The first thing I notice is how respectfully YOU were, compared to MANY OTHER AUDITORS in America these days. Thank You !! Polite behavior is what most of our parents taught us,before the schools denied it. The second thing noticed , was the length of time the precious document referred to, took to actually bring up for viewing. Nice polite gentlemanly way of conducting yourself,and making a great image for the cause. If every auditor will take a few moments,THEY will be the ones educated. You gained a subscriber today !!!
Most auidtors are polite. Until they are lied to disrespected threatened and or rights violated. They simply give what they receive if you're polite to them they will be polite to you if you're a dick to them they will be a dick to you this guy did do a great job on his audit but there is no need to tear down other auditors to pick up a compliment for this auditor everyone style is not going to be the same they're all fighting for freedom freedom means the ability to do something different so don't be so quick to wish others to be only the way you like out of theirs to be remember freedom
At our main library in Memphis, it's like 5 stories tall with security everywhere. Four or five stationed at the front door. You wouldn't have got this far here. Like to see you train them.
Good job. Furry Potato was auditing a Jewish synagogue in LA today and was shot by a security guard...while she was live streaming!! She was standing on public sidewalk filming in silent mode.Be careful out there.
I think what I like the most is that you dont expect everyone to know all 1st amendment related laws or even though there own policies. You educate and as long as they are agreeable to learning and polite, you are civil.
As a librarian I respect your right to videotape in the library. But what happens when someone records another patron's personal information? Their social security number? Their home address?
TODDD OETKEN filling out a job application on the computer for example. They should be able to expect a reasonable amount of privacy, but modern camera tech can see that from a hundred feet away. That kinda thing should not be allowed
TODDD OETKEN there is such thing as a reasonable expectation of privacy in public (both from the government: see Katz v. United States; and from others; for example it may be illegal to record a conversation between individuals meant to be private but is captured and broadcast it without it being in the legitimate interest of the public). Also, taking actions that interfere with other patron's use of a library is often against the terms of use of a library and can get you kicked out; it's not necessarily the filming that's the problem, it's acting in a way that inhibits others’ use of the library for its intended purpose (1st amendment rights can be regulated in limited/designated public forums, as opposed to traditional/quintessential public forums; ie a couthouse vs a public park)
Just a tip. The U.S. Supreme Court has NEVER specifically ruled that private citizens taking photographs or video of public buildings or public servants (which encompasses police and anybody else employed by a government agency) is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment. There is a SCOTUS ruling with regard to "expectation of privacy", which falls outside 4th Amendment issues (search and seizure), which was in a 1978 case (Rakas v. Illinois) that has been the precedent and is cited as the "reasonable expectation of privacy test" in key cases since then. The "test" defines expectation of privacy as one which " ... must have a source outside of the Fourth Amendment either by reference to concepts of real or personal property law or to understandings that are recognized and permitted by society." Most of these cases, however, do revolve around 4th Amendment issues. So, essentially, you are correct that persons in public (i.e., public buildings) do not have any expectation of privacy and that SCOTUS has ruled on that. It gets interesting, though, when you're applying this "test" to a public library. While the person cannot reasonably expect privacy in their presence at the library, they can expect privacy as to what they are viewing (books, computers, maps, etc, etc). This is accomplished by the "user" of the materials themselves, or by the organizational layout of the library facility, as recommended by the American Library Association. If the "user" has such material in plain view, their expectation of privacy is absent. I did note one flaw in the layout of that library - the person using a library computer was facing a wall, with the screen being visible to you as you approached from behind. THAT would be a "confidentiality" issue that should be addressed by the library management.
Cassano Enterprises thanks for watching and the well thought out comment. You are right, SCOTUS has never ruled on our right to film public officials in a public space. That has all been ruled on by the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th district court of appeals. SCOTUS declined to hear any of the appeals by the losing side in those cases. Making it Federal law in those districts. Side note: You might notice how I make sure not to film anything anyone is actually looking at😉
@@civilunrestnews1349 Yes, I wasn't criticizing you, of course, just pointing out that if the librarians were so concerned about patron privacy, they might want to rearrange the computer desks to face away from the wall.
A library is considered a limited public forum and I guarantee you violated their patron code of conduct policy and they should have kicked you out because of it. Surely you can find something to do with your life besides making yourself the job of a librarian instead of what they're meant to be doing.
Speak for yourself Jessica, librarians are paid by the taxpayers so we deserve to see what they are doing. They can find a job in the private sector if they don't want to be audited.
@@urrrccckostan that's unAmerican, we have the right to insist tax dollars be spent wisely. Fact the library is resistant says they are guilty and trying to hide it.
@@troylee5273 maybe it will, maybe it won't. When taxpayer-funded institutions are resistant to transparency it suggests they are guilty of wasting taxpayer dollars. If they felt they were spending taxpayer dollars well they wouldn't harass people filming them.
* PULL OUT YOUR CAMERAS, RECORD THESE 'AUDITORS', and within the confines of the law, POST THEIR FACES ON UA-cam * They are posting YOUR face, YOUR city of work, AND identifiable land locations that ANY stranger could easily use to find and possibly HARM YOU!!!! You're not actually teaching anyone anything. You're purposefully walking into a library, standing outside a post office, airport, or police station, baiting your own countrymen and countrywomen into conversation; purposely waiting for them to ask you of your intentions and hoping a situation arises in order to gain more clicks on your channel. Everyone notice 'Civil Unrest News' tries to appear to be a defender of the constitution but very carefully chooses who to 'interview'. Why aren't you recording a preschool from the street while children are outside playing, or recording an underage person while she is jumping rope on a public playground, and SELF-IDENTIFY on video your legal name and face? Let's see how fast you change your tone of, "It's my right to do so." You go to libraries and then talk to adults because it’s your 'right'? Why aren't you proving your rights by walking into the children's room of a library and recording several young children playing on the ground? It's your 'right', right? If you truly believed in your cause, everyone recording these 'First Amendment Audits' would self-identify their names FIRST with their faces on camera. The people you are recording can easily be googled and identified by their location and surrounding environment, yet you're safe as you cowardly hide behind your camera. Men and women are protecting our country right now and you're harassing citizens in order to get clicks and try to call it education. This is thee lowest form of human I have ever encountered on UA-cam. Anyone who encounters a 'First Amendment Audit' should simply smile and say nothing no matter how long they stand there with a camera in your face, and no matter how uncomfortable they make you feel. In fact, within the confines of the law, pull out your camera, record their faces for once, and get THEIR face on UA-cam. Notice they claim they are upholding the constitution yet never consider the negative psychological effects they place on the people being 'interviewed'. Some of these people even try to claim that you MUST respond to their inquiries. Just smile regardless of how uncomfortable they make you feel. You do NOT have to respond. Many people have been psychologically/sexually/physically abused as children, and rightfully so, do not know how to handle intimidation like this, and fold under pressure. They then go home once their shift is over, traumatized by their interaction with 'First Amendment Audit', and then have to worry for days, weeks, and years later every time they see someone with a camera wondering if they're going to be harassed over their constitutional knowledge or lack thereof. * PULL OUT YOUR CAMERAS, RECORD THEM, AND POST THEIR FACES ON UA-cam. Add the tags: "First Amendment Audit" and "Civil Unrest News" to your video so that people searching for these videos can see the faces of the people hiding behind their cameras. As long as you're doing so within the confines of all laws.. ...IT'S YOUR RIGHT!*****
@No Commentz sure they are.. The cops don't have any idea and neither does the employees..... But when the videos are over cops are educated and they people understand. So now they understand the 1st ammendment how is this not educating people? Hmmm curious why you wouldn't think this isn't educating people? They have more knowledge then when they started. Why would this offend you? Are you a cop? Or a federal worker? I couldn't care less if someone's filming me.
@No Commentz and what's with all the name calling? Retards? Dumb fucks? Sounds like you are a little kid or uneducated individual to have to call names. Does this make you feel superior or better then someone after you have try to degrade others just to get your point across? Lmao
Just a little nit picking here but...the First Amendment does NOT give us any rights. Our rights are inalienable _human_ rights *protected* by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. btw, Love your calm, professional style. New sub!
downtonviewer thanks for the feedback. Yes, I agree, it’s not the 1st amendment that gives us our rights, it’s our rights that give us the 1st amendment. But trying to explain that to someone who is uneducated about those rights... well, you could only guess how that would go😂 Thanks for watching and the support!
The library where no one is educated and they like it that way. What was that? The constitution ma'am. Oh yea I've heard of that before😜. At least they are quiet when they tell you not to do something😉
An interesting question for the librarian would be what she thinks constitutes a "professional" photographer. A person with the financial means can buy expensive photography equipment yet be a lousy photographer.
I think auditors should stop doing libraries, post offices etc. and concentrate on those institutions with individuals who have the potential for abusing their authority over the public.
@@josephmcadams1612 Librarians generally aren't in a position to violate your rights or take you into custody. I consider auditing post offices and libraries lightweight bullshit.
@@civilunrestnews1349 I'm sorry, let me be clear. You personally did a great job with and wish more auditors had your demeanor. I mean, if you feel you've got to audit a library, I'm glad it's someone like you. It's just my personal preference that auditors concentrate on weeding out the rotting fruit. Happy educating!
Did you have these ladies sign a waiver giving you permission to post this video with their images? If you didn't, I hope they sue the shit out of you.
@@hawaiibound. You are the ignorant one. Videos can be taken down with a privacy complaint. That's why most frauditors don't tell anyone the name of their channel.
It's unbelievable how ignorant some people are of our Constitutional rights. You're in a darn public library. Publicly funded libraries play an important role in facilitating free and open access to information. In 1948, the American Library Association promulgated the Library Bill of Rights, which affirms the principle that libraries protect the First Amendment and intellectual freedom. As agents of the state, public librarians should already know what the policies are. Just go over to the section of literature and pick out a book that teaches you the Bill Of Rights and READ IT! lol
You're partially right, the public does (often) pay for libraries, but libraries are designated by law as "limited public forums", you can't just go in and start filming. Activities within a limited public forum must comport with the mission of the institution as well as the expectation of privacy for every patron. You might not be aware of this, but librarians have been subpoenaed and arrested for refusing to release patron information to authorities - privacy is a big deal in libraries and the courts agree.
@@roshi98 You are wrong! NOBODY has any expectation of privacy when they are in public and a PUBLIC library is just that...PUBLIC. It's perfectly legal to film library workers. In their capacity as employees, library workers do not have privacy rights, and courts have upheld the right to record public employees carrying out their duties in public spaces.
@@roshi98 The comment wasn't directed at you. Nowhere in the post were you tagged in what I had written. I was commenting on the video, not on you. Pay attention.
@@hawaiibound. You literally tagged me in your response to my comment on your post. This isn't difficult, it's how comment sections have worked since they started.
Respect is a two-way street, the fact they're concerned about someone exercising their first amendment rights shows they don't respect the public or the Constitution.
if they are professional they will tell him what he can't do, not tell him what to do like he's their slave. these are publicly funded places and we deserve to see what is going on there.
@@heightsofsagarmatha You can go there to read books, research...that’s what is going on there. If you want to know more about a library you can ask the librarians or the media contact for the library. You don’t have a constitutional right to interrupt the library and it’s patrons who are there using the library in the way it is intended to be used. It has never been that random members of the populace can go into a public building and be the direct bosses of the government employees. If you think that...the case law isn’t on your side. I understand that the political philosophy that you seem to have is popular among many...the problem is that it has no basis in a long line of Supreme Court and other court cases. has never existed in practice.
@@ipsurvivor agreed, to a degree you can also film public buildings, it's protected under 1st Amendment. You 100% deserve a corrupt, abusive government for not supporting this though.
@@ipsurvivor by the way without the ability to audit we don't know what's going on there. You're claiming the library has special claims to privacy that no one else gets in public. Think through what that means. They're public employees but you're saying they should be able to order people who are observing them and recording them around. You don't see anything dangerous about that so you 100% DESERVE to be on the receiving end of abusive+corrupt government and do not deserve the voice your opinion about it, since you support derogating other people's 1A rights.
@@heightsofsagarmatha - So you get right to the logical conclusion of your movement...People who see things differently than you don’t have rights. Sorry...but case law is against you...especially at the Supreme Court level...on the ability of government employees to control the government property entrusted to them. Libraries are not traditional public forums. Once you start disrupting a library or are not using it for its intended purpose you can be trespassed and if you fight it there is a strong chance that you would lose.
Amateur Photography is not necessarily protected under the First Amendment... you need a message and an audience for First Amendment protection. Also time, manner and place may apply as restrictions to photography... Auditing public libraries is lame... Audit the police... Commercial Use... You lied if you are making money off of this...
@@heightsofsagarmatha He doesn’t have a constitutional right to take over the library property for his purposes. Many buildings are tax payer funded...that doesn’t mean that you can constitutionally violate the rules that have been put in place. Case law is against his conduct as well. {This case compels us to resolve questions concerning the breadth of a public library's authority to promulgate and enforce regulations governing the use of its facilities.} -Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown, 958 F. 2d 1242 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1992 {It is clear to us that a public library, albeit the "quintessential" locus for the exercise of the right to receive information and ideas, is sufficiently dissimilar to a public park, sidewalk or street that it cannot reasonably be deemed to constitute a traditional public forum. Obviously, a library patron cannot be permitted to engage in most traditional First Amendment activities in the library, such as giving speeches or engaging in any other conduct that would disrupt the quiet and peaceful library environment. We thus reject the district court's conclusion that the Library constitutes a "`quintessential,' `traditional' public forum whose accessibility affects the bedrock of our democratic system."} -Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown {Hence, as a limited public forum, the Library is obligated only to permit the public to exercise rights that are consistent with the nature of the Library and consistent with the government's intent in designating the Library as a public forum.[23] Other activities need not be tolerated.} -Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown
@@heightsofsagarmatha all their records are publicly accessible, all the contents of their collections are in the publicly available catalog already, the only reason to do this is to harass and stroke the ego of the person recording
This exposed the ignorance of public employees to our Constitutional Rights. One would assume that library employees would be "book smart". These employees were true idiots to the rights of every American and thought it was their "duty" to put a stop to it.
The first thing I notice is how respectfully YOU were, compared to MANY OTHER AUDITORS in America these days. Thank You !! Polite behavior is what most of our parents taught us,before the schools denied it. The second thing noticed , was the length of time the precious document referred to, took to actually bring up for viewing. Nice polite gentlemanly way of conducting yourself,and making a great image for the cause. If every auditor will take a few moments,THEY will be the ones educated. You gained a subscriber today !!!
Participating in unrest, civilly! Thanks for the support!
A “cause” as important as the confederacy and other idiotic, lost movements
Excellent job. This is a perfect example how to educate somebody with politeness. I wish some Auditors would learn from this
Jimmy dog thanks for watching!
Most auidtors are polite. Until they are lied to disrespected threatened and or rights violated. They simply give what they receive if you're polite to them they will be polite to you if you're a dick to them they will be a dick to you this guy did do a great job on his audit but there is no need to tear down other auditors to pick up a compliment for this auditor everyone style is not going to be the same they're all fighting for freedom freedom means the ability to do something different so don't be so quick to wish others to be only the way you like out of theirs to be remember freedom
So glad I subscribed! I live in Franklin, TN and would love to see some audits here! You are calm, courteous, and a delight to watch :)
Melanie Brown thanks so much for the support!
At our main library in Memphis, it's like 5 stories tall with security everywhere. Four or five stationed at the front door. You wouldn't have got this far here. Like to see you train them.
Memphis is a rundown dump anyways
Good job. Furry Potato was auditing a Jewish synagogue in LA today and was shot by a security guard...while she was live streaming!! She was standing on public sidewalk filming in silent mode.Be careful out there.
Robert Hawks I just saw and called the Wilshire Precinct. The security guard has been arrested and is in custody!
You are restrained, polite and calm. Great! A lot of auditors could learn from you....
ivan o idea thanks for watching and for the support!
This man is a liar. This video was never intended for just personal use.
Don't pay heed to the uninformed or the haters posting inane comments. You were well spoken and courteous throughout the audit. Great work.
First Amendment does NOT give you the right to film anywhere. In this case, local policy allows it. Unfortunately.
A public library?
You're wrong though
Love your work, keep it up!!!
Thanks for the continued support!
Good interaction and at least they were willing to learn. They were polite
Well done! They seemed really nice and willing to listen without getting all tyrannical!
Penney News I agree! Thanks for watching!
I think what I like the most is that you dont expect everyone to know all 1st amendment related laws or even though there own policies. You educate and as long as they are agreeable to learning and polite, you are civil.
Thanks for the support and your thoughts! I put the "civil" in Civil Unrest!
As a librarian I respect your right to videotape in the library. But what happens when someone records another patron's personal information? Their social security number? Their home address?
That's correct
Why would anyone be exposing their Social Security card in a library?
TODDD OETKEN filling out a job application on the computer for example. They should be able to expect a reasonable amount of privacy, but modern camera tech can see that from a hundred feet away. That kinda thing should not be allowed
@@grandadmiral1000 - Since there is no expectation of privacy at the library you need to protect your information or find an alternative location.
TODDD OETKEN there is such thing as a reasonable expectation of privacy in public (both from the government: see Katz v. United States; and from others; for example it may be illegal to record a conversation between individuals meant to be private but is captured and broadcast it without it being in the legitimate interest of the public). Also, taking actions that interfere with other patron's use of a library is often against the terms of use of a library and can get you kicked out; it's not necessarily the filming that's the problem, it's acting in a way that inhibits others’ use of the library for its intended purpose (1st amendment rights can be regulated in limited/designated public forums, as opposed to traditional/quintessential public forums; ie a couthouse vs a public park)
So, I'm gonna take these videos, and post them on my youtube channel, and make money from it, but it's not for commercial purposes.
Lil education goes along way..well done for being polite. And good good ladies. .for educating yourselves
Yosef Kanon thanks for always watching!
@@civilunrestnews1349 Always my bro. .
Wow theses ladies were nice %100
Just a tip. The U.S. Supreme Court has NEVER specifically ruled that private citizens taking photographs or video of public buildings or public servants (which encompasses police and anybody else employed by a government agency) is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.
There is a SCOTUS ruling with regard to "expectation of privacy", which falls outside 4th Amendment issues (search and seizure), which was in a 1978 case (Rakas v. Illinois) that has been the precedent and is cited as the "reasonable expectation of privacy test" in key cases since then. The "test" defines expectation of privacy as one which " ... must have a source outside of the Fourth Amendment either by reference to concepts of real or personal property law or to understandings that are recognized and permitted by society." Most of these cases, however, do revolve around 4th Amendment issues.
So, essentially, you are correct that persons in public (i.e., public buildings) do not have any expectation of privacy and that SCOTUS has ruled on that. It gets interesting, though, when you're applying this "test" to a public library. While the person cannot reasonably expect privacy in their presence at the library, they can expect privacy as to what they are viewing (books, computers, maps, etc, etc). This is accomplished by the "user" of the materials themselves, or by the organizational layout of the library facility, as recommended by the American Library Association. If the "user" has such material in plain view, their expectation of privacy is absent. I did note one flaw in the layout of that library - the person using a library computer was facing a wall, with the screen being visible to you as you approached from behind. THAT would be a "confidentiality" issue that should be addressed by the library management.
Cassano Enterprises thanks for watching and the well thought out comment. You are right, SCOTUS has never ruled on our right to film public officials in a public space. That has all been ruled on by the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th district court of appeals. SCOTUS declined to hear any of the appeals by the losing side in those cases. Making it Federal law in those districts.
Side note: You might notice how I make sure not to film anything anyone is actually looking at😉
@@civilunrestnews1349 Yes, I wasn't criticizing you, of course, just pointing out that if the librarians were so concerned about patron privacy, they might want to rearrange the computer desks to face away from the wall.
Cassano Enterprises I gotcha. Always enjoy the discourse. Makes me think and keeps me sharp😉
A library is considered a limited public forum and I guarantee you violated their patron code of conduct policy and they should have kicked you out because of it. Surely you can find something to do with your life besides making yourself the job of a librarian instead of what they're meant to be doing.
Speak for yourself Jessica, librarians are paid by the taxpayers so we deserve to see what they are doing. They can find a job in the private sector if they don't want to be audited.
@@heightsofsagarmatha get a life, fool
@@urrrccckostan that's unAmerican, we have the right to insist tax dollars be spent wisely. Fact the library is resistant says they are guilty and trying to hide it.
@@heightsofsagarmatha an unemployed dumbass wandering around library with camera doesn’t do anything to show if tax dollars wasted.
@@troylee5273 maybe it will, maybe it won't. When taxpayer-funded institutions are resistant to transparency it suggests they are guilty of wasting taxpayer dollars. If they felt they were spending taxpayer dollars well they wouldn't harass people filming them.
At least they were nice about it and didn't shoot you
justin s 😂 #truth #furrypotato
* PULL OUT YOUR CAMERAS, RECORD THESE 'AUDITORS', and within the confines of the law, POST THEIR FACES ON UA-cam *
They are posting YOUR face, YOUR city of work, AND identifiable land locations that ANY stranger could easily use to find and possibly HARM YOU!!!!
You're not actually teaching anyone anything. You're purposefully walking into a library, standing outside a post office, airport, or police station, baiting your own countrymen and countrywomen into conversation; purposely waiting for them to ask you of your intentions and hoping a situation arises in order to gain more clicks on your channel.
Everyone notice 'Civil Unrest News' tries to appear to be a defender of the constitution but very carefully chooses who to 'interview'. Why aren't you recording a preschool from the street while children are outside playing, or recording an underage person while she is jumping rope on a public playground, and SELF-IDENTIFY on video your legal name and face? Let's see how fast you change your tone of, "It's my right to do so."
You go to libraries and then talk to adults because it’s your 'right'? Why aren't you proving your rights by walking into the children's room of a library and recording several young children playing on the ground? It's your 'right', right?
If you truly believed in your cause, everyone recording these 'First Amendment Audits' would self-identify their names FIRST with their faces on camera. The people you are recording can easily be googled and identified by their location and surrounding environment, yet you're safe as you cowardly hide behind your camera.
Men and women are protecting our country right now and you're harassing citizens in order to get clicks and try to call it education. This is thee lowest form of human I have ever encountered on UA-cam.
Anyone who encounters a 'First Amendment Audit' should simply smile and say nothing no matter how long they stand there with a camera in your face, and no matter how uncomfortable they make you feel. In fact, within the confines of the law, pull out your camera, record their faces for once, and get THEIR face on UA-cam.
Notice they claim they are upholding the constitution yet never consider the negative psychological effects they place on the people being 'interviewed'.
Some of these people even try to claim that you MUST respond to their inquiries. Just smile regardless of how uncomfortable they make you feel. You do NOT have to respond.
Many people have been psychologically/sexually/physically abused as children, and rightfully so, do not know how to handle intimidation like this, and fold under pressure. They then go home once their shift is over, traumatized by their interaction with 'First Amendment Audit', and then have to worry for days, weeks, and years later every time they see someone with a camera wondering if they're going to be harassed over their constitutional knowledge or lack thereof.
"First Amendment Audit"
"Civil Unrest News" to your video so that people searching for these videos can see the faces of the people hiding behind their cameras.
As long as you're doing so within the confines of all laws..
...IT'S YOUR RIGHT!*****
That's an excellent idea.
I watch a lot of these types of videos and I’m and proud to say you Tn ladies killed it. Y’all we’re not rude to him and talked to him with respect !
A pleasant interacts requires a pleasant auditor. Again, you always handle yourself in a pleasant manner as respect others. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️
DWK SF BAY AREA thanks for always watching!
Would like to see him do a Post Office!!!
I'd like to see him try this little game out front of the NSA or CIA?
Mike S Goodmann 👍
They were willing to listen. PASS just for that. You using a 4K camera? Picture looks great on my 65-inch.
Yes sir. Sony A6300
Nicely done!! Educating people respectfully 👍😉
Thanks for watching! Participating in unrest, civilly!
@No Commentz sure they are.. The cops don't have any idea and neither does the employees..... But when the videos are over cops are educated and they people understand. So now they understand the 1st ammendment how is this not educating people? Hmmm curious why you wouldn't think this isn't educating people? They have more knowledge then when they started. Why would this offend you? Are you a cop? Or a federal worker? I couldn't care less if someone's filming me.
@No Commentz and what's with all the name calling? Retards? Dumb fucks? Sounds like you are a little kid or uneducated individual to have to call names. Does this make you feel superior or better then someone after you have try to degrade others just to get your point across? Lmao
The library was so quiet the two ladies could hear the school bell ringing..............
That is a nice building. Thanks for the best auditing around.
Thanks for the continued support!
great audit ! big big thumbs up !
Gav Tatu thanks for the support!
Just a little nit picking here but...the First Amendment does NOT give us any rights. Our rights are inalienable _human_ rights *protected* by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. btw, Love your calm, professional style. New sub!
downtonviewer thanks for the feedback. Yes, I agree, it’s not the 1st amendment that gives us our rights, it’s our rights that give us the 1st amendment. But trying to explain that to someone who is uneducated about those rights... well, you could only guess how that would go😂 Thanks for watching and the support!
The library where no one is educated and they like it that way. What was that? The constitution ma'am. Oh yea I've heard of that before😜. At least they are quiet when they tell you not to do something😉
Policy still don't trump rights... Right?
'Policy is not Law ' . . . I like that.
Just absolute lowest of the low going in and harassing library workers. Get a life.
Loose weight
@Mom Irregardless It's fine. Literally billions of people watch UA-cam. I don't know what your point is.
An interesting question for the librarian would be what she thinks constitutes a "professional" photographer. A person with the financial means can buy expensive photography equipment yet be a lousy photographer.
SleightOfHand anything not being used for news or commercial
Great approach!
Side note: you've got the same intro music as the excellent podcast Cognitive Dissonance
Thanks for watching! I love that intro!
Excellent work
Woke Bomb thanks for the support!
I think auditors should stop doing libraries, post offices etc. and concentrate on those institutions with individuals who have the potential for abusing their authority over the public.
Reno Slim thanks for the feedback and watching!
They tried to abuse their authority in that building
Librarians generally aren't in a position to violate your rights or take you into custody. I consider auditing post offices and libraries lightweight bullshit.
Reno Slim I get it. But it’s not just about educating law enforcement. It’s about educating the public
I'm sorry, let me be clear. You personally did a great job with and wish more auditors had your demeanor. I mean, if you feel you've got to audit a library, I'm glad it's someone like you. It's just my personal preference that auditors concentrate on weeding out the rotting fruit. Happy educating!
Knowledge is power
Is your channel monetized? If so...would that not be considered "commercial use" yw for the comment.
My aunt is named Esther she has a shoe fetish she loves decorating with decorating shoes she is great 👍
Love your name
And good work. New sub
Thanks for the support!
They need to understand that policy is not law...
That's why I explained why the policy is the way it is. Thanks for watching!
This guy is correct I did look it up and read it
Did you have these ladies sign a waiver giving you permission to post this video with their images?
If you didn't, I hope they sue the shit out of you.
@ Jim Walden. You're very ignorant. Nobody has any expectation of privacy while they are in public. Educate yourself.
@@hawaiibound. You are the ignorant one. Videos can be taken down with a privacy complaint. That's why most frauditors don't tell anyone the name of their channel.
@@4toesleft7688 Anything you can see in public, you can record. You may want to educate yourself because you're making yourself sound really ignorant.
Dude!...Whats the name of your tune!...Good Job!...Keep it up!
it would be even better for commercial use, to promote the library. lady is not too bright.
NPL has a whole PR team. They do a great job. Insulting her intelligence was not necessary.
That would be great!…. Entirely different situation than some moron using camera as excuse to harass library staff.
Dig the music
Thanks for watching!
theanonwolf thanks for watching!
At 2:49 "That pesky First Amendment!"
I want in the Lego contest
c rigby me too!
Lol it's sad you have to tell the people who work there where to look to find their own policy.
It's unbelievable how ignorant some people are of our Constitutional rights. You're in a darn public library. Publicly funded libraries play an important role in facilitating free and open access to information. In 1948, the American Library Association promulgated the Library Bill of Rights, which affirms the principle that libraries protect the First Amendment and intellectual freedom. As agents of the state, public librarians should already know what the policies are. Just go over to the section of literature and pick out a book that teaches you the Bill Of Rights and READ IT! lol
You're partially right, the public does (often) pay for libraries, but libraries are designated by law as "limited public forums", you can't just go in and start filming. Activities within a limited public forum must comport with the mission of the institution as well as the expectation of privacy for every patron. You might not be aware of this, but librarians have been subpoenaed and arrested for refusing to release patron information to authorities - privacy is a big deal in libraries and the courts agree.
@@roshi98 You are wrong! NOBODY has any expectation of privacy when they are in public and a PUBLIC library is just that...PUBLIC. It's perfectly legal to film library workers. In their capacity as employees, library workers do not have privacy rights, and courts have upheld the right to record public employees carrying out their duties in public spaces.
@@hawaiibound. It's almost as if you didn't read my post before jumping to your conclusions...
@@roshi98 The comment wasn't directed at you. Nowhere in the post were you tagged in what I had written. I was commenting on the video, not on you. Pay attention.
@@hawaiibound. You literally tagged me in your response to my comment on your post. This isn't difficult, it's how comment sections have worked since they started.
We’ll you absolutely FAILED. You still need more education on how to respect your elders son.
Respect is a two-way street, the fact they're concerned about someone exercising their first amendment rights shows they don't respect the public or the Constitution.
@@heightsofsagarmatha being a raving asshole to people is not protected by the Constitution
@@urrrccckostan Yes it is.
Try this at The Library Of Congress... They do allow photography but it is restricted... They will tell you what to do... Not the other way around...
if they are professional they will tell him what he can't do, not tell him what to do like he's their slave. these are publicly funded places and we deserve to see what is going on there.
@@heightsofsagarmatha You can go there to read books, research...that’s what is going on there.
If you want to know more about a library you can ask the librarians or the media contact for the library. You don’t have a constitutional right to interrupt the library and it’s patrons who are there using the library in the way it is intended to be used.
It has never been that random members of the populace can go into a public building and be the direct bosses of the government employees. If you think that...the case law isn’t on your side. I understand that the political philosophy that you seem to have is popular among many...the problem is that it has no basis in a long line of Supreme Court and other court cases. has never existed in practice.
@@ipsurvivor agreed, to a degree you can also film public buildings, it's protected under 1st Amendment. You 100% deserve a corrupt, abusive government for not supporting this though.
@@ipsurvivor by the way without the ability to audit we don't know what's going on there. You're claiming the library has special claims to privacy that no one else gets in public. Think through what that means. They're public employees but you're saying they should be able to order people who are observing them and recording them around. You don't see anything dangerous about that so you 100% DESERVE to be on the receiving end of abusive+corrupt government and do not deserve the voice your opinion about it, since you support derogating other people's 1A rights.
@@heightsofsagarmatha - So you get right to the logical conclusion of your movement...People who see things differently than you don’t have rights.
Sorry...but case law is against you...especially at the Supreme Court level...on the ability of government employees to control the government property entrusted to them.
Libraries are not traditional public forums. Once you start disrupting a library or are not using it for its intended purpose you can be trespassed and if you fight it there is a strong chance that you would lose.
Amateur Photography is not necessarily protected under the First Amendment... you need a message and an audience for First Amendment protection.
Also time, manner and place may apply as restrictions to photography...
Auditing public libraries is lame... Audit the police...
Commercial Use... You lied if you are making money off of this...
Public libraries are taxpayer-funded so this is perfectly reasonable, I'm glad he didn't let them bully him away.
@@heightsofsagarmatha He doesn’t have a constitutional right to take over the library property for his purposes.
Many buildings are tax payer funded...that doesn’t mean that you can constitutionally violate the rules that have been put in place.
Case law is against his conduct as well.
{This case compels us to resolve questions concerning the breadth of a public library's authority to promulgate and enforce regulations governing the use of its facilities.}
-Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown, 958 F. 2d 1242 - Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit 1992
{It is clear to us that a public library, albeit the "quintessential" locus for the exercise of the right to receive information and ideas, is sufficiently dissimilar to a public park, sidewalk or street that it cannot reasonably be deemed to constitute a traditional public forum. Obviously, a library patron cannot be permitted to engage in most traditional First Amendment activities in the library, such as giving speeches or engaging in any other conduct that would disrupt the quiet and peaceful library environment. We thus reject the district court's conclusion that the Library constitutes a "`quintessential,' `traditional' public forum whose accessibility affects the bedrock of our democratic system."}
-Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown
{Hence, as a limited public forum, the Library is obligated only to permit the public to exercise rights that are consistent with the nature of the Library and consistent with the government's intent in designating the Library as a public forum.[23] Other activities need not be tolerated.}
-Kreimer v. Bureau of Police for Town of Morristown
@@heightsofsagarmatha all their records are publicly accessible, all the contents of their collections are in the publicly available catalog already, the only reason to do this is to harass and stroke the ego of the person recording
@@urrrccckostan the main reason is to record how taxpayer funds are being used. More audits please
The staff was very professional
If only for his personal use the why post on UTUBE?
To spread awareness of corruption of our civil rights
You really showed them. Way to antagonize people in a library!
What is the point of "auditing" a public library? WTF does it prove?
Mike S Goodmann - Absolutely Nothing was proved...
This exposed the ignorance of public employees to our Constitutional Rights. One would assume that library employees would be "book smart". These employees were true idiots to the rights of every American and thought it was their "duty" to put a stop to it.
@@todddoetken2594 Librarians would be the first to turn in the Jews (or whatever group was supposed to be turned in to the authorities)
@@mikesgoodmann9349 Nothing. They do it for clicks.
Holy shit, there be some homely women working there but it's OK because they whisper. Harmless, which is a good thing.
What are they trying to prove?
What a bunch of cry babys
Nicely done . . . B plus. A.B.E. Always Be Educating, w/o alienating!
Ppl there are getting educated by library resources…. Not by moron with camera craving attention.
Amateur doing what? What purpose?
If it makes money on UA-cam then it's not amateur.