Dear Bob, you should play AP submarine Rek'sai, her AP scaling on burrowed Q and W had a huge buff, just snipe them with Q and EXPLODE them with W. You can either go first strike or dark harvest, just take scorch as secondary for Q. The build path will be Liandry's>Horizon focus>Cosmic drive>any other AP equip. Have fun :D
Dear Bob, you should try to play F1-car Singed otherwise know as fast-as-f*** Singed, where you build Boots of Swiftness, Dead Mans plate, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rabadons Deathcap, Cosmic Drive and Ghost + Heal. If you want to tune this F1-car, grab something like a Nami as support and you'll be even speedier. Shoutout to Omelette-flipper.
Every one of these games was classic Yorick gameplay. >you do reasonably well, but you aren't exactly "popping off" >your team gets deep dickt everywhere else on the map
Dear Bob, you should try Ivern Support with Flash (Optional) and Smite!! (Even better with a Rengar Jungle/ADC) When the game starts, you abandon the ADC and Use your Passive on The enemy Blue/Red based on your spawn, and smite it instantly!!! Then, you passive the remaining 2 camps and hope they dont have a ward planted (Passive takes 40 seconds). You can gank mid when you're level 2 and whenever the buff respawns, you time it and secure it right away using your Passive and Smite again!!!. The enemy jungler will definitely target you for the rest of the match, but hey! Snowball goes hard 🙏🔥🔥
Dear Bob, you should play MATHEMATICALLY CORRECT SETT with Heartsteel Titanic Hydra and Overlords Bloodmail. I hear your W can absoluetly one shot ADCs
Dear bob, i've heard Raid boss Thresh is kind of op. The idea is that you play top and build some ad, hp and magic resist, but ignore armor since you gain ap and armor passively (unless the enemy team have 5 ad or only the support is ap). Since your E deals on hit (magic) damages, you should also get a bit of on-hit in the build. Here is the kind of build that you can expect: - Titanic Hydra (you generally build it first) - Hullbreaker - Kaenic Rookern, Hollow Radiance or Abyssal Mask - Blade of the ruined king - Terminus As for the runes, you generally take grasp, but aftershock is also a good choice depending on the enemy you're facing. And for boots you can go sorcerer or berserker for more damage, mercure or tabi for more tankiness.
Dear Bob, for the next video I would recommend the YMCA-strategy. This strategy consist of playing Yorick (Y) in the midlane (M) building cooldown reduction (C) and armor penetration (A) while listening to the song YMCA.
Dear bob, you should play aftershock speedy tanky lux mid. This strategy consist on playing lux as a front line tank who permaroams all game. The runes are: Aftershock, font of life, conditioning and unflinching. For the secondary runes you can go sorcery or inspiration (you choose) The build is going first with a tear, then start building Rod of ages, then boots of swiftness to start roaming. Then you go warmog's second item so you have infinite sustain for the rest of the game and you never stop roaming and helping your jungler. After that you build your seraph's embrace. You can pick the rest of the build depending on your games, but you have to follow the permaroaming playstyle. This strategy is absolutely unstoppable because you are an unkillable ranged tank with CC. I have heard this is an S tier free win in korean challenger server (trust me) Good luck Bob.
Dear Bob, I would recommend you play Tankassadin, which is Kassadin toplane as a Tank, it's a very good strategy in south northkorea, you go with Grasp of the undying as your main rune, you may choose the rest of your green runes! And on the secondary you go manaflow band and transcendence! You should buy tear early so you can get Fimblewinter, yet your first item should be either Rod of Ages or hearthsteel depending on the game! Best of luck Bob!
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Bomber Ghouls with Yorick and Zilean, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Bomber Ghouls with Yorick and Zilean? This, is BobWatcher ep. 9
Dear Bob, full AP Amumu Mid is the new way. Take electrocute, liandrys maligma first. He’s a glass cannon. Oneshots mages even early. Can stun 3 times in a few seconds after you hit 6
Dear Bob, you should play Ryze Mid to improve Ryze's winrate with your outstanding performance. This way he will get nerf and make your journey in high elo easier while avoiding the chance of having to play Ryze in master+. It's a long term strategy.
Dear bob, you should play Darius-Singed botlane. Singed grounds ADC, flips ADC, Darius applies stacks to ADC, hook if they try to get away. NO ESCAPE WITH LOTS OF SLOWS. Poison + bleed = big damage. Take ghost. That is all.
Dear Bob, you should play on-hit fizz. Blade of the ruined king into trinity force into kraken slayer. The last items are optional, wit's end, rageblade and terminus are all fine. Fizz's ap ratios are so bad that this build is actually better that ap. Always make sure to abuse your one-item spike for insane 1v1 potential.
Dear Bob, my old friend, it has come to my attention that playing Mordekaiser in the jungle is a fabulous idea. your clear is amazing as you can use your passive on jungle camps. your gank is very funny after level 6. Mordekaiser is a great juggernaut so you should have no problem mastering him in no time. Have a fantastic day Bob. Sincerely your friend Frosty the snowman
Dear Bob, in your adventure to reach master I would reccomend picking up full crit Vi. Starting the build with Collector into Infinity Edge to deliver the biggest *SLAPS* known to mankind. Later items are customizable as long as you get 100% crit chance at the fourth item.
Dear Bob, you should play unreasonably aggressive Mordekaiser, where you harness your inner Brazilian and play with unfathomable confidence regardless of the situation. You get bonus points for building full glass cannon. You get extra bonus points for yelling "MORDEKAISER ES NUMERO UNO." I can't guarantee your success; however, it will make me laugh.
dear bob, you should play copycat ornn. if you look at ornn's abilities they scale with ad on q, bonus armor and mr on e, ap on r, as well as his best keyrune is grasp so he scales with health as well, effectively all the core stats in the game. this makes him the ultimate flex build champion along with his passive allowing him to build items without recalling. the rules are simple, you build everything the enemy laner builds and if you manage to get ahead on gold, you can not build anything the enemy team hasn't.
Dear Bob, I think we should do another strategy involving a friend. Play Renata Glasc APC with a support that has a DoT such as Brand or Twitch. Her passive scales really good with AP and at full build you will be dealing around 40% max health damage each auto attack. The DoT from your support makes your passive activate instantly so you get both parts of the damage and you can apply your passive again.
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, you should play intercontinental balisctic Warwick, you play full movement speed Warwick in jungle with a Syndra Midlane. Your syndra will use here W to grab Raptors or Minion while you latch on the raptor/minion with Q to gank Midlane or a Lane.
Dear Bob, you should try playing as the sticky bandits combo, it's where you and a friend play bot lane as Taric and Leona, and just brawl it out very aggressively.
Dear bob i just saw a great short, you should play this: it is “the anoying bastard ryze” you build the shield ap item and nashors tooth and the strat is you just teleport waves under thowers and you take towers, for runes take the demolish and some other shhh- stuff
Dear Bob. Hello, how are you? I know its been rough with everyone telling you what to play, you should play who you want to, I heard having fun with your games is great.
Dear Bob, you should play Hellfire Mordekaiser. The dream is some speed and burn damage. You take Morde to the jungle, preferably, the summs are Ghost and Smite. Runes: Phaserush - Nimbus Cloack - Transendence - Gathering Storm. Magical Footwear - Approach Velocity. Attack Speed - Move Speed - Tenacity. Must Buy Items: Rylai's, Liandry's, Swifties or merc boots. Then build any of the following best suit to the situation: Blackfire torch, Sunfire Aegis/Hollow Radiance, Thornmail/Morellonomicon, Unending Despair, Zeke's Convergence, Abyssal Mask
Dear Bob, you should try AP Chogath with Malignance. It's not super uncommon to see AP cho, and works really well in every position (except adc). I play him a lot, and Malignance first is the best part of playing him. I would suggest most magic penetration items, especially shadowflame and boots, along with a nice rabadons finish. For runes: Hail of blades + Approach Velocity or Waterwalking (In the inspiration or sorcery tabs, respectively) Anything else is up to you. Now, this isn't too unique an idea. But what might make it interesting is in the words, *every* position. We'd want to see cho'gath jungle more than chogath mid or top, so for the cherry on top, try jungle. good luck with the feast
Dear Bob, you should play heartsteel void staff Dr. Mundo. His Q has HP scaling but it deals magic damage, so having a lot of HP and some penetration for the magic damage is great.
Dear Bob, You should play crying amumu. This is a strategy where you build AP on amumu and just cry on your enemies till they die. You can use your other abilities for CC but you CANNOT kill them with other abilities (auto attacks are ok). If you kill someone with another ability you must repent by standing still and crying in the enemy jungle for 1 minute (you cannot move no matter what).
Dear bob, can you play bel vertical! Never clear your bot side and vertical the enemy top side, warding for grubs. When you get your void grubs form, gank top and then take as many turrets as you can before the other person respawns because she takes turrets really fast.
My Dearest Bob, I am once again writing to you on my idea for a meta-avoidant pick. I would humbly request a game of AS Ahri, building attack speed items such as Guinsoo's in combination with Nashor's, Terminus, and Wit's End for peak hybrid damage, and most importantly: machine gun autos. If you chose this pick I would be eternally grateful, and I must once more offer my sincerest thanks. - An awestruck fan of yours
Dear bob, I think you should try Sup AP Tank Udyr Grasp of undying Celerity Shield Bash Gathering storm Conditioning Revitalize Flash/Exhuast ------------------------ Support Item : Solistice Sleigh ______________ Item order: Frozen heart > Swifties > Liandrys > Jak'sho > Ap or Tank item depending on match ---------------------- Starting with frozen heart gives you the armor to take poke from bot lane and build support item mainly you want to zone them out using empowered R or if you need to survive use empowered W not to mention his kit allows for great roams and alot of cc and slow Liandrys does % health which allows you to delete tanks and also with frozen heart shuts down mobility champs allowing for escapes with E whcih stuns them procing frozen heart and lets yo uslow them with R. ---------------------- I called it Mosquito Udyr
Good afternoon dear Bob. You should try AP Gnar in the Midlane to utilize his Vayne like passive and massive AP scaling to beat up your enemies. Midlane is underrated on gnar because the jump gets you to tower way easier than in top lane. Just remember you’re much squishier. < 3 ❤ :D I Love Gnar
Dear Bob, you should try to play Naafiri and Taric bot lane. Naafiri uses her W to jump in and Taric puts his E ability on her as soon as she is about to jump, resulting in a guaranteed stun. This combo is very fun to play with a friend :D
Dear Bob, you should try full ap Cho'gath Leona bot, you have a ton of control and damage and by the end of the game Cho'gath has ton of health too! So it's like tank Veigar but in reverse. Trust me it's really good!
Dear Bob, you should try full AP Qiyana. It is an underrated OP pick. I used it to climb to masters this year and I know you will find it extremely useful in your journey.
Dear bob. You should play Leblanc infestation. Take rod of ages, hull breaker, warmogs, AND soles. Then once a tier three tower goes down, live in the enemy base for as long as possible :D. The enemy team will get incredibly annoyed and should keep a bunch of them trapped in base chasing you. Remember to fear all forms of cc, and use your fast back/tp to your advantage!
Dear Bob, you should play invisible assassin Kalista, with her being able to infinitely stack her spears on jungle monsters, she can just transfer them with her Q onto an enemy from the fog of war oneshotting them in less than a second. This strategy is insanely strong one of the best league youtubers ever made multiple videos about this broken strategy it just has to work!!
Dear Bob, you should try out Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Yuumi (or icbm yuumi for short) where you go full ap. I heard its good. I recommend going for items such as Ludens Companion, Malignance, Horizon Focus, etc. For runes, I usually go Dark Harvest with Ultimate Hunter and Sudden Impact (Sudden Impact works when you attach or detach so you actually can trigger it reliably). And for secondary runes I would recommend going Manaflowband and Scorch, however you can take Presence of Mind and Cut Down if you prefer. If you can, get your adc to play something poke heavy like Brand so you can farm dark harvest souls early! Good luck Bob!
Dean Bob, you should try splitpushing Ryze top. Once you hit level 6, you ult yourself and the wave behind the enemy's tower. Hit the tower until you proc demolish. Repeat.
Dear Bob, you should try Contempt for the Weak Zed. The purpose of this strategy is to rely on poking down your opponent before killing them with your passive. This strategy works very well with electrocute, dark harvest, or first strike. You build eclipse, voltaic cyclosword, sundered sky, collector, and your choice from there. It's really potent because it allows you to play Zed's kit to the hilt, punishes the meta squishy champions, works very well in the early and mid-game due to consistent poke/harrass, plays off of Zed's inherent strengths when side landing/dueling, and has reliable sustain making Zed much harder to kill. I recommend going top lane with this strategy, but that is my preference.
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace) Items of your choice, i heard is good
I had once similar combo on Aram. I was playing zilean and my friend pyke. I was placing my q in front of him then he would go invis with extra speed from my e. This was insane and hilarious when someone got assassinated out of nowhere at sonic speed
Dear bob, I have i have the interest of seeing you test out my elomunching duocomp fiddlesticks mid + nocturne jungle. Use both ults together and you simply can't lose teamfights. Blindness from nocturne R + Fiddlesticks fear passive = Guaranteed that Fiddlesticks ultimate will activate fear. Easy win every time!
Dear Bob, you should really play bomber Shaco, where your Zilean teamates goes full ap and puts bombs on you, then you go invisible and bomb them while they can't see you
Dear Bob, in spirit of this video, you and derrick should play the infamous Veigar (supp) Nasus (ad) Botlane. You‘ll scale to infinity and you can cage + Nasus‘ E them! It is very strong, trust me!
Dear Bryan/Bob, Yorick is not a Jax or a Trundle, you must skirmish around your cooldowns, make them focus your summons(maiden and mist walkers) then hit them as hard as you can. If you're "pushed against a wall" and need to decide between kills or Tower, always choose tower. Because you demolish them, fight slow with pokes and finalize 1 enemy quick, spreading skills along a team will make you feel weak
Dear Bob, you should try Anivia top lane with grasp and tank items. This build allows you to play as a front lane and additionally, all extra hp transfers to your passive, making you one of the tankiest champions in the game.
Dear Bob, I heard you are trying some out-of-the-box strategies. Speaking of boxes, I would like you to try out my strategy called "10,000 Hours of TF Spy." You will have to play full lethality Shaco jungle with Dark Harvest, but you can only backstab and Q. No W, E, or R. Good luck, Bob. Happy trickstabbing!
Dear Bob, you should play Garen the best way, using a completely normal build! However, once a game, you must shout out the channel's sponsor, Boris the Shopkeeper, by building one of his featured items, Hextech Rocketbelt, Rylai's Staff, or Riftmaker.
Dear Bob, have you heard of the AP shaco top? You tempt people into jumping you under your towers ... and into your boxes. "Pink Ward " has nice guides for it.
Dear Bob, I believe that you should try Support Tank Bel'veth. The champion, while being a jungler, works really well as a support. Her mobility allows her to CC the enemies easily and she can use her E skill to increase her chances of survival, making her a perfect engage support.
Dear Bob, you should play full vampire Briar. To play this strategy you can only buy items that give you lifesteal or omnivamp (obvious i know), pick whatever runes you want but I recommend grasp of the undying.
Dear Bob, I believe that you should play full AP Viego. He has excellent AP scaling on his W and smaller AP ratios on all of his other spells. It's a very good build for bursting down squishy targets and due to the nature of Viego, you would possess the people you takedown and take their items instead. Good Luck :)
Dear bob, you should try another botlane combo with your friend, sion and senna, senna puts her root on minions and sion can kick them at the enemy, I hope this strat finds you well
Dear Bob, you should play full lifesteal udyr, and build ravenous hydra and then bloodthirster. Activating empowered W and then hydra active will heal you to full in a minion wave, and udyr q does good damage. I don't played ranked but it is very fun.
Dear Bob, you should play Double Jungle. Queue up duo for jungle and bot lane, and one of you farms your own, and the enemies jungle top side, and the other on bot side. Playing a good invade early duelist like Lee or Talon or something like Ivern would make the strategy function best.
Dear Bob, as a jungler myself facing Ivern top with smite + Rengar jungle with them roaming around the map together and also stealing all my camps was soul crushing, you should try that
Dear bob, you should continue this adventure with your good friend derrick and play Senna plus Sion botlane where you land Senna W to a minion and just right before the root happens, Sion will use his E to push the minion towards people which will catch them off guard. This is also effective not only in the laning phase but all throughout the game as long as Sion E can push an enemy.
Dear Bob, you should play support Anivia where you max your W and wall in the enemies. Works really well against aggressive supports or adc's that tend to overstep. Works even better when paired with Poppy or Vayne. For items, you just build normal Anivia or you could try to do experiment. This strategy worked pretty well for me in plat.
Dear bob, remember the time famous UA-camr pianta lost to a yuumi? You should play her in midlane to honour this legendary moment.
No comments let me fix that
Oh no
He gon back to silver with this one
Remember the beat ? nono remember the bob
yes pls ("not" yuumi otp here :D)
Dear Bob, you should play AP submarine Rek'sai, her AP scaling on burrowed Q and W had a huge buff, just snipe them with Q and EXPLODE them with W. You can either go first strike or dark harvest, just take scorch as secondary for Q. The build path will be Liandry's>Horizon focus>Cosmic drive>any other AP equip.
Have fun :D
This HAS to win
wait,rek'sai is a girl?
always has been @@mikroadw8390
Yep, she's actually a broodmother of void beings in the lore@@mikroadw8390
@@mikroadw8390 yeah, she's the queen
Maybe the viable strategy was the friend Bob made along the way.
Dear Bob, you should try to play F1-car Singed otherwise know as fast-as-f*** Singed, where you build Boots of Swiftness, Dead Mans plate, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rabadons Deathcap, Cosmic Drive and Ghost + Heal.
If you want to tune this F1-car, grab something like a Nami as support and you'll be even speedier.
Shoutout to Omelette-flipper.
nami, milio, zilean and yuumi as team mates!!
Every one of these games was classic Yorick gameplay.
>you do reasonably well, but you aren't exactly "popping off"
>your team gets deep dickt everywhere else on the map
Dear Bob, you should try Ivern Support with Flash (Optional) and Smite!! (Even better with a Rengar Jungle/ADC)
When the game starts, you abandon the ADC and Use your Passive on The enemy Blue/Red based on your spawn, and smite it instantly!!! Then, you passive the remaining 2 camps and hope they dont have a ward planted (Passive takes 40 seconds). You can gank mid when you're level 2 and whenever the buff respawns, you time it and secure it right away using your Passive and Smite again!!!. The enemy jungler will definitely target you for the rest of the match, but hey! Snowball goes hard 🙏🔥🔥
Im afraid the Yuumi comment will win, so please, place your comment on the next video as well 🙏
Dear bob, you should play ap Nunu mid and roam as much as you can. I heard it's brilliant.
Dude Derrick is one of his friends he plays with often
@@OrthrosWasTaken that’s the joke :P
Dear Bob, you should play MATHEMATICALLY CORRECT SETT with Heartsteel Titanic Hydra and Overlords Bloodmail. I hear your W can absoluetly one shot ADCs
titanic no longer gives ad scaling with health like bloodmail so you should go sterak's instead for more health and ad for w.
@@hopinggirl1722w only scales with bonus ad, and the ad from steraks does not count, still a amazing item for the shield and tenacity.
The W doesn't stack fury when you loss Shield, sterak is a wrong idea
@@Gnireht-cr9zf steraks is so you don't die immediately once you use your w
Dear Bob, you should play Fiddlesticks & Nocturne duo bot lane. Nocurn can blind the enemy team, while fiddle gets free passive fear, it's very op.
Dear bob, you should announce your ganks in all chat as a polite jungler, i heard its pretty good.
Leona looks like a Very polite jungler. Just saying...
Dear bob, i've heard Raid boss Thresh is kind of op. The idea is that you play top and build some ad, hp and magic resist, but ignore armor since you gain ap and armor passively (unless the enemy team have 5 ad or only the support is ap). Since your E deals on hit (magic) damages, you should also get a bit of on-hit in the build.
Here is the kind of build that you can expect:
- Titanic Hydra (you generally build it first)
- Hullbreaker
- Kaenic Rookern, Hollow Radiance or Abyssal Mask
- Blade of the ruined king
- Terminus
As for the runes, you generally take grasp, but aftershock is also a good choice depending on the enemy you're facing.
And for boots you can go sorcerer or berserker for more damage, mercure or tabi for more tankiness.
Dear Bob, for the next video I would recommend the YMCA-strategy. This strategy consist of playing Yorick (Y) in the midlane (M) building cooldown reduction (C) and armor penetration (A) while listening to the song YMCA.
Dear bob, you should play aftershock speedy tanky lux mid. This strategy consist on playing lux as a front line tank who permaroams all game. The runes are: Aftershock, font of life, conditioning and unflinching. For the secondary runes you can go sorcery or inspiration (you choose)
The build is going first with a tear, then start building Rod of ages, then boots of swiftness to start roaming. Then you go warmog's second item so you have infinite sustain for the rest of the game and you never stop roaming and helping your jungler. After that you build your seraph's embrace. You can pick the rest of the build depending on your games, but you have to follow the permaroaming playstyle. This strategy is absolutely unstoppable because you are an unkillable ranged tank with CC. I have heard this is an S tier free win in korean challenger server (trust me)
Good luck Bob.
Dear Bob, I would recommend you play Tankassadin, which is Kassadin toplane as a Tank, it's a very good strategy in south northkorea, you go with Grasp of the undying as your main rune, you may choose the rest of your green runes! And on the secondary you go manaflow band and transcendence! You should buy tear early so you can get Fimblewinter, yet your first item should be either Rod of Ages or hearthsteel depending on the game!
Best of luck Bob!
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. This is a series where I watch Bob use crazy strategies to climb. Will I watch Bob succeed with Bomber Ghouls with Yorick and Zilean, or will I not watch Bob succeed with Bomber Ghouls with Yorick and Zilean? This, is BobWatcher ep. 9
vids have been so good lately
Dear Bob, full AP Amumu Mid is the new way. Take electrocute, liandrys maligma first. He’s a glass cannon. Oneshots mages even early. Can stun 3 times in a few seconds after you hit 6
Dear Bob, you should play Ryze Mid to improve Ryze's winrate with your outstanding performance. This way he will get nerf and make your journey in high elo easier while avoiding the chance of having to play Ryze in master+. It's a long term strategy.
Dear bob, you should play Darius-Singed botlane. Singed grounds ADC, flips ADC, Darius applies stacks to ADC, hook if they try to get away. NO ESCAPE WITH LOTS OF SLOWS. Poison + bleed = big damage. Take ghost. That is all.
Dear Bob, you should try AP Irelia. The dmg reduction on her w scales with AP which guarantees that you won't ever, never die.
I still think Bob went schizo in this one lol. Imaginary friend and all that jazz kekw
Dear Bob, you should play on-hit fizz. Blade of the ruined king into trinity force into kraken slayer. The last items are optional, wit's end, rageblade and terminus are all fine. Fizz's ap ratios are so bad that this build is actually better that ap. Always make sure to abuse your one-item spike for insane 1v1 potential.
I like those old times where league content creators play with friends
Dear Bob, my old friend, it has come to my attention that playing Mordekaiser in the jungle is a fabulous idea. your clear is amazing as you can use your passive on jungle camps. your gank is very funny after level 6. Mordekaiser is a great juggernaut so you should have no problem mastering him in no time. Have a fantastic day Bob. Sincerely your friend Frosty the snowman
Dear Bob, in your adventure to reach master I would reccomend picking up full crit Vi. Starting the build with Collector into Infinity Edge to deliver the biggest *SLAPS* known to mankind. Later items are customizable as long as you get 100% crit chance at the fourth item.
Dear Bob, you should play unreasonably aggressive Mordekaiser, where you harness your inner Brazilian and play with unfathomable confidence regardless of the situation. You get bonus points for building full glass cannon.
You get extra bonus points for yelling "MORDEKAISER ES NUMERO UNO."
I can't guarantee your success; however, it will make me laugh.
dear bob, you should play copycat ornn. if you look at ornn's abilities they scale with ad on q, bonus armor and mr on e, ap on r, as well as his best keyrune is grasp so he scales with health as well, effectively all the core stats in the game. this makes him the ultimate flex build champion along with his passive allowing him to build items without recalling. the rules are simple, you build everything the enemy laner builds and if you manage to get ahead on gold, you can not build anything the enemy team hasn't.
Dear Bob, you should try AP Qiyana, I hear it’s good in Korean servers.
I'm gonna find where you live
@@LeilaQiyana fair enough
Dear Bob, I think we should do another strategy involving a friend. Play Renata Glasc APC with a support that has a DoT such as Brand or Twitch. Her passive scales really good with AP and at full build you will be dealing around 40% max health damage each auto attack. The DoT from your support makes your passive activate instantly so you get both parts of the damage and you can apply your passive again.
12:26 so good Brook reference
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
Dear Bob, you should play intercontinental balisctic Warwick, you play full movement speed Warwick in jungle with a Syndra Midlane. Your syndra will use here W to grab Raptors or Minion while you latch on the raptor/minion with Q to gank Midlane or a Lane.
Dear Bob, you should try playing as the sticky bandits combo, it's where you and a friend play bot lane as Taric and Leona, and just brawl it out very aggressively.
Dear bob i just saw a great short, you should play this: it is “the anoying bastard ryze” you build the shield ap item and nashors tooth and the strat is you just teleport waves under thowers and you take towers, for runes take the demolish and some other shhh- stuff
Zilean with extra steps 😂😂😂
Dear Bob. Hello, how are you? I know its been rough with everyone telling you what to play, you should play who you want to, I heard having fun with your games is great.
Dear Bob, you should play Hellfire Mordekaiser. The dream is some speed and burn damage.
You take Morde to the jungle, preferably, the summs are Ghost and Smite.
Runes: Phaserush - Nimbus Cloack - Transendence - Gathering Storm. Magical Footwear - Approach Velocity. Attack Speed - Move Speed - Tenacity.
Must Buy Items: Rylai's, Liandry's, Swifties or merc boots.
Then build any of the following best suit to the situation:
Blackfire torch, Sunfire Aegis/Hollow Radiance, Thornmail/Morellonomicon, Unending Despair, Zeke's Convergence, Abyssal Mask
Attempt 5 : Dear Bob, you should play Senna tank top, I heard it's good !
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Ekko. I heard it's pretty good. The only mandatory items are Lich Bane and Zhonya's and the other items are up to you.
How is lich bane and Zhonya tank?
@@legitplayin6977 Those are mandatory items and I thought it’d be fun to see how Bob would build Tank Ekko without any other directions
@@ronin9243 That’s not tank ekko though.
You could have said that he can only pick from the “tank” category of items
Dear Bob, you should try AP Chogath with Malignance. It's not super uncommon to see AP cho, and works really well in every position (except adc). I play him a lot, and Malignance first is the best part of playing him. I would suggest most magic penetration items, especially shadowflame and boots, along with a nice rabadons finish. For runes: Hail of blades + Approach Velocity or Waterwalking (In the inspiration or sorcery tabs, respectively) Anything else is up to you.
Now, this isn't too unique an idea. But what might make it interesting is in the words, *every* position. We'd want to see cho'gath jungle more than chogath mid or top, so for the cherry on top, try jungle.
good luck with the feast
Dear Bob, you should play heartsteel void staff Dr. Mundo. His Q has HP scaling but it deals magic damage, so having a lot of HP and some penetration for the magic damage is great.
Dear Bob,
You should play crying amumu. This is a strategy where you build AP on amumu and just cry on your enemies till they die. You can use your other abilities for CC but you CANNOT kill them with other abilities (auto attacks are ok). If you kill someone with another ability you must repent by standing still and crying in the enemy jungle for 1 minute (you cannot move no matter what).
Dear bob, can you play bel vertical! Never clear your bot side and vertical the enemy top side, warding for grubs. When you get your void grubs form, gank top and then take as many turrets as you can before the other person respawns because she takes turrets really fast.
My Dearest Bob,
I am once again writing to you on my idea for a meta-avoidant pick. I would humbly request a game of AS Ahri, building attack speed items such as Guinsoo's in combination with Nashor's, Terminus, and Wit's End for peak hybrid damage, and most importantly: machine gun autos.
If you chose this pick I would be eternally grateful, and I must once more offer my sincerest thanks.
- An awestruck fan of yours
Dear bob, I think you should try Sup AP Tank Udyr
Grasp of undying Celerity
Shield Bash Gathering storm
Revitalize Flash/Exhuast
Support Item : Solistice Sleigh
Item order:
Frozen heart > Swifties > Liandrys > Jak'sho > Ap or Tank item depending on match
Starting with frozen heart gives you the armor to take poke from bot lane and build support item mainly you want to zone them out using empowered R or if you need to survive use empowered W not to mention his kit allows for great roams and alot of cc and slow Liandrys does % health which allows you to delete tanks and also with frozen heart shuts down mobility champs allowing for escapes with E whcih stuns them procing frozen heart and lets yo uslow them with R.
I called it Mosquito Udyr
Good afternoon dear Bob. You should try AP Gnar in the Midlane to utilize his Vayne like passive and massive AP scaling to beat up your enemies. Midlane is underrated on gnar because the jump gets you to tower way easier than in top lane. Just remember you’re much squishier.
< 3 ❤
:D I Love Gnar
Dear bob, you should try Marksman nami. Her empowered autos with her E will work quite well.
Dear Bob, you should try to play Naafiri and Taric bot lane. Naafiri uses her W to jump in and Taric puts his E ability on her as soon as she is about to jump, resulting in a guaranteed stun. This combo is very fun to play with a friend :D
Dear Bob, you should try full ap Cho'gath Leona bot, you have a ton of control and damage and by the end of the game Cho'gath has ton of health too! So it's like tank Veigar but in reverse. Trust me it's really good!
Dear Bob, you should try full AP Qiyana. It is an underrated OP pick. I used it to climb to masters this year and I know you will find it extremely useful in your journey.
Dear bob. You should play Leblanc infestation. Take rod of ages, hull breaker, warmogs, AND soles. Then once a tier three tower goes down, live in the enemy base for as long as possible :D. The enemy team will get incredibly annoyed and should keep a bunch of them trapped in base chasing you. Remember to fear all forms of cc, and use your fast back/tp to your advantage!
Dear Bob, you should play invisible assassin Kalista, with her being able to infinitely stack her spears on jungle monsters, she can just transfer them with her Q onto an enemy from the fog of war oneshotting them in less than a second. This strategy is insanely strong one of the best league youtubers ever made multiple videos about this broken strategy it just has to work!!
props to derreck he really pulled through
Dear Bob, you should try out Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Yuumi (or icbm yuumi for short) where you go full ap. I heard its good.
I recommend going for items such as Ludens Companion, Malignance, Horizon Focus, etc.
For runes, I usually go Dark Harvest with Ultimate Hunter and Sudden Impact (Sudden Impact works when you attach or detach so you actually can trigger it reliably). And for secondary runes I would recommend going Manaflowband and Scorch, however you can take Presence of Mind and Cut Down if you prefer.
If you can, get your adc to play something poke heavy like Brand so you can farm dark harvest souls early!
Good luck Bob!
Dear Bob, I heard you could do some pretty good objective rush with the demolition duo, playing Tristana and Ziggs and using demolish in your rune!
Dear bob, you should play garen jungle you will only farm that's min's you won't fighting until you get all of your items just by farm
Dean Bob, you should try splitpushing Ryze top. Once you hit level 6, you ult yourself and the wave behind the enemy's tower. Hit the tower until you proc demolish. Repeat.
Dear Bob, heartsteel Teemo is calling.
Dear Bob, you should try Contempt for the Weak Zed. The purpose of this strategy is to rely on poking down your opponent before killing them with your passive. This strategy works very well with electrocute, dark harvest, or first strike. You build eclipse, voltaic cyclosword, sundered sky, collector, and your choice from there. It's really potent because it allows you to play Zed's kit to the hilt, punishes the meta squishy champions, works very well in the early and mid-game due to consistent poke/harrass, plays off of Zed's inherent strengths when side landing/dueling, and has reliable sustain making Zed much harder to kill. I recommend going top lane with this strategy, but that is my preference.
Dear bob, you should play lethality red kayn, I've heard its good.
Dear Bob,
You should play DanteAxes Diamond Ad Taric because pressure makes Diamonds, I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace)
Items of your choice, i heard is good
Full AP ADC Nasus, Liandrys/Torch First-> Lich Bane -> Rabadons -> More AP
Dear Bob, i have heard that autofill roaming Janna is secretly OP, gank as often as you can, even if you got autofilled into the jungle. Have fun
Dear Bob, you should play attack speed/ad jungle nafiri, rush stride breaker, into hubris, attack speed boots etc...
Dear Bob, you should play River Galio! Its similar to river shen, with a close kit as far as taunt dash ult
I had once similar combo on Aram. I was playing zilean and my friend pyke. I was placing my q in front of him then he would go invis with extra speed from my e. This was insane and hilarious when someone got assassinated out of nowhere at sonic speed
Dear Bob, you should play naafiri taric, this is where taric stuns whilst naafiri dashes onto them and instantly stuns them.
Dear Bob, you should play Ryze Jungle, I've heard it's good
Dear bob, you should play full ap assasin nautilus mid/top and roam a lot. I heard that you can catch any adc and one shot them.
Dear bob, I have i have the interest of seeing you test out my elomunching duocomp fiddlesticks mid + nocturne jungle.
Use both ults together and you simply can't lose teamfights.
Blindness from nocturne R + Fiddlesticks fear passive = Guaranteed that Fiddlesticks ultimate will activate fear.
Easy win every time!
Dear Bob, you should try Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Malphite mid! You basically build so much AP you become a murder machine! :D
Dear Bob, you should really play bomber Shaco, where your Zilean teamates goes full ap and puts bombs on you, then you go invisible and bomb them while they can't see you
Dear Bob you should play mordekaiser because it gives free trips to brazil with his R besides build you critical to make bong with his heads!
Dear Bob, in spirit of this video, you and derrick should play the infamous Veigar (supp) Nasus (ad) Botlane. You‘ll scale to infinity and you can cage + Nasus‘ E them!
It is very strong, trust me!
This was so funny! Love your positivity!
Dear Bryan/Bob, Yorick is not a Jax or a Trundle, you must skirmish around your cooldowns, make them focus your summons(maiden and mist walkers) then hit them as hard as you can. If you're "pushed against a wall" and need to decide between kills or Tower, always choose tower. Because you demolish them, fight slow with pokes and finalize 1 enemy quick, spreading skills along a team will make you feel weak
Dear Bob, you should try Anivia top lane with grasp and tank items. This build allows you to play as a front lane and additionally, all extra hp transfers to your passive, making you one of the tankiest champions in the game.
Dear Bob,
I heard you are trying some out-of-the-box strategies. Speaking of boxes, I would like you to try out my strategy called "10,000 Hours of TF Spy." You will have to play full lethality Shaco jungle with Dark Harvest, but you can only backstab and Q. No W, E, or R. Good luck, Bob. Happy trickstabbing!
Dear Bob, you should play Garen the best way, using a completely normal build! However, once a game, you must shout out the channel's sponsor, Boris the Shopkeeper, by building one of his featured items, Hextech Rocketbelt, Rylai's Staff, or Riftmaker.
Dear Bob, have you heard of the AP shaco top? You tempt people into jumping you under your towers ... and into your boxes. "Pink Ward " has nice guides for it.
Dear Bob, I believe that you should try Support Tank Bel'veth. The champion, while being a jungler, works really well as a support. Her mobility allows her to CC the enemies easily and she can use her E skill to increase her chances of survival, making her a perfect engage support.
Dear Bob, you should play full vampire Briar.
To play this strategy you can only buy items that give you lifesteal or omnivamp (obvious i know), pick whatever runes you want but I recommend grasp of the undying.
Dear bob, you should play support ryze as you have a point and click root
Dear bob. You should play full ap nunu and willump on midlane while listening to darkmane's great guide about how to play nunu and willump on midlane.
3:32 singed made me mad with that fiddle
Dear Bob, I believe that you should play full AP Viego. He has excellent AP scaling on his W and smaller AP ratios on all of his other spells. It's a very good build for bursting down squishy targets and due to the nature of Viego, you would possess the people you takedown and take their items instead.
Good Luck :)
Dear bob, you should try another botlane combo with your friend, sion and senna, senna puts her root on minions and sion can kick them at the enemy, I hope this strat finds you well
Dear Bob, you should play full lifesteal udyr, and build ravenous hydra and then bloodthirster. Activating empowered W and then hydra active will heal you to full in a minion wave, and udyr q does good damage. I don't played ranked but it is very fun.
Dear bob, you should play AD On-hit top lane neeko, I heard it's really good
Dear Bob, you should play Double Jungle. Queue up duo for jungle and bot lane, and one of you farms your own, and the enemies jungle top side, and the other on bot side. Playing a good invade early duelist like Lee or Talon or something like Ivern would make the strategy function best.
Dear Bob, I have been experimenting with this new Aatrox build where you rush BOTRK into rav into bloodthirster. I think you should try it out
Dear Bob, as a jungler myself facing Ivern top with smite + Rengar jungle with them roaming around the map together and also stealing all my camps was soul crushing, you should try that
Dear bob, you should continue this adventure with your good friend derrick and play Senna plus Sion botlane where you land Senna W to a minion and just right before the root happens, Sion will use his E to push the minion towards people which will catch them off guard. This is also effective not only in the laning phase but all throughout the game as long as Sion E can push an enemy.
Dear Bob, you should play Kled lethality support. Good engage, grab, damage and leading the fights with his Ultimate. I heard it's pretty good!
Dear Bob, you should play support Anivia where you max your W and wall in the enemies. Works really well against aggressive supports or adc's that tend to overstep. Works even better when paired with Poppy or Vayne. For items, you just build normal Anivia or you could try to do experiment. This strategy worked pretty well for me in plat.
Hello Pianta! Just want to say that you've inspired me to play League and main Teemo. Thank you so much for existing.
Dear Bob, you should try full ap Garen i heard a youtuber named Pianta go to master with the strat
Derrick's voice was so angelic this vidéo I loved it