Zoella Does My Make Up

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 38 тис.

  • @AlfieDeyes
    @AlfieDeyes  10 років тому +10301

    This seems so long ago!

  • @bellapearce6688
    @bellapearce6688 7 років тому +464

    *4 Years later and I still think the intro is lit*

  • @ng3057
    @ng3057 2 роки тому +131

    Dear Ottilie Rue Deyes - I grew up watching your mum and dad ,I was 12 when this came out . All the girls in my school did their hair and makeup like Zoella and everyone watched pointlessblog vlogs in the evenings . Your mum felt like my big sister as I was an only child and watching their story together was so exiting ! How wonderful it is for you to have such amazing documentation of their lives . Now you are 1 and one day you will be able to go through them all . I come back to old videos like this for comfort when I feel sad! Your mum and dad are the best ! 💕

  • @jjennalehtonenn
    @jjennalehtonenn 3 роки тому +535

    who’s having a zalfie marathon after the pregnancy announcement 😭😭

  • @rayleek9438
    @rayleek9438 10 років тому +177

    You can tell how much they liked each other and never really saw it. How they laugh at each others jokes that weren't funny, etc. And it took them so long to realize they actually like each other.

    • @SofaLoveseat
      @SofaLoveseat 10 років тому +16

      if you pause right after zoe says he looks really hot for about a second before he cuts it out he blushes a bit and its so adorable

    • @biancacastedo649
      @biancacastedo649 10 років тому

      Sofa Loveseat true i did that and it was so adorable great looking ;)

    • @sophialemon549
      @sophialemon549 10 років тому +3

      That's really sweet actually

    • @biancacastedo649
      @biancacastedo649 10 років тому +1

      I know right

    • @mirandadobbs7355
      @mirandadobbs7355 10 років тому +2

      Oohh god, he did blush!! :3 so cute

  • @scarliekawarlie9104
    @scarliekawarlie9104 5 років тому +237

    2020 anyone ?!?! this is so cute

  • @morphbb
    @morphbb 8 років тому +336

    There's so much flirty banter from Alfie

  • @andreszm
    @andreszm 3 роки тому +288

    Now they’re having a baby 😭

  • @jenuinely_
    @jenuinely_ 8 років тому +176

    "I think I look really hot"
    "I think so too"
    *Alfie smirks*

  • @niki27x
    @niki27x 3 роки тому +88

    and now they’re having a little girl! This makes me so happy 🙌🏼😍🤍 OG anyone?

  • @missnobody5958
    @missnobody5958 8 років тому +419

    You can totally tell Alfie fancied Zoe back then!!😂

  • @flocrickmore
    @flocrickmore 3 роки тому +45

    this just makes me so emotional, just the fact they're having a baby girl :,)

  • @Emiko91
    @Emiko91 10 років тому +235

    I love the intro!! I'm just watching it again and again..

  • @munashedumba70
    @munashedumba70 9 років тому +290

    Zoe looks the same to this day, but Alfie has changed soooo much. Zoe's right, he turned into a man when he met her....

  • @dimondglory
    @dimondglory 8 років тому +331

    It was so obvious. Why didn't we see Zalfie coming from day one?

  • @matildawillcox1693
    @matildawillcox1693 3 роки тому +567

    Who’s here after their pregnancy announcement 😭

  • @shannonatlanta4013
    @shannonatlanta4013 7 років тому +85

    Who's watching this after Zoe mentions in her new vlog that the song at the beginning was playing on the radio in their new home and saying this was where they first met :) xx

    • @shre297
      @shre297 7 років тому +2

      Can you please tell me what the name of that vlog is? Thanks! xx

    • @shre297
      @shre297 7 років тому +1

      Shannon Bradford can you please tell me what the name of the vlog is???

    • @shannonatlanta4013
      @shannonatlanta4013 7 років тому +1

      shre297 I can research it for you x

    • @shre297
      @shre297 7 років тому +1

      Shannon Bradford thanks a bunch! 💞

    • @shannonatlanta4013
      @shannonatlanta4013 7 років тому +1

      shre297 it's in Alfie's vlog the big day when they move type it up xx

  • @maddiejane3751
    @maddiejane3751 8 років тому +78

    Alfie flirting haha

  • @chelseapalad3901
    @chelseapalad3901 9 років тому +13

    The smile he tries to hide when Zoe compliments him at 4:35 AWWWW ZALFIE

  • @hailztorm8136
    @hailztorm8136 3 роки тому +10

    just re watching all the old zalfie videos and omg yall are seriously going to be parents its insane...

  • @maryallison2644
    @maryallison2644 8 років тому +131

    Lol gosh you were both so young. And this was pre Alfie being a expertise guy. I bet he didn't think the future Alfie would actually go to the gym. Lol this was fun seeing you both early on in your relationship. You both seem much more comfortable together now then you did back then.

    • @natashagrace9800
      @natashagrace9800 8 років тому +1

      mary allison have a nice day

    • @xdtijnntssyu3314
      @xdtijnntssyu3314 8 років тому +1

      Zoe wasn't young she's 6 years older than him

    • @JustinDrewBieber687
      @JustinDrewBieber687 8 років тому

      She isn't that much older than him. He's 22 and she is 26. Thats only 4 years

    • @xdtijnntssyu3314
      @xdtijnntssyu3314 8 років тому +1

      Cassidy Willits. No she's 6 years older search their ages on Google

    • @JustinDrewBieber687
      @JustinDrewBieber687 8 років тому +2

      Gffgh don't always believe what's on google. If you watch their vlogs, she posted a vlog of her 26th birthday and he also posted a vlog of his 22 second birthday.

  • @jennyleavey5943
    @jennyleavey5943 8 років тому +560

    I want the them to get married

    • @zoesugg248
      @zoesugg248 8 років тому +2

      Jennykins x me too. Do you know if they are there already together??

    • @jennyleavey5943
      @jennyleavey5943 8 років тому +5

      Emma Watson yay they are a couple and they moved into a mansion together😄but I feel like they are ready to take the next step and there both in there middle/late 20's. So it's the perfect time for Alfie to pop the question❤️

    • @xoxsophiexox967
      @xoxsophiexox967 8 років тому +6

      Jennykins x they didn't move into a mansion they live in a nice house not a mansion

    • @emma-6057
      @emma-6057 7 років тому +3

      Zoe Sugg have you been under a rock, they've been going out for about 2 years / 1/2 years now

    • @kinsonsaxo7105
      @kinsonsaxo7105 7 років тому +4

      Phanic! At The Twenty Øne Crybabies *4 years

  • @travistakamori1989
    @travistakamori1989 9 років тому +122

    Alfie's eyebrows on fleek!

  • @Inmylibrary
    @Inmylibrary 3 роки тому +61

    Imagine their baby watching this when she's a little older 💜

  • @joskusko
    @joskusko 10 років тому +75

    this was one of the first videos i watched from alfie :D and i remember i shipped those two so hard and now they are a perfect couple

  • @bellagrace4954
    @bellagrace4954 8 років тому +436

    And now they live in a £1,000,000 mansion together, they have a pug, 2 Guinea pigs and they are one of the most popular couples on the Internet.

    • @myrthe1136
      @myrthe1136 8 років тому +1


    • @CrotaTheStrike
      @CrotaTheStrike 8 років тому

      Yeah they do now............somehow

    • @VolareConMi
      @VolareConMi 8 років тому

      They live in a mansion?

    • @mariasheldia9556
      @mariasheldia9556 8 років тому

      +Brittany Innes yes

    • @bethdavies8494
      @bethdavies8494 8 років тому

      +Brittany Innes at the moment yes not in that video because they weren't together in that video

  • @Henry-do1cu
    @Henry-do1cu 7 років тому +542

    Anyone here after they just moved house?

    • @Henry-do1cu
      @Henry-do1cu 7 років тому +5

      yeah me too haha

    • @shre297
      @shre297 7 років тому +2

      What video/vlog was that can someone tell me??

    • @sophie-tp4ok
      @sophie-tp4ok 6 років тому

      Henry Wise me

  • @AnaClara-kj9cf
    @AnaClara-kj9cf 7 років тому +129

    A month later.. they started dating ☺️

  • @alicetansley6080
    @alicetansley6080 3 роки тому +56

    Anyone here after hearing they’re having a baby?

  • @sabrina.a
    @sabrina.a 3 роки тому +8

    This makes me cry seeing how far you guys have come! I'm so happy for you both! You're going to be amazing parents. Been watching you guys since 2013 and I feel like I have grown with you

  • @amberhanson7663
    @amberhanson7663 5 років тому +43

    I swear Zoe never ages 😂

    • @koalums
      @koalums 8 днів тому

      fr 😭 watching some of their old videos and then comparing them with their new videos it’s actually crazy 😭 the only things that’s changed how she looks is her hair really lol

  • @reganlouise3275
    @reganlouise3275 5 років тому +74

    Ok just me wow
    And also Alfredo was 100% flirting with Zoe from the start 😂

  • @EloiseMolly
    @EloiseMolly 10 років тому +8

    The intro to this makes my heart melt

  • @meganward405
    @meganward405 7 років тому +17

    I literally played that intro like a million times!!! Love you Alfie! ❤️💛💚💙💜💕💞💖💗💓

  • @ada20101993
    @ada20101993 10 років тому +17

    Two years later they live together... this is so good!

  • @ivyxmitchellx9976
    @ivyxmitchellx9976 3 роки тому +7

    To think after so many years, you two are expecting a baby girl ♥️♥️♥️ we all love you and are so exited, CONGRATULATIONS

  • @hayleewalden5545
    @hayleewalden5545 9 років тому +89

    Zoe: No! I'm bronzing! I'm bronzing!.
    Alfie:I don't know what that means...

  • @xnaaataliax
    @xnaaataliax 3 роки тому +19

    and now they’re having a baby my god i love them

  • @Mrpoulenc1899
    @Mrpoulenc1899 8 років тому +4

    It is truely wonderful to see this early vlog, and to know how these two lovely people have got together in such a loving way.
    kindest regards Simon.

  • @AreebaHaroon
    @AreebaHaroon Рік тому +6

    This intro tho 😍 was obsessed with it when this video came out back then and it suddenly popped into my head out of nowhere and here I am rewatching this video in 2023 almost 11 years later

  • @zm8306
    @zm8306 7 років тому +24

    And now they are living the dream life together! A nice house, a cute pup and successful businesses. Who’s here in 2017?

  • @sriyashisapkota2834
    @sriyashisapkota2834 9 років тому +74

    do you guys realize that before they started dating Alfie would tease zoe.. he was being mean to her before they started dating because he liked her.. now that they are dating he is so sweet and romantic

    • @cheyenneatkinson4389
      @cheyenneatkinson4389 9 років тому +8

      She said he looked scary and he looked genuinely upset! Haha he definitely had a crush

    • @katiefrew3232
      @katiefrew3232 9 років тому

      You don't know if they were going out though

  • @nikitahollett8510
    @nikitahollett8510 9 років тому +217

    They look like a couple here 🙊
    They're so cuteee ❤️
    They should react to this video, that would be the best 😭😍

    • @caylacandy7569
      @caylacandy7569 9 років тому +1

      Nikita Hollett they are dating did you know? not trying to be rude tho

    • @charlottevanb7022
      @charlottevanb7022 9 років тому

      +Cayla Candy they weren't dating yet when they filmed this video

    • @caylacandy7569
      @caylacandy7569 9 років тому

      im not a person that knows everything jee -.-

    • @roseburns2341
      @roseburns2341 9 років тому

      U are sooooooooooo right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    • @jazlynurena1340
      @jazlynurena1340 9 років тому


  • @gracie__popps766
    @gracie__popps766 6 років тому +215

    2018 anyone

  • @graceslife3700
    @graceslife3700 8 років тому +32

    I love the beginning

    • @chloegraham2457
      @chloegraham2457 7 років тому +1

      Zoella Fangirl what's the song called ???

  • @cait7247
    @cait7247 7 років тому +567

    2017 anyone???

  • @kristinaadamik3578
    @kristinaadamik3578 9 років тому +68

    Is it just me or am I the only one thinking "cute then, cute now." 😂😂

    • @karinabrasher2937
      @karinabrasher2937 9 років тому

      +GirlsAreGamersToo x OMG Kristina I found you LOL I was just looking at the comments. LOL

    • @kristinaadamik3578
      @kristinaadamik3578 9 років тому

      XD Oml Karina

    • @acaciaschelts5528
      @acaciaschelts5528 9 років тому

      +Nousheen Raja you are right

    • @okay05
      @okay05 9 років тому

      +x Kristie Marie x you are not the only one I totally agree, just that he looked a bit cuter back then when he was younger ^0^

  • @hanasladeckova8454
    @hanasladeckova8454 3 роки тому +8

    And now they’re having a baby 🥺❤️

  • @emilylaurence6529
    @emilylaurence6529 8 років тому +91

    You can tell Alfie fancied her😂he kept looking at her lips and liking his lips😂

  • @NicoleAdaa
    @NicoleAdaa 9 років тому +92

    I'm watching this on Zoe's 25th Birthday (28th March 2015)

  • @Larniebabycakes
    @Larniebabycakes 10 років тому +27

    Them eyebrows though, couldn't stop laughing when I saw them.

  • @darcymorrison9841
    @darcymorrison9841 11 місяців тому +8

    watching this in 2024 when they are a family of 5 with Ottie, Novie and Nala (cant forget her of course)

  • @kittierose9108
    @kittierose9108 8 років тому +194

    Who thinks it's kinda cringe where Alfie and Zoe are not dating here but Alfie is flirting

    • @GamingLoners
      @GamingLoners 8 років тому +2

      they r dating

    • @dimondglory
      @dimondglory 8 років тому +6

      +Football Oracle They weren't in the video which is what the original post says...

    • @josiew7827
      @josiew7827 8 років тому +1

      I totally agree with you

    • @lorensmith6443
      @lorensmith6443 8 років тому +7

      They started dating a month after this was filmed

    • @lucyemmett6246
      @lucyemmett6246 8 років тому +5

      Well they are now

  • @niamhdixon4639
    @niamhdixon4639 9 років тому +151

    Anyone here from Zoe's video 'My Boyfriend Does My Make-Up' from today (26th July 2015)

  • @sophiewilson6390
    @sophiewilson6390 9 років тому +281

    Anyone watching after Alfie and Zoe's #Zalfie reaction video?

  • @liligrace5434
    @liligrace5434 7 років тому +94

    Watching his after just watching Zoe's vlog when moving house today when she mentioned the start on Alfie making Zoe lip sync to the song 😆

    • @karisxo2658
      @karisxo2658 7 років тому

      Lili Orton omggggg sameee

  • @apip8164
    @apip8164 8 років тому +4

    I replayed the intro SOOOOO many times thy are such a wonderful couple!😊

  • @Danny35472
    @Danny35472 9 років тому +75

    they already looked like a couple back then

  • @Anna-fr1hf
    @Anna-fr1hf 9 років тому +1001

    Who's just come from Alfies new video Zalfie reacting to Zalfie?

  • @riafesseyxx5606
    @riafesseyxx5606 7 років тому +6

    That intro is the cutest zalfie moment In History

  • @naneak.6425
    @naneak.6425 9 років тому +72

    Am I the only one who thinks Alfie is TOTALLY FLIRTING?

    • @miabautista796
      @miabautista796 9 років тому +1


    • @nabiramirza8145
      @nabiramirza8145 9 років тому

      Aren't they married now?? Or at least dating cuz Google says he is her spouse soooo....

    • @blacknights9703
      @blacknights9703 9 років тому

      he IS

    • @nickiben3587
      @nickiben3587 9 років тому +1

      +nabira mirza they are dating

    • @crazeella3321
      @crazeella3321 9 років тому

      +Nicki Ben then they weren't they were just friends

  • @harmonyflame3838
    @harmonyflame3838 9 років тому +95

    I watched the intro soooooo many time

  • @saidymcneilage3223
    @saidymcneilage3223 9 років тому +99

    I watched the intro 100000000000000000000,0000000000000.0000 times 😍

  • @pallee8432
    @pallee8432 Рік тому +4

    rewatching after their engagement announcement hits different🥲

  • @lilyday2942
    @lilyday2942 8 років тому +88

    You guys should react to this video now!

  • @annylucia2461
    @annylucia2461 9 років тому +5

    After all these years this is still my favorite intro!

    • @AreebaHaroon
      @AreebaHaroon Рік тому

      Highly agree, even after almost 11 years 😍

  • @sanchinda-udom4201
    @sanchinda-udom4201 8 років тому +11

    I like how Alfie looks so different but Zoe just look the same in 2017

  • @sashaaa5267
    @sashaaa5267 5 років тому +52

    I swear I’m the only person watching in 2019 😂

  • @Oshathott
    @Oshathott 9 років тому +20

    Such a cute lil intro, and that banta 😂❤️

    • @Oshathott
      @Oshathott 9 років тому +6

      On the bright side she did better then ariana grande did, she made him yellow

    • @elliebirtwistle3702
      @elliebirtwistle3702 8 років тому +1

      +1999nutmeg did u hear zoeys voice it was wow but i lole it

    • @Oshathott
      @Oshathott 8 років тому +1

      ***** true but she also drew a smiley face on him and a unibrow 😂

  • @IsobelGrace
    @IsobelGrace 9 років тому +22

    'Do I look like one of those girls that look like they have been bathing in wotsits?'
    this is why I love you...

  • @elliescott2735
    @elliescott2735 7 років тому +6

    Love this video, Alfie was proper flirting 😂😍

  • @Sam4G0d
    @Sam4G0d Рік тому +5

    11 years later - they’re ENGAGED! 🥰🎉

  • @Maibebee
    @Maibebee 10 років тому +14

    I laughed SOOO hard when she filled in his eyebrows HAHAHA omg

  • @angelbabystar
    @angelbabystar 10 років тому +7

    Watching back it seems so obvious that Alfie likes Zoella

  • @hannaa9787
    @hannaa9787 9 років тому +206

    Who else is watching this in 2089 ?

  • @IsabelVictoria
    @IsabelVictoria 3 роки тому +8

    I just came from the pregnancy announcement video and am literally crying omg imagine their little girl is gonna have all these videos of mum and dad together at the beginning of their relationship omg💓🤧

    • @Sara-qv1vj
      @Sara-qv1vj 3 роки тому +2

      oh my gosh i know right! im having a massive binge on their old vids and im soo exicteddddd

  • @j.s.byoutube8638
    @j.s.byoutube8638 9 років тому +166

    ᴵ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴵᴺᵀᴿᴼ!

    • @chloewalker9913
      @chloewalker9913 9 років тому

      Me tooooooooo

    • @xx4294
      @xx4294 9 років тому


    • @jazluke257
      @jazluke257 9 років тому

      Thinking the same !!

    • @_mizibi_6306
      @_mizibi_6306 9 років тому +1

      Same! It's my favourite intro of any video ever! I'm a little obsessed! 😂

    • @jessxshaw
      @jessxshaw 9 років тому

      Me too

  • @isabelpitkethly4224
    @isabelpitkethly4224 8 років тому +6

    Zalfie has come along way since this video 😍💜

  • @sreadhapillai9277
    @sreadhapillai9277 8 років тому +4

    I seriously just love the first part of the video 😂❤️❤️

  • @annylucia9658
    @annylucia9658 7 років тому +1

    Rewatching because they’ve been together for so long and it’s so cutee 😍 and the beginning of this video is awesome 😂

  • @courtneystyle6580
    @courtneystyle6580 10 років тому +395

    Who else is watching this in 2015

  • @nickels5696
    @nickels5696 8 років тому +38

    Oh the 'constant insults' flirting technique.

  • @ottiliefox7800
    @ottiliefox7800 8 років тому +118

    he definitley has a crush on her

    • @kodiemae4924
      @kodiemae4924 8 років тому +3

      They go out and live together😂

    • @lpsellie5144
      @lpsellie5144 8 років тому +3

      +Kodie Hardcastle I know, but then they still weren't together XD

    • @kodi-annreeder8704
      @kodi-annreeder8704 8 років тому +5

      They have been dating for like 3 1/2 years and they live together and have a dog.

    • @ottiliefox7800
      @ottiliefox7800 8 років тому +6

      Yes I know that I don't live under a rock just back then you can see he did

    • @hannahx6029
      @hannahx6029 8 років тому +3

      +Kodi-Ann Reeder why did your comment make me laugh so much😂😂

  • @rowanshimmin7144
    @rowanshimmin7144 7 років тому

    aw the way alfie looks at zoe and the he's blushing all through the vid is so cute

  • @TehRiceCake
    @TehRiceCake 10 років тому +12

    the intro is so cute :)

  • @dolandolan3922
    @dolandolan3922 8 років тому +14

    I'm watching this in 2017 and Alfie is so grown up now like in this video Alfie has zero facial hair but now he has a beard it's so weird watching this back

  • @kirtideshpande5825
    @kirtideshpande5825 8 років тому +97

    who else replayed the beginning like 50 times?

  • @lillymaelee694
    @lillymaelee694 7 років тому +9

    I remember watching this when it first came out 😢 seeing them together after all this time makes me so happy!

  • @emilyagnes6199
    @emilyagnes6199 10 років тому +35

    Am i the only one that watched the intro like over 10 times ❤️❤️

  • @mariaangelicayap8569
    @mariaangelicayap8569 9 років тому +97

    Watching this in 2015 💁

    • @sophiemcewan321
      @sophiemcewan321 9 років тому +2


    • @alishajawalikar367
      @alishajawalikar367 9 років тому +2

      Me 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋

    • @angelaf242
      @angelaf242 9 років тому +2

      Why does everyone post these type of comments, it's so pointless 😧

    • @julietmichele449
      @julietmichele449 9 років тому +5

      Well it's a pointless blog Angela....

    • @angelaf242
      @angelaf242 9 років тому

      Juliet Michele haha

  • @indigokingstonwhat
    @indigokingstonwhat 10 років тому +34

    Literally, switch on the subtitles (CC logo)
    Alfie: If i ever saw a girl like this i would run four miles, Like i don't run, I don't even do exercise
    Subtitles: By with run coli was no i don't want anything too exciting online again

    • @spencerv5393
      @spencerv5393 10 років тому

      Literally the best! 1:28 "Gary thanks for the dance either good or some" 😂😂

    • @SidonayHamilton
      @SidonayHamilton 10 років тому +4

      Crystal Fletcher-Jones 3:39 When you get real and great yet I don't currently and contour talking to the eye yeah given a bit more definition O.o UA-cam needs to get there subtitles fixed. Imagine if you were a deaf person reading this!

  • @andreakrizzia3
    @andreakrizzia3 Рік тому +1

    Back after their engagement! I love seeing how they've grown together

  • @amaratruelove
    @amaratruelove 8 років тому +87

    He totally fancied her

    • @matilderamos4490
      @matilderamos4490 7 років тому +5

      Amara Truelove too obvious 😂

    • @mariastoleriu4008
      @mariastoleriu4008 7 років тому +1

      Amara Truelove

    • @dumbo3xtreme453
      @dumbo3xtreme453 7 років тому

      Amara Truelove The way he looked at her back then... nothings changed. Zalfie is the best

  • @abbielyndawson4400
    @abbielyndawson4400 10 років тому +55

    Am I the only one who thinks that they need to make a music video? I literally watched the beginning like eight times.

  • @jewelp081
    @jewelp081 10 років тому +76

    You guys make a good couple

    • @nikitadeva7763
      @nikitadeva7763 10 років тому +2

      they started dating a year after this video was made, and a year before now :)

    • @girrafewonder
      @girrafewonder 10 років тому +1

      Nikita Deva are they still dating? Sorry, im new to Alfie

    • @jewelp081
      @jewelp081 10 років тому

      yay :D

    • @nikitadeva7763
      @nikitadeva7763 10 років тому

      girrafewonder yeah they are! :')

    • @chocopie365
      @chocopie365 10 років тому +2

      Actually, nobody, but them, knows when they really started dating. It was just confirmed August 2013. They could've been dating then 😏

  • @lils2882
    @lils2882 3 роки тому +11

    This is so cuteee, here after the announcement of the pregnancy🥺

  • @alexasullivan8159
    @alexasullivan8159 8 років тому +43

    I really want Zoë to do D&Ps makeup

  • @tayaann9289
    @tayaann9289 9 років тому +87

    Who else watched the start 10 million times...

  • @maebhr6026
    @maebhr6026 8 років тому +151

    Anyone else watching in 2016??!

  • @AnnaDubin
    @AnnaDubin Рік тому +2

    watching this after the engagement announcement I’m so emotional