Dear Bob, you should play SPLITPUSHER ZIGGS, where you build lich bane and hullbreaker for ultimate tower taking since your passive deals extra damage to towers and your W ability has a tower execute. Make sure to max W first since the execute gets bigger as you level it!
Dear Bob, I would like you to find a comment of your choosing that is not a build suggestion that has perfect grammar and derive a build from said nonsensical comment.
Dear Bob, Have you ever come across a build in the comments that seemed powerful or interesting, but didn’t get enough votes to be the top pick? Here’s an idea: why not choose 5 highly-rated builds from this year videos (excluding the top-voted comment) and play one game with each of them? It would be great if you let us know if you are doing this, so the community can revisit the comments and vote for their second-favorite builds. The video would make a great End of Year Special!
Dear Bob, you should play full ultimate haste Gangplank with malignance, experimental hexplate, and axiom arc. This build is designed to nuke the entire map as often as possible, while still giving gangplank huge damage well into the late game. The other items should be shadowflame and blackfire torch for even bigger nukes.
Dear Bob, You should play the "machine gun lizard" full atack speed on hit Neeko with lethal tempo. First rush BORK, then build into nashor's tooth, Guinsoo's Rageblade and terminus, pick all AS related runes and max Shapesplitter (W)
I love imaging what neighbors think when we are playing league, hearing us say random things lol like in this case "I AM THE SNIFER" lmao Keep it up Bob. I don't know a lot of weird builds so I can't recommend any at the moment :( but I love all your videos! They really make my day
Dear Bob, Let me introduce you to the Lambojhini strategy. This is a Jhin build that's all about one thing: movement speed. You might be wondering, "How does that work with a champion who's all about precision and waiting for the perfect shot?" Well, my friend, here's the answer: Let's turn Jhin into a high-speed, four- shot menace. You're going to prioritize movement speed above everything. Forget about those standard damage items. We're here to make Jhin a zooming death machine. Start by building Boots of Swiftness for that lovely combat MS, then go into Shurelya's Battlesong for some extra speed and team utility. At this point 'u'll be zooming around ↓ the map like a Formula 1 car. Combine that with Kraken Slayer for damage, and you're good to go. For the runes, Phase Rush is your best friend. After you land a few basic attacks, bam you're off like a rocket, slinging your fourth shot while the enemy can barely keep up. Nimbus Cloak gives you an extra speed burst when you cast a spell, which you can use to zip away or chase down prey. If you're feeling extra spicy, grab Celerity and Water Walking for even more speed shenanigans. Yes, you can walk on water, Bob. It's time to break the laws of physics.
Dear Bob, you should play Jinx from Arcane, where you are Jinx from Arcane. Jinx from Arcane doesn't fight with crossbows (Runaan's, LDR) or weird looking swords (Infinity Edge). Jinx from Arcane fights with guns and hextech. You can only buy items that Jinx from Arcane would build for herself, meaning they either have to be some kind of gun or some kind of hextech-y thing. Guns: Rapid Firecannon, Luden's Companion Other hextech-y things: Hextech Rocketbelt, Chempunk Chainsword, Experimental Hexplate And of course, for boots you should go Mercury's Treads as they look the closest to boots Jinx from Arcane would wear. You can build other items too, but only if you give us a clear explanation as to why it makes sense for Jinx from Arcane to build it.
Dear Bob, you should play WORLD RECORD TRYNDAMERE. The most CS gained in a Master’s game was 650, with a Tryndamere duoing with a Zilean. Have Zilean hold waves in a solo lane, with his life even, for you to come and collect. The key is to use Zilean’s speed-up to grant you the movement speed necessary to farm like crazy. If done correctly, you’ll be 6 levels ahead of the enemy team and cruising down to their nexus!
Dear Bob, the strategy I wish to suggest is the "tri-investment hp strategy". In which you purchase the items Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and the new Overlord's Bloodmail. Maximizing hp to give you damage. My personal recommendation for a champion is Shyvana.
Dear Bob, you should play Superman Bard, to do it, you need to follow some points: - you need to fly fast as fuck and have a flying tail, so for that reason Deadman plate will be always your First item. - like superman, you help people, not your trail so never pick trailblaze. - flying as speed of sound is necessary so every item you build need to give you movement Speed someway. - you must try to save everyone, meeps included, the city of summoner rift is a scared place to be alone. - once you unlock level six, you lane become "Map" and try to not stay too much in a single lane or they could discover your hidden identity. For runes, take red into blue, and put everything that made you go faster. The city need you, Superman Bard!
Day 1: I have a suggestion. A build coming straight from the Meta of the Brazilian server. AP Tank Karma on top lane. Build: First build Rod of Ages as fast as possible, then Heartsteel, Archangel's Staff (tear early after the Rod of Ages), Riftmaker and finally Liandry (CDR boots always). Runes: are the grip and maximum hp possible on late game, or Comet and max cdr and ap. Skills: Max W, then E, then Q, and whenever you can, hit a Q to reset Ulti, and use Ulti+W to heal 32% of missing Health every 5 sec. Have fun Bob, because I have it in my 1v3 customs and in the top lane in ranked.
Dear Bob you should try to play Bardlistic Missile. You basically go full AP and 100 mph with the Meeps. Take Hail of Blades to burst and roam to kill EVERYONE
Dear Bob, you should play ap Lulu. You go dark harvest and build Nashor’s Tooth, Lich Bane, then finish with ap tank items (Riftmaker, Liandry’s, etc). You deal tons of damage with your enhanced auto attacks and your ult will turn you into a chunky brawler. It’s really good you should try it!
Dear Bob, you should play ANIVIA - POPPY duo botlane with Derrick The build is simple, just follow these steps 1. Use the W - E combo. Anivia puts up a wall while Poppy pushes the enemy into it, stunning them. It should be easy enough to follow up 2. Try to build some items with CDR in order to use the combo more often 3. Have some quality time with Derrick (Very important)
Dear Bob, You should play the "Time Travelling Ekko - Strategy". I´ve heard it is good. As you of course know, a hypothetical way of time travelling would be to exeed the speed of light. Its physics I think. Since Ekko always had a thing for this kind of stuff, you should try to make him as fast as possible and fullfill his dream of breaking the space-time-continuum and actually travelling through time - not just 4 seconds back. In practice, that requires you to do everything you can to max out his movement speed. You can still start with Rocketbelt for the momentum but after that it is all >S P E E D< - go Cosmic Drive and Swifties, then finish the buld with Items like Trailblazer, Trinity Force, Youmus Ghostblade, Opportunity or any other Item that grants movement speed one way or the other. Make the homeless kid REALLY QUICK!
Dear Bob, you should play SONIC RAMMUS. You can go top or jungle and the only two rules are: you must take TP, and you must build as much movespeed as you possibly can. The idea is obviously to get deep vision, and to TP for epic ganks, sonic style.
Dear bob, you should play brain dead Yuumi, get a friend (if you have one) to play adc, play Yuumi, and then hop on him. Go get a snack or something and come back when the game is over. Just tell him not to die.
Dear bob, you shoud play nuclear neeko, dark harvest, malignerance first item into shadowflame then deadcap, and as much ability haste out of runes and boots as possible, in the end the ult colldown goes down to something like 30 sec, works better jungle but can go mid as well. As for strategy, whenever ult is up gank in a wave and farm kills
Dear Bob, You should play Coward Prince J4! J4 is a prince and really brave, right? He charges in headfirst and fights head-on. But what if you do the opposite? Build enchanter items and Fimbulwinter (because you’re a coward and need extra protection). Rush Rylai, Dream Maker, and Imperial Mandate. Max E to give your ADC more attack speed and trigger the slow from Font of Life. Your third item should be Fimbulwinter, and the rest is up to you (but it should be support items). It’s a flawless strategy! Instead of rushing in like a fool and feeding, you stay with your team and protect them with your ult. Your team gets free damage while enemies are stuck. Use E to buff everyone with attack speed and trigger your items for EVEN MORE FREE DAMAGE. And your Q shreds armor, so that's EVEN, EVEN MORE FREE DAMAGE!
Dear Bob, you should play 12-shields Jarvan IV. Go jungle and build the green jungle item. You must then build every item that gives a shield in the game (Eclipse, Sterak's Gage, Fimbulwinter, Locket of Iron Solari, Kaenic Rookern and Bloodthirster, NO BOOTS) and also pick runes that boost your shields (Guardian, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Revitalize and Nullifying Orb). Then, prioritize getting a Mountain dragon soul when available and enjoy going on team fights without taking a single bit of enemy damage.
Dear Bob, you should play support lee sin. His W has an insane %AP ratio and extremely low cooldown when used on allies, so it allows him to pretty much perma spam a 400+ shield on one person, making them nearly unkillable. This combined with cc build into his kit(great slow for catching and ult for disengage) makes him an ideal support pick for climbing. You should pick aerie for your keystone and build a mix of high AP/CDR items and %shield and heal items, with umbral glaive for clearing vision thrown into the mix somewhere later into the game.
Dear Bob, you should play "Stack Attack Smolder". It's a strategy where you build for late lategame where you run every rune that gives stacks and build every item that gives stacks. Example for runes: Graps, Overgrowth, Manaflow, Gathering Storm, Eyeball and Hunter. Example for items: Heartsteel, ROA, Tear items, Hubris and Mejai's. By going this build you are 100% sure to win the late lategame by being stacked up to the max on runes, items and your passive, you won't even need your mothers help at that point since you are a big boy dragon.
Dear Bob, you should play No Q Yone. People always say that you don't need to hit Q on Yone, just run your opponent down and win! You got to prove them right by never using your Q ability!
Dear Bob, you should play Support Nasus. He works very well supporting ADCs by cutting armor with strong poke, and Rylai's applies from every ability, so you should prioritize picking it up first before going into a build. Work with the ADC to decide what minions you're allowed to take for stacks, and be a strong tanky support!
Dear Bob, you should play FULL AP warwick this time. Have you ever imagined to kill someone with only one Q, this is your chance. Dark harvest + lich bane + shadowflame + nashor. You can play JG or top (when in jungle first nashor and when playing top, first lichbane)
Dear Bob, you should play AP Gangplank. This build focuses on demanding the enemy to avoid team fighting on your ultimate you first build lich bane so you have some barrel damage. Next you go malignance to get that juicy mr reducer and ultimate haste. Next you can go either shadowflame or horizon focus. After that you build the other. The last item is situation based, either rabadons, or Morellonomicon for damage or anti heal. I hear this also gives you an insane heal on your W as well. enjoy!
Deat Bob, you should Unstoppable Fighter Jax, where you prioritize as much healing as possible. Things like Conquerer, Blade of Ruined King, Etc. Build some armor that also have healing or support healing to make Jax the best warrior in the rift.
Dear Bob, You should play AD Bruiser Malphite top and clap on em. For runes you go Grasp if you are into tanks, Fleet if you are against ranged (ew), and PTA is you're feeling extra spicy. You build Experimental Hexplate, TriForce/Iceborn, and Ravenous/Titanic Hydra as the core and can finish the build based on situation (Sundered Sky/Sterak's/Black Cleaver/BotRK/Dead Man's). The tech is to ult on em and just start clapping them to death with W. With Experimental Hexplate, your ult gives you a nice boost of AS and MS. Q gives you good sticking power to extend a trade or to run away from one. E is secretly OP against AA-ing champs. It is a surprisingly effective pick against heavy AD team and not as boring as playing half tank Malphite (boring....). And even against AP teams, you are more of a threat because you actually do sustained damage. I hope this build can help you climb quickly. Sincerely, An Ex-AD Malphite Abuser (RIP Sword of the Divine)
Dear Bob, you should play full ap Maokai. Basically, you put all your saplings in a bush and then wait for people to come. You build riftmaker(for tank), horizon focus, shadowflame, zhonyas, and rabadon.
Dear Bob, you should play Team Bushcampers. You and a friend will duo in bot lane with Rengar ADC and Ivern Support. Ivern will go full enchanter max e and w, and will prioritize staying in his bushes so you can abuse Rengar’s passive. You should take Domination with Electrocute and Sudden Impact and constantly win trades on your opponents. You will have high kill pressure and a very aggressive lane. If you get ahead, it becomes a super snowballed game of Rengar. Good luck!
Dear Bob, You should play air support pantheon. This build involves taking as much haste as possible to make your ultimate ability constantly available. With the hail of blades keystone, take ultimate hunter. Then you can take either inspiration tree for reduced summoner spell haste for flash/tp or yellow tree for mana regen and ability haste. You need to rush axiom arc for early lethality and ult cooldown refunds with your roams. From there, Ionian boots, experimental hexplate, and malignance. After that, you can build any items with haste, including tank/mage/bruiser items. Ionian boots are nice so you can tp back to lane after ulting. Please note that this strategy is OP because you can brute force all of your lanes into winning, and you can still win your own lane with gold from all the roaming kills or go even if you have good rotation timing in a difficult matchup. You can play this mid or top. Love, A pantheon guy
Dear Bob, you should play on-it bruserish Thresh top. Most people only look at the max dmg his charged E can cause, but we can't forget that to every soul he also gets on hit dmg on his every auto! Build items like Wits End, Terminus, Bork, Guinsoo's, Runaan's, Jak'Shan, Visage, depending on situation. Boots you will most likely not need the atkspeed one because of the other items, but if needed also an option. Stridebreaker or other atkspd or tank item can also go in.
Dear Bob, as you probably already know, if a champion has at least a single AP scaling ability that means they have a viable mage build. That is why you should play AP Jayce Support. His W ability in the hammer form has an AP scaling, his cannon form E ability can summon Aery and shield your allies and on top of that his cannon form W ability gives him attack speed which will work perfectly with items like Nashor's Tooth. On top of that if you ever see your ADC getting jumped, you can jump straight to him and knock back the enemy. All of this makes him a perfect support champions and will guarantee you winning the lane.
Dear Bob, did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
Dear Bob, You should play Hexflash Malphite support. I usually go Protobelt first for extra zoom, then malignance into AP items for damage, or tanky items if I want to live (matchup dependent). It's not good. but it's really, REALLY fun. They're never out of reach, never safe from malphito
Dear Bob, You should play Perma Blind Teemo which prioritizes lowering your Q’s cooldown using attack speed to make it impossible for the enemy to auto attack you. Runes will be Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes will be Transcendence, and Gathering storm. Then run Attack Speed, Move Speed, and Scaling Health. Your item path will be Nashors Tooth, Beserker’s Greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Spear of Shojin, Wits End, and Blackfire Torch. Nashors Tooth is good to help you get through lane, as well as grants you the attack speed you need to lower your Q’s cooldown later on. Beserker’s Greaves are good for the attack speed to lower your cooldown later on, as well you can upgrade it to zephyr later on. Navori Flickerblade will lower the cooldown of your Q whenever you auto attack. Spear of Shojin will lower your Qs cooldown drastically. If you fully stack both Spear of Shojin, and Lethal Tempo, you are now capable of permanently blinding the enemy. Wits End will push you over the edge of not needing to fully stack lethal tempo to achieve perma blind. Blackfire Torch will push you to not needing to fully stack Spear of Shojin to achieve perma blind. The ability maxing will be Q>E>R>W. With Perma Blind Teemo, nobody will be able to auto attack you and I believe you can win all your games with this build! I believe in you Bob! Good luck!
Dear Bob, you should place speedy Udyr. He needs nothing but speed to become ultra instinct. This will allow him to dodge attacks fast enough to never be touched. tenacity is our friend.
Dear Bob, you should play Thickmo (HP Teemo) where you build Teemo tank with Heartsteel, HP and burn items stacking with Grasp and full HP runes. You shroom up, stealth and burn them while understand why they're losing HP, and then you just bait them to fight you forever while they get slowly poisoned and burned to death and do no damage to you.
Dearest lord Bobberton of Bobbingtown, hath thine keen eye ever landed upon the AD scaling of sir Ornn's Q? It is indeed, much like thine mind, quite large. If I may, I hereby suggest thee should establish thine dominion with maximum AD Ornn, building whichever item allows thee to gain the most AD in that particular moment. Do remember, if I may be so bold as to assume this might escape thine eagle-like gaze, that sir Ornn's passive grants him a large amount of supplementary maximum health, and as thus Overlord's bloodmail may be the best choice in late. For thy runes, here be my suggestions: Dark harvest - Cheap shot - Eyeball collection -Treasure hunter Gathering storm - Absolute focus OR Magical footwear - Approach velocity Dark harvest, as well as its accompanying runes and sorcery tree, as I am sure thee full well understand, are here to aid thee in serving thine justice swiftly and with dazzling might. Whereas the inspiration runes are, as thee no doubt know, here to make certain the impudents who may yet dare survive thine judge-like swing of the hammer, as well as bless the rift with your impeccable sense of fashion and regality.
Dear Bob, you should play AP SEJU, with electrocute, ludens, cosmic, horizon, shadowflame, sorcerer boots. Play this on mid and oneshot all the enamys.
Attempt 17 : Dear Bob, you should play Sle(i)eper-Senna (grasp, heartsteel, warmog, Bloodmail). You don't die and you hit hard ! I heard it's good...! ...After 40 minutes!
Dear Bob, you should play Ultimate Wizard Hwei. You go unsealed spell book as your rune and can only buy active items. I heard it's a challenge for true gamers only.
Dear Bob, You should play Headshot Caitlyn. You may only buy items that grant lethality, and you can only attack champions using headshots-whether they come from your passive, traps, or E. For everything else, you are free to use your normal auto attacks.
Dear bob, you should play infinit stack veigar, the strategy consist on taking anything that stacs like heartsteel, grasp, rabadon(cause yes), overgrowth, hubris, etc. I heard it's good
Dear Bob, i know that tou have played a lot of Yorick, but you should try the tank Yorick build. The build consists of an Iceborn Gauntlet rush, for the defensive stats, and the slow from its passive so you and your ghouls can completely run over the enemy. Tye second item would then be Black Cleaver, for the damage and health, and the armor penetration that you can stack really quickly with your ghouls. The third item is going to be either Dead Man’s Plate, or Spirit Visage depending on what kind of resistances you need. Dead Man’s extra movement speed will really help you to get your empowered auto off. Spirit Visage is just a good item against comps that deal a lot of magic damage, plus the extra healing is always good to have -Credits to Kampsycho for inventing this build
Dear Bob, you should play BUTTCLAPPER VI. Just like how Vi claps Caitlyn's ass in Arcane you should build full crit and E max and aim to one shot every champ you come across with your Auto-e-auto-q-auto combo. If you happen to come across a caitlyn you must kill her first in every team fight.
Dear Bob you should play musical anxiety Draven (MAD for short). You are allowed to build whatever you want. The catch is you have a song, that wont trigger UA-cam copyright system, playing. If you don’t participate in a kill by the time the song is over then you have to burn a summoner spell. If you get a kill or assist then the song resets and the process begins again. I used to do this with “in the hall of the mountain king”.
Dear bob, You should play proxy singed you spend most of the games, proxy-pushing the minions behind the enemy's turrets and if they try to chase you, just run... you're singed and if they bring more than one person, try to ghost and get executed in the turret
Dear Bob, you should play s*icide Sion from theBauffs before they change the bounty system, if they're changing a whole mechanic because of him, the strategy is great
Dear Bob you should play the new meta strat ATTACK SPEED Tank Kench, it is called Tank Kench because you build all attack speed but you build heartsteel so you can scale your passive with hp, after than you can maybe add another hp item and then full attack speed.
Dear Bob, you should try UJhin Bolt. Jhin's passive provides movement speed on crit, which scales with attack speed. What's nice is that Attack Speed still gives Jhin AD. Ujhin Bolt is played like so: Take Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Gathering Storm, Taste of Blood and Treasure Hunter. For difficult laning phases, take the classic Fleet, PoM, Bloodline, CdG/Cutdown + Celerity, Gathering Storm. For boots, take swifties. If you get to 5 items, sell swifties for zephyr. For Items, Rush crit and attack speed: IE, RFC, Phantom Dancer, LDR, and a last situational Attack speed item, (Wit's end, Bork, etc.). No collector. For summoners, take Flash and Ghost. If you really need Cleanse for lane, use it instead of Flash. Keep Ghost. Ghost and hit people, they won't be able to catch you ever. This strategy works especially well with Yuumi, as she also provides sustain, mobility, and extra damage. If you can get past the laning phase, you'll be the closest thing to a god in the rift.
Dear Bob, You should play ICBM LuLu mid. Just max Q -> E and go Luden’s, liliandries anguish, shadowflame, horizon focus, things that multiply your damage and also Luden’s. To activate the combo, E a minion far away from you, and then Q your lane opponent. If you go comet or first strike your poke in lane will be better, but Aeri is also good for those melee matchups. You are basically an immovable wall made for farming, and if you go ignite you can also kill people! (but if you go Electrocute into a mele, you don’t even need ignite to kill) you do fall off late game, But I heard that "ICBM LuLu mid is an S tier korean Lanebully counterpick to any mid laner that isn't ICBM LuLu mid" -LS So late game doesn't matter. I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play the unkillable king in the north. This is done by stacking as many ultimate haste item on Tryndamere. You can start with an Experimental Hexplate, then build an Axiom Arc, go on a Malignance, then. you can stack as many ability haste items. Then you may spam your ultimate and be truly undying
Dear Bob, you should play REALISTIC LEE SIN, by buying a pair of diamond effect glasses and trying to win with them on. You can build whatever, but since he's an expert monk, full ad seems the obvious choice. Have fun!
Dear Bob, You should play BONK illaoi, I heard it is f̶u̶n̶ good (and auditorily VERY satisfying). Tear start --> 3 longswords --> Heartsteel --> Muramana --> Sundered Sky --> IE --> Overlords If you are fed enough you can literally oneshot adcs with just your W.
Dear Bob, you should play Mage-Eater Tahm. Pick Tahm Kench midlane, take Ghost and Tp, trade aggressively into mages and at lvl 6 just eat them, pop ghost and run ino your turret. For Runes take Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Cookies, and Magic Boots. Grab heartsteel asap. Add a dark seal if you are fed early and then go riftmaker second. Scale unlimited with grasp+heartsteel HP and riftmaker AP conversion. From there go either mejais or tank items depending on the game state. Ban a mobility mage of your choice like LeBlanc or Ahri . If someone on support or top asks if you want to swap to their lane, just say "let me cook" bonus points if you have the chef skin.
Dear bob, it is me dad! (dam dam dam) in other for me to come back with the milk i need you to defeate my enemise with burning whounds darius, you go darius and start ith Liandry's / Blackfire Torch making each burn count! you can also build Shadowflame and Rylai's Crystal Scepter later on to make each burn stronger and stronger. i trust you son to save me love you dad
dear bob play safe sion where you keep ypur distance to your oponent. you can only be on a xp range. you can cs only when oponent has backed or roaming. teamfights you can do as you like but try to live. :) good luck
Dear Bob, I am suggesting one of my all time favorite low Elo brews: Full Lifesteal Nocturne Top. The Strat goes as followes: -Tiamat for Early Wave clear, then go Blade of the Ruined King, Bloodthirster and Ravenous Hydra -You have defensive Options with Unending Dispair and Spirit Visage -Utilize Conquerer and Legend Lifeline And remember, they can't kill you, if you Outheal them. Good Luck and Have Fun
Dear Bob, you should play Shimmer Jinx! This buuld revolves around activatikg her passive and being as fast as possible so you can run aroubd the map getting kills and dodging EVERYTHING
Dear Bob, you should play Randomizer with Hullbreaker, you will play just in top lane and select a random champion and play as a splitpusher, dont care of others just you and the enemy towers.
Dear Bob, you should play Jhin + Ekko bot lane. The strategy is that you count to 4 every time you are going to land the 4th auto-attack or 4th ultimate bullet with Jhin and at the same time, the Ekko press R to return to his 4-second previous position to blast on the same target with Jhin. This combo is artistic while having a very high burst damage. They also can do laning phase well with both W having long CC duration and both Q waveclear.
Dear Bob, can you please play Speedster Blue Kayn™? I heard it's very good. You use phase rush and domination secondary and build full movement speed and harass the enemy jungler while stealing as many objectives and kills as possible until you become an unstoppable nightmare that can hunt down anyone at breakneck speeds. For your primary runes you would require : Phase rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity (You may substitute celerity with absolute focus if you feel you are not dealing enough damage) and Waterwalking. For your secondary, you can go : Sudden impact (Interchangeable with eyeball collection) and Relentless hunter to incentivise you to be more aggressive with this playstyle. I STRONGLY recommend you take tenacity/slow resist and movespeed in the runes. Thank you for reading and I trust you can come up with good itemisation for this on your own, have a blessed day my friend. Optional bonus challenge : Every time a cloud drake appears you MUST get it, even if the opportunity to obtain it is bad (That's why you're fast though, right? To steal things. Good luck!) Repost count : 10
Dear bob You should play coward teemo jungle. Playstyle: Dont fight if u dont have to, farm jungle, do objectives and try to never team fight, cowards don't fight! Try to put mushroom everywhere so even thought you won't figth, you still will be dangerous. Runes: Dark harvest Cheap shot Eyeball collection Ultimate hunter For second rune tree you can go Transcendence and gathering storm Or Legends haste and cut down ( or coup de Grace) Build path is up to you, remember that you don't want to fight face to face so you probably don't want to build nashoors tooth, focus on placing mushrooms( maybe buy Malignance). I give you bonus points if thanks to you whole enemy team will have sweepers. Good luck Bob
Dear Bob, you should play FULL CRIT DARIUS! In which you run hail of blades and build full critical hit items to absolutely obliterate any fool who so dares to be within chopping distance. You ideally want to rush Collector first, as the execute effect does work on Darius' bleed, before going into Berserker greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Phantom Dancer, Infinity edge, and Youmuu's ghostblade/Guardian Angel/Bloodthirster. For max Order, I recommend maxing crippling strike first to maximize your burst damage, followed by Apprehend for the free armor penetration, and then Decimate. Summoner spells should be Ghost and Flash to ensure that there is no escape from your divine judgement.
Dear Bob, you should play On-hit Lulu. This works, because you get a lot of Attack speed on your W (Whimsy), which makes you the Ultimate ADC. You should build Rageblade, and a lot of On-hit and Attack-speed Items. I know, that this works, because I was once destroyed by a On-hit Lulu TOP in a bronze Elo Normal Game, so this Strategy must be OP Edit: spelling
Dear bob, you should play lvl 1 control ward yummer. The strategy involves setting your control ward at drake level 1 and constantly replacing it if it ever gets destroyed, sometimes at key objectives and sometimes at the enemy jungle. You spend laning phase stacking your support item whenever it's up but you pay a lot of attention at your control ward, so that you can recall immediately if it gets destroyed. Every time you destroy an enemy ward or control ward you gain good yummer points, try to collect those for a bonus prize
Dear Bob,You Should Play pocket Sona jungle I Heard it's good! Runes: Primary: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm Secondary: Conditioning, Revitalize Stat Shards: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +10-180 Health (based on level) Summoner Spells: Smite and Flash Items: Start with Mosstomper Seedling Rush Ionian Boots and Moonstone Renewer After that, buy 4 Forbidden Idols Complete them based on your team’s needs, usually in this order: Staff of Flowing Water Ardent Censer Mikael’s Blessing/Redemption (depending on if you need to dispel CC) Dawncore Ability Order: Start with Q Max W first, then level Q and E evenly Playstyle: Follow a standard jungle path: start Blue, then Red. After Raptors, rush the Red-side Scuttle, and continue your path from there. When you’re near a lane, even if you can’t gank, give your W to the laner to stack your passive. Alternative Version: For more movement speed (MS), you can run Celerity, Waterwalking, and Relentless Hunter in your runes, with MS stat shards. Start with Gustwalker Seedling instead of Mosstomper Seedling, and max W and E evenly. Take Ghost instead of Flash.
Dear Bob, you should play Fear Ward Fiddlesticks Support. The idea is simple: Your fear and silence can be great for disengage, warding off aggressive champs by spooking them or as a good opener/closer since they wont be able to run when you want to start or end a fight. Your W and R do well in multi person fights and on important objectives like dragon. On top of all that your effigy does not count towards your ward count so you can provide more vision than anyone else! For runes you could go something traditional, but for being a support I suggest Glacial Augment or Aftershock to either double down on the cc or to be unexpectably tanky, and items would be typical support items to gain more healing on your W and assist your ADC or some tank items to live through fights, with a few traditional AP items like Rylai's sprinkled in, what ever you feel is needed at the time since this idea is very flexible.
Dear bob, you should play Double Tap Jhin: BUILD Collector or Hubris into... Titanic Hydra! the AA reset works on Jhin so you can 3rd AA Q 4rd shot in less than half a second! After go IE or pen crit item Finish the build how you want. RUNES I advise for Double Tap so double the technology go Hail of Blades. The bonus AS will get converted in more AD and MS on that sweet 4rd shot. If you are a coward you can still go normal runes tough... I think you should try the combo at least once in practice tool before ranking... GLHF!
Dear Bob, You should play, "Shopkeeper Karthus" I hear it's crazy busted. Lane levels 1 through 6 as normal, and then recall for the magic to begin. From here on, remain in the fountain for the rest of the game building CDR, ulting to help your team from base, and providing helpful tips to your teammates when they return to fountain to shop!
Dear Bob, you should play HP Briar, where you start the build with heartsteel, which will give you a preety good load of HP to survive, then build things like Sunfire Cape, Unending Despair, with Blade of the Ruined King for some additional movement speed and attack speed, ending the build with Titanic Hydra. This build makes Briar almost unkillable and gives a chance of survival when you can't cancel your W, while also giving you a lot of damage from the Titanic hydra. You can play her on jungle or toplane, both viable options, make that little sweet vampire a HUGE SCARY VAMPIRE!
Dear Bob, you should play AD Neeko bird where you build full AD items (BoRK, Navori flickerblade, Kraken Slayer, etc.) and then turn into a raptor with 2.0 attack speed and bite people to death
Dear Bob you should play attack speed Yorick. When you attack the same target as Maiden, you deal MaxHp% damage. You take Lethal Tempo, build BOTRK, and anything that gives you attack speed.
Dear Bob, you should play Singed, Master of Tiltover. This strategy calls on your ability to carry your team by making the enemy team mental boom. Use Singed's glue trap to hook champions into the root and run circles at them, taunting them with your fast movement speed and toxicity to kill their mental state. Good luck on your journey!
Dear Bob, you should play kidnap tahm kench where your whole goal is to ult someone and kidnap them into your turret or your whole team. To accomplish this you will need the phase rush rune as well as ghost. With just these two items you will be able to kidnap someone from the middle of the lane and spit them out under your turret. Along with other movement items like boots of swiftness and deadman's plate you will even be able to capture someone from underneath their own turret.
Dear Bob, you should play SPLITPUSHER ZIGGS, where you build lich bane and hullbreaker for ultimate tower taking since your passive deals extra damage to towers and your W ability has a tower execute. Make sure to max W first since the execute gets bigger as you level it!
@@Mars9471 max W first like a gigachad
good idea
also get 6 grubs
As a Ziggs enjoyer, I back this
Still need to max q first to clear waves fast, no? Will be a rough time splitpushing with no waveclear.
POV: _You're trying to search for comments that don't start with "Dear Bob"_
Found it
Dear Bob, I would like you to find a comment of your choosing that is not a build suggestion that has perfect grammar and derive a build from said nonsensical comment.
@@RussianSpy4632 "Today we have the 'Who Asked' build..."
no i'm not
Doesn't (:
Dear Bob,
Have you ever come across a build in the comments that seemed powerful or interesting, but didn’t get enough votes to be the top pick? Here’s an idea: why not choose 5 highly-rated builds from this year videos (excluding the top-voted comment) and play one game with each of them?
It would be great if you let us know if you are doing this, so the community can revisit the comments and vote for their second-favorite builds.
The video would make a great End of Year Special!
Keep commenting this in the future this is a good idea
Dear Bob, you should play full ultimate haste Gangplank with malignance, experimental hexplate, and axiom arc. This build is designed to nuke the entire map as often as possible, while still giving gangplank huge damage well into the late game. The other items should be shadowflame and blackfire torch for even bigger nukes.
Getting home from work to Pianta its the best
I watch Pianta while my job is chill.
Dear Bob, You should play the "machine gun lizard" full atack speed on hit Neeko with lethal tempo.
First rush BORK, then build into nashor's tooth, Guinsoo's Rageblade and terminus, pick all AS related runes and max Shapesplitter (W)
Unfortunately this build is REALLY bad cause you overkill on AS really fast. Like 2 AS items is already enough if ur running tempo, 3 for PTA
I love imaging what neighbors think when we are playing league, hearing us say random things lol like in this case "I AM THE SNIFER" lmao
Keep it up Bob. I don't know a lot of weird builds so I can't recommend any at the moment :( but I love all your videos! They really make my day
Dear Bob,
Let me introduce you to the Lambojhini strategy. This is a Jhin build that's all about one thing: movement speed. You might be wondering, "How does that work with a champion who's all about precision and waiting for the perfect shot?" Well, my friend, here's the answer: Let's turn Jhin into a high-speed, four- shot menace.
You're going to prioritize movement speed above everything. Forget about those standard damage items. We're here to make Jhin a zooming death machine.
Start by building Boots of Swiftness for that lovely combat MS, then go into Shurelya's Battlesong for some extra speed and team utility. At this point 'u'll be zooming around ↓ the map like a Formula 1 car. Combine that with Kraken Slayer for damage, and you're good to go.
For the runes, Phase Rush is your best friend. After you land a few basic attacks, bam you're off like a rocket, slinging your fourth shot while the enemy can barely keep up. Nimbus Cloak gives you an extra speed burst when you cast a spell, which you can use to zip away or chase down prey. If you're feeling extra spicy, grab Celerity and Water Walking for even more speed shenanigans. Yes, you can walk on water, Bob. It's time to break the laws of physics.
yes please lamborjhini 4 zeal
doesn't he get faster if he builds Attack speed
i think MS scales with AS
I find it weird that Jhin has a speed Passive, but his W and R need him to stand still to use them.
Self root lol
Go lamborjhini pls
Still upvoting this and believing we'll get there!!
1:43 I love your perfect grammar, I will write my next bob comment after your self.
Dear Bob, you should play Jinx from Arcane, where you are Jinx from Arcane. Jinx from Arcane doesn't fight with crossbows (Runaan's, LDR) or weird looking swords (Infinity Edge). Jinx from Arcane fights with guns and hextech. You can only buy items that Jinx from Arcane would build for herself, meaning they either have to be some kind of gun or some kind of hextech-y thing.
Guns: Rapid Firecannon, Luden's Companion
Other hextech-y things: Hextech Rocketbelt, Chempunk Chainsword, Experimental Hexplate
And of course, for boots you should go Mercury's Treads as they look the closest to boots Jinx from Arcane would wear.
You can build other items too, but only if you give us a clear explanation as to why it makes sense for Jinx from Arcane to build it.
Speed: 10/10
Master Roshi bloody nose thumbnail: 👃
Dear Bob, you should play WORLD RECORD TRYNDAMERE. The most CS gained in a Master’s game was 650, with a Tryndamere duoing with a Zilean. Have Zilean hold waves in a solo lane, with his life even, for you to come and collect. The key is to use Zilean’s speed-up to grant you the movement speed necessary to farm like crazy. If done correctly, you’ll be 6 levels ahead of the enemy team and cruising down to their nexus!
Dear Bob, the strategy I wish to suggest is the "tri-investment hp strategy". In which you purchase the items Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and the new Overlord's Bloodmail. Maximizing hp to give you damage. My personal recommendation for a champion is Shyvana.
Dear Bob, you should play Superman Bard, to do it, you need to follow some points:
- you need to fly fast as fuck and have a flying tail, so for that reason
Deadman plate will be always your First item.
- like superman, you help people, not your trail so never pick trailblaze.
- flying as speed of sound is necessary so every item you build need to give you movement Speed someway.
- you must try to save everyone, meeps included, the city of summoner rift is a scared place to be alone.
- once you unlock level six, you lane become "Map" and try to not stay too much in a single lane or they could discover your hidden identity. For runes, take red into blue, and put everything that made you go faster.
The city need you, Superman Bard!
Day 1: I have a suggestion. A build coming straight from the Meta of the Brazilian server. AP Tank Karma on top lane.
Build: First build Rod of Ages as fast as possible, then Heartsteel, Archangel's Staff (tear early after the Rod of Ages), Riftmaker and finally Liandry (CDR boots always).
Runes: are the grip and maximum hp possible on late game, or Comet and max cdr and ap.
Skills: Max W, then E, then Q, and whenever you can, hit a Q to reset Ulti, and use Ulti+W to heal 32% of missing Health every 5 sec.
Have fun Bob, because I have it in my 1v3 customs and in the top lane in ranked.
Dear Bob you should try to play Bardlistic Missile.
You basically go full AP and 100 mph with the Meeps. Take Hail of Blades to burst and roam to kill EVERYONE
I tried this once but with nashers and rageblade for the attack speed.
@Turtleenthusiast-u2b how was it?
@@stargazer59 was fun got like 10 kills but you gotta get like 100 meeps to do decent damage which means you need to roam a lot.
@@Turtleenthusiast-u2b sounds perfect for a pianta video then
@@stargazer59 yep
Dear Bob, you should play ap Lulu. You go dark harvest and build Nashor’s Tooth, Lich Bane, then finish with ap tank items (Riftmaker, Liandry’s, etc). You deal tons of damage with your enhanced auto attacks and your ult will turn you into a chunky brawler. It’s really good you should try it!
Dear Bob, you should play ANIVIA - POPPY duo botlane with Derrick
The build is simple, just follow these steps
1. Use the W - E combo. Anivia puts up a wall while Poppy pushes the enemy into it, stunning them. It should be easy enough to follow up
2. Try to build some items with CDR in order to use the combo more often
3. Have some quality time with Derrick (Very important)
Dear Bob, You should play the "Time Travelling Ekko - Strategy". I´ve heard it is good.
As you of course know, a hypothetical way of time travelling would be to exeed the speed of light. Its physics I think. Since Ekko always had a thing for this kind of stuff, you should try to make him as fast as possible and fullfill his dream of breaking the space-time-continuum and actually travelling through time - not just 4 seconds back.
In practice, that requires you to do everything you can to max out his movement speed. You can still start with Rocketbelt for the momentum but after that it is all >S P E E D< - go Cosmic Drive and Swifties, then finish the buld with Items like Trailblazer, Trinity Force, Youmus Ghostblade, Opportunity or any other Item that grants movement speed one way or the other. Make the homeless kid REALLY QUICK!
lore accurate
Dear Bob, you should play SONIC RAMMUS. You can go top or jungle and the only two rules are: you must take TP, and you must build as much movespeed as you possibly can. The idea is obviously to get deep vision, and to TP for epic ganks, sonic style.
Dear bob, you should play brain dead Yuumi, get a friend (if you have one) to play adc, play Yuumi, and then hop on him. Go get a snack or something and come back when the game is over. Just tell him not to die.
So... Normal yummi(?
12:21 greatest league of legends combo ever. hats off.
Dear bob, you shoud play nuclear neeko, dark harvest, malignerance first item into shadowflame then deadcap, and as much ability haste out of runes and boots as possible, in the end the ult colldown goes down to something like 30 sec, works better jungle but can go mid as well. As for strategy, whenever ult is up gank in a wave and farm kills
Dear Bob,
You should play Coward Prince J4! J4 is a prince and really brave, right? He charges in headfirst and fights head-on. But what if you do the opposite? Build enchanter items and Fimbulwinter (because you’re a coward and need extra protection). Rush Rylai, Dream Maker, and Imperial Mandate. Max E to give your ADC more attack speed and trigger the slow from Font of Life. Your third item should be Fimbulwinter, and the rest is up to you (but it should be support items).
It’s a flawless strategy! Instead of rushing in like a fool and feeding, you stay with your team and protect them with your ult. Your team gets free damage while enemies are stuck. Use E to buff everyone with attack speed and trigger your items for EVEN MORE FREE DAMAGE. And your Q shreds armor, so that's EVEN, EVEN MORE FREE DAMAGE!
Dear Bob, you should play 12-shields Jarvan IV. Go jungle and build the green jungle item. You must then build every item that gives a shield in the game (Eclipse, Sterak's Gage, Fimbulwinter, Locket of Iron Solari, Kaenic Rookern and Bloodthirster, NO BOOTS) and also pick runes that boost your shields (Guardian, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Revitalize and Nullifying Orb). Then, prioritize getting a Mountain dragon soul when available and enjoy going on team fights without taking a single bit of enemy damage.
I just want to call out that my mans requires perfect grammar in our comments but the spelling in that note doc was NASTY WORK.
Dear Bob, you should play support lee sin. His W has an insane %AP ratio and extremely low cooldown when used on allies, so it allows him to pretty much perma spam a 400+ shield on one person, making them nearly unkillable. This combined with cc build into his kit(great slow for catching and ult for disengage) makes him an ideal support pick for climbing. You should pick aerie for your keystone and build a mix of high AP/CDR items and %shield and heal items, with umbral glaive for clearing vision thrown into the mix somewhere later into the game.
Dear Bob, you should play "Stack Attack Smolder". It's a strategy where you build for late lategame where you run every rune that gives stacks and build every item that gives stacks. Example for runes: Graps, Overgrowth, Manaflow, Gathering Storm, Eyeball and Hunter. Example for items: Heartsteel, ROA, Tear items, Hubris and Mejai's.
By going this build you are 100% sure to win the late lategame by being stacked up to the max on runes, items and your passive, you won't even need your mothers help at that point since you are a big boy dragon.
Dear Bob, you should play Attack Speed Thresh.
That is all -- you know what to do. Happy thanksgiving.
Dear Bob, you should play No Q Yone. People always say that you don't need to hit Q on Yone, just run your opponent down and win! You got to prove them right by never using your Q ability!
Missed opportunity to call it no QQ Yone because crying like a little bitch is every windshitter's specialty.
Dear Bob, you should play Support Nasus. He works very well supporting ADCs by cutting armor with strong poke, and Rylai's applies from every ability, so you should prioritize picking it up first before going into a build. Work with the ADC to decide what minions you're allowed to take for stacks, and be a strong tanky support!
Dear Bob, you should play FULL AP warwick this time. Have you ever imagined to kill someone with only one Q, this is your chance. Dark harvest + lich bane + shadowflame + nashor. You can play JG or top (when in jungle first nashor and when playing top, first lichbane)
Dear Bob, you should play AP Gangplank. This build focuses on demanding the enemy to avoid team fighting on your ultimate you first build lich bane so you have some barrel damage. Next you go malignance to get that juicy mr reducer and ultimate haste. Next you can go either shadowflame or horizon focus. After that you build the other. The last item is situation based, either rabadons, or Morellonomicon for damage or anti heal. I hear this also gives you an insane heal on your W as well. enjoy!
Deat Bob, you should Unstoppable Fighter Jax, where you prioritize as much healing as possible. Things like Conquerer, Blade of Ruined King, Etc. Build some armor that also have healing or support healing to make Jax the best warrior in the rift.
Dear Bob,
You should play AD Bruiser Malphite top and clap on em. For runes you go Grasp if you are into tanks, Fleet if you are against ranged (ew), and PTA is you're feeling extra spicy. You build Experimental Hexplate, TriForce/Iceborn, and Ravenous/Titanic Hydra as the core and can finish the build based on situation (Sundered Sky/Sterak's/Black Cleaver/BotRK/Dead Man's). The tech is to ult on em and just start clapping them to death with W. With Experimental Hexplate, your ult gives you a nice boost of AS and MS. Q gives you good sticking power to extend a trade or to run away from one. E is secretly OP against AA-ing champs. It is a surprisingly effective pick against heavy AD team and not as boring as playing half tank Malphite (boring....). And even against AP teams, you are more of a threat because you actually do sustained damage. I hope this build can help you climb quickly.
An Ex-AD Malphite Abuser (RIP Sword of the Divine)
Dear Bob, you should play full ap Maokai. Basically, you put all your saplings in a bush and then wait for people to come. You build riftmaker(for tank), horizon focus, shadowflame, zhonyas, and rabadon.
Dear Bob, you should play Team Bushcampers. You and a friend will duo in bot lane with Rengar ADC and Ivern Support. Ivern will go full enchanter max e and w, and will prioritize staying in his bushes so you can abuse Rengar’s passive. You should take Domination with Electrocute and Sudden Impact and constantly win trades on your opponents. You will have high kill pressure and a very aggressive lane. If you get ahead, it becomes a super snowballed game of Rengar. Good luck!
Dear Bob, I heard that Garen scales really well with AP and that's why you should play AP Garen.
Dear Bob,
You should play air support pantheon. This build involves taking as much haste as possible to make your ultimate ability constantly available. With the hail of blades keystone, take ultimate hunter. Then you can take either inspiration tree for reduced summoner spell haste for flash/tp or yellow tree for mana regen and ability haste.
You need to rush axiom arc for early lethality and ult cooldown refunds with your roams. From there, Ionian boots, experimental hexplate, and malignance. After that, you can build any items with haste, including tank/mage/bruiser items. Ionian boots are nice so you can tp back to lane after ulting.
Please note that this strategy is OP because you can brute force all of your lanes into winning, and you can still win your own lane with gold from all the roaming kills or go even if you have good rotation timing in a difficult matchup. You can play this mid or top.
A pantheon guy
Dear Bob, you should play on-it bruserish Thresh top. Most people only look at the max dmg his charged E can cause, but we can't forget that to every soul he also gets on hit dmg on his every auto! Build items like Wits End, Terminus, Bork, Guinsoo's, Runaan's, Jak'Shan, Visage, depending on situation. Boots you will most likely not need the atkspeed one because of the other items, but if needed also an option. Stridebreaker or other atkspd or tank item can also go in.
Dear Bob, as you probably already know, if a champion has at least a single AP scaling ability that means they have a viable mage build. That is why you should play AP Jayce Support.
His W ability in the hammer form has an AP scaling, his cannon form E ability can summon Aery and shield your allies and on top of that his cannon form W ability gives him attack speed which will work perfectly with items like Nashor's Tooth.
On top of that if you ever see your ADC getting jumped, you can jump straight to him and knock back the enemy. All of this makes him a perfect support champions and will guarantee you winning the lane.
Dear Bob, did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
Dear Bob,
You should play Hexflash Malphite support. I usually go Protobelt first for extra zoom, then malignance into AP items for damage, or tanky items if I want to live (matchup dependent). It's not good. but it's really, REALLY fun. They're never out of reach, never safe from malphito
Dear Bob, You Should play *This Strategy* I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, You should play Perma Blind Teemo which prioritizes lowering your Q’s cooldown using attack speed to make it impossible for the enemy to auto attack you.
Runes will be Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes will be Transcendence, and Gathering storm. Then run Attack Speed, Move Speed, and Scaling Health.
Your item path will be Nashors Tooth, Beserker’s Greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Spear of Shojin, Wits End, and Blackfire Torch.
Nashors Tooth is good to help you get through lane, as well as grants you the attack speed you need to lower your Q’s cooldown later on.
Beserker’s Greaves are good for the attack speed to lower your cooldown later on, as well you can upgrade it to zephyr later on.
Navori Flickerblade will lower the cooldown of your Q whenever you auto attack.
Spear of Shojin will lower your Qs cooldown drastically. If you fully stack both Spear of Shojin, and Lethal Tempo, you are now capable of permanently blinding the enemy.
Wits End will push you over the edge of not needing to fully stack lethal tempo to achieve perma blind.
Blackfire Torch will push you to not needing to fully stack Spear of Shojin to achieve perma blind.
The ability maxing will be Q>E>R>W.
With Perma Blind Teemo, nobody will be able to auto attack you and I believe you can win all your games with this build! I believe in you Bob! Good luck!
Dear Bob, you should place speedy Udyr. He needs nothing but speed to become ultra instinct. This will allow him to dodge attacks fast enough to never be touched. tenacity is our friend.
Dear Bob, you should play Thickmo (HP Teemo) where you build Teemo tank with Heartsteel, HP and burn items stacking with Grasp and full HP runes. You shroom up, stealth and burn them while understand why they're losing HP, and then you just bait them to fight you forever while they get slowly poisoned and burned to death and do no damage to you.
Dearest lord Bobberton of Bobbingtown, hath thine keen eye ever landed upon the AD scaling of sir Ornn's Q? It is indeed, much like thine mind, quite large. If I may, I hereby suggest thee should establish thine dominion with maximum AD Ornn, building whichever item allows thee to gain the most AD in that particular moment.
Do remember, if I may be so bold as to assume this might escape thine eagle-like gaze, that sir Ornn's passive grants him a large amount of supplementary maximum health, and as thus Overlord's bloodmail may be the best choice in late.
For thy runes, here be my suggestions:
Dark harvest - Cheap shot - Eyeball collection -Treasure hunter
Gathering storm - Absolute focus OR Magical footwear - Approach velocity
Dark harvest, as well as its accompanying runes and sorcery tree, as I am sure thee full well understand, are here to aid thee in serving thine justice swiftly and with dazzling might. Whereas the inspiration runes are, as thee no doubt know, here to make certain the impudents who may yet dare survive thine judge-like swing of the hammer, as well as bless the rift with your impeccable sense of fashion and regality.
Dear Bob, you should play AP SEJU, with electrocute, ludens, cosmic, horizon, shadowflame, sorcerer boots. Play this on mid and oneshot all the enamys.
Dear Bob, you should play "Bard Smite Support". With this strategy you can invade!
Attempt 17 : Dear Bob, you should play Sle(i)eper-Senna (grasp, heartsteel, warmog, Bloodmail). You don't die and you hit hard ! I heard it's good...!
...After 40 minutes!
Dear Bob, you should play Ultimate Wizard Hwei. You go unsealed spell book as your rune and can only buy active items. I heard it's a challenge for true gamers only.
Dear Bob,
You should play Headshot Caitlyn. You may only buy items that grant lethality, and you can only attack champions using headshots-whether they come from your passive, traps, or E. For everything else, you are free to use your normal auto attacks.
Dear bob, you should play infinit stack veigar, the strategy consist on taking anything that stacs like heartsteel, grasp, rabadon(cause yes), overgrowth, hubris, etc. I heard it's good
That intro was the true lore accurate Warwick.
Dear Bob, i know that tou have played a lot of Yorick, but you should try the tank Yorick build. The build consists of an Iceborn Gauntlet rush, for the defensive stats, and the slow from its passive so you and your ghouls can completely run over the enemy. Tye second item would then be Black Cleaver, for the damage and health, and the armor penetration that you can stack really quickly with your ghouls. The third item is going to be either Dead Man’s Plate, or Spirit Visage depending on what kind of resistances you need. Dead Man’s extra movement speed will really help you to get your empowered auto off. Spirit Visage is just a good item against comps that deal a lot of magic damage, plus the extra healing is always good to have
-Credits to Kampsycho for inventing this build
Vander did not die for this 😭
Sorry for spoiler
dear Bob you should play FULL AP XIN ZAO to BURST your enemies and have INFINITE sustain
Dear Bob, you should play BUTTCLAPPER VI. Just like how Vi claps Caitlyn's ass in Arcane you should build full crit and E max and aim to one shot every champ you come across with your Auto-e-auto-q-auto combo. If you happen to come across a caitlyn you must kill her first in every team fight.
Dear bob, you should play lick-a-tongue Tahm Kench, you build full AP and lick people to death.
Dear Brian, this interaction farm you have going on is a stroke of genius, 10/10 IRL macro.
Dear Bob you should play musical anxiety Draven (MAD for short). You are allowed to build whatever you want. The catch is you have a song, that wont trigger UA-cam copyright system, playing. If you don’t participate in a kill by the time the song is over then you have to burn a summoner spell. If you get a kill or assist then the song resets and the process begins again. I used to do this with “in the hall of the mountain king”.
Dear bob, You should play proxy singed
you spend most of the games, proxy-pushing the minions behind the enemy's turrets
and if they try to chase you, just run... you're singed
and if they bring more than one person, try to ghost and get executed in the turret
Dear Bob, you should play s*icide Sion from theBauffs before they change the bounty system, if they're changing a whole mechanic because of him, the strategy is great
Dear Bob you should play the new meta strat ATTACK SPEED Tank Kench, it is called Tank Kench because you build all attack speed but you build heartsteel so you can scale your passive with hp, after than you can maybe add another hp item and then full attack speed.
Dear Bob, you should try UJhin Bolt.
Jhin's passive provides movement speed on crit, which scales with attack speed.
What's nice is that Attack Speed still gives Jhin AD.
Ujhin Bolt is played like so:
Take Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Gathering Storm, Taste of Blood and Treasure Hunter.
For difficult laning phases, take the classic Fleet, PoM, Bloodline, CdG/Cutdown + Celerity, Gathering Storm.
For boots, take swifties. If you get to 5 items, sell swifties for zephyr.
For Items, Rush crit and attack speed: IE, RFC, Phantom Dancer, LDR, and a last situational Attack speed item, (Wit's end, Bork, etc.). No collector.
For summoners, take Flash and Ghost. If you really need Cleanse for lane, use it instead of Flash. Keep Ghost.
Ghost and hit people, they won't be able to catch you ever.
This strategy works especially well with Yuumi, as she also provides sustain, mobility, and extra damage. If you can get past the laning phase, you'll be the closest thing to a god in the rift.
Dear Bob, You should play ICBM LuLu mid.
Just max Q -> E and go Luden’s, liliandries anguish, shadowflame, horizon focus, things that multiply your damage and also Luden’s. To activate the combo, E a minion far away from you, and then Q your lane opponent. If you go comet or first strike your poke in lane will be better, but Aeri is also good for those melee matchups. You are basically an immovable wall made for farming, and if you go ignite you can also kill people! (but if you go Electrocute into a mele, you don’t even need ignite to kill)
you do fall off late game, But I heard that "ICBM LuLu mid is an S tier korean Lanebully counterpick to any mid laner that isn't ICBM LuLu mid" -LS
So late game doesn't matter. I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play the unkillable king in the north. This is done by stacking as many ultimate haste item on Tryndamere. You can start with an Experimental Hexplate, then build an Axiom Arc, go on a Malignance, then. you can stack as many ability haste items. Then you may spam your ultimate and be truly undying
Dear Bob, you should play REALISTIC LEE SIN, by buying a pair of diamond effect glasses and trying to win with them on. You can build whatever, but since he's an expert monk, full ad seems the obvious choice. Have fun!
Dear Bob,
You should play BONK illaoi, I heard it is f̶u̶n̶ good (and auditorily VERY satisfying).
Tear start --> 3 longswords --> Heartsteel --> Muramana --> Sundered Sky --> IE --> Overlords
If you are fed enough you can literally oneshot adcs with just your W.
Watching warwick walk all the way from bot to top at sonic speed has to be horrifying
Dear Bob, you should play Mage-Eater Tahm.
Pick Tahm Kench midlane, take Ghost and Tp, trade aggressively into mages and at lvl 6 just eat them, pop ghost and run ino your turret. For Runes take Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Cookies, and Magic Boots.
Grab heartsteel asap. Add a dark seal if you are fed early and then go riftmaker second. Scale unlimited with grasp+heartsteel HP and riftmaker AP conversion. From there go either mejais or tank items depending on the game state.
Ban a mobility mage of your choice like LeBlanc or Ahri .
If someone on support or top asks if you want to swap to their lane, just say "let me cook" bonus points if you have the chef skin.
Dear bob,
it is me dad! (dam dam dam) in other for me to come back with the milk i need you to defeate my enemise with burning whounds darius, you go darius and start ith Liandry's / Blackfire Torch making each burn count! you can also build Shadowflame and Rylai's Crystal Scepter later on to make each burn stronger and stronger.
i trust you son to save me love you dad
dear bob play safe sion where you keep ypur distance to your oponent. you can only be on a xp range. you can cs only when oponent has backed or roaming. teamfights you can do as you like but try to live. :) good luck
Dear Bob,
I am suggesting one of my all time favorite low Elo brews: Full Lifesteal Nocturne Top.
The Strat goes as followes:
-Tiamat for Early Wave clear, then go Blade of the Ruined King, Bloodthirster and Ravenous Hydra
-You have defensive Options with Unending Dispair and Spirit Visage
-Utilize Conquerer and Legend Lifeline
And remember, they can't kill you, if you Outheal them.
Good Luck and Have Fun
Dear Bob, you should play Shimmer Jinx! This buuld revolves around activatikg her passive and being as fast as possible so you can run aroubd the map getting kills and dodging EVERYTHING
Dear Bob, you should play Randomizer with Hullbreaker, you will play just in top lane and select a random champion and play as a splitpusher, dont care of others just you and the enemy towers.
Dear Bob, you should play Jhin + Ekko bot lane. The strategy is that you count to 4 every time you are going to land the 4th auto-attack or 4th ultimate bullet with Jhin and at the same time, the Ekko press R to return to his 4-second previous position to blast on the same target with Jhin. This combo is artistic while having a very high burst damage. They also can do laning phase well with both W having long CC duration and both Q waveclear.
Dear Bob, can you please play Speedster Blue Kayn™? I heard it's very good. You use phase rush and domination secondary and build full movement speed and harass the enemy jungler while stealing as many objectives and kills as possible until you become an unstoppable nightmare that can hunt down anyone at breakneck speeds.
For your primary runes you would require : Phase rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity (You may substitute celerity with absolute focus if you feel you are not dealing enough damage) and Waterwalking.
For your secondary, you can go : Sudden impact (Interchangeable with eyeball collection) and Relentless hunter to incentivise you to be more aggressive with this playstyle.
I STRONGLY recommend you take tenacity/slow resist and movespeed in the runes.
Thank you for reading and I trust you can come up with good itemisation for this on your own, have a blessed day my friend.
Optional bonus challenge : Every time a cloud drake appears you MUST get it, even if the opportunity to obtain it is bad (That's why you're fast though, right? To steal things. Good luck!)
Repost count : 10
Dear bob
You should play coward teemo jungle.
Dont fight if u dont have to, farm jungle, do objectives and try to never team fight, cowards don't fight! Try to put mushroom everywhere so even thought you won't figth, you still will be dangerous.
Dark harvest
Cheap shot
Eyeball collection
Ultimate hunter
For second rune tree you can go
Transcendence and gathering storm
Legends haste and cut down ( or coup de Grace)
Build path is up to you, remember that you don't want to fight face to face so you probably don't want to build nashoors tooth, focus on placing mushrooms( maybe buy Malignance).
I give you bonus points if thanks to you whole enemy team will have sweepers.
Good luck Bob
Dear Bob, you should play FULL CRIT DARIUS! In which you run hail of blades and build full critical hit items to absolutely obliterate any fool who so dares to be within chopping distance.
You ideally want to rush Collector first, as the execute effect does work on Darius' bleed, before going into Berserker greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Phantom Dancer, Infinity edge, and Youmuu's ghostblade/Guardian Angel/Bloodthirster.
For max Order, I recommend maxing crippling strike first to maximize your burst damage, followed by Apprehend for the free armor penetration, and then Decimate.
Summoner spells should be Ghost and Flash to ensure that there is no escape from your divine judgement.
Dear Bob, you should play On-hit Lulu. This works, because you get a lot of Attack speed on your W (Whimsy), which makes you the Ultimate ADC. You should build Rageblade, and a lot of On-hit and Attack-speed Items. I know, that this works, because I was once destroyed by a On-hit Lulu TOP in a bronze Elo Normal Game, so this Strategy must be OP
Edit: spelling
Dear bob, you should play lvl 1 control ward yummer. The strategy involves setting your control ward at drake level 1 and constantly replacing it if it ever gets destroyed, sometimes at key objectives and sometimes at the enemy jungle. You spend laning phase stacking your support item whenever it's up but you pay a lot of attention at your control ward, so that you can recall immediately if it gets destroyed. Every time you destroy an enemy ward or control ward you gain good yummer points, try to collect those for a bonus prize
Dear Bob,You Should Play pocket Sona jungle I Heard it's good!
Primary: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm
Secondary: Conditioning, Revitalize
Stat Shards: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +10-180 Health (based on level)
Summoner Spells:
Smite and Flash
Start with Mosstomper Seedling
Rush Ionian Boots and Moonstone Renewer
After that, buy 4 Forbidden Idols
Complete them based on your team’s needs, usually in this order:
Staff of Flowing Water
Ardent Censer
Mikael’s Blessing/Redemption (depending on if you need to dispel CC)
Ability Order:
Start with Q
Max W first, then level Q and E evenly
Follow a standard jungle path: start Blue, then Red. After Raptors, rush the Red-side Scuttle, and continue your path from there.
When you’re near a lane, even if you can’t gank, give your W to the laner to stack your passive.
Alternative Version:
For more movement speed (MS), you can run Celerity, Waterwalking, and Relentless Hunter in your runes, with MS stat shards.
Start with Gustwalker Seedling instead of Mosstomper Seedling, and max W and E evenly. Take Ghost instead of Flash.
Dear Bob, you should play Fear Ward Fiddlesticks Support. The idea is simple: Your fear and silence can be great for disengage, warding off aggressive champs by spooking them or as a good opener/closer since they wont be able to run when you want to start or end a fight. Your W and R do well in multi person fights and on important objectives like dragon. On top of all that your effigy does not count towards your ward count so you can provide more vision than anyone else! For runes you could go something traditional, but for being a support I suggest Glacial Augment or Aftershock to either double down on the cc or to be unexpectably tanky, and items would be typical support items to gain more healing on your W and assist your ADC or some tank items to live through fights, with a few traditional AP items like Rylai's sprinkled in, what ever you feel is needed at the time since this idea is very flexible.
Dear Boob, you should play AP bruiser Nasus, with both dot magic items, sunfire and other dot or tank items. Then stare ppl with your ult.
Dear bob, you should play Double Tap Jhin:
Collector or Hubris into...
Titanic Hydra! the AA reset works on Jhin so you can 3rd AA Q 4rd shot in less than half a second!
After go IE or pen crit item
Finish the build how you want.
I advise for Double Tap so double the technology go Hail of Blades.
The bonus AS will get converted in more AD and MS on that sweet 4rd shot.
If you are a coward you can still go normal runes tough...
I think you should try the combo at least once in practice tool before ranking...
Dear Bob,
You should play, "Shopkeeper Karthus" I hear it's crazy busted. Lane levels 1 through 6 as normal, and then recall for the magic to begin. From here on, remain in the fountain for the rest of the game building CDR, ulting to help your team from base, and providing helpful tips to your teammates when they return to fountain to shop!
4:39 😂 arcane lore
Dear bob, you should play xerath, just normal xerath
Dear Bob, you should play HP Briar, where you start the build with heartsteel, which will give you a preety good load of HP to survive, then build things like Sunfire Cape, Unending Despair, with Blade of the Ruined King for some additional movement speed and attack speed, ending the build with Titanic Hydra. This build makes Briar almost unkillable and gives a chance of survival when you can't cancel your W, while also giving you a lot of damage from the Titanic hydra. You can play her on jungle or toplane, both viable options, make that little sweet vampire a HUGE SCARY VAMPIRE!
Dear Bob, you should play AD Neeko bird where you build full AD items (BoRK, Navori flickerblade, Kraken Slayer, etc.) and then turn into a raptor with 2.0 attack speed and bite people to death
Dear Bob you should play attack speed Yorick. When you attack the same target as Maiden, you deal MaxHp% damage. You take Lethal Tempo, build BOTRK, and anything that gives you attack speed.
Dear Bob, you should play Singed, Master of Tiltover. This strategy calls on your ability to carry your team by making the enemy team mental boom. Use Singed's glue trap to hook champions into the root and run circles at them, taunting them with your fast movement speed and toxicity to kill their mental state. Good luck on your journey!
Dear Bob, you should play kidnap tahm kench where your whole goal is to ult someone and kidnap them into your turret or your whole team. To accomplish this you will need the phase rush rune as well as ghost. With just these two items you will be able to kidnap someone from the middle of the lane and spit them out under your turret. Along with other movement items like boots of swiftness and deadman's plate you will even be able to capture someone from underneath their own turret.
i love brians dyslexia
Dear Bob that's my warwick everyday.
Can confirm (before watching) that this will be fantastic!
Dear Bob, 9:35 "OH THE MISERY!"
19:28 Holy four man stun!