Bit of a hatchet job looking at that USB connector and the case deforming, but the screen is nice. You specifically wanted to use original carts rather than just stick with a similar sized emu console then ?
Carts all the way! I always find I get bored and stop using emu consoles because its just hunting through list after list of games. Having stuff to hand makes me dig it out and enjoy it more.
Glad you've been able to sort yourself out with something :)
The fact the GBC didn’t have a backlit screen while the Game Boy Light did was kinda stupid.
Bit of a hatchet job looking at that USB connector and the case deforming, but the screen is nice. You specifically wanted to use original carts rather than just stick with a similar sized emu console then ?
Carts all the way! I always find I get bored and stop using emu consoles because its just hunting through list after list of games. Having stuff to hand makes me dig it out and enjoy it more.