This bike is amazing! The handle bars are clip one so they are much higher than a super sport bike, much more comfortable ride. I’m 5’10, 150lbs. The seat is great, no issues yet, I’ve done 60-80 miles in one day, that’s the most for me so far. I would recommend this Ninja 500 if this will be your first bike. Very forgiving bike, light weight, nimble, enough power and just a lot of fun! Thanks for watching!
It’s Andrew Wiggins, not Aaron 😂😂, hope you guys enjoyed this story! Go SUNS!!
Keep up the great videos!!
Thanks! Will do!
sweet video!
Sick video, I’m a clippers fan. Soon ill get my ninja 400
Thanks for watching! What year are you thinking of getting?
love it bro keep the work up
Appreciate it
I’m looking to get into riding I have a question. How is the seating position on your bike. Is it comfortable? What’s your height and weight?
This bike is amazing! The handle bars are clip one so they are much higher than a super sport bike, much more comfortable ride. I’m 5’10, 150lbs. The seat is great, no issues yet, I’ve done 60-80 miles in one day, that’s the most for me so far. I would recommend this Ninja 500 if this will be your first bike. Very forgiving bike, light weight, nimble, enough power and just a lot of fun! Thanks for watching!
Good morning
Good morning! That made my day!