Sunak's disastrous election campaign continues with multiple errors and mishaps

  • Опубліковано 7 чер 2024
  • One of Rishi Sunak's former teachers at Winchester College claimed that #rishisunak never believed in #brexit and that he supported it in order to advance his own career.
    Since announcing the #generalelection2024 just over two weeks ago Sunak has been involved in multiple gaffs and mistakes. From his rain soaked announcement in Downing Street to multiple bad photo opportunities and appearing before the Titanic Museum, thing have gone from bad to aorse for Sunak.
    Yesterday he left the D-Day ceremonies in France early, where international leaders were present, to return London to be interviewed by ITV for a programme to be broadcast in wo weeks time. This offended just about everyone and Sunak was forced to make a humiloiating public apology.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @dogzero1
    @dogzero1 Місяць тому +38

    The Conservative's record in office...Do you really want more of this?
    1. Highest energy bills in Europe.
    2. Highest taxes in 70 years.
    3. Highest interest rates since 2008.
    4. Highest train fares in Europe.
    5. Longest waiting lists in NHS history.
    6. Raw Tory sewage pumped into rivers.
    7. Lowest corporate taxes in 50 years.
    8. Lowest State Pension in Europe.
    9. Highest Immigration both legal and illegal ever.
    10. Destroyed the NHS dentist service.
    11. Brexit.
    12. One failed Prime Minister after another.
    13. Worlds shortest in post Prime Minister which created a financial disaster.
    14. More corrupt MP's than any other party in parliament.
    15. Europe's longest Austerity for the lower paid.
    16. Highest Council Tax rates in the World.
    17. Reduced our Armed Forces more than any other G8 country.
    18. Highest number of MP's that have been arrested for sexual offences.
    19. Highest number of MP's that have been sacked for corruption and Fraudulent acts.
    20. Voted to allow Bankers to have unlimited bonus's even though the bankers caused the crash of 2008.
    21. More libraries closed due to council cuts than any other modern country.
    22. Ruined and destroyed the Train services by giving private companies tax payers money as subsidies.
    23. Voted against Labours creation of the minimum wage.
    24. Wasted billions of Tax payers money on crony PPE contracts for their friends and other Tory donors.
    25. Sold off 600 Police Stations.
    26. Sold off our Courthouses.
    27. Closed then sold our Fire Stations.
    28, Failed to fix - repair our schools.
    29. Cut spending on youth services.
    30. Court backlog is at record levels
    31. Threw 30,000 pensioners to the wolves during the first wave of the pandemic.
    32. Sold off our electrical grid to foreign companies.
    33. Failed to build new affordable homes.
    34. Wasted billions on HS2.
    35. Failed to close Tax Loopholes.
    36. Failed to build 40 new hospitals.
    37. Failed to repair our crumbling roads.
    38. Forced many councils into bankruptcy.
    39. Failed to address the 4 million children living in poverty.
    40. Cut spending on mental health services.
    41. Privatised and sold off the nations Post Office - Gas - Water and Electricity Companies
    42. Allowed BP and Shell to steal our Oil and Gas reserves whilst paying little to no taxes. (Norway has a Sovereign Wealth fund of over $1.6 trillion).
    43. Sunaks failed RWANDA policy has cost approx 500m.
    44. Increased the pension age.
    45. Failed promise to end rough sleeping.
    46. Failed promise to end Leaseholds.
    47. Failed to Ban No Fault Evictions.
    48. Failed to ban so-called conversion therapy.
    49. Failed in their Levelling up promise.
    50. Introduced Voter ID excluding thousands from voting.
    51. Introduced the bedroom tax.
    52. Forced disabled people to jump through hoops to claim benefits.
    53. Britain now has more foodbanks than McDonalds.
    54. Tried to implement fracking.
    55. Failed to invest in green energy and electric vehicle recharging infrastructure.
    56. Our National Debt is now 3 Trillion.
    57. Failed to prepare or have sufficient PPE for a Pandemic even when it was No1 on the risk register...
    58. Given free reign in Non-Dom billionaires and Media owners to cause societal division and fuel racism.
    59. Promoted lunatics like Cruella, Mogg and Patel to high office.
    60. Blocked the Russia report.
    61. Gave us the highest diesel prices in Europe.
    62. Closed and then sold off our onshore gas storage tanks to high end developers making the impact of the invasion of Ukraine worse by increasing the cost of gas.
    63. Tripled the cost of University fees for students and locked them in their digs during the pandemic.
    64. Grenfell.
    65. Windrush.
    66. Increased our National Debt to 3 Trillion.
    67. Partygate.
    68. G4S Prisons.
    69. We are giving 8 million quid a day to landlords for migrant accommodation due to the Home Office go slow policy.
    70. Little to no Border checks on goods and foods.
    71. Sold the Farmers and Fishermen down the river.

    • @edwardbernthal160
      @edwardbernthal160 Місяць тому +2

      and there is more, what a sad state of affairs.

    • @finlybenyunes8385
      @finlybenyunes8385 Місяць тому +1

      Just one Conservative?

    • @richardn2832
      @richardn2832 Місяць тому +3

      Yeah.. but other than that, there doing Alright! 😂😂

    • @finlybenyunes8385
      @finlybenyunes8385 Місяць тому +2

      @@richardn2832 THEY'RE doing all right...

    • @alandraper7901
      @alandraper7901 Місяць тому

      Wow. Apart from that everything's OK then.
      Makes you wonder why all these illegals are coming here if things are as bad as that. Trouble is 90% of your rants weren't quite true.
      Good effort, though.
      I wish we were back in 2008/10 when Gordon Brown destroyed the economy. Put millions on the dole queue. Paid thousandsi in over the top benefits. Created a situation where no one wanted to work because benefits were that good. It took years to undue his disastrous policies.
      Boris Johnson, one of those PMs you called, has the record for numbers employed. He would still be there if it weren't for the pandemic and Ukraine war. I see you didn't mention that its a if they never happened.
      Keir Starmer will never get record employment even if he's in No 10 for 14 years. He might, though, get record unemployment.

  • @GlynRyles
    @GlynRyles Місяць тому +31

    He's a very rich, self serving, narcissistic, ignorant career politician, and like many other politicians he's completely out of touch with reality and, due to his wealth, can't relate to the British people on their level.

    • @jamesgravil9162
      @jamesgravil9162 Місяць тому +1

      There should be a law prohibiting millionaires from becoming politicians.

  • @TheSuperPsychoKiller
    @TheSuperPsychoKiller Місяць тому +20

    Mr. Bean is a national treasure. Rishi Sunak is a national disgrace.

  • @cobbler40
    @cobbler40 Місяць тому +18

    The Tories have destroyed themselves !

    • @VicFlange
      @VicFlange Місяць тому

      All by design I’m afraid. There’s only the Uni-party now.

    • @AntonSmyth-od6rc
      @AntonSmyth-od6rc Місяць тому +1

      Move over Q anon 😂

  • @finnjones9979
    @finnjones9979 Місяць тому +17

    80th anniversary of D Day and your numpty PM.had better things to do. The ancient veterans had to go to the trouble of travelling and stay for the duration but your PM couldn't be bothered What an international embarassment

    • @wayneford2481
      @wayneford2481 Місяць тому +2

      Not my PM I have never voted tory or ever will.
      Even torys have seen this second generation immigrant ripping us off before he runs of to Ameirica

  • @andymellor9056
    @andymellor9056 Місяць тому +8

    Brexit is the nail in the tyre of UK plc.

    • @JimTimber
      @JimTimber Місяць тому +2

      ..and the poor dolts that voted for it have been betrayed

  • @paulhignett378
    @paulhignett378 Місяць тому +10

    Sunak has his next job lined up and is working his notice on this one.

  • @paulhopkins8887
    @paulhopkins8887 Місяць тому +9

    Because he doesn't give a shite.

  • @cobbler40
    @cobbler40 Місяць тому +9

    His blunder at the D day ceremonies has incensed me and angered me.

  • @Hotoadle
    @Hotoadle Місяць тому +10

    A: because he's never had to try hard to get anywhere in life. This is how the rich feel privileged; everything on a plate and no idea how it got there.

  • @marvellis6762
    @marvellis6762 Місяць тому +9

    Pure sacrilege committed by Sunak and can never ever be forgiven. Our war fallen are the very definition of hero. The blood boils!!

  • @richardcoates2317
    @richardcoates2317 Місяць тому +11

    It is possibly not surprising that a man who spent so much of his time advocating for the UK to leave one of the world's greatest peace projects abandoned two extremely important leaders of that project (E. Macron and O. Scholz) last Thursday in the way he did. However to treat D-day veterans who risked their lives to promote world peace with such apparent contempt and lack of respect especially on such an important occasion is, in my view, both disgraceful and unforgivable!

  • @john-xo9mg
    @john-xo9mg Місяць тому +11

    He doesn't care because he is a billionaire and real life doesn't affect him no matter what .

  • @daveroberts1
    @daveroberts1 Місяць тому +11

    Such a pity the French didn't require Sunak and Cameron to present their passports. That would have been an incredibly political moment.

    • @edwardbernthal160
      @edwardbernthal160 Місяць тому

      Boris whent to vote and had to go back home and get some form of identity, rules are rules and since leaving the EU there are many more rules than there were.

  • @Pepinyo33
    @Pepinyo33 Місяць тому +8

    God bless you Michael, please keep doing what you do.

  • @chriswood3252
    @chriswood3252 Місяць тому +11

    His D Day gaffe may go down worst with his core voting base of, erm... 'patriots.'

  • @davidjones8093
    @davidjones8093 Місяць тому +13

    Sunak was a hedge fund financier, he runs Britain, utility and public services like a hedge fund,asset strips then leaves us with crap services.

  • @cobbler40
    @cobbler40 Місяць тому +5

    Sunak called the election to avoid being ousted for incompetence which would severely damage his legacy.

  • @mentonish
    @mentonish Місяць тому +7

    The ship was taking on water, now slowly sinking

    • @infoillness4222
      @infoillness4222 Місяць тому

      Errrrrr sorry is it not more of a Dive Dive Dive moment...?

  • @joangordon3376
    @joangordon3376 Місяць тому +9

    He's dead in the water anyway. But he is bringing the whole country into disrepute. As to the appointment with ITV being set weeks ago - the D Day commerations were set 80 years ago!!

  • @pswestport
    @pswestport Місяць тому +6

    I absolutely share your frustration in where we are as a country.

  • @vimtocrazy739
    @vimtocrazy739 Місяць тому +9

    You just couldn’t make it up . Never known a more calamitous start to an election campaign.

  • @RodneyPlonker
    @RodneyPlonker Місяць тому +6

    Karma is coming back for all his lies.

    • @stephanguitar9778
      @stephanguitar9778 Місяць тому +1

      Not really, he has set up his family business to profit going into the future.

  • @saltney17
    @saltney17 Місяць тому +11

    he's absolutely useless, embarrassing

  • @h0ckeyd
    @h0ckeyd Місяць тому +7

    It's the nervous laugh he has as well. That makes it worse. Him being heckled by a GP today was brilliant also.

  • @danpictish5457
    @danpictish5457 Місяць тому +10

    Sunak is too rich to care about us!

  • @mattwright2964
    @mattwright2964 Місяць тому +7

    It's all over now. Sunak has burnt the final vestiges of any bridge he had left. After 14 years of largely wasted time, stupid decisions and lousy delivery, people know we need change. Starmer will win although its not that clear how good he will be, he genuinely can't be worse (I say that as an ex Conservative member in the centre of political opinion). I like Reeves. What I want to see is steady consistent govt and delivery, better economic model (industrial strategy and some ideas from Marianna Musicato) along with genuine levelling up and a gradually closer relationship with Europe. That'll do as a start. I think Starmer should avoid trying to do too much and concentrate on doing some core things better.

  • @Brian-om2hh
    @Brian-om2hh Місяць тому +10

    Mr Bean, soon to be Mr Gone.....

    • @darthwiizius
      @darthwiizius Місяць тому

      Mr Bean works next door, but really Rishie should know by now to never leave the house without Gromit there to save him.

    • @TheBigMidweek1889
      @TheBigMidweek1889 Місяць тому

      Mr Has-bean.

  • @berniebranfield8124
    @berniebranfield8124 Місяць тому +7

    Sunak's ineptitude is astounding and will haunt him and his family long after the election. Missing the international element of the D-Day commemorations will not be viewed kindly by the Americans who respect their veterans. When he moves to the USA, people there will remember his insult.

    • @gorettilema3118
      @gorettilema3118 Місяць тому +1


    • @berniebranfield8124
      @berniebranfield8124 Місяць тому

      @@gorettilema3118 Sunak insulted them as well but he isn't planning on moving to Canada so I doubt that will haunt him as much.

    • @kizzmiaz
      @kizzmiaz Місяць тому

      If only he had a few billion to insulate himself from the opinions of the plebs. And Americans love money more than anything else.

  • @uncleheavy6819
    @uncleheavy6819 Місяць тому +7

    I am beginning to think that Sunak has put money on a Labour win.

  • @TheNigelrojo
    @TheNigelrojo Місяць тому +6

    In my experience, people who now refuse to talk about politics & keep saying, "they're all the same", are those who voted for Brexit, voted for Johnson, & who now just cannot admit that they were wrong, or they were conned.

    • @90125trevor
      @90125trevor Місяць тому +1

      I know a number of these people and they are just a bunch of ignorant ostriches, who parrot the same old rich man's rhetoric.

    • @BrianCharlesThomas-dp9du
      @BrianCharlesThomas-dp9du 27 днів тому +1

      I absolutely agree with you.

  • @shootingmatchltd.4433
    @shootingmatchltd.4433 Місяць тому +7

    For once BREXIT was allowed to be mentioned on BBC Question Time when a question was asked - what the benefits were of LEAVING? A show of hands revealed that only 1/2 could think of any benefits and the pathetic vocal resposnse brought us incoherently back to that meaningless word - Sovereignty.

  • @dschoene57
    @dschoene57 Місяць тому +6

    With the sheer amount of campaign blunders you got to think there's a Labour agent in CCHQ, and I love every minute of it. The Tory ship is sinking faster than the Titanic.

  • @nmarks
    @nmarks Місяць тому +12

    Sunak abandoned D-Day to spend more time with his money.

    • @paulwilson7234
      @paulwilson7234 Місяць тому

      He appears to be an individual with a love of money especially his own.

  • @Jan-lb2sf
    @Jan-lb2sf Місяць тому +10

    Sunak is a total useless w⚓😡

    • @infoillness4222
      @infoillness4222 Місяць тому

      I'd have said Ar**hole...but wait that implies a useful function...

  • @candidaprout560
    @candidaprout560 Місяць тому +6

    So sad that the PM didn't stay in Normandy. He has no idea 😔. He is out of the box. Have a nice day Mr Lambert 🍀

  • @punditgi
    @punditgi Місяць тому +8

    Time to end this Tory madness, Mr Lambert. Stay strong and keep hope alive. 🎉

  • @richardyeo3920
    @richardyeo3920 Місяць тому +8

    He doesn't give a toss about this country. Is only focus is the USA

  • @willsmith3062
    @willsmith3062 Місяць тому +7

    Remember, not long ago, Sunak snubbed the Greek prime minister when he summarily cancelled a meeting. He really appears clueless about the importance of international etiquette. Or is it sheer arrogance?

  • @hefeydd_
    @hefeydd_ Місяць тому +3

    I always called Michael Gove the Mr Bean of British politics but Sunack fits this profile even better.

  • @ChrisIowa
    @ChrisIowa Місяць тому +4

    Coming up with the excuse that the TV interview had already been scheduled & couldn't be moved shows his lack of leadership skills and care for this historic gathering. I think he forgets that he is the prime minister and has complete authority, which he simply has none of. Great video, as always, Michael. Keep them coming, sir, and greetings from Iowa.

  • @Rai_Te
    @Rai_Te Місяць тому +6

    'How can he keep getting everything wrong' you ask.
    Well, to put it with Sunaks words: "I have a plan, and its working"
    He's preparing for an accelerated exit to california.

    • @af7782
      @af7782 Місяць тому

      Lucky California!

  • @brianferguson7840
    @brianferguson7840 Місяць тому +9

    Just a small point Michael. I live in France and was at the celebrations. The Paratroopers "wanted" to have their pasports stamped with a special anniversary, 6 JUNE D day stamp. It wasn't a French imposition thing.

    • @anthonyferris8912
      @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому +2

      @brianferguson7840 It was fortunate French police and boarder agents were on hand set up in a field to oblige them.

    • @brianferguson7840
      @brianferguson7840 Місяць тому +1

      It had been arranged for months. It was for ALL the paras who wanted the stamps French, Belgian, German, etc.
      It wasn't just British.

    • @anthonyferris8912
      @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому

      @@brianferguson7840 British paratroopers had to get passports checked after D-Day event jump into France, they were among parachutists from Belgium and the US. US soldiers also had to go through the checks when landing, but Belgian troops bypassed checks because being EU citizens. The Belgium guys, missed out on getting their commemorative passports stamped.
      Brigadier Mark Berry, the commander of 16 Air Assault Brigade said, “It is something we haven’t experienced before. “But given the Royal welcome we have had from every other feature, it seems like a very small price to pay for coming to France.” while Jonathan Monti, a French immigration official, said the drop-zone post was set up to in a field for this special event.
      So it was not at the request of the Paras, but standard immigration procedure, all be it set up for the convenience of the parachutists, in a field.

  • @Ant.Gib.
    @Ant.Gib. Місяць тому +7

    A lot of us thought Sunak would be awful when it came to campaigning for the election, but I don't think any of us realized just HOW awful he would be, or just how disasterously things would go for him. Indeed, if it weren't for the fact that he is Rishi Sunak and he's brought all this on himself, you could almost feel sorry for him. Still, I'm sure all the extra money he's managed to make during his time as PM will be a comfort to him after it's all over and he's living it up in California.

  • @sotlad
    @sotlad Місяць тому +7

    "Completely unforgivable" - Sunak must know by now that this is how huge numbers of British people feel about him, whether Brexit supporters or not. And nothing he says will change their opinion of what he did on 6 June. Perhaps his best option after he loses the General Election in July will be to take himself into exile far away from this country - the farther the better.

  • @gillstevens1381
    @gillstevens1381 Місяць тому +4

    Totally agree. We must do something to save the future of the UK for our children.

  • @chesterdonnelly1212
    @chesterdonnelly1212 Місяць тому +8

    Clearly in his heart he isn't British. Not in the way we are British who have been here for centuries. A Prime Minister who is unambiguously British would not consider leaving the D Day commentation early.
    He is like Mr Bean, navigating the world having been beamed down, without any cultural references.

    • @crimsonx3650
      @crimsonx3650 Місяць тому +1

      You've been here for centuries? Your lifespan is amazing.

    • @chesterdonnelly1212
      @chesterdonnelly1212 Місяць тому

      @@crimsonx3650 unlike Mr Bean and yourself, I wasn't beamed down from space.

  • @catisimon77
    @catisimon77 Місяць тому +13

    “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
    ― Plato

  • @rachelmatthews3070
    @rachelmatthews3070 Місяць тому +5

    I'm not particularly militaristic (you can thank my late grandfather for that). But I am just simply horrified to think that such a momentous moment, probably the last that many veterans will live to see, was considered so secondary to recording a bloody interview to lie about lying. How could anyone not just feel completely in awe at having the immense honour of standing with so many incredibly brave men to honour their sacrifice in such a painfully poignant moment for the World. It is truly nauseating to see how little this meant to someone who professes to be so 'patriotic'. Without their immense sacrifices and those of the countless others who never left that beach we would be living in a world where having our first second generation Indian PM would likely be inconceivable... He couldn't even do one day of National Service.

  • @Stephanie-wf6xr
    @Stephanie-wf6xr Місяць тому +7

    Mr Bean was funny😂😂
    Disrespecting the veterans, unforgivable.

  • @lorenzobianchini4415
    @lorenzobianchini4415 Місяць тому +5

    He does not care.He knows he and The Tories are finnished.He is pathetic.I would laugh if it wasn't so awfully humiliating.I agree Starmer did play a blinder and am not his greatest fan either!!!😅😅😅

  • @andyvilla4489
    @andyvilla4489 Місяць тому +7

    How did Cameron not tell Sunak that it was a terrible idea to leave the D-day commemoration?
    He's supposed to be the 'senior statesman'.
    This on top of the other plethora of mishaps - you have to wonder who is advising/helping Sunak on his election campaign. Why are all his team so inept or are they just afraid to say anything to him?

    • @crimsonx3650
      @crimsonx3650 Місяць тому

      He's got a team of crack advisers who are on crack.

  • @jonaen24
    @jonaen24 Місяць тому +4

    The sacrifice of the veterans and the cynical selfish lightweight opportunism of Sunak could not be in starker contrast.

  • @EricaNernie
    @EricaNernie Місяць тому +6

    It seems to me that Sunak's values aren't in alignment with those of the British people.

    • @tonib5899
      @tonib5899 Місяць тому

      It is very obvious he only values himself. His only values are what’s good for him. If it doesn’t directly benefit him, he doesn’t really care or even think of it. He needed to be told it was wrong. Wow.

    • @chucky2316
      @chucky2316 Місяць тому

      I don't know the brown bloke down the road is alright as our his horrid curry's lol 😂

  • @AlbertH99
    @AlbertH99 Місяць тому +5

    This inept campaign must be deliberate

    • @mikethebloodthirsty
      @mikethebloodthirsty Місяць тому +2

      Of course it is.... a sick pantomime show. These people are sociopaths... narcissists, it's how they work.

    • @anthonyferris8912
      @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому +1

      @AlbertH99 Maybe his advisers are in the pay of the Labour party..😀

    • @AlbertH99
      @AlbertH99 Місяць тому

      @@anthonyferris8912 anything’s possible these days I wouldn’t discount it

  • @celltest7645
    @celltest7645 Місяць тому +8

    Not only is the 2.000 quid claim a blatant lie but he forgot to mention that the Tories increased taxes by 13.000 quid since 2019.

    • @snowman2970
      @snowman2970 Місяць тому

      I think it’s much higher than that. Since the Tories came into office in 2010 Tax PAYE allowances used to rise with inflation which the Tories froze at £12500 as well as getting rid of most of the capital gains taxes and other tax benefits. Adjusted for inflation PAYE and capital gains allowance should be standing around £18500 each now. So in my case as a married couple we have lost £48000 a year in tax allowances.

    • @celltest7645
      @celltest7645 Місяць тому

      @@snowman2970 You compare to 2010, I compared to 2019. 13,000 in just 5 years is staggering and makes 2,000 in the next 5 years look quite moderate, especially considering those 2,000 are a lie and whatever the actual figure may be, it will be used to fix 14 years of Tories deliberately ruining the UK, e.g. to sell the NHS to their mates and donors in the insurance industry.

  • @happychappy7115
    @happychappy7115 Місяць тому +8

    Appointments are scheduled months in advance??? What a ludicrous statement. D Day was scheduled in since 1944😂

    • @MrsGardiner
      @MrsGardiner Місяць тому +3

      He himself scheduled that tv interview only days ago. He does not want to be seen in international company as he is a little Briton of the highest order and bored by the whole PM gig. Especially now that he hasn't got what he wanted, that Indian trade deal. So he sent the elder statesman instead. What a moron.

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable Місяць тому

      also, it was a PR stunt for his election. so how could that be booked months in advance anyway?

  • @seanorourke1601
    @seanorourke1601 Місяць тому +8

    Because he is not that bright, he is a bit dim in fact.

  • @MagereHein
    @MagereHein Місяць тому +5

    10:40 That was a small "up yours" power play by France. It's incomparable to the "up yours" Sunak gave to the veterans and dead of the Normandy invasion. The latter clearly demonstrates how out of touch Sunak is.

  • @michaelkavanagh5947
    @michaelkavanagh5947 Місяць тому +4

    It’s worse than this he’s opened the door to reform becoming the official opposition and decimating the Tory party as Conservatives flock to reform (plc). What have you done Rishi!

    • @anthonyferris8912
      @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому +1

      @michaelkavanagh5947 I doubt it, their support is too wide spread. They'll be lucky to get Clacton.

  • @matthewn1805
    @matthewn1805 Місяць тому +7

    If you costed Tory policies in the same way they did Labour's the tax increase is £3000, so you can say vote Labour to reduce your taxes.

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable Місяць тому

      and they might actually build something. tories tripled the national debt whilst ruining everything

  • @robertgraham1088
    @robertgraham1088 Місяць тому +10

    I think Cameron pulled off a perfect Machiavellian stab in the back as he was the one who got the photo op with Biden, Macron & Scholz having advised Sunak to return to UK early for the interview and then came out to defend that decision the next day. Brilliant politics. Sunak has probably cottoned on by now. I doubt Cameron thinks much of Sunak.

    • @laptopsorted
      @laptopsorted Місяць тому +1

      Clearly he also wants Sunak to lose badly otherwise he would have told him NOT to FO! Only logical expansion as to why he allowed it unless he too is a buffoon?

    • @3bebles
      @3bebles Місяць тому

      Yes Cameron loved being at the top table again and did nothing to hold Sunak back. He jumped at the opportunity but did not bring it about. Sunak DOES NOT CARE and he is purposefully sabotaging what is left of the Conservatives and laughing all the way to California. It also gives him a chance to settle a few score before he leaves party and country.

  • @Ayeright.
    @Ayeright. Місяць тому +5

    Sunak paid as much respect to the D-Day veterans as H i t l e r did on June 6th 1944.

  • @19822andy
    @19822andy Місяць тому +10

    Let us not forget that Sunak made a fortune by shorting the pound and getting against the UK during the 2008 crash.

  • @onenote6619
    @onenote6619 Місяць тому +5

    Sunak knows his career in British politics is toast. He called the election early to put a thumb in the eye of all those preparing to stick a knife in his back. At this point he is just paying minimal attention to anything that is not in the immediate interest of Rishi Sunak and his planned adventures in America.

  • @barraqali336
    @barraqali336 Місяць тому +5

    The D-Day fiasco is the last nail in Sunak’s coffin.

    • @m.woodsrobinson9244
      @m.woodsrobinson9244 Місяць тому

      Absolute travesty! The fact that he botched an easy PR win like D-Day speaks volumes. The man is clueless!

    • @dragonfly6908
      @dragonfly6908 Місяць тому

      To be honest it is media overkill. Not much media coverage about one of the Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves advisors calling pensioners "Codgers".

  • @user-mu1kn5xe6u
    @user-mu1kn5xe6u Місяць тому +8

    The people of England get a pass with Sunak and Truss as they never elected them.However,they are responsible for Johnson.Shame on you.

  •  Місяць тому +7

    Once he departs from grift and fraud he is clueless.

  • @buntyjoy1800
    @buntyjoy1800 Місяць тому +11

    He is completely out of touch that's why

    • @infoillness4222
      @infoillness4222 Місяць тому

      Yeah...probably with his wife as well...

  • @Psmith-ek5hq
    @Psmith-ek5hq Місяць тому +4

    As obscenely incompetent as she was, I don't think even Liz Truss would have made a complete balls of the visit to Normandy.

  • @julianhall2008
    @julianhall2008 Місяць тому +5

    You are absolutely right about Sunack Micheal, however when this is all done he will dissappear to the US far ritcher than he was, he doesn't give a shit .

  • @denisburgess2966
    @denisburgess2966 Місяць тому +6

    Mr Bean was more intelligent than Sunak.

  • @isabellesmith5253
    @isabellesmith5253 Місяць тому +4

    Hello Michael
    What a state of affair
    .......everything you said about Sunak is true...he is incompetent self centered and hasn t got a clue about how to behave as a PM ....his behaviour in France was very shameful and i felt sorry for all the brave was their day...they won t see another one like it...i feel sick just thinking about it.
    Thank you for your thoughts about it all.
    Have a great day xx😊

  • @Psmith-ek5hq
    @Psmith-ek5hq Місяць тому +5

    Didn't a journalist ask him in Belfast if he was the captain of a sinking ship?

  • @anthonyferris8912
    @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому +5

    Anybody who claims someone ‘knew to a single penny how much Brexit would cost’, is delusional.

    • @Ealsante
      @Ealsante Місяць тому +4

      And anybody who doesn't recognise it as a turn of phrase is mentally deficient.

  • @bobsyeruncle4841
    @bobsyeruncle4841 Місяць тому +6

    How does he "sleep at night" - probably like a baby he is useless but very very rich.

    • @michaelkavanagh5947
      @michaelkavanagh5947 Місяць тому

      Money can’t buy you love is the lesson. His wealth is irrelevant to this. He’s just a bad PM.

    • @anthonyferris8912
      @anthonyferris8912 Місяць тому

      @bobsyeruncle4841 He sleeps like a baby...wakes up every half hour crying?

  • @stuartivins7846
    @stuartivins7846 Місяць тому +10

    Rishi Soon Out "Don't you DARE, Politicise, my appalling judgement, in abandoning 100 year old, D-Day War Veterans !"

  • @michaelgoss9606
    @michaelgoss9606 Місяць тому +4

    Hi Michael, another good talk.

  • @barbaraarndt5293
    @barbaraarndt5293 Місяць тому +8

    Michael, There is more to Sunak and Brexit. It is actually quite disturbing. Even before Sunak was catapulted to the safe seat in North Yorkshire by Cameron who met Mr Murty,, Sunaks father-in-law, on a trade mission to India. Murty asked Cameron if he could find a safe seat for Rishi And he did. Haigh's former seat. Amazing what money can do. But that's not all. It gets worse. Even before entering politics Sunak was fervent anti EU Why? Because Freedom of Movement. He wanted that for Indians to come to the UK, It's all personal. Like with the charlatan Johnson. I have friends in India where I trained Indians to take over UK jobs. He wanted to please Mr Murty!
    That's not all. Remember 2006/2007? He was part owner of a Hedge Fund who instigated the demise of ABN AMRO which was taken over by RBS. The rest is history. And RBS needed to be bailed out with OUR money.
    Sunak has a charge sheet as long as my arm. He is not a European. He is the cuckoo in the nest.
    Nerissa Chesterfield, his Chief of Communications ! She worked before in Tufton Street.

    • @3bebles
      @3bebles Місяць тому

      Poison can run very deep and for very long... Is it mission accomplished for him now?

  • @suebeaney1397
    @suebeaney1397 Місяць тому +5

    Mr Bean 🤪 such an accurate analogy 👌

    • @forbaldo1
      @forbaldo1 Місяць тому

      it is but Mr Bean prevails in the end whereas sunak will retire to Dubai with Vladimir Zielinski as a neighbour

  • @tonymarshall1452
    @tonymarshall1452 Місяць тому +3

    Excellent as per usual Michael and I too found it incredible that Brexit was not mentioned in that debate

    • @stevanbankier707
      @stevanbankier707 Місяць тому

      Brexit was mention by Stephen Flynn weren't you listening

  • @user-xh2bj5no2r
    @user-xh2bj5no2r Місяць тому +5

    He is sabotaging his own campaign, and if he doesn’t understand that then he shouldn’t be in the position that he is in, the quicker he goes the better.

  • @francomartini4328
    @francomartini4328 Місяць тому +5

    Anyone who arouses nostalgia for Liz Truss is the very definition of a lost cause.

  • @seanmcgarrigan3942
    @seanmcgarrigan3942 Місяць тому +5

    Because he his family cronies and oil companies are making massive amounts of money, so belly laughs at the British population

  • @willieckaslike
    @willieckaslike Місяць тому +5

    Practise, it takes a whole lot of practise. Remember this bloke has been in TWO professions that permit him to waste other folks lives & money, with complete immunity ! Both should be held to account with harsh penalties handed down where necessary !

  • @neorich59
    @neorich59 Місяць тому +5

    As if the death knell hadn't sounded already, the D-Day debacle could well be the final nail.
    However, like you said, there're still 4 weeks to go! 😉😉
    One of the most deplorable things I think I've seen thus far was Sunak openly laughing at a G.P. who challenged him. That alone speaks volumes about the man!

    • @keeshond8
      @keeshond8 Місяць тому +1

      Yes,I wondered at first whether that was a nervous laugh: it sounded similar to the one made in a shopping mall to the elderly woman who said she couldn’t get treatment for her daughter. It is more like a bray, showing a certain detachment from the subject. It may even signal contempt, although I would hope not.

  • @kirishima638
    @kirishima638 Місяць тому +3

    He’s a classic privately educated school boy who’s never been told no.
    I can’t read the room and has no sense of empathy.

  • @bigN-422
    @bigN-422 Місяць тому +5

    The French checking passports was brilliant 😂😂😂 🇩🇪❤🇬🇧

  • @erikawood68
    @erikawood68 Місяць тому +5

    How Great Britain became irrelevant "The Movie" 🎬

  • @lindahopkins9039
    @lindahopkins9039 Місяць тому +6

    On the way to the photo opp outside the Titanic museum in Belfast, Sunak spent a little time in Wales. He sat in a pub surrounded by “ordinary people” in Cardiff. His opening line was to ask if they were looking forward to the football (Euro 24). A deafening silence ensued until one brave soul pointed out that Wales hadn’t qualified for the tournament (losing on penalties in the final qualifying match🤦🏻‍♀️). What an absolute idiot. 😂

    • @davidmchale5890
      @davidmchale5890 Місяць тому +1

      He tries to portray himself as a man of the people
      What a prat

  • @andrewharrison1194
    @andrewharrison1194 Місяць тому +5

    But where is the karma for Sunak and Johnson? They are both absurdly rich and have profited from Brexit. Yes their political careers are mostly over, but I doubt that they care much about that.

  • @martinahardaker8739
    @martinahardaker8739 Місяць тому +7

    I think Sunak makes the decisions and doesn't listen to advice. Think he truly believes he has the instinct for politics. Notice how he's back out there after every gaff. If he was taking advice he would've been told to do something low key.

  • @MatthewCEBamber
    @MatthewCEBamber Місяць тому +3

    I really enjoy watching your videos Micheal. I wish you were in government. I have a lot of respect for you and your thoughts.

  • @nickdoughty518
    @nickdoughty518 Місяць тому +4

    The Spectator has calculated that the equivalent Tory tax rise is £3000.

  • @garryferrington811
    @garryferrington811 Місяць тому +6

    Always interesting to listen to you, Mr. Lambert.

  • @binky_bun
    @binky_bun Місяць тому +6

    I think there's a typo in Rish's surname. Should be Sunk.

  • @gaspode505
    @gaspode505 Місяць тому +6

    Sunak wants to lose deliberately as UK economy is in deadlock. He knows the situation is deteriorating, so leave mess for Labour 😂

    • @glendakirby5579
      @glendakirby5579 Місяць тому +2

      Only Boris would give his hair to be a Wartime PM, with no hair and a cigar he could look the part. The ports would be choked with immigrants trying to get out of the country.

  • @stevenclarke5606
    @stevenclarke5606 Місяць тому +5

    Because he has no idea what working class life is like, he admitted that he doesn’t know any, he lives in the privileged Billionaire world.

  • @davidglover9210
    @davidglover9210 Місяць тому +7

    The reason he gets things wrong is because he's not very bright.

    • @3bebles
      @3bebles Місяць тому

      That is what he want us to think. NO, NO, NO... HE IS VERY CLEVER... These are not blunders and he does not make mistakes. These are deliberate decisions taken with specific, clear objectives... HIS OWN PERSONAL BUSINESS AND FAMILY INTERESTS + doing his bit for India and he certainly does not mind speeding up the Tory agony in the bargain!

  • @seamus7054
    @seamus7054 Місяць тому +5

    Another excellent video, Michael. Thank you. I didn't vote in the Brexit Referendum, but I had leanings towards remaining. Common sense told me that falling out with your nearest neighbours will not end well. Unfortunately, I didn't realise it would end so badly. Let's hope that Starmer has a big enough pair to approach the EU and suggest a renewed friendship. Let's face it, we couldn't look any more weak or stupid than we already do through the combined efforts of Johnson, Truss and Sunak. The really scary thing is that Donald Farage will become the Tory leader in time.