The Best English Breakfast In London | Best Of The Best

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,3 тис.

  • @InsiderFood
    @InsiderFood  5 років тому +514

    What food should we rate next on Best of the Best? Let us know in the comments below!

    • @dflife1682
      @dflife1682 5 років тому +15

      Pie and Mash

    • @BillDownhill
      @BillDownhill 5 років тому +2

      Pulled pork or Cajun food.

    • @Hotspur62
      @Hotspur62 5 років тому +5

      @To Be Honest I love jellied eels and mashed peas.

    • @nedbarton4905
      @nedbarton4905 5 років тому +1

      differnet oven foods (think turkey twislers/fish finger sandwiches)

    • @Polytheist86
      @Polytheist86 5 років тому +6

      Chinese takeout

  • @Kish1610
    @Kish1610 4 роки тому +2512

    The hosts look like they're giving us a powerpoint presentation

  • @ChhoteUstad
    @ChhoteUstad 4 роки тому +4925

    This breakfast is so English that my eyes got colonised

  • @QBee240
    @QBee240 3 роки тому +704

    These two are a match made in dry Heaven..drier than the toasts they’re eating

    • @jamesrose6751
      @jamesrose6751 3 роки тому +16

      As dry as wooden gods

    • @Name-jw4sj
      @Name-jw4sj 3 роки тому +6

      All they eat is meat, chicken and fish. My god, animals in every meal? Really?

    • @bhyatt007
      @bhyatt007 3 роки тому +45

      @@Name-jw4sj ?

    • @alextheconfuddled8983
      @alextheconfuddled8983 3 роки тому +15

      @@Name-jw4sj they taste good, i rest my case

    • @twqtt
      @twqtt 2 роки тому +27

      @@Name-jw4sj so does half of the world, so, what point are you trying to make?

  • @davudlastname2545
    @davudlastname2545 4 роки тому +2340

    "English breakfast" and "vegan" are words I never thought I'd see in the same sentence

    • @rmadara
      @rmadara 3 роки тому +52


    • @user-pf5xq3lq8i
      @user-pf5xq3lq8i 3 роки тому +85

      They are pushing a neo liberal political agenda. Next time you see a vegan virtue signaling, ask if they are pro life, because the definition of Veganism is pro life for ALL creatures, eg against animal abortion. Then ask them if they are for human abortion and watch their head spin. It's great fun.

    • @thea8704
      @thea8704 3 роки тому +126

      @@user-pf5xq3lq8i What does neo-liberalism have to do with abortions? Adding random prefixes doesn’t make your statement any more valid. You know what else is considered life? A single bacterium. At the stage of abortion, you’re basically just removing a clump of cells.

    • @Ian-yf7uf
      @Ian-yf7uf 3 роки тому +24

      They don't belong together. There's no such thing as a vegan full english breakfast, simple as.

    • @Shwilly805
      @Shwilly805 3 роки тому +13

      @The a spoken like a true liberal

  • @jmgalbo1
    @jmgalbo1 5 років тому +2920

    Next Video : The Best Cardiologist in London | Best Of The Best

    • @nishitdutt9715
      @nishitdutt9715 5 років тому +20

      Let's try changing our hearts!

    • @mattipra
      @mattipra 5 років тому +16

      Or the best dentists, but I'm not sure they can find three in london.

    • @guidance9480
      @guidance9480 5 років тому +39

      @@K_10107 the food isn't healthy so they get heart attack.

    • @omghasna4329
      @omghasna4329 5 років тому +9

      @@K_10107 oh so you're not actually a genius lmao

    • @Frankabagnalejr0101
      @Frankabagnalejr0101 5 років тому


  • @GigaChadBossMan
    @GigaChadBossMan 3 роки тому +751

    When you study economics but end up reviewing an English breakfast:

    • @ElselchoGaming
      @ElselchoGaming 3 роки тому +15

      Soviet pfp and the name Russian Comrade, you must be 14.

    • @irjun981
      @irjun981 3 роки тому +36

      @@ElselchoGaming just let him choose what pfp and name he want bro, chill

    • @ElselchoGaming
      @ElselchoGaming 3 роки тому +7

      @@irjun981 No, and your username sucks.

    • @HayDayEveryday
      @HayDayEveryday 3 роки тому +14

      @@ElselchoGaming ur existence sucks

    • @ElselchoGaming
      @ElselchoGaming 3 роки тому +4

      @@HayDayEveryday Good one bro

  • @wilsonz9232
    @wilsonz9232 4 роки тому +3298

    Feels like the dude is reporting on an economic crisis rather than breakfast special.

  • @jjw238
    @jjw238 5 років тому +720

    The fried bread is too heavy, but the 2 fried hash browns, bacon, sausage and eggs are just fine!

    • @Justtellmetheanswer6910
      @Justtellmetheanswer6910 5 років тому +6

      Jj W ave half a piece of friend bread.

    • @wullaballoo2642
      @wullaballoo2642 4 роки тому +19

      No room for that carbohydrate junk in my plate of protein and fat.

    • @jdlc903
      @jdlc903 3 роки тому +5

      I don't even like hash browns

    • @youwot2430
      @youwot2430 2 роки тому

      nah you've just got a small tummy lol

    • @seanmcdonagh6237
      @seanmcdonagh6237 2 роки тому

      Yes that’s correct. It’s something totally different

  • @qualitygoldfish2198
    @qualitygoldfish2198 4 роки тому +70

    The combined charisma on these two have just blown my screen up.

  • @shogun2215
    @shogun2215 5 років тому +2490

    The best English Breakfast will not be Vegan, that's for certain.

    • @smithmeister
      @smithmeister 5 років тому +247

      Next up, best transgender strip joints and alcohol free pubs.

    • @michaelxz1305
      @michaelxz1305 4 роки тому +41

      @@smithmeister just you wait...

    • @jessiek289
      @jessiek289 4 роки тому +17


    • @James-May
      @James-May 4 роки тому +23

      While I agree with your statement, I reckon that it's the taste, not the kind of food it has that makes a dish a good one.

    • @mikegallant811
      @mikegallant811 4 роки тому +41

      Why be vegan. You're losing out on a lot of protein and stuff 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋!

  • @crystalrage
    @crystalrage 5 років тому +188

    America : pudding- a sweet dessert usually made with milk or cream and a smooth consistency.
    Britain: pudding - well this ones a blood sausage, and this ones kind of like a cake and this ones almost a bread and this one is like a savory round ball of stuff. Perfect.

    • @tenidas7064
      @tenidas7064 4 роки тому +8

      Pudding is basically anything

    • @bnanaaasbrown9529
      @bnanaaasbrown9529 4 роки тому +8

      Pudding is usually just a synonym for dessert. Black pudding is just an anomaly.

    • @tenidas7064
      @tenidas7064 4 роки тому +1

      @@bnanaaasbrown9529 yh exactly. Had me confused when i first came to the UK😅

    • @boarbot7829
      @boarbot7829 3 роки тому +15

      @@bnanaaasbrown9529 NO. You are completely incorrect. A British pudding is a dish, savory or sweet, that's cooked by being boiled or steamed in something: a dish, a piece of cloth, or even animal intestine. Black pudding is no anomaly, take steak and kidney pudding, pease pudding or bacon pudding as more examples of savoury puddings. For example a traditional sweet pudding may be steamed pudding, or Christmas pudding as both are steamed in bowls covered with grease proof paper, submerged in water. So many people get it wrong these days...

    • @KSizbored4life
      @KSizbored4life 3 роки тому +4

      I'm not from the UK but I tried yorkshire pudding for the first time last month and it was heavenly

  • @vittoriarossi8546
    @vittoriarossi8546 3 роки тому +358

    I saw more emotion and range at my parents' custody hearing.

    • @blacktomatolive
      @blacktomatolive 3 роки тому +7


    • @notreshan
      @notreshan 3 роки тому +4

      Freaking hell 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Siegmeyer_
      @Siegmeyer_ 3 роки тому +13

      That’s probably expected. If there’s more emotion in a breakfast review than your custody hearing then you’re screwed lol

    • @alimack5489
      @alimack5489 3 роки тому +2

      Damnnn man 😂

    • @juice1758
      @juice1758 3 роки тому +2


  • @kijnek
    @kijnek 5 років тому +444

    I’m not really watching this. I’m cracking up at all the hilarious comments.

    • @beaniewearingtrashcat8066
      @beaniewearingtrashcat8066 4 роки тому +1

      kijnek same tho

    • @wahiba_soukarnou
      @wahiba_soukarnou 4 роки тому

      Hey guys im trying to growy channel and show people some Moroccan foodand i want to share it with you guys please make sure to check me out leave a like a subscribe and trust me i'll do the same have a good day

    • @robbiemeikle2919
      @robbiemeikle2919 4 роки тому +4

      Idk, all the comments are just endless criticisms of the hosts and I feel so bad, they seem nice they just don’t have much chemistry together.

  • @MelvinMansoor
    @MelvinMansoor 5 років тому +859

    I’m not even English and I know they missed the beans and tomatoes in the intro to what they are looking for

    • @ethaniol81i68
      @ethaniol81i68 4 роки тому +74

      They also missed mushrooms hash browns and black pudding

    • @rossm685
      @rossm685 3 роки тому +7

      Shit breakfast for the money !!!!

    • @Hi-xy5nn
      @Hi-xy5nn 3 роки тому

      @@rossm685 wym

    • @evetsnitram8866
      @evetsnitram8866 3 роки тому +3

      I could do the vegan breakfast. Not into the deep fried stuff.

    • @arpitdas4263
      @arpitdas4263 3 роки тому

      Those suck though

  • @Fordie47
    @Fordie47 3 роки тому +43

    I don't care what negative things the commenters below say about these two thoughtful hosts. They are delightful people, and I enjoyed this video presentation. No, they are not polished, professional food critics. Yes, they are two genuine, nerdy people who like to enjoy food and are searching for the perfect traditional English breakfast. I hope they eventually find it. Thank you, our gracious, sweet, warm-hearted, nerdy hosts! Can I share a bite with you two?
    EDIT: It was amazing how they came together in the end! I wish the American Congress could do that! Tears!!!

  • @josephmarasigan7820
    @josephmarasigan7820 5 років тому +638

    I like to sleep with the tv on. Im gonna use this episode to fall asleep tonight

    • @shantoledwards130
      @shantoledwards130 4 роки тому +6

      Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @wahiba_soukarnou
      @wahiba_soukarnou 4 роки тому +7

      Hey guys im trying to growy channel and show people some Moroccan foodand i want to share it with you guys please make sure to check me out leave a like a subscribe and trust me i'll do the same have a good day

    • @gerardobecerra1242
      @gerardobecerra1242 4 роки тому +3

      مطبخ وهيبة checked you out and subscribed

    • @Mar-ft9xu
      @Mar-ft9xu 4 роки тому +2

      But..... I can’t read any of your titles....مطبخ وهيبة

    • @icantthinkofaname15
      @icantthinkofaname15 4 роки тому


  • @sumeetsingh6378
    @sumeetsingh6378 5 років тому +1544

    Nah fam i dont feel the vibe of the hosts

    • @23ZSHN
      @23ZSHN 5 років тому +71

      Sumeet Singh trust me they don’t know piss about food

    • @sumeetsingh6378
      @sumeetsingh6378 5 років тому +8

      ZSHN haha ikr

    • @wageslave5760
      @wageslave5760 5 років тому +20

      Not impressed by the hosts or your grasp of English.. Two wrongs don't make a right..

    • @23ZSHN
      @23ZSHN 5 років тому +34

      Andrew Lister suck urself

    • @nennen7491
      @nennen7491 5 років тому +40

      They are boring...

  • @azaramoon4027
    @azaramoon4027 3 роки тому +43

    Im glad they got their own plate each , finally.

  • @londontrada
    @londontrada 5 років тому +245

    Its like someone died in the morning but they still had to go and film it today.

  • @richardreed1445
    @richardreed1445 5 років тому +1362

    "The Fried bread IS unhealthy. That is NOT a diet option." Dude, you're reviewing full English breakfasts what did you expect? What a Debbie Downer.

    • @Housemusic4ever
      @Housemusic4ever 5 років тому +5


    • @madhujagasia1354
      @madhujagasia1354 5 років тому +1

      @@Housemusic4ever .

    • @nahnah2209
      @nahnah2209 5 років тому +2


    • @Jacket97
      @Jacket97 5 років тому +2

      Spot on fellas

    • @drey8
      @drey8 5 років тому +14

      I had some fried bread with a full breakfast the other day and it was just buttered toast put butter side down in a frying pan, it was delicious and I've never thought of doing that, better than saturating it with oil.

  • @ok-hd4ir
    @ok-hd4ir 4 роки тому +94


    • @noahb26
      @noahb26 3 роки тому +23

      they are british what do you expect? they don''t season anything

    • @EndZ0ne-t9q
      @EndZ0ne-t9q 3 роки тому +7

      *Bri'ish intensifies*

    • @samd1405
      @samd1405 3 роки тому +3

      Eat Tabbouli (mostly parsley). Depending on how strong the parsley is, there can be a considerable kick.

    • @juliahuang9743
      @juliahuang9743 3 роки тому

      no but I actually howled at this comment

    • @dandanbakerman
      @dandanbakerman 3 роки тому

      Exactly what I thought! What's wrong with these ppl. Really nice streaky .... Back bacon haha

  • @walshelliot1
    @walshelliot1 4 роки тому +190

    It usually helps having hosts actually know what they're talking about, instead of regurgitating words they see on Instagram posts

    • @theblackswordsman9951
      @theblackswordsman9951 3 роки тому +3

      Sorry you're too dumb to understand what they're saying.

    • @NoFlu
      @NoFlu 3 роки тому +11

      @@theblackswordsman9951 the commentary is jusg full of those kinda words you'd use when you want to appear smart but actually aren't....

    • @theblackswordsman9951
      @theblackswordsman9951 3 роки тому +3

      @@NoFlu Nothing they are saying is smart though.

    • @NoFlu
      @NoFlu 3 роки тому +5

      @@theblackswordsman9951 yea but I got that pretentious, wanna-be deep feel from them, like OP said, something a lot of instagram "personalities" also do. So i get where he's coming from

    • @theblackswordsman9951
      @theblackswordsman9951 3 роки тому +8

      @@NoFlu What do want tho they're litterally just talking about English breakfast.

  • @domnorth952
    @domnorth952 5 років тому +629

    “A lot of food for your money” 1 sausage in the breakfast and it cost £9.50!

    • @AMan-xy3lx
      @AMan-xy3lx 5 років тому +13

      @i dont care cause i love to That's around 580php... you ignorant and disrespectful crap hole (coz i get what you were trying to do)! that shit wouldn't even feed a single head a week. snob ass Brit (probably)

    • @soolabinl6029
      @soolabinl6029 5 років тому +25

      Especially the vegan crap

    • @LightYagami-wt1jw
      @LightYagami-wt1jw 5 років тому +3


    • @putinusername
      @putinusername 5 років тому

      @@AMan-xy3lx ya mama

    • @AMan-xy3lx
      @AMan-xy3lx 5 років тому

      @@putinusername ya itching pubic bone! 😂

  • @Dismas444
    @Dismas444 2 роки тому +119

    How the heck did you miss out on ALL THREE of the most iconic places to get a Full English? Regency Café, E Pellicci and Hawksmoor Guildhall. Not to mention more hidden local gems like Maggie's or Marie's... I'd definitely do a redux or part 2.

    • @robertnewell4054
      @robertnewell4054 2 роки тому +6

      These 2 are just …. Not gifted to be in front of the camera

    • @kevd2448
      @kevd2448 Рік тому

      They are hacks ,

    • @goonerinSP
      @goonerinSP Рік тому

      And Terry's cafe!

    • @arkie14
      @arkie14 Рік тому

      @@goonerinSP No they did that one :)

  • @dupinderdhindsa4331
    @dupinderdhindsa4331 5 років тому +75

    I actually like the hosts , they don't scream and try to be overly excited (i like how peaceful they were)

  • @emridatla3886
    @emridatla3886 4 роки тому +93

    The best English breakfast I had on vacation in London was the one i had in the airport at an Italian sit down joint on the morning I flew out. Instead of canned beans it had slightly cooked and super tasty spinach, non-canned caramelized mushrooms, roasted cherry tomatoes, English bacon, a couple of eggs, Cumberland sausage (the best part of any English breakfast, I've determined) and focaccia bread.
    Call me sacrilegious all you want, but that was an amazing breakfast.

  • @tylerpring7628
    @tylerpring7628 2 роки тому +8

    0:00 Intro 1:21 Billingsgate Market Cafe 3:35 Gallery Cafe 7:00 Premises Cafe 9:03 Terrys 13:08 Breakfast Club 15:53 The Verdict

  • @Mainiemoe
    @Mainiemoe 4 роки тому +1125

    "The parsley gives it a bit of a kick" is the whitest sentence I've ever heard

    • @robertm4050
      @robertm4050 4 роки тому +118

      That is about the newest racist thing I have ever heard. Why do people say shit like that? If I said Watermelon is about the blackest fruit I ever seen.... That would be racist.

    • @robertm4050
      @robertm4050 4 роки тому +62

      @@redbetta2191 Uhmmm no. It mocks a race of people with the stereotype that white people like bland food. I tried to juxtaposition that with a similar stereotype about black people that is considered racist to show that the statement is offensive. I can't help it if the two hosts are vapid twits that seem to have no literary education to help them do their job.

    • @robertm4050
      @robertm4050 4 роки тому +18

      @@redbetta2191 I don't know where you are from, but it is brought up in comedy endlessly that white people like bland food and to put raisins in potato salad.

    • @harrybobsworth3401
      @harrybobsworth3401 4 роки тому +127

      @@robertm4050 you’re just a snowflake mate

    • @lazarangela2134
      @lazarangela2134 4 роки тому +29

      I facepalmed when she said that. Like, really? “A kick”?!? Lol

  • @JulesSunshine
    @JulesSunshine 5 років тому +572

    They look so sad 😞 must be the London weather. I can literally imagine them in the car driving to the next spot in stone silence.

    • @andrewlaw
      @andrewlaw 5 років тому +69

      Not sad, just devoid of any soul or personality.

    • @al.345
      @al.345 5 років тому +29

      nah they just got no personality tbh

    • @wahiba_soukarnou
      @wahiba_soukarnou 4 роки тому

      Hey guys im trying to growy channel and show people some Moroccan foodand i want to share it with you guys please make sure to check me out leave a like a subscribe and trust me i'll do the same have a good day

    • @TantiPraenuntiaFabam
      @TantiPraenuntiaFabam 4 роки тому +10

      @@wahiba_soukarnou People would watch more if they were in English. Majority of people speak English.

    • @JimmyC-1981
      @JimmyC-1981 4 роки тому +1

      evi Americans be like... Where’s the English muffin?

  • @marnellecorege5595
    @marnellecorege5595 3 роки тому +91

    As a Canadian, I enjoyed seeing all the different varieties of a full English breakfast and especially what they put in a vegan English breakfast - love the accents, well done - cheers from Toronto

    • @hyewon_6311
      @hyewon_6311 2 роки тому +1

      I'm Australian

    • @hyewon_6311
      @hyewon_6311 2 роки тому +1

      @Luishous the Werewolf I'm from Melbourne

    • @hyewon_6311
      @hyewon_6311 2 роки тому +2

      @Luishous the Werewolf I'm Australian of Indonesian descent. Indonesia and Australia are very close

    • @hyewon_6311
      @hyewon_6311 2 роки тому

      @Luishous the Werewolf Where are you from?

    • @hyewon_6311
      @hyewon_6311 2 роки тому +1

      @Luishous the Werewolf Indonesia and Australia are so close. There are so many Asians in Australia.

  • @MedicFromTF2_REAL
    @MedicFromTF2_REAL 5 років тому +62

    Ngl, the homemade baked beans in the vegan place looked amazing

    • @NoFlu
      @NoFlu 3 роки тому +5

      That's about the only thing there that stood out, well the tomatoes also looked nice but that scrambled tofu or whatever, jesus I'd rather not have any "egg" on it than that.

  • @ohsarrrah
    @ohsarrrah 5 років тому +340

    They’re all wrong.
    Fried egg with a dippy yolk
    Baked beans
    Hash browns
    Black pudding
    White toast with butter
    Forget the bubble and squeak and fried bread.

  • @slugerknot
    @slugerknot 4 роки тому +41

    The hosts feel like that awkward couple in an anime that doesn't want to sit next to each other but does so to help the 2 main characters fall in love.

  • @tsuki2480
    @tsuki2480 5 років тому +610

    These guys have no chemistry

    • @xcript123
      @xcript123 4 роки тому +24

      Obviously they're not a couple...

    • @melonshop8888
      @melonshop8888 4 роки тому +2

      LOL. :D

    • @pranjalihankare1483
      @pranjalihankare1483 4 роки тому +3

      I second your thought. :)

    • @austinraftery9304
      @austinraftery9304 4 роки тому +22

      They are so much in love, how dare you. Can't you imagine their sex faces, as they engage in sweet shabu shabu love making

    • @pranjalihankare1483
      @pranjalihankare1483 4 роки тому +9

      @@austinraftery9304 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @ertantawakkul3506
    @ertantawakkul3506 5 років тому +91

    “Tofu looks really fresh, vibrant yellow” fresh Tofu is mostly white mate

  • @tomp2218
    @tomp2218 4 роки тому +108

    As a British person I hate that the sort of hosts we have are always like this, mad posh and bland 🤣

    • @theblackswordsman9951
      @theblackswordsman9951 3 роки тому +31

      You've clearly never met a posh person if you think they're posh.

    • @paxundpeace9970
      @paxundpeace9970 3 роки тому +3

      Still vote posh shit in office

    • @bigalxyz
      @bigalxyz 3 роки тому +4

      @@theblackswordsman9951 They’re dull and middle class though. Like so many young Londoners.

    • @destinilund4771
      @destinilund4771 3 роки тому

      Its what gets ratings up.. Watching energetic chavs dont generate revenue.

  • @OHYS
    @OHYS 4 роки тому +366

    I came here looking for the best Full English Breakfast in all of London but I ended up finding the two most boring people in all of London.

    • @Pusher97
      @Pusher97 4 роки тому +19

      I don’t think she’s bad, but the guy is a black hole of charisma and personality

    • @sianalobo9417
      @sianalobo9417 3 роки тому +12

      I think both of them are terrible in their own ways..

    • @caterinarandom8410
      @caterinarandom8410 3 роки тому +2

      hahah, I just skipped through to see how the breakfasts look so I can recreate my own but now I need to rewatch to see their actual review since the comments are mentioning that a lot :O

    • @blackdragoncyrus
      @blackdragoncyrus 3 роки тому +2

      Yet, Food Wars is one of the most popular videos on this channel.

  • @rarshapso
    @rarshapso 5 років тому +139

    it's like a bad version of Sorted's video smh

    • @prorastanate4665
      @prorastanate4665 5 років тому +1

      Well they're both a bit shit but this is a bit more adventurous. Sorted are fun but well basic - how can u do kebabs and not go to green lanes None of these come close to the best English breakfast in ldn.

    • @djpeekay25
      @djpeekay25 5 років тому

      But they are so bad that I would watch them again.

    • @rarshapso
      @rarshapso 5 років тому

      @@djpeekay25 you're confusing this for buzzfeed

  • @peep6017
    @peep6017 5 років тому +222

    Next video: Best grass In London | Best Of The Best

    • @masonm1124
      @masonm1124 5 років тому +4

      Fast doggo Thats gonna get a heck ton of views from the vegans

    • @peridorkster2634
      @peridorkster2634 5 років тому

      Fast doggo lol

    • @satyannair4837
      @satyannair4837 5 років тому +2

      When Roger Waters wrote the legendary words, "The lunatic is on the grass," who would've thought vegans would spring to mind, 50 years later.

    • @tspsilence2962
      @tspsilence2962 4 роки тому

      Ez way to save money

  • @fo13ulous
    @fo13ulous 5 років тому +259

    Why is "Watching Paint Dry" recommended as my next video?

  • @Daftboy89
    @Daftboy89 3 роки тому +2

    refreshing with people who talk normal for once in a food show! not screaming their head off and doing cartwheels after taking one bite..

  • @harrychung9822
    @harrychung9822 5 років тому +6

    really appreciated what the guy had to say about the food. He helped open my eyes to how culture affects the desire in terms of food

  • @madhumantibagh669
    @madhumantibagh669 4 роки тому +148

    thier chemistry is like :when u will eat with ur ex😂

    • @AZSROSE
      @AZSROSE 3 роки тому +1

      very british of them

    • @paxundpeace9970
      @paxundpeace9970 3 роки тому

      U have to watch 500 Million Dollar house

  • @blue_wolfblade
    @blue_wolfblade 3 роки тому +36

    was it just me who was laughing like mad when they starting eating that sausage at terrys cafe haha...the music..the slow motion it all plays so well together and so unexpected.

    • @fauzy21
      @fauzy21 2 роки тому +1

      yes! and the description is softcore porn lol

  • @browngirl9746
    @browngirl9746 5 років тому +29

    Why people always dissing English/Brit food? I'm not British, but I've been to London and Edinburgh and I don't recall a single bad meal the entire fortnight I was there. The haggis, smoked salmon, sausages, pies, pasties, proper fat chips and sticky date pudding were all AMAZING! Tea always came hot and strong, in a teapot. Damn. I need to go back 🤤

    • @massalleh5255
      @massalleh5255 2 роки тому +1

      They are used to a better food

    • @lanarose1075
      @lanarose1075 2 роки тому +4

      Cuz British food is not that good it’s bland

    • @lanarose1075
      @lanarose1075 2 роки тому +3

      Half of those things don’t come from Britain

    • @xaoc6084
      @xaoc6084 Рік тому +5

      @@lanarose1075 That’s just untrue and you repeating mindless stereotypes. A lot of the misinformation came from WW2 and rationing. Also you saying they’re not British they very much are British dishes. Educate yourself instead of regurgitating ignorant statements :)

  • @jessicasucgang3414
    @jessicasucgang3414 4 роки тому +59

    This is the third episode I've seen and Harry always changes his pick. C'mon, man! Stand your ground from time to time.

    • @user-pf5xq3lq8i
      @user-pf5xq3lq8i 3 роки тому +8

      He didn't change on the best fish and chips episode.

    • @fulichak6499
      @fulichak6499 3 роки тому

      @@user-pf5xq3lq8i I think he did

    • @tyronedsouza
      @tyronedsouza 2 роки тому

      @@fulichak6499 nah.

  • @EllinooraAlexandraCamilla
    @EllinooraAlexandraCamilla 3 роки тому +18

    The girl came straight from the 80’s. I mean look at her outfit and hair 🤣

  • @smallville701
    @smallville701 5 років тому +40

    How can you post a video of "the best breakfast in London" and not eat at E.Pellicci café on the Bethnal green road? this is by far the best café in London. or the Hawksmoor for the second best breakfast in London...…(the one close to bank)

    • @Sensabaugh
      @Sensabaugh 5 років тому +2

      Bradley Cohen Because then they would have done the exact same video as Sorted Food.

  • @siddhant...
    @siddhant... 3 роки тому +6

    16:00 you literally had too much time, Harry grew a stubble magically 😂😂

  • @-4subscriberswithahammerad521
    @-4subscriberswithahammerad521 5 років тому +118

    I already ate breakfast, but suddenly I have room for more

  • @rizkymubaroq3025
    @rizkymubaroq3025 5 років тому +83

    Me: Ramadan is here
    UA-cam recommendation: best breakfast

    • @Vertex-nm3ug
      @Vertex-nm3ug 5 років тому +2

      @bruceownsu You got the joke! Have a nice apple 🍏

    • @MsThaider
      @MsThaider 5 років тому +2

      @bruceownsu dammnn bruh chill,dude just commenting. and zkyrock a why do muslims like u play the fasting card everywhere?Does the world need to know u fasting or what?zap it

    • @doomestee
      @doomestee 5 років тому +1

      @bruceownsu please be nice. If they want to fast then leave them, it's up to them with how they proceed in their life. However, I don't get why would people keep saying they're fasting when we know it's ramadan today. But hey, it's still up to them. If you're offended with this comment then just pretend to leave it.

    • @deadinside9709
      @deadinside9709 5 років тому +1

      @Sono Luminescence why christians attack other religions ??? I believe in jesus and I love him and we believe in all profits why can't u be nice does christianity tell you to attack other religions am really interested plz tell me I thought u claim to be the peaceful religion.

    • @robotl8269
      @robotl8269 5 років тому +1

      bruceownsu be nice 👍 you will like it if someone said that your religion was bad. If you’re not going to say good shut up 🤐

  • @MRLyPuzzle
    @MRLyPuzzle 4 роки тому +14

    Unpopular opinion : I like the hosts and their presentation.
    They are quite calm and don't feel, at least to me, too forced on their reactions.

    • @lancesantana
      @lancesantana 4 роки тому +1

      so you've watched tge same video we watched right?

    • @niranjanrajesh1058
      @niranjanrajesh1058 2 роки тому

      @@lancesantana yes,we just dont like annoying over the top American presenters

  • @RainbowCFH
    @RainbowCFH 4 роки тому +41

    "It feels quite light"
    *While eating a whole screaming pig for breakfast*

    • @halloweenville1
      @halloweenville1 3 роки тому +1

      Eeefff of you Whingebag, you need to eat like the Carnivore you are, , not the Rabbit that your not.

    • @RainbowCFH
      @RainbowCFH 3 роки тому

      @@halloweenville1 I eat meat everyday, still doesn't change the fact that's in no way, shape or form a "light" meal. Nice demonstrantion of militance and education btw

    • @halloweenville1
      @halloweenville1 3 роки тому

      ​@@RainbowCFH Oh that's good, your a Carnivore, All humans are, only spoilt entitled westerners have the choice to eat like rabbits. try handing them a burger OR lettuce leaf after 7 days without food, watch how quickly their dirty stinking gobs demolish the burger in 2 seconds flat.

  • @AndrewYPTang
    @AndrewYPTang 5 років тому +32

    Second video I've watched where you eat at the same Billingsgate market cafe ... geez...

  • @nicemutant
    @nicemutant 4 роки тому +2

    I liked how authentic the hosts were... at least not putting on an act.... very nice!

  • @seanquinn5805
    @seanquinn5805 4 роки тому +10

    12:08 the smile on her face holdin that sausage

  • @zarajoyce6980
    @zarajoyce6980 5 років тому +96

    They are just prompt and proper. No humour. No umph. You guys are like robots. Especially the man. The woman is not too bad...would be better off without the robot.

    • @sebgold5841
      @sebgold5841 4 роки тому +1

      You sound like an empty vessel! Love a lot of noise..

  • @gogetter7963
    @gogetter7963 3 роки тому +1

    The most fascinating thing, is that this video was shot in England, and it didn't look like it was filmed in 2005!

  • @JosephPark18
    @JosephPark18 5 років тому +607

    These two have no passion for food

  • @oliverjohnson6420
    @oliverjohnson6420 4 роки тому +66

    2:12 "the fried bread is unhealthy" 🤣.....dude the drugs that you are taking on weekends and possibly weekdays are 10 times unhealthier than that piece of bread, so eat and enjoy it!! Arghh

    • @user-yo4zt5su3b
      @user-yo4zt5su3b 4 роки тому +2

      How do you know he takes drugs?

    • @oliverjohnson6420
      @oliverjohnson6420 4 роки тому +14

      @@user-yo4zt5su3b Because every person I know that looks, sounds, and acts like that has been a drug user, including girls that look like her. Nothing wrong with that its their life and choice.👍

    • @PauaP
      @PauaP 4 роки тому

      @@oliverjohnson6420 i highly doubt this.

    • @oliverjohnson6420
      @oliverjohnson6420 4 роки тому

      @@PauaP Yeah right buddy)) 👍👍👍

    • @PauaP
      @PauaP 4 роки тому +3

      @@oliverjohnson6420 look fam, its pretty idk scummy to simply act like "this dude takes drugs! Trust me I know this" without even having solid evidence. You're basicslly just pulling this out simply out of nowhere. Theres more to this than simply drugs.

  • @momssidedish
    @momssidedish 2 роки тому +6

    한끼식사로 간단하고 영양도 맑고 맛있어보입니다

  • @kirilpopov7888
    @kirilpopov7888 4 роки тому +7

    So when visiting London I must find and try the very first meal you showed. It looks great and probably give you strength for all day

  • @SirFancyPantsMcee
    @SirFancyPantsMcee 4 роки тому +38

    This video reminds me of a rice cake I ate once.

  • @christianboutell7112
    @christianboutell7112 3 роки тому +9

    The food looks insane,massive respect.

  • @phancius6855
    @phancius6855 4 роки тому +7

    I'm a English on-learning student. I find language-injesting not just about squeezing vocabulary into your mind, it's also the effusive love its costume and tradition. Arguably, food cuisine is one of the constitutive components of a nation. I'm always hungry for more videos from this channel since it lavishes me with such informative, well-scripted videos and contents. Keep up with that. I'm always yout devout patron

    • @annesmith9181
      @annesmith9181 4 роки тому +2

      Please don’t learn English from these two kids.

    • @rscoops3986
      @rscoops3986 Рік тому

      @@annesmith9181 Why?

  • @ahmedsallam1179
    @ahmedsallam1179 5 років тому +275

    Vegan full English ?! This is blasphemous

    • @meggie162
      @meggie162 5 років тому

    • @amy-leeskyy548
      @amy-leeskyy548 5 років тому +5

      Raymond Redington Agreed. Don’t call it an English if it doesn’t contain the basic stuff.

    • @Chilukar
      @Chilukar 5 років тому +5

      What we are looking for: sausages bacon egg - let's see if we can find them in a vegan place! 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @FlowerofDissolution
      @FlowerofDissolution 4 роки тому +3

      To be fair, it was a "full meal course" kind of breakfast experience. So, I don't disagree with calling it that. Still, since the reviewed so few, it made little sense to have ONE vegan cafe which can't be compared to the other dishes. Better to make a dedicated video to vegan and vegetarian food options.

    • @tabithatate6215
      @tabithatate6215 4 роки тому

      The sausage literally looked like human turds

  • @thomasneuber2740
    @thomasneuber2740 2 роки тому +2

    I LOVE English Breakfast, especially black pudding! During my time in London, I never missed it. I enjoyed it at Norman's on Queensway, a tiny restaurant which unfortunately is long gone. Now, I am based in the Middle East with numerous delicacies alike.

  • @chanssikie
    @chanssikie 5 років тому +37

    I didnt watch the video anymore, i just read the comments abt the hosts of this episode 😂😂😂😂 yalls are true, food insider pls give them a training

  • @MrDaigoRiki
    @MrDaigoRiki 2 роки тому +20

    English breakfast is so good and so underrated, from Japan 🇯🇵

    • @maalikserebryakov
      @maalikserebryakov Рік тому

      Japanese food is just wrap rice up in weird placeshehehehe

    • @afonsha
      @afonsha Рік тому

      how underated

    • @afonsha
      @afonsha Рік тому +1

      @@maalikserebryakov bro what

    • @xaoc6084
      @xaoc6084 Рік тому

      @@afonsha It gets a bad rep from stereotypes made after rationing in WW2

    • @afonsha
      @afonsha Рік тому

      @@xaoc6084 bro but nowadays with anime and shit sushi is so popular

  • @samuelgilbert9734
    @samuelgilbert9734 3 роки тому +7

    Watching this before bedtime is evil:Now I'm so hungry!

  • @heftyhugh9086
    @heftyhugh9086 4 роки тому +12

    The guy especially is the human form of Ambien.

  • @Baedda666
    @Baedda666 4 роки тому +42

    The vegan version seems to be sooooo good. I will come to London just for this 🤤

    • @mollyelizabeth8229
      @mollyelizabeth8229 4 роки тому +3

      Finally another vegan everyone else in the comments are trashing the vegan breakfast sadly

    • @_______unknown_______
      @_______unknown_______ 4 роки тому

      @@mollyelizabeth8229 cuz its shit

    • @fulichak6499
      @fulichak6499 3 роки тому

      @@mollyelizabeth8229 Tbh, most of the stuff on it doesn't look good to me bc I hate soy, but the baked beans looks like the only properly-seasoned one of all the places, so it looks amazing. That doesn't mean that people are allowed to bash on it, like bro don't insult someone's diet when it's not hurting anyone

    • @tonyves
      @tonyves 2 роки тому

      You'll come to London for a Vegan breakfast ... That's like visiting Australia for a eucalyptus pastille.

  • @cmcull987
    @cmcull987 Рік тому +2

    I love an English breakfast on occasion. But Lordy, it's a big meal. I also love the Irish or Scottish version where there is white and/or black pudding. Delish.

  • @vixneko8240
    @vixneko8240 5 років тому +69

    I liked the video idea of going around tasting a specific kind of food in London, but the presenters were just not interesting to watch. I'm sorry, but I couldn't watch it all. I had to thumbs down.

  • @sereenayushi6995
    @sereenayushi6995 5 років тому +70

    Is it just me but I am very well triggered at how they "cut" the yolk of the first breakfast plate

  • @HariLesiEngreesi
    @HariLesiEngreesi 3 роки тому

    I didn't notice any issue with the hosts, not even after reading the comments. They were fine.

  • @nadesta3202
    @nadesta3202 4 роки тому +11

    Premises Cafe's breakfast is the most delicious for me. I wish I can go there in the future :)

  • @docmalthus
    @docmalthus 4 роки тому +22

    Do these two ever eat off their own plates or was it part of a pre-nup to always share one plate?

    • @unspecifiedsender9035
      @unspecifiedsender9035 3 роки тому +4

      Its the same day, do the math genius

    • @xaoc6084
      @xaoc6084 Рік тому

      because eating 5 breakfasts of that size in one day would do anyone over?

  • @rahrah4610
    @rahrah4610 2 роки тому +2

    I love travelling to the UK cant wait to be back again for this breakfast!

  • @JaelaJanese
    @JaelaJanese 5 років тому +21

    this reminds me of “Supersize vs. Superskinny” .. every supersize person was from england and they would smashhhh the english breakfast 😂

  • @yp8285
    @yp8285 5 років тому +187


  • @auliarhmn
    @auliarhmn 2 роки тому +1

    Conquered roughly half of the world and this is your best breakfast? Come on!

  • @psuyog
    @psuyog 4 роки тому +7

    Just now got a little nap while watching their video.. Thanks

  • @lurkster1974
    @lurkster1974 5 років тому +58

    Eats potato-based bubble and squeak:
    "The inside, I'm mostly going with potato"
    No shit Sherlock.

  • @philipwalton4877
    @philipwalton4877 3 роки тому +16

    Listening to these 2 on their view and rating of a full english breakfast is like taking child care tips from Myra Hindley and Ian Brady

  • @bernardohernandez2620
    @bernardohernandez2620 5 років тому +78

    Damn. Even across the Atlantic there are pretentious hipsters who ruin the enjoyment of food.

    • @Chilukar
      @Chilukar 5 років тому +5

      Yep, they didn't even get it right.
      Anything vegan is not a full English and their criteria of essential stuff didn't even include baked beans.

    • @bernardohernandez2620
      @bernardohernandez2620 5 років тому

      Chilukar are you a Londoner? Would you mind telling me where there’s a good English breakfast.

    • @annesmith9181
      @annesmith9181 4 роки тому +1

      Well put

  • @ezence7283
    @ezence7283 5 років тому +66

    Shoulda called this most expensive full English brekies...
    Much more better places than these for much less.....
    Next time try normal places not the so called “POSH” rip off cafes

    • @avitalz551
      @avitalz551 5 років тому

      I'm heading to London and looking for good options. Any recommendations?

    • @ezence7283
      @ezence7283 5 років тому

      avital zussman where in London specifically are you heading ?

    • @avitalz551
      @avitalz551 5 років тому

      Mostly the west end area and the center i think

    • @Drownedinblood
      @Drownedinblood 5 років тому

      Hipsters. People trying to make everything fancy when it shouldn't be and act hoity toity afterwards.

    • @tsg7official
      @tsg7official 4 роки тому

      @@avitalz551 How was it?

  • @Kalki276
    @Kalki276 Рік тому +2

    Never cease to amaze me, how an awkward combo of egg+bull+tomato & bread becomes tasty.

  • @catinthehat906
    @catinthehat906 5 років тому +18

    Bubble and squeak is usually the re-fried leftover vegetables from the Sunday roast.

    • @andrewlaw
      @andrewlaw 5 років тому +1

      Cabbage and potato

  • @aestheticrose
    @aestheticrose 5 років тому +13


  • @Travelwithdans
    @Travelwithdans 2 роки тому

    Thanks guys for a great video. Made a plan to visit the Galley next time I am weekending in London :)

  • @JR-ys4gk
    @JR-ys4gk 5 років тому +283

    The presenters make the food look bland as how bland their personality are

    • @michaelxz1305
      @michaelxz1305 4 роки тому +1

      they make up for it with their style...

    • @eliasemina829
      @eliasemina829 4 роки тому +5

      Bruh quit hating on them, it's the food that matters not the presenters

    • @robertm4050
      @robertm4050 4 роки тому +1

      Dude. It is an English breakfast. It is even more bland than their personalities.

    • @ioankibble9885
      @ioankibble9885 3 роки тому

      @@robertm4050 it is not bland

    • @robertm4050
      @robertm4050 3 роки тому

      @@ioankibble9885 Correct. I am crazier than a shit house rat.

  • @Panda_0021
    @Panda_0021 5 років тому +29

    Next video:
    Why (the winner in this video) is the best full english breakfast in London.

    • @twicebang4556
      @twicebang4556 5 років тому

      Guardino Ibrahim You were right...

    • @Random14599
      @Random14599 5 років тому +1

      Give this man a cookie

  • @samjewellery3336
    @samjewellery3336 3 роки тому

    Very nice video presentation offering great breakfast experience of diferent choicess. Thank you.

  • @xeritinrx3402
    @xeritinrx3402 4 роки тому +46

    “Hipsters review normal people food”

  • @marloyt7786
    @marloyt7786 4 роки тому +74

    The hosts are high schoolers giving a presentation while adding cringy jokes in between.

  • @juliansanchezleyva
    @juliansanchezleyva 8 місяців тому

    with love from colombia, ive been in England 30 years ago dorset ! always we ate fish and chips or chiken sandwich great people !! see you soon

  • @Melatoninnnnn
    @Melatoninnnnn 4 роки тому +12

    1:55 the egg is already broken when they are asking where to start

  • @Hockeyfan9884
    @Hockeyfan9884 4 роки тому +12

    That first fish market breakfast is looking delicious to me !