So you do believe in God? It is only hatred of God that moves men to every other path. The name Jesus Christ, and "The Bible" are ONE, and the most hated on the planet. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, and some evils are easy to hate, but how hard it is to hate the sins we love, and this creates depravity, and feels like a punishment when we deprive ourselves of those things we want to do, that we know separate us from God. It's not about being first in God's Kingdom, it's about not giving up when you fall, for it is written, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong! ...He who wants to be first, must be last, and he who wants to be the master, must first be the servant.
Sebastian Plate Yeah. If you need the threat of eternal torture to be good then ffs, keep on believing, cause if you stopped you'd be a threat to the rest of society.
This seems like humor, but it's not funny when a child dies in poverty or is used as a sacrifice. What if it were your child? It's obvious that there is a huge difference between Christians and that of Religion. Believing in the promotion of peace and love and that an intelligent solution is better than a violent one is good. As far as damnation is concerned, don't you think a child rapist or murderer deserves such a fate? When Jesus spoke in parables, it took an education to understand what he meant. He was under the attack of the Pharisee and the Roman Dictators. Jesus stated that he hated hypocrites and they we have no right to judge anyone. Don't listen to the idiots who try to manipulate the truth! There might be religions who threaten people with damnation, but that's not what Jesus did. On the contrary, he called such people hypocrites.
I love how the minister was troubled by Jim Jefferies talking about "genitals" but then carried on about rotting and burning flesh in hell and stuff like that.. Genitals=Bad, RottingFlesh/Hellfire/Burning=Good freaking Christians...
#notallChristians. ha. And seriously, thoughtful people know that, don't worry. "Some of my best friends are Christians" kidding, again. In seriousness, I know a great many good people who are devout Christians and find in their faith reasons to be kind towards all people, gentle, humble and pacifist. The same goes with many of my friends who are devout Muslims.
@@someonefromsomewhere4430 Please, no worries. I can understand how someone who identifies as Christian might feel taken aback by my remark. I grew up Catholic and still feel that tinge whenever someone criticizes the Catholic Church, even though I know they merit that criticism. Although I do not practice religion anymore, I also remember that the Catholic Worker's Movement exists, and Dorothy Day, and so many other Catholics who sought out the best in themselves through Catholicism. It is a complex world, and broad generalities can not capture the full complexity of people. Your apology is very kind, and represents the kindness to which I referred. The world of "Comment Sections" is one of the most vicious places in the world at the moment, so kindness is even more appreciated as a consequence.
@@someonefromsomewhere4430 Ha, see, generalities.. I am so used to Christians being offended I WRONGLY assumed you were Christian. I fell into the very trap I identified! My apologies for misreading who you are.
The problem with intellectuals is that they don't know how to think like an idiot (which most of our country is filled with) Thats why people like Seth Rogan, Jim Jefferies, and John Oliver are so great. They are smart as hell and they know how to speak idiot. We need more like them. God I miss George Carlin.
Yes, it is problematic in thinking like an idiot at times. Just when you think you have these F-wits figured out, they throw a whole new level of stupidity your way. Makes my head hurt some days.
That’s the joke. He doesn’t believe in it but the other guy does. And the other guy will make statements like that sometimes. So the other guy either has to believe that Jim Jeffries was made this way (something that he doesn’t want to do) or he has to not believe in that statement (something that he doesn’t want to do). It’s a joke that happens to be coming from a comedian
@Pale Big Booty white girl if your spending your time to say something so meaningless and unprofound then your life must be as even more meaningless and aimless
A lot of the things the Christian dude says about hell are not in the Bible. Also, an Amish farm hand would answer those questions the same way, but in German.
It's creepy. They simply know that you have to get to them first, before they learn science. That's the only way to plant the seed of cognitive dissonance....
Not religion that is your problem, mate! It is mainstream media, because they not only tell your kids what to think! but also you!!!! and then you inforce it, double on your kid
I'm 19 years old and I remember when I was in Elementary school and the "Good News" club and all the teachers would be at the meetings and I only attended like 2 of them but I was basically pressured by both my mother and my classmates who bullied me. I wish the Actual News club was there instead.
@@meghanachauhan9380 That's not communism, Diderot was a philosopher, writer and scientist, during the age of enlightenment, he elaborated the first encyclopedia gathering all the scientific and technical knowledge of this time in order that people could educate themselves. Communism appeared much later in history. At this time, religion in occidental country was controlling the masses by telling lies to naive people in order to maintain them in ignorance. It's quite sad that in the 21st century, some people think that separating religion from state is a form of communism. We can unfortunately see that many religions in the world are brainwashing people's minds to maintain their own privileges.
And then he made people believe he was the good guy, forced them into an abusive relationship with the threat that some other dude would be even more abusive and made them write a propaganda book to excuse all of that, the bible.
@@meghanachauhan9380 the perfect description of the very kind and in no way abusive Christian God. The almighty one that is so fragile that he will let you burn in hell for eternity when you don't worship him because you know, almightieness does not mean he has self esteem
Jim deserves an award for exposing the word "Cunt", into common use here today. He is the Master of finding and exposing more "Cunts" than anybody. He has a remarkable story. I love this guy! Funny and smart as hell!
Musiclover Well. You could play more online video games. I have HUNDEREDS of friends from around the world. And hear that All the time. Plus a few others lmao...
Apparently Jim was the one who got a lot of comedy clubs to lift the informal ban on using the word. (In Australia) Supposedly he got the title 'The Rosa Parks Of Cunt' because of it - no idea if it was just an elaborate joke though!
When he asks, "Would you still be nice to other people?" that one girl in the blue dress just kinda shrugs like, "Uh sure. If I have to." She is my new favourite person.
What she said and they muted is that atheists are actually viewed as satanists by christians. So being a satanist is essentially "turning away from god".
B20C0 Most of the ones I've run across seem to say atheists are worse because at least Satanists believe in something. And the only thing worse than that would be an agnostic because they won't "take sides."
Brian H An unfortunate side effect of using limited resources to advance ones knowledge of existence. Point is though is that different sects have differing opinions. It's always been interesting to me how believers want to assign someone sort of faith, like satanism, to groups who profess to follow evidence instead of superstition. It's also interesting how some leap to the assumption that atheists are being "led away" by satan.
I hope people understand the point of the bit is that humans are inherently good and you don't need to have an opinion of somebody's opinion to live a healthy and wonderful Life.
Humans don't inherently want to hurt others. They want to improve their own situation and sadly that often involves hurting others in some way. I don't think that there is such a thing as unconditional hate. We hate something or someone for a reason, even if we only made that reason up in our minds, there has to be something that initiates your hate. That being said, all of us are whining cunts, so it's nit hard for us to make up some reason to hate.
player two player two just observing that people are constantly allowing themselves to be offended or pissed of by everything. Just have a look at the internet, tell me you don't see people constantly bitching about stupid shit. Still i don't think you can take all the death threats seriously, do you?
River god has nothing to do with this advocating for being nice to others and showing respect is not a god thing but it's what every single philosopher stood up with from russel . noam chomski or even in ancient Greece and that was before jesus u r giving the religion a victory it shouldn't have by saying only religion stood up for this it's really sad to a lot of atheists just going against every single thing they think religion is for
River every one is saying it is not an argument i used to say it when i was childish so really man just grow up for me i don't and will not swear at my friends my girl or my family members and honestly for me i feel like a lot of the anger that drove me to say those worlds is not an option for me so i don't get angry at all
@3-7-77 that's why I just say I'm not religious rather than atheist. religious people tend to treat atheism like its own religion even though it's literally the absence of religion.
@@GauravGRocks I'd argue (and etymologicaly speaking I'm right) that atheism is a belief in the absence of A god (whatever that may be). While non-religious means that you have no belief what so ever on the matter. Agnosticism is having a belief that knowing if god exists is impossible for us, and may coexist with religious, non-religious or atheistic beliefs. Tl:dr: atheism is a belief but not a religion (no doctrine or unifying narrative or whatever)
I read into the church of Satan a while ago and he is right, they have a marketing problem. The tenants they follow are pretty reasonable for the most part. I was shocked to learn they don’t worship any deities and are devoted atheists. A lot of what they promote is common sense decency. It really surprised me.
Yeah im a satanist and there marketing is terrible but there all great people the most important holiday for us all is our own respective birthday 🎂 self indulge and self love and respect
@@Actionzombie98 I think it’s kind of genius for what they’re trying to do. If they were called anything else they wouldn’t be getting anywhere near the amount of attention they have gotten.
There was a Christian group that came into my public high school called Student Venture. I think they took a tip from the Church of $cientology, in that they offered free "personality tests." They didn't use the infamous "e meter", rather they used a multiple choice quiz & attendance to their "presentation" wasn't by choice - that crap was mandatory during study hall. (& of course, they tried to recruit you to go to their church.)I still don't understand how they can do that in a public school.
This show is the best thing that happened in my life. I do not even feel guilty watching it unlike watching other shows, because I don't feel like wasting my time on it.
Stfu you fool ignorant, this is all an agenda to turn ppl away from God, all while the elites who run your country are devil worshipers and once they get the rfid chip implanted in you, your soul will belong to the devil
@David Godfrey theirs loads of evidence, they refer to scripture all the time, go to channels mark dice and call for an uprising, the elites worship satan and push agendas, the latest one is making Christians look like the bad guys and ushering in this do what thou wilt mentality, knowledge is power and you have very little if it, visit those channels watch their videos and cine bk to me in couple of days
@Myla Starseed the nwo they are ushering in so they can have their place on the pyramid and sheeple like you at the bottom, with rfid chip the mark of beast, read that bit
@@kenanenver5323 aren't there other things that are supposed to happen before the 666 stuff like the scorpions that are the size of horses... I haven't seen any of those... Try reading Revelation from chapter 1 and not from the middle before coming to feed us ur bullshit conspiracy theories
They emphasize critical thinking but didn't use it when coming up with a name like the After School Satan Club. Really put some thought into that name, too much maybe.
JJ just taught those kids (at the end) far, FAR more about the realities of existence in 2 minutes than they'd learn in 2 decades of theological shaming and premeditated hypocrisy.
Give this show it's own channel. I'd love to subscribe to it, but I will not subscribe to Comedy Central and have them clogging my page up with all their tripe and garbage shows. I just want to sub to Jim Jefferies.
@ 3:23 Exactly you genius which is why the Separation of Church & State is such a great idea & written into the 1A of the Constitution also know as the establishment clause. It was so important that the founder not only wrote it into the most important document but they wrote at the very beginning.
Yeah, but why bother to use the "symbol" of satan? Poisons the well before you even get to specifics. It's like Bernie (Sanders) unfortunately, the second he says "socialist" many just automatically tune out. I'm a socialist on many issues, but I knew, even if Hillary didn't have the DNC behind her & Bernie won the nomination, his labeling would have killed him.
The book is stupid and juvenile. The whole point of the church of satan is aimless blasphemy, which can be a lot of fun and liberation for people who grew up religious.. but again it's written very poorly.
Sam. X. It's also a convenient tool for assholes to use to act as self absorbed as they please, all while making it, hopefully in their eyes, seem like this is not the case at all and they are just superior intellectuals and the rest of us are fools. You are right. It is a flawed book and philosophy, in many ways, but perhaps the biggest incorrect assumption in it is that we as humans are, and always will be, inherently selfish. And, so we should only behave selfishly, because that is just the natural order of things. For an ideology that claims to take a lot of influence from the findings of Charles Darwin and evolution as a whole, this seems counterintuitive to say the least, because as we grow as a species and as we evolve with the ever changing world around us, we change and adapt to our environment, not just physically, but also intellectually, and yes even instinctually, just like every other animal. And, so, this is a very big miscalculation on their part, in my opinion. Not only because it's just plain wrong, but also because, using their theory, we are almost certain to destroy ourselves. However, if we reject this sort of recessive thinking and continue to promote good moral values and a strong sense of empathy towards each other, we may, ultimately, become a species with those traits and values imbedded in each of our dna. After all, history has shown when we look out for one another as a whole, especially the least fortunate of us first, we prosper. ...They are as flawed as or more flawed than any other religion I can think of...
@nafia morris Saying something nasty is not the same thing as hate speech. Hate speech is about targeting someone for the way that they are born - for something they can't help. People can help being Christian. They can help revering a cruel, unethical, psychopathic god. They can help thinking that women should marry their rapists, that they're property, and that adulterers should bee stoned to death. They can help thinking that thieves should have their hands cut off, that genocide is acceptable, and that slavery is justifiable. They can help thinking that critical thinking and logic are useless. In other words, they can help revering Christian pseudo-morality (and all the aforementioned unethical things are explicitly condoned, encouraged, praised, and revered in the Bible). Jim wasn't using hate speech - he was pointing out the lack of ethics and logic in Christian ideology, and the brainwashing of young children into that horrific ideology. That's not the same thing as using hate speech. Like most Christians who comment on UA-cam, you don't even know the first thing about the topics you are trying to argue against.
@nafia morris Now, by you calling him a "jew puppet", using the word Jew in a way that you mean to be derogatory, YOU are being both anti-semitic, and using hate speech. The reason for this is because Judaism is not just an ideology - it's also a race. You are using a race as a slur. And that's hateful. Jim was being logical and ethical. You are being irrational and hateful. Do you understand the difference now?
@nafia morris “You can't call it "anti semetic" and hate speech lmfao” Antisemitic (you spelled it wrong multiple times, even though I’d spelled it correctly for you in my own’s no wonder you don’t understand the meaning of the word, since you can’t even figure out how to spell it properly) rhetoric is the definition of hate speech. For example: “semetic (sic) is a reference to language, not ethnicity” Semitic has multiple meanings. It can refer to language influenced by Hebrew or Aramaic, or it can refer to Judaism. Semitic people are an ETHNIC group who currently speak, or whose ancestors spoke, semitic languages. “and jews are not semetic (sic), arabs are, but not jews, so anti semetic (sic) isn't even used for jews lmfao.” The aforementioned article explains how we got the term “antisemitic”, and why it narrowly refers to discrimination towards Jews. Many words in the English language have root parts with meanings that differ (slightly, or wholly) from the meaning of the word itself - it’s simply how language works. By trying to refer to a partial root of the word “antisemitism”, and claim that because it refers to Arabs, the word antisemitism has no meaning, you are implementing a logical fallacy - a Linguistic Fallacy. In case you don’t know what a logical fallacy is, it’s an innately illogical argument. Because your entire comment consists of nothing but inaccurate information and logical fallacies, it is innately illogical, and not to be taken seriously. Anyway, you’re wrong (yet again). The word “semitic” does, in fact, refer to people of Jewish descent. In reference to ethnicity, it’s an outdated term, because it refers to a combination of ethnicities, including modern Jews, Levantine Arabs, Assyrians, Samaritans, and more. “and you are not born a jew...can you convert to caucasian? no...can you convert to being a jew? yes...therefore, not "born" a jew, therefore not hate speech” Wrong again, I’m afraid. As I’ve already explained, Judaism is not merely a religion, it is a a race. More specifically, it is an ethnoreligious group. People of Jewish descent have distinct DNA that identifies them as of a unique ethnic heritage. Jewish people who convert to other religions, or leave the religion of Judaism altogether are still referred to as Jewish, because the Jews are an ethnic group. Once again, you are using a Linguistic fallacy. You are fallaciously assuming that because a word has one meaning, that means that it can’t have any other meanings (ie, because the word Jew refers to a religion, that means that it can’t also refer to an ethnicity. Of course, it refers to both, because words have multiple meanings, and Jews are an ethnoreligious group), and you are then using this fallacious premise to claim that, because you’ve fallaciously (ie, illogically) claimed that the word Jew can’t mean an ethnic group and a religion, that means that you can’t be hateful and discriminatory towards them. Your entire argument is illogical on so many levels, it’s ridiculous. Anyway, as you can see from the sources below, and the one I linked to above about Semitic peoples, Jewish people are a distinct ethnic group. And again, you’ve made it clear that when you are hatefully referring to Jews, you are referring to people who are ethnically Jewish. When you use the word “Jew” as a slur, you aren’t referring to someone who just converted to Judaism - you’re referring to people whose ancestry is fully, or in part, Jewish (ie, Semitic), like the Rothschilds, and the people killed in the Holocaust. Antisemitism is generally referred to as a form of RACIAL discrimination for all the aforementioned reasons. You are both antisemitic, and racist. “eat a dick” Yeah, that’s about the level of intelligence I would expect to see from someone like you. You really do know how to construct an intelligent argument. LOL.
You are brave to say that on social media and after learning about The church of Satan I was so surprised. There beliefs are not at all what is portrayed in the media. I was brainwashed by our society to think that Satanist were devil worshiping, murderous, and mean. I hope you don’t suffer persecution for your beliefs. It’s seems like many good people could be Satanist. I don’t know much about witchcraft but I do feel a connection to non physical energies and don’t doubt there existence.
@@AnDitaLee Thank you for your message! It really made my day! We as satanists are very confident people who choose our own path in life and yes we are indeed not evil. And the media portrays us as pshychos. But I must mention some people do evil things. And that is not good. Real Satanists do not. And we do not care about persecution. We know we are powerful to withstand negative emotions and nonsense. That is our strength.
I'm all about critical thinking and evidence-based beliefs, but if you want to be taken seriously, don't call yourself a "satanist club", because: 1- If you don't believe God exists, same necessarily goes for Satan 2- It doesn't even represent what the club is about 3- It just gives fuel to people to easily discredit everything you want to do I mean, come on
I bet it's a marketing thing again: the satan's name got them to TV's and news. If they were called 'critical thinkers club' or something like that, nobody would care.
You don't get it man. It's a way to get religion out of everything. It's a way to get of overreaching freedom of religion laws. Claim every single privilege they get in the name of Satanism so that it gets taken away
@@hexa1905 Jesus died for the sins of each one of us but He rose again! He lives now and wants everyone to be saved and believe in Him The choice is ours brother, God’s not mad at you He’s waiting you with open arms
"I am what god made me, young man."
Well played Jim!
Jim is as the world made him.
hey, it's the utopia dude.
I was mostly just joking...
Mic drop
So you do believe in God? It is only hatred of God that moves men to every other path. The name Jesus Christ, and "The Bible" are ONE, and the most hated on the planet. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, and some evils are easy to hate, but how hard it is to hate the sins we love, and this creates depravity, and feels like a punishment when we deprive ourselves of those things we want to do, that we know separate us from God. It's not about being first in God's Kingdom, it's about not giving up when you fall, for it is written, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong! ...He who wants to be first, must be last, and he who wants to be the master, must first be the servant.
I don't trust people that need the threat of eternal damnation to be good people.
george mira This comment is half incomprehensible, half awesome evil tome.
Sebastian Plate Yeah. If you need the threat of eternal torture to be good then ffs, keep on believing, cause if you stopped you'd be a threat to the rest of society.
I dont trust comedians who need fake laughter!
I don't trust people that need to judge others on what they believe.
agreed, I fear the day such a person loses its believes.
"Don't be a c*nt". Maybe one of the best things to teach kids.
No One Really Likes One.
It's what they should be taught every Monday morning.
Should’ve been Commandment number one.
I think some of them said "CAT" from their mouthing
“Christians are going after the next generation of kids.” Has a completely different meaning if you’re Catholic.
The girls are safe though if you're Catholic.
This seems like humor, but it's not funny when a child dies in poverty or is used as a sacrifice. What if it were your child?
It's obvious that there is a huge difference between Christians and that of Religion. Believing in the promotion of peace and love and that an intelligent solution is better than a violent one is good. As far as damnation is concerned, don't you think a child rapist or murderer deserves such a fate? When Jesus spoke in parables, it took an education to understand what he meant. He was under the attack of the Pharisee and the Roman Dictators. Jesus stated that he hated hypocrites and they we have no right to judge anyone. Don't listen to the idiots who try to manipulate the truth! There might be religions who threaten people with damnation, but that's not what Jesus did. On the contrary, he called such people hypocrites.
That's so bad, but so plausible.
I hope so because I love 'em.
"Success does not make you happy. I'm successful, but I am as miserable as f***." Thank you for that life lesson.
Having purpose is where happiness comes from.
I love how the minister was troubled by Jim Jefferies talking about "genitals" but then carried on about rotting and burning flesh in hell and stuff like that.. Genitals=Bad, RottingFlesh/Hellfire/Burning=Good freaking Christians...
My thoughts exactly. I was hoping Jim Jefferies would throw the guy's question right back at him after that.
#notallChristians. ha. And seriously, thoughtful people know that, don't worry. "Some of my best friends are Christians" kidding, again. In seriousness, I know a great many good people who are devout Christians and find in their faith reasons to be kind towards all people, gentle, humble and pacifist. The same goes with many of my friends who are devout Muslims.
@@someonefromsomewhere4430 Please, no worries. I can understand how someone who identifies as Christian might feel taken aback by my remark. I grew up Catholic and still feel that tinge whenever someone criticizes the Catholic Church, even though I know they merit that criticism. Although I do not practice religion anymore, I also remember that the Catholic Worker's Movement exists, and Dorothy Day, and so many other Catholics who sought out the best in themselves through Catholicism. It is a complex world, and broad generalities can not capture the full complexity of people. Your apology is very kind, and represents the kindness to which I referred. The world of "Comment Sections" is one of the most vicious places in the world at the moment, so kindness is even more appreciated as a consequence.
@@someonefromsomewhere4430 Ha, see, generalities.. I am so used to Christians being offended I WRONGLY assumed you were Christian. I fell into the very trap I identified! My apologies for misreading who you are.
It's also weird how he's an idolator. Assigning a gender / sex to God is assigning a humanised representation of God => idolatry.
The problem with intellectuals is that they don't know how to think like an idiot (which most of our country is filled with)
Thats why people like Seth Rogan, Jim Jefferies, and John Oliver are so great.
They are smart as hell and they know how to speak idiot.
We need more like them. God I miss George Carlin.
The Insomniac Died I'm sure he's somewhere right now, screaming up at us
Well said..
Most americans think John oliver speaks a different language 🤣👎
Yes, it is problematic in thinking like an idiot at times. Just when you think you have these F-wits figured out, they throw a whole new level of stupidity your way. Makes my head hurt some days.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
God isn't required.
ur mum isn't required
this is my absolute motto
thats a silly rule, I would greet women with a pat on the butt since thats how I want them to greet me
Apophis umm yes to all of what you said please
its been around.. Its called socialization.
"I am what God made me, young man." We have to find a way to bottle and sell Jim Jefferies' essence. This man is a wonder of the world.
shit of the world
I can think of something...
We might not have Jim Jefferies essence, but we've got Jim Beam. Pretty much the same IMHO.
That’s the joke. He doesn’t believe in it but the other guy does. And the other guy will make statements like that sometimes. So the other guy either has to believe that Jim Jeffries was made this way (something that he doesn’t want to do) or he has to not believe in that statement (something that he doesn’t want to do). It’s a joke that happens to be coming from a comedian
@Pale Big Booty white girl if your spending your time to say something so meaningless and unprofound then your life must be as even more meaningless and aimless
A lot of the things the Christian dude says about hell are not in the Bible.
Also, an Amish farm hand would answer those questions the same way, but in German.
It actually comes from an anti Catholic church book from hundreds of years ago from ancient Rome.
Or what he thinks is German. The language has really changed after time.
Like the whole aspect of damnation, that was from the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Not German, the Amish speak a Germanic dialect similar to Flemish.
Also, an Amish farm hand wouldn't have a moustache. Only a beard.
This show needs its own channel, comedy central. Ffs.
Abhishek Badiger im glad they cancelled larry wilmore, what a shit show. This lives up to colbert report
President show also needs its own channel.
Wow Larry Wilmore was such shit that I didn't even realized it got cancelled.
ur mum is a channel
It has its own channel. Type in Jim Jefferies Show - booom you have it;)
Anyone else find it a little creepy when religions target young kids? or is it just me?
It's creepy.
They simply know that you have to get to them first, before they learn science.
That's the only way to plant the seed of cognitive dissonance....
Thats the whole premise of the bit
The most terrifying thing in the world is a priest talking to children
A little? I'd love to slap all these idiots with their 'good book'.
Not religion that is your problem, mate! It is mainstream media, because they not only tell your kids what to think! but also you!!!! and then you inforce it, double on your kid
I'm 19 years old and I remember when I was in Elementary school and the "Good News" club and all the teachers would be at the meetings and I only attended like 2 of them but I was basically pressured by both my mother and my classmates who bullied me.
I wish the Actual News club was there instead.
They tried to indoctrinatie me into Catholicism they failed at age 8 I became a atheist
"The world will never be free until the last monarch is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". Denis Diderot
Mmmm communism, nice. Really peaceful ideology
Why do you guys hate religion?
@@meghanachauhan9380 That's not communism, Diderot was a philosopher, writer and scientist, during the age of enlightenment, he elaborated the first encyclopedia gathering all the scientific and technical knowledge of this time in order that people could educate themselves. Communism appeared much later in history. At this time, religion in occidental country was controlling the masses by telling lies to naive people in order to maintain them in ignorance. It's quite sad that in the 21st century, some people think that separating religion from state is a form of communism. We can unfortunately see that many religions in the world are brainwashing people's minds to maintain their own privileges.
@@lalboimanlun1230 because it makes people stupid
@@MajorMlgNoob No, people are already stupid. Religion is used to manipulate the stupid.
The After School Satan....wont sell Jim?! I beg to differ sir! The abbreviation for it says it all! It's very easy to sell A.S.S.!
Only if it's accompanied by a bootyful devil in the logo.
I bet law enforcement would probably be curious to know what is on your laptop.
Satan was the first to demand equal rights.
And then he made people believe he was the good guy, forced them into an abusive relationship with the threat that some other dude would be even more abusive and made them write a propaganda book to excuse all of that, the bible.
@@AliothAncalagon what the fuck did I just read
@@meghanachauhan9380 the perfect description of the very kind and in no way abusive Christian God.
The almighty one that is so fragile that he will let you burn in hell for eternity when you don't worship him because you know, almightieness does not mean he has self esteem
@Da Mighty Shabba I believe I got this from Lucien Greaves (founder of Satanic Temple). It struck me as equally funny and profound.
Jim deserves an award for exposing the word "Cunt", into common use here today. He is the Master of finding and exposing more "Cunts" than anybody. He has a remarkable story. I love this guy! Funny and smart as hell!
Cunt is a common word. Just not in front of me mum.
Well. You could play more online video games. I have HUNDEREDS of friends from around the world.
And hear that All the time.
Plus a few others lmao...
Apparently Jim was the one who got a lot of comedy clubs to lift the informal ban on using the word. (In Australia) Supposedly he got the title 'The Rosa Parks Of Cunt' because of it - no idea if it was just an elaborate joke though!
Lip read, he didnt say cunt and neither did the children.
it was cow
When he asks, "Would you still be nice to other people?" that one girl in the blue dress just kinda shrugs like, "Uh sure. If I have to." She is my new favourite person.
“If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit.” - Rust Cohle.
The same way law enforcement keeps you decent?
@@elysian95 Law enforcement does not reward you for being decent.
"Do you believe that all animals come from two animals being on a boat?"
He had to think for a second on that one 😂
"we're satanists, but we dont believe in satan"
namekman01 init
What she said and they muted is that atheists are actually viewed as satanists by christians.
So being a satanist is essentially "turning away from god".
B20C0 Most of the ones I've run across seem to say atheists are worse because at least Satanists believe in something. And the only thing worse than that would be an agnostic because they won't "take sides."
dixiesecularskeptic, well then that should show you that they arent very smart.
Brian H An unfortunate side effect of using limited resources to advance ones knowledge of existence. Point is though is that different sects have differing opinions. It's always been interesting to me how believers want to assign someone sort of faith, like satanism, to groups who profess to follow evidence instead of superstition. It's also interesting how some leap to the assumption that atheists are being "led away" by satan.
I hope people understand the point of the bit is that humans are inherently good and you don't need to have an opinion of somebody's opinion to live a healthy and wonderful Life.
"humans are inherently good" lmao sure
Humans are about the only "evil" thing on this planet. Us and cats, cats are evil too.
Humans don't inherently want to hurt others. They want to improve their own situation and sadly that often involves hurting others in some way. I don't think that there is such a thing as unconditional hate. We hate something or someone for a reason, even if we only made that reason up in our minds, there has to be something that initiates your hate. That being said, all of us are whining cunts, so it's nit hard for us to make up some reason to hate.
You projecting?
player two player two just observing that people are constantly allowing themselves to be offended or pissed of by everything. Just have a look at the internet, tell me you don't see people constantly bitching about stupid shit. Still i don't think you can take all the death threats seriously, do you?
We need more mainstream secularist outlets man
ur mum's an outlet
We have one. It's called science.
Mark Gigiel he means something like the satanist proposal but with better marketing.
Secular Talk is good.
@@jaelynn7575 kulinsky makes false claims about judaism and mistakes the old testament for the tanakh often
Why isn't Jim supervising our children's education? He clearly has the kindness of heart that you need for the job.
"I wish I had this many kids in my church."
That gave me the creeps when he said that.
He taught the kids how to swear, that’s amazing.
Piyamakarro didn't you hear the kids saying they'll be good to each other despite what comes (or doesn't) after death? or that's not important at all?
he did not learn them that he just asked them
making kids swear is not good and not called for
god has nothing to do with this
advocating for being nice to others and showing respect is not a god thing but it's what every single philosopher stood up with from russel . noam chomski or even in ancient Greece
and that was before jesus
u r giving the religion a victory it shouldn't have by saying only religion stood up for this
it's really sad to a lot of atheists just going against every single thing they think religion is for
every one is saying it is not an argument
i used to say it when i was childish so really man just grow up
for me i don't and will not swear at my friends my girl or my family members and honestly for me i feel like a lot of the anger that drove me to say those worlds is not an option for me
so i don't get angry at all
He didn`t teach them anything. They already knew it.
This is the best one yet Jim. The kids really appreciated being told the truth about life. Instead of being filled with a bunch of fairy-tales.
Why aren’t there more episodes of this show???
i think it only runs on tuesdays
because of ur mum
Probably because you're dumb and you don't watch Comedy Central!
it's in it's 3rd season
Jim you are my favorite comedian for 3 reasons.
1. You're funny as hell.
2. You're blunt.
3. You're an atheist like myself.
He isn't afraid to say bullshit regardless of how intelligent the person is or isn't.
@3-7-77 that's why I just say I'm not religious rather than atheist. religious people tend to treat atheism like its own religion even though it's literally the absence of religion.
@@GauravGRocks I'd argue (and etymologicaly speaking I'm right) that atheism is a belief in the absence of A god (whatever that may be).
While non-religious means that you have no belief what so ever on the matter.
Agnosticism is having a belief that knowing if god exists is impossible for us, and may coexist with religious, non-religious or atheistic beliefs.
Tl:dr: atheism is a belief but not a religion (no doctrine or unifying narrative or whatever)
Ps. Agnosticism is complicated
so you’re a satanist 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I read into the church of Satan a while ago and he is right, they have a marketing problem. The tenants they follow are pretty reasonable for the most part. I was shocked to learn they don’t worship any deities and are devoted atheists. A lot of what they promote is common sense decency. It really surprised me.
This group here is the Satanic Temple, which is different from the Church of Satan.
That's not true. It is something that Anton Lavey stated, but he was doing that as a marketing tool. He even admitted to watering down satanism!
Yeah im a satanist and there marketing is terrible but there all great people the most important holiday for us all is our own respective birthday 🎂 self indulge and self love and respect
@@Actionzombie98 I think it’s kind of genius for what they’re trying to do. If they were called anything else they wouldn’t be getting anywhere near the amount of attention they have gotten.
"Devoted atheists" 🤣👍
The idea of Jim being an educator to young minds is terrifying and delightful simultaneously; another great field piece
I wan Jim as my teacher
There was a Christian group that came into my public high school called Student Venture. I think they took a tip from the Church of $cientology, in that they offered free "personality tests." They didn't use the infamous "e meter", rather they used a multiple choice quiz & attendance to their "presentation" wasn't by choice - that crap was mandatory during study hall. (& of course, they tried to recruit you to go to their church.)I still don't understand how they can do that in a public school.
We had Good News Club in our Kentucky high school, 1975. The lowest academic level kids joined.
That tells you something.
"I am who I am. I am what God made me young man" Amazing 😂😂😂
Afternoon Satan Club..Sign me up!
The several stages of watching the Jim Jefferies show!
No those are emojis
Like therapy
Nobody think a preist saying I wish I had that many children in my church raises a red flag no
Dude looks creepy af lol
Hail Jesus.
This show is the best thing that happened in my life. I do not even feel guilty watching it unlike watching other shows, because I don't feel like wasting my time on it.
I'm Muslim, and I'll raise my children to be whatever they want to be. I'll raise them to be good and free just like the way my father raised me 😍😍😍😍
You're going to raise them to be whatever they want to long as they believe in Allah and the prophets.
This was a great reminder of why Satanism isn't for idiots.
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to appreciate Rick and Morty.
Who's it for then
@@crusherzilla3036 lol
Christianity brings stability to society not all the other false doctrines!
I'm a member of TST! Very proud to be a part of it!!!
Outrageous crazy stuff 👹👹👹👹
"If you don't eat your broccoli, you'll get the electric chair, you dirty sinner!"
Jefferies always keeping it💯👍😲
1:19 the face you make when they defeat you using your own arguments.
Stfu you fool ignorant, this is all an agenda to turn ppl away from God, all while the elites who run your country are devil worshipers and once they get the rfid chip implanted in you, your soul will belong to the devil
@David Godfrey theirs loads of evidence, they refer to scripture all the time, go to channels mark dice and call for an uprising, the elites worship satan and push agendas, the latest one is making Christians look like the bad guys and ushering in this do what thou wilt mentality, knowledge is power and you have very little if it, visit those channels watch their videos and cine bk to me in couple of days
@Myla Starseed the nwo they are ushering in so they can have their place on the pyramid and sheeple like you at the bottom, with rfid chip the mark of beast, read that bit
@@kenanenver5323 aren't there other things that are supposed to happen before the 666 stuff like the scorpions that are the size of horses... I haven't seen any of those... Try reading Revelation from chapter 1 and not from the middle before coming to feed us ur bullshit conspiracy theories
Damn, Jim is one of the few that got what's the problem! Hats off to you :)
I loved this; good humor, good message.
Wow religion and fast food can literally shape our school agenda!
recruiting people by scaring the shit out of people, clasic
also satanist are really nice imo
Thank you
Hahaha. Epic😄
Hahaha. Epic😄
Hahaha. Epic😄
Hahaha. Epic😄
I'm Christian and I still can't help but like this guy. He's so entertaining.
A true Christian won't like anything that is contrary to Jesus' word. You're allowing the flesh to deceive you.
I approve of this message.
Well done
Simple explanation: satan in Hebrew = adversary
They emphasize critical thinking but didn't use it when coming up with a name like the After School Satan Club. Really put some thought into that name, too much maybe.
Love Jim Jefferies😆👍
OMFG 😂😂😂😂😂😂 when the guy laughed out loud the moment good news club came on the 😂😂😂😂
Marketers: we want ‘em young
"Fire and flamse and non stop heat"
Sooo modern day Australia
>asking an evangelical if they believe in the rapture
I mean, they invented it
Bio shock was great
Yay for Jim Jefferies . . . . YAY !!!!!!!!!
"Rotting, heat, and fire, festering wounds that are just never going away". If that's what hell is, then I have seen worse on earth.
When people ask me why I'm an atheist, I tell them that my bullshit radar still works
“The Bible says....”
Think for yourself, sheep. Free thinking is what brings advancement, not blindly following.
4:57 Most productive class ever.
I love the message
Nothing is as scary as a true believer.
JJ just taught those kids (at the end) far, FAR more about the realities of existence in 2 minutes than they'd learn in 2 decades of theological shaming and premeditated hypocrisy.
I believe the devil prefers to be called Lucifer.
It's "Stephen" I actually go by nowadays Jarrod thank you 😋
Jim Jefferies' class is better.
That one guy in the audience is just the best.
I love Jim
Give this show it's own channel. I'd love to subscribe to it, but I will not subscribe to Comedy Central and have them clogging my page up with all their tripe and garbage shows. I just want to sub to Jim Jefferies.
Evangelicals sounds like something you'd find in Cats the musical.
Critical thinking and Satan club in the same sentence...
@ 3:23 Exactly you genius which is why the Separation of Church & State is such a great idea & written into the 1A of the Constitution also know as the establishment clause. It was so important that the founder not only wrote it into the most important document but they wrote at the very beginning.
say after me “don’t be a c**t” lmfao
Not surprising, even the Satanic Bible denies that there is Satan, it's actually a really good book making reasonable points
Yeah, but why bother to use the "symbol" of satan? Poisons the well before you even get to specifics. It's like Bernie (Sanders) unfortunately, the second he says "socialist" many just automatically tune out. I'm a socialist on many issues, but I knew, even if Hillary didn't have the DNC behind her & Bernie won the nomination, his labeling would have killed him.
phxbillcee Because the whole point of that version of Satanism is to mock the magical thinking in the Bible. Think of it as trolling the Christians.
But that means its only good on the irony or satirical scale & will never be a force for real change.
The book is stupid and juvenile. The whole point of the church of satan is aimless blasphemy, which can be a lot of fun and liberation for people who grew up religious.. but again it's written very poorly.
Sam. X. It's also a convenient tool for assholes to use to act as self absorbed as they please, all while making it, hopefully in their eyes, seem like this is not the case at all and they are just superior intellectuals and the rest of us are fools. You are right. It is a flawed book and philosophy, in many ways, but perhaps the biggest incorrect assumption in it is that we as humans are, and always will be, inherently selfish. And, so we should only behave selfishly, because that is just the natural order of things. For an ideology that claims to take a lot of influence from the findings of Charles Darwin and evolution as a whole, this seems counterintuitive to say the least, because as we grow as a species and as we evolve with the ever changing world around us, we change and adapt to our environment, not just physically, but also intellectually, and yes even instinctually, just like every other animal. And, so, this is a very big miscalculation on their part, in my opinion. Not only because it's just plain wrong, but also because, using their theory, we are almost certain to destroy ourselves. However, if we reject this sort of recessive thinking and continue to promote good moral values and a strong sense of empathy towards each other, we may, ultimately, become a species with those traits and values imbedded in each of our dna. After all, history has shown when we look out for one another as a whole, especially the least fortunate of us first, we prosper. ...They are as flawed as or more flawed than any other religion I can think of...
Jim doesn’t feel remorse when he hurts others.
He didn’t hurt anyone, though...
@nafia morris Saying something nasty is not the same thing as hate speech. Hate speech is about targeting someone for the way that they are born - for something they can't help. People can help being Christian. They can help revering a cruel, unethical, psychopathic god. They can help thinking that women should marry their rapists, that they're property, and that adulterers should bee stoned to death. They can help thinking that thieves should have their hands cut off, that genocide is acceptable, and that slavery is justifiable. They can help thinking that critical thinking and logic are useless. In other words, they can help revering Christian pseudo-morality (and all the aforementioned unethical things are explicitly condoned, encouraged, praised, and revered in the Bible).
Jim wasn't using hate speech - he was pointing out the lack of ethics and logic in Christian ideology, and the brainwashing of young children into that horrific ideology. That's not the same thing as using hate speech.
Like most Christians who comment on UA-cam, you don't even know the first thing about the topics you are trying to argue against.
@nafia morris Now, by you calling him a "jew puppet", using the word Jew in a way that you mean to be derogatory, YOU are being both anti-semitic, and using hate speech. The reason for this is because Judaism is not just an ideology - it's also a race. You are using a race as a slur. And that's hateful.
Jim was being logical and ethical. You are being irrational and hateful. Do you understand the difference now?
@nafia morris
“You can't call it "anti semetic" and hate speech lmfao”
Antisemitic (you spelled it wrong multiple times, even though I’d spelled it correctly for you in my own’s no wonder you don’t understand the meaning of the word, since you can’t even figure out how to spell it properly) rhetoric is the definition of hate speech. For example:
“semetic (sic) is a reference to language, not ethnicity”
Semitic has multiple meanings. It can refer to language influenced by Hebrew or Aramaic, or it can refer to Judaism.
Semitic people are an ETHNIC group who currently speak, or whose ancestors spoke, semitic languages.
“and jews are not semetic (sic), arabs are, but not jews, so anti semetic (sic) isn't even used for jews lmfao.”
The aforementioned article explains how we got the term “antisemitic”, and why it narrowly refers to discrimination towards Jews. Many words in the English language have root parts with meanings that differ (slightly, or wholly) from the meaning of the word itself - it’s simply how language works. By trying to refer to a partial root of the word “antisemitism”, and claim that because it refers to Arabs, the word antisemitism has no meaning, you are implementing a logical fallacy - a Linguistic Fallacy. In case you don’t know what a logical fallacy is, it’s an innately illogical argument. Because your entire comment consists of nothing but inaccurate information and logical fallacies, it is innately illogical, and not to be taken seriously.
Anyway, you’re wrong (yet again). The word “semitic” does, in fact, refer to people of Jewish descent. In reference to ethnicity, it’s an outdated term, because it refers to a combination of ethnicities, including modern Jews, Levantine Arabs, Assyrians, Samaritans, and more.
“and you are not born a jew...can you convert to caucasian? no...can you convert to being a jew? yes...therefore, not "born" a jew, therefore not hate speech”
Wrong again, I’m afraid. As I’ve already explained, Judaism is not merely a religion, it is a a race. More specifically, it is an ethnoreligious group. People of Jewish descent have distinct DNA that identifies them as of a unique ethnic heritage. Jewish people who convert to other religions, or leave the religion of Judaism altogether are still referred to as Jewish, because the Jews are an ethnic group. Once again, you are using a Linguistic fallacy. You are fallaciously assuming that because a word has one meaning, that means that it can’t have any other meanings (ie, because the word Jew refers to a religion, that means that it can’t also refer to an ethnicity. Of course, it refers to both, because words have multiple meanings, and Jews are an ethnoreligious group), and you are then using this fallacious premise to claim that, because you’ve fallaciously (ie, illogically) claimed that the word Jew can’t mean an ethnic group and a religion, that means that you can’t be hateful and discriminatory towards them. Your entire argument is illogical on so many levels, it’s ridiculous.
Anyway, as you can see from the sources below, and the one I linked to above about Semitic peoples, Jewish people are a distinct ethnic group. And again, you’ve made it clear that when you are hatefully referring to Jews, you are referring to people who are ethnically Jewish. When you use the word “Jew” as a slur, you aren’t referring to someone who just converted to Judaism - you’re referring to people whose ancestry is fully, or in part, Jewish (ie, Semitic), like the Rothschilds, and the people killed in the Holocaust.
Antisemitism is generally referred to as a form of RACIAL discrimination for all the aforementioned reasons. You are both antisemitic, and racist.
“eat a dick”
Yeah, that’s about the level of intelligence I would expect to see from someone like you. You really do know how to construct an intelligent argument. LOL.
@nafia morris mate you need to grow up
It's all a laugh until you meet your maker
Thank you Jim for teaching me
Lol That was true and funny
I'm sure G. Carling is looking up at you and he is smiling .D
Definitely 😂
Satanism is evil
No 😨
@@some_vocaloid_freak7065 yes
@@carlcjjohnson8694 tell me how it’s evil
@@some_vocaloid_freak7065 cause it is
@@carlcjjohnson8694 why tho why do you find it cringe
Treat others how you would like to be treated. Simple and effective. Nothing more needed. 👍
You're my hero Jim
The kids seemed so happy to able to swear.
It sounds like Jim's audience is encouraged to bring alcohol
When I was a kid I went to after school Satan club. We called it "home."
I'm a satanist and a witch but I consider myself a good person. I only believe in myself and the people I love.
You are brave to say that on social media and after learning about The church of Satan I was so surprised. There beliefs are not at all what is portrayed in the media. I was brainwashed by our society to think that Satanist were devil worshiping, murderous, and mean. I hope you don’t suffer persecution for your beliefs. It’s seems like many good people could be Satanist. I don’t know much about witchcraft but I do feel a connection to non physical energies and don’t doubt there existence.
@@AnDitaLee Thank you for your message! It really made my day! We as satanists are very confident people who choose our own path in life and yes we are indeed not evil. And the media portrays us as pshychos. But I must mention some people do evil things. And that is not good. Real Satanists do not. And we do not care about persecution. We know we are powerful to withstand negative emotions and nonsense. That is our strength.
Love this guy
When a lost soul hides in sarcastic arrogance from TRUTH
I'm all about critical thinking and evidence-based beliefs, but if you want to be taken seriously, don't call yourself a "satanist club", because:
1- If you don't believe God exists, same necessarily goes for Satan
2- It doesn't even represent what the club is about
3- It just gives fuel to people to easily discredit everything you want to do
I mean, come on
I bet it's a marketing thing again: the satan's name got them to TV's and news. If they were called 'critical thinkers club' or something like that, nobody would care.
You don't get it man. It's a way to get religion out of everything. It's a way to get of overreaching freedom of religion laws. Claim every single privilege they get in the name of Satanism so that it gets taken away
We all know Satan is a liar and the great deceiver. Don’t won’t fall for it. Haha.
The Lord Jesus Christ is watching. Repent
Your virtual boyfriend jesus is now dead.
Get over it we will not come back.
@@hexa1905 Jesus died for the sins of each one of us but He rose again! He lives now and wants everyone to be saved and believe in Him
The choice is ours brother, God’s not mad at you He’s waiting you with open arms