she wouldn't stop talking!
This is the level of liberal left deceit and deception to which we have to be very alert.
This isn't the first time the BBC QT programme has done this as Farage faced two deliberate remainer plants in his appearance before the General Election and of course week in week out we see an audience very pro left and very anti Brexit.
One of life's little pleasures for me is to read the Guardian online at weekends as it often gives me a grin. There was an article about this question time debate (well, it was about Rachel, the wonderful woman that called out Lawrence) in which she said she was proud of the position she took but she had been bombarded with abusive emails and tweets from "people who appear to be of the alt-right".
I reckon Lawrence got the same or worse but keep playing the victim Rachel
This brave woman, in the paper moaning and yet I didn't hear Lawrence moan once.
Strange mentality
@@jamesm1018 I read a cross section during the week - Telegraph, Guardian and FT etc. Have to say the Guardian has been soaked in salty tears recently ...
Fox has been brilliant in batting off the feminazis and entitled Wokes throwing illogical and abusive crap at him. Fair play to the Lad I say. What cracked me up was when this planted woman was complaining about racism and then said he shouldn't have a view as he was white and male ... the whole audience groaned.....
@@1chish Totally with you on that.
To be fair, I was waiting for somebody in the audience to throw that at him and he reacted exactly as I would. I too was brought up to believe you don't judge a book by it's cover/ character before skin colour, however you frame it. This now seems to be treated like a moronic concept... If you are of pale complexion.
I'm glad he was there
I don't know what the hell is wrong with these people
@@jamesm1018 What makes it an even more stupid intervention is Fox quoted Martin Luther King's speech when he said:
"I have a dream that one day my children will be judged not by the colour of their skin but the quality of their character"
So Fox was criticising Markle's character and actions not her skin colour let alone race.
This planted moron seems to think you can only call out racism when you are black. Now I am probably not too Woke here but this dumb Professor and Meghan do not seem too black to me... More Spanish or Italian. So I really do not get this racist tag at all ...
@@1chish Exactly. If somebody hadn't screamed about her being mixed race I wouldn't have guessed on my own.
I used to believe that common sense will prevail but I'm starting to wonder if I'm the deluded one.
What an absolute gentleman - extremely polite, articulate and absolutely everything that those who criticise this young man will never be!.
well one should expect good manners, educated at Eton, part of the theatrical and acting establishment, RADA trained and currently acting as a politician in his own UKIP spin off drama, after all politics pays well dahling.
@@thehatpriestess7503 - calm down dear, and at least get some of your facts right. You were too lazy to even establish that Laurence Fox was actually educated at Harrow, not Eton, and he was expelled just before his A-levels. Some people were brought up at Eton, but I suspect you were just eaten and brought up. Best stick to the subjects you know about as per your channel: yoga, fashion, and needlework. No offence, obviously.
@@Johnny-sj9sj just looked at your channel, hahahaha, love the wee uniform. Go on get up that ladder. I can just see you with yer wee hose oot. Lol. You are funny. 'Born to be mild' that you aye.
@@thehatpriestess7503 ..What frightfully hog wash airing his dirty laundry on youtube shows the upper class have no morals only narcissism and self centredness. I dumped my expartner because of her wokeness he would not have a partner in the first place is he didn't have cash horrible ginge
I have worked on a tv series with Laurence and found him to be very easygoing unlike others that are supposed to be. He was an absolute gent to every single person that had any contact whatsoever. If I get the chance to work alongside him again I will do so in the knowledge that we will have to work hard but enjoy every minute. Please don’t judge him by class there is good and bad in all classes.
Colin Benson he seems like a nice chap
Wow I'm jealous so lucky 👍
Colin Benson. I think he I great. Too.
The guy is a legend. Hopefully he doesn’t back down to these lunatics.
He's in too deep now. Can't see that happen. The woke wouldn't forgive him anyway. The best way forward is to double down.
Dave Dublin He won’t - of that I’m sure😊
He can't back down even if he wanted to. The insidious, foam-flecked cadre he's antagonised neither forgive nor forget this sort of 'heresy'.
@@makara80 They dont forgive anyone that backs down and apologizes to them. They just check off another victory for the cause and move on to the next rational person thinking for themselves.
@@Caleb-en5bo Never forgive, never forget...
Well said Laurence, that women on question time was racist
She was a plant....she is a lefty reporter
They were racists. They cannot see the world without been a racist themselves.
Omg please understand racism
@@joemarlspods5757 you mean saying someones opinion is invalid simply because he is a white male isnt racism? please help all of us unenlightened understand what racism is then if not dismissing someone simply because of their skin colour which is exactly what the woman in the question time audience was doing until she got destroyed by her own racist logic.
conrad black please try and explain to me how the same word ‘racist’ can be used by you here as to describe hundreds of years of slavery and identity theft. Do you not understand racism is all about power, if you are a Harrow educated white male you hold all the fucking power. I do not agree that Megan left the royal family because of racism, but for somebody to say it is getting ‘boring’ is so beyond infuriating when the racist past of this country continues to shape peoples lives
"I’m a working man and I pay my bills." That’s all that matters. RESPECT!
So did Peter Sutcliffe and Fred West.
Great interview Laurence!! Even everyday ppl in America are taking notice and agree with you wholeheartedly. We are sick of this racism and SJW crap!
I think he's spot on. He was the only one in the panel that I wanted to hear and made sense. He tells the truth.
Thank you Laurence for speaking for all the reasonable people in this country.
I don’t care “what” you are. I care “who” you are.
If you care more about imagined or perceived racism than the protection of children from sexual predators then you have already lost.
Bang on the money!
I don't care about what other people think or do, as long as they're not hurting any one else.
Freedom is my ultimate goal and everyone should have it!
Thanks for your precise articulation.
The country isn’t divided. The vast majority agree with his common sense argument.
I don't agree people like him just want to ignore anything they don't like even if it's serious issues.
@@MrRailjunkie OR ~ it's people like you who just don't get it... But hey ya can't fix stupid ~
@@MrRailjunkie the salt is strong with you ow woke one, what he says is what the majority of the country think. Me and people like him dont care what colour your skin is , we just car you work hard , pay your taxes and get promoted in life due to merit . Whatbon earth is wrong with that , people like you are the ones who cause division by saying your white I'm black do you not bloody see it . If your say an idiot, it dosnt matter if you are black white purple or pink , your just a fucking idiot.
The country wasnt divided... it has brown colonists inside her borders
It's not no, but there are those that get about their business ,live their lives, and have no grudge to bear ......and then there are those who look for offence on others behalf, for no reason other than to cause trouble, who scream, and shout, and stamp their feet, and if they keep on sceaming the same nonsense loud enough, over and over, then it becomes THEIR truth. They arent intelligent enough to see the irony or hypocrisy.
Lawrence Fox you have spoken for millions of people in this country. Thank you.
Here here
Agree completely.
William Ballantyne is clearly someone who is intolerant to anybody else’s views. He exudes all the characteristics of someone who is both racist and facist , but doesn’t know what definition is. Guess what, it’s you.
He has too speak 4u. you all scared its embarrassing
I love he’s standing up for himself and his family.............good for him!
Bloody hell… a regular conversation, with common sense in it!
We the people need to back Laurence and people like him...to show the world its OK to THINK.
We did. Labour suffered their biggest defeat since 1935. The people of the UK rose up and said feck you.
Yep. Labour is exposed.. 😆
It's also OK to be white
We need more like Laurence to stand up to the 'Woke' agenda.A cool guy talking common sense.
Read Douglas Murray’s latest book.
Cool guy???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You haven't been out dating since 1963 ..have you??? LMFAO....that sounds so Desperate and Dateless. Hahahaha.
@@ceciliawyu Right, got it. Cecilia W Yu is in charge of language. Hahaha, as she says.
@@ceciliawyu RUDE !!
You must be one of the woke ppl he is talking about ,you have no argument so you just resort to insults and belittling tactics smh!
@@ceciliawyu Grow up!
Oh no......my eyes! Two white people talking to each other! How is this allowed?
Fredo British 😂
Funny 😂
@William Ballantyne Really? You seem to have slipped one past them, good on you!
@William Ballantyne - you must rest now. Nurse will be round soon with your soya milk and your anti-stupid medication.
I want to hear more from Laurance. We need people like this talking sense. He's obviously got a high IQ and common sense.
"They are everything they accuse you of"
He's a top bloke. Watch his triggernometry interview.
Ross Diggle great interview as is his interview with Peter Whittle on So what your saying is.
Both great interviews, along with Brendan O'Neil on spiked. 👌🏻
Morgan Freeman on Ending Racism: ‘Stop Talking About It’ I think that may work with a lot of the so called problems we have today.
discoveryman59 yup, the real problems that black people have are not down to racism but how they behave within their own communities, especially in America. So if they stop banging on about it they, we can deal with the real issues and correct them but as long as the lefty morons keep using racism as part of a weaponised political agenda it will never have chance to be dealt with.
freebeerfordworkers agreed. My grandparents integrated so well that no one believes me when I tell them 3/4 were Irish.
ok then if you want to end 'woke' culture, stop talking about it. simple.
I like Morgan, hope he's right wing. Republican. He would than make a good future President...after Donald.
@@sacred1827 Agreed, so let's see who are the most reluctant to shut up about it...
And to be honest, Morgan Freeman said not to characterize him as a black man and he wouldn't refer to the host as a white man, thus not talking about it.
If there are instances true racism, people should speak up about it.. naturally.
The term “racist” has, through overuse, become irrelevant and sterile of meaning.
Jean-Pascal Heynemand : People are becoming racialist,
,The thing is when the term racist is over used it devalues the term when real racism shows it's disgusting head! And it's now notjust racism but its every worthy cause.
Vinny Furlong just like how the British media are being racist towards Meghan
@@lashercollette88 No I don't think so. Racism was only an issue when the lefty MSM cried it out loud showing who the real racists are.
If this country is so racist why is that Africans Asians and Arabs are queuing up to live here.
A few people have made the same point. What does 'racist' mean?
Makes a change to have someone in the public eye who doesn’t buy into that ridiculous sickness of woke pc culture
Who is this presenter? She is absolutely brilliant - balanced, on point, relevant, pushes when required, listens when appropriate and is not sensationalist.
She needs to get on the BBC and destroy the woke muppet women who are trying to push their specific agenda.
Unfortunately Julia wouldn’t be allowed on the BBC - you have to be a total lefty or allow yourself to be indoctrinated by their left wing views in order to work for the BBC. Bring on subscription and end the licence
Time we brought the BBC back into the centre. It's supposed to be impartial so as to represent the broadchurch of people who pay for it. If it continues to spout its left wing diatribe and rewriting British history it's time for it to go.
Julia does appear regularly on Question Time,Daily Politics etc,its quite fun watching her wipe the floor with the other panellists.
Hypersonik I love listening to her. She is brilliant
@@paultanton4307 Cheers! I gave up watching QT about 10 years ago after throwing too many objects at the TV. Don't watch TV in general because it's full of idiots.
It is nice to know that decent presenters still exist :)
Lawrence Fox speaks for the silent majority of this country. The voice of reason and common sense. Keep it up.
If it's a silent majority how do you know?
Fuck! That's a scary thought.
Speak for yourself ! Dont associate the rest of us with your abborent opinions
When I saw this guy introduced on QT I thought " hear we go " another woke, virtue signaller actor but that was until he answered the first question of the night, the bail out of Flybe. And I actually stood up and applauded when he took that woman apart in the audience. 99 % of viewers probably done the same. The audience loved it also.
Admire this man more and more each time I hear him speak.
Well said Lawrence. Absolutely agree with his view he is grounded
"In a world where lies are commonplace, speaking the truth is revolutionary"
This quote is from a libertarian socialist...or what you might call a leftie....a very leftie.
@@alexbunn9660 Doesn't matter what their political views were if there is truth in what they say. A broken clock is right twice a day after all
@Tuco The Rat If you can't be bothered to read, at least bother googling.
@Tuco The Rat So Sartre, Camus and plenty of other giants of philosophy are "some idiots"? Libertarian socialism has a long rich history you refuse to look at.
Alex Bunn look at it this way, by dismissing Camus & Sartre and Kant etc it means Tuco The Rat doesn’t have to bother actually reading them. After all, they are a little difficult, aren’t they?! & they say only the left play identity politics. It seems to me that lazy people use identity politics as they don’t want to discuss anything and they can’t see nuance. Imagine defining yourself by what you hate whether left or right.... I mean just imagine it. That’s not a life full of joy and curiosity is it?
Laurence Fox Well said we are all fed up of Wokes
Laurence, I am completely with you !!! Bravo for being brave and standing up to "political correctness " !!! 👏👏👏
Fantastic to hear someone speak the language of common sense
Now this guy talks total sense.
AS Derek Gyler used to say, 'Ah yes ah yes'
Politicians are puppets... he needs to be a English leader... and start a war with the scumbags who are destroying England by inviting half of the third world.
No, your country needs more celbrities that share his reasonable views. I said "your country" but in fact almost every country needs that.
it hasn't really divided the nation has it? The majority of people agree with laurence and a loud vocal minority supported by the press and lilly allen don't.
It's divided the 99.99% who agree with him from the 0.01% who don't. Unfortunately the 0.01% are very noisy, and some people think there are more of them.
Love this man. He’s so right in every aspect.
The bloke was spot on. I like him
He has my support too, not everyone tells the truth. Well done Laurence
Things are going in the right direction if Lilly Allen is crying about it.
harnois75 amen
@Snake Plisskin I agree, prefer real people who went to Harrow school for boys like Fox and Eaton like Boris :)
You have to keep challenging the like of Allen, they are so good at fooling the young with their veneered virtuosity commentary, you are spawn of satan for not agreeing with them. People like her make me sick, they are the true dividers in the 21st century, they are creating shit storms out of nothing when what they are snarling at doesn't even affect them. They do it for pure attention since their once supposed talent has run dry..
@Mrs. Edna Welthorpe I would take Ricky Gervais over the lot of them. Why the hell would you ever pick entitled toffs like that to rule the country?
I'd rather not vote at all than vote for upper class liars.
@@bganonimouse2754 Ricky Gervais has got more money than both of them actually. In your mind, because he was born to a lower income family, it means he's better? What an idiotic thing to say. Judge people for their ideas and values, not the circumstances of their birth.
What a fantastic interview, Lawrence is a breath of fresh air, and completely correct.
Laurence Fox, the man who had the platform, to say what white working class want to say.
Margaret Thatcher never needed an extra break because she was a woman.
and the Quenn too...
If you have talent and are good at what you do, you will always get by. Look around the world at all the genuine horror that is still taking place. It's shameful to claim to be a victim because you can't get the top job, etc... Fact of life, sometimes (most times) when you don't get top pay, job or whatever, it is usually because your crap at what you do. Thats life. Deal with it.
Steve Adkins - Thatcher was a monster.
Love the Guardian's reporting of the event, it/she claims 'he totally dismissed my comments', when in actual fact it was exactly what she did - tried to dismiss LF as privileged white male.
Being an inclusive white Briton has had so many good results, eh?
I used to read The Guardian once, but no more, as its become shockingly aggressive & divisive & just ridiculous. I'm unsure if an element of the left have actually gone insane, or if they are planted & stirred up by trolls/hate powers to ruin the left, but sense is certainly vanishing, as extremists push both ends. As a now 'old school' socialism lefty, I am sick to death of being called a communist by climate change denying far right capitalists, & equally if not more sick to death of being called a 'secret Tory' by extreme far left hateful divisive people. I am not a centralist Lib Dem voter, I have never been, I have always been an old school socialist & I still am, its not me thats moved, its just these new crazy aggressive people coming in stirring up hate, that I am not on-board with. I did vote Corbyn because I thought he was ok, but certainly some of Londons young people, or maybe its just incel trolls, are starting to become the Nazis they so hate.
Ah, the good ol' Graun! They've long since become a parody of themselves though a debilitating dearth of self-awareness prevents staff and (dwindling) readership alike from realising it....
So true
Did you expect honest reporting from the guardian, and if so, why? They're far too woke for honesty
He’s utterly clear. I love listening to him.
Carry on the good work Julia and Mr Fox.wonderfully refreshing to hear people say it as it really is
Gosh, 12 minutes of listening to 2 people making sense. It's so rare, I almost couldn't handle it.
Watch out. The interviewer is a shape shifter paid for by a certain interest group. Don't believe for a minute what she pretends.
Oliver, you should branch out. Akkad Daily, Computing Forever, Spiked, The Rubin Report and The Jolly Heretic are waiting.
I neeeeed a safe space😱
Another unapologetic hero. Well done and more please.
Bless you Lawrence. You are a good man.
Hey hope everything is well with you???
We've had enough, and several elections and a referendum don't seem to have given these people the hint.