The Arturia KORG MS-20 complete guide walkthrough tutorial

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @XNBeatsMusic
    @XNBeatsMusic  Рік тому

    if you want, you can buy me a coffee on Patreon, Paypal or YT Thanks.
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  • @striverfor7628
    @striverfor7628 Рік тому +12

    Notes for myself
    2:20 Demo of PW Modulation with an LFO.
    2:52 Default patch. Osc 2. Ring Mod sound - PW dial, to create Ring Mod you need 2 sources, other source is pulse of Osc 1.
    4:25 Pitch dial - demo. Scale dials (octaves).
    5:15 Unison switch. Unison demo and explaining. Spread control at the bottom - detuning demo.
    6:54 Default patch. Oscillator sync switch, makes Osc 2 a slave of Osc 1. Detuning with Pitch dial, it doesn't detune but does a different sound. Whatever you do on Osc 1 will affect 2.
    8:25 Just with this you can create amazing sounds.
    8:56 You can modulate the pitch of the oscillators when you're playing with an envelope. Modulate pitch of Osc 2 by some amount (EG1/EXT dial), demo.
    Pitch mod
    9:35 Modulation Generator = LFO. Env Gens. Env Gen 2 is the VCA env, the main env. Filters. 3 sections: Pitch - Cutoff for lows - Cutoff for highs.
    10:56 EG1/EXT dial demo. MG/T.EXT demo. Top 3 dials work with LFO, bottom 3 dials work with Envs.
    11:46 VCO-1 - VCO-2 switch, only get modulation on either.
    ENV GEN 1
    12:42 Demo of modulation with env 1. Attack demo. Release demo (need to apply it on Env Gen 2 too).
    13:50 Delay Time demo, delays it starting.
    14:29 Trigger-Gate-Loop switch. Gate setting demo.
    15:17 Go to Trigger - has no sustain stage even if you hold the key down.
    15:58 Loop. Demo. Goes up and down repeatedly. Shorter times make it faster.
    16:48 Default patch. Wave Form dial: Ramp Down - triangle - Ramp Up.
    18:06 Do pitch modulation with Osc 1. Demoing the Wave Form dial. Change speed with Frequency dial.
    19:22 Modulation Generator Rate Type button - can sync to DAW tempo, Sync (for subdivisions/note values) Sync Triplets, Sync Dotted.
    19:45 Free setting - LFO keeps going on its own, demo.
    20:50 Reset setting - restarts LFO with each new press.
    21:39 EG1/EXT - Attenuator for EG1. Use Env Gen 1 to tell how EG1/EXT will modulate the sound. It uses the env first then goes to the LFO movement. It's a modulation for the LFO. Demo changing the DAR settings.
    ENV GEN 2
    23:06 Controls how the sound goes out. ADSR demo (has Hold time as well).
    25:24 Hold time (adds time between you releasing the key and it going to the release stage). Demo.
    27:18 Classic / Modern switch. Modern setting: Decay Curve, in the centre, on 5, is a linear curve. Exponential (left - negative side) and logarithmic curve (right - positive side). Demoing curves a little.
    28:18 Default patch. Amplifier modulation knob - it's a tremolo (volume).
    29:14 Using it with Pitch Modulation.
    29:30 Default. MS-20 filters have a very particular sound. 30:00 Highpass cuts low freqs, lowpass cuts high freqs.
    31:03 Peak knobs on each filter, resonance on the break point of what you're cutting. Aggressive MS-20 sound.
    32:06 Link switch, make the knobs move proportionately with eachother in different ways. Same and Opposite settings.
    33:38 MK1-MK2 switch. Demo - they just sound a little different, a little demoing.
    35:07 Default patch. Cutoff Modulation sections for filters. Use MOD Gen to do an LFO.
    36:03 EG2/EXT dial, using the Env to modulate the cutoff. Cutoff and AMP are connected to the EG2, modifying how the volume goes out modifies the way we're modulating the cutoff filter, but we can get by that with the patch bay. Demoing Env Gen 2 modulation.
    37:49 Boost the peak of the bass, demo.
    38:50 Default patch. Portamento, and Cutoff Mod Sidechain - Velocity dial, Portamento is a glide.
    40:22 Using the LFO and Env, Velocity control knob only works when you use the Patch Bay. The Patch Bay section, MOD GENERATOR is for the Modulation Generator section. Using the patch bay to get touch sensitivity, more aggressive modulation, OUT to Cutoff Freq. Now Velocity knob has effect.
    MG Outs & Total
    Not as hard as it looks.
    43:01 Mod generator in Patch Bay. Change triangle for square. Out (square) to Total, now all 3 MG knobs are using the square. T.EXT = Total External.
    44:13 Explaining the lines from Total. Lights that occur when you hover. 44:48 Change the Wave Form dial (in Mod Gen section) for different pulses.
    Cutoff, pwm, freq ins
    45:22 Use a square only on one of the cutoffs. Out (square) to Cutoff Freq (Lowpass filter), changes the prewiring of just the one knob.
    46:54 Out (square) to Cutoff Freq (Lowpass). Blending square and triangle because MG/T.EXT is prewired to the triangle.
    47:42 Out (square) to Freq (means EG1/EXT in Pitch Mod section) - using the square to modulate. 48:08 OUT (square) to PWM IN to make it a square.
    48:36 Freq (MOD GEN) to Env Gen 2 OUT. Now EG1/EXT knob is using EG2 instead of EG1.
    Noise, external in
    49:38 Noise Generator.
    50:09 Can blend Noise with the sound. Have the option of Pink Noise. White to External In (but can use it in different places) to use it on the whole thing. Or use Pink noise.
    51:22 Can control the Noise volume with ESP section at the bottom.
    ESP (External Signal Processor) in, bandpass
    51:43 Signal In. White to Signal In (ESP), and OUT to EXTERNAL IN for white noise, adjust volume with Signal Level. Bring oscillators up.
    53:14 Disconnect then OUT (after BAND PASS FILTER) to EXTERNAL IN to get white noise, then demo cutting high and low frequencies. Blend the noise with the signal. Could use anything as well as just Noise.
    EG1 Out
    How it works in the Patch Bay.
    54:40 OUT (of ENV GEN 1) to (whatever you want) CUTOFF FREQ (Lowpass filter), now it'll use ENV GEN 1 instead of 2. ENV GEN 1 now rules EG2/EXT attenuator (so it's not connected to EG2 anymore).
    56:25 Trigger and Loop switches (can't do that with EG2).
    56:53 REV OUT (the same but a reversed envelope) to CUTOFF FREQ (Lowpass filter). Starts high then go low.
    57:26 Can do the same with Env Gen 2. OUT (ENV GEN 1) > CUTOFF FREQ (highpass filter) and OUT (ENV GEN 2) > CUTOFF FREQ (Lowpass filter) or REV OUT (ENV GEN 2) > CUTOFF FREQ (Lowpass filter). Now everything sounds a little different because of different envelopes. You can choose what to use.
    VCA in & Out
    58:38 VCA = voltage control amplifier. MG OUT (square) > CUTOFF FREQ (lowpass filter), to make the square LFO modulate lowpass cutoff freq.
    59:41 With VCA we can introduce a modulation slowly then fade it out upon releasing the key. MG OUT (square) > IN (VCA) and OUT (VCA) > CUTOFF FREQ (lowpass), and EG1 OUT > CONTROL INPUT, now we can use EG1 to shape what's happening to the MG LFO, demo.
    1:01:13 Disconnect CONTROL INPUT from EG1 OUT, it still does the same thing because CONTROL INPUT is prewired to EG1. Need to connect REV OUT (EG1) > CONTROL INPUT to use it, for that and anything else you need to use make a connection.
    1:02:20 WHITE (Noise) > IN (VCA) and OUT > EXTERNAL IN for a blend of the Oscs and Noise. Can modulate noise with EG1 dials.
    1:03:38 Noise is too loud, WHITE > SIGNAL IN (ESP) and OUT (after BAND PASS FILTER) > IN (VCA).
    1:05:10 The MOD wheel portal. Control it with the MOD wheel. Can connect OUT (EG2) > CONTROL INPUT to control with it EG2 (by default it's EG1), but not now. MOD Wheel > CONTROL INPUT, can use mod wheel to control Noise volume.
    S&H theory
    1:06:32 ESP and VCA are very important, they'll be used sometime. 1:07:29 Explaining Sample and Hold. On MS-20 it's more like Track and Hold. Sample and Hold needs Input, Clock and Output. Usually it works with Noise but you could use other sounds. S&H takes a snapshot of the sound source then it outputs a modulation. We need a clock - it tells S&H how/when to take the snapshot.
    1:11:25 Build a synth, osc-filter-ADSR-out. Now we can use our instruction to modulate, example: modulate the cutoff.
    1:13:01 Can use something other than Noise to create an instruction, example: LFO.
    MS-20 S&H
    1:14:17, 1:14:33 SAMPLE & HOLD section. Use MG square as a Clock: OUT (MG) > CLOCK, WHITE > IN for a sound source, and OUT > CUTOFF FREQ (lowpass), turn EG2/EXT up and it starts to recognise the Clock trigger.
    1:15:44 Adjust MG Wave Form knob to make it thin, now it works like a trigger, a better S&H.
    1:16:25 Same thing on the frequency, OUT (S&H) > FREQ, turn EG1/EXT (under Pitch Modulation) dial up, gets a computer style sound. Demo using Pink Noise as source.
    1:17:06 Use something else as the Clock, the Momentary Switch - allows something in or blocks it. Momentary Switch > CLOCK, now press the mom switch, and press it rapidly to get the S&H vibe, using it as a clock (did I understand everything right? And something about Ground)
    TRIG in & out
    1:20:09 Triggers Env Gens 1 and 2 and by default it's connected to the keyboard - we can disconnect it from the keyboard. Momentary Switch > TRIG IN to break the prewired connection (now the Mom Switch triggres the envs). Now need to press Mom Switch to get sound.
    1:22:00 Keep Env Gen 2 and only mess with Env Gen 1, Mom Switch > EG 1 TRIG IN. Think of the Mom Switch as a loop on demand.
    1:23:21 OUT (EG1) > CUTOFF FREQ, using EG1 on cutoff freq, demo of the connection between the KBD and TRIG being blocked - so it only reacts to the mom switch.
    1:24:16 Default patch. AFTER CV OUT is aftertouch - can be used to affect modulation. Use Trig Out as Clock, TRIG OUT > CLOCK. Noise as sound source. OUT > CUTOFF FREQ (lowpass)
    1:26:38 EG2 Sidechain was called Initial Gain. In this plugin you get tremolo by default.
    1:29:35 Default patch. 1:30:16
    1:33:08 Default patch.
    1:47:44 Example
    1:55:37 Last thing.
    1:58:14 Wrap up. Next will be the synth's sequencer.
    Use the patch bay for touch sensitivity, more aggressive modulation

  • @presetreveal
    @presetreveal Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this comprehensive guide to the KORG MS-20! Your walkthrough and tutorial are very helpful for both beginners and experienced users. Keep up the great work

  • @Lets-Drone-With-Bone
    @Lets-Drone-With-Bone Рік тому +1

    love this tutorial, not just for the MS20 v but before watching this i never understood how sample and hold works, tried and tried in bitwig but just couldn't figure it out, thanks for your help on this one, excellent information :-)

  • @AashishJhaMusic
    @AashishJhaMusic Рік тому +1

    Keep making this type of tutorial deep dive i love it 🙏🙏🎸🤝

  • @RobVnt0n
    @RobVnt0n 9 місяців тому

    thank u, i get this great vst recently and this video help me to understand too many things, but i have no idea how to use the sequencer more than play on the keyboard

  • @andykaya7522
    @andykaya7522 Рік тому

    Thanks for this informative video! Thank you so much! Best regards, Andy! 🙂

  • @lesimprosdulezardvert1342
    @lesimprosdulezardvert1342 Рік тому

    Really good ! Like some English people might say: "It's pretty obvious !" (I mean the patch bay)

  • @Vallosick
    @Vallosick 8 місяців тому +2

    Awesome! Thank you very much for this tutorial! Everything explained so easy to understand. And thanks for some extra theory about sample & hold. I didn't completely understand how it works before I watched this video :)

  • @FreeThink1984
    @FreeThink1984 Рік тому +2


  • @agent007asdfgh
    @agent007asdfgh Рік тому

    please make video of sample hold without using total in out of sh

  • @Foxx07
    @Foxx07 Рік тому

    What oscilloscope are you using to view the wave forms ??? Thanks

  • @burnnout99
    @burnnout99 Рік тому

    hi friend ... I have Korg's own MS-20ic midi controller and I'm having difficulties to address the CC maps please help me with a video or something similar, I do the addressing with the values ​​that are in the General MIDI Control that is available on the site from korg, however, I still can't configure my controller which is the perfect replica of the MS-20 #korg #arturia

    • @XNBeatsMusic
      @XNBeatsMusic  Рік тому +1

      Oh, you got me there. A midi controller for the MS20?? First time i head that.

    • @burnnout99
      @burnnout99 Рік тому

      @@XNBeatsMusic yes friend, I have it, as incredible as it may seem, it's an MS-20 physically and it was made by Korg about 15 years ago to produce with the Korg Collection VST, it's called MS-20ic and after this release from Arturia it's never been so util, and I managed to find out how to map it is very simple

    • @XNBeatsMusic
      @XNBeatsMusic  Рік тому

      @@burnnout99 Damn, I wish I had one of them. I have the original one but sometimes it's easier to work with the plugin. Good work in mapping the controls.

  • @brianodonnell5537
    @brianodonnell5537 Рік тому

    Please tell me what version this is? Mine looks different.

  • @AlexReidStudios
    @AlexReidStudios Рік тому +9

    Ahh yes, the MS-20, the synth I always try to use and never get to understand the patch bay completely. Thanks!

  • @carlosmodegahan4455
    @carlosmodegahan4455 6 місяців тому

    How do i make the synth keep playing when I release a key???

  • @kylerdurden
    @kylerdurden Рік тому

    Great tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to make this.