Dear Bob, you should try the BOMBER GHOULS, where you play LETHALITY BOT LANE YORICK with a SUPPORT FULL AP ZILEAN (preferably a duo). The strategy is to summon your ghouls and you will use your 3rd ability, while Zilean uses his 1st ability on the ghouls. This will allow you to create bomber ghouls with an interesting damage. That is all.
Dear Bob, I've heard of a strategy, after watching Tokyo drift one realizes NUNU and WILLUMP are essentially a car and a driver. Run over the enemies by lvl 2 ganking, lane ganking, and Tokyo drifting on them until they FF. You should try this strategy!
The fact that the Neeko is actually a Emerald 4 hardstuck player (Basically plat too) trying to make fun of a level 34 player in P4 (Which is an obvious sign of a smurf) is just hilarious actually. That guy must hate himself and regret waking up everyday. Good. Let's keep it that way.
@@TimothyBreadman the high level isn't that big of a deal, could have been from years playing (I'm in the 600's as well from having my account for like 5-6 years now and only playing sporadically), or having EXP Boost's (My account went from 250 to almost 500 from the Amazon prime exp boost) But the 300+ games in 2 months? Yeah that's...concerning
one of the times I got the angriest at playing league I went against a veigar midlane, he got really strong with just rabadon's and seraphs, and then started building tank items he ended up being the most damage done in the game and when we'd focus him and obviously lose the TF he'd mock us on all chat saying ¨why are you focusing the tank¨ knowing very well he was the biggest damage threat
Dear Bob, I haven't played League for a few years, but I'm a really big fan of this series and I wanted to suggest one of my favorite builds: AP Master Yi. You'll probably have to adapt the build for the current meta, as runes and itens have changed from the time I used to play. The pick has been featured by in pro play by one of the greatest players of the time, Alex Ich, and it used to be really fun (in my own experience). I hope this build gets picked and you have fun.
@@KeuraChanbut there is legit no build. You could go nashor into zhonyas and have no item that makes any sense after that. It's almost like not buying items at all
@@captainobvious5378 no lol it's mathematically correct to buy tear. 400g and you get 600 mana. That's insane ratio. You don't even have to build it into anything. That's like double the abilities for veigar. And double the abilities means double passive stacks. Tear is always first buy for me. You ain't doing anything until min 5 anyways.
Dear Bob, you should play Bel'vertical. You play belveth jungle and avoid clearing your bot side. Instead, you vertically clear your top side as well as the enemy's top side, setting up vision and prio for grubs and rift herald while ignoring dragons. Every time you get your void form, you join the top laner to try and take as many towers as possible.
@@briansantizo9987 Lol why? Because it's a unique playstyle and doesn't just involve making the same troll builds that have been done a million times before and can't climb well?
@@ttttillermand this sucks becauses its troll. If hes not allowed to help botside or mid and his jungle is just taken for free over and overs its pretty trash. These recommendations that are just hard limiting rules to make the game harder suck.
Dear Bob, I hear the strategy of playing with friends is not only fun but incredibly effective. All the pros always make sure to have 4 close friends on their team when competing in tournaments so it must work for you!
Dear Bob, you should try attack speed Braum in the jungle. Your ganks are deadly and your passive will make you win most fights. It’s really a great strategy, and is especially used in the Chinese superservers.
Dear bob, you should try this 5 rods Azir build. It is good because needlessly large rod gives about the same amount of ap as a full item. The build goes like this: Nashor's Tooth >> Rabadon's (which contains 2 rods) >> Needlessly Large Rod >> Needlessly Large Rod >> Needlessly Large Rod. Also throw attack speed boots somewhere in the middle. If the game hasn't yet ended by the time you've filled your inventory with rods then you still have the liberty to upgrade them to full items without losing anything, win win!
Dear Bob, you should take the ultimate bravery challenge. You know what it is. Randomize your champion, lane, runes, items, and your skill level up order. Prove how superior you are.
Dear Bob, I am once again bringing you a strategy from the WORLD RENOWNED UA-camr, Piantwo. The strategy that I recommend today is his 6 Burn Morgana, which he claims is the New OP Tech. With this, 5 wins is almost guaranteed.
Dear Bob, you should try Full Haste Shyvana TOP. Phase rush with cashback and triple tonic. Ionian boots rush with Shojin --> Stridebreaker --> Navori. You will rip them apart with your furious claws.
Hi Bob. You should play "Branned". Not as your main strategy, but only when your normal strategy gets banned. You play Brand and build all the items that build out of "Bannedleglass" Mirror, as well as a "Bannedshees" Veil. This way you don't need to lose LP if your normal strategy gets banned. Obviously you can only do this 5 times before you need a new banned strategy.
Dear Bob, I humbly believe that you should play full ap Cho'gath. This monster in the midlane has brought me all the way from the slums of iron 2, to the high peaks of bronze 2. Good luck, Bob.
Dear bob, you should try ghost cleanse ap nunu MID its actually quite good , level 1 u get snowball and ram into the caster minions for almost full wave clear and use snowballs for good engage .have fun with it!
Dear Bob, you should try the amazing Samurai Yuumi strategy it works the best on bot and sometimes on midlane too. Her runes are Press the Attack with domination, her core item is Youmuu's ghostblade and Thornmail! The last must have item is Mikhaels for the CC cleanse and HP and after it build whatever is needed! Her early game is pretty weak but in late she can become and incredably annoying second ADC!
Dear Bob, I have devised a build that is really good on Senna! I call it the "no bars no problem build". Since she has the excess critical strike damage converted into life steal it gives you insane amounts of life steal and you won't be worried about how squishy you are! . The runes are Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Alacrity, Cut Down. And for your second runes are, Resolve with Bone Plating and Revitalize. You're building Collector, Berserker's Greaves Kraken Slayer, Infinity Edge, Lord Dominik's Regards, Blade of the Ruined King. Last Item can be situational if needed. That will be it. :)
Dear Bob, I've heard of a strategy picking ad shaco junlgle and making the life of the enemy jungler a hell by permanently bullying him until he rage quits! hail of blade for the win.
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Tank Heartsteel Veigar, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Tank Heartsteel Veigar? This, is BobWatcher ep. 8
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, you should play Neeko jungle, but you can only gank lanes as not Neeko, and not other champs either. So things like minions, wards, jungle camps, shaco boxes, zyra plants, heimer turrets, stuff like that, is allowed. If the enemy sees you before you have the chance to attack you have to give up on the gank.
To Dear Bob, You should try playing ap Rakan mid, building full damage, maxing q for maximum lane poke and then maxing w for team fights. I heard it can have great one shot potential ;). Kindest Regards :)
19:26 - No, If you don't want to lose a friend again, you need to be a good person, and surround yourself with other good people that legitimately care for you.
Dear Bob, I truthfully believe that you should try full AP nautilus top, Go full E poke with arcane comet or summon aery (your choice), and use this to bully the other laner, once you have done this go roam and assist your team with kills but do not touch objectives, go for kills and champion damage only , no tower damage (as little as possible is also accepted) and no drake/ baron damage. -Sincerely Taoster
Dear Bob, I have a nice strategy for you; Tanky Kassadin Top, where you build Iceborn Gauntlet as your first item and then jump around becoming the perfect chasing menace, that no one can walk away from, which you desire to be.
Dear Bob, you should play Math Teacher Neeko, every time the next minion wave comes you have to turn into a minion to see if the enemy team knows how to count. I have heard it is really good and helps educate league of legends players.
Dear Bob, I have concocted a truly META-defining build that will spread FEAR and PANIC into the hearts of your enemy. I call this strategy the JUMPSCARE PAIR. Nocturne Jungle + Fiddlesticks Middle, use both ultimates at the same time and realize that only spellshields can block Nocturnes ultimate, not even control wards give vision. Fiddlesticks not being seen = fear activates when using ultimate. You will never lose ANY teamfight ever again simply because enemy will be too scared to even try to teamfight after witnessing the genius of this strategy.
Dear Bob, you should try the duo combo nilah+lee sin (top+mid) and proxy farm both mid+top wave in the enemy base. Nilah flashes over the basewall and lee sin can jump to nilah. Let Nilah last hit the minions so you can abuse her passive and get levels quickly. Win the game with your xp lead.
Dear Bob, I heard of Anchor Nautilus. You want to build slow items, such as Rylai's and Iceborn Gauntlet. The purpose is to get tanky, and anchor the enemies for your jungler. I heard it's really good.
Dear Bob, I once witnessed an Attack Damage on-hit Braum and decimated our entire team. By combining the items Kraken Slayer and Blade of the Ruined King, and using the rune Press the Attack, you can inflict significant damage. And this will be even more significant if you get attack speed as you can permanently stun the enemy because of your passive. For your role, you can go jungle to Q the enemy and stun them quickly with the attack speed and passive. Sincerely, kidi
Dear Bob, many adcs suffer from supporters who simply leave there lane and leave the adc to die. I think supporters should feel the same way. That's why you should play Quinn Botlane and roam permanently when you reach level 6. Dont enter your lane again and let the supporter feel the pain of being alone.
Dear Bob, you should try full ap Cho'gath Leona bot, you have a ton of control and damage and by the end of the game Cho'gath has ton of health too! So it's like tank Veigar but in reverse. Trust me it's really good
Dear Bob, you should play drain tank Darius top. The build consists of conqueror or grasp, with legend haste, conditioning, and overgrowth as your main rune options. You build hearsteel into sundered sky, followed up by unending despair and spirit visage, with jakshos last item. your goal is to soak up as much damage as possible in fights and outheal in every extended skirmish.
Dear bob, I think you should try nocturne midlane. The idea is to kill towers as fast as possible. The build is ravenous hydra, trinity force and hull breaker. The runes are press the attack with demolish in second tree. Use teleport. I have climbed to E3 from gold with this strategy.
Dear Bob, Thresh Tank Top sounds like a good idea, heartsteel first, you've got double stacks, then titanic hydra for that double slap combo and as a cherry on top overlord for Huge Dmg, then you can build whatever suits you, I like to throw wit's end and jak'sho. Nobody will expect you slapping so hard.
Dear Bob, You Should Play Time's a Wrecking Ball Zilean with TP, Demolish, and Warmog's - use your speed to help nudge towers down in the mid-game, and in late game switch between Reviving and hard pushing inner towers. I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play 2 GIRLS 1 RAT (Twitch), where you buy Nashor's Tooth, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and titanic hydra. Press R and auto 6 times then press E
Dear Bob, I heard about a very annoying (for the opponent) yet fun experience (for you). We call it "Cockroach Udyr"! You see, udyr Awakened W does a ton of lifesteal when paired with Ravenous Hydra's empoered auto. You can go from almost 0 HP to Max just by autoing the minion wave with the active + W. Core Item Path: Ravenous Hydra, Bloodthirster (For Extra Shield) Situational: Spirit Visage (vs Heavy AP Comp), Death Dance (vs Heavy AD Comp), Maw (vs Burst AP) Main Runes: Conqueror, Absorb Life, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand | 2ndary Runes: Bone Plating, Revitalize | Stats: Attack Speed, Adaptive, Scaling Health Strategy: Viable in toplane (havent tried other roles),you mostly play it like you would play AD Udyr but you have to fight around minion waves for the massive lifesteal. I hope you have fun climbing while using this strategy.
Dear Bob, you should try Full Lethality Zeri, spam your W on walls every 5 seconds to deal 2000 damage. Go first strike and get last stand so you gain even more damage, its okay to be low hp cause you just gotta maintain distance. Infinity Edge is a must first item because her W damage increases by 40% for the guaranteed crit. Then go hubris cause you wanna be able to stack as much damage early on for each kill or assist, then go serylda's, followed by opportunity, followed by profane hydra, and since you can escape through walls with your E, you can sell your boots and get youmuu's since it gives movement speed too and more lethality. this build lets you drag the game cause you can clear minions easier and defend easier. you are also always safe and have 0 chance of dying due to the distance you maintain, but you oneshot the enemy. this build's only weakness is against champs like leona, malphite and rammus who have high armor. other than that, her W wall crit shreds everybody since it can shred up to 140 physical armor.
Dear Bob, You Should Play Full AP Pantheon, I heard it's good. The recent changes made the throwing part of his Q scale with AP, besides his W stun and his Ult.
Dear bob, you should try my favorite Oriana build mid/top. First you go Muramana and then you build, nashors tooth, Frozen Heart (for more damage from mana scaling) then terminus or Blade of ruined king (i prefer terminus), then for last item whatever you're missing . I preferably take ghost and fleet footwork but up to you!
Dear Bob, I've seen that Tank AP Rengar is super good! Not only will you be the assassin, but you will also be the tank! It's totally broken being the best at multiple roles.
Dear Bob, a strategy i have cooked up here is Hwei mid with litchbane into Rylai's into fimblewinter. Max Q into W max wit Electracute Taste eyeball and ultimate hunt, biscuits and approach velocity. I hope to see you got in the rift
Dear Bob, You should play splitpush Gwen. She can deal a lot of damage to turrets once she has one or two good items, and is slippery enough that you can waste a lot of the enemy's time, forcing them to either give up objectives to teamfight or waste time trying to kill you. You'll need to be a bit tanky, so you can take grasp of the undying; Gwen can activate it very easily using her E and its increased auto-attack range to poke. Naturally, you'll want to take demolish as well. For your secondary runes make sure to take manaflow band so that you don't run out of mana too quickly, and gathering storm so that you can scale into mid-late game For your build, you can still go Nashor's tooth like Gwen normally would; however, where you change things up is by building a warmog's as your second item, giving you a ton of health to duel with and a lot of staying power that will help you to stay persistent against the enemy. I also recommend getting a hullbreaker 3rd or 4th item, since that will help you take turrets more quickly as well. Lastly, Terminus and cosmic drive or shadowflame, depending on what you need Take teleport and ghost, also. For your gameplan, all you need to do is farm as many grasp stacks as you can early, without losing tempo. If you can go even in lane, you're set to carry just by being as annoying as possible. Try and avoid drawn out fights and instead just force the enemy to waste time trying to kill you. If you can take any turret platings early, absolutely go for them because Gwen can take them very quickly, even just a few item components in. Once you hit mid-game, your enemy is going to feel pressured to start joining teamfights, and that's when you can truly shine. If the enemy comes to kill you while you are snipping away at their base, you can use your ultimate's multiple casts and huge range to slow them down while you run away at super speed, only to come back 10 seconds later to do it all again as soon as they give up on you.
Dear Bob, you should try AP tank Rammus. the only AP item you desperately want is Shadowflame, since Shadowflame does increased magic damage when they are low, it will make your Thornmail and Sunfire do more damage. Fun items but not required for AP Rammus are Ludens, Liandry's, and Blackfire, I say fun as these items are activated by your W. Happy climbing!
Dear Bob you should play Dr Mundo adc. You have great substain and can build health so you will never get poked down. You have your passive so engage supports are useless. If you take exhaust it is even harder for them to kill you. And as long as you don’t die in lane you outscale because you have great xp scaling. Your q is also basically free because either you get a hit on champs and get the health back or hit a minion. And if you play him bot lane you can play in a position where you are able to influence the game more.
Dear Bob, you should try Botlane Elise. Her level 3 has huge all-in potential, and her spiderform E allows unlimited potential to dive or escape engagements. Starting Nashor's into Rageblade ensures she has sustained damage as well. W max for poke and attack speed, Press the Attack with Presence of Mind can help too.
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace) Items of your choice, i heard is good
actually insane misplay at 9:17 Kai'sa is a squishy carry and 9/2 with two items, having more damage than Veigar has. Veigar takes tower aggro which is correct, but he then steps out of the tower, dropping aggro and making Kai'sa tank two tower shots aswell as forcing her to abort the dive, taking her damage with her. The correct play would have been to keep aggro until either Gragas is killed or until Rell can reliably take it. Now, in this case it ended up working out but this was the perfect situation to just gamble Kai'sas 600g bounty away by giving it to Gragas or Zed, getting them back into the game. You're a tank Veigar, take them tower shots. Its worth even if you end up dying because youre only worth 300g while Kai'sa is worth 900g.
Dear Bob, you should try aurelion sol airlines, where u aim to roam the map stacking as much as u can in every gank with boots of swiftness and ghost to have max mov speed on ur w so u can be on all lanes at the same time
Dear Bob, you should try full AP Tahm Kench with the following build: Heartsteal, Riftmaker, Rocketbelt, Rabadons. I heard it is a really good strategy
Had this in my team yesterday, was a free win, because our jungler refused to play around topside and camped bot for once in 30 games. Thank you for the chance to experience the loving embrace of my teams jungler,, because God knows he would have never showed up bot if not for tank veigar top pinging his item build the second we connect to the game.
Dear Bob, you should play Ultimate Bravery! It's a strategy where you go all random runes random champ random role and random items! I hear it's a pretty good strategy because it's unpredictable.
Dear Bob, you should try the BOMBER GHOULS, where you play LETHALITY BOT LANE YORICK with a SUPPORT FULL AP ZILEAN (preferably a duo). The strategy is to summon your ghouls and you will use your 3rd ability, while Zilean uses his 1st ability on the ghouls. This will allow you to create bomber ghouls with an interesting damage. That is all.
Please play TP support Zilean! It’s so winnable.
He has done this strategy in a video
yeah, I think it was on Piantwo with Omeletflipper but I actually just wanna see it in this series
@@gamera5160 good idea!
neeko did not know he was talking to the challenger teemo
On behalf of all Neeko mains out there, we do not claim this one.
@@Yuni-is-Schrodingers-Fox as a neeko main, i agree with the top comment
What do you mean? This is Bob, how could you confuse him with Tenmo player? They don’t even look alike
@@joshy3614If you don't see it he surely good at teemo
@@tanawitponsin1480its a joke
That neeko gonna punching air when he found out the veigar top is a teemo challenger one trick
Dear Bob, you should play support Neeko and duo with a Veigar top but blame him for every mistake. I heard it's good!
On behalf of all Neeko mains out there, we do not claim this one.
@@Yuni-is-Schrodingers-Fox as a half neeko main we also don’t claim this one
@@voidphoenix25as a guy who played neeko once, we also dont claim this one
@@ChappyAc As someone who has never heard of a "neeko", we also don't claim this one
Dear Bob, I've heard of a strategy, after watching Tokyo drift one realizes NUNU and WILLUMP are essentially a car and a driver. Run over the enemies by lvl 2 ganking, lane ganking, and Tokyo drifting on them until they FF. You should try this strategy!
Symbiote boots.
so whats the start? play normal nunu?
@@GnarrkillWoW i guess its just like perma ganking nunu? but at the same time thats just nunu lol
You should name it car crahsing nunu.
The fact that the Neeko is actually a Emerald 4 hardstuck player (Basically plat too) trying to make fun of a level 34 player in P4 (Which is an obvious sign of a smurf) is just hilarious actually. That guy must hate himself and regret waking up everyday. Good. Let's keep it that way.
He has played 318 games this split. That's an average of 5 games per day. Insane
He's level 663 too. That's a *lot* of games.
Agreed, sometimes it is hard to believe those types of people exist.
Studies show the toxic players are also typically the bad ones.
@@TimothyBreadman the high level isn't that big of a deal, could have been from years playing (I'm in the 600's as well from having my account for like 5-6 years now and only playing sporadically), or having EXP Boost's (My account went from 250 to almost 500 from the Amazon prime exp boost)
But the 300+ games in 2 months? Yeah that's...concerning
one of the times I got the angriest at playing league I went against a veigar midlane, he got really strong with just rabadon's and seraphs, and then started building tank items
he ended up being the most damage done in the game and when we'd focus him and obviously lose the TF he'd mock us on all chat saying ¨why are you focusing the tank¨ knowing very well he was the biggest damage threat
I dont know why but I have a feeling that might have been me
@@calmgentleman I doubt it unless you play in LAS
@@SillyGirlKisser74 oh good I dont, because I did that exact thing for a while with my friends
we played 5 tanks and every tiem the enemy blitz hoked one of us we asked "why did you hook the tank?" and went on for a while
@@calmgentlemanomg thats hilarious
Ironic that the Neeko was the one complaining since in the little screentime she had, she whiffes two ults.
Dear Bob, I haven't played League for a few years, but I'm a really big fan of this series and I wanted to suggest one of my favorite builds: AP Master Yi. You'll probably have to adapt the build for the current meta, as runes and itens have changed from the time I used to play. The pick has been featured by in pro play by one of the greatest players of the time, Alex Ich, and it used to be really fun (in my own experience). I hope this build gets picked and you have fun.
i remember when Yi had AP ratios and was able to heal to full in lane with W faster than base's heal.
Doesn't work anymore they butchered his ap ratios with good reason.
@@taserrrBob is capable
@@KeuraChanbut there is legit no build. You could go nashor into zhonyas and have no item that makes any sense after that. It's almost like not buying items at all
Haha that neeko was quite something
On behalf of all Neeko mains out there, we do not claim this one.
Ain’t no way that Neeko made fun of you when you made challenger with only teemo
wait bob got to challenger with teemo? then why does he need our help?
That was tenmo player not bob
You not buying a STACKING tear for the tank item made me go crazy
I was thinking about is as well.
It wouled be very inefficient to proc with veigar.
@@MrPobanzwhut, just buy it 1st base or 2nd and u should be good, the raw mana it gives seems just too good. seeing how often times he went oom
The fimblewinter passive is for melee Champs only so it's wasting an item slot
@@captainobvious5378 no lol it's mathematically correct to buy tear.
400g and you get 600 mana. That's insane ratio.
You don't even have to build it into anything.
That's like double the abilities for veigar.
And double the abilities means double passive stacks.
Tear is always first buy for me. You ain't doing anything until min 5 anyways.
Dear Bob, you should play Bel'vertical. You play belveth jungle and avoid clearing your bot side. Instead, you vertically clear your top side as well as the enemy's top side, setting up vision and prio for grubs and rift herald while ignoring dragons. Every time you get your void form, you join the top laner to try and take as many towers as possible.
Well thats unique
Recommendations like these make the series so boring
Much better than current most liked comment
@@briansantizo9987 Lol why? Because it's a unique playstyle and doesn't just involve making the same troll builds that have been done a million times before and can't climb well?
@@ttttillermand this sucks becauses its troll. If hes not allowed to help botside or mid and his jungle is just taken for free over and overs its pretty trash. These recommendations that are just hard limiting rules to make the game harder suck.
Dear Bob, I hear the strategy of playing with friends is not only fun but incredibly effective. All the pros always make sure to have 4 close friends on their team when competing in tournaments so it must work for you!
1:00 Missed opportunity to say "Take me all the way-gar!"
Dear Bob, you should try attack speed Braum in the jungle. Your ganks are deadly and your passive will make you win most fights. It’s really a great strategy, and is especially used in the Chinese superservers.
As an attack speed braum support, I approved this one.
Try pair this with Sparta man
Leona or anyone who got a dash and cc
Dear bob, you should try this 5 rods Azir build. It is good because needlessly large rod gives about the same amount of ap as a full item.
The build goes like this: Nashor's Tooth >> Rabadon's (which contains 2 rods) >> Needlessly Large Rod >> Needlessly Large Rod >> Needlessly Large Rod. Also throw attack speed boots somewhere in the middle.
If the game hasn't yet ended by the time you've filled your inventory with rods then you still have the liberty to upgrade them to full items without losing anything, win win!
People called me mad when I did it a long time ago, but when a korean does it, it just becomes meta. Understandable, have a great day
koreans get put on a pedestal by society for no reason
Same with double jungle
I actually like the voice overs the best because Pianta's writing is always quite funny
Dear Bob, you should take the ultimate bravery challenge. You know what it is. Randomize your champion, lane, runes, items, and your skill level up order. Prove how superior you are.
Dear Bob, I am once again bringing you a strategy from the WORLD RENOWNED UA-camr, Piantwo. The strategy that I recommend today is his 6 Burn Morgana, which he claims is the New OP Tech. With this, 5 wins is almost guaranteed.
watching that gragas miss every ability and still win fights was painful
I mean in the early game a bruiser beating a scaling mage is aight
The only thing I'm not happy about in this series is that 99% of the comments are not related to the video itself.
Dear Bob, you should try Full Haste Shyvana TOP. Phase rush with cashback and triple tonic. Ionian boots rush with Shojin --> Stridebreaker --> Navori. You will rip them apart with your furious claws.
Hi Bob. You should play "Branned". Not as your main strategy, but only when your normal strategy gets banned. You play Brand and build all the items that build out of "Bannedleglass" Mirror, as well as a "Bannedshees" Veil. This way you don't need to lose LP if your normal strategy gets banned. Obviously you can only do this 5 times before you need a new banned strategy.
Hi Bob, you should play AP malphite, I heard one-shotting ADC is fun. You should try it :D
Who hasn’t done this ?
@@Anonymous-nj9wh Bob hasn't, thats why hes asking Bob to do it...
You can oneshot ADCs with tank malphite too.
Its always refreshing to see a build that you've ran for years now, good for y'all to finally experience it, it's awsome
Jumpscare at 2:07
3:15 was so funny😂😂 the editing
Dear Bob,
I humbly believe that you should play full ap Cho'gath. This monster in the midlane has brought me all the way from the slums of iron 2, to the high peaks of bronze 2. Good luck, Bob.
Dear bob, you should try ghost cleanse ap nunu MID its actually quite good , level 1 u get snowball and ram into the caster minions for almost full wave clear and use snowballs for good engage .have fun with it!
Man if Leonidas11 knew that you got to challenger playing only teemo he'd feel very silly
Teammates did you dirty with this one, but you did all 5 of us Tankgar enjoyers proud. o7 to Tankgar
Dear Bob, you should try the amazing Samurai Yuumi strategy it works the best on bot and sometimes on midlane too. Her runes are Press the Attack with domination, her core item is Youmuu's ghostblade and Thornmail! The last must have item is Mikhaels for the CC cleanse and HP and after it build whatever is needed! Her early game is pretty weak but in late she can become and incredably annoying second ADC!
tell me you've never played league of legends without telling me you've never played league of legends
Dearest Bob, i have been recieving with my ears, that running people over with full ap rammus is quite humorous. Have a splendid day.
Dear Bob, I have devised a build that is really good on Senna! I call it the "no bars no problem build". Since she has the excess critical strike damage converted into life steal it gives you insane amounts of life steal and you won't be worried about how squishy you are! . The runes are Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Alacrity, Cut Down. And for your second runes are, Resolve with Bone Plating and Revitalize. You're building Collector, Berserker's Greaves Kraken Slayer, Infinity Edge, Lord Dominik's Regards, Blade of the Ruined King. Last Item can be situational if needed. That will be it. :)
😭😭 thats just the regular senna adc build
@@KavsLockedOut no people don’t ever go this build on senna maybe 1 or 2 items they use but the rest is different
@@davidfanous2018 it's the same apart from swifties instead of berserkers
@@KavsLockedOut nobody goes bork or ldr or kraken on senna they go lethality
18:15 That Bob's "shut up" felt absolutely personal lmao
Dear Bob, you should try INDECISIVE KAYN where you play as KAYN but can't decide which form to pick and end up picking neither. It's fun
oh god he would definitely lose his account from all the reports after that one.
Honestly some of the best content out there.
Manage to fit the whole first game in 7 min. My attention span is always happy with your videos
Dear bob, remember the time famous UA-camr pianta lost to a yuumi? You should play her in midlane to honour this legendary moment.
Dear Bob, I've heard of a strategy picking ad shaco junlgle and making the life of the enemy jungler a hell by permanently bullying him until he rage quits! hail of blade for the win.
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Tank Heartsteel Veigar, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Tank Heartsteel Veigar? This, is BobWatcher ep. 8
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, you should play Neeko jungle, but you can only gank lanes as not Neeko, and not other champs either. So things like minions, wards, jungle camps, shaco boxes, zyra plants, heimer turrets, stuff like that, is allowed. If the enemy sees you before you have the chance to attack you have to give up on the gank.
To Dear Bob,
You should try playing ap Rakan mid, building full damage, maxing q for maximum lane poke and then maxing w for team fights. I heard it can have great one shot potential ;).
Kindest Regards :)
19:26 - No, If you don't want to lose a friend again, you need to be a good person, and surround yourself with other good people that legitimately care for you.
Oh god..
Dear Bob, I truthfully believe that you should try full AP nautilus top, Go full E poke with arcane comet or summon aery (your choice), and use this to bully the other laner, once you have done this go roam and assist your team with kills but do not touch objectives, go for kills and champion damage only , no tower damage (as little as possible is also accepted) and no drake/ baron damage.
-Sincerely Taoster
*I leave the items to your discretion*
Dear Bob, I have a nice strategy for you; Tanky Kassadin Top, where you build Iceborn Gauntlet as your first item and then jump around becoming the perfect chasing menace, that no one can walk away from, which you desire to be.
I'm not the guy from the penta nunu vid, but to respect his wishes go ap kled
Dear Bob, you should play Math Teacher Neeko, every time the next minion wave comes you have to turn into a minion to see if the enemy team knows how to count. I have heard it is really good and helps educate league of legends players.
Dear Bob, I have concocted a truly META-defining build that will spread FEAR and PANIC into the hearts of your enemy. I call this strategy the JUMPSCARE PAIR.
Nocturne Jungle + Fiddlesticks Middle, use both ultimates at the same time and realize that only spellshields can block Nocturnes ultimate, not even control wards give vision.
Fiddlesticks not being seen = fear activates when using ultimate.
You will never lose ANY teamfight ever again simply because enemy will be too scared to even try to teamfight after witnessing the genius of this strategy.
Dear Bob, you should play roaming Bard mid
I hope this will get to you
Sincerely Protto
roaming Bard is basically just Bard...
roaming bard mid isnt that what bard does regardless ?
So what about heartsteal bruiser bard mid.
Does work I swear
Dear Bob, you should try the FULLY zoomed in screen strategy, i heard it's good because it helps you focus fully on the minimap!
Dear Bob, you should try the duo combo nilah+lee sin (top+mid) and proxy farm both mid+top wave in the enemy base. Nilah flashes over the basewall and lee sin can jump to nilah. Let Nilah last hit the minions so you can abuse her passive and get levels quickly. Win the game with your xp lead.
Dear Bob, I heard of Anchor Nautilus. You want to build slow items, such as Rylai's and Iceborn Gauntlet. The purpose is to get tanky, and anchor the enemies for your jungler. I heard it's really good.
Dear Bob, U should try out Ap Leona mid! That strat is OP!!!
Dear Bob, I once witnessed an Attack Damage on-hit Braum and decimated our entire team. By combining the items Kraken Slayer and Blade of the Ruined King, and using the rune Press the Attack, you can inflict significant damage. And this will be even more significant if you get attack speed as you can permanently stun the enemy because of your passive. For your role, you can go jungle to Q the enemy and stun them quickly with the attack speed and passive.
Sincerely, kidi
dear bob you should play no bming tahm kench top
you really needed a tear of the goddess in this build, great video man, continue doing such great works
Dear Bob, many adcs suffer from supporters who simply leave there lane and leave the adc to die. I think supporters should feel the same way. That's why you should play Quinn Botlane and roam permanently when you reach level 6. Dont enter your lane again and let the supporter feel the pain of being alone.
Dear Bob, you should try full ap Cho'gath Leona bot, you have a ton of control and damage and by the end of the game Cho'gath has ton of health too! So it's like tank Veigar but in reverse. Trust me it's really good
Dear Bob, I’ve always been a fan of full lethality Sion, and would love to see a modern build!
Dear Bob, you should play drain tank Darius top. The build consists of conqueror or grasp, with legend haste, conditioning, and overgrowth as your main rune options. You build hearsteel into sundered sky, followed up by unending despair and spirit visage, with jakshos last item. your goal is to soak up as much damage as possible in fights and outheal in every extended skirmish.
Dear bob, I think you should try nocturne midlane. The idea is to kill towers as fast as possible. The build is ravenous hydra, trinity force and hull breaker. The runes are press the attack with demolish in second tree. Use teleport. I have climbed to E3 from gold with this strategy.
Dear Bob, i have heard that roaming Janna on any lane is secretly OP, gank as often as you can, even if you got autofilled into the jungle. Have fun
Dear Bob, Thresh Tank Top sounds like a good idea, heartsteel first, you've got double stacks, then titanic hydra for that double slap combo and as a cherry on top overlord for Huge Dmg, then you can build whatever suits you, I like to throw wit's end and jak'sho. Nobody will expect you slapping so hard.
Dear Bob, You Should Play Time's a Wrecking Ball Zilean with TP, Demolish, and Warmog's - use your speed to help nudge towers down in the mid-game, and in late game switch between Reviving and hard pushing inner towers. I heard it's good.
Dear bob, you should try turning on visible mana cost on your abilities, heard all the pros do it so it must be good
Dear Bob, you should play 2 GIRLS 1 RAT (Twitch), where you buy Nashor's Tooth, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and titanic hydra. Press R and auto 6 times then press E
Dear Bob, I heard about a very annoying (for the opponent) yet fun experience (for you). We call it "Cockroach Udyr"!
You see, udyr Awakened W does a ton of lifesteal when paired with Ravenous Hydra's empoered auto. You can go from almost 0 HP to Max just by autoing the minion wave with the active + W.
Core Item Path: Ravenous Hydra, Bloodthirster (For Extra Shield)
Situational: Spirit Visage (vs Heavy AP Comp), Death Dance (vs Heavy AD Comp), Maw (vs Burst AP)
Main Runes: Conqueror, Absorb Life, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand | 2ndary Runes: Bone Plating, Revitalize | Stats: Attack Speed, Adaptive, Scaling Health
Strategy: Viable in toplane (havent tried other roles),you mostly play it like you would play AD Udyr but you have to fight around minion waves for the massive lifesteal.
I hope you have fun climbing while using this strategy.
Dear Bob, you should play cockroach Udyr. With the builds amazing healing and sustain you should be able to carry your team and win these games!
5:11 what's a beemaw? That's beemo!
Dear Bob, you should try Full Lethality Zeri, spam your W on walls every 5 seconds to deal 2000 damage. Go first strike and get last stand so you gain even more damage, its okay to be low hp cause you just gotta maintain distance. Infinity Edge is a must first item because her W damage increases by 40% for the guaranteed crit. Then go hubris cause you wanna be able to stack as much damage early on for each kill or assist, then go serylda's, followed by opportunity, followed by profane hydra, and since you can escape through walls with your E, you can sell your boots and get youmuu's since it gives movement speed too and more lethality. this build lets you drag the game cause you can clear minions easier and defend easier. you are also always safe and have 0 chance of dying due to the distance you maintain, but you oneshot the enemy. this build's only weakness is against champs like leona, malphite and rammus who have high armor. other than that, her W wall crit shreds everybody since it can shred up to 140 physical armor.
Dear Bob, You Should Play Full AP Pantheon, I heard it's good. The recent changes made the throwing part of his Q scale with AP, besides his W stun and his Ult.
1:20 'i may be out of mana but im not out of choices"
that zed at the end of the second game was like "gonna take down veigar... nevermind he just ate my bilities like they're nothing"
Dear Bob, please play full lethality Viego. I heard the oneshot resets go crazy.
Dear bob, you should try my favorite Oriana build mid/top. First you go Muramana and then you build, nashors tooth, Frozen Heart (for more damage from mana scaling) then terminus or Blade of ruined king (i prefer terminus), then for last item whatever you're missing . I preferably take ghost and fleet footwork but up to you!
Stay strong, you really did your best ad you'll find lots of new friends along the way
Dear Bob, you should try Attack Speed Orianna Top. Someone asked for something similar for a really long and I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, You should try Full Ability Power Gangplank. I heard is great!
Dear Bob, I've seen that Tank AP Rengar is super good! Not only will you be the assassin, but you will also be the tank! It's totally broken being the best at multiple roles.
Dear Bob, a strategy i have cooked up here is Hwei mid with litchbane into Rylai's into fimblewinter. Max Q into W max wit Electracute Taste eyeball and ultimate hunt, biscuits and approach velocity. I hope to see you got in the rift
Dear Bob,
You should play splitpush Gwen. She can deal a lot of damage to turrets once she has one or two good items, and is slippery enough that you can waste a lot of the enemy's time, forcing them to either give up objectives to teamfight or waste time trying to kill you.
You'll need to be a bit tanky, so you can take grasp of the undying; Gwen can activate it very easily using her E and its increased auto-attack range to poke. Naturally, you'll want to take demolish as well. For your secondary runes make sure to take manaflow band so that you don't run out of mana too quickly, and gathering storm so that you can scale into mid-late game
For your build, you can still go Nashor's tooth like Gwen normally would; however, where you change things up is by building a warmog's as your second item, giving you a ton of health to duel with and a lot of staying power that will help you to stay persistent against the enemy. I also recommend getting a hullbreaker 3rd or 4th item, since that will help you take turrets more quickly as well. Lastly, Terminus and cosmic drive or shadowflame, depending on what you need
Take teleport and ghost, also.
For your gameplan, all you need to do is farm as many grasp stacks as you can early, without losing tempo. If you can go even in lane, you're set to carry just by being as annoying as possible.
Try and avoid drawn out fights and instead just force the enemy to waste time trying to kill you. If you can take any turret platings early, absolutely go for them because Gwen can take them very quickly, even just a few item components in. Once you hit mid-game, your enemy is going to feel pressured to start joining teamfights, and that's when you can truly shine. If the enemy comes to kill you while you are snipping away at their base, you can use your ultimate's multiple casts and huge range to slow them down while you run away at super speed, only to come back 10 seconds later to do it all again as soon as they give up on you.
Dear Bob, you should try AP tank Rammus. the only AP item you desperately want is Shadowflame, since Shadowflame does increased magic damage when they are low, it will make your Thornmail and Sunfire do more damage. Fun items but not required for AP Rammus are Ludens, Liandry's, and Blackfire, I say fun as these items are activated by your W. Happy climbing!
Dear Bob, you should play full ap allistar with phase rush so you press w q e on the opponent and ZOOM away. I heard it’s good!
Dear Bob you should play Dr Mundo adc. You have great substain and can build health so you will never get poked down. You have your passive so engage supports are useless. If you take exhaust it is even harder for them to kill you. And as long as you don’t die in lane you outscale because you have great xp scaling. Your q is also basically free because either you get a hit on champs and get the health back or hit a minion. And if you play him bot lane you can play in a position where you are able to influence the game more.
Dear Bob, the legend of tank fizz top is heard about in ancient scrolls, you need to harness the power to climb.
Dear Bob, you should try tank kassadin top, taking grasp and fimblewinter to jump around late game teamfights while being unkillable
Dear Bob, you should try Botlane Elise. Her level 3 has huge all-in potential, and her spiderform E allows unlimited potential to dive or escape engagements. Starting Nashor's into Rageblade ensures she has sustained damage as well. W max for poke and attack speed, Press the Attack with Presence of Mind can help too.
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace)
Items of your choice, i heard is good
actually insane misplay at 9:17
Kai'sa is a squishy carry and 9/2 with two items, having more damage than Veigar has. Veigar takes tower aggro which is correct, but he then steps out of the tower, dropping aggro and making Kai'sa tank two tower shots aswell as forcing her to abort the dive, taking her damage with her. The correct play would have been to keep aggro until either Gragas is killed or until Rell can reliably take it.
Now, in this case it ended up working out but this was the perfect situation to just gamble Kai'sas 600g bounty away by giving it to Gragas or Zed, getting them back into the game. You're a tank Veigar, take them tower shots. Its worth even if you end up dying because youre only worth 300g while Kai'sa is worth 900g.
Dear Bob, you should try out full crit Lux. It is really fun to play
Dear Bob, you should try aurelion sol airlines, where u aim to roam the map stacking as much as u can in every gank with boots of swiftness and ghost to have max mov speed on ur w so u can be on all lanes at the same time
Dear Bob, you should play full crit WW top with barrier, just like the good old days. :)
I love that you used the pay 2 loose skin. The w is so much easier to dodge then base veigar
Dear Bob, you should try full AP Tahm Kench with the following build: Heartsteal, Riftmaker, Rocketbelt, Rabadons. I heard it is a really good strategy
Dear Bob, play tilteralla's strat of sion support as 2nd jungle with ghost and smite ^^
Had this in my team yesterday, was a free win, because our jungler refused to play around topside and camped bot for once in 30 games. Thank you for the chance to experience the loving embrace of my teams jungler,, because God knows he would have never showed up bot if not for tank veigar top pinging his item build the second we connect to the game.
Dear Bob, you should play Ultimate Bravery! It's a strategy where you go all random runes random champ random role and random items! I hear it's a pretty good strategy because it's unpredictable.