I’m 59 yrs old, single and needed to hear this today! So perfectly presented, Father! A great message …the struggle is real at any age. Thank you for an amazing message!
Wow! Great homily Father! Father a word of caution: the better you get at being a priest the more Satan will concentrate on you to cause you to fall. You have a gift. Please protect it.
When you and your husband come to the realization of what intimacy is in a true Catholic marriage with an understanding of that act, the pain that comes from realizing your mistakes and regrets is immense. People don’t know what they are missing. It’s unreal! You don’t need multiple partners, toys, videos, options. Prayer and a sacramental union should be what the magazines are advising. Holy cow! We were and are lied to so bad. If people knew they’d wait. I’m angry that our church has failed to teach us this but we have an opportunity to change the tide. Wait until you’re married and invite God into it every time. It’s unlike anything you will ever experience.
I live in New Jersey and look at your sermons on You Tube every chance I get. I like how you give practical steps and even resources to help. Your parishioners are fortunate to have you as their pastor. May God keep and bless you.
Why? That says more about you than your granddaughter. There are 1200+ sins in the Bible and your worried about sex. Tell me which is worse, your granddaughter learning the consequences of sex or never learning the consequences of a drug overdose?
Fr Mark Bernhard very powerful 👏 very great homily talk I really like it I always tell fr Michael fr Anthony and fr Joseph Edattu same way you give homily like all these priests. May we all understand.
I’m 59 yrs old, single and needed to hear this today! So perfectly presented, Father! A great message …the struggle is real at any age. Thank you for an amazing message!
Wow! Great homily Father! Father a word of caution: the better you get at being a priest the more Satan will concentrate on you to cause you to fall. You have a gift. Please protect it.
When you and your husband come to the realization of what intimacy is in a true Catholic marriage with an understanding of that act, the pain that comes from realizing your mistakes and regrets is immense. People don’t know what they are missing. It’s unreal! You don’t need multiple partners, toys, videos, options. Prayer and a sacramental union should be what the magazines are advising. Holy cow! We were and are lied to so bad. If people knew they’d wait. I’m angry that our church has failed to teach us this but we have an opportunity to change the tide. Wait until you’re married and invite God into it every time. It’s unlike anything you will ever experience.
I live in New Jersey and look at your sermons on You Tube every chance I get. I like how you give practical steps and even resources to help. Your parishioners are fortunate to have you as their pastor. May God keep and bless you.
Appreciate your homilies Fr Mark
Im going to send this homily to my granddaughter in Oregon ,She just turn 18 on Christmas Eve Thanks Father Blessings
What do you think it will change her thinking I don’t think so sorry been there.
Why? That says more about you than your granddaughter. There are 1200+ sins in the Bible and your worried about sex. Tell me which is worse, your granddaughter learning the consequences of sex or never learning the consequences of a drug overdose?
Bravo - well said.
Blessed be God through His Faithful Holy Priest and Religious.. Thank you Fr. Mark.. God bless your heart, soul and health..
Thank you, Father.
Fr Mark Bernhard very powerful 👏 very great homily talk I really like it I always tell fr Michael fr Anthony and fr Joseph Edattu same way you give homily like all these priests. May we all understand.
🙏Come Holy Spirit.
🙏Love is patient. All for Love of God.💙
🙏Thank You, Jesus.
Thank you Padre very good homily!!!Soli Deo Gloria !!!!!
Thank you Father will share this with my family
Absolutely superb homily Fr Mark
Thank you for this homily. We need your voice
Comme chrétien je ne tiens pas compte de la morale sexuelle de l'église et tant mieux...
Fr Mark should you keep talking about sin when our church are sinking in deep moral crisis and apostasy
try to be another Padre Pio